MORAL SUPPORT AT HOME. I have over and over again seen In stances of breakdown In young people , which by judicious management , moral and physical , on the part of the moth- cr , could have been averted. I know of no circumstances which so deeply af fect the nervous health and the happi ness , present and future , of the child as the intimate domestic relations with the parent. It seems possible for most children to bear a great deal of dis appointment outside of the domestic life when they feel sure of moral sup port at home. We hear so much of young girls not being understood in their homes that we are apt to make light of and call it a foolish whim , and often without injustice ; but , on the other hand , It Is equally true that fretfulness , obstina cy , capriciousness , unwise ambitions and fitfulness are often rather the out come of disordered nervous systems than the manifestations of badly bal anced character. Now It Is that the mother often falls to understand exactly how to treat the child , and Is too likely to make mis takes , which frequently come perilous > - ly near being aad and irrevocable ones. It is essential that she learu to dis criminate between what Is really per- verseness on the one hand and the re sult of upset nerves on the other ; for , while the former requires moral cor rection , the latter demands a different care. The phs'sical , as well as the moral conditions needs attention. John H.V. . Rbeln , M. D. , in Harper's Bazar. She Loves Work. Miss Lydia Weld , a girl of athletic form , muscles hard as Iron , a face glowing with richest health , who has the distinction of being the only wom an blacksmith in America , Is now pur suing her fourth year In naval archi tecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and has outclassed many of her masculine associates. She is of wealthy parentage and Is study- jug the vocation for pure love of the work. She will finish the many courses ot Boston's famous school for engi neers In another year and has been offered a position in the big Cramp shipbuilding concern at Philadelphia as naval constructor. If she accepts , the United States will be the first country to have a woman actively en gaged in this profession. Miss Weld is 2o .veal's old. During the hot summer months she worked in the blacksmith shops daily from 9 until 4. She has became as expert a machinist as black- ' smith and forger , making all kinds of machinists' tools , dies , milling cutters , etc. Egg Gruel. Beat up the whites of three eggs to a stiff froth and stir them into a cupful of fresh barley gruel : allow it to stand on the lire a t'sw minutes without boiling , then add anyllavoring desired. Turn into a mold ; serve with cold cream. Apple Sauce. Cut , peel and quarter the apples. Cook in u granite kettle with enough water to prevent burning. Cook till very tender , then add sugar to taste. If preferred they may be cookeu longer , and worked through a fine sieve or colander. Stewed Tomatoes. Dip the tomatoes into boiling water. Remove the skins and cut into quarters. Stew in a gran ite kettle one hour. Season with pep per , salt and butter. If desired , they may be sweetened with a little sugar and thickened with cracker dust. Bluefish Salad. Three cups of flaked bluefish , one-half teaspoonful salt , one- fourth teaspoout'ul white pepper , one- fourth cup olive oil. one tablespoonful vinegar. Flake the bluefish neatly and marinate for an hour with a French dressing made from the oil. vinegar and seasonings. Arrange on a nest of let tuce and serve with a mayonnaise gar nished with chopped olives. This Strikes Home. No one who is not doing it all the time knows the amount of physical la bor and the many steps required to get even a comparatively simple dinner. That is to say nothing about clearing up after it , which is another matter. Then to get a dinner and try to sit down to it with guests doubles the la bor. It is much easier for the maid who serves it , clears up things as she goes along , and then quietly eats her dinner later and do'es not mix with her efforts to have everything properly served an attempt to say the right thing at the right moment to each of her guests. has been said and It recorded as a strange fact that the great cooks are always men , and cooking is supposed to be particularly in woman's sphere. One very good reason for this failure in women to reach the highest places is that the great cook adds to his other abilities that of strength , and it is an essential requirement. The best cor don bleu without It cannot equal him. "Wear Your Dress Suit. It is always more courteous in a man to pay a young lady you have invited to go to the theater the compliment of wearing your dress suit , for she will undoubtedlj' take the trouble to wear a. rather smarter gown than her ordi nary street costume , says the New York Herald. There are a great many reasons why it may not be possible for you to wear a dress suit. You may not have time , or you may not be in the habit of wearing one , but If you are in the habit of wearing one it cer tainly would seem very strange to choose this opportunity for not weariu it , and undoubtedly the young lady would be very much pleased if yoi did so. At the last session of the Maryland legislature a law was passed making women eligible to admission to the bar , Miss Etta H. Maddox has successfully passed an examination and has be come the first woman lawyer In the State of Maryland. Ping-pong has become quite the fash ionable game In Turkey , where It Is played with the greatest enthusiasm by ladles. The khedivah , mother to the khedlve of Egypt , has a ping-pong table in her magnificent new palace on the Bosporus and her ladles play every day. One great advantage that they have Is a number of slaves In at tendance , who save them the trouble of picking up their balls. Quite a number of titled ladles have forsaken the luxuries of their home life to devote themselves to charitable works In nunneries. Two sisters of the Duke of Norfolk , Lady Frances Bertie , Lady Edith Denbigh and many others are thus living out their princi ples. It report is to be believed , no less a person than Queen Morgherita of Italy is contemplating the taking of the veil. Rumor is also busy with the name of the ex-Queen Natalie of Ser- via , who is described as a likely can didate for the religious life. To Clean Brass Trays. Brass traj-s are kept in order by sim ply washing them in boiling hot soda soapsuds and then lathering them well , a little soap being used If they are A'cry dirty. One way of cleaning them is to sift fine brickdust till it is very fine powder. Take up a good portion of this on hnlf a lemon ( previously used in lemonade or sherbet making ) and rub the tray well over with this , care fully going over any stains till re moved , and then rinsing and letting it dry. Treated in this manner trays keep clean and an admirable color for a long time. Metal polish and such things spoil the color , giving it a yellow tinge quite different from the golden brass it looks when cleaned with lemon juice and fine brickdust. Remedies for Wrinkles. One of the best preventives for wrin kles is to learn facial repose. Keep the body so well nourished that the face will share in the general well being , giving evidence to this by its plump ness and lack of angularity. Then it is important to keep the teeth in good condition , so that there will be no sag ging in of the cheeks where teeth are missing. Massage for the face is like exercise for the rest of the body , and if used for the purpose of toning up the muscles it is beneficial. The general direction of the strokes on the face should be upward and outward in or der to lift up and strengthen the fall ing muscles. Ladies' Home Journal. Mole S ve. Five drops croton on. One dram tartar emetic. One-half ounce drachylon plaster. Spread the plaster the exact size of the mole and keep it on till the mole runs , then take it off and allow the place to heal. Salicylic acid , moistened with alcohol or glycerin , bound on a mole for a half hour , is recommended. About three applications are necessary. Short Sutrjjestions. When a lock works stiflly , fill the bar rel ot" the key with oil and put it iuto the lock. The effect will generally be excellent. Renovate brass chandeliers which have become dirty and discolored by washing them with water in which onions have been boiled. If a chimney catches fire , throw a hauldful of sulphur into the grate. As the sulphurous fumes ascend the fire in the chimney will die out. Before attempting to turn out a jelly place the mold for a few seconds in hot water. You will then be able to turn out the jelly without the fear of breaks ing it. c To set the color of print dresses , soak c them In very hot brine , let them remain until the water is cold and then wring out and wash in the usual manner. c When cleaning wall paper , use a dough made of flour mixed with water containing a little washing soda. The soda will not injure the paper aiid the work will be done more quickly. Many people think it a waste of time to iron stockings , but if they once find out the difference between darning ironed and unironed stockings they will speedily change their ideas. Rusty fire loons should be rubbeJ well with sweet oil. left wet for two or three days and then rubbed with unslaked lime. This will remove the rust , and then the irons may be polished as usuaL * PERISH IN A FIRE FEARFUL FATE OVERTAKES A GERING FAMILY. TWO DEAD , THREE DYING HEAD OF THE HOUSEHOLD FIRST TO SUCCUMB. START FIRE WITH COALOIL ( i -lpitrtB IkloUicr and Infant of a Few Days Enveloped Outsider Makes Brara Attempt to Kescuo. Gering. Neb. , Aug. 20. Two per sons dead , three more at the point of death , a sixth fearfully burned and a residence in Gering in ashes , is the result of the lighting of a fire with kerosene at noon Tuesday. C. N. McComsey , whose wife had been ill for several days , was attempting to start a fire in a wood stove when the oil eyploded , setting fire to his clothing and throwing the burning fluid all over the room. He was fear- fuly burned and ran screaming out of the house. Before help could ar rive the fire had also burned his help less wife , a baby only a few days old , their two-year-old son and the two little daughters of Luther A. Cook , a neighbor , who were playing with the McComsey boy. County Treasurer Ed. J. Whipple , who was attracted by "McComsey's cries , was the first to arrive and although the house was a mass of flames rushed in and carried out the burning woman and three of the children. The fourth chi.'d had in some way escaped. All of them were frightfully burned. McComsey lingered in agony for several hours , when he died , and the little baby Is also dead. The death of Mrs. Mc Comsey and the two Cook children is momentarily expected and the physi cians offer Hi tie hopes for any of them. NOT AS SICK AS SUPPOSED. Pittsburg , Aug. 20. Th3 private car Loretto , belonging to Charles M. Schwab , president of the United States Steei corporation , was attached to the day express , whieh left for the east Tuesday morning. No informa tion could be obtained from the at tendants of the car , but it was said that Mr. Schwab and party would board the car at Cresson , Pa. , for New York and would sail for Europe tomorrow. New York , Aug. 20 Charles M. Schwab , president of the United States Steel Corporation , arrived here this evening. He was accom panied by his brother , Joseph Schwab , and his private secretary. He stepped briskly from the car and as he did so he said to a number of newspaper men present : "Now , gentlemen , I am going to tell you three things and I don't want you to ask me further ques tions. In the first place , I don't look like a sick man. In the second place 1 feel the necessity of a rest and 1 am going to take one. In the third place , I am not going to resign and have no intention of retiring from the presidency of the United States steel corporation. " "Are you going to Europe ? " was asked of Mr. Schwab. "Yes , " he replied , "but don't ask me any more questions ; that's all I have to say. ' ' BAD WRECK AT HOLDREGE. Holdrege , Neb. , Aug. 20. A dis astrous wreck occured here today at 12:30 : p. m. on the Burlington track just east of the round house. Will iam Francisco , engineer on freight train No. 147 was ki'led , while Ed. Montange and U G. . Houchlin were seriously injured. The freight train No. 147 , drawn by engine No. 191 , was just pulling out on the main line and was to be followed by the light engiue No. 116 , with Ed. Montange as en neer En- rine No. 110 was run up the high ine , expecting to go down the cutoff onto the mainline. An extra freight , with a double-header , coming down the high line , struck engine No. 116 as it was partly on the cutoff and was thrown against engne No. 191 on the main line. Both engines on the high line train were thrown from the track and are completely wrecked. Engine No. 116 has a tender wrecked , while No. 191 is stripped of its cab on the engineer's side , broken badly and the tender damaged. All the engineers jumed. A car of shelled corn was thrown on Francis co , burying him , and it is supposed , causing death instantly. When he was rescued it was found he had a great gash over the left temple. His chest was crushed in and several ribs broken. BATTLE ISLAND VSSEMBLY La Crosse , Wis. , Aug. 20. This was Iowa day at the Battle Island assem- blly. Several excursions were run from that state today , bringing many visitors to the grounds. At 10 o'clock an address of welcome was made to the visitors , which was responded toby several Iowa visitors. The feature of the afternoon was an address by Mrs. Mabel L. Conklin , general secretary of the White Cross society. ISLAND IN RUINS ERUPTION OF A VOLCANO OVER WHELMS TORISHIMA. Yokohama , Aug. 19. The little is land of Torishima was overwhelmed by a volcanic eruption between Au gust 13 and 15 and all the inhabi tants , numbering 150 persons , were undoubtedly killed. The fsland is covered with volcan ic debris and all the houses on it have disappeared. The eruption is still proceeding and is accompanied by submarine erup tions ia the vicinity , which make it dangerous for vessels to approach the island. Torishima is cne of the chain of island * extending between the Bonn isandind Hondo , the biggest islanc of Japan. ROMANCE RUDELY SHATTERED. Humboldt , Neb , Aug. 19. Events of the past few weeks in this city tend to rudely shatter the romance which was started in Lincoln in July , 1901 , when Governor Savage handed a pardon to Benjamin Vaek , a convict sent up from some western county on a charge of perjury , the conditions being that hs marry Mrs. Mary Halvaty , a widow of this city who petitioned the governor's per sonally to grant the man's release. The marriage took place in the capi tal city and after the ceremony was Completed the governor handed the bride an unconditional pardon for her husband. The marriage was not without its interesting features , the widow being possessed of property to the estimated.value of $40,000 , most of it In Richardson county real estate. Most people thought the ex-convict most fortunate In droppingon such a comfortable berth. The couple at > once came te Dawson and took up their residence , and for a time mat ters ran along smoothly , the happy bride purchasing a barber shop and fixtures for her husbad who worked at his tnirle ashore time , afterwards becoming rtisatisSed and selling out. There were twochidren , the fruits of the widow's former alliance , and when it came to the matter of gov erning the youngsters the first cloud appeared upon the matrimonial hori- son. The stepfather insisted upon correcting the boy and girl and , ac cording to the story told by the wife , was not always particular whether be chose humane methods or not. The wife rebelled and Valek turned his attention to her with the result that he was a few months ago hauled into police court and fined on a charge of wife-beating. Not po- sessing the necessary funds he was thrown into jail and remained until the wife relented and paid. Last week more trouble of the same kind came up and they seperated , the wife filing application in district court for a divorce. Valek is a man ot nice appearance and seems to be well edu cated. ONLY STRANGERS AT DEATH BED Kearney , Neb. , Aug. 19. Miss Fonda Lang of Calaway died at the city hospital in Kearney Sunday of typhoid fever resulting from com plication of ailments. Responsible 'or her troubles , which , it is alleged , she came to Kearney to hide , is a voung man of the vicinity of Calla- way , who disappeared at about the jme the girl's troubles culminated in this city. The young lady's parents live on a farm near < "allaway , and are said to be in goocircumstances , but , it is charged , 'icy ' abandoned her entirely , and during the weeks she was in the hospital here they would have nothing to do with her , would not come to see her or contri bute anything to her comfort or maintenance. They were kept ad vised of the girl's condition and were telegraphed Saturday to come co Kearney at once if they would see their daughter alive. A telegram was sent Sunday advising them of her death , but the father refused to pay for or receive the telegram and could no more than surmise the con tents. The funeral was held this afternoon from an undertaking room. The en tire expense of the sickness and bur ial of Miss Lang has been borne by the county , but as she ij a minor and the father is able to pay the claim has been given to an attorney who wiil call on the father and invite him to liquidate. KILLED DURING CRAP GAME Murphysboro , III. , Aug. 17. Six persons have met violent deaths in Jackson county during the past week. The latest outbieak "of violence was in the shooting today of William Smith and his son , Jacob , near Rad- dersville. WILL NEVER BE GERFIANIZED Berlin , Aug. 19. A fervid assem blage of two thousand Poles here yes terday cheered what was called the Polish democracy. There was a scene of extraordinary enthusiasm. Herr Wrobell , editor of a Polish newspaper published in Berlin dur ing the course of a speech exclaimed : "Prussia will disappear from the map before they succeed in German izing the Poles and destroying their hope of the reaurection of Poland. " CALLED HIM BEAST. MRS. BARTHOLIN KNEW HER SON WAS FULL OF EVIL. Chicago. Aug. 23. The coroner's Jury at the inquest Thursday over the body of Mrs. Anna Bartbulin brought in a verdict recommending that her son William Bartholin , be arrested and held as principal for her murder , and that Oscar Thompson and Edward Counselman , who are under arrest accused of complicity in the murder of Minnie Mitchell , be held to the grand jury as accessories to the crime. The jury found that Mrs. Bartholin came Lo her death on or about July 7 , death being due to strangulation. During the inquest , Mrs. May Blown , a former neignbor of Mrs. Bartholin , testified that the old lady was suspicious .and lived in deadly fear of her son. According to Mrs. Brown's testimony , Mrs. Bartholin in a conversation a few days before her death had told the witness thai young Bartholin was nothing but a beast and that the Mitchell faraih would regret the day they allowed Minnie Mitchell to have anything to do with him. Mrs. Bartholin in re lating her troubles declared that she believed him capable of almost any crime. The police hope for moresubsantial results from this inquest than from the similar proceedings yesterday in the Minnie Mitchell case. Although the result of the coroner's jury ver dict yesterday was the holding of three men to the grand jury for com plicity in the murder of the supposed Mitchell girl , such grave doubts exist over the identity of the body that was buried as Miss Mitchell that ef forts were renewed today to have the Mitchell family exhume the body for further inspection. Doubtfal identity will be the bur den of the defense of Oscar Thompson , John Claffey and Edward Counselman who were held yesterday to answer for the supposed Mitchell crime. The first two already stood as principal and accessory in the murder of Mrs. Bartholin. As yet nothing definite has been heard of the whereabouts of William J. Bartholin. , Much doubt exists , however , as to whether Miss Mitche'l is dead. Mrs. Brown testified that Bartholin had frequently quarreled with his moher and struck her. She said Mrs. Bartholin hada considerable amount of rnrioey just before she disappeared. Late in the day the coroner's jury returned a verdict that Mrs. Bartho lin came to her death os July 5 from trangulation and recommended that Os ar Thompson ( who is already held is principal in the murder , ) and Ea- ward Counselman be held to the jrand jury until discharged by due process of law. The jury further recommended re leasing John Claffey in this case and ihat Williasin Bartholin he appre hended. MISTAKEN FOR A BURGLAR. Guthrie , Okla. , Aug. 23. J. M. McMorris , an aged and well known resident of Charleston , 111. , was mis taken for a burglar in the home of J. F. Shaffer , at Okalhoma City this morning and shot by Shaffer , wounds being inflicted from which he died tonight. Shaffer recently located here , com ing from Dixou , 111. McMorris entered the house thin li ng his daughter , Mrs. Fred Trout- man , still occupied it and was bend- ng over the cradle to caress his sup posed grand child when Shaffer shot aim. McMorris' dying statement exon erated Shaffer. PARACHUTE FAILS TO OPEN. Danville , 111. , Aug. 21. L. A. Sar- tell , an aeronaut of Fairwell , Mich. , was probably fatally injured today as the result of a parachute leap from a balloon 1.200 feet above the earth. When he leaped from the baloon the parchute failed to open and he was dashed to the earth. His feet were driven six inches into the ground and he sustained a compound fracture of both limbs. Sartell's wife was recently killed in a similar manner at Cairo , 111. RUNNING DOWN SUSPECT-S Carbondale , 111. , Aug. 23. One ar rest has been made in connection with the Smith murder , which oc- cured last Sunday in the Mississippi bottoms within two miles of the scene of the Eiley homicide of two weeks ago. Abe Abernathy , a negro who , it is said , witnessed the killing was caught near Ava yesterday morning. His'preliminary trial has been postponed until Saturday. Abernahy's capture is expected to ead to more important arrests. FATAL FIGHT ON STREET. Glouchester , O. , Aug. 23. Perry Oxley , of Lysander and Charles A. Brown of Galipollis , were shot and tilled in the street shortly after mid night by Frank Smith. The men were more or lessintoxira- ted and quarreled. Smith , who had a shot gun , ran tc the middle of the street. The others followed and he shot them both. Smith gave imself up. Brown and Oxley were painters. NEBRASKA NOTES. Peter Osran sold his frarn on mile northeast of Pickrill , this county , consisting of 152 acres , for 83,500 cash. A 2-year-old sun of Bert Robinson of Carroll was drowned in a half bar rel tilled with water which his moth er was soaking up for pickling pur poses. John Pizar and Frank Docekal , two \Yymore saloon keepers charged with selling liquor on Sunday were fined 3200 each in county court. The cases were appealed to the district court. Mrs. Herman Wiebe , a prominent resident of Beatrice who underwent an operation several weeks ago , died this evening aged 41. She is sur vived by her husband and ten chil dren. George Francis Train was , accord ing to his former ' declaration , to vrite a 100-volume autobiography. But perhaps he has been just as wise in cutting out ninety-nine of the vol umes and publishing only one. The jury in the case of the state against William Baruett of O'Neill on trial for horsestealing , returned a verdict of guilty after being out but a few minutes. A motion for a new trial being overruled , he was sen tenced to hard labor for five years in the penitentiary. John B. Knight , employed as a- book binder by the State Journal company , died here Sunday evening a the age of 01. He was born in Lon don , but had been a naturalized citi zen for thirty years. At one time he worked for the Printing company. He leaves a wife and daughter. Ballington Booth lectured before a vast crowd at the Salem Chuatauqua. In the morning Mrs. Eugenia St. John of Denver lectured on "The Woman in Politics. " In the evening Dr. McClary of Kochester , N. Y. de livered an address. The attendance is exceptionally good. "Peeping Tom" showed himself at the residence of Judge Tucker of Humboldt Saturday night , peering into Mrs. Tucker's window about Jl o'clock. She gave the alarm , and Dr. Gandy's young bloodhounds were placed on the trail. They followed it to the north part of the city , where It was lost. Mrs W. LAlloway , of Lincoln , who about five weeks ago was badly burned by the explosion of gasoline , with which she was engaged in clean ing , died Saturday evening at 8 o'clock p. m. She leaves two chil dren , one baby three weeks old. She improved somewhat , but the injuries were to great to be survived. Mr. Alloway is a telegraph operator. The Rev. Eowland Hills , who was sentenced two years ago to four years in the penitentiary , has been par doned. The Rev Mills deserted a. wife in England and occupied several Episcopal pulpits in this country , but he was relieved from each one on the complaint of his English wife , who kept his bishop informed of his former lapses. Tiring of the ministry he came to Blair and went to work on a dairy farm , and after a time , married the daughter of the owner of the farm , and with her went to Washington to teach. He was arrested at Tacoma on the charge of bigamy and brought back here , where his trial was held. His first wiie came from England to pros ecute the nase. Fred Hartung , father of GHar - tunga well known farmer of Fonta- nelle , died at the Fremont hospital of appoplexy at the age of 70 years. Mr. Hartung drove to Fremont with load of apples. While turning a corner his team accidently ran over a little dauhgter of Grant Tignor , who was riding a wheel. The girl was badly bruised , but fortunately no bones were broken. This accident seemed to upset the old man. out he drove away at once. A few minutes later the team was seen without a driver nearly a mile from the acci dent. Mr. Hartung's son was noti fied over the telephone and a thorough search was instituted. The missing man was found late at night lyi g uncooscous in the driveway of the basement of W. E. Dorsey's barn. He was taken to the hospital and his wife summoned arriving early the next morning. Mr. Hartung was an old resident of Washington county land resided with his son on a farm near Fontanelle. His remains will be taken to Fontaneile for burial. Jens Jensen , a Danish farmer re siding about ten miles northwest ol Fremont was adjudged by the Board of Insanity Commissioners today a fit subject for the Lincoln asylum. He is a married man about 35 years of age and has been mentally unbal anced for about three months. H > s condition finally became so bad that his wife wa * unable to take care ol him and bis friends decided to send him to Lincoln.