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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1902)
t , , Historical Society * % . VALENTINE " # THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CHERRY COUNTY , VOLUME XVII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , AUGUST C21 , 1902 , NUMBER 31 Prospective Purchasers il of the "Acorn Brand" jj clothing can certainly 21 be congratulated on the f sterling worththestyle , &f the tone and fit of these 2 garments. Our untirJf ing zeal and great purjj chasing power have en- abled us to place them i > , * before you this season S at prices that will prefcfr elude any question of ? ? our clothing leadership & | ? * The. Red Front | ? * Cold Weather is Coining We are getting ready. Are you ready for your fall suit * ! If so , call ands examine our stock or leave your measure. All cus tom work made in our own shop. Work manship and fit guaranteed : : : : : Ladies' * Gents' and Children's Shoes , TAILOK AND CLOTHIER. T. YEARNSHAW HE OWL SALOON JAMES BHULL 9 Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars , VALENTINE X NEBRASKA Anderson & Fischer , -DEALERS IN- ENERAL HARDWARE Agents for the Quickmeal Gasoline Stoves and Ranges. WE SELL THE - Piano Mower and Hay Rakes. T i T T- Coffins , Caskets , and a Full Line of Undertakers' Supplies. Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank * June 1 , 1884. August 12. 1902 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID INT A General Banking Exchange and Collection Business. C. H. CORNELL , "President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NICHOLSON , Cashier. CORA L. WAITERS , Assistant Cashier. CITIZENS MEAT MARKET J. W. STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GAMF IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , Roasts Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast Bacon vvwwwww WWJ TALK OF THE TOWJM Wm. Gillaspie spent a few days ii town the past week , B. O. Goodrich is working in E. H Bohle's Restaurant. W. A. Denny registered at the Don oher Monday from the Sand Hills , E. J. DeBell stopped in town on his way to Rosebud from an eastern trip , A large number of cattle have been shipped from Valentine the past week. U. O'Brien came down from his ranch on the Reservation Tuesday after supplies. ' Fred Whittemore Pres. of the Val entine State Bank spent a few days in town the past week. N. E. Vredenburg and M. P. Jordan , of Arabia spent a couple of days in our city the past week. U. S. Marshal John P. Belding stopped in town a couple of days this week enroute to Rosebud. Miss Kate Noble and Oliver Wai- cott went to Bot Springs last Satur day morning to spend a week. Peter DcCory an old timer and anchman from the Reservation spent a couple of days in town this week. Walter G. Baker was in town this week going a pretty slow gate lor Walter. Rheumatism has touched him in the joints. B. J. HolTacker and sister departed Sunday morning for San Francisco , Gal. , where they will spend the re mainder of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Anderson were down from Cody last Saturday to vis it with Mr. Hoffacker and sister be fore their departure for Cal. Chas. Jordan formerly cook at the Donoher and a Mr. Moses who regis ters from Hot Springs returned to our city the first of the week. Geo. F. Heine of Hooper spent a few days the past week in our city. Mr. Heine is interested in the Cattle business quite extensively in this county. Lawrence Rice is suffering from a large sore just below the knee on the right leg. It was only a small pimple at first and apparently was caused by a mosquito or jigger bite. Miss Louise and brother Edward Hoffacker started Sunday morning for their home in San Francisco , Cal. , where they will spend the winter- Their brother B. J. accompanied them as far as Omaha. W. Lucas assistant Supt of the Pullman sleeping cars , of Omaha spent days in our city and took charge of the sleepers used by Uncle Sam in transporting the sol diers here from San Francisco. Jesse Carter , who is a fireman on a push engine stationed at Valentine for the assistance of heavy trains east and west called onxus last week and ordered the DEMOCRAT sent to his father Henry Carter at Redding , la , John Tinnin was irf vtown a couple of days the past week but when he saw the pile of whittlings that Han cock Qutgley Heine and Jersig made near the Hotel he yielded and said he didn't stand a ghost of a show with them. Professor Hall , president of the Clark University , says the use of slang is commendable. You bet your boots Prof. The guys who insist on straight English are not the only shirt waists in the laundry. When it comes to ex pressiveness slang is the whole cheese. Several hundred of our citizens were at the cjepot to welcome the soldiers from the Philipines. There were 387 in this batalion. There's another batalion coming and with command ing officers and band are now on the way from San Francisco. There will be near 850 soldiers in all and Fort Niobrara will be again what it was before the war the best fort in the west. It is perhaps true that Fort Niobiara is the best post in the U. S. for healthfulness and has the best supply of good water of any post , Mrs. W. A. Pettycrew and daughtei were met m Chicago by Air. Petty crew and returned yesterday morn ing. Mrs. Pettycrew is not so wel as when she left here last spring. r M. P. Musser a Rushville Banker anc capitalist stopped in town over Sun day on his return from a month's vis it in Iowa , 111 , Ind. , Wis. , and Minn , Mr. Musser seemed well pleased with his trip and thinks western Nebraska is just as good a place to plant money as anywhere. Moses P. Kinkaid who wants to be elected to congress from this district was up Monday from O'Neill to start the campaign headquarters for his boom at this place. Mr. K. is a very nice man and a perfect gentleman but we don't think our people want him for congress. We acknowledge receipt of a group photograph of the E. V. E. A. at their last meeting in Chadron on June 7 and which came during our absence. We express our thanks and have framed the picture to hang in our ofiice where it will be of interest to those who chance to look upon the jjreat men of the twentieth century. Uncle Johnny Hudson who lives at > out 3 miles north of Sparks zaid who doesn't come to town out once in two or three years was in our city Tuesday shaking hands with old friends. Mr. Hudson is the father of the Hudson boys at Sparks who are well known to most of the people in the East end of Cherry County and are good honest and industrious peo ple. Wm. J. Allen from 32 miles down the River was in town Tuesday and met Chas. Burns who had advertised an' Estray mare last summer in the DEMOCRAT and which proved to be Mr. Allen's mare from the descrip tions as giyen by each. Mr. Allen bad purchased a lot of 14 head of horses from Judge Walcott two or three years ago and some of them tiunted for new range before they had become acquainted with their tieadquarters. Chas. Burns living 8 miles west of Crookston on the Minnechaduza river las sold his ranch and at a public tuction will sell his cattle , horses , mplements , wagons and numerous > ther articles on Saturday , Aug. , 3to 1902 at this place. Mr. Burns came lown Tuesday to fix up his sale bills ind put an ad in the DEMOCRAT which fou will notice in another place in : his paper. Mr. Burns ha's been a : areful stock raiser and has a : ood luality of stock. The new lodge of the Fraternal Union of America met last Saturday evening and closed its charter with ! 2 members and several applications lot yet acted on. The lodge is called : he King lodge , after the organizer , tnd will meet every Saturday at the. fraternal hall. The ladies of the odge served a lunch of lemonade .and : ake. As an organizer Deputy King s a peach and his work here has giv- : n Valentine a large , live lodge of a nodern , progressive order. The following concerning a Nebras- : a boy well known in this locality is ; lipped from a Pacific coast paper : "Freddie Guth , son of Mr and Mrs. " . Guth , who recently entered the * aval Reserve Military School at Joat Island , has passed his exanrina- ion and received fine honors , and "e til feel proud of the fact that Freddie las made such a good record. And re congratulate his parents on his uccess. We expect Freddy to occu- > y a place as midshipman in our navy ind we wish him success. The First National bank began M'siness Monday morning with a paid ip capital of 825,000. C. H. Cornell ind M. V. Nicholson have made the Bank of Valentine popular and now : hat a number of good men are asso ciated with them in the new banfc ; hey ought to if possible be more suc cessful than during the past 36 years. We quote the following from a cir- : ular issued by Mr. Cornell : "We 5tart in business with deposits aggre gating 8100,000 and with 875,000 loans. A new bank Building , will before long Dccupy the site adjoining our present building , which will be up to date in every particular , affording every con venience for our customer . ' ' 25 A Long Felt Want * Is filled. by thef'Dip.Hip" Corset. Thl < Iong , extend- eel hip shows a slender figure off 'to * " perfection , - softensvthe lines of an over plump figure hapes tlie fleshiest advaiitageouslyl 8 ? $ For Sale by DAVENPORT & THACHER LINE OF A-J * * w * - * T-J JL VJL AKD rroceries 4 * > fc / * * CKOOKRTOX . < . V.\i. / > ' - ' jhj 8 - " ? ! s * * * 44 - u JL Jusi . A. 5 Car of Sack Salt , W. A. Pettycrew , General Merchandise. Your Pocket Book Will Steed" It A Fob Chain for Summer Wear Ladies' and. Ghent's Patterns in Leather , Silk or Gold 0 , W , Morey , The Old Reliable'Jeweler. HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS. AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine , ' * - - Nebraska- , , Accounts of Merchants. Ranchmen and IndiviUnals Invited. ! Money to loan on iirst-clns , * cattle ptj er and other securities. ' > * ' t d ' 'A Tl 1 aieaane otate Bank * , ( Succtasors to Cherry County Eaiik. ) ill I JIK ! dp J& S.j WHITTEMORE , President J. W. STETTES , Vice Preaftten CHARLES SHARKS , Cashier T. C. HORNBY w. s. JACXSCE * . Highest cush price paid for SC133ESS ! The place to get the be-t VVrndmtll , aisc and Tanks. First door south of the loiOifer ( IJon e. ' . S. MOOW , Nebr. If Set. Do \ \