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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1902)
> THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M RICE EDITOR $1.OO Per Year in Advance PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Entered at the Post-office at Valentine. Cherry county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. STATS OFFICERS EZRA P. SAVAGE , Governor , C , F. STEKI.K. Lieut. Governor. GKO.V. . AIAusii , Secretary of State. CHAP. WKSTON , Auditor Tub , Accts. WM. STKUFEU , Treasurer. FUAMJC N. PUOUT , Atty. General. GEOKOE FOWLER , Com , Pub. Lands and BldR. LEE HA RDM AN. Librarian. U. S. SENATORS JOSKI'H H. MlLLARD. ClJAS. H. DlETHICH. CONGRESSMEN ELMER J. BURKETT. Rep. 1st DIst. DAVID II. MERCER , Rep. 2nd Dist. JOHN J. ROJJINSON.FIIS. 3rd Dist. WM. L. STARK , Fus. 4th Dist. A. C. SnALLENItERUER , Fus.5tll Dist , WM. NEVILLE , Fus. CthDist , COUNTY OFFICERS W. C. SIIATTUCK , Treasurer. C. S. REECE , Clerk. W. R. TOWNE , Judge. L. N. LAYPOUT , Sheriff. A. M. MORRISSEY , Attorney. ETTA BROW : * , Superintendent. LEROY LEACH , Surveyor. ALFRED LEWIS , Coroner. COUNTY COAIMISSIONERS . W.E.HALEY , 1st Dist. ALEX BURR. 2nd Dibt. L. LAUFEH , 3rd Dist. Charles H. Faulhaber Brownlee Breeder of Reu'st'd Herelords. o Hyam , No. 74,538 , at head of herd. Young bulls from 6 to 18 months old for sale. HENRY AUGUSTON Blacksmith Brownlee , Nebr. Does general blacksmithingathard times prices for cash. PAT HETT Valentine , ] Vebr. Good , Hard Rock for sale in any quantity. H. M. CRAMER , City Deliveryman , Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and from the depot and all parts of the City. { 3 ? Telephone 12. W. A. KTMBELL Barber First-class Shop in Every .Respect Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Bair Tonic , Herpicide and Coke's Dandruff Cure. Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream LEKOY LEACH County Surveyor Valentine or Wootllake GENERAL WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JOHN PORATH Jtiegc , Kebr. Tubular wells and Eclipse wind mills. Wells guaranteed five years. A. M. MOKKISSEY Attorney at Law Valentine , Kebr. A. N. COMPTON Physician and Surgeon Office at Quigiey & Chapman's Drug Store. Nights The Donoher. F. M. WALCOTT ATTORNEY ABSTRACTER Valentine , Nebr. Practices in District Court and U. S. Land Office. Real Estate and Ranch Property bought and sold. Bonded Abstracter. F. M. Waloott. Waloott.Postofflce Postofflce Val. entine , Nebr. Cattle branded on left hip. Tiie Democrat FOKJob Work , 1 P. E.&M. V.R. B. TIME TABLE WEST BOUND No. 27 Frt. Dally 2:33 P. M. No. 25 " except Sunday 9:40 A. M No. 3 Passenger Daily 12:49A. M. EAST BOUND No. 28 Frt. Daily C:50 : A. M. No , 20 " except Sunday 5:00 P. M. NO. 4 Passenger Daily 4:47 A. M , CTKTIO3ST. Located on Cherry St. 2nd door south of Smyser's livery , furnishes excellent board and lodging" . Meals same old price 25 cents. A hearty welcome to all. J. R JOTTER. MILL PRICES FOR FEED , ttran , bulk 1.50 per cwt $20 UU ton Shorts bulk . . .1.15 per cwt $22.00 IOD Screenings 40c $7.00" Feed 1.25 " . " Chop . $24.00 Corn 1.05 " $20.00" Chop corn 1.10 " $21.00" Oats 1.50 $2900 " ETTA BROWN SUPT , PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Examination Third Saturday of each month and Friday preceding. VALENTINE NEBRASKA Ediuarcl S. Furay Physician and Surgeon Office Fraternal Hall or El liott's Drug Store. 19jun2 09090909090909090909090909D O _ 8 Paint , § * s Wall Paper o , g f m * m w mr * . v Calcimine. o 8 Brushes , S Pure Linseed Oil I ° o o Varnishes. ° o O AT O o 8 Christensen's. o O u 9090909090909090909090909 ! Estray Notice Taken up at my place near Thacher , one black steer three years old , without horns , a little white on belly. Swallow fork in night ear and branded with bar diagonally across right leg below hip joint. Has been in iny herd over one year Also one red steer , curly haired , white face , no _ horns , probably 2 years old , branded 9M on nght hip. Has been in my B3 herd"about three months. 19-5 J. E. TIIACKKEY. PS KOUSCHE Postofflce address Brownlee , Neb On left side or any part of animal. Ear mark right ear cut off ; horses branded I same on left hip.Also has stock branded H J on side or shoulder , lor JKorWorO'iVI * | orO or FZ. Also the-following , the first one being on side and hip o-opE Civil Bill. Civil Bill is 6 years old and weighs 1500 pounds. Color3 bay. Will make the season as folhvs : On Saturday of each week at Yin- cent & Davis' barn in Wood Lake. Remaining days of week at own er's barn 12 miles northwest of Wood Lake. Terms : $8.00 to insure living COlt. W. E. EBERIIARTj July3 Owner and Manager. Order of Hearing ; and Notice on Pe tition for Settlement of Account. In the County Court of Cherry County , Nebras ka. STATE OF NEIUJASKA , ! , CHERKY COUNTY , j" To Nora A , Balch. widow Earl B , Balch , R. Paul Balrli , T. Crete Balch , Blanch Balch , Ruth Balch and all persons interested in the estate of Thomas C. Balch , deceased. On reading the petition Nora A , Balch , ad ministrator , praying a final settlement and al lowance of her account filed in thi Court on the Uth day of June , 1902. It is hereby ordered that you and all persons interested in said mat ter may. and do , appear at the County Court to be held in and for said County , on the 12th day of July. A , D. 1902. at 10 o'clock a , m. , to show cause , if any there be , why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted , and that no tice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interest ed in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the VALENTINE DESIOCKAT. a weekly newspaper printed in said county , for 3 succes- / ' i sive weeks prior to said day of hear- jSEALring. } . W , R. TOWNE , < Y } 23-3 County Judge , / Eli Precinct Received last week too late for publication , John Singleton has begun to put up hay. School meeting next Monday , the 30th. 30th.Will Will Gearman will work for Garner Bros , through haying. JNick went out to the Churn to plast er the first of the week. A fine rain last week which wound up with a frost Friday night. Several of our young people attened a dance at the Churn ranch last Fri day nigg They all report a high time. SANDY. Bailey Briefs Received lasi wrek too late for publication. Ben Roberts was in these parts last week. He is fullest of fault who thinks him self faultless. We were blessed with a good rain last Thursday. Art Heath is building a soddie at Cutcomb Lake. Lula Sellers is visiting at J. B. Nich ols on Leander , C.-P. Sellers is building a stacker and sweeps for Goodm Bros. Nancie Heath and his mother were at Valentine last week on business. Lee Sellers and Dad Heath are breaking bronchos for C. L. Anderson. Ed Weede is going to build an ad dition to his house. Pat Clark is to do the work. James Hunt and Jennie Weedes were seenin a top buggy last Sunday. Jack Frost run his clippers over tender garden truck and potatoea the 20th in Bailey. James Hunt , Walter Goodin and W. H. Sellers were in Merriman for ranch supplies on the 18th. Petie Gearman and daughters , May , Nellie and Florence , were visiting at W. H. Sellers the last part of the week. Churn ranch pulled off a big dance the night of the 20th. There were 49 numbers out and an elegant time is re ported. GUESS Wno I AM. Arabia Items. Mrs. M. J. Jordan returned from her trip to Epiphouy much benefited. J. P. Kreycik and family spent a couple of day s in Valentine last week. Miss Winnie Iveeley spent the great er part of last week with Miss Mary Jordan. A veiy nice rain fell Saturday night. It will help the hay crop which already exceeds past years. Mr. M. J. Jordan , has loaded several cars of hay during the last two weeks , and has about twohundred tons still under shed. Miss Orah Britton was again out to see if her homestead was still there. A very sorry time she is having with that piece of prairie it : leerns. Clear Lake Union Ch arch underwent a general cleaning and repairing last week. No doubt it was needed for it is not only the clean who.go there. The Arabia orchestra 'will play in Valentine on the Fourths Sorry to learn that they are calle d away , in stead of furnishing their o wn commun ity with music for that da.y. The ladies of Clear Lake Union Church will give an ice-cream social on the evening of Sat. , July 12. They are desirous of having a large tlrowd so let everybody come and assist in a worthy cause. Fourth of July is very niear and ev ery boy and girl is anxious ; ly counting the days till they might slebrate Un cle Sam's birthday with firecrackers and lemonade. Many a languishing lad will tread homeward w ith a broken nose and soiled clothes thai. evening. A. Bunn , our genial n lerchant , is adding a new interest to * our town. Besides his general adise store , he proposes to buy and s wL' ' anything. By dealing in hay , whiclr. : is Arabia's chief product , he will gaini ihe patron age of the entire county. l > on't you dare laugh , you readers , for Arabia is a prosperous little town and nobody can invest their money better titan by buying real estate near by. McCann Items A lot of rain nowad ays. Hay is looking f iirly well in this part of the country. G. C. Shaffer , ou r school teacher , has closed up his "business $ uid left for home. We have a n\r mail carrier , N. El- liotte. He has the contract for four years to carry it between. McCann and Kilgore , RELIABLE , Kennedy. J. A. McGee made a business trip to Oasis last Friday. The Erickson Cattle Co. are hauling in grain for haying. J. H , Bachelor made a flying trip to Valentine last week. Will Steadman was seen in these jiarts one day this week. Mrs. Faddis , of Valentine , is visit ing relatives at Kennedy this week , Emma Beekley is home again after spending two months in Valentine. Cora Ayers and Ben Steadman were business visitors at Valentine last week. M. Duuham and Dan Sears made a business trip to Loup county last week. The Erickson Cattle Co. is putting in several wells on their range this sum mer. Bachelor and Koffenburg Bros , sold 80 head of yearling a few dayi ago at a good price. S. S. Beekley with a smiling coun tenance was seen in these parts one day last week. BBOKEN-AEM. Eli Precinct Nick is plastering at Merriman this week. Another million dollar rain" Friday and Saturday of last week. Clinton Jones made final proof on a quarter section of Uncle Sam's land Monday. P. Sullivan was up the river in the west part of the county on business last week. The school meeting in district 55 passed without any trouble this year. E. F. Devine was elected moderator and it was decided to have nine months of school the coming year. SANDY. Cattle Kipping. W. A. Wilson was in from Georgia , last Friday , and in discussing cattle , stated that the cows belonging to C. H. Cornell , which were dipped before being placed in the pasture of the for mer , are doing much better than any other cattle in that vicinity , Mr. O'Connor , of the O'Connor Cattle Co. , also states that a bunch of cows and calves , which he dipped at Crookston , make like showing , This indicates that there is yirtue in dipping and should become universal. Authorities on the subject state that one application in spring is worth three in winter. Thompson Will Canvass the State , Speaking of the campaign. , Mr. Thompson says : I shall begin the active canvass not later than August 1 , and propose to cover every county in the state , if pos sible , before election day. But in the meantime I shall not be idle. I am confident that the fusion forces can car ry Nebraska this fall , and all my en ergies , from this day to the election day , shall be directed to that end. I want every voter to become closely ac - quainted with what I consider the real issues , and then all I ask is an intelli gent expression of judgment at the polls. The platform meets with my hearty approbation in every particular. In asmuch as a new congress is to be elected this fall national issues will play a prominent part in the canvass. But is my purpose to devote the major portion of my time and attention to the planks dealing with state issues , par ticularly as regards the need for a re vision of the revenue laws and the tax ation of corporate property. I intend particularly to eniphasize , also , the evil resulting from the abuse of the pardoning power , which tends to make a farce of our courts of justice. And further in my campaign I shall endeavor to make an emphatic issue on the necessity for the strictest economy in the administration of the state's af fairs , coupled with a liberal policy toward the state university , with which I wish the people would become more closely acquainted - " * ? . Jsf B tflS. Martial Ave. , Murstoii , ? Iurs. PATTON PAIKT CO. , Ueixtlemeii : mf I ivould answer the laic query $ & You ly vrlrelcM measure riit | How I like your "Putton'n Sun-Proof 1" -Oil , I thliilc It excellent I \Js vus 11 ret resolved to me it \ * AVJicii It mntle tlie aim ao bright ' And I tltliilt my resolution Was not very far from right. All my palaces and mansion * I have painted with your paint ; And it makes them loojc so princely TliatI offer no complaint. Ittv111 Htand all kinds of vrcatheri Easy i i it to apply , For it c vcrs lota more snrfnco And 'twill very quickly dry. Hut the feature of nil features That does seem to tickle me Is that nil your paints arc covered m With n. live year guaranty. So , yon see , I've naught but praises. Upon which I've no constraint , Kor your excellent prodiictioiiH " ' ' . " Known ns "Patton'a Sun-l'roofPaint. Yours truly , I liig of tlic Dlartlans. Send for book of Paint Knowledge and Ailvicc , Free , to 1'ATTO.V 1'Al.NT COMPA.NV , llhvauLcf , ' 1 * \ \ For Saleby Oco. T. TIoz-iil- , Dealer in JLumber , Kavdware , Furniture iad Coffins. Ticttires Framed to Order. Valentine , Xcbr. Business Notices. Notices under this heading 5 cents per line each insertion. Among reading matter , 10 cents por line each insertion. Full and complete line of candies at Bohle's. Fine stock of cigars always carried at Bohle's. , Buy your bread , cakes and pies at Bohle's. Fresh every day. All kinds of heavy hardware and wagon wood stock at E. Breuklanders. 20-tf Highest market price paid for Chickens , Game and Fish at the Don- oher. Vtf A 10x12 letter press , good as new and a large lawn mower for sale. Inquire at this office. 1C Ilot air furnace suitable to heat a 10 or 12 room house for sale at the Dono- her hotel. J. C. WEBB. Four Chicks saved pays for enough Lee's Lice Killer to last a whole season. Sold by Quigiey & Chapman. Wanted Men to put up 800 acres of hay at KllffOre. JjRANK ROTHLEUTNEIt. Ranch for Sale or JLease ! ! 16 quarter sections , good range , hay water and timber. Will run 300 head of stock. For information address , box no. 154 , Gordon Nebr. or I. M. RICE , Valentine. Nebr. 42-tf For Sale One iron-wheeled hay wagon , 1 SxlG hay rack. 1 12-foot wagon box , 1 top buggy , 2 sets light buggy harness. 3 sets heavy Concord harness. 23tf SHERMAN & SAVAGE. Estray Notice Estrayed from the Vincent place near Arabia on the night of May 23rd 1902 , two four year old bay mares , branded ZO on left shoulder. Weight about 1200 to 1300 Ibs. each. Liberal reward for information leading to their recovery. 4t W. E. EBERIIAIIT. Estra Strayed from my place three miles east of Ft. Niobrara , one bay horse branbed SOS On left hip and 5' ° n left shoulder. Will pay reas * jjjj on- able reward for information leading to recovery of same. 22-4 JOE BRISTOL. Estray Xotice Taken up at my place. 8 miles north west of Valentine , on May 2ith , one light Sorrel horse 4 years old , weight about 750 pounds , left shoulder caved in. Branded on left shoulder and L on left jjjl& Hip 22-3 E. F. PETTYCKCW. Estray Notice. Taken up at my place , 2 miles east of CrooKston , on June 7 , 1902 , 1 brown horse branded BD on left thigh about 3 years old ; also 1 buckskin horse , branded on right shoulder , about 2 years old , _ ED PIKE , 22-5 Crookston , 2srebr. Estray Notice. Strayed from my place nine miles northwest of Valentine , on April 27th , one bay mare four years old , white strip on face , slim built and rangy , weight about 630 pounds , branded GO on left shoulder and 9& | P on left hip , Also one iron jflg WS gray mare about G years old , weight about 1,000 : old scars on points of shoulders , branded IVjjji on left shoulder. Suit able re g gg ward for information leading to their recovery. A. S. GRAEFF , .Estray A'oticc Taken up at my place at Kennedy , one small red heifer , DO brands or ear marks. Has been at my place all winter. FRAXIC S. PAUKKK , 22 ° Kennedy , Nebraska. Lidsillbe received by the undersigned until .Iuly4.1902 at 12 o'clock for the construction of a three story si one and brick hotel. Bids for masonry and carpenter work maybe separate or combined , ana including material or for ma terial nirnished by me except stonewhich is al ready on the ground and work is to begin' at once. J Inns and specifications may be seen at the Donoher hotel. I reserve the rent to re ject any or all bids. J. C. WEBB , Valentine , Nebr. ? J { 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE MINTS TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending n sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether nn invention Is probnbly piitentable. Communion- tinns strictly conOdential. Handbook on Patents aent free. Oldest ncency for secunnp patents. 1'atonta taken tlirouirh Itlunii & Co. receive special notice , without charge , in tho Stittttif sc junction. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Lnrcest cir culation of any flcientlUc Journal. Terms , $3 a year : four months , 51. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.3S'Broadwa'- York Branch Office. C25 F St. . Washington. D. C. SWEENEY BROS. Postofflce address Fullmaii , Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; horses branded same as cattle except reversed S , See block Kange Stever and Stephenson Lakes and South S303 reward will be paid to any person for in. formation leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons stealing cattle with the above brand. PcetoStea A(55ej * 3tt Cttttto CO * & fergp&d < JP eqle&feJW fa fcta ) D. A. Hancock Blackburn , Mo. or Simeon. Nebraska Cattle branded oa left side as on cut ; also 1C on left side with on left hip of some cattle ; also S4C on right side , llorse brand , rake and 18 on left shoulder or hipHome Home ranch on Dewey Lake. Hange on Niobrara lUver , oast of Fort Niobrara ; all in Cherry County. Nebraska. M. P. HALEY'S HOME MADE MADEENT. . This is a Spanish Herb Liniment , Cures Rheumatism , Swellings , Sprains , Bruises , Aches and Pains * Cures numbness in the limbs , restore * muscles to healthy and vigorous ac tivity. It is the great remedy for Paralysis , Lame Back and Lumbago ; NOTICE : This Liniment has been tested and proved to be a cure for the above described aliments ; M. P. HALEY , YALEXTISH , NED. Directions for using : Shake well and turn the mouth of the bottle onto a sponge or ilannel cloth and apply upon the soreness or afflicted parts. Do not- apply upon cuts or open sores. Shake the bottle well before using , SEQUAH (3267) Dark brown , Foaled Kbv. 1SS9. Sire "Nimrod" (1066) ) , by "Comet" (151) ( ) , by "Eclipse" (191) ( ) by "St. Giles" ( CSTjby "Wildfire" (867) ( ) . Secpah's dam 289 Lady bird F. S. Vol. 7 by Eestless T. B. Sequalrs G. dam by Larrywheat ( T. B. ) He will stand for season of. 1902 at Sherman's barn. J. W. STETTEK. : " Owneiv