glrtottoal Society VALENTINE THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CHERRY COUNTY. NEBRASKA VOLUME XVII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA. JULY 10 , 1902. NUMBER 25 Prospective Purchasers of the "Acorn Brand" fafa c.lothing can certainly fa be congratulated on the sterling worthjthe style , tlie tone and fit of these fafa fa garments. Our untir fafa ing zeal and great pur fafa fa chasing power have en fafa fafa abled us to place them fafa fa before you this season fafa at prices that will pre fafa fafa clude any question of fafa our clothing leadership fafa fafa fa fafa fa The fafa fafa fafa fa fafa Red Front fafa fafa fa fafa 0 * fafa fa It's not so hard to keep cool When you prepare for the hot weather from our up-to-date wearing apparel. Summer Shirts and Shirt Waists riL 60c. Men's Ventilated Shoes , just % feet < Tlie Lightest of Lightweight Underwear TAILOK . AND CLOTHIER , THE DONOHER .1 , U , WKBH. Proprietor. .Is the Best Equipped , most Comfortable , Largest and Best Two-Dollars aDay JTIBST-OLA8S MODERN HOTTCI In ISTorthwestern Nebraska Bath , Hot and Cold Water , Two Sample Rooms VALEHTIEE - NEBRASKA ADVERTISE If you were face to face with a pro spective customer what would you say to insure a sale ? Say the same , in an advertisement , to our many readers , every one a prospective buyer. People would be glad to deal with you if they knew how you could benefit them. aitllHIHIIMHSHIHIKIIHIIIimillllllllllllllUKIIHIllIIIli COLUMNS o o Anderson & Fischer , § o -DEALERS IN- o o HARDWARE ! o o Agents for the Quickmcal Gasoline Stoves and Kanges. G o -WE SELL THE - I Piano Mower and Hay Rakes , g 6 o 9o9oeo90G090909090909090909o9o90909o9o90909090O090909 CITIZENS MEAT MARKET J. W. STETTER , PROP RESH FRUIT AND CAMF IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , Roasts Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast Bacon 9909090909090909090909090 0Oo9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9c9o9o9ct I-TALK OF THE TOWNJ Max Viertel , of Crookston , was in town Monday. 0. W. Morey is spending the week at Bordeaux. Wilson & Brackett dipped 200 head of cattle at Crookston last Thursday. Henry Porath , of Blege , was in town Monday laying in supplies for haying. In settling up for the celebra tion the committee find them selves § 6 in the hole. H. Zelian , of Rosebud , was in town Saturday and was a wel come visitor at this fountain of of truth. Jessie Brosius was in town last week after a load OL machinery and help for haying , which he began the first of the week. A twelve-year-old Chicago boy attempted to imitate an Egyptian fire swallower whom he had seen. The funeral was largely attended. Operator Yoerg has returned from his summer vacation which he spent at Freeport , 111. , and re lief operator Jose has gone to Whitewood , S. D. Gco. Cyphers returned from Morris , Minn. , last week , to spend the Fourth with his fam ily. He talks as though he did not care if he never went back. I. M. Rice , editor of the Valen tine , Nebraska , DEMOCRAT , ar rived here Thursday for a visit with relatives. His little son was with him. Randolph. ( Kas. ) En terprise. Mrs. Pierce , mother of Sam Pierce , at the half way house , has had a stroke of paralysis and is perfectly helpless. Mr. Pierce is having considerable difficulty in getting anyone to take care of her. There will be an ice cream so cial at the Harmony school house and a lecture on foreign missions by Miss Milton , on the 12th. The social is for the benefit of the minister and the lectu re will be free. free.An An east-bound extra freight ran into an open switch avfc Crooks- ton , Monday evening , and crashed into some freight cars om the sid ing. The engine and a .few cars were wrecked but no on < D was in jured. Prof. Watson and wife .returned to Valentine Saturday. The pro fessor is a first-class instructor , and a favorite at Valentine. , where he has been principal of the schools for the past six ye ars. Ainsworth Star-Journal. J. C. Webb failed to letthe contract for his new hotel last Friday as he had expected. E'ids were scarce and the bidders w-ere high and he has placed the pi * o- jict in cold storage and will ket'-p it until lat or in the season. What the hotels do with all theJ new furniture they buy is a mys-1 tery. Every hotel ad v7ertisei nent states that the house has just been "newly furnished through out" and yet the average h otel furniture looks as though it laad been used ever since the da-rk ages. An impression is gaining 1 ground that the D EMOCRAT'S de v- 1 is dead set against poetry and wants to discourage poets. This i is far from the truth. Under some circumstances he just loves it and will gladly print all their rot that is brought in during thei , boss' absence for $1 a line and this price includes two extra- copies of thepaper for the al- legefl poet. I Afarmor's team became fright ened while standing in front of Geo. Hornby's store last Satur- , day and broke loose from the 1 spring wagon to which they were hitched and started toward the setting sun at a 2:40 : gait. Oscar Buchel attempted to stop them and one of the horses reared up and struck him on the head , caus ing him to see stars as big as a box car. He recovered and re turned to his work in a short time. Miss Blanch Hutchlnson was thrown from her horse about a month ago and fractured her left arm and dislocated her wrist , re sulting in a bad deformity. Dr. Dwyer placed her under the in- iiuence of chloroform , broke the arm and replaced the bones in their proper position. The Doc tor has his headquarters in Rush- ville , but came down to spend the Fourth. No one is more welcome here than Dr. Dwyer. He will be in Valentine on the loth , IGth and 17th of each month and in Ainsworth on the INth and 19th. We learn that Miss Lura Gal lop is teaching penmanship at Durango , Col. She was one of Cherry county's fairest girls , highly educated and accomplished and though young , she ranked as one of the best , most thoroughly efficient and earnest teachers in the county , having taught here the greater part of ten years. As a teacher of penmanship she had no equal here , her work be ing of the highest class. Her in fluence among the young people was always of the best and she always had a smile and a kind word for both old and young which still lingers in many a memory. Friday was an ideal day for cel ebrating the Nation's birthday , cool and pleasant and yet warm enough to cause a lively demand for cooling drinks. The program as advertised was carried out , commencing with a salute of 100 guns at sunrise and right here we want to remark that this is the first time we have heard of the sun rising in the middle of the night in this latitude. Early in the day visitors commenced pouring into town by railroad3 wagons , carriages and on horse back and before ten o'clock both sides of Main street were crowd ed. The parade in the morning was the best we have ever wit nessed in a town of his size and it was followed by the reading of the Declaration of Independence and the usual orations. After dinner the sports began with a ball game between the Fort and Norden. Seven innings were played and it looked more like a foot race than a ball game , though there was some good playing at times. We failed to get the of ficial score but understand it was 110 to 107 in favor of the regular army , who carried off the § 25.00 purse. This was followed by an other game between Sparks and Valentine for a similar purse and our boys kept that money at home with a score of 28 to 2 another foot race. There were other sports , races , etc. , and freedanc- ing with music by the Arabia or- chestra and in the evening a fine display of fireworks. The Nor- den and the ladies' bands furn ished some fine music through the day. Everybody seemed to enjoy themselves thoroughly and quit at a late hour tired but hap py. The thanks of the commun ity are due the committees who worked early and late to make the celebration a success. "Black Kid" Hosiery \ j fa For Men Women and Children. fafa You have tried the rest fa Now try the best : : fafa Every pair is guaranteed fa to wear better and give more satisfaction than any fafa other line of hosiery : : fa fafa fa "Macey" Hooks fafa fafa and Eyes x x fa fafa The only kind. Every fa hook has two loops in fafa front is made with : i fafa fa spring and will never rust The two loops in fafa front # ive a 50 per cent fa fi-mer grip on the cloth fafa 49 with the same amount of 49 fa 49 sewing. No thread under 49 the bill : : : : fafa 49 fa 49 Men's and "Women's Eancy Stocks in White and Colors. fafa 49 fa 49 DAVENPORT d THACHER 49 WE CARRY 1 v L * * # i * I II 1 I A COMPLETE LINE OF GeneralMerchandise Merchandise AND Groceries MAX E. V1ERTBL NEBRASKA CROOKSTON ® otoo9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9c9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9x39o9o9o9o9o9 I Just Received , a I I i I Car of Sack Salt ! I W. A. Petty crew , General Merchandise. RINGS AND RINGS. You can have them plain or with sets , elaborately carved or no carving at all. Bring your finger and let us fit it up for you : : : : : : O , W , Morey , The Old Reliable Jeweler , HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine - - Nebraska . . i ii ! 1111 - - - - - Accounts of Merchants , Ranchmen and Individuals invited. Money to loan on first-class cattle paper and other securities. Valentine State Bank ( Successors to Cherry County Bank. ) Capital JPaicl Tip i S 5 , VA.LEIVTI1VE FRED WHITTEMORE , President j. w. STETTER , Vice Presiden CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier T. C. HORNBY W. S. JACKSON Highest cash price paid for The place to get the best Windmill , also pumps and Tanks. First door south of the JDonoher House. S.Moow - - - Valentine , Nebr. Do You Read The Democrat ?