Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 06, 1902, Image 4

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Official Newspaper of Cherry
County , Nebraska
Thursday , November 0 , 1902
Subscription SI.00 per year In advanco : SI .DO
When not paid In advance. Single copies 5c.
DlRrfcayadvPr'lslnK * inch single column I5c
per Issue or SG.o a year.
Local Notice'Obituaries , Lodge Resolution-
and Socials for i.evenue 5c per line per issue.
Brands , IX inchej-4.00 per yc-ar in advance
additional space$3-ooper Inch peryearjenKraved
blocks extra ; $1.00 each.
Turtles living outside Cherry county not per
sonally known are requested to pay in advance
10 per cent additional to above rates if over C
months in arrears.
Notices of losses of stock free to brand adver
' Money bets were 2 to 1 iu any amount
up to $20,000 on Odell for governor of
New York.
Wm. Thunder Hawk called on us
last Friday while down from Rosebud
transacting business for Agent Mc-
Chas. lleiter came down Monday
expecting to jjo to Omaha to see Jr.
Winder who ia not improving in
. health.
Jas , Irwin his quit work at the
" " Donoher and will now do vetinarv
work at the Bowers and Parry Liv-
er3' Barn. Ail kinds of work in doc
toring animals , I r. Irwin is an ex
perienced man with horses and will
be appreciated as an honest honor
able and' worthy man by our stock
Ixeportof school district No. 2 , for
the month beginning Sept. 29th , and
ending Oct. 24th. Number of pupils
enrolled 13 ; average daily attendance
12 ; number cases of tardiness 8 ; num
ber of days tnught 20 ; thote neither
absent nor taidy , Ora , Rhoda and
Alva Hooper ; numoer of visitors 2.
The ladies of the W. C. T. U. gave
. an oyster supper at the old M. E.
. Church. They had a sign in their
window offering a Iree oyster supper
to all who would vote the straight
prohibition ticket. We"wonder" if
this would come u.ider the head of
" * attempted frauds , or attempt at bri-
bery. Its up to the ladies to explain.
' They want to vote and have been
telling us that the election would be
purified by women voting and talk a
' ' great deal about purification of the
I ! ballot.
-i : . A most Destructive fire has been
raging in the south part of the Rose
- bud agency , the west end of Keya
Pahacounty , for two davs , destroy-
ing everything in its path. It was
stopped on the border of Boyd county
this afternoon by the determined eff-
orts of several hundred Boyd county
> : farmers. Hundreds of cattle thous- '
ands of tons of hay and a wide area
of winter range has been devastated
.by .thejlames. There are reports of
casuklliies but none confirmed. It
the most destructive prairie lire
the settlement of the country.
Nebraska Slate Journal.
Latest Election Reports.
Latest. election reports are that
Thompson may yet be elected. The
' . .vote on Commissioner in the 2nd dist I
rict gives Alex Burr 8 majority with . I
Mother Lake and Buffalo Lake not I It
yet heard from atl p. m. ( Thursday ) . t
The republicans seem to have carried
t thestate > bjr a small-majority. Hitch 1 ]
cock in the 2nd district is elected to <
" " congress. ' Indications are that Kin- 1 I
caid and Brrwn are elected by small I
majorities. I&eturns arenotcoinplete 1
4m'd results' may : yet be < schanged , 1c
* The vote in many precincts was c
"v light , t\vo-fifths of the.yote staying at
home. . The day was fine but little in c
terest was manifested
' Kilgore Items. .
. . . .
iA. ; i O. Coltman has moved to town 5I 5
" I
" . .in"the hquse. .lately : " * va cated by Win .
' ' ' c
School began at Me Cann week ago 1't 1'd
' 1'a
. Jast 'Monday. The teacher is Miss
Wurtfrom Chadron.- ' ! a
Fred VanAlystyne r held .in " cus lib lie
tody in this Jtow et larc'ghV , . ; The _ b
trial comes off this week. , , . vi
. . II. F. Barnes naafinal'lv jrh'en > ip o
the. job of trying to hail Mr. Bordeiu5H n
. hay , lor the bailer is o'lVii atritvV. ' * c
. . . .The. yiyht uf the , chool-hnuse in
this village is greatlyijuproved ttt\ . e
the grading done by Mr. Wilson n
Ji. Fiye morepupils enterefj viJlni.'e
.school last 3Iond.-ry morning 'this.
r makes atotal enrollment of ± J pU'plls.
( . } Thompson has left this town for tl
Belle Fourche to join the bridge force
j.jMrsr. Thompson will move to the rivei
tfcu .week. _ . . . -si
Odell is Re-Elected Governor of
New York.
Returns Indicate Electicn of Pcabody.
Deadlock Continues in Delaware.
Control of National Congress Re
mains With the Republicans.
New York , Nov. 5. Elections were
held yesterday in 42 states and the re
turns indicate that the control of the
national congress regains with tac
Republican party. While official re-
turns may make the working majority
of the Republican party in the house a
close one , there is no doubt that it will
be sufficient for all party purposes.
From a national standpoint the con
trol of the lower branch of congress
was the real contest. Many of the
states elected legislatures which will
choose United States senators , but the
result of these elections has in no way
imperilled the Republican majority
in the upper body. In those states
which elected governors there was no
state in which the party in power was
not continued in that position. In
same of the states , however , there was
a decided change from the vote cast
two years ago.
New York re-elected Governor B. B.
Odell and the entire state ticket ,
though the falling off in the Republic
an plurality , as compared to 1900 , was
enormous. Odell's plurality is placed
at about 10,000. The Democrats made
a very slight gain in the legislature ,
but not enough to injure the election
of a Republican successor to Senator
Platt. The Democrats also made
slight gains in the congressional elec
tions , the unofficial figpres placing
the delegation at 20 Republicans and
17 Democrats.
In Pennsylvania , Samuel W. Penny-
packer ( Rep. ) was elected governor
by a plurality estimated at more than
150,000. while the legislature is over
whelmingly Republican. The Demo
crats elected two and possibly three 01
the 32 congressmen.
In the west , Kansas , Idaho and Utalj
were storm centers because of tha
fight for United States senators.
while in Ohio , Indiana , Illinois and
several other states close congres
sional districts attracted much inter
In Illinois , while official figures aro
lacking , there is every indication that
the Republican ticket has been elected
by a good majority and that the next
legislature , which will elect a suc
cessor to United States Senator Ma
son , will be safely Republican.
In Maryland the election was only
for congressmen , the Republicans
electing four of the six members.
In Michigan , the Republicans elect
ed Governor Bliss and the entire state
ticket , besides , securing 11 of the 12
congressmen. The legislature Is
strongly Republican , thus assuring the
election of ex-Secretary of War Alger
to the United States senate.
In New Jersey there was no change
In the present situation.
Massachusetts went strongly Re
In Rhode Island the Democrats have
elected Hon. L. F. Carvin for govern
or , but with this exception the Repub
lican state ticket will go through. The
legislature is Republican.
In California , the returns indicate
that the governorship is in doubt. Tha
legislature probably will be Repub
The latest reports from Llonlaxui
give the state to Republicans.
Indications in Kansas are that the
Republican state ticket has been elect
ed , with 8 congressmen. The legis
lature will be safely Republican.
Returns from Nevada point to a fu-
Eion victory in the state.
Heavy Republican gains are con-
icded throughout the state of Colo
Returns received from Iowa go to
show that the Republicans have elect
ed their state ticket by 70,000 majority.
The results from the legislature in
Delaware seem to be in doubt and a
leadlock , as was the case two years
igo , is a possibility.
Ohio is claimed by the Republicans
jy a plurality of more than 100,000.
In Minnesota , a plurality of 30,000 is
claimed for Van Sant ( Rep. ) , for gov
Ten Republican congressmen and
me Democrat with the re-election of
Governor LaFollettc , was indicated
> y late returns from Wisconsin.
In the east the main interest cen-
ered in the two great states of New
fork and Pennsylvania , in the latter
lecause of the conditions brought
ibout by the recent coal strike and
n New York because of its bearing on r
he future of the party of the candi- i
late for governor. ii
The indications in New Hampshire iiV iic
re that Nahem S. Bachelder , Repub- V
ican candidate for governor , was S
lected over Henry F. Hollis ( Dem. ) ti
y a plurality of at least 10.000. There tin tig
, 'as a heavy shrinkage from the vote n
I" two years ago. The legislature is
'epublican in both branches by large
lajorities. ensuring a Republican sue- n
essor to Senator Gallinger , who will
robably succeed himself.
The Republicans in Connecticut
lected their ticket by a plurality estl- n
latcd to be at least 15,000 , with the sie
eneral assembly safely Republican on e :
iint ballot. Th
Virginia's election was confined to Tw
angressmen and the returns indicate w
mt the Democrats have elected 0 of
je 10. with one district doubtful.
Tennessee rolled up a Democratic LI
lajcrity for governor and tie entire P1
ticket estimated at about 37.000.
Re-Elected Governor With 10,000 Lead
Over Coler.
New York , Nov. 5 In spite of a
phenomenally large vote in New York
and Kings county for Bird S. Coler
( Dem. ) , the returns indicate the re
election of Benjamin J. Odell ( Rep. )
to the governorship of New York stato
by about 10,000. Coler's plural
ity in Greater New York exceeded
115,000 , a surplus of 30,000 above the
claim made by Charles F. Murphy ;
leader of Tammany Hall , but even
that largo vote was not sufficient to
overcome the Republican majorities
from up the stato. Odell's vote in the
country districts was lighter than two
years ago , but Coler's was also lower
than Stanchfleld's in the same year.
In New York city , Coler's plurality
was approximately 117,500 , made up
as follows : New York county , 83,000 ;
Kings count } ' , 2G.500 ; Queens , 5,500 ,
and Richmond , 2,800.
The town of Oyster Bay , President
Roosevelt's township , gave Odell 1,526
and Color 1,657.
Figures from the congressional dis
tricts in the state gave the delegation
as 20 Republicans to 17 Democrats.
The present state representation is 22
Republicans to 12 Democrats. All re
turns indicated that Judge Gray , Dem
ocratic candidate for judge of the
court of appeals , ran somewhat ahead
of his ticket.
The Democrats made gains in the
state legislature , but the gains were
not sufficient to endanger the Repub
lican hold on the seat in the United
States senate , now held by Thomas C.
New York and Kings counties did
all that had been expected of them by
the Democrats , and even more , for the
former gave Coler approximately 87.-
000 more than Odell. and Kings , Col
er's home county , went Democratic by
26,500. Queens and Richmond were
counted on to raise the total to 120- ,
000. The first returns showed Repub
lican losses in the up-state counties ,
but as the night wore on estimates
made it evident that Odell would como
to the Bronx with from 125,000 to 130-
000 , which would elect him by from
5,000 to 10,000.
Their Entire State Ticket and Con
gressmen Are Elected.
TopeUa , Nov. 5. Kansas has gone
Republican by at least 40,000 majority.
The entire state ticket and the con
gressmen arc elected. The Republic
ans will have 100 members of the
legislature. The Democrats did not
expect to elect their state ticket , but
were surprised that W. H. Craddock ,
their candidate for governor , did not
run better than he did. W. J. Bailey ,
the Republican candidate for govern
or , runs ahead of his ticket. A great
fight was made on T. T. Kelly , Repub
lican candidate for treasurer , but he
gained / enough from the Democrats
to more than offset any disaffection in
the Republican ranks. The Democrats
had devoted most of their attention
to the legislature. There was a fac
tional fight among the Republicans
for United States senator , which made
it seem that the Democrats had a good
chance to carry the legislature. In
a few counties they made gains , but
the Republican majority in that body
will be about the same as last year.
Returns from over the state show that
the Republican county officers wer
generally elected. It was the most
complete Republican victory since th -
days before Populism. Morton Al-
baugh , Republican state chairman ,
said that practically every member oJ
the state legislature would be Repub
lican. The state Democratic commit
tee concedes the Republican claims
In everything except the legislature.
No Change in the Congressional Dele *
Indianapolis , Nov. 5. Indiana went
Republican yesterday by about 30,000.
Fhe congressional delegation remains
: he same , with 9 Republicans and 4
Democrats. The legislature will bo
Republican by about 25 on joint ballot ,
md Senator Charles W. Fairbanks
ivill be re-elected.
State Chairman Goodrich of the Re-
lublican committee said : "Latest ad-
rlces indicate that our plurality in
; he state will not fall below 30,000.
md may reach 40,000. The result on
he legislative ticket is unusually grat-
fying. We have not less than 30 ma-
ority on joint ballot , controlling both
louses. "
Marion county will bo Republican
> y between 4,000 and 5,000 on the
; tate , congressional and legislative
icket. This will re-elect Congress-
nan Overstreet by that figure.
Wisconsin Goes Republican.
Milwaukee. Nov. 5. Wisconsin has .
jone Republican by at least 35,000 .
ilurality and Governor Robert M. La-
toilette and the complete state ticket
3 elected. The Republicans will also
ontrol the next legislature , which
rill elect a United States senator to
ucceed Senator Spooner , In addition ,
lie election of eight Republican con-
ressmen is certain , with probably two
lore , if not theentire t delegation , n
'he candidates in the Fourth , Fifth e
nd Sixth districts are having a close ti
un. tiC
Idaho. ! c
Boise , Nov. 5. Scattered returns ,
lostly from the southern part of thea. .
tate , show Morrison ( Rep. ) , for gov-
rnor , running ahead of Hunt ( Dem. ) ,
he vote in the Gentile precincts was
eavily Republican. Definite figures
ill be very late.
Cheyenne , Nov. 5. Returns from
je Etato indicate that the entire Re-
ublican ticket is elected. Mondcll
Rep. ) , for congress , will have 4COU
Republican Ticket is Elected
by Reduced Majority.
Fusionists Lose Four Congressmen ,
Hitchcock Being Winner in Second
District * Legislature is Doubtless
Omaha. Nov. 5. Election returns
received up to 8 o'clock this morning
from precincts all over the state indi
cate that the result on governor of
Nebraska is uncomfortably close , but
that the chances favor J. H. Mickey ,
although "W. H. Thompson has a
chance to pull through by a narrow
At that hour 394 precincts outsidd
of Douglas and Lancaster counties
gave Mickey 35.488 and Thompson
31,143. The same precincts two years
ago gave Dietrich 37.473 and Poynter
33,793. This net loss of 665 for
Thompson would bring him to Douglas
county about 1,800 behind Mickey , if
tho same ratio of change prevails
throughout the rest of the state.
Douglas county gives Thompson a
majority of over 1,500 , which may
overcome Mickey's majority on this
In the Firf. district
? thirty-eight pre
cincts give Burkett 3,090 and Hanks
2,118 , showing a loss to the republican
of only eight compared with two years
ago ami a loss to the fusionists of 152.
Complete returns from all of the 128
precincts , excepting seven , one In
South Omaha , one in the country and
five in Washington county , give Hitch
cock a plurality of 1,809.
Fifty-one precincts In the Third dis
trict give Robinson 3.795 and McCarthy
3.876 , showing a net loss to Robinson
( fusion ) of ninety-seven.
In the Fourth district thirty-eieht
precincts gave Stark 3,373 and Hin-
shaw 4.099. Came precincts two
years ago gave Stark 4.057 and Pope
4,247 net loss to Stark of 530 , which
was more than his majority two years
ago , and conclusively indicating his
Fifty-seven precincts in the Fifth
district give Shallenberger 2,928 and
Norris 3,902. This shows a net loss
to fusionists of 187 and forecasts
Shallenberger's defeat.
In the Big Sixth , sixty-one precincts
give Barry 2,855 and Kinkaid 3,835.
Same precincts two years ago gave
Neville 3.785 and Kinkaid 3.953. Losa
to fusionists of 930 and to republicans
of 118 , indicating Kinkaid's election
beyond doubt.
For the state senate , 84 precincts
give : Republicans from 8,568 to
8.70C ; Fusion , 7,717 to 7,830. In nine
wards complete , Omaha gave Mickey
( Rep. ) for governor , 6.473 ; Thompson ,
( Fus. ) 7,506. The Douglas county
Republican ticket was elected with the
eyr"ition of English for county attor
ney , who has an apparent majority of
200 over Jeffpns.
Hinshaw ( Rep. ) for congress carried
the fourth district by 3,200 ; Hitchcock ,
( Fus. ) for congress , in city of Omaha ,
received 7.791 ; Mercer , ( Rep. ) 6/748.
Sarpy countv's vote on same candi
dates WP Hitchcock. 895 ; Mercer.
667 ; In South Omaha , eight out of
twelve precincts gave Hitchcock 1109 ,
Meropr. 917.
Thompson carried Douglas county
bv about 2.000 nrality over Mickey.
The rest of the fusion state ticket
carried the county bv 700 to 1,000.
Republican and fusion committees
both claim the legislature. The vole
Is so close in various districts at tho
hour of coins to press it is impossible
to give tho result.
Plurality on State Ticket Will Exceed
St. Louis , Nov. 5. Partial returns
from the state indicate a falling off in
the total vote as compared with 1900
jf from 15 to 25 per cent. Especially
is this so in the central portion. In
several districts the fight for congress
s very close and definite results will
irobably not be known for 24 hours.
\.t Democratic headquarters it is
claimed the Democratic ticket will
: ome to SI. Louis with 15,000 to 18-
100 majority.
Indications point to a sweeping
Democratic victory in St. Louis , with
L plurality of 15,000 , the election of
wo Democratic congressmen out of
hree and the full Democratic city
icket. Returns from 24 precincts out
if 333 up to 11 o'clock show the vote
m the city ticket to stand 4,508 Demo- I
ratic , 804 Republican. Party man-
.gers estimate the total county vote
.t 90,000.
Vith One Exception , Plurality Is
Highest on Record.
Columbus , Nov. 5. The Republicans
arried Ohio by next to their highest
lurality on record. Nothing above
0,000 had bceu predicted , but partial
eturns indicate that it will greatly
xceed those figures. At the same
me the Republicans made no gain In
) se one. The present Ohio delegation
i congress consists of 17 Republicans
nd 4 Democrats , and the returns
tiow 16 Republicans and 4 Democrats
lected , with the Twelfth district in
Chairman Dick said : "Latest re-
irns do not change our estimate of
)0,00l ) ) Republican plurality. Ve
ave carried all districts now repre-
? uted in congress by Republicans
Ith the possible exception of the
wclfth , ind in its place we hav <
robably carried tbe Thirteenth dis-
ict" <
Down the River.
A nice fall we are having.
Mr. Bryant went to town one day
last week.
S. Burget's cattle herd broke up la.t
Mr. Becker wenfo town Saturday
HS ustml
Mr UheHubediMU went to town the
first of the week.
Harvey Johnson was a visitor at Mr.
Taylors hist Sunday.
Albert Haley and family spent Sun
day at A W Grooms.
A. W Grooms went to town Satur
day i f last week.
Mrs. Wm Allen , of Sparks , speutoue
day last week at J S. Grooms.
Merten Bryant and Ben Ilobson were
hunting cattle in this community last
- Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and son and
Miss Ranee spent Sunday at Air. Beck
Mr. Wiseman , from near Thacher.
was hunting cattle in these parts la t
Little Johnny Coggswell was practic
ing shooting at a mark and was acci
lently hurt bv thn explosion of a shHl.
* e did not hrMr the particulars.
Mr. Saurwein , from Cody , spent a
few dayswith his son who.lives in this
John Shelbotu-n Jr , who was down
with tho typhoid fover is improving at
Jake Stetter was rounding up hia cat
tle on the north side of the Niobrara
The dance at Frank Ashburn's last
Friday was not very well attended , but
those there had a nice time.
A party from town were out hunting
in the country last Sunday , but they
1 got what the little boy shot at. I , f i
Mr. Saur.vein has put up a now wind- iff
uini on his ranch which makes it show
up plainer and look much nicer.
Miss Clara Crowe spent Saurday and
Sunday with her sister , Miss Stella'
who is teaching iu the Kewauoe dist.
Corn husking has begun and most-
even body is making the shucks fl > for.
there is not much corn in these parts.
Most of the farmers in the Kewanee
precinct went to town the first of the
week with hogs They were to get 6c.
The school in tho Highland district
was opened October 20 , with 28 schol
ars enrolled , and Mr. Hollingworth HS
Restaurant and Bakery.
Bread , CaKes , Pies , Doughnuts & Cookies.
Fresh Eyery Day ,
i ' /
Special attention given to orders for Baked goods , . *
Ojstt'rs served in any Style.
NVxt Hour to Stetter's Saloon.
Who Wants Good
Bring the Babies always dressed in
white about noon on a bright sun
ny day. Large Persons come .
any time except at night.
Always go to
SHAW'S Art Gallery ,
W. T. Bishop ,
The Wilber Barn
Your Patronage Solicited.
fohn Bowers ,
Eel ward Parry. Bowers & Parry ,
Livery , Feed and Sale Stable ,
Good Rigs , Careful Drivers ,
Reasonable Prices.
The Walcott Barn. First Stablr. East ol Htetter's Saloon.
J. C WEBB , Proprietor.
Is the Best Equipped , most Comfortable , Largest
and Best Two Dollars a-Day
111 Northwestern Nebraska
Bath , Hot and Cold Water , Two Sample Rooms
Highest Market Pric - Paid for Duck * and tigs * .
Sold by Quigley & Chapman ,
Valentine , Nebr.
Richards & Comstock.
Ellsworth. Nebr
V * CM Satisfy You in Quality Price and