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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1902)
S 5 1 * \ . . . - : " * - ' - Y * t Society I r L HE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT. THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA VOLUME XVII VA.LENTINE u , NEBRASKA. SEPTEMBER 11 , 1902. NUMBER 34 Prospective & Purchasers & of the "Acorii Urand" < 0othing can certainly 1) ) congratulated on the rlingworthjthestyle , &fr the tone and fit of these ff o * gnniKMits. Our unrir > iii < rzt'Jil aud great pur- & * Aliasing power have en abled us to place them before yon this season ? f / at prices that will pre 6fr clude any question of | 6frJ our clothing leadership The Red Front * * Cold Weather is Corning We are getting ready Are you ready for your fall snrfi If so , call and examine . onr stock or-leave your measure. All cus tom work made in our own shop. Work manship and fit guaranteed : : : : : Ladies' , Gents1 and Children's Shoes , TAILOR AND CLOTHIER. T. YEARNSHAW i IE OWL SALOON JAMES BHULL " " " "gfgfy" Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY AJc and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars , i VALENTINE x NEBRASKA tf 3- ' ' i " > - ; * / ; Anderson & Fischer , WAR \gents for the Quickmeal Gasoline Stoves and Ranges. WE SELL THE-- " \ Piano Mower and Hay Bakes j& . < | i Coffins. Caskets , SI ' ' jiud a Full Line of Undertakers5 Supplies. Chartered-as a Stite Bank Chartered as a National Bank Jun 1 , 1884. August 12. 1902 , _ FIRST NATIONAL BANK X Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) JJESfiZXlSL Of CAPITAL PAID IN y o A General Banking ( OOO * & Exchange and ' , < UUU. > & * Collection Business C. H. CORNELL , President * J T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NICHOLSON , Cashier. Coiu L. WATTEIIS , Assistant Cashier. CITIZENS MEAT MARKET j. w > sTETTar-t , PROP FRESH FRUITv AND GAME IN THEIR SEASON 1 First-class line of Steaks , EO.MSTB Dry Salt Meats , Smoked bf * ' ' * - . " * * ? & > TALK OF THE TOWN Advertise in the DEMOCRAT Mrs. R. A. Marrall was in town , Mondav. Miss Edith Pelt3'crew was in town Saturday. John Tinmn. wife and daughter are in town this week ' t I Mrs J-tmes Collins is visitincr fripnds in Vsil Titinf this wp k. James Pettycrew sold two londs of corn on the market ivJondav Rev. J. A Johnon , of Crookston , w'as a Valentine visitor Tuesday. Miss Bessie Elliott , of Kilgore , came down Monday to work at the Donoher The Misses Stotts , of Cody , were vis iting tn our city the fore part of the Dolly Phunder , has been visitiner at the home of her aunt , Mrs Kittle Cyphers. Laura Petti John , of the class of ' 02 , has prone to Fremont to attend school this 3'ear. Mis ? Lilian Nelson , of Codp. came Tuesday to Attend tho county conveh- tion of ( he W. C. T. U. A card from N T. Grooms , who re cently moved to Id ho , requests the DEMOCRAT sent tohim at Meridian Idaho. John it Avers , of Crookfton , from Dead wood yesterday where he has bpen 'attening U S. court for sev- eml dav . Mrs E. McDonald , of Crqpkston , was in town this week visiting1 her children and lookingafter business interests. Wm. Hrostein and wife , of Crooks- , ton were callers at this office Tuesday and dropped $3 into the till for the. DEMOCRAT Mrs M ! S. Welch , while out picking- wild plums , fell and was pretty badly bruised up We understand the in juries were not serious. V Ben Robson and family , of Har mony , wrre in town Saturday trading with ntT merchants. They attended , the funeral of Mrs Yeast. f Mrs Petti.Tohn and daughters , Myr tle and Florence , returned from an extended trip to Colorado and Wyo. They report having had a very pleas Of ant , time. Laura Tillson is in town visiting friends. She will go to Woodlake to morrow where she will begin her work tim as teacher of the primary department was of the public schools next week. her The work of excavation was begun Tuesday for the basement to the new stone buildingwhich is to be erected Yea on the west side of Main street by C H Cornell to be used for a bank. Deg She There has been a load of apples on byt the track here for several days. They were grown down near Fremont. Our ents people availedtthemselyes of the op moi portunity to purchase. The car goes from here to Gordon. c Prof. E. E. Crandall was in town S. S.corl ast weeic. There seems to be some. corl attraction that brings the Prof back Mt. to our city quite frequently. Is it the mai musical talent of Valentine ? at Notice elsewhere in this issue the were announcement of the sixth annual fair of Keya Paha Co. to be held at ° NordenNebr. , Sept. 18,19 and 20. A brre fine program has been prepared for " , -hi . each day. No time nor expense have . \ been spared to make this the best fair ever held in the county. Eeverybody m. who can should attend , The Section foremen on the F. E & M. V. at this place have in their emplo ) as trackmen five Indians from H.OI Rosebud reservation We learn that me they are employed in the same capac L ity at several of the stations along the line. Thus we see the "wild west" finite savage of a few years ago adopting from the ways of hia more enlightened brother. He is realizing what it means to earn Ilia bread by the sweat of his face. One ot the daintiest picnics of which and t L j _ . syn i we have heard this season occured last Thursday at Thacher's grove and north-west of town , To iMissKatie Noble ' belongs th honors of the man- f6S . agement. At about three o'clock ' in the afternoon about fifty of our voung people assembled at the residence of Mr. and Mrs F. M. Walcott where teams were in waiting to convey them sent to the grounds Mr. Bohle furnished that . the supper which was served at > six tine o'clock in Metropoliton style and was I Job Work at the DEMOCRAT office * Mrs. W. " . "A. Pettycrew has been on the sick list for several days but is re covering again. Miss , Ryan , the nurse who cared for rtlrs. Yeast , returned to her home Sunday morningmorning. . Mrs Spencer , of C'rookston , visited friends in-Valentine a couple of days last week returning home Saturdaj' . Miss Flora Hornback went to Ft. Niobrara last Frida } ' and expects to remain a week visiting at the home of Mrs. Clara Kalb. Frances Harden got her face badly poisoned while attending the hay rack picnic last Thurday. It will necessi tate her missingseveral days of school. Miss Stella Crowe , of Merriman , wai in the city over Sunday. She be gai teaching Monday morning- a district $ seven miles out from town , We did not learn the number. WeC Charles McNare and wife , of Ara bia _ l , came up Fridav to attend the funeral of Mrs J. W. Yeast. They returned . home Sunday1. Mrs McNare IS a sister of the Yeast brothers. Miss Nettie Johnson , of Arabia , is in town attending school. This is Mis Johnson's 3rd year in our schools. She evidently appreciates the advant ages obtained here for acquiring a thorough edication. Miss Ceaa Downingof , Merriman , made our office a pleasant call while in town Monday. * Miss Downinghas for several years been one of Cherry Go's popuiar school teachers. In stead ; of teaching this year she goes to Fremont to take special instruct 10D in paintingand elocution. sjlev. A. F. Cumbow preached his farewell sermon as pastor of the M. E. church at this place last Sunday evening to a large , attentive congre gation. This closes the third year of pastorate work for Rev. Cumbow in this city. He went to Chadon yes terday to attend the annual confer- _ ence of his church which convenes in that city today. Obituary. Mrs. Emma Yeast after an illness nearly a year , died at her home in this city Thursday evening Sept. 4 , 1902M at the ajre of 33 years. Mrs. Yeast was the daughter of Mr , and Mrs Thomas Proctor , who are es timable citizens of our town. She born in Wisconsin and moved with parents to C berry Co. Nebraska wht about 16 years of age. At the age of 19 she was mairied to J. W. Yeast and to this union two sons were Yot bori Deceased was a member o. the YotA Degree of Honor and Eastern Star. A She'was also a member of the Pres byterian church. Besides her hus ban and two sona s > he leaves her par , one brother and two sisters to mourn her death. The funeral ser vice were conducted in the M. E. church Saturday at two p. m. by Rev. W. Holsclaw , after which the O cortege took up the solemn march to . Hope Cemetery where the re mains were laid to rest. The services the grave were in charge of the Degree of Honor. The floral ttibuces many and beautiful. The large concourse of people in attendance ' testimony to the high esteem in which Mrs. Yeast was held by her friends and neighbors. The bereaved husband and family have the sincere sympathy of all in this their hour of . affliction. Ke.Mol til ions. Resolutions of respect adopted by Hope { Lodge 110 , Degree of Honor , in memory of our beloved aisten EMMA YEAST. WHEREAS ! The Creator in His in wisdom has seen fit to remove our midst bur beloved sister , Emma L. Yeast : Be it RESOLVED , that in respect and loving remembrance of our Sister , we extend to the husband and children , her aged parents , our deepest sympathy in this their hour of sorrow ; FRED be it further RESOLVED , that as a tribute of T respect for our departed Sister , our charter be draped in mourning for a GO [ j period of thirty days , that a copy of U these , resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the Lodge , that a copy be to the bereaved husband and they be published in the Valen . papers , FANNIE ROBINSON Committee j DOLLY A > HQUSE 4 ? 49 & Walking Skirts 49 49 We have the latest in Kilted "Walking Skirts , 49 49- Box Plaited Skirts and Side Pleated Skirls , 49 made up in the latest fabrics and new weaves. 49 49 In all colors Oxford , Black , Brown , Blue , 49 49 Snowflake and Gray. A full line , unexcelled 2 * 49 49 in style , tailoring , quality and pi-ices : : : 49 49 49 Df ess Skirts 49 49 That are distinetive in Style and Fnish 49 49 Made with Drop Skirt Linings : : : t * 49 I * 40 TJ ' 49' * * 49 I * 49 49 DAVENPORT d THACHER 49 WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE General GeneralMerchandise Merchandise AND Groceries MAX E. VIERTEL NEBRASKA CKOOKSTON Watch This Space For New Goods Next week W. A. Pettycrew , General Merchandise. Your Pocket Book Will Stand It Fob Chain for Summer Wear Ladies' and Gent's Patterns in Leather , Silk or Gold , W , Morey , The Old Reliable Jeweler , a HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine Nebraska Aclcotiiits of Merchants , Ranchmen and Individuals invited. Money to loan on first-class cattle paper and other securities. Valentine State Bank ( Successors to Cherry County Bank. ) Capital lsiid Up JS.5OOO WHITTEMORB , President J. "W. STETTER , Vice Presiden CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier BOIWBY W. S. JACKSON YOU WANT A WINDMILL ? ; ( a " good so yon one want * The place fo get the best Windmill , alsc pumps and Tanks' . First door south of the Donoher Uonsc. S.MOON - - - Valentine , Nebr. " Do You Read Tte