Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 27, 1902, Image 1
EKrtorfcal Society > - * .ft : THE VALENTINE DEMO THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA .VOLUME XVII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , NOVEMBER 27 , 1902. NUMBER 45 49 49 a a 49 49 .49 49 HARDWARE 49 ft ! 49 49 49 49 . We want 3 ou to see our fine vw 49 new stock of HARDWARE 49 49 49' We are Busy 49 49 We are too busy selling Stoves " 9 and Hardware to talk here , * 49- but if you'll come to our store I * 49 well tell you all about it : : toto 49 toto to toto 49 toto Red Front Mercantile Co , toto to toto to toto 49 to 49 toto 49 to 49 toto Cold Weather is Coming We are getting ready. Are-you ready for your fall suit 5 If so , call and examine our stock or leave your measure. A11 cus- 16m--work made in onr own shop. Work manship and fit guaranteed : : : : : ' Ladies1 , Gents' and Children's Shoes Ladies' , Misses' and Children's Jackets The best Mercerized Skirt on earth for $100 - . - . . . TAILOR r , D. mm. . . AND CLOTHIER. . f T. A. YEARNSHAW HE OWL SALOON JAMES BHULL Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars , ' VALENTINE 3C NEBRASKA Anderson & Fischer , -DEALERS IN- GENERAL HARDWARE Stoves and Cutlery \ * * .Iron Beds , Springs and Mattresses V Furniture Coffins , "Caskets , and a Full Line of Undertakers' Supplies. Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12. 1902 , " -FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Sncce seor to ) v CA2iaAXi ? PAID IN A General Banting ' Exchange and OOO , VSVSW. . Collection Business. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. . M. V , NICHOLSON , Cashier. CORA L. WATTERS , Assistant Cashier. CITIZENS MEAT MARKET J. W. STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GAMF ' IN THEIR SEASON Fintclass line of Steaks , Boasts Dry Salt Meats , Smoked jfreakfcat * ( # & ' . . . * fW < * * f TTALK OF THE roym S. Q. Spain was in our city a couple of days this week. John .Neiss sold 8 cars of tattle to Wm. Enckson Tuesday. Bros , and is now running his own stock. Notice his brand in this issue. t P. V. VanNorstran was in our city Monday from his ranch near Georgia. Mrs. Fanny Calkins came down with Mrs. Jotter her sister and remained a few days the past week. Don't be a hog and eat too much turkey or youmay have to repent of your sing with a sleepless , night. MM. S. A Bice.of Manhattan Kan. and daughter Mrs. Florence Da Wyfce of Randolph , Kan are expected to ar rive here next week for a visit with the editor of this paper and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Thackrey. ? Miss Laura Gregg delivered an inter- eating lecture to a crowded house Wed nesday night of last week on the sub- ectof woman suffrage. ' A collection was taken up at the close and a'suff rage ciub was organized. Grant Spain and Bobeit Quisenbery came in from Simeon the latter part of. last week and called on us in our den. Mr. Spain subscribed for the DEMO CRAT and Mr Quisenbery told that be had dissolved.partnership with Geo. N. Davis stopped in town over night Monday on his way trom his for mer home at Situ eon to his present home seven miles south west of Nor- den. Mr. Davis says they appreciate the DEMOCRAT and want it to continue. ' There will be a New England supper given at Harmony school house Satur day Dec. 6th. All are cordially invited Supper 35c per couple. A short pro gram will be rendered. Proceeds to. go to Rev. Lyon , of Crookston , as .minis ter's , salary. There have been about 75 men at worK four miles the other Side of Thach- er clearing up the wreck which was caused by the flange breaking off of one of the coal car wheels. It takes money and time to clear up a wreck where 14 cars are thrown into the ditch and piled up and partly buried in the dirt. Services at the M. E. Church next. Sunday as follows : Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 a. m. Glass meeting 12 m. Junior League 2:30 p. m. Epworth League 6:30 : p. m. Evening service 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening 7.30 p. m. Morning subject : 44Chu'-ches need flrm Christians " Evening : ' 'Prosperity in the Plains of Sodom. " Our town board has secured the rail road bridge gang to repair the city wat er works tank tower and since last , Fri day have completely repaired and put in new wood at the bottom of the posts and have new bases of hard wood The men understand that kind of work and bad tools and heavy jackscrews necessary for the job. Our tank is again safe on a firm foundation. ( Lost Wednesday Father Lechleitner went down the road to Norfolk and from there over to Columbus where he met five bishops , one of whom was a former classmate of Father LKchleitner o : and whom he had not seen for 30 years The bishops were escorted to load D - & by-Father Lechleitner where the ? had el some church work to attend to after \ \ which Father Lechleituer returned to Valentine. This is Thanksgiving Day , a day set the last Thursday of each November for general thanksgiving. The day is " observed in nearly every community in some way. In eastern states often times a neighborhood dinner is partici g pated m at one of the homes. Games sia of all kinds are enjoyed by the young a folks and often times the old folks are fc ! made to feel young enough to parlici- pate in the games and amusements. a Albert Nenzel , of Nenzel , Nebr. , re a . turned from a weeks visit down in Keya t ! Paha county with our old friend Jos Langer. Mr. Nenzel wants to sell his ranch and gee closer to school ou ac count of his children. He has four quarter sec-Jons of land and can cut300 tons of hay. He has good winter and summer range and can run 300 head of CHttle there. His improvements are good and cost near half the price he asks for the ranch. Call on or write Mr. Nenzel or this office for further The editor is indebted to Mr. and Mrs. Caton for a nice lot of samples of the wedding cake , all of which goes to prove that Mrs. Towne Caton is an excellent cootc and will never be excelled by any one. Now , we want some one else to get married and brinjf in some more cake. The editor thinks he is a pood judge of cake. The wed ding announcements of Mr. aud Mrs. Caton sent to numerous friends state that tbe couple will be at home after Jan. 1st at Stearns , S. D. Judge Harrington has won tbe praise and admiration of Cherry Coun ty people in the discharge of his duties as judge in this as in other terms of court in which they have witnessed his fairness to all , being alike impartial to contending parties in civil action and with a determination of enforcing the law in criminal action. The judge's readiness to decide questions in prac tice groatly facilitates the progress of court proceedings. John. G. Maher is a splendid court reporter and is always at his post of duty. * I. M. Jones and Mrs. Ballard , lately from Iowa were married Sunday at Rosebud. They returned Tuesday ana greeted in the evening by & thundering applause or serenaded by the boys. Ev erybody knows I. M. Joues aud every body likes the old boy too , so it's it no wonder that Mrs. Ballard could see the charms that sages have seen in his face. Here's to them may they en joy the blessings of growing old , hap pily together _ without a cloud to cast a shadow ovur them or mar their future. The DEMOCRAT congratulates them both. The case of the state vs E. J. Me Lcughlin charged with setaling a pony from John Wray went to the jnry Fi * clay night about 10 o'clock and the jury , kfter being out the * remainder of t&e oiShtrbronghtln "a verdict of not guilty. Judge Harrington lectured the defend ant severely before dismissing saying in part that while the jury was justified in bringing in a verdict of "not guilty" that thoy would have also been just fied in bringing in a verdict of "guilty' * ind that while the jury had fouud a possible doubt as to his being guilty , -hat he ( the judge ) believed him to be ; uilty. It is thought that McLaughlin las left the country as he started north m hor60 back shortly after being dis- nissed and it is not reported that any me has seen him since. O. W. Morey and a party of several > thers went up north of the Minnecha- luza last Sunday and while exploring i ledge of rocks found a snakes den in vhich harbor a lot of snakes. One attler was killed.four feet long with 9 cttles on and the tail of another was tacked as he yent into hiding. They ould hear the snakes buzzing in their lenin a way that sounded .hideous. 5Var bj another wondersul discovery ras made one which many of the stu- lents of nature will be interested in in- estigating. In a long ledge of rocks arts of K skeleton projected. Mr. lorey. thinks it must have been a huge ea serpent or something of that nature , libs were found projecting out from be rock at intervals and at no great istance , what appeared to be a bone f the head. Parts of these bones were rokeu off and brought home by Mr. lorey and are on exhibition at his jew * Iry store , and where you can learn the rhole story as 'twas told me. Miss Josie Webb , daughter of Mr , nd Mrs. J. C. Webb , of the Donober otel , and on officer and his wife from lie Fort with two'children came near aying a serious accident one day last reek while out driving. They had one up the road past Major Ander- on's-dwelling on the Miunechaduza nd while returning to to ( vn , just as hey had "gotten to the narrow fill be ore going onto the bridge , a runaway earn came down the hill from town nd met them brushing past at full .peed and just grazing tho buggy as hey passed. The officer with rare pres ence of mind commanded his wifu and Miss Webb to jump out and , tako the ihildren and rnn down the bank which hey .did before the team reached them , hen the officer jumped out holding the earn by the "bridles which in lunging mrt him slightly. The party drove in- town worse scared when the ordeal aras over than at the time when danger vas imminent but were feeling better ifter a rest , and in the afternoon they to 2 49 to A Talk About Leather Goods * We have SIft Wrist Bags in Black Leather 50c. : : : 49 Chatelaine Bags in Leather at 60c to 75c : : ft 49 Chatelaine Bags in Steel and Jet , all sizes 75c to 81.25 ftf Cut Steel and Cut Jet Bags § 2,50 : : : 4 ? Change Purses 85c. : : : : : ftft 49 'Hand Purses hi all colors a 50 to 75. : 49 Burnt Leather and Alligator Pocket Books $1.00 ft Men's Bill Books 50c. : : : : 49 49 Children's Neck Purses 50c. : : 49 49 49 49 49 49 DAVENPORT & THACHEP 49r * T WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GeneralMerchandise Merchandise Groceries . , , CBOOKST < m MAX E. YIEBTBL NEBRASKA For UNDERWEAR and SHOES we are strictly in it. Come and see us : : : : W. A. Pettycrew , General Merchandise. Stands'.fdr Jewelry Jets. Silver and Gold Worn by the Monarchs " ' , . = ; . . . , 'And Princes of old. ' v- . ; : . - . . , . ff. , _ And O. W. MOREY will show you Jewdls-and Gem5 ( . / rfv , And Pine Watches'with winding stems , , . : - ; f i t > : v ; / - e- ' ' % > And will repair your'Jewefry'if-broken you.knovf . . . ' .f. . . , . And regulate your timepiece if too fast or-tooslo.\v. , . : . . / t ; Eyery word of this we certainly "mean . ' - . . ' " " ' The balance yon can hear dn Edison Talking Machine at " D , W , Mofey , The Old Reliable Jeweler. HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND QIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine Nebraska Accounts of Merchants , .Ranchmen and Individ nals invited. 3Iouey to loan on first-class cattle paper and other securities. - . Valentine State Bank ( Successors to Cherry Counter fcank. ) Capital JPaid Tip 5 NEBRASKA. IHftKCTOBB ' . - - ' . WHITTEMORE , President J. W. STETTJSK , V CUAiiLES SPARKS , Cashier C. C. HORNBY 'W. S. 00 YOU WANT A WINDMILL ? ! " The place to get the b'esfc Windmill , also pnmps and TaHtg. First door eouth.of 'the'Donoher House' ' ' -\i ' * ' ' " ' S. MOON - - - Valentufe.-lTebr. Do You