Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 13, 1902, Image 1
Sootttj THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CHERRY. COUNTY. NEBRASKA VOLUME XVII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA. NOVEMBER 13 , 1902. NUMBER 43 W r 49 9 * HARDWARE 49 < ? 49 4) We ant 3011 to see our fine 49 49 new stock of HARDWARE to 49 49 toto 49 49 49 We are Busy to 49 49 49 We are too busy selling Stoves toto 49 49 and Hardware to talk here , toto 49 to 49 49 but if you'll come to our store toto to 49 49 well tell you all about it : : ? * 49 49 4 $ Red Front Mercantile Co. to 49 49 49 49 toto 49 to Cold Weather is Coming We are getting ready. Are you ready for your fall suit ? If so , call and examine our stock or leave your measure. A 11 cus tom work made in OUT own shop. Work manship and fit guaranteed : : : : : Ladies' , Gents'and Children's Shoes Ladies' , Misses'and Children's Jackets The best Mercerized Skirt on earth for $1,00 M 400 TAILOR v * V " * 5 ? ' l W H f IU. ' AND CLOT BIER. f tf fS'ii t sSfSSS Ssy ffyfi Ci t T- Y6ARNSHAW | BHULL : > or Of Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY JS Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER ' # Choicest Wines and Cigars. VALENTINE A NEBRASKA Ii i * SZ3S Anderson & Fischer , -DEALERriLN GtNLRALHARDWAR : Agents for the Qniekineal Gasoline Stoves and Ranges. -WE SELL THE-- Piano Mower and Hay Bakes | * Coffins , Caskets and ji Pull Line of Undertakers' Supplies. ' Chartered as a Sttte Bank Chartered as a National Bank Jun-- , 1884. August 12. 1002 ; FIBST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) | IS.zni3.l3L of I CAPITAL PAID IN General H rku g , $25,000. i C. H. CORNELL , Presideufc. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NICHOLSON , Cashier. CORA L. WAITERS , Assistant Cashier. CITIZENS MEAT MARKET J. W. STETTt.K , PHOP FRESH FE01T m G IN THEIREASON { . . Fir < > r claps lii.uof . Steal < H. J Dry Sjilt Meat ? , Smoked j Rac.nn TALK OF THE TOWN W. H. Thompson ran ahead of his ticket m this county. Wm. Barker and Chas. Bredeson , of Rosebud , were in our city Monday. Rev. Eighmy conducted quarterly meeting at the M. E. Church at this place last Sunday. The snow and cold weather of last week disappeared and fine weather again predominates. / Notice our advertisers in this paper" They will sell you goods at Omaha pri ces and pa the freight. Mrs. McDonald was down from Crookstnu the first of the week visitiiu ; her daughters aud son. Yank O'Brien * ras over from the res ervation the past week. The prairie tire * have done much damage around him. Mra J. C. Webb returned last Fri day from her visit at Omaha and Fremont wheie she had been for a couple of weeks H ,1 H'llfacker returned from a visit with bis people aud u in town by S. N. AJosvs , his part ner m the rauch business near Simeon. Al. Thacher returned from his east era trip Sunday night looking very well and feeling much better. His friends have missed him and are glad of bis return We are in receipt of the Christmas lumber of the Delineator which seemfc o be just the kind of a magazine tor adies who appreciate latest fashions * DiJ miiJ ( useful reading matter for th home Many stockmen are now kicking themselves for not selling their fat cattle and feeders when they could ( have "utteii $4 25 and some are now compelled to sell at lower figures or hold them frr a raise as the market' is now low. A , B. McAlevey went down to Omaha last weeK aud purchased about a hundred of two year old steers which he shipped up here and unloaded at this place Sunday. Af ter branding them he took them out near Kennedy. This office i in receipt of volumes 4 and 5 econd . erte * from the Stale His torical Society. Ure have made onl\ . . brief examination but find many useful and memorable events chronicled to- with information that is vain" vain"t a'-le to t > tiulent8 of * arb history and hv iiiistHrit\ P Sullivan , Andrew Morrissey and Alex Burr ran ahead of their tickets in this county hut were defeated. They are good men and should have had loy al support They are not any the wors * no\v that they are defeated. When hemer were in office thej showed hnmselves competent , honest and unrthy of the peoples confidences. ' I ) . J Drehert , special agent for the G rtnan Mutual Insurance Co . came in Moudax evnning to look after the inii-rest of the company This com pain organized under the laws of 1873 has become popular in writing the best insurance at the lowest rates. Losses paid .sim-e organization to t..e people of Nebraska $130.581 94 See the local agent I. M. Rice , and have your prop erty insured in this company. n Juhus Hanson and wife came up from Omaha last week and are help ing with the work at the. Donoher Hotel , Hr. Hanson as night clerk and Mrs H-MiM > n as laundress. Mr. Han son t < s n < tii varied rxp 'iinue and . hatravellrd over th world considerf ablv He is gifted as a writer for Swedish newspapers and has had much experience OH the stape with different opera troupes , bein a tal- ented musician , plavs several instru ments iind is a man of no mean ability , Last Tbursda3r evening "William M. Larimer a colored soldier was found in possession of Wm. Shepard's team and spring wagon at a resort about 3 mile ? from town and was taken intolt eunuch o1 assistant citv marshal 1 a C'orbin The colored gentleman wa. . .v L.i iren i-fore Judjre Towne , and told j tliat he ot in to ride with another _ fellow whose namtr given but he. couldn't tell whether he was black or white The Judge imposed a fine * $15 * nd costs amounting to $23 and j ; the gem'men not havin : the dough I' was given a berth at the county - penee and will have ample time for ; J reflection over the matter of owner-'l I Now is the time we like to get near the stove and save coal. M. P. Kincaid , congressman elect of O'Neill was in our city Tuesday shaking hands with friends.- Next Monday District Court will be in session. Several interesting cases are up for trial the most important being the Green murder trial. There will be a box social at the Harmony school house next Saturday evening , the 16th. The proceeds are for the benefit of the pastor , Rev. Lyon. Be careful whose team you drive and remember it takes only a short time to make enough monev to buy a good team that you may own unmo lested. M. P. Mu.sser the Rushville finan cier and banker stopped off in Valen tine last week on his way home after a couple of weeks in So. Dak. and other eastern points. Burgess Hartigan of Hastings Neb has accept * d a position in the Drug St/ireofGco Elliott Mr Hartigan .appears to be a gentleman of pood habits and will make many friends in our city G o B Simpson ast. general frt. ant of the f. & A. ot Kansas City Mo qfter spending several weeks visiting with D. A. and Larkin Hancock at r.heir ranch , returned last week to his duties Did anyone learn what promises Kincaid made to tho people in return fnr the handsomH vote he not in Cherry I'onntA ? It surely couldn't be t' ' > at the .iPople voted for him without a promise of some kind Services at the M. E Church next Sundav as follows : Sundav scho-.l at 10 a m Morning service at 11 a m Class meeting 12 m. Junior League 2:30 p m Epworth League 6:30 : p. ra. Evening service 7:30 : p. m. Prayer meeting Thursdav evening 7 30 p. m Morning subject "Special Phases of < 'hr'stiaiiitDemanded Today " Even ing subject "Not Disobedient Unto the Heavenly Vision. " In the case of the state vs E. C. Shafer before Judge Towne last Sat- urdav for whipping a 14 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G , A , W. Johnson at school , the teacher was fined $5,00 and costs which amounted to nearly $50. It appears that the girl was afflicted with nervous trouble and had an involuntary twitching of the eyelids which was mi nderxtood by j the teacher as making a face at him and for which she was given a whipping. A large number of people from Georgia were in attendance at. the trial. Harriwl At th home of 13. E Hnckatt , near Polliver , on Sunday , Nov 2 , 1902 , by the Rev It.-A. Ilarwood , Mr. D E. 'tompMin of this place and Miss Cena M Downing , of Merriman. Nebraska. Thf ceremony wa < * attended onlv by Hie relative of the contracting parties. The gro"in is well and favorably known here , having been manager here for the Minnesota Elevator Co. , and later for the Western Elevator Co. , since the change was made and they took charge of the business. He is a poung man of sterling qualities aud has made many friends here both in the business circle aud socially. The bride is a youuii lady , who has 3f late bnen making ber. home in Neb raska , but was formerly cue of Kossuth count * 's e'lieieut ' school teach- srs. who will receive a cordial welcome From the people of this place. They returned here on Monday even ing and were met with a pleasant "re ception' ' at the depot by the "boy ? . " They will soon go to house keeping in the Hans Johnsen house on the east side. The. Dispatch joins with others in extending congratulations aud best wishes to the happvoung couple. The Bingsted ( [ a. ) Dispatch. Miss Cena M. Downing has lived in this ( Cherrv Co. ) for a number op years and has a host ofwarm friends who will be interested in the above clipp ing. Miss Downing Jis well known among t..e teachers here , having ttught several years in Cherry county schools and was regarded as ue of the best teachers in the countv. She is ao. est imable lady of good character and high est qualifications. TIIK VALENTINK DEMOCRAT extends congratulations to thu couple and wishes them unbound o I COME and SEE 4 ? Jj Our new and complete line of Pillows Tops and j Backs. Newest and choicest designs 50c to G5c. Vi I * ViALSO 49 49 Centre Pieces and Doilies stamped on brown and 49 49 tvhite linen 15c to . > 0c. Hemstitched dresser 49 49 Scarfs and centre pieces § 1.50to § 5.00. Turn 49 49 over Collars stamped on both white and colored 49 49 linens 5c a piece : : : : : 49 49 4 * Complete line of Belding's Filo and Eo'pe Silks 49 for embroidering all our designs : : - : 49 49 49 DAVENPORT d THACHER 49 WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GeneralMerchandise Merchandise AKD Groceries 'MAX E. VIERTEL CKOOKSTON For UNDERWEAR and SHOES we are strictly in it. Come and see us : : : : W. A. Petty crew , General Merchandise. Times are Good And perhaps your Watch is old and cloii' t keep time. You perhaps have let it run without cleaning or oiling too long so it is worn in some parts , and will never do well without too much expense for an old watch. You gefc my prices , consider the price and practical part of the investment. Be- memher my guarantee insures you a good watch. Big stock of Jewelry and Talking Machines on hand. : : O , W , Morey , The Old Reliable Jeweler. Ho/face : 2A HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine - Nebraska Accounts of Merchants , .Ranchmen and Individuals invited. Money to loan on first-class cattle paper and other securities. Valentine State Bank ( Successors to Cherry County Bank. ) Capita. ! , NEBRASKA. JHKKCTOltft FRED WHITTEMORE , President J. W. STETTER , Vice Prcsi CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier r < \ HORNBY " W. S. JACKSON 0Q YOU WANT A WINDMILL:1 ! : : The placii * to get. the bept WiuJmillj * abc p'uuips and Tanks. ' First door south of the JX > n'oher Ounse S.MOON - Valentine , : Nebr : Do You Reaa The Democrat P