l Society THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT THE O PFICIAL NEWSPAPER OP CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA VOLUME 2VII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , ATTG-UST 14 , 1902. NTJMBEB 30 Prospective M W Purchasers of the "Acorn Brand" $ clothing can certainly ifr be congratulated on the X sterling worthjthe style , & > the tone and fit of these jj garments. Our untir- & } ing zeal and great purjj chasing power have en- abled us to place them ifr before you this season jj at prices that will pre- & > elude any question of J our clothing leadership & } The. Red Front It's not so hard to keep cool When you prepare lor tlie hot weather from our up-to-date wearing apparel. Summer Shirts and Shirt Waists A Just tlle thine for sweaty feet. They will cure 'em. The Lightest of Lightweight Underwear D. 8TINARD.TAILOR . . AND CLOTHIER. HE OWL SALOON I v v Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars * VALENTINE X NEBRASKA 9o9o9o9o9oo9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o o o o Anderson & Fischer , 8o -DEALERS IN- o o 1GENERAL HARDWARE ! Agents for the Qnickmeal Gasoline Stoves and Ranges. O -WE SELL THE-- o I Piano Mower and Hay Rakes , s fl AT. " { Coffins , Caskets , ! 9 and a Full Line of Undertakers' Supplies. 90909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909 C. H. COBXEUU President. M. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier B ANK OF VALENTINE. Valentine , Nebraska. A General Banking Business Transacted Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange * Correspondents ; 3hemical 3 National Bank , Kew York. First National Bank , Omaha Neb CITIZENS MEAT MARKET . _ . J. W. STETTER , PROP > ji ix \ "riwinirimi tr r timnrt'im \ \ \vi.jv \ I . , 1in n tin/I wmii vtv-ii in\ii a.I BIIII u VX AI IK mwvms mwvmsFRESH FRUIT AND GAMF IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , Roasts Dry Salt Meats , Smoked BrealgfaBt Bacon 99090909090909090909090909009090909090909090909090909 I-TALK OF THE TOWN * f InAnAnanAnAnanl The passenger from the west was an hour late Tuesday. The Panama hat craze died out bpfore reaching Valentine. W. W. Wood , a Rushville attor ney , was in our city Tuesday. Perry Swearinger , from down the river , was on our streets Sat urday. A heavy frost is reported in northwestern Iowa Sunday night that did much damage to crops. F. W. Jersig , of West Line , Mo. , also having a large number of cattle here , vvas in town Sun day. day.A. A. "W. Peterson , of Arabia , re ports a yearling heifer killed by lightning on Thursday , the 31st of July. Elmer Ayres called on the ed itor for a few minutes' chat last Saturday and dropped a dollar with us. The game warden is ilitting about the state and making life a burden to those who violate the game laws. N. Polen , of Sparks , dropped a $ in the slot and will read this household necessity during the coming year. W. F. Morgareidge and wife came down Saturday from Mer- rimanand are attending teach ers' institute. D. A. Hancock and family , of Marshall , Mo. , who also have a ranch here , have been in town the past week. Professors J. W. Searson , of Wahoo , and W. H. Gardner , of Auburn , are instructing in our teachers' institute. Ben J. Pays writes us from Clealum , Wash. , that he has set tled at that place and wants the DEMOCRAT sent to him. It goes. W. H. Hooper , of north table , came to town with a smile on his face last Saturday. It rained , you know , since the editor re turned home. T. F. Donohue , representing Jackson Higgins & Co. , of Oma ha , spent several days in and around Valentine the past week looking for fat cattle. Frank Ashburn and T. Ram- tl berg brought in eight cars of cat tla tla tle Monday and shipped to Jack a son Higgins & Co. , commission firm of South Omaha. u G. W. Burge spent a few days in town the latter part of last a week. He now claims to be a resident of our town though he . spends some of his time on the ranch yet. Jesse Brosius and Ed. Soles s were in town Saturday from n AlexCharbonneau's ranch , where they have been stacking hay but had a short vacation on account of the rain. A. K. Kuskie , of near Sparks , brought in two hogs last Monday which he sold to J. W. S tetter at 6c per pound. One of the hogs a weighed 450 Ibs , which makes $27 , the price ardinarily of a cow. The other hog weighed 285. S. N. Moses and family and B. J. Hoffacker and sister , of Sim eon , came to town last Saturday to spend a few days together be fore Miss Hoffacker started for San Francisco. Miss H. has en joyed a two months' visit at the ranch with her brother and Mr. Moses' family. . Wm. Gulick , of Wood Lake , came up last Thursday to trans act business with the county treasurer and to enjoy a day of rest and recreation. We acknowl edge a pleasant visit and another dollar on subscription. Dr. Wm. Winder departed for Omaha last Thursday morning , where he will try to regain his health. The Doctor is remarka bly strong for one so advanced in years and having endured so many hardships. In speaking of the coronation of King Ed the State Journal says he bore his part in a manly way. There are at least a dozen men in Valentine who would go through the same performance in a man ly way for Ed's job with its sal ary and perquisites. A. B. MeAlevy. of Kennedy , was in town last Friday after supplies.x It is interesting to some of the people down east to hear of men driving forty and fif ty miles in this country for sup plies and some of them often making the drive in half a day. The new lodge of the Fraternal Union of America now has fifty- fur new members and applica tions are pouring in. It threat ens to become one of the largest lodges in town in a very short time. Mr. King , the organizer , treated the crowd to an ice cream supper. Daniel Fowler , of north table , came in last Thursday and hand ed us another dollar on subscrip tion. He can see the advantages of living in this country and when crops are laid by and there's nothing else to do to earn money on a farm there is always some freighting to do at fair prices. W. D. Morgareidge and son came up last Friday to get some necessary articles preparatory o to moving to western Idaho , \ where he expects to make his future home on a nice fruit farm which he has purchased there. They will move in a couple of weeks. It is with regret that the DEMOCRAT chronicles the moving of this estimable family from our county and state. We had hoped that he would remain in Cherry county after selling his ranch. Our city water works needs the attention of the town board. The tank is not in pood repair and from now on will require considerable expense to keep it up. The posts are beginning to rot and the foundation is giving way. There is a good place for reservoir to be built of stone and cement on the hill north of the j electric light plant which would be permanent , lasting and furnish the city with a greater supply of water and considerable \ more pressure in case of fire. It will be safe and the water will be better. An Indian with a jag and a balky team created considerable amusement on the street last Fri day afternoon. He had a heavy load of merchadise on his wagon and a heavier load of extract of sod corn under his shirt and when he reached the sandy spot F. in front of Geo. Hornby's he T. dropped his bottle and when he had recovered it the team refused to pull. Another Indian hitched his team on and pulled him out of the sand and the last seen of the noble red man and his jag they wese making fast time toward the setting sun and the whip do ing double duty. 'He was heap .mad , ] 49 49 49 49 Long Felt Want 49 49 49 49 49 Is filled by the "Dip Hip" 49 49 Corset. The long , extend 49 49 ed hip shows a slender 49 49 figure off to perfection , 49 softens the lines of an over V 49 to 49 plump figure , shapes the 49 49 fleshiest advantageously. 49 49 49 49 Sale by 49 49 49 49 49 DAVENPORT d THACHER toto 49 WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GeneralMerchandise Merchandise AND Groceries MAX E. VIERTEL NEBRASKA CROOKSTOtf Just Received , a S 0 o 0o o sCar of Sack Salt ! W. A. Pettycrew , General Merchandise , g 90909090090909090909090909090900909090909090909090 * Your Pocket Book Will Stand It A Fob Chain for Summer Wear Ladies' and Gent's Patterns in Leather , Silk or Gold W , Morey , The Old Reliable Jeweler , : : HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine - - Nebraska iccounts of Merchants , Kanchmen and Individuals invited. Money to loan on first-class cattle paper and other securities. Valentine State Bank ( Successors to Cherry County Bank. ) Capital IPaid Tip &So , OOO VALENTINE , NEBRASKA. PEED WHITTEMORE , President J. w. STETTEK. Vice Presiden CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier . C. HORNBY w. S. JACKSON Highest cash price paid for The place to get the best Windmill , also pumps and Tanks. First door south of the Donolier House. S.MOON - - - Valentine , Nebr , Do Democrat ?