Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 09, 1902, Image 8
THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M. RICE EDITOR Official Newspaper of Cherry County f Nebraska Thursday , October 0 , TERMS Srihscuptlon $1.00 per year In advance : $1.50 When not paid In advance. Single copies 5c. DIspJay advfrUMnfr 1 inch single column 15c per Issue or § < ; ro a year. I calNotie Obituaries. tdpe Resohition- and Socials fo : itevenue 5c per line per Issue. flrands. 1Hlies S4 00 jieryear in advmcp aflditional spar. 3-OOperinchi > eryearenKrdved ; blocks extra ; $1.00 each. FUSIOX TICKET. For Confess , Oth Congressional District , I' . II. BAIIKY. For Stat ? Senator. i4th Senatorial District. A.M. MOUKIBSKY. For Governor , W. H. TiiOMrsox. Lieutenant Governor , E. A. UILUEKT. Secretary ot State , JOHX Pou'Eiifi. Auditor , C. Q. DE FUANCE. Treasurer. J. N. LVMAX. Attorney ( Ji-ncral , J. II. RitOADr. Coinnnaaloner of I'liblic Lands and Buildings. .1.0. BllhNNAX. Superintendent , of . ch l" . CLAUDE SMITH. For Kepresentatlve , "rind nj-Ji rict. r. SUI.UVAX. For County Coimni sion-r. ' 'nd Com. Dist , Al.KXllUtK. Clinrcli ix Wroii . Tlie woman spoken of , having sued for a divorce claimed that her husband hail not taken A bath feutwo and a half years , and persisted in sticking to the republican p irty , and added that everybody knew the republican party was rotten to the dore. An Election Comparison. Fusionistsboth populists and demo crats had the breath knocked out of them in 1000 NN hen our ticket was do feated and many of them have not yet recovered They are pessimistic and refuse to look beyond the "fact" that a inujority of votes were cast for the re publican ticket. Tly will not anal } ze that vote nor inquire if it were an hon est vote or a dishoniv t one , nor , if the latter , will they inquire whether the siitue dishonest methods may be used this yt'ajv That pessimistic spirit gives the op position a great advantage , for. if the fusion voters remain discouraged and demoralized , the vote will be shors again by reasons of many remaining at home , and under such conditions re publicans may win with fewer votes than we possess , simply because they cast their full vote while we fail to cast ours. It is the votes that reach the ballot box that count in the election not the "cornfield vote. " ANALYZE THE VOTE. There has never been a day since our victory in 18U6 when the republicans have had a "majority" of the votes in the state. True , they have a majority of the votes that were ' 'cast" m two elections , but that is because they cast theirs while ours remained at home and iu one election , because they im ported many thousand illegal votes. LET us SEE ! The vote in 1896 for governor was : Fusion , 115,000 ( using round numbers ) ; Hep. , 102,000. Fusion majority , 13.000. IM 18U7. fusion 102.000 , Kep. , 89.000 ; fusion majority , 13,000. ( Each side had 13,000 stayat home voles , leaving the majority the same as before ) In 1S9S , fusion 95,000 , Hep. 92,000 ; fusion majority , 3,000. ( Here the fusion vote was 7,000 short of 1897 , while the re 1 publican vote recovered 3,000 of their former shortage of 13,000 or , in oilier words , the } ' brought out 3 OOU of their btay-at-home vote. ) Iti 18U9 the vote stood on supreme judge , fusion 109,000 , rep. 94,000. > ( Here the fusionists recovered or brought out 14l , > 00 more votes than iu 1S93 , whiiu the republicans brought out only 2,000 additional of their stay- at home vote , thus raising the fusion majority to 15,000. VOTE OK 1900. W wish now to call special atten tion to the surprising and uuusal con diiion wherein fusionists cast more votes in ileffat iliuu they formerly CUM ivhen victorious. Look nt the figures ! Jn 1900 , ftisitiiiiKi ( " niiti-ij ) ] -J,000. rep. ( Dieirirh ) . IIS UJI. ( ( Here the fu- s'MHiai't rail 3.000 frlora lli.-tn in 1899 ; y 17.UUI ) mnjv th.ui in 1SJ)8 ) ; 10,000 moie i tliau in li > 97 and j > till were beaten by Ji th m.-autl MJU . [ Tile repubjicaus iu order to beat IKS had to cast 24,000 more Uiao .in 1697 , 20l)0i ) > more tb < iu iu ItOa ; li)00 ! ) ) uouiv . th m m Io90 ami 11 UU > more thau Ihrir * l p evinu.i volt ? iur foureai > in ' ' in 1900 * was higher 1 fan l' < \ nlur voto the f'yjsiofl vptf K years by 10.000 , 17,000 and 3,000 re spectively , but the republican vote was higher than the republican vote of for mer years by 24.COO , 21,000 and 19,000 respectively. In 1900 , about 2.000 voters were in the Philippines. Assuming that half were fusionists. they , with the 2,000 ( approximate ) iniddle-of-the road or Deaver vote , part of which was cast direct for the republican ticket , when added to the Poynter vote would swell that vote to the highest point reached by the fusion vote in 18U6 , when it was 115,000. Now if we substract the republican share of the Philippine vote from their vote in 1890 , we have left 101,000. Now add the thousand "reader" vote they took direct from us and it restores the probable republican vote to 102ooo , as its highest legitimate vote. But they polled 113.oooIt is well known that the vote was not so fully cast iu 19oo as in 1896 ; and if we allow only 2ooo of thete for republican stay-at- home votes , we would have had a total of 115ooo. Where did the extra 13ooo , over the vote of 181)0 ) come fromv Let us figure another way. The "total" vote for "both" parties in 1896 was 218ooo , In 19oo it was 226ooo. If now we add the Philidpiue vote of 2ooo , and the universally ad mitted staj-at-home vote of ( approxi- uiatelj * ) and we have had with a full 231ooo , or 13 ; < KK ) more than tha highest previous total vote of 218,000 , Where did the extra 13ooo , vote come from ? THE IMPORTED V TE When the census of 19oo was taken , the political manager lequired the census enumerators to J ke a separate and complete political poll. This could generally be doue by consultation with the local political manager , but some times the questions touching party matters were asked direct. Every person who had formerly lived in Ne braska Was located , if possible. His politics was ascertained , and during the summer months when the party poll was taken it was ascertained the re publican party was short , as usual , about 15ooo votes When the conven tion was held , no one expected repub licans to win. They themselves ex pected defeat and put up Dietrich and Savage as stool pigents to be beaten and thus cleared out of the way of others in the future. However , Mr. Ilanna wanted to take the state from Mr. Bryan and he also needed the two United States Senators that would be elected by the incoming legislature. Ic will be remembered that Mr. Ilanna came to Nebraska nearly sixty days before election. Immediately signs of a-jtivity were seen on every hand The spring poll book was gone over and eveiy republican voter who had form erly lived in Nebraska was brought home from Colorado , Idaho , Washing ton , Montana , Illinois. Ohio , Washing ton , D , C. , and from wherever else they had migrated they were brought home o& free transportation ( and paid for their time where necessary ) and their votes were cast and counted for the re publican ticket. There is scarcely a voting precinct in the state vliet-p. o d residents cannot go lo iliu p > n t > -K- . > f 19oo and pick out from one to twenty- live such names. Does this explain where the extra came from ? There are no seuatorahips at stake this year. Bryan is not an issue. There is not the motive existing for the pur chase of the venal nor for the importa tion of the outside votes this year. True , the corporations will strive to win , having much at stake locally , but there is no reason to expect wholesale bebauchery such as was practiced iu 19oo. The vote last year was light all round and forms no fair basis of com parison , but comparison should be made with a year when a similar ticket is in the Held. In the light of the above facts , the Central I * armer firmly believes that the fusion vote is fully greater in the -tate tl an the legimate republican vote after allowing for some change of the 'roader" vote , and therefore the only thing necessary to secure a triumphant victory is a full vote on election day. Let every energy then be devoted to th : t end. Explain to your friends the conditions stated above. It will re store strength to iJm weak and vigor to tl.e nervous ami will pave ihe way [ for a glorious victory. Central Farmer. W. II Weeks has launched a'new , ] paper at Valentine , called the Vulen- j ( LiaeNcws , which will be Democratic " in politics. Wo can hardly see any room for a IIPVV [ Mpc r at Valentine as I he litsld is already covered by a good Democratic weekly pa pur ably edited l > y . M. Rice. Two papers can hardly du i : tlie fusion parties any good in the coin- / inn campaign unle&s tlie two editoi * .vork together in perfect harmony , f his is hardly i'oib'le under the cir- j umsiances and o'ur people can hardly iifunJ lo tMicVi'urajjH the ne'w again8r the lit and tried Valentine Democrat. Charles H. Faulhaber Brownlee Breeder of ' ' . Rec'st'd Hereford ? o Hyam , No. 74,538 , at head of herd. Young bulls from 6 to 18 months old for sale. HENRY AUGUSTON Blacksmith Brownlee , Nebr Does general blacksmithingatharr times prices for cash. PAT HETT Valentine , Xebr. Good , Hard Rock for sale in any quantity. H. CKAMER , City Deliveryman. Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and from the depot and alt parts of the City. f5"Teleplioiie 12. W. A. KTMBELL Barber First-class Shop in Every llespect K-ui d Quinine Hair Tonic. Golden Star Bair Tonic , Herpicide and Coke's Dandruff Cure. Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream LEROY LEACH County Surveyor Valentine or Wood lake G"ES'KRAr , WOKK 1'HOJirTLY ATTENDED TO. JOHN PORATH Kicge. Xcbr- Tnbular wells and Eclipse wind mills. A. M. MORRISSEY Attorney at Law Valentine , X br. A. N. COMPTON Physician and Surgeon Office at Quigloy & Chapman's Drug Store. Nights The Don- oher residence , Cherry Street. Edward S. Furay Physician and Surgeon Office Fraternal Hall or El liott's Drug Store. mit F. M. WALCOTT ATTORNEY ADABSTRAGTER Valentino , Neor. Practices in District Hoiirt and U. S. Land Office. Heal Kstate and Xanch Property hnuclit ami sold. Bonded Ah tvact * > r ETTA BROWN SUPT , PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Examination Third Saturday of each month and Friday preceding. VALENTINE NEBRASKA Paint , Wall Paper , % Calcimine Brushes , Pure Linseed Oil Varnishes. - - . \ . m 4. 1 Christensen's. SEQUAH (3267) Dark brown , Fouled Nov. U 1SS9. Sire "Nimrod" (1066) ) , by (807) ) . Sequah's dam 289 Lndy- "Oomet" (151) ( ) , by "Eclipse" (191) ( ) by "St. Giles'(68 ( ? ) by "WiKlliru" liird F. S. Yul 7 by Restless T. J Seqnah'j- . dam lv . ' " ? " > j , Uo will stand for season of T- , I 1902 at Shoniw's barn. J. W. STETTER. ; t I Mr. s.nd Mrs. J. A. Sparks retuined yesterday morning from a visit with Mr. Sparks' parents. Why should the citizens of our county patronize or waste any time with an outfit that comes alontj with a car load of hupffies on which they pay no taxes nor in any way benefit the people of Cherry county. Should yourbu sfy prove unsatisfactor } ' they are too far away from you to be call ed back to make things rijjht. Your local dealer can supply you and is en titled to a share of your patronage. If you buy at home you are sure that any defects will be made right , and your local dealer can sell to you cheaper than these parties , who must traverse the country in search of a customer. Why is it that these men come suddenly upon us without rec. ommendation or introduction ? Why don't they handle their goods through a local dealer here , who is willing to handle the best goods the market affords , and it they have a superior line of buggies they would not need to peddie them in the wav these men do ? It is good policy to deal with men you know and who will be with you as a guarantee and will sell you cheap buggies it you want them or can get you the best buggy that is made at a reasonable price , and will get it for you any time that you want it. Don't be humbugged by strangers. Business Notices. Notices under this he.uling 5 cents per line each insertion. Among reading matter , 10cents per line each insertion. All kinds of heavy hardware and wagon wood stock at E. Breuklanders. 20-tf The F. E. & M. V , is now running a through sleeping car between Omaha and the Hot Springs. Ranch for Sale or Lease ! ! 16 quarter sections , good range , hay water and timber. Will run 800 head of stock. For information address , box no. 154 , Gordon Nebr. or I. M. RICE , Valentine , Nebr. 42-tf WANTED : Immediately , a compe tent woman as plain cook and to super vise girls ; cooking at St Mary's Mission. Address , L. K. . TliAVis , Supt. 37 2t llosebud , S. D. It Pays to Dip. Cattle , hogs aad sheep and it pays especially to u e Lee's Carbolic Dip , made by Geo. U. Lee Co. of Omaha , This Dip is the best of coal-tar dips and is supplied direct from factory at the very low price of Go cents per gallon in barrels ; 75 cents per gallon in 5 gal lon cans. Fend for Dip Catalogue with testimonials to above named firm. For Sale 100 Cows and Calves. Cows are young , mostly 3 and 4 years old. good colorsind well bred : a fine lot of young , serviceable cows. Calves sired by full blood and registered Shorthorn , and Hereford bulls. This entire lot of cattle are in good condi tion and will be sold at a bargain , and in numbers to suit purchasers. Call and see the cattle at the Hervey ranch two miles east of Crookston or address , Crookstou. Nebr. MILL PRICES FOX FEE. I3ran , bulk 1.50 per cwt $2000 tou Shorts bulk . . .115 per cwt $22.00 ton Screenings 40c $7.00 Chop Feed . . . .1.25 it $24.00 " Corn 1.05 120.00 Chop corn 1.10 121.00 " 1.50 $29 00 " D. A. Hancock Blackburn , Mo. or Simeon. Nebraska Cattle branded on left aide as on cut ; also 16 on left side with on left hip of some cattle ; also Sic on right side Horse brand , rake and 1C | on left shoulder or [ b.ipHome Home ranch.-on Dewey fake. Range on Niobrara Hiver , east of Fort Niobrara ; all iu Clierry County. Nebraska T8 KOUSCHE Postoffice address Brownlee , Neb On left side or any pait of animal. Ear mark right ear cut off ; horses branded I same on left hip.Also has stock branded II i on side or shoulder , [ or JKorWorOI'VL ' | orO or FZ. Also he-following , the first one being on side and hip Mosos & Ho flacker. Simeon. Nebr. S on rigid or left eliouliler of Hors es O PH left jd . Jl onft ! Hde. H cm lefI thigli. S. X. Mose , Vi : left side X rifjlu shoulder and hip. OCTOBER 10 and 11 Dr.J , Perrigo , Eye Specialist Will be in Valentine with headquarters at Quigley & Chapman's Drug Store , if your eyes are troubling you , consult him. CONSULTATION FREE Remember the date , OCTOBER 10 and 111 BOHLE'S EBSTAURANT Is the place for short o-dcr Meals and Lunches. OYSTERS The season is now open and Oys ters will be served in any Style. Bread , Pies and Cakes fresh every day. Fine Candies and Fruit For a good smoke try HOFFMAN HOUSK Cigars. Kemember the place 2nd door rforth of Post Office on west side of Main Street. Open day and night. E. H , Bohle. CROWNED KING Edward , King of England ; Alphonso , King of Spain ; Lion , King of Coffees , Fit for any king ; fit for you. Not glazed with any cheap , noxious coating ; never sold in bulk. . Uniform quality aad freshness are insured bj the sealed package. GUNTHORP & WEBB Restaurant and Bakery. Bread , Oajses , Pies , Doughnuts & Cookies. Fresli Eyery Day , Special attention given to orders for Baked goods. Oysters served in any Style. OPEN DAY and NIGHT. Next Door to Stetter's Saloon. H SAYS I came not here to talk. You know the Old Story. We are Slaves to a hord of petty Tyrants , who come to you with a Sample of enlarging. You order a Crayon and get a Solar print. You order a Pastel and get a Tinted print , and so on till you spend twice the amount that I would get the Genuine Article that you order. I take ord ers for Crayons , Pastels , Argentic and all class of Water Colors. First Class Photos and Stamps at atThe The Art Gallery. W. T. Bishop , § SALE STABLE The Wilbor Your Patronage Solicited. John Bowers , Bowers Edward Parry & Parry , .MSH . Livery , Feed and Sale Stable , Good Rigs , Careful Drivers ; Reasonable Prices. The Walcott Bam. Firit Stable East of Stetter's Saloon. THE DONOHHR J. O WEBB , Proprietor. Is the Best Equipped , most Comfortable , Largest i and Best Two Dollars a-Day " ' FIRST-CLASS MOD KB"N" HOTEL'f' 111 Northwestern Xebraska Bath , Hot and Cold Water , Two Sample Rooms ' § Market Price i'ftid for Ducks and Groine [ - HEBRASKA- [ f your CATTLE SUFFER from LICE , IICH or MANGE * USE n I I ij I Sold by Qnigley & Cliaioman , Valentine. Xebr. Richards & Comstock , . < -