\ THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M RICE EDITOR fil.OO Per Tear in Advance > MIRLIBHEI > EVERY THUKSDA * . Entered at t U e Postroffice at Valentine. Cherry county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. STATE OFFICERS EZRA P. SAVAGK , Governor. C. F. STEKLE. Lieut. Governor. GKO.V. . MAitsii. Secretary cf Stato. CHAS. WKSTON , Auditor Pub. Accts. Wai. STKUKKU. Treasurer. FRANK N. PKOUT , Atty. General. GUOKOK FOWLER , Com. Pub. Lands and Bldg. LKK HAKDMAK , Librarian. U. S SENATORS JOSK.ril II. MlLLARD. CHAS. H. DIKTHICH. CONGRESSMEN KL.MKR J. HUKKKTT. Hep. 1st Dist. DAVID H. MKKCKR , Rep.2nd Dist. JOHN J. KoBiNSON.Fus.3nl Dist. WM. L. STARK , Fus. 4th Dist. A. C. SHALLRNIIEROEH. Fus.5th Dist , Wai. NEVILLE , Fus. CthDlst. COUNTY OFFICKKN W. C. SHATTVCK , Treasurer. C. S. KKKCK , Clerk. W. R. 1 OWNK , Judge. L. N. LAVI-ORT. Sheriff. A. M. MOHRISSKY , Attorney. ETTA BROWN , Superintendent. LEROY LEACH , Surveyor. ALFRKD LEWIS , Coroner. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS W E. HALBY , 1st Dist. ALEX BURR. 2nd nist. " L. LAUFKR , 3rd Dist. Charles H. Faulbaber Brownlee Breeder of Ren'st'd Herelords. o Hyam , No. 74,538. at bead of herd. Young bulls from G to IS months old for sale HENRY AUGUSTON Blacksmitli Brownlee , Kebr. Loes general blacksmithingathard times prices for cash. PAT HETT Valentine , Kebr. Good , Hard Rock for sale in any quantity. H. M. CRAMER , City Deliveryman. Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and from the depot , and all parts of the City. IS Telephone 12. W. A. KIMBELL Barber First-class Shop in Every Respect Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star hair Tonic , Herpicidc and Coke's Dandruff Cure. Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream LEKOY LEACH County Surveyor Valentine or Wood lake GENERAL WOKK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JOHN PORATH Riege. Kebr- Tubular wells and Eclipse wind mills , "Wells guaranteed five years , M. MORRISSEY Attorney at Law Valentine , Sfobr. A. N. COMPTON Physician and Surgeon Office at Quigley & Chapman's Drug Store. Nights The Don oher residence , Cherry Street. Edward S. Fur ay Physician and Surgeon Office Fraternal Hall or El liott's Drug Store. 19UD2 F. M. WALCOTT ATTORNEY AND ABSTRACTER Valentine , Kel r. Practices in District Court and U. S. Land Office. Heal Estate and Ranch Property bought and sold. Bonded Abstractor. Betray Xotice Strayed from 1) . A. Hancock's pasture on tl > e Jiiobrs'iramer. about July 4tli , two mares , one hr-wn and onj black , weight about 1100 each. Branded Tj. on le't shoulder. The brown mare 'has ยง on let shoulder. Liberal reward for informatloa. MOSES &HOFKACKEU. Simeon , KeD. F. E. AM. V. B. B. TABLE \ \ KST BOUXD No. 27 Frt. Daily 2-33 P. T. No. 25 " except Sunday 9:40 A. M No. 3 Passenger Daily 12:49 A. M. EAST BOUND No. 28 Frt. Daily CCOA M. No , 2P except Sunday 5.00 P. M. NO. 4 Passenger Dai i 4:47 A.M. Located on Cherry St. 2nd door south of Smyser's liverv. .furnishes excellent board and lodging. Meals same old price 25 cents. A hearty welcome to all. J. FJOTTER. . MILL PRICES FOR FEED , > ran , bulk. 1.50 t $20 on Aborts bulk 1 15 pn t $22 < ' i - " Screenings 40r $7.00 " ( 'hop Fend 1.25 $2400 Corn 1.05 $20.00" Chop corn 1.10 $21.00 i > stt * 1.50 $2900 " ETTA BROWN SUPI , PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Examination Third Saturday of em-i. month and Friday preceding. VALENTINE NEBRASKA Paint , Wall Paper , Calcimine Brushes , Pure Linseed Oil Varnishes. AT Christensen's 5O YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS . . . COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending n sketch and description mny quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably pntentnble. Communica tions strictly conlldentinl. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest njjency for securinKpatents. I'atcnts taken throucli Munti & Co. receive tpccial notice , wilhout charge , in the Scientific flmcricaiu A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- culation of any scientific Journal. Terms , ? 3 a year : four months , ? L Sold by all newsdealers. MUHN & Go.361Broadwa'- York Branch Office. H25 F St , Washington. D. C. The Best Cattle Dip No one can afford to take the risk of experimenting with home made rattle or sheep dips when th'J best coal tar dip can be ha l at (50 ( to 70 cents per gallon The Geo , H. Lee Co. , of Omaha , quote this price on their Lee's Carbolic Dip which is endoised by the Nebraska State Experiment Station and bv hun dreds of leading stockmen. Write for new catalogue and testimonials D. A. Hancock Blackburn , Mo. or Simeon , Nebraska Cattle branded on leftside as on cut ; tlso l on left side with on left hip of some cattle ; also 846 on right side Hoi > e brand , rake and 16 oil left shoulder or hip Home ranch on Dewey I.ake. Kange on Niobrara River , east < > i Fort Niobrara ; all in Cherry County. Nebraska. P S HOUSCHB PoBtofflce address Brownlee , Neo On left side or any part of animal. Ear mark right ear cut off ; horses branded same on left hip. Also has stock branded H onsidf or shoulder. , or JKor WorO'VI ' , | orO or FZ. Also the'following , the first one being on side and hip SEQUAH (3267) Dark brown , Foaled Nov. 24th , 1S89. Sire "Nimrod" (1066) ( ) , by (867) ( ) . Sequah's dam 289 Lady- "Oomet" (151) ( ) , by "Eclipse" (191) ( ) by "St. Giles'(687) ( ) by "Wildfire" bird F. S. Vol. 7 by Restless T. B. Sequah's G. dam by Larrywheat ( T. B. ) He will stand for season of 1902 at Shermax's barn. J. W. STETTER. Owner. ' " ' "A LITTLE NONSENSE. > Why the Doctor Failed to Cure His Patient. A Macclesfield man was in a very bad way of health. After much anx ious thought he determined to con sult a doctor. , ' 'The latter , after a most minute examination , pronounced the patient to be suffering from a severe form of dyspepsia and prescribed for him Qccordingl } * . He was very particular in giving full directions as to diet. A light breakfast cup of cocoa , dried toast and other simple fare ; plain dinner chop , no potatoes , glass of claret and only one cigar per day. He was most careful to impress the fact upon the patient's mind that the one cigar should nev er be exceeded. The patient went away and re turned in a week worse than ever. The doctor was nonplused. Upon inquiries he found that the man had most faithfully carried out all his instructions to the letter. "I know what it is , " replied the man of medicine. "You've had more than one cigar a day. It's the smok ing that's done it. " "Yes , I know that , doctor. It is the smoking , but I've only had one cigar at a time , and that-was quite enough , for I never smoked in my life until you told me to ! " Tit- Bits. Touching. "Mine is a touching tale , " mur mured the stranger , with a heavy sigh."Consider "Consider me touched , " said the editor promptly as he laid a dime be fore the caller and then resumed his editing. _ The POOP Young Man and the Banker. "Mr. Awlcash , " said the trembling young man in the threadbare suit of clothes , "I have come to ask you for the hand of your daughter/ The rich banker wheeled around in his chair and looked at the pre sumptuous youth. "Henry , " lie said kindly , "you can have her , and I will sec that she supports you in better style than have been accustomed to. " Chicago Tribune. Not Idle. Stubb I wonder if it is true that boys who go to college are never lit for work ? Pcnn Certainly not. I read about a Yale graduate who is now driving a hack in St. Louis. Baltimore News. New Automobile Record. Blobbs Ripper has broken the automobile record. Slobbs What time did he make ? Blobbs Sixty-six minutes to run over eighteen people. Philadelphia Record. Those Girl Friends. "I had a proposal last night and refused it. " "You are always thinking of the welfare of others , aren't you , dear ? " Ohio State Journal. It Would Cool Them Off. Hewitt I tell you , it's too hot to go to the theater. Jewctt Oh , come along. The play will be a frost anyway. New York Times. No Lion to Her. Mrs. Muggins That woman's husband is quite a literary lion. Mrs. Buggins Why , she told me he was a perfect bear. Philadelphia Record.- She Rejected Him. Ella Fred is a confirmed bach elor. elor.Stella Stella Yes , and I assisted at the confirmation. New York Times. Geography Lesson. "Papa , what is a marriage in high life ? " "Two vacant hearts entirely sur rounded by cash. " Life. Three Ages of Woman. At fifteen , like an opening bud , The maiden fair is seen. And she would have the world believe That she is full eighteen. Next , by the time that thirty years Their steady course have run. She then would have us understand She is but twenty-one. Time rolls around ; her girlhood friends Are nothing more but nalnes ; Though she has seen but ninety years , A century she claims. York Times. ALL OVER THE HOUSE. feints on Furnishing a Bedroom With Crape Paper. For the trimmings I would select either red , orange , pink or dark blue , but of course one could use a favorite color. I will beginvith the bed , as that is the most prominent part of the room. For pillowshams take two pieces of the paper , each three feet long , and join together by overlapping edges and sewing care fully together. Xow take another piece , four feet long , and cut in two lengthwise. Carefully sew these two pieces together , end to end , and then run on to the body part , gath ering a little as you go. Always overlap edges when sewing , for the work will not be neat if you do not. When this is finished , sew on to all seams common feather edge braid. This gives a pretty finish and also hides all seams. This will complete the shams. ! N"ow for the bedspread. Take live strips five feet long and sew together lengthwise. Finish the seams with the braid and the end of the spread with ruffles of the paper and finish with the braid , Now for the bureau cover. Take a piece one and a half yards long and finish ends with ruffles and braid. A splasher may be made by taking one yard of the paper and carefully turn ing the ends over and sewing the finish with the braid. Curtains are quite difficult to make , but with a little pains it can be accomplished. Take a piece sev en feet long and turn ends and finish with the braid , and then put a narrow ruffle of paper down the front and around the bottom edges and bind with braid. This is one long curtain , and the opposite one is to be made the same , but you must be very careful about putting the ruffle on or you will get it wrong. Sarah's Mamma in Boston Globe. Household Hints. The longer and drier table linen is ironed the better it looks. To clean brass gas fixtures rub them with cut lemons and then wash them off in hot water. A bruise may be prevented from discoloring by immediately applying hot water or a little dQr starch moistened with cold water. In boiling eggs hard put them in boiling water ten minutes and then put them in cold water. It will pre vent the yolk from coloring. A harmless and cleanly treatment to drive away mice is to saturate a cloth with cayenne pepper in a solu tion and stutf it into the hole. Dry cayenne thrown about will keep ants and cochroaches away. Perfumed Linen. Linen should be kept in perfumed drawers. Sachets containing the housewife's favorite scent scattered about the drawer will impart the perfume. Aromatic shavings , leaves and flowers sewed up in bags may be substituted for the sachets. Ce dar shavings , cassia buds , powdered sassafras , rose leaves , leaves of the rose geranium , branches of lavender and sweet verbena are all delicious in odor. A few drops of perfume on sheets of white blotting paper will impart a fragrance to linen. Preserved Plums. Pour boiliug.water over the plums , then remove the skin. Make a sirup of one pound of sugar and a teacup of water to each pound of fruit and when boiling hot pour over the plums. Let it remain over night , then drain , boil again , skim and pour over the plums. Let them re main in this another day , then put over the fire in sirup and boil until clear. Remove with skimmer , pack carefully in jars , boil the sirup until thick , pour over the plums and seal. Covers For Polished Tables. If the summer coverings for pol ished tables are made at home , it should be remembered that a close fitting cover of some soft fabric of the flannel variety should first be fitted over the polished top and cor ners. The domett flannel or white outing flannel is suitable for the purpose. This prevents the stiff holland from scratching the sur face , as might otherwise be the case. The high finish of the piano top needs similar protection. Canned Fruit In Hot Weather. An expert on domestic fruit can ning tells us that , being obliged to store her jars in an upstairs room , she is driven to various expedients to keep down the temperature dur ing hot weather. One plan is to wring two large Turkish towels out of cold water and hang them over a line in a current of air in the room to be cooled. The evaporation of the water as the towels drv lowers * the temperature several degrees. Screens For Curtains. Japanese screens of finely carved wood are taking the place of cur > tains. The screens are of the same length and depth as the windows. The designs are of Japanese foliage with the branches in openwork , with quaint birds with outspread .wings hovering over the flowers.- A PARISIAN MARVEL Paris has a new marvel in a girl dramatist , who , though only ten years o d , has composed several plays of much precocity. She is Mile. Chanipmoynat , and her literary name is Carmen d'Assilva. The lit tle one has been admitted to the So ciety of JJramutic Authors and has been complimented and encouraged to persevere by M. Yictorien Sardou. The child herself states that her brain is always working up dramatic situations and incidents. She ob serves everything that passes and prefers large cities with their bus tling crowds , which she studies , to the quiet country , where everything seems to her inert and dead. The precocious infant also tells people that she comprehends everything in life thoroughly. She has , in fact , learned to understand all the springs of human action. Likely enough she does , for she is a sad pessimist , this ten-year-old. The world is abominable , in her estimation , but amusing. Carmen is now writing a comedy on woman before and after marriage. Long and Short Miles. English speaking countries have four different miles the ordinary mile of 5,280 feet and the geograph ical mile of G,085 feet , making a dif ference of about one-seventh be tween the two ; then there are the Scotch mile of 5,928 feet and the Irish mile of 6,720 feet four vari ous miles , every one of which is still in use. Then almost every country has its own standard mile. The Romans had their mil passuum , 1,000 paces , which must have been about 3,000 feet in length. The Ger man mile today is 24,318 feet in length , more than four and a half times as long a ours. The Dutch , Danish and Prussian mile is 18,449 feet , three and a half times as long as ours , and the Swiss get more ex ercise in walking one of their miles than we get in walking five miles , for their mile is 9,153 yards long. Earned His Tip. Secretary Shaw told-this story on himself the other evening : "Sam , the darky who brushes my clothes in a barber shop in Wash ington , is particularly clever in deli cately reminding customers that he expects a tip. One morning just be fore the Fourth I was thinking of other things and was walking away without dropping a coin into his hands. " 'Let me brush .your coat again , Mr. Secretarysaid Sam , running after me. " 'Why do you want to brush it again ? ' I asked. " "Cause , Mr. Secretarysaid Sam without cracking a smile , * 'cause I might brush out some gold dust , sir/ "Sam got his tip. " Ke\v York Times. Havana's "Boneyard. " The "boneyard" of Colone ceme tery , Havana , is one of the odd and grewsome sights of the Cuban cap ital. ital.This This famous pit was first dug by Don Pedro Taldas in 1G02. It is 110 feet square and 20 feet deep , and an eight foot wall incloses it. A man dies , is buried in a rented grave , is forgotten in a short time , and the rent is unpaid for one year. Then his bones are dug up and thrown among his ancestors' and others' ancestors in the mass of dead humanity. The grave , being open , is held to receive the next body. A careful estimate puts the num ber of human skeletons in the pit at 700,000. The Sultan and Coffee. The sultan's diet is very simple. He eats very little of the plainest food and never touches wine or liquors of any kind , but consumes enormous quantities of coffee , which aggravates his nervousness. Up to a few years ago a servant with a coffeepot always followed him when he went out for exercise , and while driving in the park coffee stations were placed at frequent intervals where he could stop and refresh himself. By the advice of his phy sicians he now limits himself to five or six cups of his favorite beverage a day , and it is said that he has him self noticed an improvement in his health. He is not so nervous and sleeps better. Russell Sage's Home. Eussell Sage owns the house in which he lives , at 506 Fifth avenue , New York , and Elbridge T. Gerry owns the ground upon which it stands , Mr. Sage some forty-four years ago taking at first a twenty- two years' lease at $700 a year. At the end of that period the lease was renewed for an equal term at $3,300 a year. Xow another renewal has been made at a rental of $12oOQ a year , which Mr. Sage says is out- ragcous , but as he am } hjs wife can not bear the thought of moving from their old home they concluded to submit. Mr. Sage's house has been steadily deteriorating in value. Arabia Ttenn. Knrt K 'eley has commenced work with II .1. Jordan. All flies swnrm about I IIP Imney. * A. licn.-Mii brought in a sample of bis vegeiahli-.H hu-t Friday and ihey cer tainlyV -M * prime. Oscar Turnqnist. a very industrious young u Jin of neij-hboiliood , is very ill ; t the time of this writing. Miss JSnrylo Tracewell is working for jilif Jordan. Hired girls are a scarce M.iiety and cause quite u tensa tion. Miss Mary Jordan went up to Valen tine last week where she may remain for a few days visiting her many friends. Dr. Richards , a traveling dentist , spent several days in Wqod Lake and now many of the women have dilupid atcd mouths. Miss Mary Jordan spent several das at the home of Miss Esther Benson. Wonder if she was most attracted by the hostess or the hired man. Mike Kannealy from near Valentine is making hay near Arabia this sum mer , and judging by the load of grocer its he takes out he niuit not be alone. Rev. Welte , pastor of Clear Lake union church , will u-sign his pjiMorwl duties and commence school teaching Perhaps the income will better meet his want ? . Next Saturday night a dance will be given in Arabia school house by the Hon. John Weisch of the city. A large crowd is desired and accommodations prepared. Come if you will and if you don't , come anyway. It seems that anybody can get a teacher's certiflcate in Cherrr county. I think it is poor policy to grant diplo mas to persons of low qualifications , for it is impossible to impart to others all the knowledge possessed by your self. Last Saturday we witnessed the worst electric storm of the season. Lightning struck one of A. Benson's large caUle , barns and combined with the stiength of the wind , scattered fragments of lumber over about five acres of grouii ] . MAUDE. ADDITIONAL LOCAL The Donoher sisters have leased the Cody hotel. Prof. B. II. Watson after instructing in the Institute at Amsworth made a trip down to his former home in Satin ders Co. , where the JL'rof. owns a nice farm and purchased another while there. The Prof , and Mrs. Watson returned last Saturday morning rested and refreshed to begin another y < ar as principal of our schools. The teachers and their friends parti paled in n M > cial last evening at the new court house. A program of sj e ch es and Recitations and numerous games entertained the assembly until a late hour when they enjoyed the lem onade which Miss JJruwn had prepared for the occasion. Francis Fis-cher Poweis with his trio Miss Margaret Northrup as high so prano , Howard btt wart Briggs pianist and himself as Baritone Can be secured to sing iu Valentine if the people will guarantee enough to pay their expenses heae , so we are informed by Miss Pour ers who is the guest of Miss Jessie Webb at the Donoher. The company B of 22 Inf. which has been stationed here departed Tuesday morning for Little Kock , Ark. , amid tears from a half dozen maidens , sighs of relief from their mothers and angry scowls from fateers. We accuse no one but suggest that there are glorious opportunities in fields wherein Blue flannel and Brass buttons are not so conspicuous. Business Notices. Notices under this heading 5 cents per line each insertion. Among reading matter , 10cents per line each insertion. Set of teeth $5. Omaha dentist. All kinds of heavy hardware and xvajjon wood stock at E. Breuklanders. 20-tf Dr. Withers , Omaha dentist , will be at Donoher hotel August 20th and 30tb. 293 Remember Dr. Withers' date ? and call the first day possible as he i.x always- rushed with work. 29 3 The F. E. & M. V , is now runnfng a through sleeping car between Omaha and the Hot Springs. Ranchlor Sale or Lease ! ! 16 quarter sections , good range , hay witer and timber. Will run 800 head' ' of stock. For information address , box no. 154Gordon Nebr. or I. M. RiCEy Valentine , Nebr. 42-tt