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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1902)
> THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M RICE EDITOR Per Fear in Advance PUBLIBHED EVERY THURSDAY. rtnt re < l at the Post-otllce at Valentine. Cherry county. N'ehraikA , as Secondclass matter. STATE OFFICERS KSCKA.I * . SAVAGE , Governor. C. F. STKELK. Lieut. Governor. GKO.V. . MAitsii. Secretary State. CIIAH. WKSTOJJ , Auditor J'ul ) . Accts. AV'M. STKUKKII Treasurer. FUA.NK N. ihtouT , Atty. General. GKOUKK POWLKK , Com. Tub. Lands and LEK HA HUMAN , Librarian. U. S. SENATORS JOSKPn II. MlLliAKI ) . CHAS. H. DIKTKICH. CONGRESSMEN ELM KK J. BUKKETT. Rep. 1st Dist. DAVID II. MKKCKK , Rep. 2nd Dist. JOHN J. RomjtSON.Fus. 3rd Dist. WM. L. 8 1 AUK , us. 4th Dist. A. C.SHALLKNllKltKKU. FllS Gill DLst , WM. NKVILLE , Fus. Cth Dist. COUN1Y OFFICERS \V. C. SHATTVCK , Treasurer. C. S. RKECK , Clerk. W. R. 1 O\VNE , Judie. L , N. LAYI-OUT. SlierifT. A. M. MoimissRY , Attonu-y. ETTA Unourx. Superintendent. LEKOV LEACH , Surveyor. ALFRED LEWIS , Coroner. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS W. E. HALKV , 1st D st. ALEX BUKK. 2nd Hist. L. LAOKKK , 3rd Dist. Charles H. Faulhaber Brownlee Breeder of Rec'st'd Herelords. o Hyam , No. 74.538 , at head of herd. Young bulls from 6 to 18 months old for sale. HENRY AUGUSTON Blacksmith Brownlee , Nebr. Does general blacksmithingathard times prices for cash. PAT HETT Valentine , Nebr. Good , Hard Rock for sale in any quantity. H. CRAMER , City Deliveryman. Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and from the depot and all paits of the City. j27 Telephone 12. W. A. KTMBELL Barber First-class Shop in Every Eespect Kau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Bair Tonic , Herpicide and Coke's Dandruff Cure. Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream LEKOY LEACH County Surveyor Valentine or Woodlake WOKK TKOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JOHN PORATH ' . Xcbr- Tubular and Eclipse wind mills. < A. M. MORRISSEY Atttorney at Law Valentine , X 'br. A. N. COMPTON Physician and Surgeon Office at Quigley & Chapman's Drug Store. Nights The Don- oher residence , Cherry Street. Edward S. Furay Physician and Surgeon Ojfflce Fraternal Hall or El liott's Drug Store. Wun2 ( " F. M. WALCOTT ATTORNEY A"B ABSTRACTER Valentino , Xobr. Practices In District Court and U. S. Land ( Office. Real Estate and Itancn Property honclit and sold. Bonded A tRtranter The Democrat FORr- FORrJob Job Work. w- * * , I P. E.-tM. V.K.B.'f TIME TABLE , No. 27 Frt. Dully 2 33 P. M. No. 25 " except Sunday 9:40 A. M No. 3 1'assenger DUly 12:49 A.M. EAST BOUND No. 28 Frt. Dally C:50 A. M. No. 2f ' except Sunday 5:00 P.M. no. 4 Passenger Daii * 4:47 A. M. SOCIETIES , K. of I . ChKItttY LODUE NO. 1C9 meet ? let anil 3rd Friday ol each month at 8:30. AI. V.MCHOI.S03. MAUIINCHUI.STKN.SEN. C.C. " K..ofK. & . S. vAL.KXTIXIIOIGKXO,2051.o. o. F Meets Thursday night , each week , AM Ob JtAM'ALb , J , T. KEKLEV , iG. . Sec'y. . r. A A 31. A'o 192. Meets Sat Tu silay each inouili T. C , iloiuffivV , \V , TnoMi'hOX , \V. Hi. Sec'y. AO. . ( J.V. . XO. 7O. Meets Lst and 3rd MOD day ol each month. W. A , PKTTYCKKW , U. G , Du.vx , M. W. ttecoraei. . : HOXOIt XO. HO. Aleuu > 2nd and 4th Monday each month. JK.VMKPiCTTI.JOHN , W. A.l'Elll CUiiW , 0. ol 11. Jtecoruer. W. W. A. Meets Ibt and 3rd Wednesdays e < * ch inualli. .U. V. MrilOl-SO.v , W. K , H.tLKV. V . ' . Clci u 'KilXALi L every batun.a night. J.A.UUI < MACK , E. D , CLAKK , > . 2nd , ai , . \\ediifsuayoettdi mimtli. ; QUIULEV , MlNNlK DANIELS , Oracle. Jteu Sonn and I > auKht TH of e A'o. 6. Meets 2nd and 4th Fridays each month. A , E. PETTVCRKW , W , A. PKTTYCJIEW Ptes. See'y Jtoyal JliKlilanilers , Devon Castle Xo. 291. Meets 2nd Friday eaca month. EUCLAUIC , 4E. HALKV , I. P. " Sec'y. MILL PRICES FOR FEED , Bran , bulk 1.50 per cwt $2000 ton Shorts bulk . . .1.15 per cwt f 22.00 ton Screenings 40c " $7.00 " Chop Feed . . . .1.25 " $24.00 " Corn 1.05 " $2000" Chop corn 1.10 " * 21.00 " Oats 1.50 $29.00 ETTA BROWN SUFI , PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Examination Third Saturday of each month and Friday preceding. VALENTINE NEBRASKA Paint , Wall Paper , Calcimine. Brushes , Pure Linseed Oil Varnishes AT- Christensen's. Mose * & HotTncker. i n. Neb TJMff * " \onrightorlcft , | * " j ' > sl'oulilerot liors-l \ / A I fllD laa on ! fft JHW. II ouleft-ide. II on left thii { i alW S. v.lo . el elel el -r x = x O ; < n < l llip . mP \S tl i SEQUAH (3267) NN si Dark brown , Foaled Nov. 2tkh , ci 1889. Sire "Nimrod" C1066) ) , by (867) ) . Sequah's dam 289 LadySl "Comet" (151) ( ) , by "Eclipse. " (101) ( ) of by "St. Giles'(687) ( ) by " Wildiire" JJ bird F. S. Vol. 7 by Restless T. B. g Sequah's G. dam by Larry wheat le T. H. ) Ji He will stand for season of P Ity 1902 at Shermax's barn. th J. W. STETTER. I ffv wner , ff ' I Both Houses Will Support Roosevelt's Administration. STATUS OF THE NEXT SENATE Republican Majority Is Reduced by Four Democrats Fail to Secure Control of House of Representatives by Narrow Margin. Washington , Nov. 5. Although the returns from the doubtful congreso sional districts were slow in arrlv- ing , the indications were that the Re- publicans v.'ould control the next house of representatives by a narrow margin. In the present house , with a membership of 357 , the Republicans have 48 majority. Under the new ap- portionment , the 58th house will conjj sist of 386 members , a majority of which is 194. The 13 southernad tares , not counting West Virginia , but in- eluding Missouri , have 125 representae tives. The Democrats have carried 11G of these districts and the Repuba licaus probably 5 , two in Tennessee , 1 in Kentucky and 2 in Missouri , with 2 in North Carolina , one in Virginia i and one in Alabama doubtful , accordtt ing to the latest returns. To obtain' ' a majority in the next house it was ' necessary , therefore , for the Demo- crats to SGCUFG 78 votes in the north I and west. In this territory they have at present 52 Republicans. The lat est returns indicate that this strength i has been held with the exception of one seat each from Idaho , Montana and Nevada , as to which the returns at this hour are inconclusive. Adding 49 to 116 gives the Democrats 365. The Democrats show they have mado 1a 1b gain of 3 in Pennsylvania , 1 in Ne- braska. 1 in Delaware , 1 in Wiscon- f sin. 2 in Maryland. 1 in Colorado ana' ' probably 4 in Now York , swelling the total to 178 This leaves them 1C short of a majority with the result 'n four doubtful soul horn districts to be heard from and doubtful districts in the north and west , from which the ! returns are as yet inadequate , as fol- lows : West Virginia , 2 ; Ohio , 1 ; In- diana , 2 ; Illinois , 2 ; Towa. 1 ; Nebras- ka , 1 : Kansas. 1 : Minnesota. 2 ; Midiw igan , 1 ; California , 2 ; Utah. 1 ; total. 21. ' Later returns rdd one Damocrat in New Jersey , one in Minnesota , one in ! Illinois ! , one in Alibama and two in North Carolina to the Democratic rep resentation , a total of six. But two of the gains credited to the Doniocrars In Pennsylvania should properlv be j set down as fusion Republicans , niakw ing the Democrats actually elected > / the returns * hus far receive. ! 184 , wi 3i the doubtful districts in Minn ° < = vr. having gone Democratic , thone in , Kansas Ronnblican and the one In Iowa Repulilican. Next Scr.ate Republican. Washington , Nov. o. Ine noc United btaies senate will ue lican by at least 16 majority , against1 the present majority ot UU. ilie jjrej-j ent senate contains 54 ilepvii. ' and : 34 Democrats ia a toiai 01 tu there being two vacancioo tlv ware , v/nere the Kepu..ican legis.a- vti ture 1 ailed to elect. Tne terms 01 j tiSI senators expire with the present con gress. There is also a vacancy iro.ii Michigan , caused by rn& aeaui ol bnar ator McMillan. Ol' these 3 , , one seat is to be fille-1 , not including tiie tv/o t' from Delaware , but incui iiig theic ] - Millan ] vacancy , 19 arc uo\v lican and 12 are D mocradc , R litc ton of Maryland being classified aj a. tcR Republican and Harris 01 Kanj o , is McLaurin of South Carolina and Teller of Colorado as De.nccrat.3. Seven olst states have already eieciCvl senators tc take their seats March 4 , 1903. Maryland ] has chosen Gorman , a Dem- ocrat , to succeed Wellington , a Repub- lican ; Kentucky , McCreary , a Demo- crat , to succeed Deboe , a Republican ; Iowa has re-elected Allison , a RGpub- lican ; Ohio has re-elected Foraker , a liR ji Republican ; Louisiana has re-eiectecl | McEnery , a Democrat ; Vermont has j c re-elected Dillingham a Republican , ' of and Georgia re-elected Clay , a Demo crat. Four Democrats and three Re publicans ' , therelore , already are P'fll elected , leaving 16 Republican and S Democratic seats to be filled. The le is- lature in Oregon , which will choose , successor to Simon , has been elected ' P and is Republican. Including Delasn , ware , therefore , 25 senators will bo ' gr elected by the legislatures chosen ha yesterday. < Those legislatures were of elected by the following states : Dellc aware ( two seats ) , New Hampshire , cr North . Daioa , Nevada , South Dakota , D Illinois , Pernsylvania , California. ConIn necticut , New York , North Carolina , to Florida , Alabama , Utah , Colorado , Washington and Missouri. Of these , the Republicans have surely carried 13 : , viz : Indiana , New Hampshire , or North Dakota , South Dakota. Illinois , gc Pennsylvania. California Connecticut , sr New York , Michigan. Kansas , WisconV , sin and Washington , and the Democa crats seven , viz : North Carolina , Delbe aware , Arkansas , South Carolina , FlorI ( Ida , Alabama and Missouri. This inel sures 52 Republicans and 34 Demo10 crats in the next senate. The result le ! the contests is still in doubt in Nevi i ada , Idaho , Utah and Colorado , with j the chances favoring the election of J ' Democratic legislatures in Colorado , so Idaho and Nevada , and a Republican S * legislature in Utah. If these p'robabiltr , ilios should be realized , the senate ti will sfuncl 53 Republicans and 37 se Democrats , with a loss of four major- 1 lie , to the Republicans , compared with j m the present political division. i New Jersey. Trenton , Nov. 5. The Republicans Si will again control both house of the New Jersey state legislature by heavy LI'SHT VOTE IN IOWA. Republicans Will Have About 70,000 I Plurality in State. I Des Moines , Nov. 5. On the basis of the precinct returns received the Republicans have elected their state'e ticket by about 75,000 plurality. The reports < from the congressional dis- tricts are meager. Enough has been received < from the Third to indicate rtl that Judge Birdsall , nominated by the j Republicans to succeed Da\rid B. Hen , derson , ran substantially v/ith his ticket , and will be elected by1.000 to 5,000 votes over former Governor Boies. The returns indicate close ECl counts in both the Sixth and the Seca ond ] districts , but they are not mimerjc ous , enough to base an estimate on. I At Republican headquarters it is assj serted ) that the Republican plurality In the state as a whole is sufficient to ; ' carry all the cong'ressional candidates , with the exception of the Second dis trict. Chairman Spence said : "It like our plurality would go above G5.000 mark , which we set a le-v days ago. ; The returns show that it has not been , possible to get the voters inter ested in the campaign. The tailing off has ; been general all over the state and ] of course we have suftercd moro than the Democrats as compared witn two years ago. " The Repujlicans are claiming all the members ot congress. The Second district is close and the precincts re porting ( shew a loss of about ten to precinct ] , which would cause the dis trict to be about even , but Senatot Hayward telegraphs from Davenport conceding the election of Wade ( Dem. ) by 400. The retuins ironi the Third district indicate that Boie.i has made a great race and has car ried Dubuque by 2,500 and made a deep cut in the Republican vote : n Blackhawk , but not enough to clecr him. Major Lacey telephoned la t- that he has the Sixth district by 2.00. ) plurality. ] Nothing has boci heard from the First district. MICHIGAN. Governor Bliss ana Entire : HcpubKcan ; ckct Detroit , of Michigan have elected Gun-mor . - . . T. Bliss and tiieir entire suito ticuec 11 ot the 32 congressmen aucl an over whelming majority 01 the memlors / the legislature. The vote waj ngni throughout the state and tne an majority is estimated at bei.wce.1 oO.UOO and 40,000 , although Republic an State Chairman G. J. Diekeman in sists that it will be nearer 76. uO . , ba - ing his statement on advices receive-l from the various county chairmen. As was expected , Governor Bliss ran tar behind his ticket , from 10.000 to 15- 000. L. T. Durand. the Democratic candidate ior governor , polie t a corre spondingly heavy vote , cnpocially in Detroit , which he cairie : ! oy iroin 4,000 to G.f/tO. All indications point to iho of Alfred Lucking ( Dem. ) to from the Firt district , .lo-r * * . r - liss , the present member , v.\is cut deeply. Pennsylvania. Philadelphia , Nov. 5. Yesterday for the first time in the history oi tac state more than 1,000,00) vote : ; were cast in an election. Samuel W. Penny- packer ( Rep. ) was elected soverno. by .n estimated plurality of 173,00 and the Republican ticket was gen erally sicce = sful in the various COU.A ties. < The Democrats elected two ana in possibly three of the 32 congressmen. PCTl TlR legislature will be more strongly al Republican < than ever before , with the exception of the 1397 session , and It it certain that Boies Penrose will suc th thwi ceed himseL' In the Unite J K a'cs wi senate. vc ar South Dakota. Sioux Falls. Nov. 5. Chairman Case of the Republican state conimit- ' tee claims the state by no less t-ian M 20.003 . Democrats plurality. conceded gr the election of the Republican con ex gressional and state ticket. Repub in licans hive elected 122 out of 1C2 th members ot the legislature , with eli chances good for having elected the remaining ten. Tins insures the election of A. B. KittrHee of this city to the United States senate. Colorado. Denver , Nov. 3. Returns received from the sta c indicate the election of Peabocly ( Rep. ) , lor governor , by a small plurality. The Democratic con gressional candidates ore ciainied to \ have run ahead of their ticket and one more of them may be elected. Tile legislature ; will undoubtedly be Demo cratic en joint ballot , as tnere are 17 by Democratic holdover senators. This Insures the return of Henry r.I. Taller the United States senate. ' pe Massachusetts. in X < u. 7. Lieutenant Govern Jnlui L. Hritfv of Bo"'on ' was e.ecrej go\ci-DCT ' / the IJ-ipn 'oiicans in tlie ; . ; * ' 'on yesterday.'In In Tri'ii'in ; \ ! aston. the Democratic an candidate by 37,439 plurality , the vo'e heing : Bates ( Rep. ) . 195.y. > l : Gascon Dem. ) . 15S.482. The Republicans also elected the rest of the state ticket an-1 out of 14 congressmen. The stale legislature ; reiucins unchanged. Georgia. Atlanta , Nov. 5. Georgia elected s solid delegation of 11 Democratic cor. ssmen. Except in the Savcnih rii trict : , the Democrats had no opposi tion and in that district it wa incon two sequential. The vote polled v/as very light. The election w-s for ccngrcs. " men only- . ' Nova is. so Reno , Nov. i . Sparks ( Dein. ) . for go\&rntr. uas > ried "Washoe county by about 400 Meager returns point to a iucioa vie tory in tie state , COUNT IN UTAH IS SLOW. Republicans Will Probably Control the Legislature j Salt ; , a : : , Nov. 5. Indications arc that vriliam M. McCarty ( Rep. ) is elected ] associate justice of the sn- pren10 c c ; : -t over Richard W. Young ( Den ] ; . ) by 2.500 plurality and that the : Republican- have u consider able majority 'n the legislature , thus ensuring the election of a Republican United States senator to succeed Sen ator Rawlins In nearly every in stance Republican gains-are shown , al though the total vote shows a falling off of 15 per ent. An enormous amount ] of scratching was done on the legislative ticket and in Ogden and Salt ; Lake , the Mormon and Gentllo strongholds , mostly by Gentile repub licans j , , but pven with Democratic vic tories there , the Republicans will probably control the legislature. It will be several days before complete returns are in. Delaware. Wilmington , Nov. 5. The complex ion of the next Delaware general as sembly is ; n doubt. It is apparent that a deadlock on the two senatorial va cancies will be the result , as was the case two years ago. The regular Re publican stato committee claims that the body will be composed of 19 Union Republicans. S regular Repub licans. 22 Democrats and 3 doubtful. The Democratic state chairman. Wil- lard Saulsbury. stated that his returns thus far received showed that 2-1 Democratic members have been elect ed. The majority on joint ballot and the number necessary to elect United States senators is 27. Joseph "L. Cahill , the Union Repub lican chairman of Sussex county , claimed that the Addicks Republicans have elected seven representatives and two senators in that county. Washington. Seattle , Nov. 5. Returns from tlie state election are coming in slowly. stO Only incomplete returns have been re ceived from the counties in the state , but these indicate clearly that tno Republican < congressional candidates , Cushman. ) Hendrick and Humphreys , will be elected by a majority of be tween ! .15,010 and 20,000. The Republicans will control the state legislature , having from 90 to 95 members. This insures the election olla a Republican United States senator toro } succeed George Turner ( Dem. ) . Rhode Island. Providence. Nov. 5. The Republic ans have undoubtedly secure 1 lull control of the senate and have a ma jority , decreased somewhat from last year , in the house , and. with the pos sible exception of the chief executive , they have elected their state ticket. If the Democrats continue to gain in the same ratio as during the early evening the election of L. E. Carver , over Garner C. Kimball seems likely. Illinois. Chicago , Nov. 5. Meager returns prevented anything like an accurate statement of the result of the election in the statp of Illinois , although there is every indication that the Republic an ticket has been elected by a good majority. The next legislature will be Republican without a doubt. The successor io United States Senator Mason is certain to be a Republican. California. Spn Francisco. Nov. o. Late return * indicate that the governorship is very doubtful. Lane ( Dem. ) is running ahead : of his ticket. He will carry the city of San Francisco by 10.000 plural ity and is developing strength thro-ighout the state. The legislature will probably be Republican. Tnc vote on congressmen in the Fourth and Filth districts is close. . Maryland. Baltimore , Nov. 5. Tho election in Maryland , which was only lor conuu gressmen , passed off quietly with the exception of a few minor disturbances the eastern end of this city. Of the six congressmen , the Republicans " elect four and the Democrats two. Tho vote in the Third district was uu- usualiy closo. Wachtcr 1 aviug a jority of ICO. ; Minnesota. St. Paul. Nov. n. Five hundred pre cincts in Minnesota giveJ2.7.)7 ) for Van Sant ( Hep. ) , for governor , and 27.9G7 for Rocing ( Dem. ) . If the same su ratio continre" , Van Sant'-s plurality T\il ! run close to 30.000. In the Sixth congressional district both parties still claim the congressman , the Dem ocrats by 2,500 and the Republicans GOO. Arkansas. Little Rock Nov. 5. Less than CO per cent of the normal votevas polled the election for congressmen in Ar kansas yesterday. All the seven Dem- 1 ocratif nominees were elected by ma- 1 lti- jorities ranging from 3.000 to 8.000. ' "six districts there were Republic- ' [ nominations. In some places the \ negro voters remained away from the polls. Connecticut. nn Xew Haven , Nov. 5. Connecticut yesterday elected the full Republican ticket for state offices , and all the fivo Republican candidates for congress. Returns indicate that the plurality for Chamberlain. Republican candidate for governor , will be at least 15.000. an in- " crease of 3.000 over the plurality ot li ( vears ago. Mississippi. j tl Jackson. Xov. 5. The vote in Mis- ' sissippi was vory light , th" tabulations J far jujuJ iiidi atin : " ? > to * J nf lp3 than to mid .AJJ fno Dcm C'-itip can didates " fr. r r > on rcs2 " re elected without o ncsition. The ccnsMtu- tiqnal amendments are believed to ve Ueejj defeated , BOHLE'S Restaurant and Bakery Short Order Meals and Lunches. OYSTERS Served in any Style , Fine Candies , Fruit. Fresh Roasted Peanut * . Tobaccos and Cigars. * OPEN DAY and NIGHT E H , Bohle , Business Notices. Notices under Hi's ' heading r cents per line each Insertion. Ainon reading matter , lOcents per Hue each insertion. All kinds of heavy hardware and wagon wood stock at E. Breuklaiulers. 20-tf 50 head of hordes for tale or ex change. Searby Bros. Crookston , Nehr. .M tf Ranch for Sale or teasel ! 16 quarter sections , good range , hay water and timber. Will run 300 head of stock. For information address , box no. 15-1 , Gordon Nebr. or I. M. RICE , Valentine , Xebr. 42-tf Mrs. Jessie M. Jones does Fashion able Dressmaking. Gents Negligee Shirts made to order. Goods culled for and delivered. Located west of rail road on Catherine St. , Next door to Auntie Coles. Valentine Nebr 30 4 Cat this out and Mend. We need money. Those who rail and pay up all back subscription and a > ear in advance to the VALENTINE DEMO CRAT during the next two months wo \vill make a straight rate of one dollar p r year. Clip this out and t-emi it with a years subscription in advance together with what AOU uo\v owe Only good to Dec. 1G , ' 02. JLO ST. Somewhere ou the streets of Valen tine , October 31st before n > on , a gold tilled , hunting case , Hockf jrd Tatch. size 18 with leather giunl ait-i hed. Finder please leave at the DJSMOCUAT oilice and get reward. 42 tf Woort Lake ' 'Up to Date/7 Ben ii Tinkuni and sister were Wood Lake visitors Friday. For that cough try "Our Own' ' Gm h Syrup , guaranteed. Wo.x 1 ike Phar macy. Jas. Wilson and Alf Morris returned' .Saturday morning from a trip to the Black Hills , Have you seen the new vestibuled coaches 011 No. 3 and 6V They-were tu ue put on .November 1. Willis .Barnard : left last Monday noruing for California. , Mr. tind Mrs. ' - , iaruard reside at Los Auceles. ' ' ' " ' ' , Miss Ayera , who twacheirf school' f. ; ' west of town , went to''Valedtihe1atur- ; day a. m. , to visit witlff'rfe&ds. . , . " * , * t Albert Yeast was a AVoodlake visitor r'nday. Mr. 1'east is teaching & very succc-obfin school near Woodlake. Mrs. Harry Hooker , of Ch id ion , aiue do vu Saturday' morning to visit ier sou , who resides east of .town. - . . " " * * A. D. Wagner , local pump man for ' , " ' * ' theF. E. & M. V. , returned from -hddron Saturday morning. Mr. Wag er's family reside at Chadron. F. A. LJctrker and several friends , irom Omaha , returned home this ( i 'at- < lay ) morning after a very pleasant and successful hunting tour around" U'oodiake's \ lakes. Woorllake has been recently granted operator to work ni ht The rail- iad force now consists of G. CUors , egular agent ; Jas. Winchester , niglit Aerator , und A. U. Wagner , pump MIL All are gentlemanly good fel- iws ' and this is peihaps the most uat % iral reason they are popular and wel ! liked. Try a "lt d Rooster" cignr Gc'tit-- ' the Woodlake Pharmacv. ' " - > * . Lf-tiil .1 tLV/i.H'Je tu | Ijctr" partiel l t * T inter. F.v. . JERSIG. VALENTINE ,