Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 07, 1902, Image 4

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    * I
Nc.iVKp < tin.r of C/tcrri/
Coititty ,
Thursday , .Inly 81 , 1JJ02.
.Subscription $1.00 per yrnr In advance : SI. 50
When not paid in advance , Single copies Gc.
Display advertise u 1 inch single column I5t *
per issue or $0.00 n vear.
Local Notices , O' Maries , hod c Ilesoliitioir
uud. Socials for Itev , uie.rC per line per issue
J'rnnds. 1i incl - 4 ' o JUT j car in advance
additional space b o-ipur inch per year ; eii iuvul
blocks extrn ; $1.00 each.
Parties living outside Cherry county not per
sonally known am requested to pay in advance
10 PT ; cent additional to above rates if over C
months in arrears.
Notices of losses of stock free to brand ndver-
For Governor ,
Lieutenant Governor ,
K. A. GlI.r.KKT.
Secretary of Sta'e ,
JOHX PowEits.
Auditor ,
C. Q. IK FllAJfCK.
.1. N. LVMAX.
Attorney General ,
- } . II. HitOADV.
Commissioner of Publln Lands and Buildings.
Superintendent of Schools.
Outgoing transports carry sol
diers for the Fhilipines and also
coffins for their return voyogc.
The Prodigal Son did not in
sist on sitting at the head of the
table and doing the carving.
Republicans object to the plat
form of the Texas democrats.
It was evidently not written by
the reorganizers.
A Chicago man who paid taxes
on § 300,000 last year has made a
statement that he don't own a
dollar. Moral : If you have $300-
000 in Chicago , take the first train
out of town.
Gen. Bragg went over to the
republican party r.nd received
the customary rew. rd for reue-
gaces , a fat office. But he talked
too much with his mouth and his
fat salary will soon cease.
Admiral Crowninshield has
damaged his ship more in a peace
ful cruise than did Admiral Schley
withthe whole Spanish fleet
shooting at him and yet pre
sumes to pass judgment on
Schley's competency.
"Me Too" PJatt says the re
publicans could elect a yellow
dog governor of New York this
year. We congratulate them on
raising the standard of morality
and intelligence of their candi
Hell Eoaring Jake Smith has
returned from Samar and is on
the retired list with a salary of
8500 a year as long as he lives
and nothing to do in return for
it. There are a great many peo
ple in Nebraska who would enjoy
that sort of punishment.
For lo , these many years , the
republicans have told us how
they would put the trusts out of
business "at the next session of
congress. " They are still sing
ing the old song but we find com
fort in that beautiful scripture
text , "blessed are they that ex
pect nothing , for they shall not
be disappointed. "
The republican papers feel
duty bound to say something
against W. T. Thompson and t'u
following from the editorial pa.ut
of the State Journal is the most
lucid argument against his elec
tion we have noticed :
"Ask any street urchin the dif
ference between Buifalo Bill and
Bill Thompson and he will give
the correct answer in a half a
second. "
Gov. Savage has appointed a g
new Ore and police board for
Omaha and the appointment is a
knock-out for Rosewater and is a :
o :
the beginning of the end of the
Rosewater-Moores-Dennison re rr
gime , the most corrupt ever E
known in that city. The uewj
board is composed of reputable
business men and the Oniahog ?
may now expect better manage
ment of affairs.
Chicaero grave diggers are on
a strike for more pay. Don'l
they have any meat in their "full
dinner pail ? "
The old settlers will hold a re
union at Sparks on the 28th and
Lightning struck a Norfolk
school building Sunday night
and jarred some of the plaster
I. M. Rice and son Lawrence
returned this morning from an
extended visit among relatives
and friends in Kansas and Mis
The Loss promised to start for
home about the first of August
and hasn't showed up yet. The
devil thinks he would be justified
in advertising him as an estray.
Judge Towne returned from
the Hot Springs yesterday morn-
He left a whole lot of rheumatism
there but brought back enough
to last him the balance of the sea
Geo. A. Joslyn , president oi
the Western Newspaper Union ,
of Omaha , has been sued for $301) ) .
000 damages for breach of coi
tract. This will not interfer <
with the $100,000 residence he i-
The town has been full of Ind
ians for several days and the
merchants report a rushing bus
iness. Considerable money has
escaped across the line since the
business men sent in their pro
The newest thing in govern
ment by injunction is an injunc-
to prevent some gamblers from
getting a corner on the grain
market. It the future the pru
dent poker playervbefore sitting
in a game will arm himself with
an injunction that will prohibi :
his opponent from winning hLs
Attention , l&mghts of Pythias.
The meeting nights have been
changed from Tuesday evenings
to 1st and 3rd Friday of each
month : Castle Hall has been
changed from Davenport hall to
Fraternal hall ,
K. of R. & S. , Cherry Lodge
No. 169 , K. of P.
J&HIetl ; it Cody
H. Towner , a brake man on the
2ast-bound passenger train , yes-
berday morning was accidently
lolled at Cody4 No one seems to
mow just how the accident oc
curred as no one saw him fall
incl he was dead when found. It
s thought that he was passing
Between the mail and express
iars probably chasing hoboes-
tnd fell beneath the wheels which
passed over the entire length of
lis body , causing instant death ,
le was single and lived with his
> arents in Rapid City , S. D.
The body was brought to vVal-
sntine last evening and an inquest
icld and , af er hearing the evi-
ience , they returned a verdict of
ccidental death. The railroad
ompany had the body embalmed
nd sent to his home.
A Sight For Sarah.
Of a. certain bishop , famous as about
je plainest man in England , the Liv-
rpool Post tells this pleasing tale :
ne day as this homely parson sat
i an omnibus he was amazed by the
crsistent staring of a fellow passen-
21 % who presently unburdened himself
5 follows :
"You're a parson , ain't you ? "
"Well , yes ; that is so. "
"Look 'ere , parson , would you mind
miin * home with me to see my wife ? "
Imagining the wife was sick and
ceding assistance , the clergyman at
'cat inconvenience to himself went
ith the man. On arriving at the
nise the man shouted to his wife to
une downstairs , and , pointing to the
; tonished parson , said , with a grin j 1
! delight ; I 1
"Look 'e 'ere , Sairry. Yer said this
ornin' as I wur the hugliest chap in
ugland. Now , just yer look at this i
oke ! " c
Shakespeare and Moliero.
A correspondent finds these notable
points of resemblance in the careers of
Shakespeare and Moliore :
The father of each was in trade and
apparently destined his sou to follow
his occupation. The curly education
of both was neglected , and we know
nothing in their after training that
conferred on them their perfect knowl
edge of good breeding and distinguish
ed manners. Xeither of them was hap
pily married. Each became manager ,
author , actor. Each produced a con
siderable number of authenticated dra
matic works. Each was careless about
publishing his works , or , rather , object
ed to do so lest they should be acted
by rival dramatic companies. Plays of
each were collected by actors and first
published in a complete form after the
death of the authors.
Each touched up or produced plays
that are lost or of doubtful .origin.
Each disregarded novelty of plot , bor
rowing from various sources. Each
disliked his profession. The personal
character of each was gentle , kind ,
generous. Each had a profound knowl
edge of human nature. Each preferred
the idea or matter to the comparative
disregard of the manner. Each had a
remarkable fecundity and fertility of
production. Each died at the age of
The "Weather Man's Perquisites.
"I have just served sixteen subpoenas
on Uncle Sam's weather man , " said a
process server at the county court
house the other day , "and handed him
sixteen half dollars to legalize the com
mand that he appear to give evidence
in that many cases and ? 1G to enforce
the direction that he bring the weather
records along.
"Do you know , he is much in de
mand as a witness ? There are hun
dreds of cases , especially in the acci
dent and negligence actions in the city
court , in which it is necessary to prove
what was the slate of the weather at
the time of the accident , and obvious
ly the man to give that information to
the jury is the observer of the local
weather station , for lie has the records
made at tho time to show indisputably
whether it was raining or whether the
sun was shining.
"Sometimes this duty keeps the
weather man on the jump. I have
known him to give testimony in six or
eight cases in a day and to earn wit
ness fees far in excess of his salary.
I presume these fees are his perqui
sites , and I know that the lump sum in
a year is a handsome amount. " Xew
York Times.
The Plymouth Rock.
A schoolteacher in one of the charm
ing rural suburbs of Philadelphia ,
where fancy gardening and the rais
ing of "Philadelphia fowl" are gen
eral among the residents , recited to the
class the story of the landing of the
pilgrims , and. as the children had boon
taking up the work , she requested each
scholar to try to draw from the im
agination a picture of the Plymouth
rock. Then it was that the little fellow
got up and raised his hand.
" \Vell , Willie , what is it ? " asked the
"Please , ma'am , do you want a hen
or a rooster drawn ? ' ' came the unex
pected reply.
Mnsical Snnils.
A French naturalist claims that there
are few if any animals which have a
higher appreciation of music than
snails. Place some snails on a pane of
glass , he says , and you will find that
as they move over it they will make
musical sounds similar to those which
a person can produce by wetting his
finger and then rubbing it around a
glass tumbler. Complete airs , he points -
out , have been played on tumblers in
this way , and he expresses he opinion
that quite as good resr"can be ob
tained by using snails i .oad of fin
Onr Republic.
The American republic must live.
Popular commotion and partisan fury
may dash their mad waves against it ,
but they shall roll back shattered ,
spent. Persecution shall not shake it ,
fanaticism distort it nor revolution
change it , but it shall stand towering
sublime , like the last mountain in the
deluge , while the earth rocks at itg
feet and the thunders peal above its
head uiajesticr immutable , magnifi
cent Wendell Phillips.
A Tale of Heroism.
"I went for a bath yesterday , " said
an Auvergnat. "I had been in the
water some time when I suddenly per
ceived an enormous shark advancing
toward me with its jaws open.
was I to do ? When he was a ynrl off ,
I dived , took out my pocketknife and
ripped up the belly of the monster. "
"What ! Then you are in the ImUt
of bathing with your clothes on , " said
one of the listeners. From the French.
Spot Appropriate to Speech. *
"Ah , darling , " he exclaimed , "as we
> it together under the spreading
tranches of this noble tree I do de
clare on my honor that you are the
) nly girl I have ever loved. "
And just a suspicion of a smile
crossed the dear thing's features as
she replied :
"You always say such appropriate
lungs , John ; this is a chestnut tree. " , t
-Baltimore Xews.
Firmness. I
Jones Dear me ! You say you often
ay down the law to your wife. How
lo you go about it ? '
Bones Why , all 3-011 need is firm-1
tess. I usually go into my study , lock
he door and do it through the key-
There are three things about the
orth polo that have never been dis-
overed exactly where it is. wh : > t ? t is
nd is.
The Fairy Lamplighter.
Affection often inspires ingenuity.
In a life of Joseph Severn the narra
tive of the artist's care of the poet
Keats in his last illness includes a
graceful incident. Severn , worn out
with watching anil tireless service ,
would sometimes 4r ° l > asleep and aJ-
knv the candle lo.fco out , thus leaving
the sick man in darkness , which he
dreaded. Realizing that this was lia
ble to occur , Severn hit upon a happy
device to keep the light still burning.
One evening he fastened a thread from
the bottom of the candle already light
ed to the wick at the top of another
unlighted one set ready near by.
Xot being sure the experiment would
succeed , he had not mentioned it , and
when later on he fell napping as the
first candle was burning low the in
valid was too considerate to awake
him , but lay patiently awaiting the ex
tinction of the fluttering flame. Sud
denly , just as he expected gloom and
blackness , the connecting thread too
fine and distant for him to see caught
fire , and a tiny spark began to run
along it. Then he waked the sleeping
nurse with an exclamation of joyful
"Severn ! Severn ! " he cried. "Here's
a little fairy lamplighter actually lit
up the other candle ! "
But it was only the good fairy of
many sickrooms loving forethought
that had lighted the candle.
Flowers of the Cranberry.
One of the daintiest of wild flowers
of June is the blossom of that time
honored concomitant of roast turkey ,
the cranberry. While , however , every
body knows the berry , few are ac
quainted with the flower , for the peat
bogs where it blows in the choice fel
lowship of the stately pitcher plant
and the golden club and of many a
rare orchid are quite remote from the
beaten paths of travel. The cranberry
plant is a small , slender , somewhat
trailing shrub , with the neatest of
evergreen leaves , from amid which a
few threadlike stalks lift their nodding
flowers. When fully expanded , the
pink lobes of each corolla are curled
back like a lily's , and from the heart
of them the compressed stamens pro
trude in the shape of a spear point or
beak. The imaginative may see in
this long beaked little blossom a re
semblance to a tiny crane's head ,
whence some hard pressed etymologist
has thought to derive the word cran
berry that is , crane-berry. "Country
Life In America. "
Italian Rings.
Rings of Italian workmanship are
remarkably beautiful. Venice partic
ularly excelled in this art. In the Lon-
dcsborough collection is a fine speci
men. The four claws of the outer ring
in open work support the setting of a
sharply pointed pyramidal diamond ,
such as was then coveted for writing
on glass. The shank bears a fanciful
resemblance to a serpent swallowing
a bird , of which only the claAvs con
necting the face remain in sight.
It was with a similar ring Raleigh
wrote the words on a window pane ,
"Fain would I rise but that I fear to
fall , " to which Queen Elizabeth added ,
"If thy heart fail thee , do not rise at
all , " an implied encouragement which
led him on to fortune.
Candy For Change.
"Some people wonder why we carry a
stock of cheap candy , penny candy , "
said the man who keeps the railroad
newsstand. "Well , you see , it's this
way : I have a lot of regular customers
who want it. They take it out in
change. For instance , one man has
been buying two evening papers from
me every afternoon for several years ,
[ f he has any pennies , I never see them.
Lie always throws down a nickel , picks
up his two papers from the pile and
then takes three pieces of candy , which
lie chews while waiting for his train.
Other men saw him do this and fol
lowed suit , and now it's quite the regu
lar thing. " Philadelphia Record.
Eating : From the Same Plate.
In former days it was usual for a
: ouplc seated together to cat from one
Tencher , more particularly if the re
lations between them were of an in-
Liinate nature or , again , if it were the
uaster and , mlSTfess of the eslablish-
ncut. Walpole relates that so late as
; he middle of the eighteenth century
; he old Duke and Duchess of illamil-
; on occupied the dais at the head of
.he room and preserved the traditional
nauner by sharing the same plate. It
vas a token of attachment and tender
ccollection of Ainreturnable youth.
'Old Cookery Bo ks. "
Russian Police Regulations.
One of the regulations of the Rus-
liau police refers to the censorship of
irice lists of goods , notes of invitation
o parties and personal visiting cards ;
ilso for the censorship of seals , rub
ier stamps and business cards of indi-
Iduals or corporations. Another or-
ler regulates the sale of soap , starch *
oothbrushes and insect powder , and
nother controls the printing on the
aper used in making cigarettes.
The Only "Way.
"Ah , Reginald , dearest , " she sighed ,
but how can I be sure that you will
ot grow weary of me after we have
een married a little while ? "
"I don't know , " he answered , "un-
; ss we get married and see. " Chicago
A Possibility.
"So you refused him ? ' said Maud.
"Yes , " replied Mabel. "I told him 1
iiall send back any letters unopened. "
"I wouldn't be so rude. There might
e theater tickets in some of them ! "
There is a wide difference in getting
hat we think we deserve and getting
rhat is In store for us sometimes.
Htsburg Gazette.
Professional Envy.
An Italian philosopher has amused ;
himself by constructing a scale of do
grees for the measurement of profea-
sioual envy. The highest point in this
envy measurer is ten.
Architects are happily placed lowest
ou the scale. They register only 1 ;
advocates and priests and military
men are ranged at 2 , and in the as
cending scale he gives us professors
of science and literature
, - ; journal
ists , 5 ; authors , S ; physicians , 9 ; ac
tors and actresses , 10. The small
amount of envy among architects is
held to be due to their precise , severe
and rigid studies. The same thing ap
plies to advocates.
Among the clergy envy is found
mostly in preachers. In the military
career envy is quiescent in time of
peace , but can become acute in time
of war. Envy makes men of science
and literature lead solitary lives , diffi
dent of each other. Among physicians
envy is still more prevalent , and they
do not spare their colleagues , often
terming them charlatans. In the the
atrical world envy reaches its acute
form , vanity playing a great part in
its production.
Crows as "Weather Prophets.
The belief that two crows are a hap
py omen and that they appear to warn
men from disaster is very ancient.
Alexander the Great was thus saved
in Egypt by two crows , and King
Alonzo would assuredly have perished
in 11-17 had it not been for two ci/ows. /
one of which perched on the prow and
the other on the stern of his ship , so
pointing the prow of the royal barge
safely into port. Crows and rooks are
very much alike. It is said that when
rooks desert a rookery it forebodes the
downfall of the family on whose prop
erty it is.
They are also credited with being
good weather proguosticators. When
the weather is about to be very bad ,
they stay as near home as possible ,
but when they foreknow that it will
be set fair they start off in the morn
ing right away to a distance where
they have an instinct that the food
they need is plentiful. Again , if the
rooks are seen venturing into the
streets of a town or village it is a sure
sign of an approaching snowstorm.
All the Year Round.
Books and Bookshelves.
"Low bookshelves , " says a furniture
dealer , who is a lover of books as well ,
"have an origin in a reason besides the
caprice of fashion. Ileat is injurious
to the binding of choice books , drying
out the natural oil of the leather and
making them warp and get out of
shape. Most rooms are very warm in
the upper parts , and these five and six
foot bookcases are a necessity rather
than a notion. Cold is as hard on
books as overheating , and an atmos
phere that is too damp or too dry also
injures them. The sun pouring in di
rectly on the shelves fades the bind
ings. You can have a cheerful , sunny
library and yet keep the volumes out
of the sun's full power. "
Stnmbleil on n Fnct.
A minister went recently to preach
in n chapel unfamiliar to him. "You
must do your best to keep your voice
up , sir , " said the chapel keeper , "for
our church is very unfortunate in its
'agnostic' effects. " Whether he meant
it or not , it was quite true. Christian
Her Reward.
Blond Bridesmaid The ushers
haven't seated your Aunt Maria with
the family.
Other Bridesmaid ( sister to the bride )
Xo ; she sent only a pickle fork. Life.
A New Theory.
"Papa , were we descended from mon
keys ? "
"Xot all of us , my boy. Some were
ascended. " Detroit Free Press.
Enthusiasm gives life to what Is In
visible and interest to what has no Im
mediate action on our comfort In this
world. Mme. de Stael.
Subscribe for the DEMOCRAT.
knowingly boy nnclean
groceries for your table !
How under the sun can built
coffees constantly exposed
to dirt and dust be cloanl
comes in sealed pound - <
packages only , thus in
suring freshness , strength ,
flavor and uniformity.
Tlie Best Cattle Dip
No one can afford to take the risk of
pxpprimtMitin } ; with home made rattle
or sheep dips when thn best coal tar dip
cin be hwl at 60 to 70 cents per gallon.
The Geo. II Lee Co , of Omaha. quoN-
rim price on their Lee's I'arholu * Li | >
which is endowed hv theebr > i > ki
-fate ExperimentNation and hbun -
Ix'ds of lemHntr stofkniHii * Vri e ? r
eu catalogue and tes nn mials
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
iulclly ascertain our opinion free whether an
iivcution 13 probably patentable. Communion-
inns strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
scntfrcn. Oldest ncency for eecuringpatents.
I'utcnts taken throueu Munn & Co. receive
special notice , without charge , in. tho
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir
culation of any scientlUc Journal. Terms , $3 a
year : four months , $ L Sold by all newsdealers.
WUNN & Co.361Broadwa' ' New York
Branch Offlco. 625 F St. Washincton. D. C.
g 3S 253
R S , DENNIS , w\//v
Valentine Nebraska x All work welf done
* Sole Agents for
Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER
Choicest WineS and Cigars.
Sold by Qnigley & Chapman ,
Valentine , Nebr.
Richards & Corastoek ,
Ellsworth. JSTebr ,
We Can Satisfy You ia Oualitv Price and Vorluaaaship s
* ,