Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 07, 1902, Image 7

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For Infants and Children
The Kind You Have
. _
i - " i
Always Bought
V getable Preparalionfor As
similating ttieFood andBeg ula-
ling ( he Stomachs andBowels of Bears the
C lLDKE > t'
Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfur-
nessandRest.Contains neither
Opium.Morphine nor > lii\eral. of
Oanfitd Wutrrynen-rumr. Sugar
A perfect Remedy forConsUpa-
Tion , Sour StomachDiarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish-
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
Thirty Years
. .
. The smallest man in the world is
Major Gani7. of Fairfield , Iowa.
His age is thirty-six years , he weighs
thirty .pounds and is eighteen inch
es In height. His parents reside in
-F ; rn'eld and are of average stature.
IJeave a big red apple in plain view
and the children will waul it. You
can't blame them for taking it any
more tban you can blame a dog for
chasing sheep.
Strapped lace insects are noted.
Double and triple skirts are 'vo-
T he highest inhabited spot in Eu
rope is the observatory at tbe summit
of Mount Etna , ! ) ,07U feet above sea
Do Your Feet Arritml Burn ?
Shake into your sboc-H Allen's Foot-
Ease , a powder for tue feet. It mukv *
tight or NVw Shoes iVel Easy. Cures
Corns , Bunions. S--o' ' n , Hot Jind
Sweating hYet. At all Drujr Lsts nd
Shoe Ston < . 2. > i.Saa I..Q ' > eut FKEE.
Address All n S. < lmc--.H 1 .f Roy. N. Y.
Some of tbe students in Paris ,
wheu perusing ancient books in the
National Library , protect themselv
es with muzzles. This is done to pio-
veut the inhalation of dangerous mi
crobes said to infest old volumes.
The jaw of tbe shark furnifhes the
best wat.rhm tkers' oil. In each
shark is found about half a pint.
Hn. Winslow's SOOTH1M SVKU1' for children
toftent ! the Kiimf. reduoea intlainiUioii
pain , cures wind colic. 23c bottle.
PermanentlyCur l nomsornerretanessatier
flnrt djjr'n use of Dr. Kline's < ; r < vir. Nerve He-
tonsr. 0md fort KEiu.Ol 'rial boU. ndt.rtall ! e.
DR. R. H. KLINE Ltd. . SI ! , - " St. . I'hiludelplua.Pa-
w a T1 ®
l &sssg SuTa- ?
The University of .Notre Bams ,
FULL COURSES la Classics , Letters , E f
mtalcs and Historyoaraarin , Art , Sciezcc ,
Pharmacy , Law , Civil , Mechsnic&l and Eic--
triad Engineering , Archilscturz.
Thorough Preparatory and Commercial
Rooms Free to all students ivho have com-
! the studies required for admission into the
5ded or Senior Year of any of the Colleginta
Rooms to Rent. Moderate charge to student-
per seventeen preparing for Collegiate Courses.
A limited number of cuudidutns for the l c.-.lcv slate will he roctv.vcd at Kpccial rates.
S& Edward's Hall , for Boys under 13 > c-irs. ly
in tho completeness of its rq-iijHwnt.
S9tb Year will oi n Ssptcsbcr 9. 1G02.
mtosacs Free , Address
J2S8K A. A1ORRISSSY. C. S. C. , Preside.- '
J2&O ? :
Genuine stamped C C C. Never sold In balls.
Beware of the dealer who tries to adl
as good. "
I'uk at de mon mr
, , . n > fce-RcaiIs "f jt.
t circular. 4. A\ - .
lor AGKAVEh , Dei-atur , ill.
i RK \ > 8AS Monqnlto Cha er By Us use annoyance
"from mosquitOH U entirely nvoided ; sample , full p&r-
tic'a'JSc. JOHS U HABPEB.401 Century BldK.St.Lonis
A > 'TEC-Te if H Frolt Itttt J-ocl
lon cernihnent Jj eky Wm , . for
Cc..L wieDce.Ean.
Wlieu you run across aman wlic
is cross n rid surly , in spite of the
fact , that you accost him civilly , it is
usually a sign that some fellow has
got away with him. But be was not
cross to the man who got awy with
him ; he is cross to his friends , win-
are godd natured and polite , and
thus advertises himself as an .ass ,
A newly burn giraffe stands high
enough immediately after birth. He
then measures six feet from bis hool
to the top of his bead.
Vereschagin , the famous Russian
artist , noeld for the vividness of hi <
battle scenes , has suffered several in
juries to bis right hand. A Jeop
ard bit off the thumb , a rifle bail
struck the middle linger during a
Physicians Puzzled.
St. Aiiliert. Mo. , Aug. 4. Mr. E. R.
I.aiifjeridoefer of this place suffered
very severely with : i perulijir case of
Kidney Troublevhicli completely baf
fled the skill of the 1'jcal physicians am
instead of iretrinix any belter hevaa
gradually jrroxvinsvorse. . He say
"A friend advised me to take Dodd'f
Kidney IMlls. and after 1 had used two
boxes Ivas I entirely cured and liave
not since had the 'slightest symplon
of : he return of my trouble.
"I had tried all the surrounding phy
sicians , but they < lid me no goud and
instead of getting better I grew worse
till I used Uodd's Kidney LMlls.
"I can sincerely say to everyone suf
fering with Kidney Trouble that
Dotld's Kidney Pills will cure them , for
they cured me satisfactorily aud com
pletely when all the doctors had fail
ed. "
A man who claims to be a Joctor
and Isn't can cause a whole lot of
I find Piso's Cure Tor Consumption the
best medicine for croupy children. Mrs.
F. Callahan , 114 Hall street , Parkers-
burs , "W. Va. . April 10. 1901.
Every woman exaggerates the length
nf time it has taken her to "clean
the family silver. "
is taken internally. Price 75 cents.
A touch of black still distinguishes
many of the smartest costumes.
[ f so , use Ked CrosBall Blue. It will make
ihein white os snow.2 ox. package 5 cents.
The women are worked by peddlers
3iit when a man is done up , he says
it was an "agent. "
Hear white clothes are a 3ijn that the house- uses Keil Cross Bull Blue. Large 2 oz.
kfiire " > cents.
On many sheer dresses there are
sashes instead of coat-tais.
India iiueu is ideal wear for sultry
Strapped o Irish lace collars have
rreat style.
White monfur walking suits are
; ruly smart.-
Tiny , ' linen-covered moles adorn
inen dresses.
High-low necks are square , as well
is round.
Flat rosettes work out some clevei
Timming schemes Pale-blue light-
veight broadcloth is lovely for cool
lay drives.
An Albion Hrra raised 1500 cratca
if strawberries on seven and n
ialf acres and sold them for S3200.
Nebraska Politics.
'Eaccrpto ' Prom The Nebraska Independent , Lincoln , Nebraska , Made by
Direction of the Populist State Central Committee
Will th Populict Plank RMlroad A *
ment Stand the T t of J itl
nd Equity
"Based upon present assessed val
uation of all property we will increase
the assessed valuation of the railroaJ
property of tils state from 2G millions
to at least 40 millions of dollars. "
Populist state platform , adopted al
Grand Island , June 24 , 1902.
This plank is in striking contrast tc
the railroad taxation pianK or the re
publican state platform , which deals
in glittering generalities about mak
ing every interest pay taxes according
to the value of its property a planlv
which is eminently satisfactory to the
railroads and to the railroad tools
who will compose the board of equali
zation if the republican ticket should
be elected , an improbability although
not impossible. The republican plank
does notpromise any change what
ever. The present board can success
fully defend its action last year and
this year as being wholly In harmony
with the republican plank ; its action
is its interpretation of "making ev
ery interest pay taxes acorfllng to
the valueof its property ; " accordh'g
to its judgment , the railroads should
pajr taxes on not to exceed 26 or 27
But the populists In convention as
sembled believed that under present
conditions , "based on the present as
sessed valuation of all property , " that
the railroads should be assessed at not
less than 40 millions ; and the plat
form says so. Then if the republican
nominees are elected , the people cf
Nebraska and the railroads of Nebras
ka car append upon it that the railroad
assessment of 1903 and 1904 will be
about 26 or 27 millions ; and if the
populist and democratic nominees arc
ducted , the people ana the railroads
can depend upon it that the railroad
assessment for 1903 and 1904 will be
at least 40 millions. There is no need
for any misunderstanding regarding
the matter. It is as plain as day , even
if the republican plank does aim at be
ing mysterious.
Now. the people have no desire to
be unfair to the railroads , and if an
assessment of 40 millions is unfair ,
the } ' will say so by electing the repub
lican ticket. But they have no desire
to be unfair to themselves , and if they
believe a railroad assessment of 26
millions is too low , they will say so
by electing the fusion ticket. This is
the paramount issue in Nebraska
politics today.
In view of the numerous tables be-
ins : published "under aurnorlty of the
railroads of Nebraska , " it is necessary
for the populists and democrats to
defend their position by showing that
it is just. The question is of such
magnitude that it cannot be decided
ciThand , and it is necessary to inves
tigate it at many different points be
fore reaching final conclusions.
Last week The Independent made a
comparison of the railroad assess
ments of 3874 and 1901. This week
the comparison will include the year
1S75. ar > d each weex tnereafter an
other year will be taken up. until the
whole series of years has been thor
oughly investigated.
The errand assessment roll of 1S74 ,
consolidated to make but four items ,
is as follows :
11.000 579.5 acres at $3.91. $43.004.800.01
? ity and village lots 9,941,809.00
U 07.69 miles railroad at
510,095.89 11,183.114.40
Personal property 16,624.320.76
Total $80,754,044.17
.j.crfS * * * * Oo.v
Lots 52.3
Railroad 13.8
Personal 20.6
The grand assessment roll of 1875
s as follows :
LI.114,589.9 : ! acr. at ? 3.62.$40.234.676.45
liity and village lots 10,128,376.00
' ,116.11 miles railroad at
$8,752.30 9.768.523.86
3ersonal property 15.832.989.50
Total . $75,964,565.81
* v/1 C-Q * Ou
lailroad . 12.9
3ersonal . 20.9
The grand assessment roll of 1901
s as follows :
2.207.201 acres at $2.47.-$79.67. .19o.OO
31ty and village lots - 34,488.930.00
: ,706.32 miles railroad at
$4,630.43 . 26.422.732.30
3ersonal property . 33.852,218.19
Total $174,439,095.49
Percentages -
itics * * * . , . . 4o i
* ots * . . . . . . . . . . ii .S
failroad 15.2
'ersonal . 19.3
Our first inquiry will be to see what
; appned in 1875. Jt will be noted
hat the following changes rook place
s compared to the previous vear
Acres increased 114,010.69 , or 1 per
AssessM valuation DECREASED
2.770.122.56 , or 6.4 per cent.
Assessed valuation per acre de-
reased 29c. or 7.4 per cent.
Showing an evident intent on the
art of th" assessors to press down
r.d valuations and permit landown-
At the summer meetings of the edu-
ational societies there has been very
uich said about education in the Phil-
Ipines. One speaker pointed out that
ie citizens of the United States are
Jtally ignorant of the conditions ex
iting among the Filipinos and de-
lared that "the Filipinos are cruelly
lisrepresented on "ery hand , yet
ve-sixths of them r Christians and
ave been for fiv Iiurdred years ,
hey have 2,000 goo chools of their
wn , and yet we hi tnat they are
icapatile of self-government and wo
y to flood their country with teach-
rs. What is there fair In that sore
' treatment ? . -
to shirk taxpaying. But how did the
railroads fare at the hands of the state
board ?
Railroads Increased 8.42 miles , or
S-10 of 1 per cent.
Assessed valuation DECREASED
$1,414,590.54 , or 12.6 per cent.
Assessed valuation "per mile de
creased $1,343.59 , or 13.3 per cent.
"While the assessors were helping
the landowners to shirk taxes on 7.4
per cent , the state board cut off 13.3
per cent for the railroads. If the as
sessment of 1874 was equitable ( and it
must have been satisfactory to the
railroads or they would not nave per
mitted it ) , then the assessment of 1875
gave them a big advantage.
If the railroad assessment of 1875
had been made on the basis of 6.4 per
cent decrease ( the decrease in acre
valuations ) , it would have been
It actually was 9,768.523.86
A tax-shirking on ? 678,436.01
But suppose 1875 was 'more nearly
just and equitable than 1874 , what can
we say about 1901 ? Between 1875 an.l
Acres increased 21,114f > S9.19 , or 189.8
per cent.
Assessed valuation Increased $39.-
440,518.55 , or 98 per cent.
Assessed valuation per acre de
creased $1.15 , or 31.8 per cent.
Railroad increased 4,590.212 miles ,
or 411.3 per cent.
Assessed valuation increased $16-
654,208.44. or 170.5 per cent.
Assessed valuation per mile de
creased $4,121.87 , or 47.1 per cent.
Now , in the 26 years , while the as
sessors were crowding down the as
sessed valuation of an acre of land
about 32 per cent , regardless of its
rise in actual value , tne state board
was cutting off 47 per cent of the as
sessed valuation of a mile of railroad
also regardless of the great increase
in actual value.
If the assessed valuation of a mil-1
of railroad had been decreased only
31.8 per cent ( the decline in lands ) ,
the railroad assessment of 1901 would
have been .
} ? 34,061,435.46
It actually was 26,422,732.30
A tax-shirking on $ 7.638.703.16
It would seem ttoen that in the
game of scmeeze. the state board has
always held a winning nand. The as
sessors were limited in the amount
they cut off each year , because county
government had to be kept up and the
assessment had to be high enough so
that a 15 mill levy would produce
sufficient revenue. But the stalo
board was not hampered by any such
lestrictlons. It could cut down the
railroad assessment and let a big float
ing debt pile up.
It must not be supposed that Ne-
b-aska is alone this year in making
a campaign for tax reform. Down in
Kansas they are right in the thick of
as interesting a fight as was ever
witnessed ; and over in Iowa the ques
tion is equally alive. Neither must it
be supposed that the fight in Nebias-
ka is simply and solely an effort to
make the railroad companies pay a few
thousand dollars additional taxes.
Back of it all is a deeper significance.
The fight is really for tax reform ail
along the line. It is a protest against
tax-shirking in all its phases , and
the meanest of all is a tariff on im
ports "crooked taxation , " as Shear
man calls it.
Whether "for revenue only , " as the
democrats ask , or for "protection , "
as the republicans urge , the tariff ic
the crookedest , most unjusr , most ex
pensive to collect of all taxes. Its
only redeeming feature is that it is
easy to collect it produces the "most
feathers with the least squawking. "
The man with property worth $100-
000,000 receives 100 times the benefits
of government that the man with one
million receives ; and 100,000 times as
much as the possessor of $1,000 worth
of property and should pay taxes ac
cordingly. Under a just and equitable
system of taxation the milionaire
should pay taxes 1,000 times the taxes
paid by the thousanciaire.
Suppose the tax is on coffee : it is
physically impossible ror the million
aire to use 1.000 times as much coffee
as his poor neighbor , ana he escapes
taxation , because the tax is wrong in
inasmuch as all taxes must be paid
aut of the income of tne taxpayer , it
follows that an income tax is theor-
3tically the fairest Avnich could be
levied. The stock objection to it is
hat it is inquisitorial that the tax
ing power must go nosing around in
private matters too much. But when
tve stop to consider the customs house
practices , where women even are
abliged to disrobe in the presence of
nistoms house officials ( women , of
: otirse ) , the inquisitorial objection
'alls to the ground as Detween the
; wo systems.
The struggle in every state to com
pel the railroads and other public ser
vice corporations to pay their share of
state , county and municipal taxes is
leveloping public sentiment in favor
> f public ownership fastor than many
suppose. The discussions and law
suits make prominent the fact that the
ranchises of these corporations are
lommercially valuable ; that th y were
jiven to the corpoiations by the pn-
) le ; that the corporations have capi-
alized them and 05e selling them on
be market ; and worse , that the oor-
lorations are taxing the people to pay
One of the real good and paying
; rafts in these states is a receiver-
hip. The federal courts are very
snieut with receivers and allow them
o hang on in many cases year after
ear before any intimation is given
hat it is time to close tne job. The
ees or salaries allowed receivers are
normous and frequently a very larg ?
iart of the estate goes into the re-
eiver's pockets. The fault is in the.
ourts. In this regard , as in favoring
orporations , many of the judges are
disgrace , not only to this age , but
/ould have been to the age in whicli
< ord Bacon indulged in similar prac-
dividends upon stock issued to repre
sent these franchises. Just as fast u :
the people learn that they are taxei
to pay dividends upon the franchise ;
they gave to the corporations , the :
naturally inquire. Why did we giv <
them this valuable thing ? Wh ]
shouldn't we retain it ourselves ?
The discussions and law suits ar <
making prominent the fact that n (
franchise can be commercially valua
ble without extortionate and exorbit
ant rates for services performed bj
the corporation to which It was given
If rates were fair , there would be nc
franchise to tax it would not be val
Right here let us emphasize the im
portance of a clear understanding ol
the meaning of the term "value. " A
franchise is useful , indispensible. A
railroad could not be built without it
It could not be operated without ft
Suppose a railroad company expends
$100,000 in building and equipping HJ
road , and that its nee earnings , afte :
making allowance for deprecation cJ
the plant , pay a fair return ( the cur
rent rate of interest ) upon $100,000. I"
that case the franchise has no valu
although indispensible. The total phy
sical property is worth $100,000 ; the
franchise , nothing.
But suppose the corporation issue'
$100.000 in bonds and another hun
dred thousand in stocK , and that rates
sufficiently high are charged to pa.v
the current rate of interest on botn
bonds and ? tocks. that is to say , on
$200.000. The physical property : i
worth only half that sum. The fran
chise has become valuable as well ai
being useful and indispensible. It
was made valuable by exorbitant rates
for freight and passengers.
The taxation of franchises is but a
step in the evolution. Not many
years ago. if the illustration used
above had been presented to the aver
age man , he would have said. "Why.
they have 'watered' tne stock $100 ,
000. " But today it is well understood
that where a railroad's stoclcs an 1
bonds sell at par in the markets , it i ?
not over-capitalized , not "watered. "
Instead , it has capitalized against a
valuable franchise. Of course , it is
simply an evolution in terminology ,
but it means much. "Water" is nct
a subject for taxation ; a valuable
franchise is.
A vague protest against "watered"
stock has evolved into a demand for
the taxation of valuable franchisee.
The next step will be to demand that
the public buy the tangible property ,
take back the franchise , and operate
the two publicly for the public benefit.
Though we've raised the price of meat.
And of most things that you eat.
Common people , we are far from
happy yet.
Though we've got a lead-pipe cinch.
There are things we cannot pinch ,
And we mean to get them , you can
safely bet.
When to what you eat and wear
We can add control of air.
Then. and not till then , our joy will
be complete.
With our meter on your breath ,
You'll pav the price ' or choke to
Guess you'll pay a darn sight more
for air than meat.
Baltimore , Md.
Committee Meeting
Meetings of the populist and demo-
; ratic state committees were held at
: he Tjindell hotel , this city , last Fri-
lay. The democrats had 'previously
elected Dr. P. L. Hall as chairman , and
ic was empowered to choose a vice
; hairman to conduct the active work
) f the campaign , the doctor simply to
ict in an advisory capacity. Hts se-
ection was made but has not yet been
innounced to the public. The demo-
Tats selected an executive committee
is follows : H. D. Travis. Platts-
nouth : J. J. O'Connor , Omaha ; Geo.
j. Loomis. Fremont ; Geo. W. Phillips ,
tolumbus ; C. B. Scott , Kearney ; R. B.
Vahlquist. Hastings : and R. 0.
Ldams , Grand Island.
The populists selected an executive
ommittee as follows : First district ,
Jrof. H. E. Dawes. Lincoln : Second ,
' . J. Points. Omaha : Third , W. V. Al-
en. Madison : Fourth , F. M. Howard ,
uirora : Fifth. Dr. Robert DamereM ,
led Cloud ; Sixth , J. H. Edmisten ,
Miedford : at large. Cliff Frank. Yo"k.
: lon TV. Nelson was chosen as chair-
nan , and h ° in conjunction with the
opulist candidates and executive coci-
littee empowered to name the secre-
ary and treasurer.
A sub-committee on conference was
ppointpd by each committee and re-
ort finally made that the two cora-
littees should open headquarters' " in
imaha , to be in the same building ;
nd that each should finance Its own
There is an old story or a man who
tarted to town after a sleet storm
hen all the ground was covered.with'
36. He said every step he took for-
: ards he slid two backwards. That
emintls one of Rosewater's efforts for
qual taxation of the railroads. He
for taxing the railroads , but for
lecting nen to office who will n ° ver
o it. Every time he writes a para-
raph advocating taxing the roads ami
tie election of Prout and Weston. lie
ist slides two steps backwards. Dan
' .ice's mule never performed a more
idiculous trick , nor one that causes
: ore general laughter. There is not
man in the state so roollsh as not m
now that th < > way to make the rail-
aads pay their share of taxation is to
eat Mickey. Prout and Weston. and
: osewater is no fool. He perhaps has
n idea that the farmers are the ones
rho vote the republican ticket and
iat is the reason that he engages in
is ridiculous performances.
As a rule republican papers seem
) believe it the height of political
isdom to pretend that Mr. Bryan is a
back number , " a "dead leader , " etc. ,
ad it is really refreshing to find one
ith independence and fairness
lough to make an honest statement
jgarding him. The Iowa State Reg-
ter ( under George E. Roberts' man-
? ement ) said last week :
"William J. Bryan is to be one o !
le attractions at the Woodmen's nic-
ic at Iowa City , August 5. Why is
if Bryan is such a back number that
: ill or Olney or Cleveland are not
stting some of these invitations ?
Could Hardly Belieye It. A
Prominent Woman SaTedFrora
Death by Lydia E. Pinkham'i
Vegetable Compound.
" DEAK } Ip.s. PIXKUAM : I suppose a
large number of people who read oi
ray remarkable cure will hardly believe
it ; had I not experienced it myself , 1
know that I should not.
"I suffered for months with
troubles peculiar to women which
gradually broke down my health and
my very life. 1 was nearly insane
with pain at times , and no human
skill 1 consulted in Milwaukee could
bringrne relief.
"My attention was called to IJydia
E. Pinkhant's Vegetable Com
pound ; the lirst bottle brought re
lief , and the second bottle an absolute
cure. I could not believe it mj'self ,
and felt sure it was on ! } ' temporary ,
bat blessed fact , I have now been well
for a year , enjoy the best of health ,
and cannot in words express my grat
itude. Sincerelv yours , SADIK E. KOCH ,
12-1 10th St. , Milwaukee , VVis. " $5000
forfeit if above testimonial is not genuine.
Such unquestionable testimony
proves the power of Xiydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound over
diseases of women.
"Women should remember that
they are privileged to consult
Mrs. Pinkham , at Lynn , Mass. ,
about their illness , entirely free *
Owners of automobiles say that.
men who see machines for the JirsD ,
Li rne , pretendto know all about
Ihern , and make suggestions as to
: heir management and imrpove-
An Atchisou man was told that
mother man wanted to see him.
: 'I'll bet a hundred" he said "that
be doesn't get it. "
How it amuses people when a doc-
.or gets sick !
a ! Flavor Foods
j ciina. You gee them nt yosir i
- jur j tbey Icavo us lt.lnty , delicifiiM < , -
rpiidytosenre. Yon will never keep ho-n-ewiu.-
r out LIBBVB FOODS when } ou ouco try thaai.
Ask for our booHet. "Uow TO MAKE GOOD
p THEJGS TO EAT. " It will be sent yon free.
. . . . . . .
3 j A. vV jAk Jk. J A A.
/ $ - : . -i.
& . ' ; . , r1 5 s
? : - : § * - . v' ' ' v - _ ? ' ? ? ' ? fe
5 - t ! - > 'x
S r-T
Y.VSx f--
13 & $3 2 SHOESS :
\V. L. Douglas shoes are VV TI. b
lore men in all stations of life fl a'i
ny other make , because they are ti. '
nly shoes that in every way t qu ; I
liose costing So.OO and § 6.00.
199 < aln. 1 1AQ OgA I 190S nln. ( O { ( < \ / , ° A
> tBB = th , JljlvOjliiVl IrtCnroHttm , e-.VttM" < 7
3jf imported arvt American lecteitfrs. Hfn a
e f Calf : Enimel. Box Calf , Calf , Vic.V ' .
o'f. tfof. Kangaroo. Fast Color Eyelfts l ! c < L
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