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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1902)
MEDICAL EXAMINER Qf the United States Treasury Recommends Pe = ru = na. The Women Also Recom mend Pe-ru-na. Miss Blanch ( Irey , 174 Alabama street Mi-mphis , Tonii. , a society woman o Memphis , writes : "To a society woman whose nervou force is often tnxcd to the utmost fron lack of rest and irregular meals I knov of nothing whifh is of so much benefit a Peruna. I took it a few months a # when I felt my strength pi ring away , ain it soon made itself manifest iu.givin ; me uew strength and health. " Mis Blanch Grey. Mrs. X. Schneider , 1M09 Thirty-seventl Place , Chicago. 111. , writes : "After taking several remedies with cut result. I began last year to talc your valuable remedy. I'ernna. 1 was ; complete wreck. Had palpitation of tin heart , cold hands and feet , female weak ness , no appetite , trembling , sinking feel ing nearly all the time. You suid I wa : suffering with systemic catarrh , and Believe that 1 received your help in thi nick of time. I followed your direction ! carefully and can say to-day that I an well again. 1 cannot thank you enougl for my cure. " Peruna euros catarrh wherever located 'Peruna is not a guess nor an experirnen it is an absolute sciontific certainty Peruna has no substitutes no rivals. In ist upon having Peruna. A free book written by Dr. Hartman , on the subject of catarrh In its differ ent phases and stages , will be seni free to any address by The Peruna Medicine Co. , Columbus , Ohio. Catarrh is ji systemic disease curablt nly by systemic treatment. A remedj that cures catarrh must aim directly ai the depressed nerve centers. This is What Peruna does. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of I'erunr write at once to Dr. liartmau. giving ji full statement of your case , and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad- fice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman. President of The Hart man Sanitarium. Columbus. O The milk of a single Kouefort sheet will in a year make 'about thirty It forty pounds of cheese. In that dis trict of France there are about eight thousand sheep devoted to th ? cheese industry. A milkman and the driver of a sprnkliug cart. were observed in earnest conversation in Henderson , Ky The spectators put this and that together , and inferred that the milkman was making arrangements for watering his stock. HAM Lira's WIZARD OIL ALL O UG.GiSTS SELL IT- A Skin of Beauty Is a Joy Forever. kB. T. FKL.IX 0URAru'S * OHfE.NTAl. 'CRKAM , OK iiAClCAI , UEAUTIFIER Removes Taa.J'imples.Freck- . le . Hq-h Patches , Hash ami Skln dUenac" . and erery blnm- iuli oa benuti.anil idefles detection. Tt jjhos utood the teat * * : J3Taf iff iffil ? < K'eu . P B3 fjf 57 WJJ ls so harmlM * we taat ittobesur it 1 properly made. ta y " > l Accoptnocounter- felt of limilar nama. Ir. L. A. Sarr saiit to a ladj of the haat- , to a ( a pstienb : j "An you ladlea will IniQ them. I recora- liuend ' ' 'Gournud'a Cream' the lout harmful of all the S It i n pr ; > ara > tionm. " For sal * br all BruERlits and Fancr-Goods I naler Jn thw U. S . C.tmida and Eurapo. FIIED T HOPKINS , i'roorietor. Xi Gr at Jonen St. . N. Y. The University of Notre Dame. NOTRE DAME , INDIANA. nfLL COURSES la Classics , Letter * , Bco- uemtc * mmd History , Jooraallsm , Art , Sclemco , Pharmacy , Law , Civil , Mecbsalcal aad Eleo- trtcul Engineering , Architecture. Tmoroufh Preparatory aad Coostaeccial Raoou free to all student * who bare com pleted the studies required for admisiloo into the Junior or Senior Y ar of njr of the CoUegUu Coanes. Room * to Rcat. Moderate charge to student ! * r sorcntoen preparing for Collegiate Courses. A limited number of. candidate * for tho Keel * dectkul state will be received atf ipeolal rate * . St. Edward's Hall , for Bors under 13.jeM , if VBtooe in the coinpie'tcness of its equipment. The S9ta Year will open September 9 , 1903. Catalogue * Fret. Address RBV. A. JHORftJSSEY. C. S. C. . W. L. DOUGLAS \22 \ SHOES . L. Douglas shoes are the stan- dard of the world. This is the reason W. L. Douglas makes and sells more men's $3.00 and $3.r > o shoes than any other two manufacturers. W. L. DOUGLAS $4 SHOES CANNOT BE EXCELLED. .K IUW I JKSSia , $2,340,000 $ Bet ! Imported and American leathers. Hey I'9 Patent Calf. Er.tmel. Box Calf , Calf Ylci Kid. Corona Colt. flat. Kangaroo. Kfutt Color Eyelet * uaed. Caution ! Tb * genuine havo W. L. DOUGLAS- * * namn and price * Ujnped on bottom. Shots by mail , 25r. tftra. lllui. Catalog free. W. L. DOUGLAS. BROCKTON , MASS. fe. tlon r lent f T i : ! v-t it. Wtri Vr ? r > Ct . : K u. tt f t * . LLEWELLYN JORDAN , Modi DK. Examiner of the U. S. Treas ury DeparuuL'iir. graduate of Coluuv bia College , and who served three yean at West Point , has the following to say of Peruna : "Allow me to express my gratitude to you for the benefit derived from your wonderful remedy. One short month has brought'forth a vast change and I now consider myself a well man after months of suffering. Fellow sufferors , Peruna will cure you. " Peruna immediately invigorates the nerve-centers which'give vitality to the mucous membranes. Then catarrh dis appears. Then catarrh is permanently cured. Asia contains more than half ol the people in the world. The best and linest Panama hats are manufactured in Jipijapa , Ec uador. A Mississippi gentleman , in ans wering a matrimonial advertisement , stated that he was "a Muskier MaE and a .widower 28 years old , with Gray eyes & Orbon hair six feet high. " EVIDENTLY USED DP. Mrs. Meadowland ( early morning/ "I guess that city gentleman we took to board for the summer ain't much used to travelin'in the cars , lie must a' been all fagged out when he got here yesterday , though he didn't say nothin' about it. " Farmer Meadowland ' 'lie looked cheery enough. " Mrs. Madowland "Yes , but here its is 'most four o'clock and break fast already , and he hain't waked up yet. " THE T.UUTLI OUT. Clara ( at the seaside'There ) ! I knew it. lie has proposed this evening , and she has accepted. " Dora "They are acting like other people : merely polite , that's all. " "That's only ajjliud. Look at her yjohtiug cap. " " " 'It's on hind side before. " "Yes. A man can't kiss a girl ur- der one of those peaks. " Michigan Lumber Product * . During the decade ending in lyoi the lumber products of Michigan fel [ from $83,000,000 per anuuin to $54 000,000. THE SURGEON'S ' KNIFE Mrs. Eckis Stevenson of Salt Lake City Tells How Opera tions For Ovarian Troubles Jttay Be Avoided. MRS. PINKHAM : I suffered with inflammation of the ovaries and womb for over six years.enduring ache * and pains which none can dream of but those vrho have had the same expe- MBS. EOKIS STEVJWSON. rienoc. Hundreds of dollars Trent to the doc'tor and the'druggist. I was simply a walking1 medicine cheat and a phys ical wreck. My sister.residing in Ohio wrote m that she had been cured o1 womb trouble by usinp Lydiu "E. Pinkhnm's Vegetable Coin- pound , and advised mtt to try it. I then discontinued all other med icines and gaye your Vegetable Compound a thorough trial. Within four weeks nearly all pain had left me ; I rarely had headaches , and my nerves w r * in a much better condition , and I wag cured in three months , and this avoided a terrible surgical operation. " Mits : ECKIS STEVKNSON. 350 So. StateSt. , Salt Lake City. Utah. fSQOO forfeit If - tbon ttttimoniel it'not genuine. Remember every vroman ii cordially invited to write'to Mrs. Pinkhaui if tbere is anything About her syniptoias she does not understand. Mrs. DOGS LIKE THEIR MASTERS. Association Causes the Brute to Imi tate the Human Bcinc. One of the most curious traits to be 'oilnd in the animal nature , said an ob- ipn-ant citizen , is that which grows out t the unconscious iinitativeness of creatures of the lower order. I have observed many Instances of where the creatures of a lower order have taken on the characteristics in some notice able degree of members of the humau familjOne might know , for instance , the beggar's dog , just from the look of the dog , from the droop of the eye , the pathetic hang of the lip and a certain general air of despondency and hope lessness which seem to speak in the very nature of the animal. 1 mention the beggar's dog because it is a fa miliar example. The beggar's dog nevet looks cheerful , never smiles , never frol ics , but simply sits by his master and broods and begs for whatever charity ma3' give. "I have seen the dog character mold ed under happier influences and the doii become more cheerful. lie was a light- hearted , free-and-easy sort of creatun and seemed to get something of tin1 sun- tier side of things. I am almost tempt ed to say that if you will show me n man's dog I will tell you what mannei of man the owner is , with particular reference to tempera men t and lite moods. The melancholy man. the man who grovels mentally along the gloom ier grooves ; the pissimistic man , Avho is always looking at the dark side of the picture ; all the men who come within these unhappy classilu-ations rarely own a cheerful dog. The dog uncon sciously takes to tinways of his mas ter , and in his moods imitates the mas ter's way of thinking. But turn to the dog of the jolly , cheerful fellow. Watch him show his teeth in laughter when the master approaches , lie is darting across the yard and dancing and frisk- Ing around the master's feet in the hap piest way imaginable , and he is up to all kinds of pranks and does all kinds of little things to indicate the good na ture that is in him. He does as his mas ter and seems to take the same general view of life. These are small things , 1 guess , but they show just how iiriport- ant one's actions are in life. Even one's way of thinking may influence one's dog and change his whole view of life. Xew Orleans Times-Democrat. HOTBEDS OF BRIGANDAGE. The Numerous Baud it Bands of Bul garia ami Macedonia. Bulgaria and Macedonia are the hot beds of brigandage , known as such for ages. The territory is mountainous , crossed by no regular thoroughfares except the paths worn in the rovks l > \ the K-et of the caravans of centuries. These districts : ue populated Jy Bul garianslbaniaus , and Turks , living in small towns among the iuouiaius , where a hard and precarious living fan be wrung from the stony soil only un der the most favorable conditions. With little or no protection from the iroeminent , and subject to repeated and heavy assessments upon their > canty crops and straggling herd : , by the rovfng bands of brigands , whose itroiucliolds are in the same mountain fastnesses , it is not a surprise that the people become restless and learn to look upon the brigand leader as a great and powerful man. Fathers appren * tice their sous to these leaders of law lessness and crime to learn the profes sion , with the earnest hope and prayer that by their prowess and strength , they , too , in due time may be at the head of a robber baud of their own. The region , moveover. is especially adapted for brigandage , because it ia the meeting place of Europe and Asia , wh < re lawlessness and rapine are fos tered by the intense race rivalry and hatred that consequently prevails. liev. Dr. .Fames L. Barton , in Woman's Home Companion. A Jjineal Descendant. The fruit that grows ou the genealog ical tree is generally dry , but occasion ally has a flavor of humor. "Sylvanua Urban" tells in the Cornhill Magazine a story which is good enough to per petuate. One need not question its au thenticity too closely. A man applied to the herald's collega for a coat of arms. In such a case it id pleasant to be able to borrow one from u celebrated ancestor. The man in question could not remember any thins about his great-grandparents , and therefore , of course , could not mention any achievement by them which could be used as the basis of a coat of arms. But the orlicial to wliouj he appll * d was not easily discouraged. "Have you not done something your- self ? " he ask'Ml. 'Nothing. I fear , ' ' said the man. add ing as a pathetic antithesis that once , having been lucked in Lmlgute prison Cor debt , he had found means to escape from an upper window. , v "And how did you get downV" "I got a cord , fixed it around the neck of King Lud's statue , and let my- * t'lf down. " "Just thf thing ! There you have it nonor enough. Lineally descended 'roni King Lud. His coat of arms is ; ood enough for vou ! ' ' His Objection. "Back again ? " said the warden. Well , we'll put jou 5u the new cell louse this lime. How do the quaiters nit you' : " "These quarters are all right , " said he habitual offender , "but the terms ire not satisfactory. ' ' Baltimore American. Hi Orution. The . .valedictorian then stepped for- vard anil delivered his oration. His subject was , "Some of the Prob- ems That Confront Civilization. " He merely enumerated the problems. He had uojeolutioii for any of them. vHOUND WORLD FOR TWO CENTS , Jistaiice a Letter May Travel with a United States Stamp. "Now that the Danish West India- rill become an insular possession of he United States upon the completion if the diplomatic negotiations for then tcquisition , and the eastern shore line if this country practically extended iver 1.-100 miles into the broad expanse if the tempestuous Atlantic , it will ) rove of interest to show the postal pos- libilities of this country as to the car- 'iage of a letter weighing an ounce for t cents , " said a gentleman familial K'ith postal affairs. "I venture to say that even an off- laud statement 'of these remarkable ) ossibiliitus cannot really be given , tfaving occasion to go into this question ecently. 1 made a new calculation , ivhich is approximately correct. It is iased upon the island of St. Thomas , n the Danish West Indies , as an east- irn starting point. Upon the completion > f the negotiations American postof- ices will be established on the islands. IVe will proceed to the recently estau- islit'd postofiice at Point Barrow , Uaska , well within the arctic circle , on parallel far above the northernmost mores of Iceland , and not so very far listant from the north pole itself. I'lieuce we will take an aerial journey : o the tropics of the south seas , at Ma- lila. and then home again to St. Thomas. "From St. Thomas to New York it is t.4iiS miles ; to San Francisco. 'Jol.1 allies ; from San Francisco to Vnalasku , J.035 miles ; from Unalaska to Nome , ibout 1,000 miles , and thence to Point Barrow , overland.120 miles , or a total ) f S2SS miles from our most eastern Vtlantic postoftice to our northernmost postofiice amid arctic ice. The revenue utter which will visit Point Barrow ! his summer , when the ice is out of t . < j Arctic Sea sufficiently , and which Avill : arry the supplies for the new office , ivill go around the western shores of Alaska through Bohring Strait , and tktj total distance will be somewhat in creased. Actual distances in this re mote region cannot be stated with pc i- tiveness. but these figures are not fai Hit of the way , and are based upon of ficial data. "Returning southward , overland par ! bf the way , it is approximately 1,30 < 1 Diiles from Point Barrow to Unalaska : ihence it is 2,01(5 miles fco Honolulu ; from this isle in the sea it is : > .H37 miles to Guam , and from that island 1,50U miles to .Manila , or a total of S.459 miles from our arctic postoftice at Point Bar row to our southern Pacific postotti'-e 5f importance. "And now for the homeward leap1 faid the postal.oflicial. according to tb § Washington Star. "It is TM1 mile. * from Manila to San Francisco via fiuam and Honolulu , and 4,14' , ' miles from the Golden Gate City to St , Thomas , and the complete circuit , an here outlined , approxinmtes 2,4 ! : > 1 miles which a letter might travel , tin. Her certain conditions , for 2 cents , un- ler the American flag.7 Lady Warwick bus a peacock whicli Is believed to be more than 100 yeai. ild. A writer in County Life says : "A friend told me he has had the sam peacocks for fifty years. How old they ivere when he had them first he dul not know. " A writer in an English magazine telh Jiis story : "I was rolling a lawn will ; i roller open at both ends and pushing .1 in front of me , when I heard a greal loice among the rooks and starling ; iwooping over my head , followed bj kestrel. I did not take much uotic > f this and went on rolling , when sud lenly I heard a rush of wings and a itarling fairly threw itself on the ; round within a foot of the side of th * oiler and hopped inside : in an instant .iter tile hawk came against the roller i \ iut recovered itself and swooped rounj he other side , presumably to catch tL # tarling when it came out , but it wa ? harp enough to stay where it was. lie hawk then went off. This is , in i.v opinion , rather remarkable , as I k'as under the impression that hawk * ud cats did not eat starlings owing t ; ; iejr bitter tastV' A recent letter from India tells tin ullowiiig story of a ti er hunt : "W ; it on a rock and the beaters beaj iirotigh the jungle toward us. Ther ; ere two ways the tiger might come , ne to our left and the other to our ! ghl : > o F watched on th right- and side and I watched on the left , uddenly I heard a terrific 'baugl' lose to my ear and a roar ; the tiger ad gone to F 's side of the rock. turned my head quickly round and iw an enormous tiger rolling over and rer down the hill. F had shot her i the shoulder and she fell at once. lit as the side of the hill where we ere sitting was very steep the tiger's eight as she fell over carried her jwn the hill and we found her lying Md in the thick stuff at the bottom. y F has killed two tigers in eight lys and I was with him both times , his tiger is a magnificent auimal. thd lest .and biggest that has been shot > out here for years. She was a noted id extremely dangerous beast , too , about two years ago she inaulod and lied two coolies , and there was a iperstltion among "the natives that ere was no rifle big enough to shoot ' ' jr. " A man-hating woman and a woman- iting man are always suspected of a lot of icar . . . . . For Infants and Children. Mn.m.nriull. 1. , . .MK'M.II M - - UU 11.1 .1.1 w-r gis ig s The Kind You Have Always Bought Avfcgetable Preparationfbr As uieFoodandReguIa- similating ti'ag ihc Stomachs andBowcls of Bears the Promotes Digeslion.GheerFur- ness and Jtest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor "Mineral. OTIC . Jbtwc ofOUJb-SAMUELPlTCKER I\Kvpkin Su Mx.Sentut * Haver. Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa- Ijon , Sour StomachDiarrhoea Worms .Convulsions Jeverish- ness and Loss OF SLEP. Facsimile Signature oF NEW YORK. Thirty Years EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. . . THE CCNT 'IW COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. TALK IS CHEAP. Mrs. Brick-row "It's peifecth abominable. Here we are in this broiling city yet. " Mr. Brickrow "You said you wanted to summer at the seaside. " "Yes , and you insisted on the mountains. " "Just so. Times are very hart my dear. Let's go on arguing the queston a few weeks longer , anc then it will be cool enough to staj at home. " THE JURY'S SYMPATHIES. Stranger ' 'You still have lynch- inas here , do yen ? " Westerner "Only in the case o : bad characters. When a fairly gooc citizen gets arrested for anything , we always let the law take it : course. " 'That's encouraging. " "Yes , you see an average ju * j can always be.depended upon to hang a gtod citizen if it gets a chance. " SWALLOWING ABILITIES. Jack Tar "Ye mightn't believe it , but whales have a very smal mouth. " Landsman "Yes , I've heard they wouldn't even be able to swallow half the stories that are told about them. ' " Automoble stage lines have been established , or are to be established , in many states , acc rdiug to infor mation in the Motor Ag2. ] > uuib AniuiaU lu Hot Weather The sufferings of ouranimals during the heated term are apt to be forgot ten in our iown miseries. As to the horses , be merciful with the high check that instrument of torture with which we torment our most faithful servant. If the animal has been mu tilated for life by docking , see that he is protected from insects. As for dogs [ five them plenty of water to drink. Don't make them after rur your car riage , b.cycle or car. Keep a basin sunk in the ground near your door , full of fresh water for pandering crea tures suffering form thirst. Boston Iranscript. , * * - HALL'S CATAKKU CUKK s taken internally. Price 75 cents. Decadenc * of tliu Irish Laujjiiage. In 1800 , three of the four million 3opuiation of Ireland , spoke their na- iive language : in 19UO , only one-fifth ; ould do so- Pise's Care for Consumption f the best iicdieine 1 have ever found for coughs ind colds. Mrs. Oscar Tripp , Big Kock , til. , March 20. 1901. Ancieut 31euuiii of > 3I ut. " ; Meat once meant any kMnd of food , j n an old English edition of the Lord's > rayer , the well known petition is endered , "Give us this day our daily neat. " If you wish beautiful , clear white clothes use .ed Ciovs 13all Uhie. Large 2 package o Keeping Uefs at Work. Colorado is a great honey-producing tate. One Colorado apiarist keeps is bees busy collecting honey all the ear round by turning them loose in in alfalfa fields in the summer and in rinter shipping them to a plantation a Florida. Are Y MP ClatLies Varied ? Ue Rt4 rM Ball Blue aui ni&ke tkew Large 2 z , > ckaxe. Jessure , Bengal , has established a. record for hailstones. During a re cent storm there was a constant peppering of hailstones fully three pounds in weight. Metal veranda roofs were perforated , cattle maimed , orees beaten down and a man killed outright by the down- The trackless trolley car , European conception , described In Popular Mechanic a short time ago , is to make its appearance in America. Peculiar Niiine for Toxvni A little town in Arkansas is called "Marjhattianua , having ! een given that name by C. R. Webber , whu chose this method of perpetuating the names of his wife and two- daughters. _ % " " ' A Foolish Lift. " " * Stratfurd.Yis. . . July L'S. Juuemaunva.s working with a farmer near this place last summer and one day they got stuck with a load of grain. Mr. .Miuemaun saysVe bad to lift like fools and my back cracked and started to hurt me so that E couldn't si and it any longer. The man I was working with look me home and I went to bod. I saw an advertisement of Dodd's Kidney LMHs in the paper and I sent and jtot one fifty-cent bor. Before I had this box used np I began to feel better and I kept on and ver/ soon my back was well again. "I can't say enough for Dodd's Kid ney Pills and I cannot understand why anyone should continue to suffer with backache when Dodd's Kidney Piils will cure it so quickly. " Mrs. Sarah E. Ilovvell , of Atlanta , Ga. , became demented through the continuous consideration of religious themes For sixty-eight hours she spoke constantly , until she became unconscious , and in this condition died. Sue had talked herself to death. lo Your Feet Acne and Burn ? Shake into your shoes Allen's Foot- Case. a powder for the feet. It make * tight or Xew Shoes fee ! Easy. Cares Cortis. Buuions , Swollen. Hot and Sxveatiug Feet. At all Druggists and Shoe Slore ? . 'J c. Sample seat FREE. Address All n S. < ilm1-- ' I.eRoy. N. Y. I'etroleiiiu .Field * 01 Borneo. The oil regions discovered in Borneo furnished during the last year , more than luOjtxX ) tons of petroleum for ex port. _ Mr. . WIuMon' * JjOOTHIM * SVKUP for cbllrtrer. teething. MjtSenlie x1" ' " * , leduuea i aUjs ! | in , i. ultra iuu colic. 25c bottla. U Ho e new creates o beautiful vuinplezinx. 'uir w t r sample i > il formula , twenty cent * . tr i-us 'i > . , JMI Kiontat. . W. , Detroit , Midi. Don't Accept a Substitute ! When you ask for Cascarets be sure you get the genuine Cascarets Candy Cathartic ! Don't accept fraudulent substitutes , imitation ? or counterfeits ! Genuine tablets stamp ed C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists , ice. \Mj A N T P n * ? * ° for the UniU ! State * * % lw I mm U NaT7nbIe boJi d. n Lw tr > 35- nd txijr * aa015tol7. Wri e for information. Naval raiting B ndaxvooa. ItUl MtMOiiicTnu Ie. CUicag * T afflicted with ) sor a * . vw v N. N. U. NO. 730-31 YORK NF.B PISO'S fCURE FO.I CURtS WHERtAlULSE FAILS. | Bert Cough Syrup. Tue Uuoti. to time. Sold br druggists. C O N S U M P T1O&HH *