THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT i. M. RICE EDITOR Official Newspaper of Cherry County , Ndbraslta Thursday , September 25,1902 , TJEJRNS Subscription Sl.oo per year In advance : $1.50 When not paid in advance , Single copies Gc. Display advertising 1 Inch single column IDc per issue or 5G.OO a year. Ixcal Notices-Mtuarles , Lodge Resolution- and Socials for 1. venue 5c per line per issue. Brands , ijf ii ' es-S4.CO ner year in advance additional space. : : : 00 per inch per year ; engraved blocks extra ; $1.00 each. Parties living outside Cherry county not per- orially known aie requested to pay In advance 10 pur cent additional to above rates if over 6 lonths in arrears. Notices of losses of stock free to brand adver tisers. / ; FUSION TICKET. For Congress , 6th Congressional District , 1 * . II. BAUUY. For State Senator. Htli Senatorial Dlbtrict. A.M. MOKKISSF.V. For Governor , ' \V. II. THOMPSON. Lieutenaut Governor , K. A. GII.KEUT. Secretary of State , Jonx POWKUS. t Auditor , C. Q. DE FKANCE. Treasurer , J. N. LYJIAX. Attorney General , J. II. ItltOADV. Commissioner of I'ubli' : Lands and Buildings , J. C. BURNNAX. Superintendent of Schools , CLAUDE SMITH. Central City Democrat : Where Mick ey is lnown they are not very enthuis- ustic in his support. lie will lose his own county , township , city and wa rd. A man whom neighbors refuse to in dorse is poor material for governor. Mr. Mickey does not have to foreclose a mortgage on a well in order to be sure of .having a hole he can crawl into on November 5. Un November 4 the vot. ers will furnish him a deep , roomy and solitary hole which he can enter and pull in after him. Alliance Herald. It is estitaated that one million union men marched in Labor Day parades. If this dumber of organized working- men would vote for il.eir own interests instead cf allowing themselves to be tricked by designing politicians they could formulate the political policies of the country. Alliance Herald. Ewing people's Advocate : Patrick H.-.Barry , who left an arm on the bat tle ground while fighting for his country andwho is now the people's candidate for'congreaB has asked Moses P. Kin- kaid , for f ourieca years judge of the district court and twice the defeated condidate of the moneyed power for congress , to meet him in joint debate. Will the dignified judge accept. Aurora Sun : Thn old soldiers of Polk county nre drawing the line on Mickey and will not tupport him for governor , The only love he has had for the old soldiers of his home county has been that 2 per cent racket he nas been working on them for the past twenty years. It is a fact freely pre dicted by those who know Mickey , that he will not carry his own county. So far we haven't "heard anything ii from Moses , but a wagon load of mail was unloaded Tuesday of this week at the .First National Bank of Valentine Avhich came addressed toM.-P , Kin- kaid and le-addressed to C. H. Cornell. We suppose those are the facts and tig- ures why Kinkaid ought to be elected and they will bother every postmaster to death in the district trying to elect Moses. Newport Eagle : Gen. Patrick II. Barry , a hero of Anteitam and Peters burg who carries as his credentials hon orable scars of thosegreat battl es , is sneeriugly referred to as "Grandma" by the republican press , simply because he is old.endughto wear 'the "red badges of courage" . : This is considerably dif ferent from"the reception accorded to republican veterans who are candidates for office and shows the hypocrisy of the "old soldier" cry. so long and so ef fectively use 1 by the opposition. Dr. Nicholson , of Aiusworth. a trav elling dentist who has th" reputation of being a populist : uul a i ( 'publican draws upon his itni < rimiiini upon every opportunity to tell ilniM * about him that the Mickey of the republican party will be elected this fall , but when asked about Mickey's careor as county treas urer , drops his head and Bays he doesn't know anything about that. There are a few ot ( his clasVof republicans v/ho are claiming a grelit deal and Some even predict.ihat Ktrikjiid will have a major1- ity in the Big Sixth. The people know belter ; an4 only laugh at these wild men t i We don't blame the republican man ager for thinking the fusionists are real me-in when they challenge republican candidates to debate the issues with f us ion candidates. Joint debases have been unfashionable in republican circles ever since Bryan walloped Connell , Thurston and Field. Besides , the aver age republican is so busy debating with himself and trying to male his position of yesterday square with his position to day that he hasn't any time for debate with a fusionist. Alliance Herald. Did you ever see the hand writing on the wall Moses ? Has the time come when you are called upon to lead the people out of the wilderness ? Here's the wall. Yet a few more days and Moses of O'Neill will be overthrown. Well Moses is a nice fellow boys. If you don't believe it , look at his picture that people are sticking up for you to look at. Do you see what a pretty face he has when he sits for a picture ? That's no joke , but Moses wants to go to congress pretty bad and if he can't get you one way he will another. See ! KlnkaiU has not answered any quest ions that have been asked him and has refused to come out in joint debate with General Barry and discuss the issues. We haven't forgotten the joint debates of Green and Norris Brown four years ago and perhaps Moses is thinking of them too. If Green was right and Nor ris Brown was wrong then , why isn't the republican party still wrong. Kin kaid won't discuss the matter with Gon. Barry nor will he come out and tell the people in open speech what he expects to do when he goes to congress. He is following the same plans of Norris Brovn. in refusing to say what he would do with the government ' land leasing bill , "the Fowler Bill" and whether or not he will favor a revision of the tariff. You Know D. P. Hend erson says the republican party is all right and that their course is right , but his constituents are clamoring for a re- vsion ; of the tariff. You know Iowa republicans are beginning to open their eyes and are not so mar the manufact urers and capitalists as is Speaker Hen derson which may in part account for differences of oppinion , Now come Kinkaid and tell us what you'll do about these things. We want to know and think we have a right to know. Will you tell us ? The None of .Hoses lu the Bull Hushes I've wandered up and down these plains For nearly forty years ; I've made a fortune with my brains Among my noble peers. But lately there Jias come to mind The fact I'm growing old The wheels of congress I must grind A seat in congress"hold. . Now voters hear my llltte I'll sing it very nice Tv > each and everyone belong A diflerent kind of spice. I'll salt it down to suit your taste Give each a private spiel No general declarations waste To mix mem the deal. AT VALENTINE SEPTEMBER27 902 Official program of the races to be held in Valentine , Nebr. , Sept. 25 , 26 , and 27 , 1092. This will be the best horse race meet ever held in Valentine. Come every one and enjoy a season of good sport honestly conducted. FIRST DAY 1st Race. Quarter-mile and re peat. Purse $75.00. First , $37.50 ; second , $22. 50 ; third , $15.00. 2nd Race. Half-mile dash. For Rosebud , Pine Ridge an'd Cherry county horses. Purse $50,00. First $25.00 ; second , § 15.00 ; third. $10.00. 3rd Race.Fiveeightsmile free for all. Purse $100.00. First $50.00 ; seco'nd , $30.00 ; third $20.00. OCTOBER 10 and 11 Eye Specialist Will be in Valentine with headquarters at Quigley & Chapman's Drug Store , if your eyes are troubling you , consult him. CONSULTATION FREE Remember the date , OCTOBER 10 and 11 Stanton Register : Last year the vot ers tried an experiment of selecting an unknown man for governor. Do not make that mistake this year , but cast a vote for W. H , Thompson. Ewing People's Advocate : There is only one way in which to make the railroads pay a just share of the taxes of the state of Nebraska , and that is by electing men to office who will raise the valuation of the railroads so that the railroads and private individuals will pay on the same proportionate share. W. H. Thompson and the rest of the nominees of the ticket stand on a plat form pledged to rai e the valuation of the railroads of this state from $26,000 , 000 to $40,000,000. This is an increase of about 50 per cent. When that con dition is brought about there will be no cause for complaint. Both the corpor ation and individual will be contribut ing to the support of the state in the same proportion. Vote for the populist nominees. Charles E Littlefield , the Maine Con gressman , whom President Roosevelt has designated to draft a law to check the trusts , in his speech opening the campaign in JMaine , has given us the first breath of what he intends to do with the trusts , or lathes what ha does not intend to do with them. He says that they cannot be reached through the tariff. Then they will not be reach ed at all. Everybody knows and the republicans themselves know , in the words of Secretary Root' "that there seems to be but one way to deal with the trusts directly and that involves ad justrnent of the tariff on the products of the trusts. " It xvill be remembered that Mr. Littlefield is the gentleman who denounced the democrats for not supporting his anti-trust amendment , and who turned diiectly around and SECOND DAY 1st Race. Pony race free for all. Purse 850.00. First. $25.00 ! second , $15.00 ; third , $10.00. 2nd Eace. Half-mile and repeat. Purse $200.00. First , $100.0 ( ; sec- ond , $60.00 ; third $40.00. 3rd Eace. Cherry county , Pine Eidge and Eosebud horses. Three- eights-mile and repeat. Purse $100.00. First , $50.00 ; second , $30.00 ; third , $20.00. BOHLE'S RESTAURANT Is the place for short order Meals and Lunches. OYSTERS The season is now open and Oys ters will be served in any Style. Bread , Pies and Cakes fresh every day. Fine Candies and Fruit For a good smoke try HOFFMAN HOUSE Cigars. Remember the place 2nd door north of Post Office on west side of Main Street. s Open day and night. E. HBohle. says now , ' 'that if that bill was brought up now , he would vote against it. The truth of the whole matter is simply that the republicans are bluffing the people into believing that they are op posed to trusts , while deep down in their hearts they are courting the trusts for campaign funds right along. They will not apply the feasible remedy , which Secretary Root and all the liber al-minded republicans admit is the only direct remedy. Unless the shelter ot monopoly is removed the trusts will continue to become oppressive as the days go by. The republicans will not remove that shelter. They will not aim at the heart of the trouble but prefer to graze the clothes and say to the people "My but didn't we give them a close call. " Ex. A. M. Morrissey , of Valentine , is the candidate of the populist and Demo cratic parties for senator of the 14th senatorial district. A better man could not have been chosen for the place. He has served the people of Cherry Co. for four years in the capacity of Co. Attor ney and was tendered a third nomina tion this fall which he declined. He is a man who knows the needs of the peo ple of the district and there is none bet ter acquainted with the conditions which will have to met and dealt with in the coming session of the legislature and will give his voice and vote more conscientiously for those measures which will be for the betterment of his constituents. Public sale. On account of failing health I will sell at public auction at my place four miles northwest of Crooktton , Saturday October 4 , 1902 ; 20 head of cattle , 26 head of mules , 2-5 head of brood mares and colts , and 18 head of brood sows and shoats. J. R. AYERS. THIRD DAY 1st Eace. Half-mile dash. Free for all. Parse $100.00. First , § 50.00 ; second , § 80.00 ; third $20.00 2nd Eace.Saddle horses of Cher ry county. Purse 850.00. First quarter , $25.00 ; half mile , $25.00. 3rd Eace. Three-eights-mile dash free for all. Purse 850.00. First , $25.00 ; second , $15.00 ; third , $10.00 4th Eace. Half-mile - dash , con solation race. Purse $50.00. Fiivt $25.00 ; second , § 10.00 ; third , § 10.00. Rosebud and. Cherry County horses must have been owned on .Rosebud Agency or in Chorry county three months prior to day of race. Entrance 10 per cent of purse ; five to enter and three to start or race will be dclared off. Entrance fee will be received at Secretany's office not later than 9 o'clock on each day for" rac'es of that daj * . American Racing Rules to govern. W. E. HALEY , GEO. ELLIOTT , Seto'y , Treas. P. Sulivan , of Cody , was nominated at Norden l st Friday for represent ative of the f > 2nd representative Dial Mr Sullivan was for several years f county commissioner of this countv. j lie was a popular man in the count } because of his houesty and fair deal ingbeing a friend to everyone and rendered his decisions without preju dice or malice. Every one can say a kind word for Mr. Sullivan and they will. He is a ranchman of considera ble means but bis made his money in cattle , land , and loans some money. Though now a man of mature years he is still strong and hearty. His friends cannot say too much good of him and if elected to represent Ua in tnis district Mr. Sullivan will truly rep resent with honor and credit to our people for having selected a man of his worth and standing , - - - - * - J - _ _ _ Lj a a M - . _ _ _ MI IJ Mrs. B. ( J. Sparks has sold the reil- , dence property which has been occu pied by Rev. Whitehouue to Mrs. Fni- rv. of Fort Nlonr r- , vl o ' . into t u * - IMI for ' "iir ; . /-c . l intr her cuiidreu to our excellent schools , Photographs. I will be in Valentine from Sept. 23 to the evening of the 29th to do all kinds of photograph work at the W. C. Andre\vs gallery , All work guaran teed. JAMES A. MILLEB WANTED : Immediately , a compe tent cook and to supervise girls ; cook ing at St. Mary's Mission. Address , L. K. TRAVIS , Supt. 36 2t Eosebud S. D. Good Horse Sense will tell you that old eggs and glue are not things , you want to eat ; yet some coffee roasters glaze their coffee with such things. Not so with It's just pure , unadulterated , undisguised coffee ; never covered up with any glazing of any kind. . Uniform quality and freshness are insured by the sealed package. A. G. SHAW SAYS I came not here to talk. You know the Old Story. We are Slaves to a hord of petty Tyrants , who come to you with a Sample of enlarging. You order a Crayon and get a Solar print. You order a Pastel and get a Tinted print , and so on till you spend twice the amount that I would get the Genuine Article that you order. I take ord ers for Crayons , Pastels , Argentic and all class of Water Colors. ' First Class Photos and Stamps at atThe The Art Gallery. 4 W. T. Bishop , LIVERY , FEED SALE STABLE The Wilber Earn Yonr Patronage Solicited. John Bowers , Bowers & Parry , Edward Parry. Livery , Feed and Sale Stable , Good Rigs , Careful Drivers , Reasonable Prices. The Walcott Barn. First Stabl East of Stetter's Saloon. Shoes , Notions and Underwear o For Sale or Trade ! Will sell cheap for cash or will trade for land or cattle. This is the chance for some young man who wants to engage in- the mercantile business to trade for this stock of goods , which formerly belonged to the Maier Sisters. I. M. EIO , If your CATTLE SUFFER from LICE , IICH or MANGE CHLORO NAPTHOLEU Sold by Quigley & Chapman , valentine , Nebr Richards & Coinstock , Ellsworth , Nebr AT THIS S YOUR OFFICE * Ve Co Sati ff You io Price * nd