Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 11, 1902, Image 5
1 HE VALENTINE I. M RICE LDITC ! n PUBLISHED EVEltV TUUKSOA.Y. i ni : red atlde I'ojitomce at Vaienun. . ' n-i county. Nebraska , as Seoonrt-rla-Hs u > : iu 'i STATE OFFiriiUS EZIIA P. SAVA R. Governor. C , F. STI'.KUC. Unit Gmen or. Gun.V. . MAiisii Sen elan f.StU - . CHAS. WKSION. Auditor I'uli , Aocis. Wat STKUI Kit Treasurer. FitAMt X I'JtoUT. Ally. General. GHOKOK KOWLKII , Coin. 1'ai ) Landsaii'l 1U ! LKK MAICUMAX. l.iliranan. I' . .S SEXATOK. .lOSKI'H II. MlU.AlM ) . Gil AS. 11. DlICTltlCH. CONG11ESSMEN ELMKllJ. BUilKKTT. Itep. 1st Dist. DAVID II. MKHCICU , Hep. 2nd Dist. JOHN J. ItonixsoN.Fiis. 3rd Dist. WM. L. STAUK , us. 4th Dist. A. C. SlIAU.ENItKHCRlt , FUS.5tll Dist , War. NEVILT.K , Fus. Cth Dist , COUNTY OFFICERS W. C. SIIATTI'CK , Treasurer. C. S. KERCH , Clerk , kw , U. TOWNK , Judge. L , N. LAYPOKT. Sheriff. A. M. MORHISSKY , Attorney. ETTA Uuowx , Superintendent. LEROY LEACH , Surveyor. ALFKED LEWIS , Coroner. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS W. E. HALEV , 1st Dist. ALEX BUUK. 2nd Dist. L. LAUFEK , 3rd Dial. rharles TI. Faulhaber" Brownies Breeder of Ileu'st'd Hereionl Ilyam , No. 74,53 at head of herd. Young buds from to 18 months old for sale TJiKT X O NT. 3E31 - Located on Cherry St. 2nd doc south ot rfmvser's liverv , furnislu excellent hoard and lodging Mea same old price 25 cents. A heart welcome to all. J. FJOTTtR. . HENRY AUGUSTON Blacksmith I ) octi gencM-al hlacksniithiiigathar ir " * rimes prices for cash. \ PATHETT ( -rood , Hard Roc.k for sale in an H.M CRAMER. i /w.UVBryma.11. . TnirtiivaliM - > an ! juu'-ka-rcs haiilfd to .MI ir-wi Hiil - | ) < ) i and all pails of the city 'lrih' | ip 12 V't Barber Fir rclasSlx p in ! Cvi rllespec K. ti . ' i i Hair I > nu : . * oMen tir ia Ionic. H. ipi. id--.tint ( 'ok * > Daudiulf Cur Try Pompeian Face Massage Crear LKROY LEACH County Surveyor t I'llAJI'I i.i AI1I. I'hD 10 JOHN' I'OUATH ESioje { , Xebr Tiili'ilar wells aud Eclipse wine mtllrt. Wel guaranteed fiv M. at Law A. * . viO.viTTON Physician md Surgeo ] < " > Hir < - ' Quii : ' .v A Chapman r.o. -lurrrv Kdii'"rd tf Office Frat ( > > ial Hall or lioit's Dray Sturv. I'.Hll F. M. WALCOTT AB8 . .AGTt V Vi " . 1st' Id i our * 'Hid U S I.UL i F R.&M. V. R. II TIME TABLE WEST BOUND No. 27 Frt. Daily 2-33 P. ft No.23 " except Sunday 9:40 A. ] No. 3 1'assH'mur Daily 12:49 A. B EAST HOUND No 28 Fn Daily G:50A S No , 2i -xc-ept Sunday 5-00 T. a NO. 4 Passenger Daii > 4:47 A. ft K. of I" . CJ ERFlY LODC.E N'o. 109 meet * IB and 3rd Friday of each month at 8.30. . M. V. NICHOLSON , MAIM IN CimisTKNSEN. C. C. K.ofR. & . S. VA M-\TI X iLO I ) K XO. 2O5 1. 0. O. I Meets Thursday night each week , AMOS UA.NUALL , J , T. KKKLEY , . N , ( J. Sec'y. R A. F. A A HI.Xo 16.Meets 1st Tu sday each montl T. c. HOUNCY , WV , THOMPSON , \V. Ji. Sec'y. A. O. V. \ i.O. . 70.Meets 1st and 3rd Mor day ol each month. W. A , PKTTVCHEW. U. G , DUNJT , M. W. R'-corder. . l > RGIt KOR JIOXOIL XO. HO.-Meet 2nd and 4th Monday each month. JENNIE PETTI.IOHN , W. A.rETTYCKEw , C. of H. Recorder. M. W. A. Meets 1st and 3rd "Wednesdays eacl month. M. V. NICHOIJ5OX , W. E , HALEY , V.O. Clerk. FRATEHXALi 17XION NO. 5O8-Meet every Saturday night. J , A.HORNBACK , E. D , CLARK , F. M. Sec'y. ROT All NEIGHBORS. Meets 2nd an < 4th Wednesdays each month. MARY QUIGLEY , MINNIE DANIEL , Oracle. Kec. Son * and Daughters of Protection Lodge No. 6. Meets 2nd and 4th Fridays eacl month. A. E. PETTYCRKV , W , A. PKTTYCBEW , Pies. Sec'y Itoynl nichlnnlor , Dnvon CastloXo 21 > 1 Meets 2nd Friday eaca month. ED CLARK , W. K. HALEY , I. P. Sec'y. MILL PRICES FOR FEED. -i-ti ; bulk. 1.50 per cwt * 20 ( > 0ioi 1 15 PMitu t $22 ' 10 rkl 1.25 Horn 105 $2000" 'h.ij. ( lorn .1.10 121.00 " Kt.s. . . . .1.50 $2900" ETTA BROWN SUP I. PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Examination Third Saturday of eacl ; mouth aud Friday preceding. VALENTINE NKBRASK4 Paint , Wall Paper , Calcimine. Brushes , § Pure Linseed Oil Varnishes AT- Christensen's. 8 I ) V Haucock Blackburn. Mo 01 Simeon. N lni ! < kH tattle 'ifjintttvl on 1 ft M < i ctm fin ; H ; on 'pit > it- . i ' > JKur'w orO ( Vl the'followliiij. the tirst - mIWUIK on * ! ( ! tnu i t W& . W ? 'W8 > * SEQ.UAH (3267) Dark I ) own , Foaled Nov. 24th. . 1889. Si.v . "Xmii-ud" (1060) ) . 1 > \ (867) ( ) . Sequah's -lain 289 Lady- "Unmet" M-r l ) , "Kr.lijw" (101 ( ] by > t. * Jn.(687) ( ) l.y WikHiiv' : bird F. S. Vol 7 l.y . tte * li' * T. II Seqnah'- dam by Lam wheat ( T. ! ' , ) lie willTar.d for SCMHOII oi 1902 at Sheniii's ! barn. J. vv. STETTER ADDITIONAL LOCAL - S. F. ( Tilman is in our citj this week W. A. Denny , from the sand hills , is in Valentine this week. n. R. Shockley has returned after as absence of several weeks. Fred Whittemore and wife are Val- sntiue visitors Mr. Whittemore is looking after his business interests. There was an informal party given it the Dcmoher last Friday evening in tionor of Miss Jessie and her friends. Miss Cassie Richardson and Miss Bennett , popular school teachers ol Dhern t'o. . were in our city yesterda\ . U l/owell , barber , and Frauk Sas- jenberr ) , restaurantt-aur , of Gordon. freie in town a coupleof dajs this week S N. Mo es brought his wife aud iau hien * up from the ranch last week md sent ihem to Fremont where the\ , ived winter for the benifit o .lie sohooK for bis daughters. Mrs. Cora White came invith hei msband Jas White from the reserva- ion yestereay , and tomorrow morning vill leave for Niobrara city. Another lollar on subscription is credited. Miss Jessie Webb , accompanied b > rtiss I'pwers and Lieut . Parshail , left his morning for Fremont where they rill be the guests of Miss Jessie's lunt , who is entertaining a number of quests in honor of Miss Powers. Mr. Shannon and son , of Carroll , tfebr. , have bought a train load of cat- le from R . Quisenberry and Mosses & loffacker and will ship out tomorrow. Fbese are the men who drew first prize or the finest car of catt'eat the Omaha Lve stock show. Cards are out announcing the niar- iage of Miss Bessie Edna Burleigh. of linswurtb , to Oeorge A. Phipps of /hadron , Sept. a. This combination of \vn worthy young people is enviou- * . iany a young lady might well bf proud f the paptu of a man lik Mr. Phipp nd theivnrp none beter nor frtirnr ban Miss 13url Jigh The DEMOCRAT aan 'Xtemis cf > n-ratulations. One of the best games of baseball ver pla > ed in Valentine came off yes- erday between tho Gordon nine and be ball team at Ft. Niobrara Ten inings were played which resulted in score of 7 to 6 in favor of Gordon. 'he nine from the fort is composed of len belonging to the 25th U. S. infantry lolored ) The > deserve much praise 3r the quiet and gentlemanly manner i which they conducted themselves od the skill which thev exhibited in laying. Another game was played xlay at th Fort which resulted in a lore of 6 to 3 in favor of F-t Niobrara 'ithout play it g their last half of the th inning. Every available rig in town fas brought into service to convey our ) wnspeople. to the scene of the ball time The Gordon nine has some good layernnd on th ir own ' "round or on roiiini * new to both teams nuke , will hn the. fori team a Close game. Come the races andee. the best games lay jd in the w ist Mrs. Smith and daughter arrived u our city from Deadwood Tuesday ant are visiting at the home of J. ( L North rop and wife. Mrs. Northrop is a sister in-law of Mrs. Smith. Major Wm. B. Leicester , formerly o Manhatttu Kan. and , later of Newmai Nebr. , came up to Valentine last Fri day morning and spent the day visitiuj with our people and his old friend , I M. Kice. Mr. Leicester is a first clas ; tailor and has beeu engaged to wort with our popular townsman , Davic Stinard in the tailoring department of tiis clothing store. The Major is an axperienced band leader and will bt aighly appreciated here as our bane bo. ) s are in need of a leader. One of the stipn'ses of the season was ; he marriage of Miss Harriett E. Thacb : ey to Uhas. Reece on Sunday evening it 6:30 Sept. 7th by Rev. A. F. Cum 30w at the parsonage. Miss Thackrej las been deputy Co. Treasurer thepasl xmr } ears and is a graduate of the K. S. A. C at Alanhatten Kan. A moral , ntelligent lady of the highest type of .vonianhood . , of good parentage and ij in ideal Christian. She enjoys the dis- .inction . of being one of the few ladies vho bold positions of honor and trust vhere thousands of dollars are handled ; ach day. Mr. Reece was several yean L school teacher of this county and sue- leeded J. C. Pettijohn as deputy Co. Jlerk which position he held nearly our years and was elected while acting n that capacity to the office of County ] lerk last fall. Miss Myrtle Pettijohn vas maid of honor and Bert Jeffers was ; roomsman. The M. E. church choir nth whom they had been sieging in he past gave the bridal party a pleasant urprise by being on hand with their avoritesongs to show their appreciation .nd good will. Mr. Reece and his nde areveil liked by all who know heui and many friends will join us in nshing the happy couple bountiful ileasures aud showers of blessings. Educational Department. a-Ar r w Nettie Kneeland , of the class of ' 02 , egan teaching at Thacher Monday of dis week. Laura Pettijohn , of the cl.iss of ' 02 , rites that she is well please 1 with her rork in the Fre-uont Normal There are 22 non residents pupils in IP grades below the high school. These ritli the 19 in the high school maKe a ) tal of 41 nou residents in the school. Emma Carlson and Glen Hoenig , of ie class of ' 01 , may be seen about six 'clock ' each morning on horse back alloping toward their schools north est of town. Of the 19 non-residents in the high chool , 14 hold certificates which entitle i m to all the privileges of the ' 'free iuli school attendanco law" in Cherry Tlie-other - 3 are from other counties r no county at all and have to pay lieir own tiution DR. SEYMOUR COMING , Mr. John Fifer , No , 1600 Washing ton street , a gentleman well known in this city , and whose many friends have known of his having so much trouble with his eyes , and which has greatly retarded his work , etc , , expresses his gratitude for what is being clone for him and the improvements that have already taken place in his general con dition , LINCOLN , Neb. , Feb. 17 , 1900. Dr. W. I. Seymour , City. Dear Sir : I am indeed grateful for the great assistance rendered me by yourself and Dr , Cox. It was impossible for me to read in the evening , and I have made several unsuccessful attempts to be fitted with proper glasses , My means being lim ited , 1 did not feel it possible to under take such an expensive treatment and I fear that I should have lost my sight , entirely had it not been for the skill and generosity of these justly noted specialists , who have made it possible for me to secure their valuable ser vices at a very moderate price. I am very much improved and for the first time in many moatte bw ? toeu able to read in the evening without tirinf my eyes , Yours most respectfully , JOHN FIFER , No , 1600 Washington Street. The following letter.which was writ ten in Miss Young's own handwriting will appear in the near future in fac simile , together with the first lette ; written by her to Dr. Seymour , whei she was able to see for the first timt in her life sufficiently to use a pen This will be done that those who ar < interested in this most remarkable casi may see for themselves what wonder ful progress has been made in the tw < years' use of her glasses : LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 31 , 1900. Dr Seymour. Dear Sir : I am among thi many who have become indebted t < you since your first visit to this city and wish to thank you for your ser vices , My glasses , upon which yoi spent so much of your valuable time have never ceased to be a benefit an < a great blessing to me. Yours ver ; gratefully , LIZZIE YOUNG , 1G10 A Street. Don't forget Dr. Seymour's date School is now running as smoothly if we had been in session a month. Tl enrollment up to this time averages < pupils per room , some having less at others more than that number. The high school girls received a lor letter from Josie Flowers of Spokan Washington this week. While Josi writes a very cheerful and pleasant le ter in the main , a decided sadna creeps in when she speaks of being D longer a member of the class of ' 03. Laura Tillson , of the class of .99 , wh is teaching the primary department < Woodlake school this year , and Mr Etta Pettycrew , so well known as former primary teacher in Valentine spent Tuesday visiting the first an second primary rooms in Valentine. .Nellie Holsclaw , a member of th class of ' 03 , began her school nes Urookston Monday of this week. Sh and Nettie Kneeland are conspicioi uuioug the teachers who received tL highest grades at the institute exam nation this year , several of their grade coming very near the 100 per cer mark. Lucilla Stinard , Myrtle Jonei Agatha Shaughnessy , Eda Broad , Fffi Carlson , Marie Nelson and Anna Lad ( ly marched into school Sept. 1st ai rayed in white as if they thought th 32nd of May 1903 was already at hand However the chilly winds haye sine cooled their ardor and they have no\ ionned more somber robes and hav settled down , to help Caesar conquer th Sauls uefore winter sets in. Arabia Items. Dr. Vredenbutg departed for hi lome in Iowa , Some of the young la lies wear sad faces since his departure Miss Mary Jordan was taken srrious y ill while staying in Valentine , bu sve are ixjoiced to hear her improve sent. Several of the Arabia folks went ou plainaiing last Friday. They wer jpccessful in finding lots of fruit bu lot without the usual difficulties. The dance given in Arabia was a de jided success. A large crowd from Va ] mtine helped the young folks of thi Jommunity to spend an enjoyable even ug. Johnny giye another such. Eli Precinct Some of the churn ranch people wei m the river Sunday. Clint Jones sold his Place to Larsei 3ros. and has gone to Oregon. T. B. N ichols was home Sunday. II s plastering at Merriraan this week. We noticed Dan Garner and wife am Urs.s eeds and daughter on the rive Sunday. Geo. French and wife , ot the Galloi leighborhood , were down this wa : Sunday afternoon. Chas. Larson has moved from tbj : huru ranch near Merriman to thi lewlett place on the river. Dad Crowe , of Merriman , is movinj , house from the Ricketts school to thi chool in district 55. Mrs. Crowe be- a term of school at the latter place SANDY. Kennedy. Haying is btill in progress arounc , ere. ere.Ed Ed Richards ie buying cattle if the ; re good. Clara Dunham has gone to Georgu o teach school. Vern Cohe was visiting down at ttal mis last Sunday. Mr. Dunham went to GeorgTa lasi on business ? Chas. Pate was a business caller at Leunedy one day last week. Mr. Gauow is down on the riyer set ling damages. This is another case . here cattlo aud cornfields dou't agree. Eu RiuniUa.iud J Is aieaUuiaii wen ilimg snakes last Saturday aud aim ay. They Filled aobut twenty four Clarence Dunham and EarliestVilk isun had a boxing maicn the first o tie week , Wilbiusoii wiuniug in tin fin round. BKOKEN AKM. Itockford Corner.- Uayiug is still on the program Gouelier la ha % > mg for Mrs. Geo , McNauieeia waiting on t it- ] anghter , Mrs. Glreu. Geo. Hill and wife wre Chopping ii li rtiman last . - Grant Oregar umi his ere A are hay- ng on the Mallard place. Hugh Goodfellow is now buying cat- le in our neighborhood. Mrs. Adauas says she is now practic ng riding like the cow boys. L Trodden will sooa become aMer man citizen Tueare now buildinj School is progressing nicely nnder the supervision of Jessie Bowering. Mrs.Vm. . Glendening is slowly re covering from a severe attack of ty phoid fever. Jules Gcicen was visiting friends on the river and spent last Sunday with his best girl. Some people cever attecd school meet ings but if you take notice they are the Qrst to find fault. Charley BucKminster was thrown from a bucking horse and got his wrist severely sprained Frank Jones who is outit Belle Fouche herding sheep will continue his work all winter. 'Tom German threw up his thirty dol lar job and is now taking care of the widows and orphans. There are several nice water melon patches in our corner. Guess some of the beys know about it. A chicken thief entered Bell Uahl- ren's yard in broad day light and car ried off several young roosters. These people must have been out of pork , There is a lady in , the neighborhood who has a valuable chart for sale very jheap and is very anxious to sell , but it seems as if no one wants to buy it. it.BOY. BOY. Business Notices. Mottoes under this heading 5 cents per line ach Insertion. Among reading matter , 10 cents > er line each insertion. V ' All kinds of heavy hardware and vagon wood stock at E. Breuklanders. 20-tf School Suits for Boys. School shoes for Girls and Boys. D. STINARD 33 2t The F. E. & M. V. is now running L through sleeping car between Oinafea md the Hot Springs. Ranch for Sale or Lease ! ! 16 quarter sections , good range , hay vater and timber. Will run 800 head > f stock. For information address , box 10.154 , Gordon Nebr. or I. M. RICE , Valentine , Nebr. 42-tf Estray Notice. Taken up by the subscriber on his inclosed lands in Gallispie precinct , in Dherry county , Nebraska , on the 18th lay of July , 1902 , one roan cow and : alf , cow branded 2ts ; one two year ld heifer branded 2 ; and one roan : ow branded Q on " right hip and Q oil ight side. R. F. GALLlsrtE. ) ated Aug. 16 , 1902. 3t-5 Notice of Settlement. In estate of David Leach , deceased. In Conn- Y Court , Cherrv County , Nebraska. To thf creditors , heirs , lejratees and others in terested in the dstate of David Leach : Take notice , that Jane E. I.each , executrix , las filed In the County Court a report other ioimrs as pxecutix of said estate and it is order- d that the same stand lor hearing the 13th day f September , A D. 1902 before the Court at the .our of 10 o'clock a. in . at which tune any per- on interested may appear and except to and ontest the same. And notice of this proceed- UK is ordered irtven by publication. witness my hand and the seal of tiie County Court at Valentine this 25th day of A. D. 1002. 8-AL : August , W. R.TOWXK. 32.3 County Judge. Notice of Settlement. In estate of William O . Tupper. deceased. In ! ounty Court , Cherry County , Nebraska. ' tthf creditors heirs , It-cat ? PS. and others In terest en in the estate ol William ' . Tupper. Take notice , thnt F. M. Walcott has filed in lie County Court a report of his doings as ad- ilnlstrator of said estate and It Is ordered that tie same sta d for hearing the 13th day of 8ep- f mber , A. D. 1002 before me Court at tue hour r 1 o'closk p. m , at which time any person in irestd may appear and exrept to and contest tie nme. And nortce of this proceeding Is or * ered Riven by publication Witness my hand and the seal ot the County - . rour at Valentine this 25th day of SKAL > September , A. D , 1802. v ' W. R , TOXTXK , 32-3 County Judge. When Dipping Cattle. Remember that the coal-tar dips are he best and safe-st for mange , itch , lice nd ticks ; that Lee's Carbolic Dip , aade by GPO. H. Lee Co. of Omaha , is IIH best f coal-tar dips ; that this dip ells at 65 cents per gallon in barrels nd that it has the indorsement of the Nebraska State Experiment Station nd of hundreds of prominent stock- EARS , EARS , EARS. Volumes have been written concern- ng the value of the eyes and the un- old misery caused by the loss of sight. SVhile all this is true and while it is a jreater affliction to be blind than deaf , ret the loss of hearing would be an nestimable misfortune. Let us con sider for a few moments what we vould miss were we deaf. The voices ) f loved ones would be hushed forever o our ears , the sweet songed birds vould no longer sing for us and there vould be no music in our lives. Thus ye might continue to enumerate in- iefinitely the pleasures of life which vould not be ours could we not hear. There are many cases of deafness vhich could have been avoided bad the sufferer received the proper treatment it the proper time. A person possessed of all five senses s of more use in this world than one ; vho has only three or four. It , there fore , behooves a sufferer with some l-'sease which is slowly bringing on leafness or blindness to have the best nedical skill attainable in order to stay the dread calamity , which may "all before you are aware. With these facts in mind. Dr. Sey mour has spared neither pains nor ex- aense in securing the assistance of "an EXPERT EAR SPECIALIST , who will be with him on his coming visit , and Lhose who are interested should not [ ail to see him , CONSULTATION