Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 10, 1902, Image 7

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. Tor Infants and Children.
t ii v.i iiuii tit
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
I HtllCtl II tlllll1IIIU ! UUIUHIU'iM'tlltlll Mil ! * } l I ' Illlitut 1 lllltm >
.AN gejable Preparationfor As
ting the Stomachs andBowels of Bears the
Promotes Digeslion.CheerfuI-
nessandRest.Contains neither
Oium.Morpliine nor"M'eral. .
Aperfect Remedy forConstipa-
Tion , Sour StomachDiarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish-
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature oF
Thirty Years
. .
The river Jordan is not much (
an improvement on the Kaw. 3
covering a distance of sixty mile
Tor that is the lenph of a straigl
line drawn on the map between tl
Sea of Galilee and the Dead sea ,
runs 212 miles because of the mu
tiphcation of its windings.
The rose is the emblem of secrec
ID Greece , and was formerly him
over the table where guests wei
entertained in token that nothin
heard there was to be repeated.
Gcnoine stamped C. C. C. Never sold In bull
Beware of the dealer who tries to sell
" omeihing just as eond. "
The teachers of private schools i
China are very poorly rernuneratcc.
They get about one cent a day U
each pupil.
Don't forget a large a-oz. piickape Red Cro ;
B ll Bine only 5 cents. The Uuj s Compnnj
Bouth Bend , Ind.
IMfcy Manchester ( "England ) schor
iboys , under the guidance of thei
teacher , will begin a week's train
through the Derbyshire hills on Jul
I can recommend Fiso's Cure for Coi
umption for Asthma. It has given in
great relief. W. L. Wood , Farinersburj
Ind. , Sept. 8 , 1901.
, The corn juice sold in Abilene
Kan. , has a peculiar effect , and i
called "bograph whiskey. " becaus
after the third drink a fellow set
'a ' variety of moving pictures.
CITQ Permanently Cured. nontsornervousneMiwu-t
1 III u lirnt day's UMof Dr. Kline's Gr vt > 'ene lt <
. jStocirorFKKEfcS u < > Tiilbott:6aiult.tiiH : *
DR. E. H. KL1XK 1 ti ! ,9J' A. --Sr . Philadelphia Pu
Good Things to Eat
From Libb > 'sfamquEhRtnnic kitchen * ,
whera poritj i > revail . All meats usttd in
Natural Flavor
Food Products
are U. 8. Governinentlnepected. The whole-ome-
neMandcoodneexcf every article in nrenervml in
iti preparation for jour oqnveni jiic-e. u the lunulv
tar-opening cns. A tuippiy o'i jour pantrj' f-helvw
enabl 7oato linre alwa > at Iminl tbe eHeutiul -
to tbo rarr b et meal . The little book. "How to
Make Good Thlngsto EuU" tell * All about them
ant free. Libia's Atlmi of the World , mailed
free for 10 oenU pocUma.
| Beat Coagh Syrnp. Tsustes Good ,
in time. Sold by drugftlsts.
N.N.L3. NO. 7-28 VO , < K KEB.
Fisbermon in tbe Columbia ri
get about twenty-l\e ! cents e [
for Jill tbe salmon they cacth. 1
average weight ismpes 1'rom fifte
to twenty pounds Vast quantit
of these are frozen by Oregon de
ers , and shipped to Germany wh
they sell for thirty-five cent
To provide nesting places for bii
the Kaiser hns bad fifty two bo :
placed in the trees in various pa :
of the Sans Souci park in Potsdam
Five hundred and forty-two aliei
including thirteen Turks , ten Am <
icaus , 247 Russians and 141 Germa
were naturalized in England h
Do Your Feet Acne and Burn ?
Shake into your shoes Allen's Foi
En e. a powder for the feet. It mai
tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Uui
Coi litBunions , Swollen. Hot u
Sweating Feet. At all Druggists a
Shoe Stores. 2."c. Saii'-iln sent FKE
Address Allon S. < ' ' " "Rnv. N.
Desperate straits and crook
actionaie of ton closely allied.
Use tbe famous Rfl Cross Bull Blue. Lai
2-dz. puckai-e o cents , . The Huss Compai
S nuh heiirt , Ind.
A wild duck can fly at a speed
ninety miles an hour.
Mrs. Window's SOUTIUNu > YHUP for chlldi
teething , ofttns the gum * , reduces iutlainuti
paincures wind colic. i5c ! bottle.
The last weather repoit will be ;
the crack of doom.
The Panama hat caps the climas
From the Treasurer of th
; Christian Ten
perance Association , Elizahet
Caine , Fond do. Lac , TVis.
Mr.3. PIXEUAM : -want i
tell you and all the young1 ladies of tl :
country , how grateful I am to you fc
all the benefits I have received froi
using Ijydin , K. Pmlclmzn's Vegt
table Oompoimd. 1 suffered fc
eight months from suppressed mei
struation , and it effected my entii
system until I "became weak and debi
ituted , and at times felt that I had
hundred aches in as many places ,
only used the Compound for a fe'
weeks , but it wrought a chnngfe in n
which I felt from the very beginninj
I have been very regular since , have r
pains , and find that my entire body
as if it vras renewed. I gladly recon
mend I/ydia E. Pinkham's Veg <
table Compound to everybody.-
Miss ELIZABETH CJUNE , 69 W. Divisic
St. , Fond du LacVis. . $5000 forfeit
above testimonial is not genuine.
At such a time the greatest aid 1
nature is I ydia E. Pinkham
Vegetable Compound. It prepart
the young system for the comir
change , and is th surest reliance f <
woman's ills of every nature.
Mrs. Pinkham invites a
young women who are ill t
write her for free advice * Ac
dress Lynn , Mass ,
\ /
Bix-Year-Old ! Lad Starts in Wro
Direction and , After Searching Pi
ties Had Sought Him for Four Da ;
Is Found at the Point of Death.
The fnmily of Godfrey Hughes ,
member of the firm of assayers owni
the Customs Assay office , recently we
to spend the summer months visit !
friends who own a large ranch abc
seventeen miles above Albuxiuerq
The family consists of the mother , t
Boris and a daughter. One Saturd
the children asked permission to go
a corral some 300 yards away from 1
house and on the other side of a kn
that obstructed the corral from vl
to play. Permission was granted , a
the youngsters bounded away for th
afternoon frolic. Soon the little sis
wearied and the older brother propos
that they take her to the house ,
this the younger brother , Emerson , w
was only G years old , demurred , as
wished to play more. So the oil
brother took his sister to the hou
Upon arrival there the mother aski
"Where Is brother ? " "We left h
playing at the corral. " said the boy.
The mother then sent him back 1
the little truant. Shortly the inessi
ger came back panting from his h
ried running , and exclaimed that 1
brother was nowhere to be found ; tl
he was not sit the corrol. The frig
ened mother hurried over to the cor
and there found the report of her 1 :
to be true. She searched and search' '
but could find no trace of the missi
child. At last she came upon some
tie footprints , showing that the ch
had taken a direction opposite to wl
he should have taken , and the harass
mother became more and more alarm
as the fact that her child had stray
and was in all probability lost becai
apparent She followed the t'ootprii
for three miles and only ceased becai
darkness was approaching and she \ \
powerless and had to call for aid.
rapidly as her nervous and exhausi
state would permit she retraced 1
steps to the house and alarmed 1
household. Immediately a search pui
was organized , and. despite the onco
ing of night started out in quest of t
helpless child.
Through that disheartening night t
weary search continued. And the u <
day the trained services of seventy-fi
Indians were impressed * and all tl
long and trying day the search we
on , and yet no clew to the wander
The irrief and agony of the poor a ill I
ed mother were beyond consolati <
The continued discouraging repo
that were from time to time brouj ;
her only added to accentuate her si
ferings. The tracks could be follow
for a distance of twelve miles and th
seemed to double upon themselves a
finally became lost. Without rest t
searchers continued in what st-em
their hopeless quest The thought
the poor little tot being out upon t
dreary pin ins alone , without shelter
food , wandering on with the helple
ness of the lost , crying possibly w :
fright , tormented by the pangs of hi
ger and thirst was simply maddeni
to the poor mother1 and friends see
ing so Helpless to terminate the tryi
All of Sunday night the search c <
tinued. and early Monday morning t
father , who had been ignorant of t
tragedy , was wired. He arrived tl
day and added his untiring efforts
those of the large party already out
To think of the dreadful pathos of
all. The poor child was not found ur
Wednesday morning. It was then i'ou
by a Mexican , who carried the exhau
ed liftle form to his cabin , where t
child lingered for three hours and th
passed away. The ordeal had be
beyond the little one's endurance. T
Remains were taken back to the ran
hnd next day were interred in the ce
etery of the neighboring village.
Paso Times.
Head Bookkeeper Puts Up a Job
Him that Quieted Him.
A man who has charge of a room )
tf bookkeepers in the Stewart bui
Ing has broken a young clerk of t
liabit of singing popular airs duri
ivork hours , and he tells the story t
the benelit of those who may be si
llarly alliirted.
The head bookkeeper has pretty go
nerves , and lie stood the distressing
forts of the musical young man prel
well until the ottiender broke out wil
"Has any one seen my catV"
Most of the morning had been t
livened by this song of Powers' , wl
this oft-repeated line , but at length t
bead bookkeeper entered into con.sp
icy with the office boy , and the ja
tor's apartments were drawn upon 1
i supply of real live cats.
At the next outbreak of
"Has any one seen mj cat ? "
The ottice boy appeared with a :
late tabby in his arms. and. going o v
to the warbling youth , said :
-Is this it , sir ? "
"Is this what ? " replied the you
man , pausing in his career of doubtl
nelody and swinging around in 1
: -hair.
"Why , is this the cat you have be
asking about all morning ? " said t
yoy , imperturbably.
The young man swung back to 1
ivork as theothers in the office bui
nto a laugh and the boy retreated.
Presently the song from "The M <
senger Boy" broke out again , and t
> ffice boy was promptly on the see
ivith a mewing kitten.
"Is this It , sir ? " said the boy vri
\ .
mock respectfulness , and he placed
kitten on the desk.
"Take it away ; take it away , "
claimed the jToung man , and he k
silence for nearly an hour , but agi
fell into his musical query :
"Has any one seen my cat ? "
This time the office boy appeal
with a whole family of cats in
arms , says the New York Times , a
before the young man could chase L
away the boy asked :
"Which one is it. sir ? "
The warbling bookkeeper now kei
discreet silence.
Fish Commission Believes They C
Be Fouud.
Believing that there are sponges
a inerchantablej quality in the wat
about the Hawaiian Islands , the 1
week of the stay of the party rei :
senting the United States Fish Cc
mission will be devoted in part to
investigation of reports concern :
their presence. Should there be foi
sponges which will be fit for mar
these will add materially to the wea
of the islands , more , in fact , than a
other product of the fisheries.
There Is one State of the Union wh
now produces all the sponges which i
brought to the market locally. Ale
the coast of Florida the industry 1
been pushed to its limit , until the
iiual sales of sponges amount to iiH
000. The product sells for as higli
$2.00 a pound , which makes the In
ness moat profitable. There are si :
schooners in the trade , and the bushy
is the staple of many of the tow
along the coast of the State. The li
ermeu have brought the business t <
high state of perfection , and they ;
able to make large catches in seasoi
The sponge fishing is done in d <
water , the best specimens of the lai
bath sponges being obtained from li
feet below the surface. They are loc
ed with a long pole carrying on its t
a blade like a letter S , which cuts :
sponge loose with a twist and it is tl
brought to the surface , if there is hi
and if not and it gets away , it is I
forever. The men become very ip
in the business , and they will curry
on during high wind * , losing very f
of the. sponges.
There are many varieties fcof
sponge , tho e which are generally foil
about the enclosed waters being o !
sort which are not of value. It is i
opinion of Mr. Cobb. who is one of
experts of the fish commission on t
matter , that good sponges will be for
on the reefs outside , and that in til
and a short time , for the orgsiuizat
of this industry will not be an elali
ate transaction , there will be one of ;
most profitable of sea-product ind
tries inaugurated.
lleports have come to the members
the party , says the Hawaiian Gazol
that high-grade sponges have b *
found at Punnluu and other points
the Kau coast Small specimens h :
been seen which are of the finest gn
of the satin sponge , and the belief
expressed that there will be fount
great supply of the valuable growt
Should beds be found these will
further cultivated and the building
the industry will go on as rapidly
Abdul Uamid as Editor.
The Sultan of Turkey insists tl
Turkish papers should never speak
violent deaths when they affect \
rulers or leaders of nations. Wl
President Carnot was assassinated i
Turkish papers reported as follows :
"We regret to announce , dear remit
that Carnot , the worthy President
the French Republic , who has been
for the last few days , died yesterday
The assassination of Xasir-ed-D
Shah of Persia , by Moulla Riza ,
transformed by the Turkish press ii
a natural , peaceful death. "Full
years and glory , the king of kings 1
joined his august ancestors beyond i
tomb , " terminated the paragraph
The fearful death of the Empress
Austria came as a dread shock to 1
already high-strung nerves of the Yll
despot Izzet Bey , the. Sultan's favor
chsimberlain , was at once instructed
send an announcement to the Turk
paper's that the empress , while stayl
tit Geneva , had died from a cardiac
fection declared by her medical adv
ers to be incurable.
Mistake in the Bill.
"You've made a mistake in my bi )
said a young man excitedly the otl
flay to the proprietor of a promim
tailoring house. "That can't be. "
serted the tailor , mildly. "Oh , but i
so , " exclaimed the youth in a fiur
"Look here ! Ten dollars too mu
charged on this bill. "
The proprietor compared the bill w
liis books. "You're right Mr. Blanl
lie admitted. "I'll take $10 off , and hi
much did you say you wanted to pay
account ? "
The young man grew , red. cough
and finally produced a $5 note. .
"That works every time , " i-oniul
the tailor to an interested bystam
after the customer had departed , sr
the Philadelphia Record. "Xothi
brings a man here in such a hurry
to overcharge him on his bill. Whei
customer gets a little backward a
[ lodges the place I send him a bill ov
charging him. He comes on a rush
have the mistake corrected and a lit
iiplomacy does the rest. Best of all ,
ioesu't hurt his feelings as woulc
visit from a collector. "
Death Rate in Mexico.
The City'of Merico. with a popu
tion of nearly 370.000 , still has an :
nual death rate of 52.2 per 1,000.
Abuse the public all you like ; no t :
ever considers it a personal affront.
But the Editor .Didn't KtithtiMe Ov
Mr. Baxter's "T ootaie Ywittcfa. "
The sharp-featured man paused
the doorway and the editor looked i :
"I suppose , " said the stranger , "th
you are always on the lookout for
good story ? " And without waitii
for a reply he rapidly crossed t
apartment and , seating himself at t
editor's elbow , assumed au easy :
"Well ? " said the editor , a little doul
"Did you ever hear of Tootsie Tw
ters ? " inquired the stranger , wi
much abruptness.
"No. " said the editor. "Is it a con :
song ? ' ' |
"No , " said the stranger. "It's a ben
tiful young woman , a young worn ;
of the stage , sir. A young wonu
with a most interesting story attached
"Are you an advance agent ? " i
quired the editor.
"Who , me ? " cried the strnngi
"No , Mr. I'm a friend , sir. a , friei
of the lad } * and a friend of the iwn
paper profession. Yes , sir. Mi
Twitters is a perfect lady. She adoj
ed the stage MS a profession , becuu
she had remarkable talent in that i
rection ; talent , sir , that hasn't be
fully appreciated as yet but will I
sir , but will be. "
"What's the lady's special line ? " i
quired the editor.
"She's in the second line now. " i
plied the stranger. "But she'll be
the front row just as sqon as a son
what sluggish nnuiuger can learn
distinguish between real merit and t
vious detraction. " '
"Well , what of it ? " inquired t
"I am getting to that , " said t
stranger. "I'm coming to the story , s
Miss Twitters is the heiress to the <
tate of the late Col. Ponsonby-Snicki
worth of Berks , England. You've lieu
of the colonel ? "
"No. " said the editor.
"He left : tn estate valued at a miHii
pounds. Just muke u note of it. picas
Pounds , not dollars. "
"Go on. " said the editor.
"All this immense estate goes to Mi
" said t
Twitters on one condition.
stranger. "Mark the condition. S
must marry the eldest son of the Lu
of Bubblesqueak. "
"That seems an easy one. " said t
"Not for Tootsie Twitters. " said t
stranger , proudly. "She's u true Aim
lean girl. You can't buy her ullogian
million pounds. S :
with any paltry
will marry the duke on ono conditii
only. He must become an Amcricj
citizen , sir. " The stranger paused ai
smiled at the editor. "There , " lu > sni
"you've got the materials for : i gre
story. Work it up right and trim
"Tootsie Scor
with catchy headlines.
' like that ,
the Title , or something
leave it all in your hands. But doi
forget it's pounds and not dollars.
"You seem to take a remarkable i
woman , " said t
terest in this young
"Correct , " said the stranger. Then
" is. " i
stooped over the editor. "Fact
said in a subdued voice. "Toorsie
really Mrs. Sam Baxter u ml I'm Sum
And merrily patting the. editor on t
lain Deal *
the Cleveland
back , says
he strode from the room.
Will It Succeed ?
Another experiment in the line
community housekeeping is to be trie
this time in a suburb of Berlin ,
containing thirty rooir
large house ,
situated in extensive irrounds ( if twen
acres , has been rented by a conmiuni
of mutual acquaintances , among who
are both married and single. A mont
ly rent of from fifteen to twenty marl
will be levied for each room occupie
The housekeeping will bo in commo
and the kitchen also. One lady and oi
gentleman will be elected to tul
charge of all the concerns of the hous
Tin JSP officers will be changed weekl
A bill of fare and nil other matters
interest connected with the establis
ment will be posted up In the hull. F <
food a daily charge of one mark w
be made. This charge is so modera
that it may have to be increased lute
There will be u good library and a coi
mon drawing room , writing rooi
working room and dining room. A
rangements are also being made for
common playground and garden. Tl
community will consist at first of for
persons , mostly engaged in literary a ;
artistic pursuits.
Dangers of Celluloid.
Manufacturers of articles made '
celluloid should be compelled to stun
plainly upon them the words "hiuh
inflammable. " The danger is no ima
inary one. A gentleman with a light *
cigar in his mouth was playing upon j
"American organ" furnished with c <
luloid keys. When some red hot us
dropped upon the keys they instant
burst into fumes and flame , whic
could only be extinguished with tl
greatest difficulty. A heated curlii
iron will readily start the evolution '
dense and highly inflammable fumes
brought in contact with a cellulo
comb or hairpin. The proximity' of
naked light adds to the danger euc
mously. for the fumes of celluloid w
Ignite fiercely at some considerable di
tance from the flame.
An Odd Oversight.
A Cincinnati paper , after printing :
extensive account of Sol Smith Ru
sell's death , and the arrangements f
the funeral , closed the column with tl
line : "Other amusements on page 9. "
The man who borrows money be
rows trouble. The man who lends mo
ey doesn't need to borrow trouble.
Somervllle Journal.
"I often think I'm punning , " a ms
said to-day , "until results come in. "
Only a few 'cms \ : > vessels flying
kbe British flag predominated Ja
Bilbao harbor , but Mit of the sev--a-
y-five vessel Is in the port o May
' only eighteen carried the i'.iitlsh ?
Five sets , costing S. > 0,000 , of a
inw type of mechanism for cmtroll-
iiig the elevating and training year
if 12-inch ( breech-loading IMDS ,
lave been order by the British admi
ralty. ;
A soft answer turneth away wrath ,
Dut it's different with soft coal.
Supreme Court Sustain * the Foot-Kas
Justice Laiighlin , in Si.pretnc Court , .
Buffalo , lias ordered a permanent ' 'uac-
: ion. with costs , and a full account .n ; of
> ales. to issue aguiust Paul B. H Ison ,
the manufacturer of the foot P" ' ! er
. ailed "Dr. Clark's Foot Powder.V and
ilso against a retail dealer of Br ' .lyn ,
restraining them from making orllln ?
: he Dr. Clark's Foot Pvd T. " 'U i *
leclarcu . in the decision of the f i : -t. aa
miiation and infringement of Foot-
Wase , " the powder to shake int your
shoes. Allen S. Olmsted. of Le ly. : . N.
i' . . is the owner of the trade-mark ' Foot-
Ease. " Similar suir.s will be b mu'it
iguinM others who are now iufrini ; r * ou
: he Foot-Base trade-mark and common
aw rights.
Tavcins in Sweden are closed on1.
Saturday , which is paydayhilej
jhe savings banks are kept peu |
intil midnight. Ths plan inuucesi
. \\orkmen to invest their m mey :
-vheie it will pay them interest !
instead of in alcoholic stimulants. '
Cocoa is rutiling a close race with ]
: ea as a beverage jji England. Itf
s on account of t ; > xfition. Tea is-
: axed six pence a pound , while rhe
ax on c cou is only a penr-y a1
vumd. and the ch'apncss ol the
alter lias caused many to bog i 17
ising it.
Saved the Baby.
Now Providciii-t' . Iowa. July 7. L'tle
: Ielou Moon , the o ycar-olil Jatiglitf. of
dr. and Mrs. K. \ . Moon of this pl.e ,
lad a narrow escape from death.
Her mother uoticinl slu > seemed ti. ba
, vry I'liunsy ami romplainod whenbe
VIN rocked. Her limli > ami face \ t-re
.ilouttxl nadir.
A dor-tor was summoned , but sli. got
: io better , lie said r-'ue had iv duey
Trouble in the worst form.
Two other doctors were called "i and
hey agreed that there was ver.little . ,
f any. hope. She was bloated a i - > ver ,
lier eyes being completely clo * I ami
lier abdomen nloateti uutil it vs.i > pur-
; ) ! < \
They bought six boxes of Dodd's Kid
ney Pills ami s'ne comm"nced to hn-
irovcut once. She had u > ei ! nim boxes
before the Dropsy was all gomThfl
treatment was continued and n < vv shu
is as well as ever.
Dod f.v , Kidney Pills certainly sav.-U
the little one's life. ;
In Siberia is comprised one-ninth'-
> f all the laud surface of the globe. )
rhe United Stites. : Great Briti.Sa-
md all Europe , except Russia , cou'd'
> e put into Siberia , witn a big cor
: ier to spare.
A I'roprr w i li.
"I understand that it is no longeij
'ashionable to believe in tbe ortho- ;
lox conception of future punis'a- '
nent' "
Well. " answered tbe minister ,
> rehaps it is all for tbe best. I
iincerely trust that we may be abla
, o make tbe place so unfashionaHe
liat nobody will no there. " Wash-
ngtou Star.
s taken internally. Price 75 cents.
The optimist believes that tlia
test years of his life are ahead oi
The electric batn is one of the
icwest things , although it , isn't a
ath at till. A thick robe is en-
wined with wires , and this is
loned. Then a current of elecricfcy
s switched on , and the. wearer of
he electrical robe soon tinds hia
iody getting warmer , until in a
ittle while he perspires as freely
s if he were in a Turkish bath.
It's a rather shady transaction for
i man to have a family tree made to
& $3 SHOES
W. L. Douglas shoes are the stai-
lard of the world. This is the reason
> V.L. . Douglas makes and sells more
nen's $3.00 and $3.50 shoes than any
) ther two man ufacturers.
Best imported and American leathers , Heyl's
'atent Calf Enamel , Box Calf , Calf Vtri Kid , Corona
loit. Hat. Kangaroo. Fast CXlor Bjelets used.
_ I The - nmne hav "W. I * . DOTTC ? " A.S *
- } }
-nn i . , . ,
jvjg -n - Bta .peiJ on bo : na
Shoes by rtmV , 2Jc. txira. Him. Catabtgree , i