I.flit l * r > vr 11 4ftr
. . i i i si-ollir < ' .11 V atentiue. OiiMrry
county. Nebraska , as Secnnrt-nlass matter.
EZRA .P. SAVAOK. Governor ,
C. F. STKKI.E. Lieut. Governor.
GKO.V. . MARSH , Secretary .State.
CiiA-4. WKSTON , Auditor Pub , Acets.
W.M STKUHKR Treasurer.
FitA.sK N. PKOUT , Atty. General.
GKOHOK FOWLER , Com , Pub. Lands and Bldg.
L LKK HA HUM AX , Librarian.
( /'HAS. II. DlKTltlCH.
ELMER J. BURKKTT. ] { ep. 1st Dist.
DAVID H. MEKCKIC , Rep. 2nd Dist.
JOHN J. RoiHNSON.Fns. 3rd Dist.
\VM. L. SI-AUK , Fus. 4th Dist.
A. C. SUALMlNISKItCKU. KllS.Ctl ) Dist ,
WM. NISVILL.K , Fus. Gth Dist ,
W. C. JjiiATTUCK , Trejisnrer.
C. S. RKKCK , Clerk.
W , R. 1 OWXK , Judge.
- L. N. LAYPOUT. Sheriff.
A. M. MORUISSKY , Attorney.
ETTA Bliowx , Superintendent.
LEKOV LEACJC , Surveyor.
W , E. HALEY , 1st D'st.
ALEX BURR. 2nd i list.
L. LAUKER , 3rd Disl.
Charles H. Faulhaber
Breeder of
Uen'st'd llerelords
Hyam , No. 74.538.
at head of herd.
Young bulls from
to 18 months old
tor sale
Brownlee , Xebr.
Does general blacksmithingathard
times prices for cash.
Valentine , Xcbr.
Good , Hard Rock for sale in any
City Deliveryman.
Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and
from the depot and all parts of the City.
{ 2r Telephone 12.
First-class Shop in Every Respect
Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star flair
Tonic. Herpicide and Coke's Dandruff Cure.
Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream
County Surveyor
Valentine or Wood lake
Riege , Xcbr-
Tubular wells and Eclipse wind
mills. Wells guaranteed five
Attorney at Law
Valentine , Xobr.
Physician and Surgeon
Office at Quigley & Chapman's
Drug Store. Nights The Don.-
oher residence , Cherry Street.
Edward S. Furay
Physician and Surgeon
Office Fraternal Hall or El-
liott's Drug Store. I9un2
Talentine ,
Practices in District Court and U. S. Land
Office. Heal Ketate and Kauch Property
bought and sold. Bonded Abstractor.
Estrny Xotice
Strayed from I ) . A. Hmicock's pasture on the
Niobrara river , about July 4th , two mares , one
hrown and nne hlack. weight about 1100 each.
Branded Tj , on left shoulder. The brown mare
has g on left .shoulder. Liberal reward for
information. MOSES &UOFKACKEK.
Simeon , .Neb ,
> . *
- < L-
F. JB. AM. V. B. B.
\ \ i .ST BOUND
No. 27 Frt. Daily 2-33 P. M.
No. 25 " except Sunday 9:40 A. M
No. 3 Passenger Daily 12:49 : A. M.
No. 28 Frt. Daily G:50A M.
No , 2f except Sunday 5-00 P. M.
NO. 4 Passenger Dai ! > 4:47 A.M.
Located on Cherry St. 2nd door
fiouth of Smyser's livery , furnishes
excellent board and lodging. Meals
same old price 25 cents. A hearty
welcome to all.
, bulk. . . l.'iO per cwt $20 00 ton !
: .s bulk . . .1.15 per cwt $22.00 ton '
40c $7.00 " .
. . . .1.25 $24.00 " '
Corn 1.05 ' $20.00 "
Chop corn 1.10 * 21.00
1.50 ' $29.00 "
Examination Third Saturday of <
mouth and Friday preceding.
Paint ,
Wall Paper ,
Brushes ,
Pure Linseed Oil
Varnishes ,
. . . . COPYRIGHTS &c.
Anyone sending a sketch and description mny
nntckly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentablo. Communica
tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest ntency for securing patents.
Patents taken throuch Munn & Co. receive
tpccial notice , without charge. In the
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. T.nrccst cr. !
dilation of any scientific Journal. Terms , ? 3 a
year : four months , $1. Sold by all newsdealers.
MUNN &Go.361Broad Hew York
Branch Office. C25 V St. . Washington. D. C-
The Best Cattle Dip
No one can afford to take the risk of
experimenting with home made cattle
or sheep dips when thu best coal tar dip
can be had sit 00 to 70 cents per gallon
The Geo. II. Lee Co. , of Omaha , quoin
this prico on their Lee's Carbolic Dip
which is endotsed by the Nebraska
State Experiment Station and bv hun
dreds of leading stockmen. Write for
new catalogue and testimonials
D. A. Hancock
Blackburn , Mo or
Simeon. JNebmsk.-i
Cattle branded on
leftside as on cut ;
also IU on left side
with on left hip of
some cattle ; also S4ti
on right side.
brand , rake and 16
on left shoulder or
Home ranch on
Dewey Lake. Bange on Niobrara River , east of
Fort Niobrara ; all in Cherry County. Nebraska.
Postofflce address
Brownlee , Neb
On left side or any
part of animal. Ear
mark right ear rut
off ; horses branded
same on left hip. Also
has stock branded U
on side or shoulder ,
, or JKorWorO'VL '
) orO or FZ. Also
the'following , the first one being on side and hip
SEQUAH (3267)
Dark brown , Foaled Nov. 24th ,
1SS9. Sire "Nimrod" (1066) ) , by
( SG7) ) . Sequah's dam 289 lady- .
"Oomet" (151) ( ) , by "Eclipse" (191) ( ) :
"St. Giles'- "Wildfire"
by . Giles'(687)by ) ;
bird F. S. Vol. 7 by Kestless T. B.
Sequah's G. dam by Larrywheat
( T. B. )
He will stand for season of
1902 at Sherman's barn.
Owner. '
The Boys Who Thought Thompson
Seton Was a "Reg'Iar Bird. "
If Ernest Thompson. Seton chose ,
he could write a book on his lectur
ing adventures that might prove as
interesting , though in a very differ
ent Vtiy , as his "Lives of the Ilunt-
ed. " The other evening he was stop
ped at the theater door by half a
dozen ragged boj s , one of whom
said :
"Say , mister , are you de jay dat
talks about de animals ? "
"Yes. "
"Well , say , won't you give us a
pass ? "
"How many are there of you ? "
"Only eleven" ( others now ap
pearing ) .
Mr. Thompson Seton called his
manager and said :
"Pass these eleven boys. "
"There's eighteen now , " said the
"All right ; pass eighteen , " said
the man of the beasts , for he never
sends a child away if he can help it.
During the hour and a half lecture
he had no more appreciative hearers
than those eighteen newsboys. After
it was over he stepped out the back
way , and here Avere the eighteen
waiting as before.
Their spokesman now came for
ward and expressed the sentiments
of the others in language more
forceful than ornithologically cor
rect :
"Sa } ' , mister , that was great !
You're no jay. You're a bird a
reg'lar bird ! "
When the Trustees Come.
Sometimes when , me an * all the rest
Are busy on a sum
The teacher says , "Now , look your best
Before the trustees come. "
An * then she picks up ev'ry scrap
An' rubs the blackboard down.
An" we just sit with hands in lap ,
" \Vhen the trustees come aroun' .
It seems so awful long to us
To sit BO still an' straight ,
But we Just das'ent make a fuss
While they investigate ,
An' if we even whisper low
We see the teacher frown ,
An' ev'rythins must be just so
When the trustees come aroun' .
Then Squire Jubb will take his stand
An * read from off a card
An * ask where did John Cabot land
Or something just as hard ,
An' then he'll ask. one at a time ,
To write the oceans down ,
An' you must have your mem'ry prime
When the trustees come aroun' .
An' while the squire turns his face
An' talks on cold an" heat
Young Dr. Jones has found a place
Beside the teacher's seat.
An' she just shows his words confuse
An * lets her eyes drop down.
But we must mind our "p's" and "q's"
When the trustees come aroun' .
Victor A. Hermann.
Why Ethel Behaved.
Ethel used to play a good deal in
the school. One day she had been
very quiet. She sat up prim and be
haved herself so nicely that after the
school was over the teacher re
marked :
"Ethel , my dear , you were a very
good girl today. "
"Ycs'm. I couldn't help being
dood. I dot a stiff neck ! "
Earns a Thousand Dollars a Year.
One of the pluckiest little busi
ness men in the country is Carl Gus-
tafson , the son of Charles Gustaf-
son , a fireman at the steel mill at
New Castle , Pa.Although but thir
teen years of age and buti feet 4
inches in height this litilc fellow
travels all over the country selling
a well known typewriter , drawing
a salary of $1,000 a year. The boy
has helped support his family since
he was nine years old. At the age
of twelve he was employed as a mes
senger boy by the AYestern Union
Telegraph company in Xew Castle.
J. H. W. Marriott , superintend
ent of agencies of the typewriter
company , while in the Western
Union Telegraph office in ] S"ew Cas-
.le was attracted by Carl's bright
ace and learned upon inquiry some-
hing of his history. Learning that
he boy had a fancy for machinery ,
\Ir. \ Marriott took his machine apart
md offered Carl 25 cents if he could
jut it together again. He succeeded
n doing it in less than ten minutes.
Mr. Marriott offered to take the boy
vith him on his travels. The boy ac
cepted , and he became a traveling
alesman , going to Baltimore , iNfew
fork , Philadelphia , Boston and oth-
r places selling the machines.
imerican Boy.
Suggested Name For Sister Goat to
the Holy Terror.
William. Gillette , the author-actor
and playwright , is an enthusiastic
boatman. When he was a boy in
Hartford , Conn. , when his father
was the founder of the suburb of
Glenwood , he spent almost all his
leisure constructing paddle boats on
the Parmington river. "When Gil
lette got rich , he built a roomy house
boat called the lloly Terror. Cum
bersome as the craft was , she had her
own motive power , so that her own
er could move from one point to an
other at will without depending on
the exactions of a tugboat captain.
One Sunday Gillette stopped on
the Hudson , just below Grant's
tomb , to fake on some guests. When
he started away , the machinery of
his Holy Terror got awry , and the
houseboat ran amuck through a lot
of little catboats and rowboats an
chored along shore , tearing away
rigging , dories and everything in
sight. Gillette stopped to ascertain
the damage and make promises to
pay."Say , " exclaimed one man who
rented boats , "if you are going to
build another thing like that I wish
you'd name her the Merry Hell. "
A Dude's Narrow Eccnpe.
Two youths , dressed without re
gard to expense ( or fashion ) , strolled
up Broadway , Xcw York , one of them
twirling a heavy lancewood cane.
"Look out ! " cautioned his com
panion. "You came near knocking
off the hat of that man we just
passed. Carry your cane more care-
full } * or you'll get in trouble. "
The cane twirler glanced back at
the man whose hat he had so nar
rowly missed.
"I wouldn't have cared if I had
knocked it oil' , " he bragged. "I'm
pretty good at sizing up a man , and
that little fellow wouldn't have last
ed half a round against me. Besides ,
from the look of him any fool could
see hewouldn't have sand enough
to resent it. "
And they passed on , never dream
ing of the averted tr ° gcdy.
Por thelittle fellow" was Tom
Carnegie Amused.
Andrew Carnegie is not often a
visitor to Wall street , and when he
went down there a few weeks ago he
passed unobserved down the famous
thoroughfare , right into the arms of
a runner for a bucket shop.
"Come to put up a little money
on the rise of the market ? " asked
the runner. ' 'Sure thing ; can't lose.
Stocks tire going up. I'll show you
where you can double your money in
half an hour. "
"Double all I have ? " asked lr.
Carnegie , assuming an air of eager
"How much've you'got ? " inquired
the runner.
"Oh , a little less than $175,000-
000 , " replied the canny Scotsman
"Wh-what ? " gasped the man.
"But I am trying to get rid of it ,
not double it , " went on the iron
"Why , are you Andrew Carne
gie ? " asked the runner.
"I am , " said he , going on and
chuckling quietly to himself. Xew
York World. I
The Psge's Pointed Question.
Senator Mallory of Florida , bald
as a doorknob , sat in the Democratic
cloakroom one morning. He called
for a page. A boy came in who had
a big bunch of hair standing '
straight up from his forehead.
"Son , " said the senator , "why '
don't you get that cowlick of vours
fixed ? You should train it dom ,
or when you get married it will give
your wife a fine place to grab hold
of. "
"Senator , " asked the boy meekly ;
"Is that the way you lost your hair ? ' *
Slower Than Philadelphia.
A Philadelphia member of the ]
state legislature was recently show j
ing some Harrisburg friends around 1
! ' the city hall and took them into j
Mayor Ashbridge's room. His j
honor made himself very agreeable j
to the visitors , as is his wont , and
had a hearty "Glad to have met
you ! " for them as they were de
parting. One of the strangers ,
much impressed by the mayor's cor
diality , lingered long enough to say :
"If you're ever up in our town ,
come to sec me. I'll treat you right.
You've never been to Harrisburg ,
have you ? "
"Oh , yes ! " replied the mayor. "I
spent two weeks there one after
noon. " Philadelphia Times.
Pettus as a Speech Writer.
When Senator Spooner was fin
ishing his Philippine speech , Sena
tor Pettus , who is eighty-one , sat
steadily writing at his desk for more
than an hour , but at the same time
apparently listening to what Sena
tor Spooner was saying.
"What's he writing ? " asked Sen
ator Millard of Senator Scott.
"Don't know , " replied Scott , "but
it seems too long for a letter. "
The curiosity of all hands was
satisfied soon after , for Mr. Pettus
arose , took up the manuscript and
read from it. He had been writing
an answer to Senator Spooner while
listening to him. New York
Fast Travel.
A railroad train has run 149
miles , between Buffalo and Syra
cuse , in 145 minutes , including a
two minute stop at Rochester. Isn't
that just about as fast as any rea
sonable person should care to
travel ? Will the world be much
better oft if it gets electric cars
running at the rate of a hundred
miles an hour ? As to airships
well , nobody knows what they may
do at some time in the future. They
sail and soar , are not tied to metal
trackways , and the wildest imagina
tion can sail and soar and roam at
will with them up among the clouds.
A Witty Convict.
George J. Charlton , general pas
senger agent of the Alton road , is
in receipt of a novel recommenda
tion dated at Jolict , 111. : "Five
years ago I used your road to Jolict
and have not used any other since. "
The writer does not sign his name ,
but jrives his number. His term is
evidently not yet expired.
Miss Maud Trace well is quite sick
tvith Typhoid fever.
S. F. GUnum has purchased the Clia ? .
Searbv farru north of Crookstou.
Clarence Sagasser was shaking hands
with old time friends in Valentine this
Mrs. D C. Nelson of Cody was a
business caller at the DEMOCRAT ofliee
3 ostcrday.
Joluin } * Stetler from Alliance is in
town vi > iting his family for a few days
Mr Furry of Ft. Niobrara went to
Omaha jetteiday with a cat load of
government mules.
James M. Ashbtirn , a cousin of
Tom's , bought Xels 1'olen'a place on
the Co. line for $2,100.
Mrs. R. A. McQunde came up from
Wood Lake thiseek to visit with her
husband during the wut weather.
John Uaehelor moved into town yes
terday evening and will occupy the
house he purchased from Chas. Ander
J. E. Thackrey came up from the
ranch i at Mart.h . lake to transact busi-
ness i in our city yesterday , lie says
Hay is good.
Wall Hamer was in town Tuesday.
We hear that he has purchased the
Matheua place do\vn the river where
he expects to make his future home.
A letter from John Keeley in the
Phillpines to his brother states that he
had jusi returned from an overland
march of 30 days iu the interior. He
had lost J5 Ibs. iu weight butvas feel-
in. i ? One.
Andy Folks , wife and daughter Maud
Crookston \ passed Hi rough Valen-
tine } esterday'on their way to Kansas
to make their future home. They are !
making the trip overland with Uvo
J. F. S wain called at our sanctum
yesterday and ordered some silk 1 adges
printed to adorn the labels of those
who > vill act as uiarsKal on tl e picnic
grounds of the "Old Settlers''at Sparks
totluv unii tomorrow.
Mrs J. tT. Spnrks ami son Leonard
d par'n ' 1 this morning for S. Joe , Mis-
- ourvhf ! > r' > they will visit friends and
iiO.itivi" . ' ! few days. L-itorMr.
Sparks " 'ill join them and they will go
Jon to .Mif.i'gan to visit Mr. Sparks
pareni.s. j
S. M. IM lion. I'ie * or tl.e C. & A. R.
R. , Mayr Caru-r Harrison of Chicago ,
E. F. Sunnioy 1'ies. Ixi National Hunk
of Kansa City and C. W. Poillips cap
italist or I ittsbnrg. Pa. are lit r < vfcit-
injr J ) . A Hancock. 'Ibey arrived on
No. 3 this morning in a private car.
D. C. Perkins , special agent and ad
juster of the Nebraska Mercantile Mu
tual Insurance company of Lincoln
was in the citj' Thursday visiting their
agent I. M. Hice.
This company is now in its Gth year
and has over § 6,000,000 Insurance in
force. It has an enviable reputation
for the prompt payment of its losses
and is cheaper and more sati.-factory
than eastern insurance companies.
Everybody is busy haying in these
parts yet.
Clarence Dunham was visiting at
Kennedy hist Sunda } ' .
Ed. Richards is an everyday laborer
ia the hay field at the present.
Hurry Burnharn was swapping yams
with the Kennedy people one day last
Faddisanl Stead man took a large
bunch of horses up to their pasture on
Steer creek one day last week.
Cattle buyers are quite plenty around
here this fall uud everybody that has
good cattle can surely sell them.
The rains this fall have made haying
backward and slow btit everybody is
getting up a line lot of hay around
Mr. Heekley lias gone to Kansas wiik
a bunch of horses to sell. He thinks
Kansas a better horse market than Ne
Ren ( lanow travels the road from
Kennedy southwest instead of to Sim
eon lately. The attraction must have
Business Notices.
Notices under this heading r cents per line
each Insertion. Among rending matter , lOcents
per line each insertion.
All kinds of heavy hardware and
wagon wood stock atE. Breuklanders.
3 Men wanted on a ranch at once.
Call at this office. 32-1
The F. E. & M. V. is now running
a through sleeping car between Omaha
and the Hot Springs.
Wanted , two competent girls f < r
Laundress and Dishwasher to work at
thePonoher Hotel. 32 4
Knnch for Salvor Lease ! !
16 quarter sections , good range , hay
water and timber. Will run 300 bead
of stock. For information address , box
no. 154 , Gordon Nebr. or I. M. RlCE ,
Valentine , Nubr. 42-tf
Nebraska , State Fair
Lincoln , Nebraska , August 20th to
September 5 , 1902. For ih-i above oc
casion the sale of excursion tickets is
authorized at one fare plus 50 cents for
the round trip. Tickets on sale Sept.
1 to 5 inclusive. Tickets expire Sept.
G. 1002.
Estray Xoiiee.
Taken up by the subscriber on his
enclosed hinds in Gdllispie precinct , in
Cherry county , Nebraska , on the 18th
day of July , 1902 , one roan cow and
calf , cow branded 21 ° ; one two year
old heifer branded 2li ; and one roan ,
cow branded Q on right hip and ( j on
right side. K. F. GALLISPIB.
Dated Aug. 16 , 1002. 31-5
Notice of Settlement.
In estate of David Leach , deceased. In Coun
ty Court , Cherry County , Nebraska.
To HIP creditors , heirs , legatees and others in
terested in the estate of David Leach :
Take notice , tbat Jane K. leach , executrix ,
lias filed , in the County Court a report of her
domes as executix of said estate and it is order
ed that the same stand lor hearing the 13th day
of September , A 1 > . 1002 before the Court at the
Hour of 10 o'clock a. 111. at which time any per
son interested may appear and except to and
contest the same. And notice of this proceed
ing is order1 , ! given hvpnnlicaiion.
Witness my hana and the seal of the County
, > Courtut Valentine tuta SitU day of
; S.AI , | August , A. D. 1902.W.
3:2.3 : County Judge.
Notice of Settlement.
In estate of Willtaro o. Tupper. deceased. In
County Court , Cherry County , Nebraska.
To the creditors , heirs , legatees , and others in
terested in the estate or \ \ illiam t > . Tupper.
Take notice , that F. M. Walcott has Bled in
tile County Court a report of his dointrs as ad
ministrator of said estate and it H ordered tbat
the pame sta"d for hearing the. lath day of Sep
tember. A. D. HKhJ nefore the Court at the hour
ot 1 o'clock p. in .at which time any person in
terested may appear ami except to anJ content
the vime. And notice of this proceeeding is or.
dered given by publicarion.
Witness my hami and the seal ot the Count/
- Coiiri at Vjileutiiutins 25th day of
\ SKAI. r September , A. D. I9fti.
' v J W. R. TOWXK.
33-3 County Judye ,