I MOTHER AND DAUGHTER Cured by Pe-ru-na of Systemic Catarrh. n Interesting Letter From Mrs. M. K. Bousch , of Richmond , and Her Little Daughter , Pearl. j Mrs. M. K. Bousch , Richmond , Va. , ' 'writes : "I had catarrh all through my system for two years and could get no relief. I was advised to try Peruna , and I have taken five bottles of It and am well and \betternowthanlhave \ been for years. | 7 can advise any one who has catarrh of any part of the body to take Peruna. \My \ little girl , who is eleven years old , wad catarrh , but was cured by Peruna. \Before \ I began to take Peruna I was \slck \ all the time , but now I am entirely Icured and all praise is due Peruna. " \Mrs. \ M. K. Bousch. I Miss Pearl Bousch , writes : "When I [ Was a baby I contracted catarrh , and i was doctored by several good physicians , but none did me any good. My mother was taking Peruna at the time and gave some of it to me , and I soon began to improve , and am now well and fat .is a little pig. I am twelve years old. The doctors told mother I had the consump tion , but it was only catarrh. " Miss Pearl Bousch. It is no longer a question as to whether Peruua can be relied on to cure all such cases. During the many years in which ' . Peruna has been put to test in all forms and stages of acute and chronic catarrh no one year has .put this remedy to greater test than the past year. Peruna is the acknowledged catarrh remedy of the age. Dr. Hartman , the compounder of Peruna , has written a book on the phases of catarrh p-culiar to women , entitled , "Health and Beauty. " It will be sent free to any address by The Peruna Medicine Co. , Columbus , 0. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna. write at cnce to Dr. Hartman , giving a full statement of your case , and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman , President of The Hartman Sanitarium , Columbus , Ohio. ! INTO THE ORLD an EVERY inherited tendency to distress ing , disfiguring humours of the skin , scalp , and blood , becomes an object of the most tender solicitude , not only because of its suffering but because of the dreadful fear that the disfiguration is to be lifelong and mar its future happiness and prosperity. Hence it becomes the duty of mothers of such afflicted children to acquaint themselves with the best , the purest , and most effective treatment available , viz. , THE CUTICURA TREATMENT. "Warm baths with CDTICURA SOAP , to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales and soften the thickened cuticle , gentle anointings with CUTICDRA OINT MENT , to instantly allay itching , irritation , and inflammation , and soothe and heal , are all that can be desired for the alleviation of the suffering of skin- tortured infants and children and the comfort of worn-out , worried mothers. A single set is often sufficient to cure when the best physicians fail. Bold throughout theworld. . Britiih Depot , 27-28 , Charterhouse Sq. , London. French Depot , 6 Rue de U Pair , Paris. Australian Depot , K. Towns < fe Co. . Sjdne. . fotter Drug A Chem. Corp. , Sole Props. Over-pleasure is as hard Mexican on the muscles and joints as over-y rk. The best thing tc uo to get the body right after a V > ng Mustang bicycle ride is to rub the sore , stiff parts well with Mexican Mustang lini ment. No better remedy Liniment made for bruises , cats and chafing. Translator Who Staggered. A Frenchman was engaged in translating an American novel and pame to a description of a man ' /'hitching'his horse to a locust , " This staggered the translator as he bad never heard of the locust tree ; [ hut he was equal to the emergency and in explanation stated that "sau- jterelles" or grasshoppers grew to an Immense size in the United States. % Mf Jt M P ? V lien for thi _ _ . - . . _ „ „ . _ _ W A W T.t . U Karyable bodied , age 18 to35. Write for information. Naral , 1(21 M * " 1 * Temple , Ghioac * If afflicted with ' I Ttapson'sEye Water rBore eyes , use . H. U. NO. 738-39. YORK , NEB Blot of Printer's Ink , I wonder ithe reading pubilc have any idea of the favors that the press extend without compensation ? Have you ever assisted in getting up a church entertainment ? Have you ever bad occasion to take notices to the papers ? Have the newspaper men ever refused to print your arti cles ? Did they ever receive any pay for so doing ? Did they ask for any ? Were they always polite and pleas ant about it ? A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever. > K. T. FELIX GOUUAUD'S ORIENTAL ORE AM , OU MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER lUmoyes Tan , Pimples , Freck les. Moth Patches , Rash and ASkin diseases , and erery bl m > ib on beauty , and kdefies " detection. Il "has stood th Ust of CO jean , and is so harmless w tail * it to be rare it Is properly mad * . Accept no counter feit of similar name. Dr. L. A. Barr * aalH to lady of the haul- ton ( pitltntl : . I n e them. I recOM- inend 'Oooraad't Cream * itheleat harmful of aH the Skin prepora- tloai. " For Ml * by all Drngglite and Fanor-Swdt Dealen in the U. 8 : . Oaaada and Europe. FRCD T. nOPKTNS , proprietor , 87 Great Joae * 8i * H. T. _ Mounting a Grindstone. For ordinary stones , says a Farm and Home correspondent , the frame should be built 18 inches wide , 30 inches high and 36 inches long. Make the ends of 3 by 8-inch stuff and the sides of 2 by 8 inch. Plane it up nice ly , bolt it securely together and give it a good coat of paint. One can buy very good sets of grindstone irons now for 50 cents , in cluding a mandrel roller , bearings and crank. I have one very serious objec tion to the common grindstone man drel , and that is that the crank does not screw on , but has a square end , on which the crank does not fit , but flops about "any old way" and very often causes the one who is furnishing the power to bruise or skin his knuckle against the frame. The first thing I would do with such a mandrel would be to take it to the nearest blacksmith shop , saw the square end off with a hack saw , run FBAME FOR GRINDSTONE. a drill through the square hole in the crank and make it round , run a tap through the crank and thread the end of the mandrel. By so doing you have a good , steady , easy-going crank , with out any backlash. Fit a piece of wood in the square hole in the stone , find the exact center with your dividers ; then bore a hole the size of the mandrel through the block. Use a piece of thick pasteboard on each side of the stone between the iron washer and the stone. i Put the stone on the mandrel , observ ing to use the washers as above , and screw the nut up hard and fast Mome-Made Milk-Cooler. Where one does not have sufficient milk to have an elaborate method of keeping it cool , or where such a plan Is not warranted , a substitute may be found in the homemade cooler shown 'thisweek. . Secure a strong box , lapge enough to hold three or four cans , and line it with zinc to make it water-tight. Have the box high enough so that the water may come to within six inches of , the neck of the cans. A rack made of Strong strips an inch thick and two inches wide ( see Figure 3) ) is fitted in the bottom of the box , and another rack ( see Figure 2) ) is fitted to the top of the box to prevent the cans from slipping pver or upsetting when the box is full HOME-MADE MILK COOLER. of water or when one or more cans are removed. The detail shown at Figure 2 shows how this top rack is braced at corners. Indianapolis News. Treatment of Celery. The first thing to do is to prevent rust and blight , which is readily done by spraying , and this should be done when the plants are not more than two or three inches high. Use bordeaux mix tures applied gently while the plants ore small , and make a second applica tion when the plants are six inches high ; if a third application is needed , give it regardless of the size of the plants. After the care in spraying or rather along with it comes the culti vation and this , must be done , at least in part , by hand , for the weeds must be kept out of the rows at all cost. Blanching is next in order , and the board process is by far the best , for it enables the plants to get plenty of light , so as to keep uptheir growth. Place the boards close to the rows of plants holding them in place with stakes. After the plants grow above the height of the boards , bring the lat ter close together at the top , without bruising the plants , so that the space is dark and the plants will continue to grow. Raspberry and Blackberry. Upon the care given the plantations of raspberry and blackberry plants af ter fruiting largely depends the crops of the next season. Cultivation of the space between the rows and around the plants should be thorough so that the weeds may be kept in subjection and the moisture in the soil conserved that the canes may make all the growth possible. It is necessary to ob tain strong , healthy and well ripened lateral growths during the growing sea son if the plants are to give a full crop the next season. By keeping up the cultivation the plant is kept grow ing and the foliage clings until cut off by the frosts in the fall ; if cultiva tion is not done the plant , weakened perhaps by heavy fruiting , is likely to shed its leaves and the new growth of vine is subjected to the warm weather of the late summer. Broom Corn. Almost every family has one or more brooms in the house , and very f ew have any idea where the broom corn comes from , or how it came to be grown here. We may have told before , but it will bear to be repeated , that Benjamin Franklin picked the first seed that were ever planted here from an import ed broom , and sent them to a lady friend to be planted. In 1899 the State of Illinois had 95,137 acres in broom corn , and produced GOGG5,520 pounds , valued at $2,357,060 in the hands of the growers. Kansas had 34,383 acres , and the product was 11,813,310 pounds , worth $458,481. Oklahoma had 12,366 acres and a crop of 3,418,490 pounds , worth $129,813 , and Missouri with 10- 219 acres had 3,093,930 pounds , worth § 159,990. It will be seen that the larg est acreage does not always produce the largest crop or the most money. Texas had 3,743 acres and a crop of 1- 038,150 pounds , worth $60,313 ; Arkan sas 879 acres , producing 304,6,09 , worth $12,558 , and Indian Territory , 397 acres , with 147,020 pounds , worth $7,018. There are amounts grown in other States that bring the total crop up to 90,947,370 pounds in 1899 , and that was thought a short year , though the yield was probably less in 1900. California , Iowa , Nebraska and Tennessee are among the of her States producing broom corn. The value of 4he broom corn crop averages about $80 per ton , or $20 an acre. Low Farm Wagons. An enormous amount of force is wasted in loading material into high farm wagons. It is fortunate that this truth is being discovered and lower gears are put into use. This sketch shows a convenient low farm wagon , commodious and light , but strong enough to make loading a very easy matter. The long body has a truss un der it to support the middle , the chain being attached well under the body at the front , to avoid the wheels in turn ing. Side and end pieces can be put upon such a body and a wagon box made if needed. Let the wheels be not only low , but let them have broad rims , so they will not cut into the land when HOME-MADE LOW-DOWN WAGON. hauling across the fields. M. D. Em erson , in Farm and Home. Government White-wash. The United States government uses a whitewash mainly on lighthouses , that is brilliant and durable. Considerable whitewash ought to be used on the farm. Poultry houses may be covered with it inside an'd out , and it may be used to advantage on fences. The rec ipe is as follows : Slake one-half bush el of quicklime with boiling water , cov ering it as soon as the water is applied. When slaked strain it and add a peck of salt , dissolved in warm water , three pounds of ground rice that has pre viously been boiled in boiling water to a thin paste , half a pound of Spanish whiting and one pound of clean glue , which has been dissolved in warm wa ter , mix well together and let stand for several days. The wash should be ap plied hot , using a brush or making it sufficiently thin so that it may be ap plied by a spraying pump. To Stop a Sticking Cow. To stop a sucking cow take a piece of half inch basswood six inches long and four inches wide and cut into the shape shown in picture. Put this in her nose. If she does not stop , put sharp nails in , as indicated by dots. If she is cute enough to milk herself ANTISUCKINO BOARD. with the nails in , then put on a hal ter and a surcingle. Fasten a. stiff hardwood stick on each side from hal ter to surcingle , placing the surcingle of course just back of the fore legs. If she is so determined to suck herself that she will throw herself with this harness , I should feed her abundantly upon fat forming foods and visit the butcher. Rural New Yorker. Garden Hints. When getting the window boxes and garden urns ready use good , fresh soil. Nothing is gained , and much may be lost , by economizing in the matter of earth. If the violets and other spring and autumn bloomers show signs of mildew or mold because of too much rain , cut off close to the ground immediately. The plants will find it easier to make renewed growth than to recover from this creeping and insidious disease. After all , the scarlet geranium can scarcely be surpassed as a garden standard. It can be set out at any time , and a number of good geraniums will yet save the summer's happiness for the flower lovers whose treasures have suffered from the unusual weather. Let them buy red geraniums and he com * forted with vivid bloom. Had crazy Spells. West Pembroke , Me. , Sept. 22d. The 13-year-old daughter of Mrs. A. L. Smith suffered with a peculiar afflic tion which her mother describes as fol lows : "It is two years now since she wag first taken with crazy spells. "They kept on coming at intervals and I could get nothing to do her any good. "The doctors gave me no encourage ment. They all said they could not help her. "The crazy spell would last about nine days , then she would be well about nine days , but would eat very little and was very yellow. Even the whites of her eyes were yellow. "I heard that Dodd's Kidney Pills were a great remedy for young girls and decided to try them. "After taking one box Khe was com pletely restored and she has not had one bad spell since. Of course we con tinued to use the pills and she used al together five boxes last fall. "In March I thought I saw symptoms of the spells again and I got six boxes , of which she has taken four , and is in splendid health. "Her case was certainly a remarka ble one. and we are very thankful to Dodd's Kidney Pills for the great good they have done 1113' daughter. " Tlie Holy Ghost Plant , The Holy Ghost lant , a product of Mexico , Central and South Amer ica , is so called because of the shape of the flower which has the appear ance of a dove with expanded wings. HALL'S CATARKH CURE is taken internally. Price 75 cents. " \Voinen Have the Advantage It has been observed that a man's bair turns gray five years sooner than a woman's. "Now good digestion waits on ap petite , and health on both. ' ' If it doesn't , try Burdock Blood Bitters. A live pig was attached to a stout hook and used for a bait bo tempt a twelve-foot alligator which had been feasting on the innocent little pork ers for over a year in a Swamp , Taylor County , Ga. The alligator nas captured , although it struggled hard to break the line. Mrs. Austin' ! Pancakes will help you to re gain that lost appetite. At grocers. The German government has de cided to start a system of motor cars in German East Africa , sippiement- ing the main railway. No need to fear sudden attacks of cholera infantum , dysentery , diar rhoea , summer complaint of any sort if you have Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry in the medicine uhest. Glasgow has made a profit of 82- 170 on the year's working of its mu nicipal telephone system. Mrs. Austin's Pancake flour. A delicious breakfast. Ready In a Jiffy. At grocers. One of the pupils of a Gainsborough school who has lost his right arm , has gained a special prize for swift Shorthand writing. Mrs. Winslow's SOOTHUW SYRUP for children ecthlng , softens the gums , reduces inflamatlon tllayg p ln , cures wind colic. S5c bottle. t The Latent in Incubatcrs. As a living incubator , John Pitson , i farmer of Emlnenc , Ky. , holds the ecord. During a prolonged fit of Sickness his wife placed 48 eggs in bed vith him , and in due time 44 chick- 3ns emerged. For five months no rain has fallen in Greece. Tugboat owners on the Ehine have ombined to raise towage rates. 9 oo DROPS Vegetable Preparation for As similating ( tie Food aiidReg ula- tjng the Stomachs anrtBwgls of Promotes Digestion.Cheerfur- ness andltest.CoiUains neither Opium.Morphine norMineral. WOT TfARC OTIC. Aperfecl Remedy forCouslipa- Tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions Jeverish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. _ B B BIWH ( B FacSinule Signature oF YORK. Atb months olci , } 5 DOSFSCI NIS EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. ST. JACOBS POSITIVELY CURES Rheumatism Neuralgia Backache Headache Feetache All Bodily Aches AND CONQUERS PAIN. It beats all some will IWHO dealers how iin- i on the r customers by offering them , when Ala bastine is called for , cheap kalsomlnes that will spoil their walls. Such action is certainly prompted by and such jneth- > d H will not commend themselves to honest dealers. Alabastine , a durable cement base wall coating , not a knlsomine , costs no more to npjily than cheap dope that spoils your walls and injures the health of your family. Alabastine is a dry pow der , comes in packages , mixes with cold water , in white and fourteen beautiful tints , for use on plastered walls , wood ceiling , brick or canvas , superior to paintor paper. Full directions on every package , Ask druggist or paint dealer for sample card of tints or write to ALABASTINE COMPANY GRAND RAPIDS , - MICH. THIS CATARRH REMEDY is sure to GIVE Satisfaction. Ely's Cream Balm Gives Relief at once. It cleanses , soothes and heals the diseased mem brane. It cures Catarrh - - - - - m - and drives away a Cold U A V sFsF VFR in the Head quickly. It llrt I b V bit is absorbed. Ileali and Protects the Membrane. Restores the Senses of Tate and SrnelL Fall g\z 50c.atDnifr2isNorbv mail : Trial Size lOc.bynulf ELY BROTHKKS56 Warren Street , New York. HAMLIN'S WIZARD OIL ' " ) RHEUMATISM "ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT Six Million Boxes a Year. In 1895 , none ; in 1900 , 6,000,000 boxes ; that's Cascarets Candy Ca thartic's jump into popularity. The people have cast their verdict. Best medicine for the bowels in the'world. All drueeists. In Europe. In Britain there are 1,150,000 civil lawsuits in a year. France generally considered a litigous nation , has only 708,000 yearly A viking ship 40 feet long has been unearthed on thfi island of Kar- moe. Burns' cottage at Alloway , Ayr , has narrowly escaped being burned down. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over , Thirty Years CASTORIA THt CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW VONK ClTT.