THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M. RICE EDITOR Mutual companies pay losses in full. No discount I. M. RICE , Agfent. F.\V. Jcrsig - - Valentine. Nebr brands ac follows fq left side , loin or hip left thitjh. ) \\jLoft | or eith er Hide Also the following brands : lift side Range between the Gordon and Snake south of the Niobrara river J G COOLER Postofflce addresg Hyannis , N on right side ; hor ses same on right shoulder Range six miles northwest of Moth er Lake precinct George Gray Thedford Neb Same as cut on left hip or AGon right hip or side Ran go Loup and Dismal J L KOSEBERIIY Postofflce address Pullman , Neb Branded on left hip ; horses same Herd- niark-double dew-lap Range south east of Brush Hill Ecoffey & Sons. Merriman.Neb. Cattle branded MV on left side and E on left jaw. ears clipped both ends and JC on right hip and C on right jaw. un- derblt on right ear and . on _ right MT side Horses branded JC on left hip and FE on left shoulder and T on left hip. Range Betweeb Pass Creek and southern part of the reservatioi and Wakpine Lake. Gorsuch Bros. Newton , Nebraka Cattle branded as on cut cutSome Some eft side or hip Range fn Gordon Oreek Albert Wliipple & Sons Rosebud , S , D. Cattle branded SOS on left side OSO on richtside Some cattle also have a - fon neck Some with A on left shoulder and some branded with two baas across hind quar ters. Horses branded SOS on left hin Sonic ratti * branded AW bar connected "D both sides an-1 left hip of horses. Charles C. Tackett. Rosebud , S. D. Range head of An telope near 3t. Marys mission Horses branded on left thigh DAWSON & BALL Postofflce address Chesterfield. Neb Cattle branded on loft side as on cut ; also V lett neck andZ left hip : some V left neck. V left shoulder and X left hip ; horses VZ left hip. Range Snake RIver.81,32,33. C. W. Bennett Simeon Neb Stock branded with 7 on left hip also same as cut Range between Gordon and Snake creeks and on the Niobrara river Shadbolt & Fleishman. Bailey , Nebr. Left side ; S P left shoulder. Merdmarkde\v lap , Jtange Range 36 and 37 , be tween Niobrara and G.H. Seager Postofflce address Cody , Neoraska Cal tie branded as on cut on left side , hip and shoulder ; horses same Range , Snake Creek Jos. Bristol Valentin , Nebr. M Range on Nio brara river four Dn miles east of Ft Xiobrara Hort.e.s aud cattle branded ' nJJ connected < > n left hip or side : \ - in 'ti1 ' " \Y. E. Haley Valentine Neb Brand registered No 200 Range in Fharps Ranch and Gmnan precincts C miles south of Kilgore Morey & Hewett Gordon , Nebr. Brand registered 2292. On left hip of cattle. Horses same left should er ; also 240 left side. Range riouth of Snake 35 miles so of Gordon. SWEENEY BROS Postoffice address Pullman , Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; horses branded same as cattle except reversed S. See block , Range Stever and Stephenson Lakes and South . . . . W V * " ' ยง 300 reward will be paid to any person for in. formation leading to the arrest and conviction cattle with the of any person or persons stealing above brand. J A SAULTS Cattle on lef1 hip. Horses on left shoulder. Some stock yet bearing my former brand as shown below. Postoffice address Gregory , Net On left side or hip horses same on lefl shoulder Range-Arkansas Valley and Snake WILLIAM WILSON Postoffice address Kilgore Nebr Two half circles of left hip and leftside of neck Horses same on left shoulder Some cattle branded reaper hook on left hip G. W. McFarland Valentine , Nebr Range : four miles east of Fort Niobrara , nortli and south of Berry bridge the Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. Jarllett Richards 'Pres Will G Comstock , V. P. Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded on any part of animal ; also the following brands : lorses same Range between Gordon on the F.E. &M. V.R. R. and dyannis on B , & M. R. R. in Northwestern Nebraska. Address. BABTLKTT RICH ASPS Ellsworth. Nebraska. Sandy Williams Merriman. Nebr. Mostly on left side , borne on right side. Horses same on left shoulder Range Lake Creek , S , D. C F COOPER Postofflce address Oasis , Nebr Brand registered 2095 Cattle branded on left side same as cut Horses branded on left hip. Also some cattle .branded . ; Range South and west of Haokberrv and Duck Lake. Metzger Bros. , Gregory Neb Cherry Co Branded on left side and thigh. Earmark , square crop right ear Horses have same brand on eft thigh. Range on Gor don and Snake Creeks , .A Ucwartl of $85O will be paid to any nrson for information leading to the arrest and nnal conviction of any person or iv > r < tnn strai oat * ' " * "ttli ner ahnvo hm > n < > Sawyer Bros. Postoffice address Oasis , Nebraska Robert Qulesenbery have charge 01 these U cattle ; horsesBHon left shoulder ; some stock brands on left hip. Range Snake river. FRANK MOGLE Postofflc address Cody. Nebraska On either side cattle herdmark left ear clipped and rltrht ear splithorses ; o.andcd same on left ah oulder Range on Nio ara and Medicine flftnvnn Seth Gary. Merriman , Nebr. Ft both side and iiip. Herd mark lewlap. Horses same on It shoulder. on flange Lake 'reek and Little of MILLS BROS , Merriman , Nebr. Cattle and hor ses branded on left side or shoul der. der.Brand Brand register ed 1091. Range 12 miles southwest of Merrlnun on the Niobrara river. H A BUCK Postofflce address Hyannis , Neb Branded on lelt side Range eighteen miles north of Hvanuls Roan Brothers Wpodlake Neb John Roan's * * * .At V/14 4 4J pi ivtae mark , silt " " IH left ear ALONZO HEATH Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska On left side. Hor ses left shoulder. Range north of Cutcomb Lake Reuben QUICK Beat Rosebud S D Cattle branded same as cut or on hip Range , Black Pipe Creek J. J. Peck. Cody , Nebr. On both sides. Horses CO on left thigh. Range Head Pass Creek , S. D Vetal Ylandry. Cody , Nebr. Cattle branded anywhere ; some with under neath the brand. Horses on left shoul der. der.Range Little White River and mouth of Cedar Creek , S. D. John Gresh. Merriman , Neb. On both sides ; some on right side and hip. Horses same with out bar , left thigh. Range.Lake Creek and Little White River. U. G. Criger. Merriman Neb. Brand recorded No. 1087. Brand aumcas cut on si Ats. . " left hip Range 10 miles south of Merri man on the Nio' brara. Frank Livermore. Cody Neb. On both sides or R any where ' JM on animal. Also L on hip or shoulder. Range Little White River and mouth of Creek 8. D. C. E. Wright. Valentine Nebr. Brand registered No. 374. Brand anywhere on right side J B Wallingford Kennedy.Neb. Cattle branded same as cut ; also some branded | on Infthip. I D N GOURLEY Postofflce address Rushville , Neb On left hip ; also 5OO on left side ; Horses ishould- Range-Cedar Lake A'len & Sous Niobrara. Brand registered foS70 PC Horses branded left hip Br Range. Niobrara ] Ivor 12 miles east Valentine oo JOHN SH A NOR AN Postoffice address Cody , Nebraska ' u left side Also on left side Horses J S on left shoulder Range between Cody and Lake Creek. Garner Brothers. Cody , Nebr. Anywhere on oat- tie. Horses on left shoulder. n RangeNorth " Eli F. T. Brackett Riege , Nebr. Brand Registered :10 1490 Brand right side Drhip Horses same op right shoulder Range , Niobrara 6 miles south of Kilgore UUL C. P. Jordan. Rosebud , SD Horses and cattle same as cut ; also CJ BE fj on right hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection _ of rustlers of stock bearing any of these brands. F. M. Walcott. Postofflce Vai entine , Nebr. Cattle branded on left hip. Robert Emrry Rosebud , SD. . Cattle branded on both sides. Horses on left thigh. Range on Cut Meat creek. Henry Pratt Rosebud S. D. Left side Horses same on left shoulder Deerhorn clip on ome cattle Frank T Lee. Browniee , Neb. Cattle on left side ; horses same on left shoulder. Range Four miles northeast of Browniee. Stotts & Stetter. Cody. Nebraska Branded on leftside Range , Tin Can Lake and Morgan Flats D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.left side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. H V DOWNING Postofflce addreas Gregory , Neb On left side ; also C 0 L E on side Range Stevenson Lake C. II Little. Merriman , Nebr. On either side Horses same on hip. Also g > Range Lake Creek P 3D 01 E F DEVINE Postoffice address on Merriman , Neb Branded on left side ; horses same on left shoulder Range between Bear Creek and the Niobrara river. 9 mi . E. of Merrimau. WILLIAM BEAMER Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded same as cut on left side. Horses branded on left shoulder. Range 6 miles south of Irwin. JULIUS PETERSON 'ostoffice address Gregory , Neb branded as on cut Range two miles torth of Gregory James Goodfellow. Cody. Nebr. Cattle branded on left side. Horses J3 on left Jaw. Range Between the Mobrara and Medicine Lake. I N. S. Kowley Kennedy , - Nebraska. i Same as cut on left side and hip , and on left shoulder of hor ses. AIsoBB on left Bide hip. i on right hip and F-f on left side. Q on left hip of horses. p on left jaw and left shoulder of horses. lilQ on left hip of horses. \Vm F. Shmidt Rosebud S D Same as cut or with bar under S ; right ear slit and dulapped Horres branded same on left hip CharlesBicbards. Merriman , Neb R M Faddis& Co. Postofflce address Valentine or Kennedy. Cattle branded same as cut. Some brande on left thigh. Some on leftside or hip. J P GARDINER Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska On left side of cat tle ; horses O right armRange Range , north and south of Niobrara River,12-miles south west of Cody Frank Rothletitner Postofflce address KilgoreNeb. Cattle branded on side as on cut same or. Inn Home on left George Heyne Cody , Neb Brand registered No 1027 Horses branded on left shoulder Ranee north and south of Cutcomb Lake in Cherry Co Pat Peiper Simeon Nebr Hervey Ranch Two miles east of Crookston , in Chern'i county , Nebraska Cattle branded OC on left hip , on right hip , and on right side with 3-inch letter Win Cavanaugh Mgr Crookstou Neb D. Bray Roseoud S D Cattle branded on left thigh or hip same as cut Horse brand same on the left shoulder A T DAVIS Postofflce address Hyannls , Neb On right side horses on left shoulder also cattle right side Range 16 milesi nortli of Hjannisi on onRi . Left or either cl * Ri of cattlealso Vlof ; ; CO Jide tit neck. Swal low fork right car , dnderblt left ; richt ear nubbed off ; ur. derbit lef ear Borne on left jaw and some wattta left Jaw Other brands lett aide or v part of animal , ft side or any part of animal. ra branded < s following , luft so some attle tho follow ten inou ? der en i ieU Icituip or thiRh tnlgb ihlKh. or taich , hip. in horaefl or cattle bearing tbr , .R.\bft \ Pn)3 cutcd Informatlor ttivft liberally rewarded. Racr * ai 11'ottonwood. WILLIAM FERDON. Postofflce address Browniee , Neb Like cut on 'itber IeftsMRorhipal3 ; i - side | k , Horses same as cut Ion left hip. S250.OO RE- ) * or con" H.v < MKi M mi W A K I conWtlou of anyone unlawfully handling cattle In tbesb t > rand.s. O.J. Kellar Browniee Nebr uetween Creek and Tostofflce address Crookston , Neb Cattle branded PE on either hip or right side. Horses PE on left shoulder. Range-On Blinne- chaduza G miles east of Crookston. J F. Swain. Sparks. Cattle branded on 'eft ' side as shown ncut. Range-South of Sparks on Nio- brara river , = * - - < Peter Ylondray Rosebud. S. D. Leftside Left car cropped. Horses branded VB. VB.Range Range Little White River , at mocth of 3edar Creek. D. Stinard. Valentine , Nebr. State Brand reg istered IKA. Cattle and horses branded same as cut on left hip. Range 2 miles east of Ft. Nio- brara , Henry Flineaux SimeonN"ebr. Brand Registered No 81G. Quarter Circle Club. Cattle branded on left hip. Some without quarter circle Horses brand ed on left shoul der. John DeCory. Rosebud , S. D , Some branded 1D 417 on left side Horses JD on left hip Range in Meyer Co on Antelope Creek George F Damon Albany , Neb Cattle branded FI > on left ribs or right shoulder ; HD on right hip and left ribs ; 6 on left hip Horses FDor3 right shoulder Range 7 mi north castor Albany Neb Agent for Pasteur TMsu-lr G. W. BEAMER. Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded on leftside H < u cut , 6-inch box and 2Ji-Inch circle Brand registered 875. hs branded i left shoulj ucr. H oi' -.1 Inch circle . i-in box Registered 87C. Range-G miles south of Irwin on Niobrara river. Louis F. Eichards Merriman-Neb A J PLUMER Postofflce address Hyannis. Neb right side and hip Also have stock branded richt side and hip Horses on right hip i Range-Southwestern Cherry J iounty J. A. YARYAN Pullman , Nebr Cattle branded JY on rlghtside Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information leading to the re covery of cattle strayed from my range. J. B. Lord Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut back of right shoulder and on right hip Range on the Niobrara - ' > \