Mortal Sod l > , * 1 ' THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT. THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CHERRY COUNTY. NEBRASKA VOLUME XVII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , NOVEMBER 2U , 1902. NUMBER 44 fcfr * 49 49 49 49 HARDWARE 49 49 * 49 49 We want you to see our fine 49 49 new stock of HARDWARE 49 49 We are Busy S 49 Ow 49 49 49 We are too busy selling Stoves $ 49 49 and Hardware to talk here , 49 49 49 but if you'll coine to our store $ 49 49 we'll tell you all about it : : 49 49 49 49 49 Red Front Mercantile Co , $ 49 49 49 49 49 I * Cold Weather is Coming We are getting ready. Are you ready for your fall suit ? If so , call and examine our stock or leave your measure. All cus tom--work made in our own shop. Work manship and fit guaranteed : : : : : Ladies' , Gents' and Children's Shoes Ladies' , Misses'and Children's Jackets The best Mercerized Skirt on earth for $1,00 D. STINARD. TAILOR . . AND CLOTHIER. OWL SALOON 9 Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars , VALENTINE X NEBRASKA Anderson & Fischer , -DEALERS IN GENERAL HARDWARE Stoves and Cutlery Iron Beds , Springs and Mattresses Furniture Coffins , Caskets , and a Full Line of Undertakers' Supplies. Chartered as a Stato Bank Chartered as a National Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12. 1002 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) of i CAPITAL PAID IN A General BHnfeii g Exchange and Cullwtinn Business C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NICHOLSON , Cashier. CORA L. WAITERS , Assistant Cashier. CITIZENS MEAT MARKET J. W STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND CAM ! IN THEIR SEASON First-class Hue of Steaks , Roasts Dry Salt Meats , Smoked TALK OF THE TOWN Harry J unod and wife are up from WoodLake. Albert Nenzel , of Nenzel , was dung business in town this week. Thanksgiving service at the M. E. church , Nov. , 27 at 10 a. m. Tom Nelson a nd wife are up irom WoodLake visiting their parents. Anson Newberry came down from Cody Monday and returned on 27 the same day. - Yohn P. Yones has yumped his yob skinningmules at the Fort and tells us he has moved to town. Mrs. Mogle and Mrs. Hanks , of Cody came to Valentine the latter part cf last week to consult a doctor. We are in r eceipt of a dollar from Mrs. Jennie Day , of Wolfe Wyo. , ask ing us to send the DEMOCRAT. Robt. Quisenberry , of Oasis , was in our city the past week and asks us to send the DEMOCRAT to his wife's moth er at Ashley Ind. Last week I M. Rice and special agent Drebert , of the German Mutual Insurance Co. , of Omaha , wrote near ly $10,000 insurance. Miss Flora Hornback started Tues day morning for Weissnrt ( Ouster ( Jo. ) Nebr. , where she will visit with her aunt during the winter. Andrew Bonson was in town Tues day and remembered us with another $ on subscription. His son Allen is at tending school at Fremont. M. P. Urosius and wife were in town f Tuesday and stated that their daughter Nellie , at Hay ward Wis. , had cut her hand and was unable to work. There was a coal famine in our city the latter part of last week and the finit of this , and yet our people do not want a change to government ownership of railroads. People like to be hoodooed. SKa tl Max E. Viertel's store at Crookston is crowded with goods from top to bottom and the ware rooms are chuck is isa full of goods. Last year Mr. Vfertel a did a business aggregating over sia $24000. a J. O. Carter , who has been here dur 5'T ing the fall firing one of the push eng T ines , will soon be sent to other points ai as the busy season is drawing to a li close. Mr. Carter has made many friends here and we hope to meet him Si again. 1Cc Frank Eothleutner .of Georgia , was c in town Tuesday buying goods Irom a 2 travelling man and transacting other E Em business. We acknowledge a pleasant EM call. Mr. R. has purchased the Au M gustus Davis store and is again in busi ec ecm ness at Kilgore. m Chas. P. Jordan has engaged Jas. S White , formerly employed as fore ftbi [ man by Jas. Quigley to take charge biC of his cattle. Mr. White is a thor C ough cattleman and will bold an im se portant position with Mr. Jordan. siA Mr. White will live at the ranch and A have hisvife and little girl with him wi , Mr. Jordan writes us that he has re tt ceived a book entitled ' 'Rural Rhymes inm and Talks and Tales ot Olden Times" m from the author Martin Rice of Lone dc Jack Mo. , with a dedicatory poem hi written on the iiy leaf by the author's tb ; own hand. This book is much appre er ciated by Mr. Jordan , and the old poet cr who i3 still alive and in his 89th year , will be again cheered to know that his pi , life has not been in vain. A radient light surrounds us here Whene'er we read those ihyuies ; A voice of melody we hear * , " In talks of olden time * . m pt The picture drawu of earlier da\s , So natural do they seem ; We liv. again in ancient ways f And of those times we dream. * . We render thanks unto the muso , M Whn-e rh. m.hts m verses r.m no In writing History for our use , g Wo cheer the "graud old man. " ' 111 In revprnnce we how our head P Unto thlman of fame , \ His words will live when he is dead < ! An 1 great will be his name tl He lives near that old town. Lone Jacfc In Jackson County MoM 01P A farmer sage , who had ths knack Of writing rhymes just so. ed He always worked for others good t ] To him , a sacrifice : n While others idle , ho suwed wood Tfet ? { Vet ) M&ttt ftH. f ' Coming Events. Thanksgiving next Thursday. A new face in body type fr > r VALENTINE DEMOCKAT. Ed. Elliott of Georgia is in Valen tine this week. Ed.Hanks came down from Cody Monday to spend a few hours with his wife who is here doctoring- . Capt. R. B. Howell went to the sol diers home at Grand Island , Nov.i5th , where he will remain until about Christmas. Our old friend , Geo. W. Kellar , of Cascade , called on us while in town the first of the week. Mr Kellar 'now runs about GOO head of cattle on his ranch in Pleasant Hill prec'uct. M. J. Jordan of Aiabia dropped into our office the first of the week while in town We notice the grey hairs accumulating which indicates that our friend is growing older day by day. Dan Barnes of Xewton called to hand us the almighty dollar while in town this week as juror for this term of court. Mr. Barnes was excused on the grounds of having a lot of calves at borne to feed and no one at home to take care of them but bis wife. Mrs. McDonald , of Crookston , has been enjoying- pood patronage at her store and last week was compelled to < call her son Wallace from school to < assist her. Mrs. McDonald owns a lot of town property in Valentine , in cludingnumerous town lots , which are for < sale foi cash or on easy payments. Again our town is filled to overflow ing with people here attending court. We need more hotel accomadations. Some one will do well to put up a good large hotel or add to one of those already in use. We will donate $10 worth of advertising to the fitst person to build hotel in our city. Others will donate their patronage. Wm. Epke , formerly of this place , now living in a comfortable home at Crookston ; Nebr. The family con sists of himself and wife , three girls and : three boys , the oldest being a jirl ' and the youngest a boy of four months named after our president , Theodore. The children are all bright and Wm. is especially proud of his little boy. Services at the M. E. Church next Sunday as follows : Sunday school at 1C a. m. Morning service at 11 a. m. Class : meeting 12 m. Junior League J:30 p m. Epworth League 6:30 : p. m. Evening service 7:30 : p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening T.:50 : p. m. Morning subject uEev/ard for Kight- 2ous Deeds. " Evening subject'De : - aiands of Christianity. " Last week Scout and his wife two uli blood Sioux Indians from Rose bud got aboard the local freight at Drookston : and started for Genoa to see a sick boy who had been there jince last January attending school \s the train left Crookston they C vent out on the platform and sang Lheir plaintrfe song and continued it the caboose , later ending in a long mournful wail in which Scout broke lown crying as if already attending iid boy's funeral and was joined iu he crying spell by his wife. At \ al - intint they continued the alternate rying and singing until the train lulled out , again stand ing on the rear Dlatform making their plaintive vail. Wedding Bells. Miss Fannie VanHuskirk. of Valen- ine and Buce Moore , of Cody , were named at the residence of the brides enrs at Gordon , Wednesday night , Nov. . 12 in the presence of a number . f invited guests and relatives of the family This worthy couple is ell known to most of our people at Cody , Merriman. Gordon and Valentine and < words of this paper could add to the good < name they have borne as individ uals. Suffice to say that they have our pood ( will , and commendation to thobe \yho have not the pleasure of their ac quaintance. ' T They returned from the wedding on the morning train to Cody and went out to Mr Moore's ranch where he has prepared a nice home. The next even ing the yotmg people , of. Cody , gather together , took the brass baud .vith them and went out and serenaded thn newlx wedded eouple. The 1 > EMOCHAT extends hearty con 49 J * 49 ww 49 49 A Talk About Leather Goods * o * 49 have 49 49 Wrist Bags in Black Leather 50c. : : : Chatelaine Bags in Leather at 50c to 75c : " : I * 49 49 Chatelaine Bags in Steel and Jet , all sizes 75c to 81.25 49 49 Cut Steel and Cut Jet Bags § 2,50 : : : 49 49 Change Purses 85c. : : : : : 49 Iland Purses in all colors at 50 to 75. : : 49 49 Burn If Leather and Alligator Pocket Books § 1.00 49 49 Men's Bill Books , 50o. : : : : 49 49 Children's Keck Purses 50c. : : : 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 DAVENPORT d THACHER 49 r I * & CfCfOf * * WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GeneralMerchandise Merchandise AND Groceries MAX E. VIERTEL NEBRASKA CBOOKSTOX For UNDERWEAR and SHOES ! we are strictly in it. Come and see us : : : : W. A. Petty crew , General Merchandise. Jets. Silver and Uold the Monarcbs And Princes of old. And O. W. MOREY"will show you Jewels and Geuis And Fine Watches with winding stems : And willjrepair your Jewelrj * , if broken you know And regulate'your timepiece if too fast or too slow. Eyery word of this we certainly mean , The balance yon can hear on Edison Talking Machine at O , W , Morey , The Old Reliable Jeweler. HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine - - Nebraska Accounts of Merchants , Ranchmen and Individuals invited. Money to loan on first-class cattle paper and other securities. Valentine State Bank ( Successors to Cherry County Bauk. ) Capital Paid Up S43 , PUED WIIITTEMOUE , President J. Wl STETTEU , Vice 1'r'esiden CUAKLES SPARKS , Cashier C. HORNBY W. S. JACKSON UOYOUWANUWINDMILL ? ! . " : : The place to get the best Windmill , also pumus and Tanks. First door south of the Dcnohdr House S. MOON . . . Valentine , Nebr. Do You Read The DemocratP * ft