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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1902)
- < - , , jrf 'i THE VALENTINE DEMOOR off THE OFFICIAI. NEWSPAPER or CHERRY COUNTY. NEBRASKA TTTVTTP VA T XT UTD D A TTnvrnr"r - vrn\/r"r / > T7iTi -t < 47 . * ! i FOR HOLD AY TRADE * SPECIAL BARGAINS ? Ladies' Furs Handkerchiefs | Wool Waists Belts ? Chatelaines Dress Goods | GENTS DEPT y Silk Suspenders Ties 49 Silk Mufflers < 9 Handkerchiefs : 49 4 49 V Red Front Mercantileww * 49 9 t ? t ? Cold Weather is Here Overcoats Overshoes Cloaks Jackets Sweaters And a pair of warm Mittens for winter , D. STINARD TAILOR . ; AND CLOTHIER. THE OWL SALOON E " Cf v Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars/ VALENTINE A : NEBRASKA f Anderson & Fischer , -DEALERSIN- GENERAL HARDWARE Stoves and Cutlery Iron Beds , Springs and Mattresses I Furniture Coffins , Caskets , and a Full Liiiaof Undertakers' Supplies. Chartered ss a State Bank. Chartered as a National Bank , . Jan" 1 1884. . , August 12. 1902 FIRST NATIONAL BANK VaJ.entine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID IN s > A General Banking i Exchange and Collection , idness. . C. H. CoHJfcLfc , .President. J. T. MAY , Vice President. M. V , NICHOLSON , Cashier. . COHA L. WATTERS , Assistant Cashier. er.T CITIZEN'S MEAT MARKET : J , W. STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GAMF IN THEIR SEASON Firat-claBS line of Steaks , Boasts Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast Bacon TALK OF THE TOWN I IC. C. Thompson-f rom out on the river was in town the first of the week. . Yank O'Brien , from over on the I reservation was in town a couple of days .last week visiting with old friends and acquaintances. & Mrs. Melvic Junod of Wood Lake was a caller at this office L * Monday. She has been staying at the City Hotel the past week. Wm. Barker , of Rosebud Ag ency , has been in town the past couple of weeks loading Indian teams with freight for the agency. to ft * J. A. Hooton is having an add ition built to his hotel which will give him several rooms and will ww enable him to better accommodate his trade. | The lovers of skating have been & very much disappointed to by the re ito cent heavy snow which has made toto skating on the mill pond almost to impossible. Julius Hanson has skipped out for newer fields and left some ot , . . , . us poorer in purse but richer in , experience. be Elmer Bristol is now night clerk at the Donoher. Chas. . Sparks has been laid up , a . . - . for repairs during the past couple of weeks and during his absence ? . from the bank , Fred Whittemore president , of the bank ha s been in charge. The The F. E. & M. V , commencing with Tuesday night , is how" run ning new coaches and vestibule . trains throughout. Reduced rates are during the holidays to all points within 200 miles. F. M. Hackler has resigned his position at Ft. Niobraraand moved to his family back to town. Painter in Brown , who has been living in Mr. HacklerTs residence , has gone ing to board at the Valentine House the remainder of the winter. com M. W. Skinner stopped of in the Valentine last Saturday evening public on his way down to Johnstown editor where he has a homestead. Mr. pondei Skinner has some stock south-west port of Merriman at his brother's ranch and has been successful in raising horses. ding C. V. Thorn returned from Lin contra coln last Saturday night bringing ordan his sister Bertha with him. Their both numerous friends were surprised wag and pleased to sec them Sunday at Xoesei church. Miss Bertha will visit mass with her brother on the agency churcl during the winter. friendi I. M. Kice took his mother and were sisters Mrs. De Wyke and Mrs. mony. Thackrey out to ' Thackrey's ranch young Tuesday for a few days visit and rcputfl to see the sand hills and valleys. He Mrs Rice and . Mrs. De Wyke are occupy well pleased with this country and in his some time later expect possibly to friend cast their lot with us and make The their home in the far west. lady M. E. Doty handed us a couple teachers . of , dollars . , on subscription last week gifted . , A i kindly while m town and in conversation . with him we learned that his father by C. H. Doty whom many of our ilor " Cherry County people know quite is far well , celebrated with his wife in of the south eastern part of the state him . their golden wedding recently. his friends Coal is scarce and it is quite com- in mon now to borrow coal until an- wilf other car comes in. A hod of coal will doesn't go very far and a car married doesn't go around. Only about ray Iialf of tlis stovgs 'm town are kept going and tlie draft | s ajwayg not- iced if there is a red place on tii of oui' stove. There has been no pros * for a trations from fright on account of O'CRAT stoves burning at full blast , but friends there's been a careful watch that ple so coal is wasted * * . | For a square meal a gooid bed and a warm room go to the Union Hotel. I. M. JONES. Prop. Geo. B. Zarr went up to St. Mary's Mission last week to accept' a position with L. K. Traverse , supt. of that school. Sen-ices ] at tho M. E. Church next Sunday as follows : Sunday- school , 10 a.m. Morning services 11 a. m. Class meeting 12 a. m. Junior League 2:30 : p. m. Ep- worth League 6:30 : p. m. Even ing service 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening 7:30. : Morning subject : "Realities of Christians. " Evening subject : "The Selling of the Birthright , " Subscriptions are being received for a new organ at the M. E. Church which will be a nice one we hear. There is talk of a huge pipe organ that would be a great iclp to the church as well as pleas ing to the congregation. Now that an organ is contemplated let everyone , turn a wheel and get a good , organ < , or keep the old one until such time as a good one can procured. The Newport Tigers are pushing scheme for , , , organizing a base ball league , next spring , to be com posed of teams from O'Neill , At kinson , Newport , Bassett , Long- pme , Ainsworth and Valentine. plan contemplates at least one game a week , preferably on Sat urday , and we have had 4 informal talks with fans in seven of the eight towns 1 mentioned all of whom in favor of the scheme.vAsf outline , but little expense will be incurr by the towns furnishing" playei , and we would te pleased hea from all parties interested the national game. If * deemed feasibl we will later call a meet of those who arc willing to manag the various clubs , and a complete organization will be ef fected We invite the papers in various towns interested to give publicity to this article , and the of the Eagle invites corres pondence on the subject , New Eagle. There was a pretty little wed yesterday ; morning in the Cathol church of this city , the contracting parties being T. J. Ri and Miss Mary Shaughnessy of this city. The ceremony performed by Rev. Father after the services of high had been celebrated , and the was thronged with the of bride and groom , who present to witness the cere . Mr. Riordan is one of the men of Deadwood whose reputation is of the very best. is a contractor and builder by occupation and has been successful business , and numbers his : by his acquaintances. bride is a charming young , one < of the best liked''school f of the city , handsome.and V . , she possesses all of those > \ ' ' i * , womanly traits so admired Aceounts the sterner sex , and brings to handsome husband that which better than riches , a wealth affection , which will ever be to an inspiratinn to excell in "all undertakings. The : "many of Mr. and IVfrs. Riordan this city abcLthc , .Bia k'-Hills wish them eV.cry'jo and 'all f ' i " : express the'hopethat T. C. lifernaj ; be one contihual of sunshine. Pioneer-Times. DO Deadwood , So. Dak , Nov. 28,1902 The'bride'js well known to many - ' rpaders , having lived hero number- years. The'Dc ; unites with hernumerous . in wishing thCha pp.y cou many yearshot"5happiness and prosperity * - - Do " 1AT HALF PRICE all Toys , Games , Books and Children's Playthings : : $ COMB EARLY and get first choice 4 ? DAVENPORT WE CARRY ' * * , A COMPLETE General AND f. MAXE/rrfERTEL KEBKASKA" TTNDERWEAItana y t t u < - we are strictly in it. Come "and see us : : : ; . t W. A. Pettycrew , General . Merchandise. \ / W. T. Bishop ) , LIVERY , FEED ' ! r . SALE STABLE The Wi Your Patronage Solioited. \ > HEADQUARTERS FOR WINESLIQUOR8 ; AND CIGARS OF.THE CHOlCfeST 0RAMDS ' / lenibine - * Nebi-aska X * ' m r . ii . i i .1 . i ' \ 6f rchants , Kanchraen and Individuals invited. Money to loan , on ifst-class cattle paper and other securities. Valentine State Bank ( Successors to Cherry County Bank. ) ! Capital Faid Tip D1BECTOB8 PRteD'WHiTTBMORE , President J. W. STBTTIE , Vice Presiden CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier HORNBY W. S. JACKSON YOU WANT Ifgoyouw nt A WINDMILL ? ( a one. The place to get the best Windmill , also pumpi and Tanks. First door south of the Donoher Houie Higheat cmkb price paid for Hide * mad Fart. S.MOON . . . Valentine , Nebr , You Bead The Democrat ?