MffMStflUt ? . , - * ( * > * fc * M Mf THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT. THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA -VOLUME xvn VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , 'DECEMBER 4 , 1902. NTTMBEB 40 t ? HARD WARE We want 3 ou to see our fine new stock of HARD WAKE . We are Busy ± " We are too busy selling Stoves -49 and Hardware to talk here , i ) * 49 49 but if you'll come to our store 49 49 49 well tell you all about it : : 49 49 < ? Red Front Mercantile Go , 49 > 49 tf ' . 49 * 49 v- 49. Cold Weather is Here Overcoats Overshoes Cloaks Jackets Sweaters And a yair of warm Mittens for winter , 8TINARD.TAILOR : T. YEARNSHAW HE OWL SALOON JAMES BHULL Sole Agents for - " " " HERALD PURE RYE WHISKE\ Ale and Porter , And l RED KRUG'S BEER .Choicest Wines and Cigars * VALENTINE X NEBRASKA Anderson & Fischer , -DEALERS IN- GENERAL HARDWARE Stoves and Cutlery Iron Beds , Springs and Mattresses Furniture Coffins , Caskets : Undertakers3 Supplies.- and a Full Line of Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National . , Banl June 1 , 1884. A ugust 12. 190-2 I . - . FIRST NATIOKAL BAN ! Valentine , Nebraska. t . . , " ' ( Successor to ) ' ' .Bai.lJ CAPITAL PAID 'IN AGeneral' $ 25,000. . ; . C. H. CORNELL , President , J. . T. MAY , Vice-Pregident. M.'VNICHOLSON , Cashier. CORA L : WATTERS , Assistant Cashier CITIZENS MEAT MARKET J. W. STETTER , PROP FRESH. FRUIT AND GAM IN THEIR SEASON Firstclass line of' Steaks , Boa * Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast Bacon FTALK OF THE TOWN Winter is upon usvith , , sc enough coal in town to last the v Fred Whittemore , president Valentine State Bank , spent a days in the city this week. J. A , Sparks spent a few days ! antinethe past weel ? after several steady at Cody , Geo. G , Harden and family lown to live on their homestead iVoodlake the first of the week/ Work was again resumed tie Jfir&t'NutiunaUBauk buildiny i dela > of several days for want oi Jack Baines "Great , Grand Pas he Knugroos" was down from Saturday -business coucernin ; Ddge. The ladies. of the Presbyterian Cl rill hold a bazaar and supper in i lall Friday , Dec. 12. Everybody ially invited to come. J. F. Young and wife , of B karted from Valentine last Thu jr Texas where he goes on bus ud will visit relatives and frieuc jveral weeks. ( Jary V. Thoru came down , osebud Monday and loft iut lorning for Lincoln to see his 1 ' .e may go to Kansas City to s ster Bertha. J. E. Thackrey and family can urn Marsh Lake last Saturday e visiting with relatives in t ( r. Thackrey has sold his ratic .arsh-Lake to Wm Baird. Henry Stetter called on us Tu id ordered the DEMOCRAT sen ! iend. Mr. Stetter is proprietor o alace Saloon and has extensive 11 ts in bis line and also of considei her property. Just twenty four children carr st twenty four pounds success irprised Rev. C. W. Ray and wil "ednpsday evening of last week. lildren said they wanted Br. > . R { ive something to be thauKful for. Julius Hanson , the night cierk a1 Dnoher , has resigned his position ill teach music lessions for aw 6 has. engaged rooms at Mrs. Shi r himself and wife. Mr. Hanson ie musician and should have a D sr of scholars. Davenport & Thacher had a " 'at Thanksgiving window trim pecialiy for the occasion with the rs of the word "Thanksgiving" s out with four-in-hand and st ick ties. Our merchants are uj .te in Valentine. Notice their , 'i this paper. ' L. M. Gunthorp has a dinihg r r his restaurant now and also h perate room for short order cool jm his bakery. Mr. Gunthorp i penenced cook having been enga several of the best hotels in Ue. Try u short order meal al staurutit. Notice his ud in an < rt of this Daper. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop issued ' etiy invitations last Monday anni ag that they would entertain .ends of their son Maynard on V sday evening , the occasion being neteenth birthday. The young ti all went and enjoyed a very pi it evening. Maynard was the rec > t of many useful and handsome \ its. Services at the M. E. Church : induy as follows : Sunday schoo a. m. Morning service at 11 a ass meeting 12 m. Junior Lei 30 p m. Epworth League 6:30 { miingservice 7:30"p. : . m. Pr e'eting Thursday evening 7.30 i oruing subject "Christ has E ' Glorious. " e Christian's Victory e evening there will be a Gospel 1 ranee meeting , Court was adjourned last Frida ; rnoou by Judge Weslover after di g of several foreclosure suits. ise of the stute vs John Green fo order of Wm. Stover was contii he Genard Bros , were sentenc ve years in the penetentiary for s ig 6 miles of wire fence from I [ ancock. A stay of execution of ice has been granted we unden ad the case will probably be gain * Anna King and Bertha Barnes a flying trip up the road Wedn < A. Benson , of Arabia called a office Wednesday and had his bra serted in this paper. Mr. Benso : dently believes it is much cheaj spend a few dollars in adver than to lose several head of cattle People's advocate of Tilden , was formerly published by "S Carr now a resident of Cherry C < and post master at Curlew in i precinct. Mr. Carr spent a couj weeks in town attending court a of the jurors and while here vi our office. We have found Mr. a pleasant gentleman to meet. State examiners , of the County T urers , Kobinson and Searle , spent past couole weeks checking up county treasurer's accounts , bave discovered $315 belonging t < County Treasurer Thackrey where aad paid in too much in his final s Bant. This will be appreciated fy Thackrey who it was claimed was i it.t.ime of his going out of office. Alex Charbonneau and Win. Ti > ave built a shop on the corner s > r tfap M. E. Church and will do iral blacksmithing and wagonmal t will be almost an entire new de nent and business enterprise in w Valentine citizens will welcome tl ir "Chufbonneau is an experie eagon maker and will enjoy a \ rade with his many friends and [ uaintances , Mr. Taylor is an es Bnced blacksmi th and is well kn tore. On Thursday of last week the c tanies of soldiers at b t. Niobrara i u't down to G5 men each , leaving nlisted men in the eight compa tationed there , about 18 officers , a n of the Hospital Corps and 83 n ers of the band beside 20 or > more lans. The 273 men who were harged came to town during smainder of the week and kept ) rce at the depot busy sellingtic ud checking baggage , Some v nxious to spend money and went bi i town before buying a ticket. Ralph Parlette , the humorist who ired at theM. E. Church in this ist Thursday evening was greeted ie largest audience that has hone ay lecturer at any previous tini ( ie city. His reputation had com ivance and every one who heard nrlptte was more t.han pleased tiue thought the lecture was worth ice of the season tickets for the wl mrse. The subject was ' weighs ie balance and-found wanting" , jr this title , much could be sair reral themes broad enough for a dc ctutes , but Mr. Parlette .dealt pri illy with a criticism of life , compai ie many imperfections of inank ith the ideal person in a humoi , anner which kept his audience ii oroar of laughter during most of iro hours that he stood before us. The poverty social on last Fri ight at Davenport's Hall was well mded and the way they got a lose who failed to read the prograt ies wasn't so slow either. There v crowd a 2 cent boys and girls 1 3pt up a racket until no games cc 3 played nor amusement enjoyei te program was intended. The so not . Pe < 5 a social was a success. ho send their boys to these places 2ct them to behave and would Is lena away or come with them if t new how wild some of them i ach boy perhaps tells his mother 1 id the other boys acted and pro ieir own innocence or say "we d * Q nothin' . " Mothers are slow tc eve that their boys do anything wr ad of course want them to have a p .me. Thera are boys who bet rhere ever they go and are as well aved and gentlemanly as young n 'hey are appreciated as company eceive more privaleges than those re so noisv and boisterous. All t toys can behave nicely if they are n the proper encouragement from t > arents. If not that , they will : he reward of their own conduct rill be handled accor Jingly. The f the transgressor is hard and is c he result of careless handling of cl en , in which the children most su 'or as "ye mete to others it sha 4 ? I * I * I * toto to I * AT HALF to I * I I * II PRICE I * I toto toto 49 1 * all Toys , Games , Books and I fr * Children's Playthings : : I toto * to 4 ? I * I COME EARLY to * to 49 and get first choice : : : 1 toto * to 43 toto 43K to < K toto to ? toto to 43 toto to ? toto to t ? toto to f ? toto THACHER to DAVENPORT f ? toto WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GeneralMerchandise AKD Groceries CEOOKSTOX MAX E. VIERTEL NEBKASKA iFor UNDERWEAR and SHOES , we are strictly in it ; Come * and see us : : ; ; - ' ; W. A. Pettycfew , General "o Our PaaronsGREETING - ' GREETING > . * - . . , * * * - Christmas Shopping ? . , Xu as Bells How apout ydur ' , i ta.i will soon ring merrily have 'poii selected ypur If not , you cannot do better'than fo vi.ait our line. . Fine Watches : .Novelties : VA.rt' 'Goods : : Je\velry i--- : * .Candle-Sticks - China : : Silvervare : : Medalions : - emember an Edison Talking Machine will UnRiiten ' ' ' " ' " 'yoiir Xma& and New Years- ) , W , Morey , 'Blie Old Reliable Jeweler , HEADQUARTERS "FjDR WINES , LIQUORS AND. CIGARS . - . . . - . . : , . . - ; . - " ' OF THE CHOICJES.T BRANDS - - - > Nebraska ralentine - y . . . . . . > , / ' * ' . * " . ccounts of Merchants , Ranchmen and.Individuals invited , ilonej and'other securities. to loan on first-class cattle paper Valentine State Bank . ( Successors to Clierry County liank. ) ! < - Csipital Paid Tip , President J. W. STETTER , Vice Presiden RED WHITTEMORE CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier . C. HORNBY W. S. JACKSON YOU WANT A WINDMILL ? ! ( : good soyouTvant one. The place to get the best Windmill , also pumps and Taiike. First door south of the Donoher House > .MOOK . . . Valentine , Nebr. Oo You Bead The Democrat ? Jf/r.