Mutual companies pay losses in full.
No discount I. M. RICE , Ajrent.
> -
Sta'e of Nebreska. j
Cherry County. >
T w. C. Shattuck. Treasurer of Cherry County
Nei-raska. do hereby certify that the auove and
foregoing is a true and correct list ot tne lan-ls
in Cherry County Nebraska on which the taxes
have not' been pa'd for the year IJKH , and notice
is hereby gi\eu that If sudi Ui.xes : ire not i aid
betore tbe lirat Monday in November , o" th.it
dav these lanos will bo offered at Public Sale
and soul lor tuxes at my oflice in the Cherry
County Court House VC. . SIIATTUCK ,
County Tieasurer.
Dated September 30th 1002. at 5.30 p. in ,
Sot Ice tu C
In County Court w.tnm and for Clierrv County
in the matter of the estate of George H. Q
T < ilie Creditors of said Estate :
You are hereby n ulied , that 1 will sit at the
county court room iu Valentine in said county ,
on ill1 * l tti day ot October lX.j ! at l o'clock p in.
to receive ami examine all claims ; iuuuht saut
e.itaie , wUn a view to their adjustment , and al-
lii\vince. Thejtime limited foi tne presentation
of claims ugamstsaid estsite is the IStti day of
October A. 1) 1003 ana the time limited for the
pa > ment of debts is one year Irom satu 22nd day
ui .tlarch 1902. -
\Mlness my hand and the seal cf sa d
eoiiuo court , this 2Sml day 01 Septem-
bei 19o2. \v. 11 l't\\j.Nc/
4 County Judge
Aoire 10
In Count } C 'irt. within and fur Cherry Coun-
In'jiie matter ot.'he estate of Fred llussong
I'o me Creditors of Said Estate :
vuii arc ht-reby uoutied , tnut 1 will sit at Die
county com i nx. m in \ aleiitine in > aid comity ,
01. the 18th das 01 Oc ober 1903 at 10 o'clock su in. ,
to : twelve .nd cXiiiniiie all claims aguinst snnl
e lit . witli t vie v to their adjustment an' al
low mice. The t.me iimite-it for the presentation
ol c./.lm.T gait'St said e > tu e is liie ism Uitv o ) uc-
toui i A 1) . Ji > 02 and the time limited for the pay-
iiK-iu o. < ! ma is onc.ur Hum tbmU daof
-.Utrch 1903. .
v. uneat m > tiaud 'IM.I the sra ! ot sdid Conuly
- - court , tins2nd day ol Sept. 1W2.
tsbAL \v. : i.TO\V.NK ,
v 864 County Judge.
Notice of Probutu of Will *
01 Phebe Cole , deceased.
JP < < iitt'ourt. . f'heiry Cott.it. . , > 'eb ,
'i l , . ' rttnte of Jsenraska to the licits and next 01
J u ol the said rliebu Cole , OeceJised.
Take iinticv. that upon litiug or a written in
r.ij'-.ime.nt piirportiag to be tno last will auu tes-
I ; . . . t-lit 4it Hieoe.ole lur pmiratu atiuillox\-
. . 11. u i- < 'ited thai said ii-atter be el for
t iiiigib lurh da > of ocio icr A41 HKKJue.io.e
in. -iir ni .he hour ot 1" > ViOc > H
h. , ill wuicii titne au > pt-f-ini inieteMed tnaj )
i , . , n / r .tiiii K'iitf-t ihe same and jioiiceof ibis
j ; . . . rediiiK is ordered publisliea three weeks
} . .ci-i'-i rvi. in the Vulentiue l > einocraiit WCCK *
r. ' newspaper , jMiiilished in this > tat < : ,
in te > timoti.v whe.ieol , I have hereunto s < 't my
band and t-.e ! & "al of the county
' KAJ. ) Court at V.ileisliue thia''Uih iiay of
' . tpt. A. D. 1W2. W. U. ) W > K ,
3a . unri
. ,0 Jit-u i or , -
lit it , 87 if
W. E. Haley
Valentine Neb
Brand registered
No 200
Range in Sharps
Ranch and German
precincts 6 miles
soutb of Kilgore
Morey & Hewett.
Gordon , Nebr.
Brand registered
2292. On left hip
of cattle. Horses
same left should
er ; also 94.Q
left aide. *
Range South of
Shake 35 miles
pe of Gordon.
Postofilce address
Pullman , Neb
Cattle branded as on
cut ; horses branded
samo as cattle except
revorsod Si
See. block
Range Steverj
and Stephenson
Lakes and Soutb
6300 reward will be paid to any person for in
formation leadhig to the arrest and conviction
of any person or persons stealing cattle with the
above brand.
Cattle on lef1
Horses on left
Some tock
yet bearing my
former brand as
shown below.
Postofflce address
Gregory , Nel
On left side or hip
horses amo on left
VAiIey aud Snake
Postofflce address
Kilgore Nebi
Two half circles of
left hip and left side
of neck Horses
same on left shoulder
Some cattle branded
reaper hook on left hip
G. W. McFarland
Valentine , Nebr
Ranee : four
miles east of Fort
Niobrara , north
and south of
Berry bridge the
b as a Land and Feedivg Co.
Jartlett Richard * 'Pies Will (1 Comstoek , V. P.
Chas C Jamison SecitTreas
Cattle branded on
any part of animal ;
lso lh9 followlne
brands :
horses branded the
Range between
( iordou on the F.E ,
A-M V..R. K. am'-
H , & M B. it. in Northwestern
Addreis. B-vRTi.r.TT
Merriinan. Nebr.
Mostly 01. left
< idu. Some on
right side.
Horses same on
'eft ' shoulder
Ru is Lake
( ' .reels , S.I ) .
t > \
Rushville , Neb
hip ; a'so
side ;
ar Lake
Metzarer Bros. .
cherry Co
Uninded on left
-tide and thigh
Karmark , su re
rop rmlu o r
H ors.-s IHIVP
atne bratui on
ft thigh.
Range on Gnr-
Ion a ; I Susike
Creeks ,
-t Itrtrfinl n f $ ! * 5 ( } will be paid to any
> rs' > n for iuforinitlon lea-lin ? to rlu arresr a'-d
lu > ii couvictiou of 'icy [ ier < oi' " < " " ' * > < ! .
Sawyer Bros.
Postofflce address
Oasis. Nebracka
Robert Quiesenbery
have charge oi these
attle ; horses Dnon
eft shoulder ; some
stock brand * ,
on left hip. Range :
Snake river.
Nolice to Kon-resitleHt Ite-
To Mary L. Osborne , non-ret < lent defendant :
Y.IU ; i're h'M-ti > y notilieil that on the cth dav
October. 1903. Allred ' rs-.oriie. ulainiiff. filed
Hs petnioi. asrain-t j u in tie ! district POIHT of
31'e r * Comuy , Spbmsta. ihe"bject and prayer
whlcli ie to obtain a decree of absolute di
vorce from you and to secure a deereawar.dJug
o the plH'nlifT tUi-oare ctistoiiy awd control ot
l.eo'or-K. Osbormill - lnf.itit child of th-
: nintijraud the Uffeiidant , on the around * of
You are renulred to ansuvr sain p < tition on
irbo'ore. tile 17ihdayof November , 1903.
8S 4t. ALl'llKI ) OSUOKXE , riaintiff.
Straved from my range 3 miles north-
11 ift-r. iir ; - ' ? 5 ! " n l t't -iJe jnd slit
ti iojt. ear. L < ) * l re\vanl for ttit'or-
uiation. OTTO KKASCH.
Merriinan , Nebr.
Cattle and hor
ses branded on
left side or shoul
Brand register
ed 1031.
.Range 12 mUej
soutlnvest of
Merrlman on the
Niobram river.
Postolllce atldre
Hyannis * Neb
Branded on lelt side
llange eighteen miles
north of H vaunts
Roan Brothers
Woodlake Neb
John Roan's
ilvtaemark , slit
i left ear
Pastofflce address
Cody , Nebraska
On loft
side. Hor
ses left
Range north of
Cutcoinb Lake
J. J. Peek.
Cody. Nebr.
On both sides.
Horses 13 C on
left thigh.
Rjinin * Head Pass
Creek. S. D
UG. . Criger.
Merrlman N'b.
Brand recorded
No. 1087.
Brand. sumeas
cut on si
l -a
Kange lOiniles
south of Merri
man on the Nio-
John Gresh.
MerrJ-nan , Neb.
On both > Ifle ;
some on right side
and hip.
Horses same with
out bar , left thiph.
Range. Lake CieeK
and Littlehite
A'len ' & Sens
Kt Niobrara.
No 370
Horses branded
HI loft hip
Raige. 'Niohrara
rivor 1-2 miles ea-t
of Va1'ntne
S uuiboli & Fleishman.
& lUiluy. Nebr
Left side : S F
left shoulde.r.
itarme - R uge
v. . . W a nil : < 7 , be-
Pos'oHice address
! > rand
No 374.
on rnrhf.
. / H ' .t'hnjj ' i.r , |
. address
Ocisis. Xei-r
--'d < > :
ud bnitnlert on
ft si-le same asui
op < ns bniutled on ,
-ft hip
Also .someat fit * n
Branded ;
f'Kf vvl'Jiy f fW * , -
5 ? v 'j * * ? s n > y x >
Va'enrine Vetir
brand ? ar. follows
go left side , loin
or hip
If < t thiirh.
or eith-
\lso the
following brands :
ileft nine
between the Gordon sud ' Snake
Garner Brothers.
Cody , Nebr.
Anywhere ou cat
Horses on lefi
ItameNorth *
F. T. Brackett
Jliege. Nebr.
Brand .Registered
0 1430
Brand right side
Horses same oi >
right sboui'ier
Ranye , Niobrara
C miles south of ,
Kilgore '
D. Bray
Cattle branded on
left , thigli or hip
same as cut
itorse brand
same on the ieff
Charles C. Tackett.
Ko. enii'iS. 1) .
Kange head of An-
te'ope near St. Marys
Ho S'.s branded
nn lett thigh
F. M tt'silcntt.
s'c ' ffiVVfi
e. Nebr.
- ] - _ on left hip.
Kobert Envrv
Ro ! bud.S - U.
CM t tie * irttiidfil
mi boi ! ! v.des.
llorses'oir left
" : iure ! on Cut
H e .1 ( MVi.'k.
n. W. HemiKt
Si i eon Ne.tt
Stock branded
with 7 on loft hip
also same as cut
Range between
Gordon and Snake
n tiks and on the
vlobrara river
Hrownlee. Neb.
Cattle on lert
siiie ; lior > es .same
on left shoulder , t
miles northeast of
Slott.H & Sinner.
Brnded on left side
Range. Tin Can Lake
and Moruan Flats
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr
Cattle branded
as on mt.luft side
Some on left hip
Kors'-.s same on
loft honlder
. Knil e .Silitt' -
| . . . > " - ! ' " VT'Vfil3W7 < W 4Bi K\
Lake ff &i SSKSaSS9&
H \ '
Po.stonire addreas
( Gregory. > et >
On left side ; also
COLE on side
either sit-
s < : une ( > n
Also >
Hange Lake Cr
HA WStiN it KA I I
I'osf.tllce address <
Cattle br.iu'ied on
tNo V lelt uerk 'ill'- . . .
left hij ; "ome ! jtt
ut-ck. V left shoulder
d ft leu biDliorses
"t- hip. Range
Range 6 mile.-
south of Irwin.
I'ost'ifflce address
Gregor > \
Branded as on cut
Range two mil-
north of Gregory
James Goodfellow.
Cody. Nebr.
Cattle branded
on left side.
Horses J3 on
left Jaw.
Range I'ctween
the Niobrara and
Medicine Luke.
N. S. Rowley
Kennedy , - Nebraska.
I Same as nit on left
side and Hip , and on
left shoulder of hor
ses. AlsoKS on
left Hide
111 p.
.V on right hip and
Ffon left side.
Q nn left liii > of horses.
p on left Jaw and left shoulder of horses ,
/ N on left hip of horses.
Wai F. Shinitl :
Rosebud S r >
Sam * as cut
or with liar under
S ; riiiiit'ear slit
and dulapped
nor.xe.i branded
eameoii left hip
Char'es Richards.
Merrlman. Neb CCR
K M K uidus& To.
Pn itofllie address Valentine or Kennedy.
as out.
Some bnuide
on left
Some on
leftside or
Postolflr-o address
Cody , > ebraska
On 'efr ' side of car-
fle ; horses O rlfiht
Kunge , north and
soutb of Mobrara
west ol Cody
Frank Kotlileutner
( Mtlu lira luted
aide on ut
oi. 111 ! '
l ll
. 'A
Cody , Neb
No 1027
Hnri's branded on
left shoulder
Kantre north and
soulli of Ciirromb
Luke in Cln-rrv C i
C. 1' . .Jnrdiin.
( { ( iSHbiid.SU
Hurseji end caJth-
same a5 ? cut ; also
C.f I'li.I on nu'ht
'f I Kanue on Oak and
J Kiitre ci'eeks.
V ' < Atfr A liberal rew : rd
W/ / for infornifill
g&'BMfe.l ' ! a leading to tection i
of rusilet > of
bearing any of these brands.
Postoffice address
Hyannis , Neb
On right side
on lei t
shcnl r % & ' % ?
fS ?
also entile
o. . ritrht sine
Ramie 10 miles
north of li\HiuiK
.Ins. IJiislo !
Valentin . Nebr.
Kaiigr o Mo-
bn r-i i i er f ur
niie ! : : i > of Ft.
N'oi rart
Vi > IIlT\l t n
-Jl ) 'eft Ssipor SHleiiS
p , i < nown in1,1
Posroffice address
Hyiiutis. N
on niilit si''e : hor
ses ameon right
f Morh-j
er prpnin t ' fff 1r f , fefem
_ . . . . ,
* , < * S - ui < s.3dis. - m
Whijiple A
hiuftiiui , . D.
t < rf on left side
OSO on riahtside
Some cattle also
li.ive itf on nt'ck
soiio-with A on
left shoulder and
some branded
with two baas
across Uitid qnar-
Horses tiranded SOS on left uh Some cattle
branded AW bar couueuled on both sides and
Itff bip ot
Postofllce address
IJrownleo , Neb
Like cut on oither
leftside or hipnl9o-
"lleft .side.
same a * cut
'on ' left hip.
? 2r > o.oo RK-
con.it i. - o' . ' \one uniJiwfiillv Irmdlii. r
I in : i-j . -.ii : -
O.J. Kelliir
1'ostofllce address
'rookstnn. Neb
Cattle britided : i'C
on either hip or
rliiht ! " > .
llorMthi'l- left
K.-uige-un Minni--
flMlii7.a " > miles
east ot Crookston ,
J.F. Swain.
Sparks. N
Cattle branded on
'eft ' side as shown
II C'lt.
Kange South
of Sparks on Nio-
hrara river.
Postofltc address
Cody" . Nebraska
On either side caule
herdmark left ear
clipped and ritrht oir
split-horse i > andc-t
samo on left sbo liter
on Nlo ara
D. JStinard.
Valentine , Xebr.
State Brand re r-
Cattle and hordes
nramlttil same as
cut on left hip.
Range 2 miles
east of Ft. Nio
brara ,
Seth Gary.
Merriman , Nebr.
On lioth side and
hip. Herd mark ,
Horsesame oil
leitihou dr.
Ra-iue 1 ake
Cik 01 d l.tte !
Wuir.i. fi
Bninit LVgivternrt
No 81o.uarter
Cirel Club.
Cattle Isrand rt
on it-it hip. Some
without quaiver
Horses * brand
ed on left shoul
der ,
' John DeCc-ry. "
. S.TJ ,
5' r D
ivr1 -17'jfrM3 i *
UA.L * i Horses .H ) on left
rjHj e ir { tgrer ( To
o'n AntpliVfif Creek
O. W. CEAMKR - '
Gordon , Nebr-
in leftside A . i.
cut , 6-trich "Ni. <
and 2.-imb circle
Kntnd reui'stered
. 7 , * > . - -
' br\nde : t
> eft. siioul-
iler. 2
; ; Inch circle1iu
box. Registered 87G. Range miles ? outh of
frwin on Niobrara river.
Postofflce address
branded on left hio ;
tiurse.s same H fd--
mark-loub'e riew-lv
e. gouth
. , : , - - Hyannis.
' rlglit side and hip
. . "A. YA-Ili'AN
Pullman , Jft
V'a tie bninded JY
on right sid1
Hor .lirandt'd , TY
on riyht tijoniiler
Uea onabifc reivard
f-iratiy information
'leading to the re
covery of cattle
Grayed from aay
rair.je. . .
, T. C. Lord
Jimeoa Neb
Stock branded-
same as cut back of
, riiht shoulder ond
Range on llie
' " '
/ .