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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1902)
/ / 9 \ Jf : k r & % * -iC i i F B ervef i ci al IV ; Irxily as a Syrup of Figs appeals to the cultured and the well-informed and to the healthy , because its com ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be cause it acts without disturbing the natural func tions , as it is wholly free from every objectionable quality or substance. In the process of manufacturing figs are used , as they are pleasant to the taste , but the medicinal virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained from an excellent combination of plants known to be medicinally laxative and to act most beneficially. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine manufactured by the Louisville , Ky. Mew York.N.Y for aIc. Price , fifty cer\ts per bottle * The Typographical union has gained 8,000 members in the last fifteen months. No swearing will be tolerated at future conventions of the North Car olina State Federation of Labor. The volume of the world's com merce is two and a half or three times as great as is was thirty years ago. For the year ending July 3 , . 1001 , the mortality in Bombay City was 102.25 per 1,000 , the total deaths having been 793,50. The Shoe Polishers' union of New York City has passed a resolution asking the council to close all stands at 2 p. m. on Sunday. "When a wise man hears a husband and wife quarreling it's him to tte tall grass. To ascertain the correct ape of a horse ask the owner and multiply his answer by two. If brevity is i-ne s > mJ of wit some of our modern joKesmiths must be soulless. A man usually his to gn after things several times before they be gin to come his way. Another club woman , Mi's. Raule , of Edgerton , Wis. , tells &ow she was cured of irregulari ties and uterine trouble , terrible pains and backache by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "Awhile ago my health began to fail because of female troubles. The doctor did not help me. I remembered that my mother had used Liydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound on many occasions for irregularities and uterine troubles , and I felt sure that it could not harm me at any rate to give it a trial. "I was certainly glad to find that within a week I felt much better , the terrible pains in my back and side were beginning to cease , and at the time of menstruation I did not have nearly as serious a time as hereto fore , so I continued its use for two months , and at the end of that time I was like a new woman. I really have never felt better in my life , have not had a sick headache since , andveigh I 20 pounds more than I ever did , so I unhesitatingly recommend Vegetable Compound. " MBS. MAY HAULE , Ed- gerton , Wis. , President Household Economics Club. f 5000 forfeit If originate } tbout letter proving genutnentss cannot be produced. "Women should remember there is one tried and true remedy for all female ills , ! Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. Re fuse to buy any other medicine , you need the best. Amenitii s of Earlier Golf. Cain had just been apprehended 'or the murdei of Ahel , " " "We "Ridiculous" be exclaimed. simply got into an argument over golf , and I rapped him one with me Tbe exports of pig iron from the United Kingdom in the eight months ending August 3J , were 612.- 930 tons , as compared with 583,930 tons in 190 , and with 1,045,256 tuns in 1900. Last year the French government made a profit of over 14.000,000 on its monopoly of the sale of tobacco , cigars , cigarettes and matches. Engineers and artificers for the French navy are to be trained on board an old transport which has been turned into a naval schoolship at Bordeaux. She will accommodate 400 cadets , who will go through a four years' course. Working People Interested. Wuertsburg , Wis. , Nov. 17. The working men and women of this dis trict are greatly interested in tbe case of Mary Kowsky , who , iu an interview , says : "I have almost all my life been a suf ferer from Backache and two years ago I caught cold on my Kidneys , and the agonies that followed were almost un bearable. "I consulted different doctors , but the relief they gave me was only tempo rary. The terrible pains always re turned and my suffering tempted me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. They did me good almost from the start till now , after taking three boxes I am almost completely cured. "I want all hard working people to know this , for with the help of Dodd's Kidney Pills I don't mean to suffer any more Backache. " Nothing pleases a spinster when she has occasion to stop at a hotel like being assigned to "suite 16. " "I suffered for months with sore throat. Electric Oil cured me in tw enty-four hours. " M. S. Gist ITawes- viile Ky. "When the receipts of a church fair are less than the expenses there is something wrong with the feminine attractions. Chicago News. Builds up the system : puts pure , rich blood in the veins : makes men and women strong and healthy. Bur dock Blood Bitters. At any drug store. An Englishman has invented a machine for receiving and register ing theater tickets , which , when once inserted , cannot be absracted. This invention will shortly be given a trial at some of the leading London theaters. Don't forfiet a large 2-oz. package Red Cross Ball Blue , only 5 cents. The Russ Company. South Bend , Ind. Observing a young fox chasing cats in a densely populated part of Hali fax , England , one of the local consta bles seized reynard and ; took him to the police station. "Cure the cough and save the life'5 Dr. wood's Norway Pine .Syrup cures coughs and colds , down to the very verge of consumption. It takes only one vote to pass a good resolution. Hartleybnry castle , England , the oldest Episcopal residence in tbe world , is to te sold , be ng too costly for a bishop without private means to maintain. The place may be purchased for diocesan work. One of the delusions of a lunatic recently sent to an asylum at Ararat. Victoria , was that he was being pur sued by a'ghost which had come all the way from tbe Galtee mountains , in Ireland , to haunt him. Japans latest curiosity is a baby boy who , at the age of 10 months , weighs nearly four stone and is over three feet in stature. His parents have taken him to Tnkio to have him adopted by a wrestler. Rarest Shu 11 in lixiotertce. The rarest shell in existence is one called the "Cone of the Holy Mary.5 There is a specimen in the Britsh museum , which a few years ago was valued at 10.00. Proved It. Nell He told me I was the only girl he ever loved. Belle And he expected you to be lieve it ? JSell Of course. And he really did act like a beginner , to pet off that old chestnut. Philaelphia Record. ST. JACOBS POSITIVELY CURES Rheumatism Neuralgia Backache Headache Feetache All Bodily Aches AND CONQUERS PAIN. 5 & & &tt There is no" satisfaction keener than being dry and comfortable when out in the hardest storm. YOU ARE-SURE OF THIS IP YOU WEAB WATERPROOF ILED CLOTHIN MADE IN BLACK OR YELLOW BACKED BY OUR GUARANTY . 'J.TOWER CCXB05TON.MA3 ; A.5K YOUR DEALER. If he will not supply you for our free catalogue of garments end hats. | Idle Money Judiciously invested , can be made to earn ahandsorm Income Earning : power of my Investments , as higl as 25 per cent. For particular ; ) , address JAMES BILLTNOS. J7 William Street , New York City Farm Conveniences. The first of the illustrations shows low a low down wagon may be made 'or handling silage corn , or for draw- ng green corn fodder , or corn that is > ot husked , or anything of that char- /cter , from the Wisconsin Experiment ttation report. The second cuts show iow ladders may be made that are onvenient for picking apples. The ast representation represents a sort- Ing table , or chute for sorting apples. Apples should not be piled upon the ground after picking , but should at Diice be placed on a sorting table like this and run off into barrels and hoad- 2d up at once. The upper end of this : hute should be higher than the lower nd. The last two illustrations are rom tte iliuiesota Horticulturist. Plsintinir Wiml Hreaks. In. many sections a wind-break would je a decideJ advantage on nearly all farms , and if one is located whwe small evergreen trees may be had near by , from the woods , for example , they may be transplanted now with but lit tle loss , and especially so if in sections where the rainfall has been copious luring the summer. This is the period Df root growth with evergreens , so that if the young tree is properly handled it will live. Select a cloudy day for transplanting the trees , and have the holes ready for them before digging the trees. If the ground around the young trees is not moist , pour a pail of water siowly around the roots before dig- ping. Then dig carefully down , so that the tree may be taken up with a mound of soil adhering to the roots ; Dlace it in the hole prepared , fill in with Sne earth , Avorking carefully around exposed roots and covering them well. Dress the soil down firmly until the hole Is three-quarters full ; then pour in water in sufficient quantity to thor- DUghly wet the roots ; a half hour later fill the hole to the le el of the sur rounding surface with soil , and press rlown firmly. Large trees , in small lumbers , may be successfully trans planted in the manner advised. Bii ; Arkansas Pears. The St. Louis Chronicle a few days > go published a picture of a Duchess ) ear grown with six others r/n one twig n Illinois , ami sent to that office. It ivas a wonderful evidence of the fruit aevelopment of Illinois and attracted general attention. Now comes Arkan- ARKAJfSAS PEARS. with a claim that Illinois cannot utshine Arkansas. Another box of ) ears was received from G. M. Settle- nire at Cherry Valley , Ark. , containing i twig to which were clinging ten big jears , being three more than the twig 'rom the Illinois tree. The ten pears weighed seven pounds and five ounces. Mutton and Wool. It is surprising how many people are jtill thinking that the mission of the fcheep is to grow wool , says an ex- ihange. Many are abandoning sheep , tays a writer In the Ohio Farmer , just lecause wool is low. and going into .attle and hogs because beef and pork ire high. The fact that mutton is also ligh and that a pound of mutton can > e yroduced at less cost than a ponnd ft oeef and about as cheaply as a jouiid of pork , and that whatever wool is produced is additional gain , is lost of. Sunday on the Farm. Sunday on the farm is regarded as a flay when members of the families may draw near to one another. It may be regarded as the "home" day of the week. It is a good practice to finish the vrork a litHe earlier on Saturday. as this makes a splendid preparation for spending the Sabbath day in a proper manner. Regular Sunday school attendance is considered Important , as is also that of church going. Part ot the day may be profitably spent in reading good books or magazines , while part of the day may be devoted to singing by members of the home. One writer thinks it necessary to guard against loo much gloominess lu the home on the Sabbath day. Iowa Homestead. Fall Plowlnc 'or Spring Crops. One advantage of fall plowing is thai it enables the land to absorb and store up more water for plant use than does the unplowed solid land. Another is that it dries out quicker , so that it can be worked earlier in the spring. Tlu so two statements may seem contradic tory , but they are easily reconciled. The water penetrates through the loose furrows to the subsoil , where it re mains to be drawn up by capillary at traction as soon as the ground is work ed over with the disc harrow In the spring , and the surface gets dry and warm. The water , being below the fur row , does not make the ground aa cool or as hard to work as if It wa ? in the surface soil. An experiment made by Prof. King showed that un plowed land had evaporated or lost nine pounds of water to the square foot more than the full-plowed land from April 30 to May n. This was < > iua [ , to 3 % inches of rain in a week. What need would there be of irrigating thf land if that was stored up in the sub soil , for the plant roots and the sun shine to pump up when there was a drought , if the top soil was stJrred tn frequent cultivation ? The importance of this frequent shallow cultivation , hi a dry time , and keeping on the surface a dust mulch is not sufficiently under stood vet. American Cultivator. The Apple Crop. The apple crop could be made mucli more profitable if better care were taken of the inferior fruit. Much ol the crop that falls prematurely could be utilized in the manufacture of cider , which in turn can be disposed of in the form of vinegar at a reasonable profit. Wormy fruit should be fed to farm animals , more especially hogs , a ? they not only have a feeding value , but handling them in this way tends to lessen the number of insects In the future. Many persons make the mis take of leaving their orchard down to a tough sod. In the marketing of fruii careful sorting is always profitable. In the picking season such apples a ? become bruised may be dried and soh1 at a profit if not manufactured intr cider. Apples are exceedingly health ful and should be used even to : i greater extent than is now the case. For a Stubborn Horse. George Becker of Piatt County , Illi nois , sends Iowa Homestead a sketcl of a device he has used for holding ; horse that has be come stubborn and hard to control by the bit The lines are passed through rings of the bridle bits and snapped to either the hame ring or the gag ring of tbe bridle. This gives the driver purchase on the horse and the slightest pull will have a great deal of effect on the actions of tin horse. Almost any person can hold i bad horse by this method , Mr. Beckej says. Increasinjc Use of Corn Fodder. A census bulletin reports that iu In diana in 1SOO , 38. < tt farms used f (5-l. ( 770 tons of cornstalks for forage. Ohio came next , with H'J.tiiiS farm , ushifi fiC.3,14 ! ) tons. The other big corn pro ducing States used far less and thus permitted a large portion of their com crop to go to waste. Since IS ! ) ! ) the amount of corn fodder used has great ly increased , but there are no statis tics of the amount at hand. Celery for the Market. For market purposeji it is best to grow but two or three varieties of cel ery and build up a tradw for a uniform product. The northern growers , foi the most part , plant White Plume and Golden Self Blanching for summer and fall marketing , and those who make a practice of storing also plant some suclj variety as Giant Solid. Farm Notes. The importance of using plenty ol seed may be mentioned from the facl that only 30 per cent germinates on th average. The conditions of tbe soil ' kind of seed , its age and depth of the planting must be considered , but the rule to be observed Is to use rathei more seed than too little. An excellent time to select seed com is when it is being husked. AH seed corn should be kept in a dry place , am ] i if hung up where the air can circulate 1 through it so much the better. In some sections seed corn is injured in [ winter by severe cold , but this dangei I is not so great if the seed is kept dry. It is not a bad plan for any farmei to have some specialty aside from his regular crops , if he is not too short foi ; help. Among the things to be suggest- [ ed a small area in some one frull would be within reach of all. This would afford a profit in the majority of seasons , and every now and then comes a year when a fruit crop is ! worth a very handsome sum. When the crops are removed from tne garden burn the ground over so as to destroy the weeds and seeds. II may then be plowed and seeded to rye if not too late in the season at the time , the rye to be plowed under in the spring. The object should be to avoid having weeds in the garden so as to render the work less difficult dur ing the busy season , and if this mat ter Is carefully attended to there will be no weeds to kill IE. two or three seasons. CATARRH THIRTY YEARS. ' ] The Remarkable Experience of a Prominent Statesman Cmigrpss- rr an Mcekison Gives I'e-ru-na a High Endorsement. Congressman Meekison of Ohio. lion. David Meekison is well known not only in his own Stnte , but through out America. He was elected to the Fifty-fifth Congress by a very large majority , and i the aeknowh'd ed U-ader of his party in his section of the State. Only one Haw marred the otherwise complete success of this rising states man. Catarrh with Us insidious ap proach and tenacious his only unconquerable foe. For thirty jesirs he waged unsuccessful warfare against this personal ein'iny. At last Pernna came to the rescue. lie writes : " / have used several bottles of Pe- runa and I feel greatly benefited there by from my catarrh of the head. I feel encouraged to believe that If I use it a short time longer I will be fully able to eradicate the disease of thirty years' standing.David Aleck/son , Member of Congress. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Pernna , write at once to l > r. Ilartman , ; 'iviii a of - - - and he will full statement 30111ease , be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice grafi * . Address Dr. Ilartman , President of The Ilailman Sanitarium , Columbus. Ohio. Two hundred and fifty notice boards are to be erected in ihe streets of Edinburgh , Scotland , requesting citizens not to spit on the pavement. Patience is a virtue found chiefly in lazy people. The Test of TSrnc. Mrs. Clara J. Sherbounie , Profession al Nurse of 257 Cumberland Street , Portland , Maine , says : "I heartily wish those who suffer from some disturbed action of the kid neys would try Doan's Kidney Pills. They would , like me , be more than surprised. My back annoyed me for years. Physicians who diagnosed uiy case said it arose from my kidneys. When the grip was epidemic , I was worn out with constant nursing , mid when I contracted it myself it left ine in a very serious condition. I could not straighten nor do the most trivial act without being in torture. The kid neys were too active or the secretions were too copious , and I knew what was wrong , but how to right it was a mystery. It seems odd for a profes sional nurse , who has had a great deal of experience with medicines , to read advertisements about Doan's Kiduey Pills in the newspapers , and it may appear more singular for me to go tc II. H. Hay & Son's drug store for a box. But I did , however ; and had any body told me before that it was possi ble to get relief as quickly as I did I would have been loth to believe it. You can send any one who wishes more minute particulars about my case to me , and I will be only too glad to tell them personally. As long as I live I will be a firm advocate of Doan's Kld- , ney Pills. " Cnre Confirmed Five Years Later. "Lapse of time has strengthened rny good opinion of Doan's Kidney Pills , first expressed in the spring of I8U6. I said then that had anybody told me that it was possible to get relief aa quickly as I did I would have been loth to believe it. Years have passed" and my continued freedom from kid ney complaint has strengthened my opinion of Doan's Kidney Pills and given me a much higher appreciation of their merits. " A FREE TRIAL of this great kidney medicine which cured Mrs. Sherbourae will be mailed on application to any part of the United States. Address Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. For sale by all druggists. Price 50 centa per box. Every train of disaster should be made up of buffet cars. The best way to cure indigestion is to remove its cause. This is best done by the prompt use of Dr. August Kofinig's Hamburg Drops , which regulate the stomach in an effectual manner. When two cats pall off a fight after dark they scratch a match. Surinnn'H New Ainiieeinent. John J. Sullivan distinguished himself the other day by throwing a handful of money inte a crowd. You are improving , John. Once your boast was that yon had "money to throw to the birds.55 Throwng it to people is much befeterbut don't throw any bad money , John. Exchange. , ; Massachusetts has 4,500 registered physicians. Fortyfive hoars constitute a week's work for women and girls in New Zealand. Ten thousand demons gnawing away at one's vitals couldn't be ranch worse than the tortures of itch ing piles. Yet theres a care. Dean's Ointment never fails. Money that a man doesn't save by remaining a bachelor would probably ; support a wife and ten children. HALL'S CATARRH CURB is taken internally. Price 75 centa.