Official Newspaper of Cherry
County , Nebraska
Thursday , July 3 ,
Subscription $1.00 per year In advance : § 1.50
When not paid In advance. Single copies Cc.
Display advertising 1 Inch single column 15c
per issue or ? G.OO a year.
Local Notices , Ol Miarles , Lodge Resolution *
und Socials for Ke.tue 5c per Hue per issue.
Brands , 1 J * incl iS4.00 jicr jear in advance
additional space S3per inch peryearcngraved ;
blocks extra ; $1.00 each.
Parties livlnR outside Cherry county not per-
toually known aie requested to pay in advance
10 per rent additional to above rates II over C
nouilid in arrears.
Notices of losses of stock free to brand adver
For Governor ,
LI eutcnant Governor ,
E. A. Gii.r.EHT.
Secretary of Stale ,
Jons Powmis.
Auditor ,
Treasurer ,
Attorney Gineral ,
, ) . II. BJCOADV.
Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings ,
Superintendent of Schools ,
Democratic Congressional
A delegate convention of the Demo
cratic party of the Sixth Congression
al District of the state of Nebraska , is
hereby called to meet at city of Kear
ney , Buffalo county , on Wednesday ,
July 9th , 1902 , at 2 o'clock , p. m. , for
the purpose of placing in nomination a
candidate lor member of Congress , to
be voted upon at the next general elec
tion to be held Nov. 4th , 1902 , to repre
sent the sixth congressional district of
Nebraska , and to transact such other
business as may come properly before
The representation of the several
counties in the convention will be
based upon the yote for Hon. Oldham
in iauO for attorney general , one dele
gate being allowed for each one hund
red votes or major fraction thereof and
one at large from each county , which
entitles the several counties to repre
sentation as follows ;
Cherry county is CLtitled to eight
It is recommended that no proxies
be admitted to the convention and that
the delegates present cast the full vote
of their respective counties ,
P. II , McEvoY , Chairman ,
W , B McNEEL , Secretary.
Populist Congressipiml Con-
A delegate convention of the Peo
ple 's Independent Party ofthe Sixth
Congressional District of the state of
Nebraska is called to meet at Kearney ,
Buffalo county on Wednesday , July
9th , 1902 , at 2 oclock p. m. , for the
purpose of placing in nomination a
candidate for member of Congress to
be voted for at the next general elect
ion to be held Nov. 4th , 1902 to repre
sent the sixth Congressional District of
Nebraska , and to transact such other
business as may properly come before
the convention.
The representation of the several
co unties in convention will be based
upon the vote cast for Hon. Wm. Nev
ille in the Congressional election of
1900 , one delegate being allowed for
each one hundred votes or major frac
tion there of , and one delegate at large
from each county , which entitles the
several counties to representation as fol
lows :
Cherry county is entitled to seven
It is recommended that no proxies be
allowed but that the delegates present
cast the full vote of their respective
, A. P. PABSOXS , Chairman ,
ROD C. SMITH , Secretary.
The fact that those who wish to "re
organize" the democratic party get all
their aid and encouragement from the
republicans shows what kind of a game
they are up to.
A republican exchange says that
" " nominated
Moses was "unanimously"
at Crawford. The unanimity stuck out
so prominent that it required 177 bal
lots for that ' 'unanimous" nomination
It begins to look as though Judga
Westover would be the fusion nominee
for congress in this district. If nomi
nated he will keep Moses in the wilder
ness for another two years.
The republican congress has a num
ber of bills like the the ship subsidy
bill and the Fowler bill that are laid
aside until after the election. They
know only too well that they cannot go
before the people with any hope for
success if these tills are passed now.
Ilere goes for fusion and success.
Jack McColl , of Lexington , had just
about sunk into a state of inocuous
disuetude when the World-Herald dug
him up to get his opinion on the crops
in the west part of the state.
Do republican papers fight the meat
trusts ? Well , not to any great extent.
They throw the weight cf their argu
ment on a vegetarian diet and advise
the laboring man to cut meat from his
bill of fare.
There are an unusual number of
strikes throughout the country in the
different industries. It is a pity that
the workingmen connot see their way
clear to take Hanna's advice and let
well enough alone and continue to
work for the same old wages , although
the cost of living has almost doubled.
The administration is between tie
devil and the deep sea. If they don't
put the kibosh on the trusts the voters
will turn them down and if they make
it too hot for the trusts they lose their
principal bouice of supply for a cam
paign fund. It is a very uncomfort
able situation for them from either
view of the case.
When Oom Paul Kruger's wife died
there was no message of condolence
rushed across the Atlantic by this ad
ministration but when King Ed. was
hit by home high priced disease Roose
velt had a spasm and rushed a mes
sage of condolence. On the eve of the
celebration of the nation's birthday we
take pride in stating that our president
does not represent the sentiment of the
American people by a long shot.
0. F. Bentley , cashier of the First
National bank of Grand Island , a re
publican , has this to say of W. H.
Thompson , our candidate for governor ;
"He's the salt of the earth. If he's
elected he'll compare more than favor
ably with most governors Nebraska
has had , whether Savage or civilized. "
Mr. Bentley has been intimately ac
quainted with Mr , Thompson nearly a
quarter of a century and bases his opin
ion on a business and social acquain
While the fusion ticket is a good one
and a winner , the head of the ticket is
a particularly good selection. Mr.
Thompson is a clean , capable and hon
est man and a democrat from the
ground up. He has been a resident of
Nebraska for nearly a quarter of a cen
tury an din his large acquaintance in
the state there is not one who can say
anything against him as a lawyer , a
democrat or as man. As his repub
lican neighbor , Mr. Bentley , truly says ,
"if elected he will compare more than
favorably with most governors Ne
braska has had. "
It is a curious fact that many corpor
ations would rather spend a million
dollars in breaking a strike than a half
million dollars in wages to their em
ployes. At the present time the Un
ion Pacific is up against it good and
hard and it is a battle royal for and
against union labor. In the good o'd
days when the Union Pacific thought
only of robbing the government they
did not hesitate to divide the spoils
with the employes but since the reor
ganization on a "business basis" they
skin everyone they come in contact
with. Those who are acquainted with
President Burt state that if he were
broken in two not a drop of blood
would be spilled.
President Roosevelt appointed a
gold democrat to a southern judgeship
some months ago. and the republican
papers gave him credit for great liber
ality in going outside of his party to
select a "good man , " but it appeared
afterwards that the appointee was a be
liever in practically all of the republi
can policies. That is nearly always
the case when a republican official se
lects a man to represent the democrat
ic party. President McKinley general
ly selected gold democrats to represent
the democratic party oa the commis
sions appointed by him , and the exam
ple has been followed by officials of less
degree. The governor of Iowa had oc
casion to appoint a commission to take
charge of the Iowa exhibition at ihe St.
Louis exposition. The bill appropri
ating $25,000 for the exhibit contained
a provision that eight of the commis
sion should be republicans and five
democrats. The governor , instead of
appointing representative democrats ,
selected five men who are openly and
notoriously opposed to democratic prin
ciples as set forth in the Chicago and
Kansas City platforms. One of them
refused to act on the ground that he
was no longer a democrat , but another
gold democrat was appointed. As the
gold democrats are constantly reciev-
ing rewards from the republicans it is
hardly fair for the reorganizes to in
sist that they should monopblizs the
good things that che democrats have to
give. Commoner.
A case of small pox is reported
at Ainsworth.
Yearnshaw & Hull are open
ing a saloon in Wood Lake this
Frank S. Parker and wife , of
Kennedy , were in town Tuesday
and were welcome callers at the
DEMOCRAT office.
L. K. Travis and wife , of St.
Mary's mission school , were in
town Monday and favored this
office with a visit.
Jim George , of Sparks , was in
town Monday to turn the Valen
tine-Sparks mail route over to his
successor , Albert Haley.
Lydia M. Legg , of Columbus ,
has applied for a divorce from
Wm. J. Legg. She also wants
to pull his leg for alimony.
Business men have been put
ting in all their spare time for
several days in decorating their
show windows for the Fourth.
P. V. VanNostran , of Kilgore
was in town Tuesday and dropped
a $ in the slot and was sentenced
to read the DEMOCRAT for a year.
The telephone lists that the
DEMOCRAT printed for the con
venience of the patrons of the
new company have proved popu
Mr. Marr , the democratic rep
resentative of the republican
cracker trust , was in town Sat
urday and was a welcome caller
at these headquarters.
In hunting for tax shrinkers
in Douglas county it don't take
long to get enough for a mess and
they don't have to do any "pot
hunt-ing , " either.
Anderson & Fischer moved
their hardware store to the Mc
Donald building , Monday. They
have twice as much room in their
new location and they need it for
their increasing trade.
The county commissioners have
finished their work and gone
home. Commissioner Burr was
at these headquarters Saturday
just long enough to say "good
morning , Goodbye. "
Since the weather clerk has
moved his headquarters there is
a noticeable improvement in the
weather and it is safe to predict
that the wearing of an overcoat
will not be necessary on the
The first news of the demo
cratic state convention in this
locality was published in the
DEMOCRAT. When you want a
paper that gives the news when
it is news , drop a $ in the slot and
get the Democrat for a year.
The latest bulletins on the con
dition of King Ed are to the ef
fect that if he don't get worse he
will continue to get better. The
press reports consume consider
able more space in telling about
it but this is the substance of the
Sheriff Layport went to Britt ,
Tuesday and returned with Fred
Charging Eagle , a full blood , who
will answer to the charge of rais
ing horses without waiting for
nature to take her course. He
has been educated at one of the
Indian schools but horse stealing
is about the only thing he seems
capable of learning. This is by
no means his first offense.
The comptroller of the cur
rency has approved the applica
tion of the following persons to
organize the First National Bank
of Valentine with $25,000 capital :
C. H. Cornell , M. V. Nicholson ,
L. M. Keene , J. T. May and Jul
ius Beckman. Everyone here
knows the first two and Messrs.
Keene , May and Beckman are
Fremont capitalists with an
abundance of the needful at their
command. The DEMOCRAT wish
es the new venture all kinds of
Under ordinary circumstances
it is perfectly safe to be shaved
by Claude Jones but there are
times when the operation is at
tended with more or less danger.
One day last week while F. W
Jersig was being scraped some
one Tve did not learn who was
practising singing in the shop.
Claude finally became so nervous
that he amputated a piece of Mr.
Jersig's 'face. He claims. that
the singing caused his patient to
have-a spasm and the cutting
was not his fault. ,
F. T. Brackett , of Riege , was in
town Tuesday and was a welcome
caller at these headquarters.
He has been in the west for lo ,
these many years , and threatens
to pay a visit to his old home in
York state when he gets through
with his haying.
Tomorrow will be the Glorious
Foui th , the day when every Ameri
can who has red blood in his veins
and a dollar in his pocket starts
to celebrate early and continues
until late. This , of course , don't
include the original Americans ,
the Indians. They haven't got
their second papers and can't
vote. In 1776 the people of this
country believed that all people
were born equal and that a good
job of governing could not be done
without the consent of the gov
erned and whipped the pea green
stuffing out of King George III
because he thought otherwise.
Today there are a lot of alleged
Americans who are crazy to cross
over to England and exhibit their
fatted calf to King Ed and apolo
gize for the crazy actions of their
ancestors a century and a quar
ter ago. Tomorrow they will
read the Declaration of Indepen
dence with a mental reservation
that many of the truths therein
contained are not self evident
and will drink pink lemonade un
til the stomach or purse plays
the limit. In this locality there
will be few apologies for the peo
pie of 1776 and the day will be
celebrated with a heap of enthu
siasm and other things too nu
merous to mention. A fitting
program has been arranged and
everybody not confined to their
beds will be expected to turn out
and whoop it up from start to fin
ish unless they fall by the way
side. Everyone will help make
tomorrow a day to be remem
bered so that the children as well
as grown people will in the future
refer with pleasure to the big
time they had in Valentine on the
Fourth of July , 1902.
Sunrise , Salute of 100 Guns.
10:00 : a. m , Grand Street Parade to
Bowery. Music by Norden Silver
Cornet Band.
Address of Welcome by F. M. Wal-
cott , President of the Day.
Vocal Music.
Music by Norden Silver Cornet Band
Reading of the Declaration of Inde
Oration by Capt. Allen G. Fisher , of
1:00 : p. m. , Base Ball , Norden vs. Fort
2:30 : p , m. , Small Sports , consisting of
Foot Race , Sack Race , Potato
Race , Wheelbarrow Race , Jump
ing1 , etc ,
Horse and Pony Races.
3:30 : p. m. , Base Ball , Valentine vs.
8:30p. : m. , Grand Display of Fireworks
Free Bowery Dance during the after
noon , commencing at 2:00 : o'clock.
Music by Kreycik's orchestra , of
W. E. HALEY , Pres. of the day.
Marshal of the day. ]
Discharging firecrackers or any
other fireworks during the parade is
strictly prohibited.
Mrs. R. M. Crabb , living seven
miles northeast of Valentine , had
her left arm dislocated at the el
bow , Monday , by a runaway team.
Andrew Koralewski , of Nenzel ,
was in town yesterday and
dropped a $ in the slot which
places him in good standing un
til 1903.
Chas. Sparks , cashier of the <
Valentine State bank , went
through Chadron Tuesday morn
ing on his way to Crawford where
he met his wife who was just re
turning from a trip to the coast.
Returning here Mr. and Mrs.
Sparks spent Wednesday and
Thursday with relatives. Chad
ron Journal.
Generation Ago
Coffee could only be bought
in bulk. The 2Oth Century
way is the
Lion Coffee
way sealed packages , al
ways correct in weight ,
clean , fresh , uniform and
retaining its rich flavor.
Valentine - - Nebraska
_ _ _ _ . . _ .
" " " " " ' " ' ' ' ' v „ " V " ' ' * " " " ' " * - ' ' ' " ' " * ' ' * * ! i ! in m i -
Accounts of Merchants , Ranchmen and Individuals invited. JMoney
to loan on first-class cattle paper and other securities.
Valentine State Bank
( Successors to Cherry County Bank. )
Capital Paid. "Up
FRED WHITTEMORE , President J. W. STETTER , Vice Presiden
4 ? Valentine Nebraska x All work well done
C. H. COKtfEL , ! , , President. Jff. V. tflCJBNMLSON , Cashiet
Valentine , Nebraska.
A General Banking Business Transacted
Bnys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange
Jhemleal National Bank. New York. Correspondents ; First National Bank , Omaha Neb
Sole Agents for
Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER
Choicest Wines and Cigars ,
Sold by Quigley & Chapman ,
v alentine , Nebr.
Ri chards & Comstock ,
Ellsworth , Kebr.
Highest cash price paid for
The place to get the best Windmill , also pumps and Tanks.
First door south of the Donoher House.
3. MOON . - - - Valentine , Meter