Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 13, 1902, Image 4

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Official Nctcnpnper of Cherry
County ,
Thursday , November 13 , 1902
Subscrlptloh-l.oo per year In advance ; $ l.H
When not paid in advance , Single copies Gc.
Display advcislnp : 1 incli single column 1R
per Issue or $6.1 i a year.
Local Notice ; Obituaries , Lodge Resolution-
and Socials for revenue 5c per line per issue.
Prands.H iDelies-$4.00 per j ear in advancf
additional space $3-00 per inch peryearenKravcd ;
blocks extra ; $1.00 each.
living outside Cherry county not per
sonally known aie requested to pay in advance
10 per cent additional to above rates If overt
months in arrears.
Notices ol losses of stock free to brand adver
Land Entries Snspcnded.
. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Nov. 5. The
interior department has suspended with
a view of cancellation a large number
of alleged fraudulent land entries in
Nebraska , made by soldiers' widows ,
who it is ohm god have entered into an
agreement for the transfer of the land ?
to cattle companies W. N. Lesser ol
Iowa , a special agent , whose headquart
ers have been fot several years at North
Platte , Ntb. , lias been suspended iu
connection with thoe proceedings ,
Tho action follows an investig tion
that had been quietly conducted in Neb
raska by Col. John S. Mosby , a special
agent of the general land olfice.
The exact extent of these operations
is not disclosed , but so far as known
there is 45 or 50 of them , each entrj
being1 for 1GO acres. Tim goverauieui
recently has been enforcing its regula
tions for the removal of fences erected
by cattlemen on public lands. Undei
the laws , soldiers' widows .have a rif-ht
to make entries of public lands without
any residence requirements , but the\
are required to make improvements and
cultivate the laudIt is understood
that the women who made the entries
are mostly Chicago people who were
iniluenced to take these steps by the
agents of the cattle men , with an agren
ment totransfer the land later by leas
es , with the right to purchase.
It is reported that Colonel Mosby will
return to Alliance in the near future
and it is predicted that the Alliance ed
itors who lambesU ) him after his de
parturo will be seeking shelter hen
'Mosby lands in Alliance. Alliancv
Herald. . . . - -
"With a man like Theodor *
in the presidential clmir , wtiv shn ii
the countryu \ > repnitiiran ? L < * t ;
mountains rejoice and th - 1m rutj-
their hands HIM ! crack i > eir h > i.
getber. The situation is vei. nixpuiiiu
The above from the pencil - > f 13ix
in the State Journal indicate.that
good fat job pushing the pencil for th-
republicans goes u long w.ns t.i v\.n
moulding his opinions. Man on
pie haven't forgotten x he . n *
.pop' . So uiaio vlMugn u
populant' * ar ' " unaiilt * 10 * in t"
principle and fail .I'noiii-
the g. o. ( iho t g
ness t > fail ! !
ing for the pr x U
ignored vx'is- i-
ciple' I'o , .
ach's ake ;
lar t < ' be a p IH a
howling pop - n
ciple"V The DEMOCRAT heiie p. t that
Buch men as the > e , Imve no pnucipln
other than a htroug desire to be noticed
or recognized , for as soon as they were
designated "howling pops" they seemed-
to forget that they were standmg'Up
for principle. -
pear Blx you're up to funny trix
In writing Dally Drift ;
You're never Iu the same place Bix
Your miud doth change too swift.
T\vas for a time that you raisrd corn
Out < > n a Karwas farm ;
But lajer-blexv the d yils born
Ttie Mrs. Leasft alarm.
As now engaged , the wat r Stjx
Of your ambitious gift ;
Had readied the M lieat tide for B'x
Tn n-rjting Dally Drift ,
Now in your swelling fancy free
In raising hell forlorn
You don't with otl'er ' minds agree
Though raising less of corn.
Next season when upon the ran * e
ofshiftiugpolitix ;
Well bear in mind that you can change
As swift as'ny Blx.
UncleTeff Winship wa& down from
Gordon last week.
G.V. . Kellar brought in Pleasant
Dill election returns.
Mr. Furay a brother of Dr..Furay
was down. from Chadron Sunday.
K..J. Coot and Clint Anderson were
in town from Cody last Wednesday.
Poyer of Mullen brought in
the elect jon returns from Steene Pre
cinct. A cousin Robert Boyer came
Joe Sweeney of Enlow and A. Burr
of Buffalo Lake brought in r < turns
last week.
I. M. Rice went up the road with
Special Agt. Drebert Wednesday
looking after Insurance business.
Ed. Satterlee came down with the
solid Nenzel vote indicating that the
boys up there know how to vote
Notice the returns
Mrs. Davis , mother of Mrs J. W.
Daniels died at the home of her
daughter in this city Tuesday after
noon after several months illness
The official count for representa
tive ot the 52nd Dist in KevaPaha
county yives David Hanna 318 votes
and' P. Sullivan 293 ; Hanna' smajurity
0 =
* , O
Geo. Higgle a brother to J F Hig
gle of north table is out here from
Rav Co. , Ill , visiting and will go out
farther west and visit with other rel-
t lives before returning t MIM - . M
Uha Maxell and wife started MOM-
day night tor Spokane. Wash , where
they will try life for awhile. Ur
M xell has numerous friends nere
, ! ! . H pi -is-rl to h ar of his do-
i i . I
- < i n .til . j. -i I i N . !
Sc - > i > - . | - - , . - Kti , lyOJ wi . \
i- 1. 1. M ! r ni i it r i ! ) -n
t.ttUin - L zzi ' . .fidli'n ie A- >
-on and Etnei Grooms Nunvier m
a- ii'" * * fti pr si-tit e'even. '
-overly ' hurt
f ' ' cut ting a
r , . . .t - re
. \'or n i
well tii ; - . J LQr.ii , '
athe .
the r.-rf
time. Tne proceeds are t buv
tlonan and rack tor the school ,
* *
i'hn I'eachert * of VVeMeru Cherry < 'o.
will meet at Aiernman Nov , 22 at 1 p.
m ,
The-iirlof Twelve Katheriue Jt-ssen.
Special Day Programs
JeuuiH VauBuskirk.
Review of Chapters V , VI and VII
of Nature Study and Life ,
By Aas'n '
How can we uest develop Mental-aad
Physical Activities in the Child
Emma Miller
The Boy of Twelve. Alta Starr
All are earnestly requested to be
present and help to maKe this a suc
cessful meeting.
f 3retk Items.
( Received IOD late lastuek for publication , ;
Chas II Sane's new house is uearinu
Joe Coin leavHs * Wednesday for HH
? xtende l vLsit in the eastern pan of
, he state
Mrs. ( 'ole's daughter , from Omuha ,
vho has been visiting her mother for a
ihort time , departed for her borne Sat
Mr. and Mrs. Elza Vandergrift , fron.
the eastern part , of the state. a e vi-i-
ing Mrs Vnntl r nf A part-nts. M
and Mrs C E Colbv
A box social i * t- ht \ilt\ \ \ ' !
school houe in d int H3 I * i"
evening , Nov 14 This social is mv - '
for the purpose of raising funds t < > put
chase an organ forchool and S'indji\ '
school use VII. are cordially invite"
i to attend.-
For Trade.
A bunch of horses to trade for citv
propertv orreal estate Alsoe \ -
eral quarter sections of ( Jherr\
County land for sale. Inquire at this
Straw Covered Cushions.
Delightfully cool looking cush
ions or pillows , whichever one may
wish to call them , come witha
covering of softly plaited straw , the
filling being some sort of imported
grass dried to a feathery lightness.
Various color combinations are
seen in the straw , but a soft green
and white plai'd effect is prettiest
of them all. For filling out the
angles of the average summer piazza
chair a cushion of this kind can
scarcely be said to have a rival.
A Flour Can.
An ingenious convenience for
household use is a flour can which
has just made its appearance. It is ,
large enough to hold a bag of flour
and is equipped with a sifting de
vice operated by a crank so that the
contents come out sifted , ready for
use , and may be taken by the cup
ful if so desired. The receptacle
resembles an inverted milk can , but
is labeled ' 'Flour , " so that there need
be no mistaking about its use.
Followed the Tracks.
A tailor in Carthage , northern
Africa , hit upon a novel advertising
scheme. He had painted a series of
immense boot tracks from each side
of a city park , both series terminat
ing at his well stocked store. Every
body was anxious to see where the
tracks led and followed them to the
tore thus ingeniously advertised.
In each pound package of
from now until Christmas will
be found a free game , amusircr
r.nd instructive 50 different !
kinds. :
Get Lion Coffee nnd a Free Game
at Your Grocers.
Onr Prosperonn Farmer * .
Congressman Overstrcct accounts for
the apathy of the farmers in politics
this year by saying that they are busy
riding in automobiles and playing golf.
The Ship Subsidy Steal.
Senator Hanna has given out the
pleasing information that the ship sub
sidy steal is dcnd. This important tip
may be.true and may be but a ruse to
help his friends Fairbanks and Bever-
idge , who voted' for it. The former
being a candidate for re-election is
having a good many uncomfortable
questions put to him about his support
of the greatest steal of latter day leg
Who-Wants Good
Bring th Baitjs always dressed iu
White about noon on a bright sun
ny day. Large Persons come
any time except at night.
Always go to
SHAW'S Art Gallery ,
W. T. Bishop ,
The Will.ur Hani
Your Patronage Solicited.
Restaurant and Bakery.
Bread , Cases , Pies , Doughnuts & Cookies.
Fresh Eyery Day.
Special attention given to orders for Baked goods.
Ousters served in any Style.
Noxt Door to Stetter's Saloon.
John Rcwprs Bowers & Par y.
Livery , Feed and Sale Stable ,
f'areful Iriv r8 ,
. . .
tt Icrtt Past of Stt-ttT'B Saloon.
J. WKBK. Proprietor.
La the Rest Equipped , inu-t Comfortable , Largest
and tfest Two Dollars aDay
In Northwestern Nebraska
Bath , Hot and < ? old Water , Two Sample Rooms
HittneKt Harkvt Price Paul for D 4Ck and tigs * .
Sold by Quigley & Chapman ,
Valentine , Nebr.
Richards & Oomstock.
EJlBworth , Nebr