Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 26, 1902, Image 4

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Official Newspaper of Cherry
County , Nebraska
Thursday , June 26 , 1902.
Subscription $1.00 per year In advance ; $1.50
When not paid in advance , Single copies Gc.
Display advertising 1 inch single column 15c
per issue or SG.OO a year.
Local Notices. Obituaries , Lodge Eesolutlon-
and Socials lor .Revenue 5c per Hue per issue.
BrandsH ii 'hes $4.00 per year in advance
additional space3-00per Inch peryearengraved ;
blocks extra ; § 1.00 each.
Tartles living outside Cherry county not per
sonally known are requested to pay in advance
10 per cent additional to above rates if over 6
mouths in arrears.
Notices of losses of stock free to brand adver
Democratic Congressional
A delegate convention of the Demo
cratic party of the Sixth Congression
al District of the state of Nebraska , is
hereby called to meet at city of Kear
ney , Buffalo county , on Wednesday ,
July 9th , 1002 , at 2 o'clock , p. m. , for
the purpose of placing in nomination a
candidate lor member of Congress , to
be voted upon at the next general elec
tion to be held Nov. 4th , 1902 , to repre
sent the sixth congressional district of
Nebraska , and to transact such other
business as may come properly before
The representation of the several
counties in the convention will be
based upon the vote for Hon. Oldham
in 1900 for attorney general , one dele
gate being allowed for each one hund
red votes or major fraction thereof and
one at large from each county , which
entitles the seyeral counties to repre
sentation as follows :
Cherry county is entitled to eight
It is recommended that no proxies
be admitted to the convention and that
the delegates present cast the full vote
of their respective counties.
P. II , JMcEvor , Chairman ,
W , B McHEEL , Secretary.
Populist Congressional Con
A delegate convention of the Peo
ple's Independent Party ofthe Sixth
Congressional District of the state of
Nebraska is called to meet at Kearney ,
Buffalo county on Wednesday , July
9th , 1902 , at 2 oclock p. m. , for the
purpose of placing in nomination a
candidate for member of Congress to
be voted for at the next general elect
ion to be held Nov. 4th , 1902 to repre
sent the sixth Congressional District of
Nebraska , and to transact such other
business as may properly come before
the convention.
The representation of the several
counties in convention will be based
upon the vote cast for Hon. Wm. Nev
ille in the Congressional election of
1900 , one delegate being allowed for
each one hundred votes or major frac
tion there of , and one delegate at large
from each county , which entitles the
several counties to representation as fol
lows :
Cherry county is entitled to seven
It is recommended that no proxies be
allowed but that the delegates present
cast the full vote of their respective
A. P. PARSONS , Chairman ,
ROD C. SMITH , Secretary.
Mark Hanna's cry is "let well enough
alone. " Will Mark kindly define "well
enough ? "
There is not much democracy in a
democratic platform that is sanctioned
by the republicans.
And the railroads should continue to
keep a big , plain check on Mickey or ,
in spit6 of themselves and him , they
will be likely to lose him. World-Her
D , M. Strong , of North Bend , attend
ed the republican state convention and
was killed by the cars while on his way
home. The moral is , don't attend
republican state conventions.
A republican paper in telling about
their new candidate for governor says :
"He took up a homestead in Polk coun
ty in 1868 and moved to Oaceola in
1S72 , For twenty years he has been a
farmer , banker and stock raiser , and
has very large holdings in farm lands.
As a politician , he was elected treesur-
er of Polk countv in 1870 and served
ten years. He was a stdte representa
tive in 1861 and 1 G2. " They lay par
ticular stress on his being a farmer to
catch the farmeis' vote. It will be
seen that he was elected treasurer two
years after coming to the state and has
held the office nearly ever since , which
1 has evidently been profitable , as he has
very large Holdings in farm lands. "
All the large cities are chock full of
his kind of' 'farmers. "
For Governor Heads Fusionists
A Strong Ticket and a Winner
Special to the DEMOCRAT.
GRAND ISLAND , June 25. W.
H. Thompson , of Grand Island ,
known as the "Little Giant of
the Big Third , " was nominated
for Governor ; W. S. Gilbert , of
York , for Lieu tenant-Governor ;
Judge Broady , of Lincoln , for
Attorney-General ; John Bowers ,
Secretary of State ; James Bran-
non , Commissioner of Public
Lands and Buildings ; A. De
France , Auditor of Public Ac
counts ; Claude Smith , of Daw-
son , Superintendent of Public
Instruction ; Dr. Lyrnan , of
Hastings , Treasurer. Complete
harmony prevails and there is in
tense enthusiasm. I. M. RICE.
Did the republicans nominate Mickey
in the hope of capturing the Irish vote ?
Hands up. How many of you know
what they are fighting about down in
Venezuela ? Omaha Daily Hews.
They are fighting about all of the
time. That's easy. Ask something
Senator Chauncey Depew has gone
to attend King Ed's coronation cere
monies and will be unable to take in
the Fourth of July festivities in Valen
tine. He will never know what he has
missed ,
For a real sociable time a Tennesee
garden party takes the first premium.
At Knoxville the other evening some
remarks were made about the American
army in the Philipines and when the
argument was finished they gathered
up several dead and wounded.
The republicans of this congressional
district thought they broke the record
when they took 177 ballots to nominate
Judge Kinkaid , but they didn't hold
the championship very long. The re
publicans of the Fourth district , at
Beatrice , took 343 ballots to nominate
their candidate.
Mount Peelee erupted and killed 20-
000 people , and America stood aghast.
More deaths have been the result of an
eruption of imperialism and greed in
this country , yet thousands of people
profess to see the liand of God in it and
encourage further eruptions of the
same kind. Commoner.
To the east of us , on the coast , is a
mosquito bitten community known as
New Jersey and it is the home of all
trusts , the most of the anarchists and
numerous other plagues. For a week
or two in the town of Patterson , the
headquarters of the anarchists , thev
have been up against the real thing in
the shape of a strike in the silk mills
and the net results are a lot of proper
ty destroyed , a number of broken heads
and other losses to numerous to men
tion and they don't seem to enjoy it.
New Jersey was a comparatively re
spectable place when the democrats
were in control but it has been going to
the bad of late years.
King Ed's coronation show has been
postponed. The stuff is off for a time
and all the work in this direction has
been in vain. Some days ago it was
announced that his royal nibs was
suffering from some trouble and now
he has been operated on for perityph-
litis. We don't know what this is but
suppose it is some high priced disease
that only kings or queen or jacks can
afford to have. He has been operated
on by five doctors , enough to kill any
ordinary mortal , and they say Ed is
pulling through all right , though the
distinguished surgeons issued the same
the same kind of bulletins about
McJKLinley , Garfield and others where
final results did not seem to justify
their predictions.
Andrew Benson and daughter
Esther were in town Monday ,
Miss Grace Cook , formerly a
teacher in the Valentine schools ,
stopped of ! here Monday for a
visit with her old friends and pu
pils. She has been teaching in
Kapid City for some time and
was on her way to her home in
Lincoln. She visited with Mrs.
Allen Sparks , where all her for
mer scholars , who think there is
no one like Miss Cook , called on
u _
Haying machinery is moving
out out of town at a rapid pace.
Mike Fitzgerald has been nurs
ing a very sore hand for the past
Mrs. Mamie Ricketts is in
town this week visiting her par
ents and other relatives.
Joseph Bristol and wife were
visiting at the home of the for
mer's parents over Sunday.
Geo. G. Harden has moved his
gun and repair shop into the
Hoffman building , first door west
of the Walcott livery barn.
G. S. Fox worthy , representing
the Country Publishers' Co. , of
Omaha , was in town Tuesday and
called at these headquarters.
Mrs. D. M. Jeffers , accompan
ied by Miss Lou Martin , spent
several days visiting with Mrs.
Ricketts of Merriman. They re
turned Monday.
A number of youngsters sur
prised Miss Pearl Lewis , Mon
day and spent a very pleasant
afternoon with her. Refresh
ments were served.
A man with the flowery name
of Cozlosski has been captured
in New York and brought back
to Nebraska to face a charge of
statutory rape , The complain
ant lives at Duncan.
New stringers were placed in
the sidewalk just north of the de
pot on Main St. last Friday.
The work was done by the R , R.
bridge crew and the walk has
been greatly improved thereby.
J. M. Olarkson , familiarly
known as Grandpa Clarksonj and
Wife left Monday morning for
Spokane , Washington , to visit
their son Ab and family who
were former residents of Valen
An Elkhorn force is at work re
modeling the stock yards at this
place. We understand that they
win be extended 100 feet on the
east and another pen built on the
south. It is a much needed im
Chas. Fulhaber , of Brownlee ,
writes us that through the ad
vertisement he had in the DEMO
CRAT he has sold all his registered
Hereford bulls and will have no
more until 1903. As we have re
marked before , it pays to adver
tise in this paper.
G. W. Burge , of the Kennedy
neighborhood , came to town Sat
urday night for a doctor for his
wife. He ran into a wire fence
and was thrown from his horse ,
which was considerably cut by
the wire. Dr. Lewis responded
to the call and the patient is re
ported as improving.
Joe Novak left his team un
hitched in front of Geo. Hornby's
while he went inside on business
Tuesday and the team took ad
vantage of opportunity and took
a spin around town and when
they stopped there Was a whole
lot of work for the wagon maker.
The team escaped with a few
The bridge gang of the F. E , &
M. V. raised the old Nye & Sny-
der grain house , which stands
west of the depot , last week and
placed new timbers under it ,
thus putting it again on a firm
foundation ready for use later in
the season when the abnndant
crops which are now growing in
Cherry county are harvested and
ready for market.
The total value of Cherry coun
ty property , real , personal and
railroad , is § 2,163,029 , which is
about $200,000 more than last
year and will yield , with a 14
miU levy , $18,000 for the general
fund , $4,000 for the bridge fund ,
$2,000 for the road fund and $4- j
000 for the sinking fund. The
levy last year was 14 mills and
will not be any greater this year
though there is not much pros
pect of a reduction. The coun
ty's business is in excellent shape
and the condition is due not only
to the increased valuation of prop- 1
erty but to the good manage
ment of tho board of supervisors ,
Bob Ellis , of Simeon , was in
town Tuesday.
William Hower left Saturday
morning for Wood Lake , where
he goes to accept a position in
the livery barn of Vincent &
Davis :
In examining young Coombs ,
who was brought to town for an
examination as to his sanity , it
was found that his skull had been
cracked and was pressing on the
brain , which was the cause of
his trouble. Sheriff Layport
took him to Lincoln Saturday
L. W. Tuttle , of Columbia Qity ,
Ind. , arrived here last week fora
visit with his old friend , J. W.
Pike , who had just gone back to
his old home in Millnerville , la.
Mr. Tuttle is a mill owner of his
state and expressed himself as
being well pleased with Valen
tine and Nebraska.
C. A. Day , a former resident
of Cherry county , writes us from
Chino , California , enclosing a
"gob" of coin to pay his sub
scription to this paper and says
things are good in that portion
of the country. He says he is
living in the sugar beet country
and that the factory will soon
start up for a night and day run
of about five months and employ
ing three hundred men. He re
ports plenty of hay and fruit ,
Professor Henry B. Ward , De
partment of Zoology , the Univer
sity of Nebraska , Zoologist State
Board of Agriculture , who was
the guest of honor at a banquet
given at the Millard hotel , Oma
ha , by the Omaha Medical Soci
ety , after his return home to
Lincoln , wrote as follows : "Per
mit me to thank you and your
associates for the very courteous
treatment accorded me during
the recent visit to Omaha. I en-
joyd the stay at the Millard and
the banquet to the fullest extent
and congratulate you upon the
success with which all arrange
ments were carried out. Very
cordially yours , Henry B. Ward. "
Our townspeople who visit Oma
ha can stop at the Millard and
enjoy all its first class and un
excelled advantages for as low a
rate as $2.00 per day , American
plan , $1.00 per day , European
plan , Newly furnished rooms ,
first class bills of "fare , high
grade service throughout the ho
tel. You may go to other Oma
ha hotels of lesser grade , get
much less for your money , and
pay just as much as you would at
the Millard. The Lincoln , oppo
site depots , Lincoln , only first
class hotel in the city , $2.00 per
Sunrise , Salute of 100 Guns.
10:00 : a. m. , Grand Street Parade to
Bowery. Music by Norden Silver
Cornet Band.
Address by F. M. Walcott , President
of the Day.
Vocal Music.
Music by Norden Silver Cornet Band.
Reading of the Declaration of IndeJ
Oration by Capt. G. Fisher , of Chad-
1:00 : p , m. , Base Ball , Norden vs. Fort
2:30 : p. m. , Small Sports , consisting of
Foot Race , Sack Race , Potato
Race , Wheelbarrow Race , Jump
ingetc ,
Horse and Pony Races.
3:30 : p. m. , Base Ball , Valentine vs.
8:30 : p. m. , Grand Display of Fireworks
Free Bowery Dance duringthe after
noon , commencing- 2:00 : o'clock.
Music by Kreycik's orchestra , of
W. E. HALEY , Pres. of the day.
Marshal of the day. *
Discharging firecrackers or any J
other fireworks during the parade is
strictly prohibited.
City Marshal
Rosewater packed his snickersnee in
his grip and started for Lincoln and he
had scarcely reached town when Stue-
fer announced his withdrawal from the
race for the treasurership.
A Berlin paper prints the statement
that some New York citizens will pre
sent a statue of George Washington to
the German emperor to be set up in
Berlin. If it were anyone else than New
Yorkers who threaten to do this it
might be a go. but the people of that
city never let go of a dollar until "pried
loose from it.
{ ' / >
I ?
SFjyriSrittZ Stt
Starting Monday Morning
We will run a basket to the Fre-
mont Laundry and will collect
and deliver laundry.
Davensort and Webb.
< r
Valentine - - Nebraska
Accounts of Merchants , Eanchmen and Individuals invited. Money
to loan on first-class cattle paper and other securities.
Valentine State Bank
( Successors to Cherry County Bank. )
Capital 3ai < l Tip
FRED WHITTEMORE , President J. W. STETTER , Vice Presiden
I * Jl
* \ R S , DENNIS ,
* ? Valentine Nebraska x All wp rk well done
C. H. CORNELL. . , President. M. V. NICHOLSON , Cashie * II
Valentine , Nebraska.
A General Banking Business Transacted
Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange
Dhemical National Bank. New York. Correspondents ; First Kational Bank. Omaha Neb
Sole Agents for
Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER
Choicest Wines and Cigars ,
Sold by Quigley & Chapman ,
Valentine , Nebr.
Richards &Comstock ,
EUsworth , isrebr.
Highest cash price paid for
The place to get the best Windmill , also pumps and Tanks
First door sonth of the Donoher House.
3. MOON . - - - Valentine , Nebr