Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 23, 1902, Image 1
aiftorical Society THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT. THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA VOLUME XVII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA. OCTOBER 23 , 1902. NUMBER 40 ' 61to to toto Prospective toto toto to Purchasers toto toto to t * of the "Acorn Brand" clothing can certainly be congratulated on the I sterling worth.thestyle , to 9A the tone and fit of these rf garments. Our nntir- & } hig zeal and great pur- chasing power have en- abled us to place them to k L before you this season ? at prices that will preto elude any question of ? our clothing leadership to O r toto to toto to toto to toto Red Front toto toto to toto to toto to . Cold Weather is Coming 1 .We are getting ready. Are you ready for your fall suifi If so , call and examine our stock or leave your measure. All cus tomwork made in our own shop. Work manship and fit guaranteed : : : : : Ladies' , Gents' and Children's Shoes Ladies' , Misses' and Children's Jackets The best Mercerized Skirt on earth for $1,00 TAILOR AND CLOTHIER. T. YEARNSHAW JAMFS B HULL Sole Agents for HERALD FURS RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars , VALENTINE NEBRASKA ; ? tg5ga5 Kgj3 Anderson & Fischer , -DEALKRSIN- H- ti I F fi 4 H \ML. ! n/nn Agents for the Quickineal Gasoline Stoves and Ranges. : WE SELL THE - 1 Piano Mower and Hay Rakes Coffins Caskets and ti Full Line of Undertakers1 Supplies. . Chartered aa a National Bank Chartered as a St-ite Bank Jun- , 1884. August 12. 1902 , The NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID IN A General Bai king Exchange and Collection1 Business C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. J\AY \ , Vice-President. M. V , NICHOLSON , Cashier. CorxA L. WAITERS , Assistant Cashier. CITIZENS MEAT MARKET . J J. W. STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GAMF IN THEIR SEASON1 First-class line of Steak ? . Eonst ? Dry Snlt Steals , Smoked Brojtkfast Bacoc. TALK OF THE TOWN lion. C. H. Cornell is in Lincoln th week. Capt. Howell is suffering some fro ; rheumatism the past week. J. R. Ayers has purchased tl Tucker property on Cherry street. M. E. Doty is hauling some fine bale hay to market from . < outh of the Nu brara , "Dad" Wilkinson and wife came u from their ranch Monday and returr ed Tuesdaj' . A man gave an exhibition of a fir extinguisher on our streets last Thim day afternoon. Will Shepard and Willis Morri went to Wood Lake last Friday t attend the ball. P. F. Simons has a new box on hi dray wagon , which he has painted a green as the isle across the sea. Miss Cora Taylor hus not enjoyei good health the past couple of weeks A rest would probably be beniticial. Air. and Mrs. Zurr'b babyho wa severely burned by fulling iato a tul of hot water is gelling along nicely . Lonis Nollett brought in two Jarg < ruta-baga's samples of his crop whicl would take a premium at an easteri fair. A man selling a wire stretcher and rig for unrolling wire was on our streets the past week. The device seems sim ple and servicable. Wm. Gamber and son-in-law P. M , Murphy of Riege called last week tfhile in town on business and sub scribed for the DEMOCRAT , Alex Burr is. highly spoken of by Ms lumerous friends in the different parts jf his district , and give assurance of ais popularity as a man and as an official. Frank Fischer is having wagon > caleh put up in front of tfte hardware itore convenience in weighing coal. [ Business is increasing and it takes less .imp when everything is convenient. S L Ellis and nis six year old boy , vere in town iNJonday evening to haul mt goods to his store at Simeon Mr Silis does a good mercantile business , udging from the loads he hauls out. Jas. Vincent came up irom Wood L.ake . Sunday , and stayed over night vith his son Fred , who is night opera- : or here. Mr. Vincent is in the livery jusiness with E. L. Davis at Wood Many people have expressed their ntention of voting for A. M. iUorrissey or State Senator , regardless of poli- ics and will show their appreciation if an honest hard wonting man of ibility. Mrs R. Anderson and viss Bern ice ief , went down to Wood Lake last riday and took in the Uow Boy Re- Jnion , and then visited" Saturday and 5unday at the home of J. T Kief near Arabia. Judge Walcott and son Oliver , J. X Rounds , Major Anderson , J. A. lornbaclv , J R Ayers , I. M. Jones .nd I M. Rice , were among the num- > er who attended the Cov Boy doin's .t Wood Lake Friday. Joe Roth , of Ft. Niobrara , becomes . subscriber to the DEMOCRAT this reek and while the editor was taking O foe's name at the Post , Joe's wife came ip to town and subsiibed at the office L'here will be no division of sentiment n that family. Miss 13 t3arne * is setting tvpp at the UvMOi HAT ollk-c. From the apparent levotiou to work VIiss Barnesvili be uccessful in this line of work anil her ervires in time will he valuable. Those vho uivp time and attention to work vill overcome difficulties and succeed. Several Indians are working with ; he masons on the First National Bank milding this week , and are a novelty o strangers who come in from the : a&taml never saw Indians work be- ore They are mixing and carrying n or tar and wheeling rock , or as mas- ras term it "tending the masons" . Services at the M E Church next Sunday as follows : Sunday school at 10 a iu. Morning service at 11 a in. . Subject , "Mui-tlens and Burden Hear ts " CJas * meeting 12 in. Junior League at 2:30 : p in Ep\\orth League it 0.30 p m Evening service at 7:30 : i ) m. . Stibjec' , "Drifting Through LifeYou will receive a cordial wel- ? omeat all thpse services. i We have just received word that tl date of the Ilahn Park Conceit h been changed and Miss Eggleston wi deliver her lecture that evening , Oct 27 , at 8 p. m. The Halm Park Cor pany will be later. We hope all wt hold tickets and many others will 1 present. E. L. Hutchinson and Ed Cohol called for a visit at this office Tuesda ; Mr. Ilutchiuson was expecting his wil and children in from a visit with Mem and relatives in JJutler county bi probably on account of the strike o the U. P. he thought they had misse connections at Fremont. Robert Rayof Chadron came dou last Monday to visited with relative and friends. Bob will be remembe ed by many of our young people c an old school-matehaving lived her for a number of years , and who wer glad to meet him once more , He ri turned to his home last Saturday. J. G. Felch has ordered his papei sent to Chadron , and we learn that h has purchased property and will mov there. Mr. Felch has been trouble considerably with rheumatism ot lat and will go to Hot Springs and docto during the winter. The good wiehe of the DEMOCRAT goes with them. The Dewey restaurant change hands this week , O. C. Graddy havinj sold out to J , M. Collins , of Valentim Mr , and Mrs. Graddy go to Valen tine today , to make the county sea their future home and Mr. and Mrs Collins wiU take charge of the rest aurant at once. The Cow Boy wishe : success all round. Cody Cow Boy Report of school district No. 40 , for the month beginning September loth , L902 and ending October 10th. 1902. Number of pupils enrolled ten : aver age daily attendance nine. Those neither tardy nor absent are : Ada ( Alice , William and Lyle Steele : May , Luie , and Roy Starr. Visitors : Mrs , k. Steele , Mrs. James McDowell ; i\.gnes and Edith McDowell. ALTASTARR , Teacher. I M Jones and son Ray , returned : rom Cody last Thursday , after erect- ng a handsome dwelling for Elden Sparks during the summer. It is by : ar the neatest and most complete Uvelling in Cody or any where in the ; ount3' , so say people who speak of it. \ . modern first class residence of a itory and a half containing nine ooms. David Henderthotof McCann , issisted Mr. Jones and son with the vork , We aak the indulgence of our read * : rs during the past three weeks for leing crowded with matter that at hat time run as legal work. During he remainder of the year we will as : ver before have an abundance of eading matter for every member of he family big enough to read We [ now that it there are any kickers hev are gener.tlly those who borrow our paper to read instead of paying : s a dollar for 52 issues. John Greea desires us to correct the tatement made last week by the ) EMOCRAT tb.xt he was part Jew and iart Mexican , and states that he ii f Dutch and Scotch descent. We iclieve that no one is better capable if judging Mr. Green's nationality ban himself , and therefore take ileasure in making the correction ? he DEMOCRAT was informed by a aan who claimed to have known John Jreen for 30 years , hence our mistake n taking his word which he may have bought to be right. P. Sullivan en me Monday aorntng and goes from here to Nor- en and will make a tour of Key a Jaha county that he may get better .cquainted with the people , and know heir wishes : also that the people may ic able to decide which man they trant for representative. The DEMO- : rat expresses fearlessly at all times ts opinions and can freely recommend .lr. . Sullivan to the people of Keya aha as a man worthy of their fullest : onfidence and is abundantly well [ ualified to represent us honestly. H. L. Porterfield , of the Creamery Package Co. : H. H. Rhodes , of the 3chmoler & Mueller Piano Co. : W. E. Dalmatier. with Bradstreet Co. , and Fas. W. Munn with J. R. Buchanan , 5. P. A. of the F. E & M. V. , spent ast week hunting on Hackberry Lake ind enjoying a vacation. They area lice lot of fellows and we know they nust have had a good time. After -eturning from the Lake * where they lot a lot of ducks , they went up north ) f town and got a lot of chickens Sat- irday , which they took bacK with W , BAY , Pastor , them tD Omaha Sunday , toto to toto to toto 49 to toto to I * I * I FURS IIto 49FURS toto 'oto 49 toto 49 toto 49 to toto * Fur Cluster Neck Scarfs to I * 49 49 49 49 In Beaver , Russian Sables , Marten , Seal , toto toto to 49 49 brown Sable , etc j ; ; & 49 toto 49 to 49 49 Muffs to Match toj 49 or 49 toto 49 toto 49 toto 49 toto 49 toto 49 toto 9 DAVENPORT & THACHER toto toto to WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF General - " Merchandise AND Groceries ( MAX E. VIERTEL , CKOCXKSTON NEBRASKA School and Fancy , Tablets . . ( i . ] Children9s and Ladies' Mittens and Gloyesj Also a new line of outings W. A. Pettycrew , General Merchandise. Times are Good And perhaps your Watch is old and dou't keep timo. ' Y perhaps have let it run without cleaning or oiling too long so it is worn in some parts , and will never do well without too much expense for "anold watch. You get any ' prices , " . consider the piice and practical part of the investment. . Eer. member my guarantee ibsures you a good watsh. Big stock of Jewelry and Talking Machines on Land % : : O , W , Morey , The Old ReliaHe HEADQ.UARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine - . . . Nebraska . r [ * . - A - . . iVccouiits of Merchants , Ranchmen. , and individuals invited. ' ' ! Moupy to loan on first-class cattle paper and other securities. " Valentine State Bank rs to Cherry County Bank. ; Capital : Piiia Up FRED WHITTEMORE , President Jf W ; STETTER , Vice Fresiden CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier . , , , r C. HORNBY . w. S. JACKSON I I njlfsoy want LL I ( ( a good one. The place to got the best Windmill , alsc pumps and Tanks. First door south of the Donoher-J3ouse S.MOON - - - Valentine , Nebr. Do You Itead The DemooratP Why S ! ;