THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M. RICEEDITOR ' Of/icltil Neicttptiper of Cherry Tim rxday , September 11 , 1002 TJEIZM8 S'liiscriptton SI 00 per year in advance : SI. 50 When not paid In advance , Single copies 5c. Display adve"isrlf ! : 1 inch blnj e coliiinn 15c per Ksiie or SO ' u year. l/iral NoMo " Obituaries , Lodge Resolution * and Socials foi fveiineSc per line per issue I'ranrts.i .lirs ? 4 rO j-er > car in arivanrc u'ldltioiml spac3 OOper inch peryearjcnuraved ' locks extraSi ; uO each. 1'artte * living oiitsMc Cherry county not per- votially known me n-qui'Med to p.iy in advance HI pT cent additional to ahovc rates if over 0 jioutlis in arrears. Notices of losses of stock free to hrand adver tisers. . / FUSION TICKET. I'or Congress , Olh Ct np-cssioiial r.htrict , - . , 1 * . II. liAllltV. For Stnt : Senator. nth Senatorial District. A.M MOHKJSKICV. For Governor , \V. H. THOMPSON. Lieutenant Governor , K..A.-JlUKlir. Secretary nfSta r . .loii.v I'OWEKS. Auditor , - C. Q. IC 1'KANCK. Treasurer , .1. X. I.Y.MAX. Attorn'ey General , , ) . II. UltOADV. Commissioner of Piibli < : hands and Buildings. j .T. C. HUKNXAV. Superintendent of Schools 1 E SMITH. The following clipped from the Al liance Xfeiald is from the pen of James Wilf-ox and T.\vill"Vorreci ' some errors which sm > s.lloat that sue intended to mislead the public and defeat a worthy candidate , ' VThe subsidized * pivss of this dist- t rict and we u > the word understaud- jngiy tell Tis ihatGeneral ; Patrick II. Barry is already beaten in his race for congressional honors , that Moses P. Kiokaid is as ceiiani of being elected as if the people had already spoken Knowingly ? and with no other motive but to deceive they indulge in misrep resentation. They tell us , foMnstacce , that General Barrj1 was born in 1831 , attempting thus to create the impression that the.berqic old i-i-ldier is toool'l to send'to congress .that he.has outlived his usefulness and is , in f.ict , in his dotage * The truth is General Harry was horn in ' 41 , and is asfhale and hearty , physical ly , aS the average-man ten years is jun ior , with a in nd as clear aud bright and strong as ever aided in the gud- anco ot our tgreat ship of'state. How well does every man who-is acquainted with' General Barry know this to be true. But carried away with party suc cess , the receipt of pecuniary assistance and the positive assurance of more , tne men who control the columns of the republican newspapers of this district wil stop at nothing in order to secure * he success of the mnn X\K ' > lepresents corporation greed. They tell us that the old veterans vifl not s p'port Gen eral Barry , aud to prove their assertion true , quote some "old soldier" who wears the in igniaof G , A. Ii. member ship , but who" in truth bore scant part : - in the terrible struggle to prevent the diimemberment of the umonv Well they know that all this is false ; but like the drowning man who grabs at a straw , they hope to avert the death- political death of their candidate. But they reckon without their hosts. What real defender of an inseperable union can grasp General Barry's hand , look into that scarred face and let his eye rest upon that empty sleeve , with out feeling hi * blood tingle , and with out . experiencing a sense Of comrad ship , of admiration for this heioic brother.whose person tells how grand 1 and heroically he actud out Ins part in that memorable aud terrible time when brother fought against brothereach feeling that his cause was holy. Let the Herald tell you something , nld sol diers of Nebraska. Let it tell } ou how Patrick H.Uurr } recinved those facial scars. It was on the"12tli of May , 1861 at the battle of Spottsylvauia Court. House. Virgmm , when General liarry.'s regiment had charged and been repuls ed , and the dead aud dying were all around aud about the stubbonily re treating living. Finally they made a stand , the enemy was checked aud the tide was turned , Explrdiug shells had started a forest fire , in the midst of which lay th6 wounded bays in blue. Volunteers were called for to attempt their rescue. Among the first to ic- spond was young Barry , Gallantly and with that courage that belongs only to the born , hero , the boy fought his way through smoke and flame till he reached a fallen comrade. Gathering the dy ing soldier in his arms young Barry started on his perilous backward trio bearing his precious burden. % Tho aw ful ilaui had reached into the limbs of thd trees , but through it went the Hying and the dying. Patrick n. Barry suc ' " -tie laid-Tiis "comrade ceeded'and'"astie - down , out of the reach of the cruel . - . x i. . . . . - s ANNUAL FAIR , . > OF THE Keya Paha Co Agricultural Society TO Bt HELD AT DEN , , Thursday Friday and Saturday CASH PREMIUMS PAID inall DiViSiONS Eastern Cherry and Northern Brown Counties will be Allowed to Compete for all Premiums. -If Good Racjs and Small Sports Each day ( Accommodations for those living A Good Band in Attendance , ] better than ever. For Further information see premium Lists or Address the Secretary. T. A. EVANS , QFBANK L. BREWSTER , Preside-1 Secretary , irorden , Nebr. fering But at what a fearful coat to the rescurer. Ills life had almost be > n the sacri CH.The skin was burn.d from his neck and face , and writhing ii : gony and tottering a"ml exhausted from his superhuman elfort , proud com rades bore him to a place of rest And this is the man this is the heio that we are tol l i.s not competent , is not xvorthx , is too old to represent us in the halls of congress. sho are we as > ked to honor .instead ? MoseL' . Kmkaid. amed.ocre lawyerchronic otiice seeker , corporation servitor and sino ith tongu- ed apologist for greed1 , unprincipled monopolists. ( Jan yon do it old sol diers ? Can you stultify youraelve * . ? Not in a thousand years , could 3 on be guilty of such treachery ! And right well the Herald knows it. The republicans" say'that there are trusts in England , and that the remov al of the tariff is no remedy - But that is a siatemejit that .vill notho'dMI T. In a recent is ue of the Baltimore 1 American , itself a republican new > pa i per of i he Upe. it > aid that ther.e was one consolation ( o the con sumers in th trust > ituation , and that was th it the coal trust cou ! l nor put theprices very much higher , Welsh coal would be brought and would un der sell them that is the sense of the whole thiin ; , Jf a trust controlled arti cle has no tariff on it , the trusts can't raise their prices a' ove a certain point , else they will meet u ith foreign compet ition. But if there is a tariff duty on that article , the trust * can add just a.s much more to the price as the amount of the. dutand still not have to meet foreign competition Ex , The Chicago Inter-Qcean , a republi can newspaper , a da } ' after its editor was in conference with President Roosevelt printed the following editor | ml , which proves conclusively that there will be no tariff revision , as that edr tonal may be taken as a ivllectiou of the Presidents vJew ; , . , . . . "The present tariff law stands on1 sure foundations and approved priiici pies Ii is like a house wit ha few taul' t > stones in the w.ills , txu s > ltd on it founiiaiion and strong as ever for.all the . purposes for which it vas con structed Mo states loukmg at rhe experience.of i he la- ; ! liveears . , no business man , no manufac.turer , no m/iu eug-ige in emplomerit or. . BOHLE'S RESTATE ANT Is the place for short o"der Meals and Lunches. OYSTERS The season is now open and Oys ter ? will be served in any Style. Btead , Pies and Cakes fiesh every . day. Fine Candies and Fruit For a ijoocl smoke try HOFFMAN UOUSB Cigars. X. Keinember the place 2nd door north o Post Oih'ce on west side of Main Street. Open day and night. E. HBohle. enterprise , with knowledge of what the Dingley Jaw did for the country and is doing today , is honestly in favor of dis turbing our splendid industrial fabric merely to rectify a few crooked lines His a uiiixim in business as well as in statecraft to let well enough alone. Judged by results , the Dmgrley act is tariff law ever enacted. Jt wears well. It is doing for the country in 1002 as much as it did in 1 97. It is * AU not perfectj but under it the country has been and is enormously prosperous. Leave it a.lono. " The consequence is that thosevlio are opposed to the con tiuual holding up of the American peo Die bv-the taritf hlielteied trusts , and to * the selling of our goods abroad at lower prices than heie at home , must vote fur the party that stands committed to tar iff revision , and that pari is the demo- critic party. Kx -'re ate a number of republican in this part of ihe "liig M'xth. " wi o- while n t making am particular noi-e about it , do not hfMtate to sathat they will vote for General * Barry , for not'Jess than three leasons , viz : First ttefcause the > know hiai to be able and conscientious ; second because when the-good of his country required it , he was on th < a firing line ; and third be- cau e they are tired of voting couti ualh for Kinkaid the standing candi- da e for any old office Bind Co. Keg ister . .The ancientIosis" wa * so young once in time of danger that a frie dly h nid hid him in the bull ru i s ; the modern moses in time of daiijjJT wis Zj not so young tu t he couldn't find tin- bn-11 ruaheby himselfand he did Mo\-i Co He Mer See our School Suits and Shoes. 33 2t D STIN-AKD Three Days Banning Ba'ces at Valentine Nebr. THURSDAY FRI DAY SATURDAY SEPT. 25 26 27 Sixth Consecutive Year under the Same Management , Baioon Ascension each Day Cordon vs Ft \ewp0rtvsVuleutine. Silver Cornet Band. Good Tracjc , Good Treatment. Good Time. .nd We Always pay 100 cents on the Dollar. For Particulars and Program Write the 'Secretary. ' * HALE i Dr. Seymour , the well known eye specialist , has not failed to make regti- liar trips through Nebraska twice n year for nearly ten years. Call and see him if having any trouble with your eycs Will be at the Donoher Friday Sept 26. George Heath , of Sparks , and Miss Hester Mitchell , of York. Nebr. , were nr rried by Jiul ; p Towneat his resi dence Wednesday evening Sept. 10th. The DEMOCRAT extends congratula tions Dr. Seyinour/comiim Friday Sept , 26th. Ir Seymour , the noted eye speeiah t at the Donoher hotel Friday Sept. 2Gth Or Seymour , the noted ee. specialist will be here Sept 26. Dr. Seymour , eye ppwmlist , will be accompanied on his fall trip by a noted . Con ear , noseumd throufc specialist. sultation free. At the Donohor hotel Sept 26 Those having pyi . ear nose nr throiit troubles should not fail lo rail on Dr. 5stMnt hf ! M ? thu Semoiir and his ns Donoher hotel Sept 26 ' .James Delaney aud ThoMcGivern have returned to their houses n" Ma- . f ' --ouj * - of riugo. Iowa after a MU ; weeks in our county. While here , ihey bought about 25)0 ( ) heail of ra Do not fornet the dat- f h- - -y mouri it to thi- f \ . . y - . . ? or troui.le with yonr e\ - throat At hotel S-j.r 6. G. SHAW S I came not here to talk. You know the Old Story. We are Slaves to a hord of petty Tyrants , who come to you with a Sample of enlarging. You order a Crayon and get a Solar print. You order a Pastel and get a Tinted print/and so on till you spend twice the amount that I would get the Genuine Article that you order. I take ord ers for Crayons , ' Pastels , Argentic and all class of Water Colors. First Class Photos and Stamps at atThe The Art Gallery. ava Natives do not glaze coffee with cheap and coating. They a impure ? //4 have too high a regard for health as ' V , _ well as for the naturally delicious ' - % ' - iJ flavor of their popular berry. The ' ' " ' : f \ ? very American roasters who glaze v\ , " ' > their package coffees do not dare to touch or glaze their high priced Mochas and Javas. Whv ? is never glazed or Z $ aduJterated. It is JUST PURE Cofee. Tho sealed pacta e Insures uniform quality and frctl p- - W. T. Bishop The Wilber Barn Your Patronage Solicited. Bowers & Par y. Livery , Feed and Sale Stable * C4ood Careful Drivers , Reasonable Prices. The Walcott Barn. First Stable Kast of Sit-ttcrs Falcon. For Sale or Trade ! % Will sell cheap for cash or will trade f > Y land or cattle. This is the chance for some young man who wants to engage in ; he mercantile business to trade , for this > tock of godds , which formerly belonged ; o the Maier Sisters. I . ] f your CATTLE SUFFER from LICE , IICH or MANQP1 USE CH ' * - * Il Sold by Quigley & Chapman , Valentine , Nebr Richards & Oomstock , Ellsworth. Nehr PRINTING We Cio to Quality Pricp