Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 16, 1902, Image 5

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Mutual companies pay losses in ful
No discount I. M. RICE , Ajrent.
State of Nebre.ka. /
Cherry County. >
T , AV. C. Shattuck. Treasurer or Cherry C < unt )
Netmisku. do hereby certify that tin * above anc
foregoing is a true and correct liht. < > i tne t :
in Cherry County Nebraska on winch the
have not beii pa'd for the \ ear llWl , and
is hereby given that If such wxes aie not vaic
beiore Hie lirst Monday in November. o thu
dav these lan-'swill be olfered at Public Salt
SUH sold for taxes utmy oiiice in the Cherrj
County Court HOU.OV. . c. SHATTUCK ,
County Tieasurer.
Dated September 30th 1902 , at 5.30 p. m.
Notice to Cfetlilors ,
In County Court within aud for Cherry County ,
In the matter of the estate of George H. Q ,
To the creditors of said Estate :
L. You are Hereby n tlfled , that I will sit at the
county court room in Valentine in said county ,
on the 18th day of October 190.2 at a o'cl9ck p. m.
to receive and examine allclaims ( against said
estate , wilh a view to their adjustment and al-
lnwaiice. TheJtim'e limited forthe presentation
of claims against said estate is the 18th dayol
October A. J > 1902and the time limited for the
payment of debts Is one year Irom sam 22ud day
ol March 1903.
Witness my hand and the seal of said
SEAL coimt > court , this 32nd dayof Septem-
s beriw . w. R XUWNK
8J 4 County Judge
to Xon-retiidcnt &e-
To Mary L , Osborue , nou-resideut defendant :
YOU are here ! > notified that ou the ( itli dav
of October. 1902. Allred usoonie. plamiilf. Illud
his petition airaiust3 ju m the. district court of
Cberrv County , Nebraska , the object and prajer
of which are to ol > ta ii a -absolute di
vorce from you and to secun-a decre Awarding
to the plaintiff the care , custqdy a d control ol
Leoforu E. Osborue. the. intaut-cluld of tlie
plaintiff aiiu the defendant , on the ground.of
You are required to answer said petition on
cr befoiv the 17ih day of November , 190- ' .
33 4t. ALI'KED ObllOUNE , Plaintiff.
A'otice. to'Kon-ltesldcnt Defendant.
To A.R. Hem'uover'first ' and real name un
known , non-resident defendant :
You are h rei'v notified that on the 3 , > Jh day
of February , 1901 , Stella S. Billiard as plamtifi ,
liled her petition In'tffe district court of Choi ry
/oiuitf. ebraska. against you impleaded with
J. W. Crtasnnui , first and real name unknown ,
and Mary J.X'rlssman , as your co-defendant- ,
the object and pray * r of which are to establish
and forclose a taxed lean upon the following de
scribed real ebtare 'o wit :
N 4 oi the nei ; iud u1of the mv * of section
8 , township 25. tango 2 . iu Cherry ' 'oimty , Neb
raska , for tlie taxes assetoed and levied thereou
fur state county and school district purposes
for the jeara 1834 , 1S93.1 < ? 96.1897. | 89S and 1899 ,
for whirh said laud was sold to this plaintill for
the sum-if $33 74 : to have an accounting 01 the
amount , due thereon , together with interest ou
§ 38.73 theroi from ilie 13th day of February , UtOl
at the r te ol 10 per ceilper annum
To have said land sold for the payment and
satisfaction of the amount due for such taxes ,
inteiest , penalties , and costs , and costs of suit ,
and costs oi al * ; to bar. foreclose , and exclude
the defendants and each of them , from having
or claiming any leiu , tub , intcie-t , or equity ot
redemption of in , or io the same , or in part
thereof , ana lor peneralelM. .
You aud each of > ou are required to answer
said ptit on ou or oefore the S h day of Nov
ember , 1902.
' STELLA S.BULLARD , Plaintiff
Ollie Grecian from Marshall , M (
visited J E. Thackrey the past weel
Cnp2. Chapman and wife , of tl
Po.-1 , Misses McKaskie , of Ft. Sher
dau , Ilanna , of Roswell N , M. . an
Moore , of Clarendon Tex. . Lieut
Dodge and Martin with Percy School
ley as guide went out to Ilackben
Lake last Thursday for an outing an
to hunt ducks.
Double Wedding.
Wm. N. Ballard to Miss Casie Ricl
ardsoD , and Prank D. Ballard to Mi :
Mattie C. Thompson , all ot Simeoi
They were married at the Valentii
House by Judge Towne "Wednesda ;
Oct. , 15 , 1902. The DEMOCRAT e :
tends best wishes.
Notice Delinquent Taxes.
I hereby give notice that if all delii
quent personal taxes are not paid j
once , I will proceed to collect same , t )
issuing distress warrants to all person
indebted to Cherry County , Nebraskf
for such taxes.V. . C. SHATTUCK ,
2t County Treasure ]
Cut this out and send.
We need money. Those who call an
pay up all back subscription and a yea
n advance to the VALENTINE DEMO
DRAT dui ing the next two months w
ivill make a straight rate of one dolla
per year. Clip this out and send i
A'ith a years subscription in advanc
together with what you now owe
Only good to Dec. 16 , ' 02.
Teacher's Association.
The November meeting of the eas
iection of the Cherry Co. Teacher'
Issociation will be held Saturday
November. 8. 1902 in the high schoo
) uilding at Valentine , Nebr. The fol
owing program will be rendered.
? ong Ass'n
Nature Study Chapt. V , Viand VIE.
( See questions in Nebr. Teacher. )
Jontinued Story Chapter III ,
Mrs. Lottie Cramer.
Duet Mrs. Vaughn and Miss Holcomt
cloll Call Answer with questions from
" Waymarks for Teachers" pages 40
to 80.
? aper Primary Reading.
Miss Laura Tillson
3ong Ass'i
3aper Roosevelt's Attitude toward
the Trusts , Clinton Collett
Any subjects which teachers desir <
o hear discussed should be mentionec
o some member of the program com
ni tee.
Teacher's Association.
The Teachers of Western Cherry Co
vill meet at Merritnan Saturday Oct.
! 4thatl30 p. m.
Music Ass t
Culture Value of Mathematics
Mrs. Kittie Cro ve
Review of Chapters II III and IV of
Nature Study and Life. By Ass'i
rheExamination Nature , Utility
and Abuse Jessie Bowerin *
discussion Fanny VanBrtskirk
Music Ass'n
The Christian Element in the Public
School Jennie ( 'row <
Jiscipline in th Pdmar Grades
Mrs Morgareidge
Come one and all and h lp to make
hese meetings productive of good re
Eli Precinct
.John Jones , who has been working
n the south hills this summer returnee
J B. Kichols. W. D. Ricketts anc
thers sold steers to Bennie Uoberfc
as i week.
We have been silent so long that th
Sditoi may throw us in the waste bas
; et , but perhaps ho will excuse us if we
P' | him we have just recovered from a
irolonge.l attack of the Hay Fever.
P. Sullivan moved his effects to Merri-
lan catur-lay. and Monday went to
! ody so del Vf-r the fam He sold to
5ruce voo e. MrMillivi' intends to
cake liis headquarters at Merriman.
l Shooting.
Herbert Devine was the victim of an
ccident week before last whu-h cost
1m his life. He was moving some
ousehold effects from Bear Creek tc
he river , having a loaded shot gun witli
im , and seeing a grouse lie re > ched
ack for the gun , the hammer of which
aught in a bed spring that was on the
3ad discharging the gun within about
ighteen inches of his leu. the whole
harge entering his leg above the knee.
L doctor was summoned who had him
ewoved to Mernuian , where every
liing that could be done was done for
im , but the shock and loss of blood
fas too much for Herbert He passed
way at 4 o'clock Saturday morning ,
) ct. the 4th , leaving a father and a host
f friends to mourn his loss. Mr. Devint
as the sympathy of a large number of
'riends in his bereavement.
Merriman , Nebr.
Cattle and hor
ses branded on
left side or shoul
Brand register
ed 1001.
Range 12 mile j
southwest of
Merriman on the
Niobrara river.
Postofflce addre
Hyannis , N
Branded on lelt ei
Range eighteen mi
north of Hvannls
Roan Brothers
Woodlake Neb
John Roan's
pi ivtae mark , slit
ia left ear
Postofflce address
Oasis , Nebr
Brand registered 20
Cattle branded c
left side same as ci
Horses branded c
left hip.
Also some catt
branded ;
Range South aud west of Haokberry
Cattle on le
Horses on left
Some stock
yet bearing my
former brand as
shown below.
Postofflce address
Gregory , Ne
On left side or hi ]
horses same on le
Vadey and Snake
A'len ' & Sons
Ft Niobrara.
Brand registered
No 870
Horses branded
on lelt hip
Range. Niobrara
river 12 miles east
of Valentine
Shadbolt & Fleishman.
Bailey , Neb :
Left side ; S ]
left shoulder.
lap ,
nange Rang
36 and 37 , b <
tween Niobrar
and the s.nske.
G.H. Meager
PostofHce address
Cortv , Nenrask <
i'uitie branded as on
rut on left side , hip
i' 1 shoulder ; horses
< ame
Ftnnge. Snake Creek
J. B. Lord
Simeon Neb
Stock brandei
eame as cut back o
righl shoulder am
on riiiht hip
Range on th
F. W Jorsig
Valentine. Nebr
brands as folloxv :
gq left nide. loii
or hip
left thijrh
[ XjLelt Or eith
er side Also thi
following brands
eft side
Range between the Cordon and Snake
of the Niobrara river
J R Wallingford
Catt'e branded
amis cut ; also
om - bninded
J on l.-rthip.
Notice to Creditors.
n County Court , within and for Cherry foun
ty , NVbr < iski : ,
In-ihe matter of Mie estate of Fred Hubhoii :
'o the JrHitor3 of Said Estate :
You are hereby notined. that I will sit at the
oiinty com L rorm in Valentine iu said county
lithe 18th da > oUc-ol ) > er 11KK at 10 o'clock A. m.
nre'eivemd examine all " 'laiiiis agatu-.t sau
slate , with a. view to their adjustment aiK al
iwance. The time limited for the presentatioi
f claimsig.iinst said e tu e is the IStli dav ol < ) c
uber A 1) . 1902 aud the time limited forthe i > ay
iputor debts is OUB year trom the 20 dav o
, Iareh 1902.
Witness my hand nn i the seal of snid Count )
Court , this 2ud day of Sei.r. i)02. ! )
f SO 4 County .Judge.
Strayed from my range .3 miles north
of Arabiii. one red brockle fact
branded 5T on left side and slil
u left ear. Liberal reward for iufor-
natiou. OTTO KUASCH.
- 38 St. Arabia ,
Garner Brothers.
Cody , Net
Anywhere on
Horses on le
s boulder.
RangeNorth "
F. T. Brackett
Riege , Nebr.
Brand Registered
0 1490
Brand right side
3r hip
Horses same on
right shoulder
Range , Niobrara
6 miles south of
F. M. Walcott.
Valentine , Neb
Cattle brande
on left hi ]
C. W. Bennett
Simeon Neb
Stock branded
with 7 on left hip
also same as cut
Range between
Gordon and Snake
creeks and on the
Niobrara river
Frank T. Lee.
Brownlee , Neb.
Cattle on lef
side ; horses sam
on left shouldei
Range Foil
miles northeast o
Stotts & Stetter.
Cody. Nebraska
Branded on left side
Ranee. Tin Can Lake
and Morgan Flats
Bobert Emery
Rosebud , SD
Cattle braudec
on both sines.
Horses on lef
Range on Cu
Meat creek.
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on cut.left side
Some on left hip.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Square
Postofflce address
Kiluore Nelit
Two half circl s of
left hip and left side
of neck Horses
same on left shouldei
Some cattle branded
reaper hook on left hitf
Postomoe addreas >
Gregory. Neb
On leftside ; also
CO L E on side
Range Stevenson
W. E. Haley
Valentine Neb
Brand registered
No 200
Range In Sharps
Ranch and Gen-san
precincts 6 mile *
south of Kiluore
[ 'ostofflce address
Chesterfield. Neb
battle branded on
eft side as on cut :
ilso V leltnockandZ
eft hip : some V left
leek , v left shoulder
md Z left hi : horses
/ tiij Range
Itivcr 81.32.33
Gordon , Nebi.
Cattle branded
same as cut on
branded ; *
on left
Range 6 miles
south of Ir-win.
Postofflce address
Gregory , Neb
Branded as on cut
Range rvo mill
' < irfir \
F. C. & M. O. Metzger.
Mei riman Nebraska.
Cattle left Mde.
and some ou hip.
Horses on left
Ranee S roilcs
nort'i west of
James Goodfellow.
Cody. Nebr.
Cattle brande
on left side.
Horses J3 o
left jaw.
Range Betwee
the Niobrara an
Medicine Lake.
N. S. Kowley
Kennedy , - Nebraska.
Same as cut on left
side and hip , and on
left shoulder of hor
ses. AlsoKBH 011
left side
3 on right hip and
F-f on left side.
Q on left hip of horses.
p ou left jaw and left shoulder of horses ,
LUQ on left hip of horses.
R M Faddis & Co.
Postofflce address Valentine or Kennedy.
Cattle brandei
same as cut.
Some brande
on left
Some on
leftside or
Postofflce address
Cody , Nebraska
On left side of cat
tle ; horses O right
Range , north and
south of Niobrara
Riverl2-miles south
west of Cody
Frank Rothleutner
Postolllce address
Cuttle branded on
side as on cut same
on hit ) .
| 3pme on lefl
George Heyne
Cody , Neb
Brand registered
Horses branded on
eft shoulder
RaiiKe north and
; outh of Cutcomb
in Cherry Co
Pat Peiper
Simeon Nebr.
G. W. McFarland
Valentine , Nebr
Ranee : four
niles east of Fort
fiobrara , north
md south of
ierry bridge the
G. E. Wright.
Valentine Nebr.
Brand registered
No. 374.
Brand anywhere
on rinbt side
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , SD
Horses and cattle
same as cut ; also
CJBE JJ on nght
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
earing any of these brands.
Morey & Hewett.
ordon , Nebr.
rand registered
K)2. ) On left hip
t cattle. Horses
line left should-
r ; also 94.n
ift side.
, ange South of
aake 35 miles
5 of Gordon.
Sawyer Eros.
Postofflce address
Oasis. Nebraska
Robert Quiesenbery
have charge 01 these
cat.tle ; horses Dson
left shoulder ; some
stock brands *
on left hip. Range :
Snake river.
Jos. Bristol
Valentin , Nebr.
Range on Nio
brara liver four
miles east of Ft.
Horses and
cattle branded
r < B connected on
left hip or side as
shown io cut
Albert Whipple & Sons
Hosebud , S , D.
Cattle Branded
SOS on left side
Some cattle also
have a - \ - on neck
Some with A on
left shoiild r aud
sume branded
with Iv.o imas
across hind"quar
lorses branded aO > on left hit ) Some cattle
randed AW bar contiectea op botU * sides and
Postofflce address
Brownleo , Nob
Like cut on either
left side or hipal3o
| Ieft side.
nine as cut
on left hip.
) .OO RE-
* f"r con-
convlctiou of anyone unlawfully liandhng cattle
in these uisinds.
Ilenry Flineaux SimeonNebr.
Brand Registered
No 81G. Quarter
Circle Club.
Cattle branded
on left hip. Koine
without quarter
Horses brand
ed on left shoul
Postoffice address
Crookston , Neb
Cattle branded 1'K
on either hip or
right side.
Horses 1'E on left
Range On Minnc- "
chaduza 5 miles ,
east of Crookston.
J.F. Swain.
Sparks , Nebr.
battle branded on
eft side as shown
i cut.
Range South
) f Sparks on Nio-
> rara river.
Postoflic address
Cody. Nebraska
On either side cattle
herdmark left ear
clipped and rit'ht ear
splithorses ; Dianded
( same on left sh oulder
Range on Niotrara
and Medicine Canyon
D. Stinard.
Valentine , Nebr.
itatc Brand reg
istered 1554.
lattle and horses
randed same as
ut on left hip.
Range 2 miles
ast of Ft. Nlo-
rara ,
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co.
iartlett Richards 'Pres Will G Comstock , V. P.
Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded on
any part of animal ;
also the following
brands :
horses branded the
Range between
Gordon on the F.E.
&M. V.R' . R. and
lyannis on B&MIL.R. . in Northwestern
rebraska. Address , BABTLETT RICHARDS ,
lllsworth. Nebraska.
Metzger Bros. ,
Gregory Neb
Branded on left
ide and thigh.
&rmark , square
rop right ear
Horses have
ime brand on
ft thigh.
Range on Qor-
on aud Snake
A. Reward of $25O will be paid to any
rson for information leading to the arrest and
rial conviction of any person or persons steal-
Ig Ofttt-Io tiHt-h nhotre > i n
Gordon , Nebr.
Cattle branded
on left side a iu
cut , 6-inch box
and 254-inch circle
Brand registered
. 875. ' ' ;
left shoul-1
der. '
inch circle . Ha
ax. Registered 876. Range 6 miles south-of
rwin on Niobrara river.
" .
ostofflce address
Pullman , Neb
randed on left hip ;
arses game' .
ark-double'dew-liir *
- -
Range south
Also have stock branded
i rltdit side and hip -
on right hip
amty p.
f , Pullman * , Nobr
Cattle Granded JY
ou right side
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
'Reasonable reward.
for any information
leading to .the re
covery of cattle
strayed. from my
range. '
ostoffice address
Pullman , Neb
tittle branded as on
it ; horses branded
tine as cattle except
rversed g ,
ie. block
ange Stever ;
id Stewhenson
akea a"ud South
8300 reward will be pild taany.personfor in.
.rination leading to the arrest ahd conviction
' any person or persona stealing cattle with
bove braodi.