f 0- - < *
* t
K prc.ssud the fragrant note to
his lip.and , with a serene binile ,
leaned back in his chnir.
It was more , much more , than he had
ever dared to hope.
OnJ > a few words , written in a dainty
feniKiine hand on a sheet of tinted note
paper , yet Basil Vere , having read
thought himself the happiest man alive.
"Meet nif in St. Saviour's Church at
noon to-morrow. MAUIE. "
The messenger who had brought the
epistle having gone , Basil gave himself
up to an hour's sweet contemplation of
his love.
Marie Somcrville was tiie only daugh
ter of a wealthy , but proud , lawyer ,
who had made up his mind that no one
In the three kingdoms was too good for
Marie , however , inheriting more of
her mother's gracious sweetness of
character than of her father's stern and
harsh demeanor , thought otherwise ,
and would have none of the many suit
ors that the latter provided for her
Tnen one clay she met Basil Vere , a
3'oung subaltern in an infantry regi
ment , who from the very first time of
meeting had determined to woo and
win the pretty , blue-eyed daughter of
the lawyer.
Opportunities for seeing each other
were not frequent , however , and many
were the subterfuges to which resort
had to be made in order that they might
enjoy each other's society.
But to-morrow ! Then Basil would
pour out his whole heart to his love ,
quite undisturbed.
. It was almost too good to be true , and
he threw his cap high in the air.
* * * * * *
Half an hour before noon Basil sat
patiently in a secluded seat , hidden be
hind one of the massive pillars of the
church , waiting for Marie.
At every step he raised his head and
watched those who entered.
Noon came , and the great clock over
head chimed out the hour.
"She will be here in a moment" he
said to himself , hoping that the next
worshipper would appear in the person
of his love , but all in vain.
The suspense seemed long , and the
quarter chimed ; still the subaltern
That she would come he had no doubt ,
but what had hindered her ?
The half-hour struck.
Almost before the echo had died away
a voice sounded almost in his ear.
"Basil ! "
Marie had entered a small door be
hind him , taking him unawares.
" 1 could not come before , Basil ; I
have been detained. "
"My own Marie , pray do not excuse
yourself. I am proud to wait"
"Hush , Basil ! Remember , we may be
heard here. My brother is coming. "
"Your brother ? "
"Yes. He said he would be back in
half sin hour r''iey ' suspect me of rneet-
" Would they prevent our intercourse ,
MiirieV" si
"I f they could , " she answered. "But S
we must not let them. If we are care h
ful and ever on the alert we shall not
arouse suspicion. " ir
"You do not regret your love "
"How can you ask , Basil ? That were t
impossible ! " Marie answered with a tld
soieuin look. "Should I be here other d
wise ? " 01
"No , Marie , but I wished to hear it
again from your sweet lips , " he an ir
swered. irb
Just at that moment the clock struck b
one. With a start Marie arose. w
"Look ! Francis has seen us , " she siP
cried , as a young fellow rushed after P
them when they walked out of the
They quickened their pace , but were ci
too late. Francis touched Marie on the
shoulder. u
"What does this mean , Marie ? " he siS
asked bluntly. Who. is this fellow " S
"Francis ! "
Marie's eyes flashed upon her broth
er. Auger was plainly visible on her e
features , the graceful contour of her
face becoming more visible in anger
than when in repose. "How dare you
speak of my friend like that ? "
"Your friend , Marie ! You must be eiF
mad ! Surely , girl "
He could hardly utter his thoughts.
He gave a fierce scowl at Basil , who
stood near. "Surely , girl , you don't call
that your friend ? "
The insult did not pass unnoticed by
the subaltern. His hands Itched to
clutch Francis by the throat , but Ma
rie's restraining influence held him iiw
"Take no notice of him , Basil , " re
turned Marie with hauteur , turning her
back on her brother. "He is not respon-
siLIe for his words. "
"Oh , oh ! " sneered Francis. "So IcI
that's your game , is it ? I'll soon make
the fellow cry 'Peccavi , ' I'll warrant"
\ \
Basil turned upon him.
"Basil , take no heed , there's a good
fellow , " whispered Marie to him ; "he is
my brother , remember. " B
The simple words were enough for
the subaltern. With a sulky growl , he
walked on beside Marie , wishing hhn-
sc1" for once without his love.
P.tit Francis was not to be balked In
his designs. Stepping up to Basil , he
caaght him roughly by the shoulder.
"I.ere , take yourself off ! " he cried.
Basil took no notice. This aroused the
dcT.ion in his'aggressor.
He raised his fist "Will you clear
offV" he cried madly.
Marie interposed her body between '
the two men , clinging tightly to her
brother. With a cry of rage he flung
I her ruthlessly from him and struck out
at Basil.
At that moment Basil stooped slight
ly to catch Marie and received the
blow on his temple.
He staggered back. All his wildest
passions aroused at this mad attack , he
doubled his fists and stood on his guard.
Marie had by this time recovered her
self and saw what Basil intended.
Clasping her hands , she stood before
him. "Itemember , " she whispeerd , "he
Is my brother. "
"Go now , Basil , " she whispered.
lie needed no second bidding. He
dared not stay in the company of Fran
cis longer , else ho knew that he must
retaliate upon him his ill words and
Oh , that Marie had not asked him to
1 do the all but impossible.
j And as Basil Vere walked homeward
his brow was clouded and his step
* # * * * *
Not a week had passed.
Basil Vere sat musing in his boat on
the Thames below Oxford. He had been
boating alone , and had drawn his boat
in among the rushes by the river bank.
Thus , quite out of sight , he could
watch the other parties that passed and
Suddenly he heard voices.
"The despicable cad ! " said one.
"Yes ; the fellow actually had the cool
cheek to meet Marie in St. Saviour's
Church , " said a voice that Basil recog
nized as belonging to Francis Somer-
"Great Scot ! "
"Luckily I came upon them in time
or I aon't know what might not hav < >
happened. "
"But what does Marie say about it ? "
asked one.
"Cut up quite nasty. Will not have
a word to say to me now ! Says I've
killed her with my Interference , and
mopes all day long. "
"She's a fine girl , Francis. "
"And the old boy means to have her
marry well , " Francis answered. "Noth
ing less than a title will suit him. Be
sides -
"So Vere is altogether too low ? "
"The cad ! " muttered Francis again
"I'd like to meet the fellow now. 'Pon
my soul , I would almost drown the in
solent puppy ! " he cried.
But Basil heard no more. The boat
had passed out of hearing.
An hour later Basil was run into by
two men in a boat
His boat was upset and he was pre
cipitated into the water.
Being a good swimmer , he came to
the surface in a very short time , and
found Francis In the other boat taunt
ing him.
"Save yourself , you coward ! " he
shouted with a leer. "Hands off our
boat. We'll have none such as you
among us ! "
But he was too late.
Basil managed to get one knee on the
side of the boat Francis got out of his
seat ( to prevent him from securing u
hold , and overbalanced himself.
Next moment all three were struggl
ing in the water.
It did not take long for Basil to swim
( the bank. The second occupant of
the boat was soon by his side in a half-
drowned ; condition , vowing venegance
on Basil. But where was Francis ?
They could not see him for the mo
A minute had not passed , however ,
before his head appeared above the '
water. He threw his hands up with a
supplicating gesture and then disap
peared. <
"Good heavens , the weir ! " cried Basil.
"Nothing can save him once he gets
caught in that current ! "
With one glance at his helpless com-
upanion ; , Basil threw off his Backet and
swam for the place where he had last
seen Francis.
* * * * * *
He lay on a couch and rubbed his "
eyes. : It was several hours later.
He heard the voice of Francis hi the
next room. '
"Is It really you , Marie ? "
"My dear Basil , how can I thank you
enough ? Why , you almost died for i
Francis ! "
A glad smile lit up Basil's features.
"I did it because he is your brother ! "
answered simply.
Marie smothered his face with kisses.
"I will make it all right with the old
man , Basil ! " whispered Francis next
day , as he reclined on a couch at the
inn. "You need have no fear now. I
was a mean , despicable hound "
"Hush ! " cried Basil. "You've made
me happy , so why should I grumble ! "
"A mean , despicable "
"Look here , Francis , if you don't
leave off talking such rubbish you and
will quarrel. "
'We mustn't do that , Basil , must
we ? "
"Of course not ! " cried Marie , entering
that moment
"Can you forgive me , Marie ? " asked
"Ten thousand times ! " answered
Marie happily.
And she meant it too. New York
Value of Canada's Minerals.
The total value of Canada's mineral
iroduct in 19UO reached over $ < > 3.000-
100 , or $12 a head of the population.
If a man is general manager , he has
n any friends that a more humble Ln-
'ividual lacks.
Ranges Once Kich Are Now Com
pletely Deserted.
For ten years , more or less , say
from 1874 to 1884 , and later than this
in the northern range , there was uui-1
versal prosperity and lots of money ; to
be a cow-man meant being a small but
powerful king with a princely king
dom , the boundaries of which were set
by precedent and by the honor of cus
tom as far as a man on horseback
could see , and by water as firmly as
if corner-marked and title-deeded.
There was no rent and virtually no
taxes to pay. A man might own a
hundred thousand cattle and not an
acre of land , though he claimed "range
rights" to fifty thousand acres , and
enforced those rights with blood and
iron , says a writer in the. Century
Apparently this was a new sort or
free life in which man had risen above
the old slow rules of thrift It was a
simple business ; turn the cattle to
grass , and when money was needed ,
round them up and sell them.
But the lucky dog sometimes has dif
ficulty in enjoying his bone in peace.
Lured by the stories of sudden riches
in the cattle country , other men , as
bold and hardy as the first , flocked
in from all parts of the world , and be
gan raising big and little herds. The
building of the railroads across the
continent stimulated immigration ; the
great Texas boom followed the com
pletion of the Texas Pacific railroad
in 1S83. At first the early comers wel
comed the new rangers , sold them cat
tle at exorbitant prices , chuckled at
their innocence , allowed them to come
in on the ranges , and grew richer and
richer. There were times when Texas
steers , big and little , brought ? 23 each
on the range. But the tide swelled ,
and the cattle continued to Increase
enormously. Presently the first real
settlers , the "nesters" of Texas , who
wished to fence the land for farms , ap
peared in numbers , and the early com
ers , the original cow-boys , began to
chafe. "Who's elbowing me ? " they in
quired , and there was prompt and ef
fective shooting and the wholesale cut
ting of the new fences.
Many good men lay down in the hot
sand , never to rise again. But that ,
bad as it was , did not tell the whole
story of destruction. If cattle had
been killed instead of men , the trouble
might have been averted , but the
herds went on multiplying until they
covered all the range , giving it no rest
winter or summer. Each cow-man
scrambled for all he could get ; he
argued that if he did not take the
grass his neighbor would. And who
cared a rap for the future ! Life was
short and money tangible. At first
there had been enough grass to sup
port one steer to every two acres of !
land ; in half a dozen years a steer did
well to make his living on fi.e acres.
After that the ratio steadily widened.
So great was the struggle for new ter-
itory that whole herds of cattle some
times went twenty miles or more to
water and then back again , galloping
every step , and working hard between
times to get enough from the failing
ranges to keep life within their lean '
carcasses. And to-day there are many i
parts of the range that will not support *
ten cattle to the square mile , one steer j
to every sixty-four acres , and it is a
irood range indeed that will feed a
steer to every twenty acres. There
are whole ranges in Texas , New Mex0 !
ico and Arizona , once rich beyond be-1
lief , that are completely deserted and
given over to the desert
Diflioiilt Cas < > of
A 3-naonth-old nylghau broke its left
foreleg in two places in the paddock in
he Central Park menagerie a month
ago , and an uncommon experiment in ai
animal surgery was tried to save its fr
'ife , writes a reporter in the New York
Sun. | tl
When a wild animal breaks its leg b
it Is usually killed , as it cannot be kept K
quiet long enough for the bones to p
unite. The young nylghau broke its leg
near the shoulder in leaping over a waj j u
tering trough in the paddock while en- 1 [
in. " " "J
gaged of
a game "tag" with three
other youngsters of the same species. bl
Director John W. Smith instructed e"
Keepers Snyder and Shannon to do up '
"he broken leg In a splint made of
bandages and tar. The tar was put on
hot , and the animal was quiet until the bl
'ar cooled and hardened. The bones .
had first been properly set , and when
he tar cooled the splint held them In
> lace. The animal was able to hobble to
about the inclosure on its game leg.
Dr. Edmund B. Southwlck , the park D
entomologist , and Park Commissioner .c
Willcox watched the outcome of the : .
experiment with interest i 'M
The splint was taken off recently , af- ?
ter being on four weeks , and the bones "
were found to be thoroughly united. >
The animal went skipping about the'l.
paddock almost as lively as before the
Distrustful F uher.
"Herbert nas a lovely disposition , "
said Ethel.
"Yes. " answered Ethel's father , "Her
bert's disposition is too lovely. I should
not like to trust your future to his
hands. He Is the sort of person who . ,
will be imposed on without resenting V
it I have known him to go to a ball
game and notrant to fight the umpire
when he ga\e an unjust decision
against the home team. " Washington E
A Lrvely Cninmonw
"Kentucky is one of the liveliest "
States in the Union , " remarked the s
young man.
"It is , " answered Colonel Stilwell , { f
"beyond a doubt When I was last 1 (
there every man I met was running
for oflice or for his life. " Washington
tar. r
Nellie Gray.
There's a low green valley ou the old
Kentucky shore ,
There I've whiled many happy hours
away ,
A-sitting and a-siuging by the little cot
tage door ,
Where lived my darling Nellie Gray.
Chorus :
Ohl iny poor Nelly Gray , they have
taken you away ,
And I'll never see iny darling any more ;
I'm sitting by the river , and I'm weeping
all the day ,
For you've gone from the old Kentucky
When the moon had climb'd the moun
tain and the stars Wc-re shining , too ,
Then I'd take my darling Nelly Gray ,
And we'd "float down the river in the little
red canoe ,
While my banjo sweetly I would play.
One night I went to see her , but "she's
gone , " the neighbors say ,
The white man bound her with his
chain ;
They have taken her to Georgia , for to
wear her life away ,
As she toils in the cotton and the cane.
My canoe is under water , and my banjo
is unstrung ,
I'm tired of living any more ;
My eyes shall look downward , and iny
song shall be unsung ,
While I stay on the old Kentucky
My eyes are getting blinded , and I cannot
see iny way
Hark ! there's somebody knocking at
the door ;
Oh ! I hear the angels calling , and I see
my Nelly Gray ;
Farewell to the old Kentucky shore.
Oh ! my darling Nelly Gray , up in heaven ,
there , they say ,
That they'll never take you from me
any more ;
I'm a-coming , coming , coming , as the
angels clear the way ;
Farewell to the old Kentucky shore !
The years roll slowly by , Lorena ,
The snow is on the grass again ;
The sun's low down the sky , Lorena ,
The frost gleams where the flowers
have been ;
But the heart beats on as warmly now
As when the summer days were nigh ;
The sun will never dip so low
Adowu affection's cloudless sky.
An hundred months have passed , Lorena ,
Since last I clasped your hand in mine ,
And , felt your pulse beat fast , Lorena ,
But mine beat faster , far , than thine !
An hundred months 'twas Qow'ring May
When up the hilly slope we'd climb
To watch the dying of the day
And hear the village church bells chime.
We loved each other then , Lorena ,
More than we ever dared to tell ;
And what might we have been , Lorena ,
Had but our loving prospered well !
Hut ! all is past , those years are flown.
I'll not call back their shadowy forms ;
I'll say to those lost years , sleep > n
Sleep on , nor heed life's pelting storms.
We've passed youth's golden glow , Lo
rena ,
Those daj's are with the eternal past ;
Our heads will soon lie low , Lorena ,
Life's tide is ebbing out so fa t ;
But there's a future oh. thank God ,
Of life this is so small a part !
Tis dust to dust beneath the sod ,
But there , up there , 'tis heart to heart !
The Parrot and. His Pood.
Parrots and toucans have no knives
and forks to cut off the rinds of tropical
fruits ; but as monkeys use their lingers ,
5C the birds use for the same purpose
their sharp and powerful bills. No
better ( nutcrackers and fruit parers
eould possibly be found. The parrot in
particular ! lias developed for the pur
pose ( his curved and inflated beak a
wonderful weapon , keen as a tailor's
scissors and moved by powerful mus-
les on either side of the face which
bring together the cutting edges with
extraordinary energy.
The way the bird holda a fruit gin-
jerly in one claw , while he strips off
tbe rind dexterously with his under
hung lower mandible and keeps a
sharp lookout meanwhile on either
lide with those sly and stealthy eyes
f his for a possible intruder suggests
the observing mind the whole living
irauia of his native forest. One sees
that vivid world the watchful mon-
cey < ever ready to swoop down upon
he tempting tail feathers of his heredi
tary foe ; one sees the canny parrot ever
prepared for his rapid attack and ever
ager to make him pay with Qve joints
f his tail for his impertinent interfer
nee with an unoffending fellow citizen
f the arboreal community.
Showed Profound Conceit.
Phyllis Harry is the most conceited
nan I ever met.
Maud What makes you think so ?
Phyllis Why , he first asserts that I
im the most adorable woman in the
Arorld , the most beautiful , intellectual
ind in every respect a. paragon , and
hen he wants ine to marry him !
SVashington Times.
"Do you think that dog is worth the
noney you are paying for a tag ? "
"No. suh , " answered Mr. Erastus
Pinkley , "but you's got to go to some
ixpense fob de sake o' social standin' ,
s'n' you ? " Washington Star.
We have remarked that the Confcs-
tions of a Wife are usually roasts of
ler husband.
As we grow older , we blame the
less for having hysterics.
is considerable signifi
fllERE in the fact that this year
over fifty girls have taken up the
study of scientific farming at the Min
neapolis College of Agriculture and
have thus announced their intention to
adhere to country life. The college , it
seems , has been in existence for the
past decade , but girls have only recent
ly been admitted. The character of the
instruction available to the girl stu
dents is suggestive. The course pre
sented emphasizes the sciences of bot
any , chemistry , physics and geology
requiring during the freshmen and so
phomore j'ears at least two terms' work
in each of them. Boys and girls work
together , it seems , throughout about
two-thirds of the entire course , which
includes study in language , mathemat
ics , science , civics , and considerable
technical work. In the case of the girls
cooking , laundrying and sewing are
substituted for carpentry , blacksmithj
ing and veterinary science. The girls ,
too , give more attention to household
art , home economy and domestic by-
giene than to the business aspect of
It is happily the chief purpose of the
college to awaken in its entire student
body a keen interest in fanning , farm
life , the farm house and farm society.
Both boys and girls are taught to plan
farm buildings and how to lay out the
grounds artistically. Considerable at
tention is given to the furnishing of
houses , to literature , music and social
culture , with the general thought "of
making the farm home the most at
tractive spot on earth. " The result of
the new movement is being watched
with keen interest by agriculturists and
educators. It is evident that should it
prove successful the innovation will
spread to other agricultural States. Its
influence , one readily apprehends , is
apt to be social as well as agricultural
in character. Heretofore one great
drawback to farming has been the dif
ficulty of keeping the farmers' sons on
the farm. With trained and educated
girls enthusiastically taking up the pro
fession of farming , it is pointed out that
life in the country would take on a new
charm and that the exodus of young
men to cities would be materially les
sened. It Is difficult to forecast the
outcome. But It Is pleasant to think
that we may be coming close to the
long-sought solution of the problem of
cities. Boston Transcript.
Woman Holds OflTce in Alabama.
For the first time in its history n
woman holds a State office in Alabama.
She is Miss J. Nicholene Bishop , and
.she was recently ap
pointed a member
) f the State Exain-
i n i n g Board of
School Teach e r s .
Her selection for
the position caused
considerable s u r -
prise and consider-
able gratification ,
too , and now that
the ice has been
broken it is expect
ed that women of-
ficeholders in Alabama will soon be- c
come numerous. a
The right to hold such oflice , however ,
does not imply the right to vote , the
Alabama law apparently being the
same as that in Indiana , under which
wi men may hold any oflice under the
school laws , but cannot vote for any
mblic oflice. The only States in the
\merlcan Union where the full right of
suffrage exists are Colorado , Idaho ,
Jtah and Wyoming , and there women
can vote for all public officers , includ-
ng Presidential electors. Indeed in
Utah and Wyoming woman suffrage is r
a. constitutional provision.
"Where Women May Not Pray.
There Is a practically universal pro
hibition against women praying in Mo
hammedan countries. They are not
admitted beyond the thresholds of the
mosques ; but , on the other hand , the
xoran distinctly encourages women to
pray in private. Some Hindoo congre
gations deny the privilege of prajer to
their women altogether. Among the
Ainu , a race supposed to be the abo
rigines of Japan , women are not per tl
mitted to pray or offer sacrifice except
u rare cases as the deputies of th2r
husbands. The reason for this prac
tice is that the Ainu women are not
supposed to possess souls , and there
fore their prayers would be quite un
availing. Among the natives of Mad
agascar women are permitted to pray.
but only to the powers of evil , a kind "
of intercessory prayer. Only men are
permitted to address prayers directly
; o the Supreme Being.
System in Honaework. ir
The good housewife makes plans lesi
over night for the work which must si
be done the following day. Probab y w
i considerable share of it falls to a g <
special day in each week , but there h :
will be a number of things to do which fl
ire out of the regular routine , aiiJ for di
these she must plan so that she will hi
not have them all crowding upon her ed
it once and either being neglected bew
cause they are so many or taken inN
hand and carried through at the cost on
of health and spirits. ; tt
A desire pr economy sometimes will | si
incite a woman to a most foolish ex
penditure of energy , which is really a
very bad kind of extravagance. For
instance , she has been particularly
busy all day and is feeling tired , when
In comes a neighbor who tells her of
the great flannel sale. In a moment
she thinks of little Popsy's fluiuel : pet
ticoats the child really must have
new ones and off she rushes to se
cure the material and returns , delight
ed to have got It at a few pennies un
der the usual price. As a matter of
fact , that flannel was a dear purchase.
It was like the proverbial straw which
broke the camel's back , for the next
day tho housewife is cither moping
| about , feeling incapable of work , or
she is prostrated with a severe head
J ache. Planning would save this kind
of thing and prevent the crowding into
one day the work of two.
In planning and estimating a day's
] work some allowance should always <
be made for interruptions and for the
j work taking louirer than was anticipat-
' e 1. With too many "irons in the fire"
such hindrances as a visitor or having
\ to console a crying child in some little
trouble make it difficult to keep that
calm , sweet temper which is necessary
to the woman who Is not merely the
! mainspring of the machinery of the
i household , but its good angel , who
makes it home indeed to all who dwell
, > '
Wooden kneading boards for bread
are declared unsanitary.
Nut and fruit sandwiches should go
into the school lunch basket.
Pour boiling water over raisins be
fore seeding them. It's easier.
Dates stuffed with uiarshmallow
paste make a tempting dessert.
Sugar added to tho water used for
basting meat adds to the flavor.
For quick breads and batters baldug
powder instead of yeast is used.
Almost any cold vegetable makes a
delicious salad if attractively arranged.
Cooking adds to the digestibility of
nuts , and many sorts should be ground
before being eaten.
For an appetizing lunch have scal
loped tomatoes , beef croquettes , peas ,
and apple fritters.
Crystallized strawberries are among
the most liked fruits. Served in ice
cream they are delicious.
Mushrooms are sometimes pickled
only in brine and are useful in gravies
in the winter and sometimes in vine
A fine cranberry jam calls for one
quart cranberries , three-quarters of a
pint of water , one pound white sugar.
Boil twenty minutes.
If you wish delicious fried halibut
cut the steak into pieces two inches
square ; season with salt and pepper
and dip in a beaten egg and then bread
crumbs ; fry in deep fat. drain on paper ,
and girnish with parsley and lemon.
This Great Mistake.
To the average woman her husband's
work is a black letter book which she
rarely attempts to open. If it renders
unto the house and the necessities of
life the things that she looks upon as
net dful , rib" is content. Wbe-i the man
wants sympathy with h s plans or as
pirations he is too frequently compell
ed to go to his men associates or to
some other woman I have seen the
rocks < poke their heads out of an other
wise pleasant matrimonial sea solely
for this reason.
The woman looked upon the work
which made the man's
place in life as
nothing more than a certain capacity
for a earning money. To train her
mind to a proper understanding of
that wo.-k , to enter Into its joys and
failures with unqualified and wise sym
pathy , never grew in her mini as one
of its sweetest duties. The attitude
at once created a barrier hard to break
down , spreading every day until eack
thought It a necessity.
"Men will never talk to women vMtk
the rough frankness which they use
between themselves. Conversation be
tween the sexes will always be
tially insincere , " says Harnerton. I
hope to see the day when "never" and
"always" can be stricken from these
two sentences and woman will aim to
be a real comrade , without being any
less a woman.
How to Go Upstairs.
The wrong way to go upstairs , accord
ing to a physical culture teacher , is to
lean over , contract the chest , hoop the
shoulders and bend the whole body for
ward from the waist The person who
goes upstairs in this
way will be ex
hausted at the top of even a short
flight Yet stair-climbing , properly
done , is considered a good exercise. The
head should be erect , the chest expand
, the shoulders back , with no bond
whatever of the body at the waist
With this poise put the whole weight
the ball of the foot and do not touch
the step with the heel and note the
springiness felt at every footfall.