THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT ' " i / - I. M RICE EDITOR $1.OO Per Tear in Advanc * PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Entered &t tbe Test-office at Valentine. Cherry toontr , Nrtrtilca , as Second-class matter. STATS OFFICERS EZRA .P. SAVAGE. Governor , C , F. STEKLE. Lieut. Gorernor. GEO.V. . MABSII , Secretary of State. CHAB. WKSTOK , Auditor Tub , Accts. WM. STEUFEK , Treasurer. FRAKK N. TROUT , Atty , General. GEORGE FOWLER. Com , Fub. Lands and Bldg. [ LEE HABDMAK , Librarian. U. 8. SENATORS JOSKPII H. MIIAARD. CHAS. H. DIETRICH. CONGRESSMEN ELMER J. BURKETT. Rep. 1st Dlst. DAVID H. MERCER , Rep. 2nd Dlst. JOHK J. ROHINSON.FUS. 3rd Dlst. WM. L. STARK , Fus. 4th Dlst. A. C. SHALLENBERGER , Fus.Dtb Dist , Wai. NEVILLE , Fus. GthDist , COUNTY OFFICERS W. C. SHATTUCK , Treasurer. C. S. REECE , Clerk. W , R.TOWKK , Judge. L. N. LAYPORT , Sheriff. .A. M. MORRISSEV , Attorney. ETTA BROWX , Superintendent. LEROT LEACH , Surveyor. ALFRED LEWIS , Coroner. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS W. E. HALET , 1st Dlst. ALEX BURR. 2nd Dlst. L. LAUFER , 3rd Dist. ' Charles H. Faulhaber Brownlee Breeder of Reg'st'd Herelords. o Hyam , No. 74,538 , at head of herd. Young bull ! from 6 to 18 months old for sale. HENEY AUGUSTON Blacksmith Brownlee , Xebr. Does general blacksmithingathard times pripes for cash. PAT HETT Valentine , Nebr. Good , Hard Rock for sale in any quantity * H.M. CRAMER , City Deliveryman. Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and from tbe depot and all parts of the City. jy-Telepbone 12. W. A. KIMBELL Barber .First class and up-to-date. Neat and attractive , every custom er has a clean towel. Valen tine State Bank Building. LEROY LEACH County Surveyor Valentine or Wood lake PBOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JOHN PORATH Blege , liebr. Tubular wells and Eclipse wind mills. Weils guaranteed five years. A. M. MOKKISSEY Attorney at Law Valentine , Nebr. A. N. COMPTON Physician and Surgeon Office at Quigley & Chapman's Drug Store. Nights The Donoher. F. M. WALCOTT ATTORNEYAABSTRACTER Valentine , Nebr. Practices In District Court and U. R. Land Office. Keal Estate and ttanch loprfy bought and sold. Bonded Abstractor. KANGAROORESTAURANT MEALS AT ALL HOURS 25 CENTS FRESH OYSTERS SERVED IN ANY STYLE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT MRS. JL A. MARhAU * FRED JUH.L Grease that makes your 011O * . horses glad. " Located on Cherry St. 2nd door south of Smyser's livery , furnishes excellent board and lodging. Meals same old price 25 cents. A hearty welcome to all. MRS. M.HARRIS MILL PRICES FOR FEED * Bran , bulk. . . .1.50 per cwt $20.00 ton Shorts bulk . . .1.15 per cwt $22.00 ton Screenings 40c " $7.00 " Chop Feed..1.25 | 24.00 Corn 1.05 $20.00" Chop corn 1.10 $21.00" Data 1.50 " $29.00" ETTA BROWN SUPT , PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Examination Third Saturday of each month and Friday preceding. VALENTINE NEBRASKA Bulls For Sale 10 Eegistered Herefords , 2 high grade Herefords , 1 high grade Short horn. 1 to 3 years old. jun29 H. S , SAVAGE , Simeon , Neb. I , A. M. Morrlssey , Villace Clerk of the Vil lage ol Valentine , hereby certify that at a regu lar meetiDR of the board of trustees of said vil lage , held on 7th day of May , 1002' the following estimate of the expenses of said village for the fiscal tear , 1002 was duly made , to-wit : Repairs on water system $ 500 00 Incidentals , establishing grade , etc 880 00 Salary of officers 440 oo Lighting 800 00 Interest and sinking fund 004 00 Pumping water 1200 oo Total 279000 In Witness whereof I have hereunto 5et my hand and affixed the seal of said village this 13th day of May , 1903 , . A.M. MORRISSEV. SEAL \ 18 _ | Village Clerk. stray Notice This is to certify that I have this day taken up at my place three miles south of Simeon , Nebr. , one rec aud white spotted cow and tea roan calf. Cow has slit in left ear. Early win ter calf. Dated May 16,1903. is-5 THOMAS A. CABR. Paint , Wall Paper , ! Calcimine. O O o ° Brushes , ? Pure Linseed Oil S Varnishes. -AT ° Ghristensen' . § o 90909.090909090909090909091 Fopttlfot Congressional Con vention A delegate convention of the Peo ple's Independent Party of the gixth Congressional District of the state of Nebraska is called to meet at Kearney , Buffalo county on Wednesday , July 9th , 1902 , at 2 oclock p. m. , for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for member of Congress to be voted for at the next general elect ion to be held $0v. 4th , 1902 to repre sent the sixth Congressional District of Nebraska , and to transact aucfc .Other business as may properly come before the convention. The repEesenfcation of the several counties in convention jll be based upon the vote cast for Hon. Wm , Sfrey.- ille in the Congressional election of 1900 , one delegate being allowed for each as hundred votes or major frac tion thereof , < wwJ one delegate at large fromeach county , entitles the f veral counties jtofep esein n as fol lows : Cherry county Is entitled to ey e # delegates. It is recommended that no proxies be allowed but that the delegates present cast the full vote of their respective counties. counties.A. A. F. PARSONS , Chairman , BOP C , SAUTB , P. E.AM. V.B.B. TIME TABLE WEST BOUKD No. 27 Frt. Daily 2:33 : P. M. No. 25 ' except Sunday 9:40 A. M No. 3 Passenger Daily 12-.49A.M. EAST BOUND No.28 Frt. Daily - 6:50 A. M. No. 26 " except Sunday 6:00 P. M. NO. 4 Passenger Daily 4:47 A. M. McOann Items Mr. and Mrs. Monier have a baby It was a fine rain and will make things hum. Mrs. G. Danofsky is at the county seat for a few days J. M. Coleman stopped over night with P. C. Galloway. J. P. and R. J. Wilson went west in a prairie schooner last week with the Black Hills as their destination. G. Hendershot and family and O. F. Schwidersky went to Steer creek fish ing last week and had a good time but did not catch many fish. RELIABLE. Kennedy. Jess Marion was a Valentine caller last week. Tennis was a Simeon visitor the first of the week. Cora Ayers made a business trip to Thedford last week , A. B. McAlevy was taking in tie sights at Kennedy last Sunday. J , N , Steadman was up to Chester field last week , puttjng down wells. W. H. Kennedy made a business trip to Wood Lake the last of the week. Horria Wallingford , from Chester field , was seen in these parts Monday. Dave Piercy was swapping yarns with the Kennedy people last Sunday. John Grange , of Oasis , wafl looking up some cattle in this neighborhood last week , We wonder how Jess Marion got home from Kennedy last Sunday night. Walking must have been good. Penbrook Items. Fine weather once more , E. Burdick is working for Mr , Hit- tie. Mr. Tilson has the finest and clean est corn in the cominunf ty. Mrs. Kittle has had some improve ments added to her dwelling house. B. Osborn moved his barn from the K. J. Grooms place the last of the week. A family by the name of Lewis have bought the Schrewer place and have taken possession. George Hancock , Glen Hutchinson and Albert Hutchinson went to Valen tino , Friday , with the hogs , H. Grooms and family and H. Os born and family went up to the tf io- brara falls to visit friends and rela tives. Children's day wes observed at Sparks and all of the children in the community from far and near were there and enjoyed a gppd time. The etore at Sparks owned by J. H. Sears , burned Friday night about one o'clock. Everything went up in the fire including the posloffice and mail matter. PORCUPINE. Bailey Briefs Alex jBeager was in Bailey last week. All truck is growing fine the past week. Cass and family are visiting in Cherry County. G. W. Seager and Mrs. Saeger spent most of last week in Cody. Frank Heath purchased a hackney Stallion frpm Jan Anderson. Walter Gflodiu boughjt # fine stallion from Wra , TynnalsoA ] $ s jyjeek. A cow roundup is on the hike , ft started last Tuesday on Leander. Man is born to rule the world , but along comes woman and declares it is up to her. John S ger and Charlie Sellers are doing some carpenter jy.ork for Hugh Sears this week. If a small boy is chasing a bumble bee and ypjj &ear him yell , it is a sign he has caught it. Some of the old ladies in Baitey don ; think Lee Sellers is all right if he didn't hike with their girls. Frank Heath and his mother , Wal- , t r Tilborn , and Maud Goodwin , were gu.e&tjj Ql juries Sellers last Sun- George flnyaafcer , from Wp/jif ake bought a car load of horses in thjese parts and Ira Goodin and James Balr lard drove them to Wood Lake. WfiO I AM. ir A "Pome" Someone at the Fort who signs him self "K. E. B. " has-takerf the liberty of monkeying with the muse sends the I following effusion with the request to publish , so here goes : Have you heard the latest About the Ball Nine Out at the Post Prom Dear Valentine. The post , and the city They came together And more is a pitty It was not another. The game was a cinch So they all say 'They couldn't gain an inch" In the Ball Game today. The day was so hot Water went so fast That the town boys forgot To play ac last. Their pitcher wore a cap They say its a Joaner He is a fine chap But no good for a winner. Well , the town was beat < Then we heard the bugle say Come in and eat With the soldiers today. The boys in town , can boast How they beat us one time They were beat by the post That gallant old nine. 27 to 7 was the score In fayor of our boys. But some got sore For they thought we Were toys. Go way back and sit down You can't play ball. I guess you will frown Again before fall. Friday , we will try you again But please dont boast About playing a game With the scrubs , at the post. We don't need to try To win the game But we can come nigh , Doing it again. Well good bye boys We wish you good luck We are the easiest toys You ever have struck. K. E. B , Our readers will agree that the above is great , and Lives of great men all remind us , We can make our lives sublime , And , departing , leave behind us Footprints 10x29. Fort vs Valentine. Talk about your base ball teams In and around Nebraska state , The best one though , to me it seems , Will now be put into shade By a certain nine of boys in blue , . From the Thilipines just landed. Last Friday , it's honest and true , To Valentine a surprise they handed. Twenty one to ten was the score ; Oh , such a cinch ; it was a shame. And don't you think they were not sore And claimed , Webb was to blame , I tell you now , Webb done his best , And would have won the game. But the boys m blue , they batted fast , You see it's this way , how it came : We all did kuow that money was bet , The Fort would not get two tallies , But the boys in blue , their minds had set , To make a few good sallies. When Valentine scored lour , to start , Holy smoke ! how they did yell , But in their shoes did drop their hearts , When the glory went to hell. Two taggers , three baggers the boys did make Without their shoes , without their caps ; I tell you they were wide awake And gayg that ball some awful raps. Kijckje.d ouf'ap unj'pjre , put a gooft'one Jn , Thin made Jwplye puns la ope jnjiinff. ' " They grumbled with a grimy fron : 'Go way back , Valentine , and sit down. " , Then , when the game at last was won , To Stetter's all tiio boys did come , The beer was free , it is no dream. And by the electric gas light gleam Closed friendship with Goodrich , Tucker & Kimbell. Before going home , gave the whole assembly : "Hurrah lor Valentine , Hip , Hip , Hurrah , Some other day again we will play. " A W9W tQ Hypnotism fras repjeyed anpther hard blow. And in Milwaukep , at that. that.An An ardent follower of the mesmeric art offered to wager $100 that he could get into & pasture in which a ferocious bull was charging everything in sight ap4 fey na.eians of a few passes put the anjml to slpejj , TUe wger"was pr.ompjtly accepted by a friend , and the ametep'r Syangaji began operations. He wake } $ bpldly up to the animal , stared it in the eye and made a pass. So did the bull. The artist sidestepped and tried again. Then , in the parlance of the sport , ihefp w s "something doing" . The bujl refused fa .recognize the superiority of mind over matter. fa violation , of every rule of the hypnotic rnanuaj ; jbt swooped .cUjwn on he luck less esperimepfcer , an $ ph e. | him to a high board fence , The brrijer ygs too high to" be climbed , and BO ttia bull butted the slumber-artist right through an inch board , breaking it beyond re pair , and also fracturing three ribs of his antagonist. ' Af er the man came to in the hospit ' al , hfi apfcBPysg he had lost the wsger and that he sroujjl p"y nft pro viding he had enough money after liq uidating bis hospital expense account Of course the bull ought to have known better. He should have promptly rolled over on his side and begun snoring at a prodigious rate. But he didn't. It is quite a blow to science , but hereafter , when that hypnotist wishes to overcome another angry bull he will probably feed him on half a barrel of the stuff that made Milwaukee famous. Then perhaps the hypnotic spell will work. It will , of course , ' be slightly irregular , but it will be a blamed sight more effective and safer. Omaha Tally News Democratic Congressional Convention. A delegate convention of the Demo cratic party of the Sixth Congression al District of the state of Nebraska , is hereby called to meet at city of Kear ney , Buffalo couuty , on Wednesday , July 9th , 1902 , at 2 o'clock , p. m. , for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate lor member of Congress , to be voted upon at the next general elec tion to be held Nov. 4th , 1902 , to repre sent the sixth congressional district of Nebraska , and to transact such other business as may come properly before convention. The representation of the several counties in the convention will be based upon the vote for Hon. Oldham m 1900 for attorney general , one dele gate being allowed for each one hund red votes or major fraction thereof and one at large from each county , which entitles the several counties to repre sentation as follows : Cherry county is entitled to eight delegates. It is recommended that no proxies be admitted to the convention and that the delegates present cast the full vote of their respective counties. P. II , McEVGY , Chairman , W , B McNEEL , Secretary. Business Notices. Notices under this heading 5 cents per line each Insertion. Among reading matter , 10 cents per line each Insertion. Full and complete line of candies at Bohle's. Omaha painless dentist June 16th and 17th. . 20-2 Fine stock of cigars always carried at Bohle's. Buy your bread , cakes and pies at Bohle's. Fresh every day. Dr. Withers , Omaha painless dentist , at JDonoher hotel June 16th and 17th. 20-2 All kinds of heavy hardware and wagon wood stock at E. Breuklanders. 20-tf Highest market price paid for Chickens , Game and Fish at the Don- oher. 9 tf A 10x12 letter press , good as nev7 and a large lawn mower for sale. Inquire at this office. 16 For up-to-date dental work at Omaha prices see Dr. Withers , who does first- class dental work. 22 years exper ience. 20-2 I want to buy 200 or 300 black mul- ey cows and calves. Address , giving full description and price , 20-4 F. W. JERSIG , Valentine. You will have to hurry if you want to win the big prize on 3-Star Coffee , A 30c value for 20c a pound. For sale by all merchants. 20-4 FOR SALE : Several fine Game Cocks. These birds are finely bred and are of good weight and color. Inquire oi Hospital Steward , Ft. Niobrara Nebr. 11 tf 16 quarter sections , goppl rapge , hay water and timber. Will run SQO head of stock. For information address , box no. l4 , Gordon Nebr. or J. M. RICE , Valentine , Nebr , 48-tf Estray Notice Taken up at my place 12 miles east of Valentine , ou the Niobrara river , May 19 , one iron-gray stallion 4 years old. No visible marks or brands. Is lame in right fcot. 18 § W r. J. ALLEX. Estrayed from the Vincent place near Arabia on the night of May 23rd 1902 , two four year old bay mares , branded ZO on left shoulder. Weight about 1200 to 1300 Ibs. each. Liberal reward for information leading to their recovery. 4t W. E. EBERHART. Taken up at my pla.ce near Tha.cher , qnp bjapk § feef tfcree years plcj , without horns , 3 little whjfe o/n bpjjy. wallow fork in night ear and branded with bar diagonally across right leg below hip joint. Has been in my herd over one year Also one red steer , curly haired , white face , no horns , probably 2 years old , branded IPI | on right hip. Has been in my B3 herd about tbree months. ' 19-5 J. E. THACKREY. Estray Kpjice. p. from my place nine miles northwest of Valentine , on April 2ftb , one bay mare four years old , white strip on face , slim built and rangy , e : weight about 650 pounds , branded 60 on left shoulder and VH on left hip. Also one iron gray mare about 6 years old , wejght about 1,000 ; old scars on points of shoulders , Branded J C on left shouldrs. Suitable reward for in- C ( formatipn" lading1 tp'tfeeir recovery. " 50 YEARS/ EXPERIENCED . Invent on is probably patentaDie.kon patent- . taken tnronKa u * tptcial Patents notice , without charge , iatba Scientific flmcrkan. SWEENEY BROS. Postoffice address Pullman , Neb Cattle branded as on. cut ; horses branded same as cattle except reversed S See block Range Stever and Stephenson Lakes and South S300 reward will be paid to any' person for In. formation leading to the arrest and conviction cattle with the stealing of any person or persons above brand. COM * item tnM pMkkfthS KMeh * 1 < 0CM < UAJtftopq , < . nHJ t :5u : D. A. Hancock Blackburn , Mo. or Simeon. Nebraska Cattle branded on left side as on cut ; also 16 on left side with on left hip ol I some cattle ; also 346 L on right side. Horse brand , rake and 16 \ on left shoulder or hip Home ranch on Dewev Lake. Range on Niobrara River , east of Fort Niobrara ; all In Cherry County. Nebraska. P S ROUSCHB Postofflce address Brownlee , Neb On left side or any I part of animal. Ear- J mark right ear cut I off ; horses branded same on left hlp.Also has stock branded H Lou side or shoulder , lor'JK or W or O.i VI , [ orO or FZ. Also the-followlng , the first one being on side and hip M. P. HALEY'S HOME MADE LINIMENT. This is a Spanish Herb Liniment. Cures Eheumatism , Swellings , Sprains , Bruises , Aches and Pains. JL Cures numbness in the limbs , restores muscles to healthy and vigorous ac tivity. It is the great remedy for Paralysis , Lame Back and Lumbago , NOTICE : This Liniment has been tested and proved to be a cure for the above described aliments. M. P. HALEY , VALENTINE , NEB. Directions for using : Shake well and turn the mouth of the bottle onto a sponge or flannel cloth and apply upon the soreness or afflicted parts. Do not apply upon cuts or open sores. Shake the bottle well before using Ul Park brown , Foaled Nov. 24tb , 1SS9. Sire "Nimrod" (1066) ) , by "Comet" (151) ( ) , by "Eclipse" (191) ( ) by "St. Giles'GST ( ) by "Wildfire" ( SG7) ) . Sequab's dam 2S9 Lady-w , bird F. S. Vol. 7 by Kestless T. B : li's ' G. dam Jjy * La.rrywipa } Notice later of where he will stand for season of 1902. J. W. STETTER. Owner. MARrj ? . . JL. V. 7T 7TOivil Bill , Civil Bill is 6 old years and weighs 1500 pounds. Color , bay. Will make the season as folhvs : 3S Sgturdgy gf each week at Vinr sent ct Dayis3 barn in Woud Lake , Remaining dayg of eek at own- n T'S barn 12 miles northwest of iVood lake. ill Terms : $8.00 to insure living W. E. i U \'t\ \ \