ffistorioal Society 1 NTINE DEMOCRAT. THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA VOLUME XVII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , JULY- , 1902. NUMBER * lfe * * * & )2 wo wo )2il il Prospective fcl Purchasers of the "Acorn Brand" < j clothing can certainly $1 be congratulated on the jjj sterling worththe , style , JJ the tone and lit of these 8 garments. Our nntir- $ higzeal and great pur chasing power have en abled us to place them before you. this season at prices that will pre clude any question of our clothing leadership The. Red Front fcfr It's not so hard to keep cool When you prepare for the hot weather from our up-to-date wearing apparel. Summer Shirts and Shirt Waists A 60c. Men's Ventilated Shoes,3ust feet The Lightest of Lightweight Underwear TAILOE , AND CLOTHIER. THEDONOHER 3 , C , IVEBB , Proprietor. Is the Best Equipped , most Comfortable , Largest and Best Two-Dollars - a-Day jflEST-OLASS MODERN HOTEL In Northwestern Nebraska Bath , Hot and Cold "Water , Two Sample Rooms VALEHTIEE - HEBRASKA ADVERTISE If you were face to face with a pro spective customer what would you say to insure a sale ? Say the same , in an advertisement , to our many readers , every one a prospective buyer. People would be glad to deal with you if they knew how you could benefit them. IlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIISIIUIUIII IIIJ THESE COLUMNS o o Anderson & Fischer , O 9 9o o DEALERS IN- o o 9o o 9o o o Agents for the Quickmeal Gasoline Stoves and Kanges. o WE SELL THE-- I Piano Mower and Hay Rakes 1 o e GrX" 7"3E3 o CITIZENS MEAT MARKET J. W. STETTER , PROP I ! tESH FRUIT AND GAMF IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , Koasts Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast Bacon I 990909090909090909090909090O9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o II-TALK OF THE TOWN * ยง knOnAnl Merten Holsclaw is working in Bohle's restaurant. Otis Hahn , of the north table , was in town Thursday. Jennie Morgareidge , of Sim eon , was in town Sa urday. The "Wilson boys went out to John FerstPs last Friday to work. Mesdames E. and J. E. Thack- rey arrived from Manhattan , Kas. Monday morning. Wilhelm Anderson , of Kilgore , was in town Monday and called on the DEMOCRAT. The weather clerk moved to his new quarters in the Fraternal hall building , Monday. Tommie Yearnshaw has re turned from Iowa where he has been visiting his sister. Jim Galloway returned from Rosebud , Sunday. He and sev eral others were laid off. * BenHobson and family were in town Thursday and attended the jamboree in the evening. Services will be held at St. John's Episcopal church next Sunday as follows. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Holy communion and sermon at 11 a. in. Evening pray er and sermon at 8. p. m. All are cordially invited. The Western Rancher and Brand Recorder is the name of a new paper just started at Ainsworth by Mutz & Millay. It is , as the name indicates , de voted to the interests of the western ranches and ranchmen and will doubtless fill a want long felt. Judge Towne is disgusted with reading so much about June wed dings when that branch of his business has been so slow during the past month that he has not made enough out of it to pay the expenses of his Fourth of July celebration and he didn't expect to celebrate very much , either. The opening of the Fraternal hall last Tliursdriy evening was an event long to 1 DC remembered , in lodge circles : in Valentine. - The beautiful an d roomy lodge * room was packe d by the mem bers of the different orders and their wives and the program which was pub\ishv3d in the Dem ocrat was carried out without a hitch. One fortunate help was f the presence in knvn of the Messrs. Evans , of Omaha , and their wives , who happened to be here on one of their piano tuning trips. They were pres sed into a service by the committee and ] were no small help to the music al part of the program. The program opened with a prayer by I Rev. Cumbow , which was fole lowed by an able address by .Rev. ] Ramsey , of Aisworth. Col. J Towlemade the hit of the eve- ] ning with his witty remarks and 1 the applause nearly cracked the ( plastering. The next number ] on the program was a supper which was served by Retstau- j ranteur Bohle. It was good in quality an-j ample in quantity and durin g the lime it was being sei-vedtb.e degree te m of the Degree 'of Honor gave a drill for the benefit of as many as could crowd around the edge of the room . The men in the crowd who indulge in the weed found a good supply of excellent cigars in the front room. The lodge irienibers of Val entine may well feel proud of their new quarters. There are very few lodge rooms' ' in the state that will equal them , i Omaha and other large cities not excepted. Henry Stetter and Wm. Franke of Valentine , were in Alliance this week looking over the town. Mr. Stetter is a brother of J. G. Stet ter , 'of Alliance , one of the pro prietors of the Palace saloon. Alliance Pioneer Grip. A seven-year-old Fremont boy found a can of powder that his brother had stored away for the Fourth and dropped a lighted match into it. He will never be as pretty again , but he will know a blamed sight more. The following Ainsworth peo ple went up to Valentine this morning to help dedicate the new Masonic temple : Messrs. anc Mesdames J. M. Curry , Clms Marsden , O. L. Ramsey , W. E Mosely , Mrs. E. Barnes , Dave Hanna , Misses Mazie Finney , Janet Hanna , Lida Bowers , anc Laura Nichols. Star-Journal. C. B. Reyrnan , who was ar rested some time ago on the com plaint of J. L. McElderry on the charge of fence cutting , was tried Saturday afternoon and found guilty. Lee Turner , his hired man , was also in the scrape and was also fined , but the fine in his case was remitted , as it appeared afterwards that he had nothing to do with the cutting , only sat in the wagon and held the team while it was done. They called for a jury , which brought the costs up to $66 , which , with the $25 fine , offers in inducement to Mr. Reyman to be good for a short time , at least. Thomas Nelson and John and Sarry Junod , charged with hav- .ng stolen about 9,000 pounds of tvire from D. A. Hancock's fence ast spring , were arraigned be- : ore Judge Towne Monday morn- ng and entered a plea of not ruilty. Their attorney filed a notion to dismiss the case on the ground that the fence from which he wire was stolen was on gov- jrnment land , was real estate in- itead of personal property and hat this being the case an action or grand larceny would not hold. Fudge Towne overruled the mo- ion and held the defendants in > 500 bail to the district court. ! f the contention of the defend- , nts were to hold good , owners f fencing on government lands rould have no protection from ence thieves unless they took he law into their own hands. "Remembering the extremely Lelightf ul days that I have passed , t the Millard in years gone by , . ' recommended to Miss Kidder vhen we came to Omaha in May , .902 , that she should go to the Vlillard , with the result that the jntire Company stopped at the Millard , " said Louis Massen , the iavorite leading man of Miss [ Cathryn Kidder's well known iheatrical in'A company Country 3-irl. ' ' That this famous star and ler company were thoroughly svell pleased is evidenced by the following dainty remembrance Prom Miss Kidder : "My Dear Mr. Markel : In leaving permit me to thanlr you for my very pleasant stay at the Millard. Sin- serely yours , Kathryn Kidder. Omaha , May 9 , 1902. " The Mil lard , Omaha's leading hotel , most centrally located , entirely ref urn ished throughout , offers as low a rate as $2 per day , American plan high grade cuisine , first-class ser vice , same as is enjoyed by those in the higher price rooms ; Eu ropean plan , $1 and up per day The Lincoln , opposite depots only first-class hotel in Lincoln 82 per day. "Black Kid" Hosiery " . ' For Men. Women and Children. You have tried theTrest Now try the best : : Every pair is guaranteed 9 * to wear better and give more satisfaction than any other line of hosiery : : "Macey" Hooks and Eyes x * The only kind. Every hook has two loops in front is made with a spring and will never rust. The two loops in front give a 50 per cent fi-mer grip on the cloth with the same amount of sewing. No thread under KID the bill : : : : o > Men's and Women's Eancy Stocks in White and Colors. DAVENPORT d THACHERo * & WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GeneralMerchandise Merchandise AND Groceries E. VIERTEL CROOKSTON . NEBRASKA 0Just Received , a I Car of Sack Salt. I * > | W. A. Pettycrew , General Merchandise. Ton can have them plain or with sets , elahorately . . W .A ii NS * % carved or no carving at all. Bring your finger and let us fit it up for you : : ; : : : , W , Morey , The Old Reliable Jeweler. o Our stock is now complete and consists of oo The Eclipse , Fairbanks-Morse Galvanized o I Wind o Steel , and Wind Motors : : : : : : o o S Our display of Buggies is the Largest and f Finest ever brought to Oherry County o John Deere riding and walking Listers , John Ueere riding and walking w o and walking Cultivators and sledges. Stirring and Breaking Plows. * o o Moline and Banner Wagons- o o iMcCormick Mowers and Rakes I o o I Dane Sweeps Superior Stackers 1 o o : o o Our stock of Lumber and Builders7 Materials is the largest and o most complete ever carried here. Corac and examine o o our stock and let us . o give you our prices. o 8o o LUDWiG LUMBER YAUD | GET AT THIS YOUR OFFICE * "We Can Satisfy You in Qtialitv Price and "Workfixansliijr