Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 13, 1902, Image 5
tHE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT EDITOR fl.OO Per Year in Advance PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Kntnred attbe Post-office at Valentine. Cherry county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. STATS OFFICERS EZRA.P. SAVAOE , Governor , C , F. STEKLK. Lieut. Governor. GEO.V. . MAKSH. Secretary f State. CHAH. WKSTON , Auditor Puh , Accta. WM. STEUKEII Treasurer. FUAMC N. PuouT , Atty. General. - GEOROK FOWLER , Corn. Pub. Lands and LEE HAUDMAN , Librarian. U. S. SENATORS JOSKPII H. MlLLAKD. CHAS. H. DIKTRICH. CONGRESSMEN ELMEK J. BUKKETT. Hep. 1st Dist. DAVID II. MKUCKK , Rep. 2nd Dist. JOHN J. ROHINSON.FUS. 3rd Dist. WM. L. STARK , us. 4th Dist. A. C. SnALLRNHKKCKlt. Fus.Clll Dist , Ww. NEVILLE , Fus. Cth Dist. COUNTY OFFICERS W. C. SIIATTUCK , Treasurer. C. S. RKECR , Clerk. W. R.TOWNE , Judge. L. N. LAYI-OUT. Sheriff. A. M. MOURISSKY. Attorney. r ETTA BROWN , Superintendent , LEKOV LEACH , Surveyor. ALFRED LEWIS. Coroner. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS W. E. HALEY , 1st Dist. ALEX BURR. 2nd Dist. L. LAUFER , 3rd Dist. Charles H. Faulhaber Brownlee Breeder of Retj'st'd Hereiords. o Hyam , No. 74,538 , at head ol herd. Young bulls from 6 to 18 mouths old for sale. HENRY AUGUSTON Blacksmith Brownlee , Nebr. Does general blacksmithingathard times prices for cash. PAT HETT Valentine , Nebr. Good , Hard Rock for sale in any quantity. H. M. CRAMER , City Deliveryman. Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and 'from the depot and all parts of the City. C -Telephone 12. W. A. KTMBELL Barber First-class Shop in Every Respect Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Iiair Tonic , Herpicide and Coke's Dandruff Cure. TryPompeian Face Massage Cream LEKOY LEACH County Surveyor Valentiueor Woodlake GENERAL TVOKK MWMrrLY ATTEMIED TO. JOHN PORATH Ricgc , Nebr * Tabular wells and Eclipse wind mills. A. M. MOKRISSEY Attorney at Law Valentine , Nobr. A. N. COMPTON Physician and Surgeon Office at Quigley & Chapman's Drug Store. .Nights The L > on- oher residence , Cherry Street. Edward S. Furay Physician and Surgeon Office Fraternal Hall or El liott's Store. Drug m& F. M. WALCOTT ATTORNEY ANH ABSTRACTOR Valentine , Nebr. Practices in District Court and U. S. Land Office. Heal Estate and rlanch Property bought and sold. Bnndftd Abutrarter The Democrat Job Work. F. E. AM. V.R.B. TIME TABLE WESTBOUND No. 27 Frt. Daily 233 P. M. No. 25 except Sunday 9:40 A. M No. 3Passenger Daily 12:49A.M. EAST BOUND No. 28 Frt. Daily 0:50 A. M. No.Sf " except Sunday 5:00 P.M. NO. 4Passenger Daily 4:47A.M. SOCIETIES , EL. of P. ChERRY LODGE NO. ICO meets 1st and 3rd Friday of each month at 8:30. M. V. NICHOLSON , MAUTIN CHKISTKNSEN , C. C. K.ofR. & . S. VAI.IiXTIXK L.ODGJB XO.2O5 1. 0. 0 , F Meets Thursday night each week , AMOS RANDALL , , J , T. KKELEV , N , G. Sec'y. LODGE A. F. A31. . A'O. ! . Meets 2st Tuesday each month T. C. ilouxfiv , W , W , THOMPSON , \V. M. Sec'y. A. O. U. W. NO.7O. Meets 1st and 3rd Mun day ol each month. w. A , PKTTYCUKW , U. G , DUNN , M. VV. Kecordei. . DKUItEKOK J1OXOK KO. llO.-Meets 2nd and 4th Monday each month. JENNIK PJJTTIJOHN , W. A.PETTYCKEW , C. of II. Recorder. JI. W. A. Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays each month. M. V. NICHOLSON , W. E , HALEY , V.O. Clerk FRATEltXAL UMO.V NO. 568-Meets every Saturday nigh. J. A.HORNBACK , E. D , CLARK. F , M. Sec'y. KOUAL , NKlGHBOHS.-Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month. MARY QUIGLEY , MINNIE DANIELS , Oracle. Kec. aud Danghtera of Protection No. G. Meets 2nd and 4th Fridays each mouth. A , E. PETTYCHEVT , W , A. PETTYCKEW , Pies. Sec'y lloyal Highlanders , Devon Castle Mo. 2 91. Meets 2nd Friday eaca month. ED CLARK , , , E.HALEY , I. P. " Sec'y. MILL FRIGES FOR FEED. Bran , bulk. . . .1.50 per cwt | 20.00 ton Shortsbulk . . .1.15 per cwt * 22.00 too rbenmgti 40c " $7.00 Chop Feed . . . . 1.25 " | 24.0U " Corn 1.U5 $20.00" Chop corn 1.10 " $21.00" Data 1.50 " $29.00" ETTA BROWN SUPJ , PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Examination Third Saturday of each mouth and Friday preceding. VALENTINE NEBRASKA Paint , Wall Paper , , i- Calcimine. Brushes , Pure Linseed Oil Varnishes -AT- Christensen's. Moses & Hoffacker. iia , IV on right or left O shoulder of hors es. O on left jaw. H on left side. II on left thigh S. N. Moses. x = xIeft slde W right shonlde- O andbip. SEQIIAH (3267) Dark brown , Foaled Nov. 2 1889. Sire "Nimrod" (1066) ) , liv (867) ( ) . Sequah's dam 289 Lady- " ( tomet" (151) ( ) , by "Eclipse" (191) ( ) "St. Giles'- "Wildfire" by . Giles'(687) ) by bird F. S. Vol. 7 by Kestless T. B. Sequah'a G. dam by Larrywheat ( T. B. ) He will stand for season < f 1902 at Sherman's barn. J. W. STETTER. Owner. ALL OVER THE HOUSE. Points on Furnishing a Bedroom With Crape Paper. For the trimmings I would select either red , orange , pink or dark blue , but of course one could use u favorite color. I will begin with the bed , as that is the most prominent part of the room. For piilowshams take ttfo pieces of the paper , each three feet long , and join together by overlapping edges and sewing care fully together. Now take another piece , four feet long , and cut in two lengthwise. Carefully sew these two pieces together , end to end , and then run on to the body part , gath ering a little as yougo. . Always overlap edges when sewing , for the work will not be neat if you do not. When this is finished , sew on to all seams common feather edge braid. This gives a pretty finish and also hides all seams. This will complete the shams. Nov ? for the bedspread. Take five strips five feet long and sew together lengthwise. Finish the seams with the braid and the end of the spread with ruffles of the paper and finish with the braid. Now for the bureau cover. Take a piece one and a half yards long and finish ends with ruffles and braid. A splasher may be made by taking one yard of the paper and carefully turn ing the ends over and sewing the finish with the braid. Curtains are quite difficult to make , but with a little pains it can be accomplished. Take a piece sev en feet long and turn ends and finish with the braid , and then put a narrow ruffle of paper down the front and around the bottom edges and bind with braid. This is one long curtain , and the opposite one is to be made the same , but you must be very careful about putting the ruffle on or you will get it wrong. Sarah's Mamma in Boston Globe. Household Hints. The longer and drier table linen is ironed the better it looks. To clean brass gas fixtures rub them with cut lemons and then wash them off in hot water. A bruise may be prevented from discoloring uy immediately applying hot water or a little dry starch moistened with cold water. In boiling eggs hard put them in hoi ] Invatcr ; ten minutes and then fit them in cold water. It will pre- ( Mu th 2 yolk from coloring. A harmless and cleanly treatment : o < irive away mice is to saturate a "loth with cayenne pepper in a solu tion and stuff it into the hole. Dry cayenne thrown about will keep ants and coch roaches array. Perfumed Linen. Linen should be kept in perfumed drawers. Sachets containing the housewife's favorite scent scattered about the drawer will impart the perfume. Aromatic shavings , leaver and flowers sewed up in bags may be substituted for the sachets. Ce dar shavings , cassia buds , powdered sassafras , rose leaves , leaves of the rose geranium , branches of lavender and sweet verbena are till delicious in odor. A few drops of perfume on heets of white blotting paper will .mpart a fragrance to linen. Preserved Plume. Pour boiling water over the plums , then remove the skin. Make a sirup of one pound of sugar and a teacup ) f water to each pound of fruit and .v'hen boiling hot pour over the plums. Let it remain over night , then dniin , boil agniu , kinl and pour over the plums. Lot them re main in this another disy. then put n-er the fire in sirup ar.d boil until clear. Remove with skimmer , pack Carefully in jars , boil the nrup until thick , pour over the pi urns and seal. - ? - . . . - For polished Tabbc. coverings for pcl- iimade at home , it > < \ .v i nitmbered that a close : : tiinir rovor of : ; ome soft fabric of h. ' ' ! ' .nn- ! variety should first be HMo'I over thv polished top and cor- ier.The domett flannel or white outing flannel is suitable for the purpo-e. This prevents the stiff hoi hind from scratching the sur- " vo. : w miprht otherwise be the case. ' - ! - of the piano top 1 trar projection. - ' "rff - , Hot Weather. ' ' . 'Musiie fnit can- ; i : ' , . ! > oin : o' i red to ' in ; ! ' .i upk"siir. room , : . ; o v.-jiiouzJ expe-hents > k . ' ; ihr temperature dur- hot < her One plan is to wriv . = : ( . Turkish towel ? out of coldvsiii.r nrd hang them over a line in a p" rom of air in the room to ' : ' ' . ' T'IP ' evMpnrjiMon of { ] } ' ' , : . - > r'- . dr lover- Scrrer For Curtains. J.'ip , TV - ( > ' r- ' ! ' fi ' < ! v rnrveil wood are- tiikinthe place of cur tains. The < rrpcn are of the same lemrth ard depth a ? the windows. The designs are of Japanese foliage with the branches in openwork , with , quaint birds with outspread 6er A PARISIAN MARVEL. Paris has a new marvel in a girl dramatist , who , though only ten years old , has composed several plays of much precocity. She is Mile. Champmoynat , and her literary name is Carmen d'Assilva. The lit tle one has been admitted to the So ciety of Dramatic Authors and has been complimented and encouraged to persevere by M. Victorien Sardou. The child herself states that her brain is always working up dramatic situations and incidents. She ob serves everything that passes and prefers large cities with their bus tling crowds , which she studies , to the quiet countrj' , where everything seems to her inert and dead. The precocious infant also tells people that she comprehends everything in life thoroughly. She has , in fact , learned to understand all the springs of human action. Likely enough she does , for she is a sad pessimist , this ten-year-old. The world is abominable , in her estimation , but amusing. Carmen is now writing a comedy on woman before and after marriage. Long and Short Miles. English speaking countries have four different miles the ordinary mile of 5,280 feet and the geograph ical mile of G,085 feet , making a dif ference of about one-seventh be tween the two ; then there arc the Scotch mile of 5,928 feet and the Irish mile of 6,720 feet four vari ous miles , every one of which is still in use. Then almost every country has its own standard mile. The Romans had their mil passuum , 1,000 paces , which must have been about 3,000 feet in length. The Ger man mile today is 24,318 feet in length , more than four and a half times as long as ours. The Dutch , Danish and Prussian mile is 18,4-49 feet , three and a half times as long as ours , and the Swiss get more ox- ercise in walking one of their miles than we get in walking five miies , for their mile is 9,153 yards long. Earned His Tip. Secretary Shaw told this story on himself the other evening : "Sam , the darky who brushes my clothes in a barber shop in Wash ington , is particularly clever in deli cately reminding customers that he expects a tip. One morning just be fore the Fourth I was thinking of other-things and was walking away without dropping a coin into his hands. " 'Let me brush your coat again , Mr. Secretarysaid Sam , running after me. " 'Why do you want to brush it again ? ' I asked. " "Cause , Mr. Secretarysaid Sam without cracking a smile , ' 'cause I might brush out some gold dust , sir/ "Sam got his tip. " New York Times. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Havana's "Boneyard. " The "boney.ird" of Colono ceme tery , Havana , h one of the odd and grewsome sights of the Cuban cap ital. ital.This This famous pit was first dug by Don Pedro Valdas in 1602. It is 110 feet square and 20 feet deep , and an eight foot wall incloses it. A man dies , is buried in a rented grave , is forgotten in a short time , and the rent is unpaid for one year. Then his bones are dug up and thrown among his ancestors' and others' ancestors in the mass of dead humanity. The grave , being open , is held to receive the next body. A careful estimate puts the num ber of human skeletons in the pit at 700,000. The Sultan and Coffee. The sultan's diet is very simple. He eats very little of the plainest food and never touches wine or liquors of any kind , but consumes enormous quantities of coffee , which aggravates his nervousness. Up to a few years ago a servant with a coffeepot always followed him when tie went out for exercise , and while driving in the park coffee stations were placed at frequent interval ? where he could stop and refresh himself. By the advice of his phy sicians he now limits iiinire'f to five or six cups of hifavorite bcveraijo a day , ar.l > it is said thai he ha- self notic 1 ? in im rnrnf health. "If is not o ucn sleepb"f ler. Rii-cl ! Sr : 's Ho.-c. Russell Sage owns the hoi - which he lives , at 506 Fifth ; r N"ew York , and Eibridge T. " owns thr roundpon : ' " iandMr. . Sageme for . < : rajo tki\ ; < r ! ? t first a t. two ' . -.iv' lc- > at c"00 ji * the.d of i : . ; ] ' p ri \-l \ \ . - ( - ' - r.-vl Mr : : - ' fnl t ( , . ? mi1/ : } : i a rental of ; 12. < " IT. which Ir. Sage says is o-i- 'roou ? . b-it as he and his wife can- ot bear the thought of m ° ' * : . from their old home they concluded to submit. Mr. Sage's house has B Value , A LITTLE NONSENSE. tVit and Humor Blended by an Expert In the Business. "We can furnish you with any kind of a cage made , " read the ad vertisement of the truthful man , "and when it comes to a monkey cage , why , we're right in it. " Church What on earth are they ringing that bell so long for ? Ciotham That's to call a meet ing together. "What sort of a mcctinjj ? " "Meeting of the Society For the Prevention oL" Unnecessary Xoises. " "Why do you call this South Car olina salad ? " ' asked the man from the north , who was traveling in the south. "Because it's like our people popular , " replied the native. "Oh , I thought it was because it never agreed with anvbodv. " < -j - * > * Paiieiico Did you hear that Miss Fussanfeather talk about her bar ber ? ] sn't she mannish ? Patrice Xo ; perhaps she's going to marrv a barber. * t Footlighte What does he call his race horse ? Sue Brette Actor. "Why that name ? " "Because he follows the tracks. " Yonkcrs Statesman. Better Left Unsaid. f "Xo doubt you think Fm older than I really am. " "Xot at all. I'm sure you are not half as old as you look. " Noah's Sarcasm. 2Coalrs wife , who was sitting on the quarter deck , was disconsolate , "jtfoah , " she said , pointing to the aggregation of animals , "if people should see me in such company what would they think ? " "They would probably think you were Mine. Zozo , the lady who en ters the lions3 cage in some trained animal show , " responded Xoah , with rare good humor. And picking up the paper he igain scanned the weather report. Indianapolis Sun. Hangin' On. Lariat Luke What become of that hanger on from th' east ? Horrible Hank He's still hang- in * on. Lariat Luke Down at the Red Eye saloon ? Horrible Hank Xaw ; hangin' on tew a cottonwood tree at th' edge of town. Ohio State Journal. At the Sunday School Picnic. The Superintendent Xow , chil dren , why do we leave to go to the beautifuf parks ? What do we find there that is always fresher and purer than it is in the city ? Truthful Tommy ( with cheerful promptness ) Popcorn , sir ! Cleve land 1'lain Dealer. Her Higher Life. "Do you find it difficult to at- tend to your social duties and keep up on the art and literature of the times ? " "Oh , no ; I always try to devote at least fifteen minutes a day to art and literature. " Chicago Eecord- Herald. He Got Hot. "What's the row ? " asked the manager of the dime museum. "The fire eater went into the restaurant next door , " answered the bearded lady , "and asked for a light lunch , and they set him out a candle and a box of matches. " Toledo Bee. Then the Temperature Fell. Ella Yesterday was my birthday , and Fred sent me a rose for each year of my age. 1 don't see how he knew how old I was. Stella Very likely he didn't. Probably he took all the ro-es the florist had. New York Press. What , Indeed ? Cycler I sec they are . .wearing peg top trousers for bicycling this .efcmmer. Old Joaker Well , what could be more appropriate for a spin ? . Judge. t"5 it * BOHLE'S Restaurant and Bakery Short Order Meals and Lunches. OYSTERS Served in any Style , Fine Candies , Fruit. Fresh Roasted Pcaiiatn. Tobaccos and Cigars. OPEN DAY and NIGHT E H , Bohle , Business Notices. Notices under this heading r cents | > cr line each Insertion. Among reading matter , 10cents per line each insertion. All kinds of heavy hardware and wanon wood stock at E. Breuklanders. 20-tf 50 head of horses for sale or ex change. Searby Bros. .Crookston ; Nebr. 37 tf Ranch for Sale or tIncase ! ! 16 quarter sections , good range , hay water and timber. Will run 300 head of stock. For information address , box no. 154 , Gordon Nebr. or I. M. RICE , Valentine , Nebr. 42-tf Cat this out and send. We need money. Those who call and pay up all back subscription and a year In advance to the VALENTINE DEMO CRAT during the next two mouths wo will make a straight rate of one dollar per year. Clip this out and send it with a years subscription in advarce together with what you now owe Only good to Dec. 16 , ' 02. JLOST. Somewhere fon the streets of Valen tine , October 31st before noon , a gold filled , hunting case , llockford Watch size 18 with leather guard attached. Finder please leavo at the DEMOCRAT office and get reward. 42 tf DOLLIVER ON TRUSTS. He Show * IIlii Ignorance of the Real State of Affair * . Senator Dolllvcr was rather unfortu-- nato hi selecting the salt trust as an example of his prophecy of the disso lution of all the trusts. The facts ojC the reorganization of the salt trust aro that Rockefeller and the Standard Oil company own the control of the Inter national Salt company , which owns 00 per cent of the stock of the National Salt company. The latter conipauy controlled the stock of the United Salt company of Ohio ami practically all the other salt corporations in other states , thus controlling the salt output in the United States. The reorganiza tion of thi > salt trust now going on in the New Jersey courts Is to wipe out the minority stock , and when the proc ess is completed the Rockefeller inter est of GO per cent will also own the 40 per cent of the minority stockholders. This legal robbery will not dissolve the salt trust. It will preserve audper fect it. The salt monopoly is a very valuable one. The profits are enormous , and since the Rockefellers and tlie Stand ard Oil trust obtained possession of it they have advanced prices 100 per cent. This they were protected in do- lug by the duty granted them under the Dingley tariff bill. The duty on salt in bags and barrels is 1 cents and In bulk 8 cents per 100 pounds. These duties vary from 30 to 100 per cent and will average about 50 per cent. Senator Dolliver in his efforts to min imize the existence of the trusts that the Republican policy of protection has built up , by inventing the theory that the trusts are beginning to dissolve , shows how hard pushed he was for examples to prove it. In addition to the salt trust he cited the linseed oil trust as another trust that had its af fairs wound up by the courts of jus tice. The facts in the case are very similar to those of the reorganization of the salt trust , and the Rockefellers are also in control of it. Brother Dolliver Is rattled ou the tariff and trust issues , and his speech In Illinois to the National League of Republican clubs shows it. Mr. Dolliver's fiction may be taken as gospel by the members of the Re publican League of Clubs , ivho are even afraid to take sides on the tariff issue , but it will deceive no one Tho has an ? trcnvlads of the tacts about trusts. Job Vork at the r" *