THE VALENTINE DEMOCRA' I. M. RICE ED1TOI Mutual companies pay losses in ful No discount I. M. RICE , Agent. F.W. Jersig Valentine. Nebi brands as follov R Q left side , loi loft A\Left ( | or eitl or side Also tl following brand ; eft side Range between the Gordon nud Snap south of the Niobrara river J G COOLEY Postofflce addres9 Hyannls , N on right sirfe ; hor ses same on right shoulder Range six miles northwest of Moth er Lake precinct George Gray Thedford No Same as cut o left hit ) or AO o right hip or sid Ran EC Lou and Dismal J L ROSEBEUUY Postofflce address Pullman , Neb Branded on left hip ; horses same Herd- mark-double dew-lap Range south east of Brush Hill Ecoffey & Sons. Merriman.Neb Cattle brande < MV on left sid and E on left jaw ears clipped boll ends and JC 01 right hip and < on right jaw. un derblt on righ earandfrr on right T side Horses branded JC on left hip and FE on lei ihoulderand T on left hip. Range Betweei Pass Creek and southern part of the reservatio- and Wakplne Lake. Gorsuch Bros. Newton. Nebraka Cattle branded as on cut cutSome Some eft side or hi Range o Gor Creei- Albert Whipple & Sons Rosebud , S , D. Cattle branden SOS on left side 050 on richtside Some cattle also have a - fon neck Some with A on left shoulder aud some branded with two baas across hind quar iters. Horses branded SOS on left bin Some catth branded AW bar connected on both sides am left hip of horses. Charles C. Tackett. Rosebud , S. D. Bangs head of An telope near St. Marys mission Horses branded on left thigh DAWSON & BALL Postofflce address Chesterfield. Neb Cattle branded on left Hide as on cut : also V lelt nock andZ left hip : some V left neck , v left shoulder and Zlefthipjhorses VZ le hip. Range Snake Rlver.81,32.33. C. "W. Bennett Simeon Neb Stock branded with 7 on left hip also same as cut Range between Gordon and Snake creeks and on the Niobrara river Shadhoit& Fleishman. Bailey , Nebr Left side ; S F left shoulder. llerdmarkdev lap.itange itange Rang * 36 and 37 , be tween Niobrar * and the Snuke. G.H. Seager. Postoffice address Cody , Neoraska Cattle branded as on cut on left side , hip and shoulder ; horses lame Range , Snake Creek Jos. Bristol Valentin .Nebr. Range on Nio brara river foui miles * > asr of F < Niohrara Horses au > cattle bnindt-i iii B connected i left hip or side < shown in cut W. E. Haley Valentine Neb Brand register No 200 Range In Shar Ranch and Germ precincts 6 mile * south of Kilgore Morey & Hewett. Gordon , Nebr. Brand registered 2292. On left hip of cattle. Horses same left should er ; also 94-fi leftside. Range South of Snake 35 miles se of Gordon. SWEENEY BROS Postofflce address Pullman , Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; horses branded same as cattle except reversed 5 $ , See block Range Stever and Stephenaon Lakes and South tm mimm * ? 300 reward will be paid to any person for i formation leading to the arrest and convictl cattle with t stealing of any person or persons above brand. J A SATTLTS Cattle on hip. hip.Horses on left shoulder. Some stock yet beaiing my former brand as shown be'ow. ' Postofflce address Gregory , N On left side or hi horses same on It shoulder Range-Arkans Vailey and Snake WILLIAM WILSON Postoffice address Kilgore Nebi Two half circles left hip and left sid of neck Horses same on left should Some cattle brand < reaper hook on left h G. W. McFarlaud Valentine , Nebr : four miles east of Fort Viobrara , north iid south of erry bridgetho Nebraska Land and Feeding Co tartlett Richards * pres Will G Comstock , V. ] Chas -Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded o anypartofamma also the followiu brands : horses 1 same Range betwee Gordon on the F.f &M. V.R. R. an lyannis on B , & M. R. R. In Northwester Nebraska. Address , BABTLETT RICHARD ? Ellsworth. Nebraska. Sandy Williams Merriman , Nebr. Mostly on left iide. Some on ight side. Horses same on eft shoulder Range Lake Jreek , S , D. C F COOPER Postoffice address Oasis , Nebr Brand registered 209i 'Cattle ' branded 01 left side same as cu Horses branded 01 left hip. Also some cattlt branded ; Range South and west of Haokberrv nd Duck Metzger Bros. , Gregory Neb Cherry Co Branded on left ide and thigh. armark , square rop right ear Horses have ime brand on ft thigh. Range on Gor- in and Snake A. Iteivarrl of $25O will be paid to any : son for information leading to the arrest and ml conviction of any person or tvranni ooHwit - Sawyer Bros. Postoffice address Oasis , Nebraska Robert Quiesenbery have charge 01 these cattle ; horses Dson left shoulder ; some stock brancM on left hip. Range Snake river. FRANK MOGLE Postoffic address Cody , Nebraska On either side cattle herdmark left ear clipped and ripht ear split jhorses D.andert same on left sh oulder Range on Nio ara and MedicineCanvon Seth Gary. irriman , Nebr. both side and > Herd mark ivlap. irses same on t , shoulder. npe Lake > ek and Little lite River. MILLS BROS Merriman , Nebr. Cattle and hor- ies branded on left side or shoul der. der.Brand Brand register- fd 1091. Range 12 m'lei ' southwest of Merriman on the Niobrare. river. H A BUCK. Postoffice address Hyannis , Ne Branded on lelt sid Range eighteen mile north of Hvannis Roan Brothers Woodlake Neb John Roan's privtae mark , slit in left ear ALONZO HEATH Postofflce address Cody , Nebrask On left bide. Ilor-j ses left shoulder. Range north Cutcomb Lake Reuben QUICK Beat Rosebud S D Cattle branded same as cut or on hip Range , Black Pipe Creek J. J. Peck. Cody , Nebr. On both sides. Horses DC 01 left thigh. Range Head Pas Creek , S. D Yetal Vlandry. Cody , Nebr. Cattle branded Anywhere ; some with under neath the brand. Horses on eft shoul- < t r. r.Range Little White River and mouth of Cedar Creek , S. D. John Gresh. Merriman , Neb. On both sides : some on right sid < and hip. Horses same with' out bar , left thigh , Range.Lake Creek and LittleVhitt River. TJ. G. Criger. Merriman Neb. Brand recorded No. 1087. 1 Brand cut on A1S < - left hip Range lOmiles south of Merri man on the Nio brara. OMX Jir * iMAttffeMw OMrflMttMl Frank Livermore. Cody Neb. On both sides or R my where : "jB3 . m animal. ilso L on hip or ihoulder. Range Little tVhite River and nouth of Cedar Veek S. D. C. E. Bright. Valentine Nebr. Brand registered No. 374. Brand anywhere on right side J R Wallingford Kennedy , Neb. Cattle branded ime as cut ; also ) me branded J on lofthip. D N GOURLEY Postofflce address Ruslmlle , Neb On left hip ; also 5OO on left side ; Horses suould- Range-Cedar Lake A'len & Sons , Niobrara. Brand registered J870 Horses branded left hip Range , Niobrara rer 12 miles east Valentine JOHN SHANGRAN Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska ) 'Mi leftside Also unlpft side Morses J S on left -lioulder Range between Cody and Lake Creek. Garner Brothers. Cody , Nebr Anywhere on cat tie. Horses on lei bhoulder. - North 7 HI i. F. T. Brackett Riege , Nebr. Brand Registered SO 1490 Brand right side jrhip Horses same op right shoulder Range , Niobrara B miles south of Kilgore C. P. Jordan. Rosebud , SD Horses and cattli same as cut ; als < CJ BE fj on ngh hip. Range on Oak am Butte creeks. A liberal rewan for iiiformatioi leading to detectioi of rustlers of stocl bearingany of these brands. F. M. Walcott. stoffice Va entlne. Nobr. Cattle brandet " J f on left hip Robert Emory Rosebud , S. D , Cattle branded on both sides. Horses on lef I thigh. Range on Cut Meat creek. Henry Pratt Rosebud S. D. Left side Horses same on left shoulder 'Deerhorn clip on some cattle Frank T. Lee Brownlee , Neb , Cattle on left side ; horses > ame on left shoulder. Range l our miles northeast of Browiilee. Stotts & Stetter. 3ody. Nebraska Branded on left side tange , Tin Can Lake md Morgan Flats D. M. Sears. Cennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded s on cut.lef t side ome on left hip. Horses same on 3ft shoulder. Range Square > ake. H V ostoffice addreas Gregory , Neb n left side ; also 0 L E on side Range Stevenson ake C. H Little. Merriman , Nebr. On either side Horses same on hip. Also Range Lake Creek SD E F DEVINE Jstofflce address Merriman , Neb Branded on left ide ; horses same n left shoulder Range between ear Creek and tha obrara river. 9 mi E. of Merriman. WILLIAM BEAMER Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded same 'as cut on left side. Horses branded on left shoulder. Range 6 miles south of Irwin , JULIUS PETERSON stoffice address Gregory , Neb inded as on cut ange two miles th of Gregory James Goodfellow. Cody. Nebr. Cattle brandec on left side Horses OI I eft jaw Range Betweei theNlobrara am Medicine Lake. N. S. Kowley Kennedy , - Nebraska. Same as cut on left side and hip , and on left shoulder of hor ses. AlsoHQSH on left side and hip. .7 on right hip and F4on left side. Q on left hip of horses. p on left jaw and left shoulder of horses. LUQ on left hip of horses. Wm. F , Shmidt Rosebud S E Same as cu' ' or with barundei S ; right ear slil and dulapped norsos brander same on left hit ChatfesBichards. aierriman , Neb R M Faddis& Co. Postoffice address Valentine or Kennedy. Cattle branded same as cut. Some brande on left thigh. Some on leftside or hip J P GARDINER Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska On i eft side of cat tle ; horses O right armRange Range , north and south of Niobrara River,12-miles south west of Cody Frank Rothleutner Postollice address KilgofeNeb. C ttlo branded on side as on cut same on bin [ Some on left \'A George Heyne Cody , Neb Brand registered Jo 1027 Horses branded on 2ft shoulder Ranee north and outh of Cutcomb ake in Cherry Co Pat Peiper Simeon Nebr Hervey Ranch Two miles east of rookston , in Cherry mnty , Nebraska Cattle branded OC i left hip , 9n right p , and on right side ith 3-inch letter 'm Cavanaugh Mgr Crookston Neb D. Bray Rosebud S D Cattle branded on left thigh or hip same as cut Horse brand same on the left shoulder A T DAVIS stofflce address Iiyannis , Neb ) n right side horses ileft shoulder so cattle i right side Ranne 16 milef > irth of Hyannis ! f. D M CTAA 0. U. f-eft or either ata of cattle ; also Vlcf- ? ide til neck. Swa ! low fork ri > : ht car anderbit left ; right ear uubbod off : tin derbit lef ear Bom * * n left Jaw and some wattle left Jaw Other brandi 'er ' side or . part of animal , ft aide or any part of animal. inae branded following , left 1- 10 some cattle Xing tho follow brands : A left k , X left itd * . * bouidtr leu hip On left alfle left te shou1 der leu Kit ieu lelt nip or chlgh thigh thigh , or thleh , hip. .nyone selllnsj horses or cattle bearing th TC brands will be prosecuted. Informatlor ardlng theft liberally rewarded. Ba s a asir orjnj ( end Gottonwood. WILLIAM FERDON. Postofflce address Brownleo , Neb Like cut on either left ship or hipalao ft side. Horses on left hip. , S250.OO RE- _ _ . I WAR I ) for con- con-if tiou of anyone unlawfully handling cattle in these brands. O.J. Kellar Brnwniee Nebr Ran ; ; * ut'tween ( Jiiob. Creek PIKF BROS BROSrostofflce rostofflce address Crookston. N b Cattle branded PE on either hip or right side. Horses PE on left shoulder. Range On Minne- chaduza 5 miles east of Crookston. J.F. Swain Sparks , Nebr. Cattle branded on 'eft ' side as shown u cut. Range-South of Sparks on Nio- brara river , Peter Ylondray Rosebud. S. D. Left side. Left ear cropped. Horses branded VB. VB.Range Range Little White River , at moctb of Hedar Creek. D. Stinard. Valentine , Nebr State Brand reg istered 1554. 3attle and horses ) randed same a * : ut on left hip. Range 2 miles iost of Ft. Nio- > rara. Henry Flineaux Simeon ebr. Jrand Registered 'Jo ' 81G. Quarter Mrcle Club. Cuttle branded m left hip. Some vithout quarter : ircle Horses brand- id on left shoul- ler. John DeCory. Rosebud , S. D , Some branded 1D T 417 on left side JXD Horses JD on lelt hip Range in Meyer Co on Antelope Creek George F Damon Albany. Neb Cattle branded FI > on left ribs or right shoulder ; l > on right hip and left ribs ; 6 on left hip Horses FDorS right shoulder Range 7 mi north east of Albany Neb Agent for Paste or TMarlr T > e G. W. BEAMER. Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded on leftside a.iu cut , 6-Inch box and 254-Inch circle Brand registered 875. branded NSra ( ieft shoiri-MJJJ inch circle ,1-ln x. Registered 870. Range 6 miles south of ivm on Niobrara river. Louis F. Bichards " * Merriman"Neb A J PLUMER Postofflce address Hyannis. Neb right side and hip Also have stock branded right side and hip Horses un right hip use-Southwestern Cherry nty J. A. YARYAN Pullman , Nebr Cattle branded JY on rightside Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information leading tothe re covery of cattle strayed from iny range J. B. Lord Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut back of right shoulder and on right hip Range on the Niobrara