Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 04, 1902, Image 5

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8' Itt
or t-
! at tile I'Oht-olUce at Valentine. Cherry
county. I'ebraika. : i Sfconrt-rlms marter.
- -
- - - - - - - -
EZUA I * . SAVAGK , Governor.
C. K. STKII.K. Lieut , ( loverr or.
( KV. . MAKSII. Secretary "fSUsU * .
CHAVKSION , Auditor Tub. ACCL-J.
\Vjt STKIJI-KU Treasurer.
FUAM ; N. I'KOUT , Atty. Geneial.
GnoKoFOWKKIC , Com. Pub. Lands and Bid ; ; .
LK.K HAICDMAN. Librarian.
> l0dKIM ! 11. AllI.LAKI ) .
GlIAS. 11. DlKTltlClI.
ELMICK.I. HirKUK/rr. Kep. 1st HIM.
DAVID II. MKKCKH , Ui-j.2nd Dist.
JoiiN.l Itor.iNSOv.Fus. 3rd Dist.
Wji.L SIAUK. jras. 4th Dist.
A. C.StiAi.M'.Ni..JCKi ' : . Fu 5ih DW ,
W.M. XICVIL.I.K , Fus. ClhDist.
W , C. SiiATT-'CK , Treasurer.
G. S. URKCK. Clerk.
\V , 11. 'i o .VNK , .Tud e.
L. N LAVI-OHT. Shcrilf.
A. M. MouutssKY. Attorney.
ETTA IJnowx , Snpurintendent.
LKKOY LKACJI , Survejor.
W. E. HALKV , l-t
Ai.r.x 15tnis.2nd
L. LAUKKK,3rd Dist.
Charles II. Ftiulhaber
IJret'iler of
Iteu'st'd lleretonls
Ilyantr N"7J.53S. .
at head of lierd.
Young hulls from 6
to 18 mouths old
tor sale
Does al bhicksmithinfjathard
times prices for cash.
" , Xebr.
Good , Qard Rook for sale in any
City DeliveryHiaru
* Trtinkj , vnlisi's and packages hauled to and
, iroin the depot and all parts of the City.
Telephone 12.
First-class Shop in Every .Respect
Kiu : de Quinine Hair Tonic. Golden Star Itair
Tonic , Ilerpicide and Coke's Dandruff Cure.
Try Poinpeian Face Massage Cream
Oonnty Surveyor
Valeiitiiie of Woodlake
Tubularvell and Eclipse wind
mills. Wells ifiwranteed five
Attorney at Law
Valentine , X
Ploysician and Surgeon
Office at Qnigley & Chapman's
Drug Store. Nights The Don-
oher residence , _ Cherry Street.
Edward S. Fur ay
Physiciaa and Surgeon
Office Fraternal Hall or El
liott's Drug Store. 19un2
Valentine , Kel a * .
Practices In District Ponrt and. U. S. Land
Oflice. Iteal Estate and Xaneh Property
botiKlitnud sold. Uonded Abstractor.
ay AToticc
strayed from I ) A. Hancock's pasture on the
X'oi'iara river , about .Inly 4'h , two mares , one
i.iti\vn and me black , weight tbnut 1100 each ,
j.runted Tj , on left ahijtilder. The brown mare
li .s § 011 left shoulder. Liberal reward lor
tilmwu , X\ \
P. E.3I. V. K.
No. 27 Frt. Dally 2 .T3 T. 31.
No. 23 * ' except Sunday 9:40 A. M
No. 3 Passe'iuer Daily 12:40A.M.
No. 28 Frt. Daily 6:50 A M.
No , 2r " except Sunday 5 .00 1' . M.
> o. 4 Passenger Dun 4:47 A.M.
Located on f 'herry St. 2nd door
south of Suiyser's livery , furnishes
excellent hoard and lodj infif. Meals
sauic old price 5 cents. A hearty
welcome to all.
Kran , bulk. . 1.50 per c\vt ? 20 00 r-
hort ; bulk 115 P T cwt . * 22 'H ' ) !
Screenings 40c " 7.00 "
' 'hop I > od 1.25 " * 24 00
Corn 1.05 " $20.00"
Chop corn 1.10 " $21.00 "
Oats 1.50 " $29.00 "
Ex.'imin Mion Third Saturday of oicli ;
month and Friday preceding.
r * ! Vi
Paint ,
Wall Paper , f
Calcimine. 5
> < -
Pure Linseed Oil
-AT- I
' , ' - ? _ ' - -x-i' - * - - -it v i - m'ZSi.-L " _ * 'Sji.ZsjZl yv7y J. . jvlLVJ j y r .
. . . . COPYRIGHTS &c.
Anvone Fending .1'sketch and dcscript'.on may
milcUIy ascertain our opinion free whether aa
invention is probably p.itentable. Coinniur.lca- Handbook on Patents
bunt fice. Oldest nt'cncy for securing patents.
I'-itents taKen tlirouch Munn & Co. receive
special notice , without chnrce , in tho
A hnnr'wncij' illustrated weplcly. T.nrpcst cir-
ciIuM < > > t"any scientific journal. Teiiiis. C3 a
year ; fi.tir months , 51. Soiiibyall newsdealers.
MM & CQ.251 2" ' Mew Yorfc
Branch O.T.ce. fi25 V St. . Washington. D. O.
The Best Cattle Dip
No one can afford to take the risk of
experimenting with homo made cattlo
or sheep dips wh > n tli In-sr coal tar dip
can be hn-l : tl (50 to 70 cents per gallon
The Geo , II. Lee Co. , of Omaha , quote
this price on their Lee's Carbolic Dip
which is endoised by the Nebra.-ka
State Experiment Station and bv hun
dreds of leadiug stockmen. Write tor
new catalogue and testimonials
D. A. Hancock
Blackburn , I\Io \ or
branded > i
left siiias on cut ;
ubo K > on left si * <
uith on lelt tup i i
sirine caltju ; alsot !
g liia tJ
.side Ilt
on > isr
brand , rake and n
\r i shoulder < u
Dcwey Lake Raii e on Xiohrara Kiver , east
fort Xiobraia ; all lu Cherrj Couuty. Nebraska.
p s uouscnu
PostoiP.ce address
Uro'.vnlee , Nf b
r -rrjEa * . On left side or an\
of animal. Ear-
ear cut
# sS fi ! ? j . ? 'Ww3oir ; horses branded
li .Sw Isaine on lcft I P-Also
X lte ! i ? - lj.yii has stock uramled H
vsa T a on side or shoulder ,
* * & * * . M S ° r JR ° r w ° r ° 'VL
g B tevOESiSaaaor O or fZ. Also
the'following , tJie first one being on side and hip
SEQUAH (3267) )
Dark brown , Foaled Nov. 2ith ,
1889. Sire "Nimrod" (1060) ) , by
( SG7) ) . Sequah's dam 289 Lady-
"Comet" (151) ( ) , by "Eelipse"191) ( )
by "St. Giles'GST ) by "WilJfire"
bird F. S. Vol. 7 by Kestless T. B.
Sequah's G. dam by Larrywhcat
( T. B. )
He will stand for season of
1902 at Sherman's barn.
Owner ,
and Humor Blended by an Expert
In the Business.
" \Ve can. furnish you with any
' kind of a cage made , " read the ad
vertisement of the truthful man ,
"and when it comes to a monkey
cage , why , we're right in it. "
Church What on earth are they
ringing that bell so long for ?
Gotham That's to call a meet
ing together.
' What sort of a meeting ? "
"Meeting of the Society For the
, Prevention of Unnecessary Xoises. "
"Why do you call this South Car
olina salad ? " asked the man from
the north , who was traveling in the
"Because it's like our people
popular , " replied the native.
' 'Oh , I thought it was because it
never agreed with anybody. "
Patience Did you hear that Miss
Fussan feather talk about her bar
ber ? Isn't she mannish ?
Patrice Xo ; perhaps she's going
to marry a barber.
What does he call
his race horse ?
Sue Lrettc Actor.
' Why that name ? "
"Because he follows the tracks. "
Yonkers Statesman.
Better Left Ur.said.
doubt you think I'm older
than I really am. "
"Xot at all. I'm sure you are
not half as old as you look. "
Noah's Sarcasm.
Noah's wife , who was sitting on
tho quarter deck , was disconsolate.
"Noah , " she said , pointing to the
aggregation of animals , "if people
should sec me in such company
what would they think ? "
" 'They would probably think you
were Mine. Zozo , the lady who en
ters the lions' cage in some trained
animal - showresponded Noah ,
with rare .qood humor.
And picking up the paper he
again scanned the weather report.
Indianapolis Sun.
Hangin' On.
Lariat Luke What become of
that hanger on from th' east ?
Horrible Hank He's still hang-
in' on. *
Lariat Luke Down at the Red
Eye saloon ?
Horrible Hank Naw ; hangin' on
tew a cottonwood tree at th' edge
of town. Ohio State Journal.
At the Sunday School Picnic.
The Superintendent Now , chil
dren , why do we leave to go to the
beautiful parks ? What do we find
there that is always fresher and
purer than it is in the city ?
Truthful Tommy ( with cheerful
promptness ) Popcorn , sir ! Cleve
land Plain Dealer >
Her Higher Life.
' 'Do you find it difficult to at
tend to yoitr social duties and keep
up on the art and literature of the
times ? "
"Oh , no ; I always try to devote
at least fifteen minutes a day to art
and literature. " Chicago Record-
He Got Hot.
"What's the row ? " asked the
manager of the dime museum.
' 'The lire eater went into the
restaurant next door , " answered the
bearded lad'and , asked for a light
lunch , and they set him out a candle
and a box of matches. " Toledo
Then the Temperature Fell.
Ella Yesterday was niy birthday ,
and Fred sent me a rose for each
year of my age. I don't see how he
knew how olcl I was.
Stella Very likely he didn't.
Probably he took all the roses the
florist had. New York Press.
What , Indeed ?
Cycler I see they are wearing
peg top trousers for bicycling this
Old Joaker Well , what could be
more appropriate for a spin ?
'An Eskimo arrow of walrus ivory
found imbedded deep in the breast
of a Canadian gray goose is on ex
hibition in a gun store at Spokane.
The goose was shot a few days ago
by John Cochran near Liberty lake.
As he picked up the big honker ,
weighing fourteen pounds , he was
surprised to see a little piece of ivory
sticking out from its breast for two
.With difficulty he pulled it out ,
for the flc'sh had grown around the
object. Then he saw that it was an
arrow eight inches long and about
as thick as a lead pencil. The carv
ings on the stem where it was tied
to the arrow stick are still visible.
Xo arrow of the sort was ever
seen heretofore. The bird cvident-
h * carried it thousands upon thou
sands of miles from the far north ,
where it was shot by some Eskimo.
Spokane Spokesman-Review.
A Runaway Locomotive.
About ten years ago I called upon
Chauncey M. Depew at his home , 21
West Fifty-fourth street , writes Tip
in the Xcw York Press. He was at
dinner , and in that friendly way of
his sent word that he would be up in
two minutes ; I must make myself at
home , etc. As it was a professional
call and I was seeking an interview
I bided my time. On the mantelpiece
in the reception room was a diminu
tive locomotive , which I . investi
gated. It appeared to be a model o
one of the oSTew York Central fli
ers , but I had no idea that the thing
had motion. We ot down on tho
floor together , and suddenly it start
ed oil at a mile a minute ( more or
less ) , tearing along the hall with
me after it. The blamed little thing
ran straight into the dining room
and was caught under the table by
Mr. Depcw himself.
Will Shorten His Signature.
Stress of business and the dearth
of time will lead to a change in
President Roosevelt's signature. He
has always been accustomed to write j |
cut his lirst name in full , but he j !
finds that it will save him about 50
per cent of time and trouble to make (
it simply T. Roosevelt. Where a man (
has to sign his name about 1,000
times a day , it makes a big differ
ence. There is a man in the office
of the auditor for the postoffice de
partment who , it is said , owes his
appointment largely to the fact that
his signature contains but five let
ters. He is Second Deputy Auditor
IT. Chew. He docs little but sign
his name , and he does that for about
eight hours a day steadily.
( Jr. W. Bulge returned 3'estenlay fiom
Omaliri whore he had been with a ship
ment of ca'tle.
Mrs. Phillips left fer Omalmcster -
< hiy iiiorninir to enter a hnsnital to un
dego an operation for appendicitis.
A brother of Dr. Shockley has ty-
phoid fever , lie is being cared for In
a nurse from the Ularksoa hospital at
Sheriff L-iyport received a h mdsome
present this week of a fine bug yvluch
was sent by his father from Al.irsiia'l-
to\vn Iowa.
E. L. Ilutchinson. of Pen brook , en me
up last Saturday and lemembercd llie
editoritli a dollar. His daughters
will attend our school this winter.
B. PSharp andife returned Wed
nesday morning to their home at Alba
Iowa , after a two weeks vis-it with W.
II. MeUioiul anil family. Mrs. Sharp
is a daughter of W. II McCloud.
We are instructed to say that the Gor
don base ball nine will be down to play
Valentine nine next Wednesday Sept ,
11 , and the following day will pin } Ft.
Niobrara. Come all 3 e sports
these irame .
A friend says he would not do with
out the DKMOUKAT and sashe is going
to bting us in a ten dollar bill in a few ,
da vs. We'll have to go out on a toot to
spend that much money , but bring her
in \ \ titrj \ \ to take care of it.
Geo. Brown , of Ncrden , ca-ne over
today and says the wheat , corn and
o.iUs is very good in their vicinity and
if ill" ftost holds oil for 10 du.s longer
the corn crop will aveiage not less th : n
25 bu4iels per acre. That is good for
whatas expected at one time to be a
The Valentine public schools opened
Monday monnng with the following
teachers. In'gh school principal , Pi of.
11. IIVatton ; ass't principal , Miss
Nelson ; grammar department , Miss
Ilolcomb ; 1st intermediate , Margaret
Robinson ; 2nd intermediate , Cora
Thackiey ; primary , Miss Muchmnre :
2nd primary , Mrs. .Mabel Vaughn.
The enrollment up to yesterday noon
was 250 and ihere area good muuylio
have not } et started. Valentine is
justh proud of her public school and
we believe ue have as One a building ,
a1fully equipped with libraries and ap
paratus and as good a corps of teachers
as aqy to\ya \ of our sjge in the state.
Four bald headed men took the Ori
ental lat nisht.
The ? r.v. . A. Lodge , of Simeon ,
will sor n iviiii' with our lodge. Lets
have a big mc'eling when the } * come in.
At thocnatorial convention last
Saturday A. M. Morrissey was the
unaminmis choict for State Senator ,
lie has twice been elected Co. Attorney
and is a popular man iu this district.
Amos Goodwin , a ranch haud , was
run over and killed by the east bound
freight No. 2J ( yesterday near Eli , He
was stealing a rule when it is supposed
he fell under the wheels with the above
result. Dr. Lewis was summoned to
hold an inquest.
J. Hughes , of Sparks , Avas kicked in
the face by one of his horse ? while
watering them Tuesdaj * . He was
brought to the City hotel and Dr. Lewis
was ca.led to dress the wounds which
proved to be only ileshoutuls there
being no bones broken.
Farmer Va'i i'assel , McFatrich , Agt.
McChesney and a score of Indians are
up to Dead wood attending U. S. Court
this week. Several cases arf > up for
trial against Indians , the most import
ant of illicit is the charge against
Walking Shield for the murder of a
woman because she would not consent
to his marriage with her daughter.
Gen. P. II. Barry , candidate for con
gress stopped oil here today to get ac
quainted with our business men while
en route westward. The General is
looking hale and hearty anl expresst d
hia regrets that he had'nt time to go
down to the post to pay his respects to
the commanding officer. Mr. Barry is
Biigadier General commanding the
first brigade of the Nebraska .National
Guards. Later the General hopes to
be with us { 'gain and will then visit
the post.
A two gallon jug being noticed in
the I postoflice window a fe\v days ago
the curiosity of some of our young peo
ple to know what the jug contained
j' prompted ' them to examine the label
and found it to read ' 'embalming fluid"
from ] a firm in DCS Moines Li , con
signed to C J. O'Conner , of Chester
field. < The DEMOCIIAT is now wonder
ing i and the joutig folks are looking
scared and \ erhaps also seized with
wonder as to what kind of an under
talcing establishment Mr. O'Conner is
running or whether he is just simply
embalming beef. It's up to Mr. O'C
to explain to ih'i ladies.
Wo acknowledge receipt of a book
entitled 'B-ittles and Biographies of
Missoutians" or the Civil War Period
of our state by W. L. Webb , of Inde
ct pendence cI I , Mo. , who is now on the edi
torial stall of the Independence Sentinel.
This book is sent us by request of our
Uucle \ , Frank Alley , of Cock roll , Mo. ,
and \ to whom we extend our sincere
thanks. The book portrays the events
iu that part of Mo. where the civil war
fare was most bitter , where every field
was a battlefield before the war was
oycr. Those interested are iinitcd to
call and examine the most thrilling ad-
account of the warfare in Mo. that we
have ever seen and knowing many of
the men , or their progenitors and hav
ing several times travelsed the country
o\er , we feel that this book is indeed a
treasure. Te the editor of the Sentinel
we also extend courtesies and hope to
become better acquainted.
One of the most popular and success
ful business men of Cherry County is
Max E. Viettel , the Crookston mer
chant. With good business ability and
an oppoitunity most people are success
ful but not all of them are pleasant
men who enjoy themselves with their
friends aud are pleasant men to meet
at 11113 * time though v/e believe Cherry
County has as large a percentage as
any\vheie iu the state. Mr. Viertel
came to this county from Stevensport
\\ljs1. in the spring of ' &G and for 13
years worked in the store of F. H.
Baumgartel , of Crooksion. Three
years ago last June Mr. Viertel pur
chased the store of Mr. Baumgartel ,
who had become his father-in law , and
has since that time conducted the busi
ness himself. As a. business man Mr.
Vieitel has made a success and is a
liberal adveitiser. He has served two
terms as county commissioner , the first
by appointment , and has lost none of
his popularity because of the office.
Mr. Viertel is a native of Germany ,
born in 18G3 and at ihe ajjeof 19 years
started for America to avoid enlisting
in the arm } ' . He lanJed in New York
on July 4 , 1SS2 and found the people
firing cannons and celebrating m grand
style. It was a favorable reception into
Ann rica and Max declares that they
ha\e celebiated the 4th of July ever
since. ,
When 2JsppiEg Cattle.
omber that the coal tar dips are
the best and safest for iminge , itch lice
and tii-ks ; that Lee's Carbolic Dip ,
made by Geo. LI. Lee. Co. of Omaha , is
the best of coal tar dips : that this dip
sells at Go cents per gallon in barrels
and that it has the. indorsement of tho
Xebr.i ka St-ite Experiment Station
and of hundreds of prominent stock
men. ,
Ordinnnre Xo.O2.
An Ordinance to provide for ih closing of
Saloons on Mindiy and at certain hour of the
nlgbt and prosr-ritiini ; penally for violation , and
to repeal oMln i n > o .v. ) entitled "Entitled sin
ordinance i plain to rlosini.saloi.s0ii Sunday" .
lie it onlamoi ! ! > v the Chairman ana Board'of
Trustees ol the * . lILi o of \ alentine :
.Section. 1. Tli Mi . - > liall he unlawful for any
person IU.VIMII - < tll malt , splrltous or vinous
liquors in the village /a'entlne. . to open or
keej ) open his NIHOOH or place of business where
in Midi honors ankept for sale on the lir.-t day
of the werlf , o iiKii'Hily called Sunday , or l i efl
or glv uw.iy nndfi any pretense \ \ hat. oever to
any person nr jf.-sous during said day any mult
Jipfiituonsoru ions liquor * . For the pnrjiostt
of tills ordin.t < a .viloon shall ho considered
open If perso % s are permitted In enter or to no
out of same. Provided , the owner and his em
ployees mav ! permitted to enter or to retire.
Section. 2. 'J ! . t for the purposes o' this ordi
nance the liist lav ol the week shall be under
stood to include all tne time between the hour
< > f twelve o'clock inld-niil.t proceeding and the
hour of twelve o'clock intd-ni ht following the
said lliat day of the week.
Section. 3. It shall ho unlawful for nnv person
licen ed to sell liquors as above mentioned in
the village of Valentin , to keep a saloon open
or to . - > ell any malt , spirituous or vinous liquors
after the hour ot eleven o'clock p. in. on any day
of tinetk , and If any person or persons other
than the proprietor a-nl his regular employees
sh.ii ! enter or go out of any saloon , or p'lace
where liquors ar i kept for sale after eleven
o'clock p. in. and hefore four o'clock a. in. , it
bhull ke considered a violation of this ordinance.
Section. 4. Any person or persons violating any
of the provisions of this ordinance shall , upon
conviction thereof hefore the police jndce. he
lin-d in any sum not less than live dollars nor
more thau iwentv-Iive dollars and costs of pros
ecution , and shall stand committed until lines
and costs are paid.
Section. 5 , Ordinance No. r& entitled ' .Kstitled
au o'dinance relative to clotimr saloons on Sun-
iiay" , and all ordinancosand [ parts of ordinances
in conliict hm-with aie heivhy repealed , and
this ordinance shall take elfect and be in fotc
from and after its passage , approval anil publi-
cat'on according to Uw.
UF.OUCK Fu.mTT. Chairman
Attest : a. M. MoitnissKY , Clerk.
Ordinance Xo. Oft.
An ordinance to provide for the appnlnt.nent
of vilhure officers , and fixing the salary , term and
dutib of the same :
Sect on 1. There shall he appointed by the
cnairman and hoard of trustees at the first reg
ular meeting , after i s organization. In each year
and at such other times as there may he vacan
cies in any of the oitlces hereinafter designated ,
the iolhnving village officers.
A vllliigu marshal ! , and such police as
the tnaui maat any time determine by resolu
tion ; astreot commissioner ; a water commis
sioner ; a village treasurer ; a village clerk ; si
village attorney ; and three members of the hoard
ot health each ot whom shall hold his olllce for the
term of one j ear , or until his success-or Is ati-
pointe 1 and qualified. I'rovided. that any of tne
oniceis Iiorein named maybe removed at any
time by resolution of toe uoard
Section 2. Tha salary of the said village officers
shall t > e such sum as may be fixed by resolution
of tlir hoaid at tne time of their appointment ,
and shall be payable quarterly , hut not exceed
ing the following amounts :
The Village marsliall three hundred dollars
per annum ; special police two dollars per day
lor the time actually fcmuloyed ; street commis
sioner forty dollars per annum ; vllIagH treas
urer nothing ; village clerk one hundred dollars
per annum : village attorney one hundred dol
lars per annum , /
bection. { . Each oSlrer in this ordinance d-slc-
nated.accpt member- the hoard of health ,
slMll give bond with good and sufficient .sureties
conditioned tor the faithful performance of his
dutiesaid bonds for the several respective
omtvrs to he in the penal sum as follows :
Village Mai&lmll 500.00 ; euch police-nan
9500.0.attr ) ; Commissioner SrjOOO.OO ; Village
'Irea-urer S50CO.OO ; Clerk 500.00 ; AtUrnev
§ 300 00.
Section 4. The bonds and oaths of the respect-
neoHiceis shullhe itled witii the village Clerk
before they enter upon the discharge of their
duties as suchofficers.
Se-tion . " > . Tins ordiuance shall take effect and
he in fnice from and after its passage , approval
and pui'lie ' tion according 10 law , and all ordin
ances or parts of ordinances In conflict , or in
consistent herewith , are hereby repealed.
* liKOu < ; E ELLIOTT. Chairman.
Attest : A.M. MoiiKtS-SKV. Clerk.
Business Notices.
Notices under this heading 5 cents per line
each insertion. Among reading matter , lOcents
per Hue each insertion.
All kinds of heavy hardware and
wagon wood stock at E. Breuklandera.
School Suits for Boys. School
Shoes for Girls and Bo-s. D. STINARD
33 ? t
F. E. & M. V. is no\v running
u through sleeping car between Omaha
and the Hot Springs.
Wonted , two competent girls for
Laundrei-s and Dishwasher to work at
the Ponoher Hotel. 32i
Ranch for Sale or Lease ! !
16 quarter sections , good range , hay
water and timber. Will run 300 head
of stock. For information address , box
no. 15-1 , Gordon Nebr. or I. M. RICE ,
Valentine , Nebr. 42-tf
Estray Xotice.
Taken up by the subscriber on his
enclosed lands in Gallispie precinct , in
Cherry county , Nebraska , on the 18th
day of July , 1902 , one roan cow and
calf , cow branded 2to ; one two year
old heifer branded 2 ; and one roan ,
cow branded ( I on right hip and Q on
right side. R. F. GALLISJPIE.
Dated Aug. 16 , 1002. 31-5
Notice of Settlement.
In estate of Davkl Leach , deceased. In Coun
ty Court , Cherry County , Nebraska.
To th * creditors , heirs , lesatees and others In
terested in the estate of David Leach ;
Take notice , that Jane E. leach , executrix ,
lias tiled in the County Court a report of her
domt'8 as rxecutix of said estate and it fa order
ed that the same > tanri tor hearing the 13th day
of September , A 1) . 1002 before the Court at the
hour of 10 o'clock a. in . at which tune any per
son interested may appear and except to and.
contest the same. And notice of this proceed
ing is ordere.i tnven by piiDlicatiou.
Witness my hana and the seal of the County
I Court at Valentine thU 23th day o'f
Ai > gU3E , A. J ) . 1902.V.
\V. R.TOW > K.
32.3 Couuty Judge.
Notice of Settlement.
In estate of William o. Tupper. deceased. In
County Court , Chen-y County , Nebraska.
To the creditors , heirs , legatees , and others in
terest eu in the estate ol William < > . Tupper.
Take notice , thut F. M. Walcott has filed in
the County Court a report of his doings as ad
ministrator of said estate and it is ordered th ? .
the SHine sta-rt for hearing the l.'Jth day of Sei >
triiib * r , A. D. 1902 nefore the Court at tue hour *
of 1 o'clock p. m , at which time any person in
terested iray appear ami except tu anJ contest'
the HAine. And notice of this * jartceefdint ; it > or-
deml given bypublica ion
my ham ) aiitltiitt seat or 'he County
fourr at Valentin * this 2dtli day oS
September , A. D , 1902
W. R , TOWXK ,