Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 12, 1902, Image 6

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CHAPTER VI11. iCoutinued. )
Ag.-iin shu overboard tlu > order ; it wa ;
the Queen's Theater. Again she took i
cab and followed them to the Queen's
It was something new to her to struggl *
through such a crowd as she found at tin
door of the theater. Ten minutes lak'i
she was seated in the parquet of th <
theater , her veil drawn over her heauti
lul young face , her dark cloak disguis
jng the loveliness and grace thatvouh :
otherwise have betrayed her. For soim
minutes there was a cloud over her eyes
nnd a sound as of rushing waters in hei
ears. Then her senses grew clear again
She looked round the brilliant arraj
of boxes ; her heart beat , her whole franu
trembled. They , were there a box or
the first tier , one of the best in the the
ater , next to the royal box , Sir Hulbert ,
looking handsomer , his dark , sad fact
shining from the crimson velvet hangings
like a clear-cut cameo. He was one oi
the few men whom evening dhess suit *
exactly ; he looked every inch a king. The
gleam of his diamond studs , the light
of the diamond ring he wore , the out
costly spray of flowers all seemed to her
to add so much to his grand beauty.
The lady by his side was the cynosure
of all eyes dark , beautiful and haughty.
She looked like an empress. Costly jew
els shone in the coils of her raven hair ;
her white , rounded arms were encricled
by rubier that looked like fire.
Next to Irene sat a gentleman with his
wife and daughter : their amusement at
the theater consisted principally of point
ing out to each other the celebrities of
the boxes. The wife asked her husband
if he knew the dark , proud lady with the
diamond star in her hair.
"Yes. " he answered , "all London , I
should say. knows her , for she is con-
eidered the most beautiful woman in it. "
"Who is she ? " repeated the good wife.
"Her name is Lady Lira Gerant , and
ehe is the daughter of the famous Earl
Gerant , the great politician. "
"Who is the gentleman with her ? " ask-
, ed the daughter , and then Irene hardly
breathed-as she heard the answer.
1 "I do not remember his namevas "
the slow , measured reply. "He is a
baronet , and a wealthy one. I have often
een him with her ; he is to marry her
next spring. "
"And a very handsome pair they will
be , " interrupted the wife.
Her words gave Irene one keen , sudden
shock ; the young face hidden by the dark
veil lost all its color , then she could have
laughed aloud.
Marry her next spring. Vilest nonsense !
Why , she herself was his wife ! How Sir
Hfclbert would have laughed had he heard
.theni > He to marry Lady Lira he , who
had already married her.
And , even as she sat there , in that
cro.wded theater , with the great sensa
tional play of the day on the stage be
fore her , she was thinking of the gloomy
room wherein she was married , and the
strange minister who had married her.
and she woke from what was a trance
of memory with those words ringing in
"He is to marry her next spring. " What
nonsense ! Next spring , in all probabil
ity , their marriage would be made pub
Jic , and she should be known as Lady
- There came a morning which Irene
toever forgot a balmy , lovely morning
in September ; the sky was as blue as
ithat of Italy , and the green earth smiled
'in the sun's warm rays. The beautiful
morning air cheered her , and she hoped
In her heart that Sir Hulbert would come
home on that day. The newspaper lay on
the table ; it was one that she had chosen
herself , because it contained more news
of the upper ten thousand than any oth
er. Carelessly , and without a thought
, of what lay before her , she opened it.
[ She read how the Duke of Sommerston
fired gone to the moors ; how Lord and
I/ady Hegis were at Cannes , how the
Marchioness of Brent had gone to Italy ,
Suddenly her fair young face grew color
less , the very sight .seemed to die from
iher eyes , for she read this :
| "Approaching Marriage in High Life.
, We learu that active preparations are
now being made for the marriage of the
Lady Lira Gerant. The noble bridegroom ,
Sir Hulbert Estmere , has intrusted to
M.essrs. Henden & Son the task of redec
orating his magnificent mansion , the
Mere. It is expected that the marriage
will take place in February. "
She read and re-read ; she read with
la.ughter and with tears. What nonsense
what utterly cruel nonsense. How
could it be , when she was already his
wife ? It must be stopped , though , this
cruel report , which was so doubly cruel
to her , his wife.
When she had heard it in the theater
she had thought of it merely as gossip
and baseless rumor.
This was different ; this paragraph in
a fashionable paper , who had inserted
that paragraph , and how had they dared
to say so much that was not true ? What
would Sir Ilulbert say ? What would
Lady Lira say ? She oad heard before
low careless those journals were , but
surely this was something more than
carelessness ; it was falsely , wickedly uu-
She resolved the moment Sir Ilulbert
came to show it to him ; all would be
Tvell then. She heard the sound of his
Sorse's gallop , and stood in the park
awaiting him ; the eyes that met his had
not the usual sweet love-light in them , the
exquisite face had no light of welcome.
"Hulbert , 1 want to speak to you. "
shesaid , "at once. I have something
most particular to tell you. "
He laughed at her eagerness , but the
laugh died from his lips when he saw
the mournful expression on her face
"Why , Irene , even your voice has lost
Its sweetness ! " he cried. "What is it.
ay dearest ? "
Kot one feature of her face relaxed.
"Follow me. " she said , and she led the
ay into the pretty inoruingroom. where
the bright sun shove on the roses and
the white lace.
An open newspaper lay on the table.
' Drawing herself to h < * r full height , with
the tragedy and dignity of a queen , she
aid , pointing to it :
"I have kept that for two days waiting
there for you to see it. "
I "A newspaper. " he cried , in tones of
great relief , "a paper ! Why , Irene , I
thought at least you had shot a burglar ,
! and had a dead body to show me. What
is there in the paper worth all this tra
gedy ? "
She laid it before him , and pointed out
the paragraph. He bent his dark , hand-
j some head over it , and read , half with a
I smile , half "with a sneer.
I "Approaching Marriage in High Life.
Ah , this is the cause of the tragedy , is it ,
Irene ? "
"Read. " she said , briefly.
And he read through. Then for some
few minutes they stood in silence , look-
i ing at each other.
"Well. " he cried , half impatiently , "say
what you have to say. Irene. "
"What does this mean ? " she asked.
"My dear , if I tried to explain , or even
to understand all that newspapers say.
I sho'i'd ' never have finished. "
"Hulbert. you must speak earnestly to
me ; n light word jars on me. 1 want to
know what right any journal has to pub
lish such a thing of a man who is al
ready married. ' '
"My dear Irene , they will publish any
thing : the difficulty with them is to know
what not to publish. "
"You must write and contradict it , "
she said , imperiously.
"I should be very sorry , " he said ,
laughingly ; "it is not worth the trouble. "
"It is a question of my honor , " she
"A question of nonsense , " he replied.
"Yon know quite well that there is not
a marriageable man in England of whom
they do not say the same thing. "
"But that is circumstantial ; it enters
into detail. Is it true that Henden & Son
have received orders to decorate the
Mrre ? "
"Yes , " he answered , "several weeks
since : that is true enough. "
"And it is for me. for you to take me
home there , is it not. Hulbert ? "
There was something of sharp anguish
in her voice that touched him , and he
turned to her with a caressing gesture of
his hand.
"No , " she cried ; "do not touch me ;
make this clear to rat tell me how you
will contradict it. Must a lie like this
a lie that involves my honor go abroad
to all the world without contradiction ? "
"My dear Irene , do not be so very im
petuous. I am very patient , as a rule ,
but I cannot stand too much impetu
osity. "
"You do not seem to remember that ii
is a matter of life or death for me , " she
cried. "You are my husband , I am your
wife. How , then , do they dare to circu
late this story that you are to marry an
other woman ? "
The sweet voice thrilled with pain , but
did not falter ; the beautiful face flushed
with fire and indignation ; he saw that
she was in no mood to be trifled with.
"What do you wish me to do ? " he ask
ed , hotly. "This is a scene and I hate
scenes what do you wish me to do ? "
"Wri , first of all. to contradict this
rumor. Say boldly that it is not true ;
then make your marriage with me known
to the world. Whatever may have been
your motive for keeping it secret it can
not be so important as my honor. Listen ,
Hulbert. the honor of your wife demands
that you should do so. "
"I do not see it , " he replied , coldly.
"Hulbert , have you ever loved this
Lady Lira ? "
"You are the only woman I have ever
loved , and you know , it , Irene , " he re
"Why have they connected the name
with yours ? " she asked. "Why. if there
be no reason for it , should they say that
you are going to marry her rather than
anyone else ? "
"The sapient public have made up their
mind that it is to be a match ; and per
haps they think it a suitable one. If so ,
why need I interfere ? Let us leave it
alone , Irene. "
"No , " she replied ; "there are some
cases where to yield is madness. My
yielding now would be wrong. Write to
this journal to express your surprise that
they should wantonly insert what they
know to be untrue ; secondly , write to the
lady Lady Lira Geraut say the same
thing to her , that so far as lies in your
power you apologize for the annoyance
this rumor must have caused her ; then ,
to prevent a repetition of it. make your
marriage known to the world. "
"What if I decline any of these steps ,
Irene ? " he asked.
"Then I shall take measures to defend
myself. " she replied.
He laughed ; and there was enough of
i sneer in his laugh to rouse all the pride
ind anger within her.
"What would you do ? " he asked.
"Write to the editor first of all. then
to Lady Gerant. "
"You dare not , " he cried , sudden fierce
anger leaping in bis face , "you dare
not. Irene ! "
" 1 dare , and I would , " she replied. "I
love you with all my heart and soul , but
[ love honor more. I would write to Lady
Scrant and say how sorry I was to find
ihat such false rumors were circulated ;
: hat I myself have the happiness of being
Sir Ilulbert Estmere's wife , and that I
felt indignant at her name being used
it all. "
"You would do that. Irene ? " he said ,
lis face dead white with anger ; "you
A-ould do it , after promising to keep the
> ecret of our marriage just as long as I
wished ? "
"I did promise that : but then there
ivas no question of such , a thing as this.
[ consider now that my honor is at stake ,
ind is more dear to me than life. "
"Do not provoke me too far , Irene , or
[ shall say that which we shall both wish
insaid. "
She looked at him calmly.
"Say what you will , LIuIbert : I do not
shrink from hearing what you do not
> hriuk from saying. "
"You force mo to say that which I can
lever unsay : that which we shall both
egret ; that which I had vowed to mv-
; eff uevei to tell you ; but your own ob
stinacy forces it from me. "
She replaced the paper on the table and
stood before him , calm , erect , graceful ,
iltbougb her face was quite colorless ,
mil her hands trembled.
"You cannot have anything to say that
! need dread to hear. The greatest wrong
of my life was leaving home and friends
to go with you : but you could not call
that wrong ; you could not reproach me
with it , and I have nothing else to fear. "
"You force it from me. Why are you
so obstinate ? " he said : aud she saw that
great drops stood on his forehead , while
liis face was pale with emotion. "You
defy lai : you provoke me ; .fou dare me ;
youv : J not believe what I say ; you re
fuse to trust me ; now listeu to me. I
hate the words ; and as I speak them I
own mysolf the greatest villain under the
sun ; but , Irene , you are not my wife. "
The words seemed to fall , in the si
lence , like the hiss of red-hot tongues.
Irene heard them ; but as one who does
not understand. He repeated them :
"I am sorry you have forced the words
from me , " he said ; "but you are not my
wife ! "
The beautiful young face , in its ghastly
pallor , its miserable fear , its awful dread ,
was raised to his ; a voice , unlike any
voice he had ever heard , said :
"Not your wife ? "
"You may believe me. Irene ; it is quite
true , " he said.
"True that I am not your wife ? Ah ,
no. I know that you are trying to fright
en me ; that is all , trying to frighten me ,
dear. "
She clung to him with the grasp of a
dying child. He trembled , and his white
face looked tremblingly into hers.
" 1 am your wife. Ah , my love , my
love , say so ; let me forget those horri
ble words , or I shall die here at your
feet. "
He was tempted to deny them ; but
soon ai ! the scene must be repeated.
"Irene , look up. my darling ; I did not
intend to distress you so : look up , dar
ling. I love you better than all the
world besides ; but you are not my wife. "
Whiter still grew the fair young face
and the burning lips , more deadly still
the shadow of fear in the sweet , sad
eyes. The very energy of despair came
to her ; she stretched out her arms to him
with a pleading cry.
"You do not mean it , Hulbert , " she
cried. "You cannot mean it ; you are
jesting with me ; but it is such a bitter
jest ; there is no man living who could
be so cruel. "
She raised her miserable face to his as
she asked him :
"Now tell-me the truth : no matter how
hard , how bitter it may be. From the
first hour you saw mo did you mean this
to be ? was it plauued in your mind ? "
"I am afraid , if you press me , I must
say yes , " he replied. "I am ashamed
of it now , Irene ; but then it seemed so
little harm. "
"Did no impulse ever come to you to
pause , to plead for me , to save me , to
incline you to go on your way and leave
me in peace ? "
He bowed his head before her , remem
bering how many such good thoughts had
come to him.
"There is a reason for it , Irene , " he
"Will yon tell me what that reason is ? "
she asked.
He was silent for a few minutes think
ing deeply ; then he answered her :
"Yes , I will tell you the whole truth ,
Irene. Of course you can , in a certain
fashion , ruin me by betraying me ; but
you will not. If you do. you must. You
will not. you are too true and too loyal
for that ; but I will tell you the truth ,
Irene. "
She covered her face with her hands as
the bitter words fell on her ears ; words
that burned her as with red-hot flame.
"I ought to have told you before ; but I
was afraid that I should lose you. I
could not make you my wife for this
reason. "
He spoke slowly , and the words were
long ID coming ; they seemed to die in
hot gasps on his lips.
"It was not all my fault , Irene ; my des
tiny wa , after a fashion , settled for me.
While I wa quite a boy my father ar
ranged that I should marry Lady Lira
Gerant while we were both children
that compact was made. Earl Gerant is
a powerful man , a great statesman ; his
name is a power in the land ; and I can
not break the contract. When I left
Oxford Lord Gerant sought me out one
day. "
" 'Sir Hulbert , ' he said , * 1 want to talk
to you about this contract made years
ago by your father and myself. I want
Lady Lira to have a few years in the
world before her fate in life is fixed. She
is eighteen now ; let nothing be said of
the contract or the marriage until she is
twenty. '
"I assured him that his wish should be
complied with. He wont on :
" 'You will wonder , Sir Hulbert , why
I have sought you out to say this. You
bear a name as proud as my own the
Estmeres of the Mere are second to none
in the land. I will tell you why I seek
you as a husband for my only child. I
have no son to succeed me ; my whole life
is devoted to politics and to statesman
ship. I have worked as few man work ,
and I dislike to think that when I lie
down to die there will be no one to carry
on my work. I have mapped out a line
of politics which , in a few years , would
change the face of Europe. I have Riven B
the labor and the thought of a lifetime to
it , and I dislike to think that when I
die there will be no one to take it up ,
to think of it or to make it succeed. If
I had been blessed with a son I should
have trained hitn to take ray place. You
are ambitious , are you not , Sir Hulbert ? '
" I told him yes ; that it would be a
pleasure to me to serve my country.
" 'Then take to me a sou's place , ' he
said. 'You are young yet ; I will give
you three years to enjoy life to go
about , to seek your gayeties and your
pleasures as you will. During that time e
-ome to see us when you will ; call on f
Lady Lira , go out with her at times , but
let there be no word of the contract be-
: ween her and you or you and myself. '
"So we parted. Irene I knowing that I
lad but a short time for enjoyment , and
that the rest of my life must be given
to hard work. And though I have seem-
jd to like idleness , and have enjoyed to
Jieir utmost , all gayeties and pleasures ,
ret I find myself looking forward to the
:5tne : when my life will be great and no-
jle. " e
"Great and noble. " she cried. "With
he stain of your disgrace on your hands ,
low can you be great and noble ? You
ire meaner than the meanest smaller tc
: han the smallest for you have done the 01
neanest deed. "
"But is there no excuse for me , Irene
-none ? I was content enough with my e
ife until I saw yon. The prospect of b
narrying Lady Lira Gerant , the most
Beautiful woman and the richest heiress
n England , was pleasant enough until 1 a :
law you. Mind , I was never in raptures 81
over it ; but I saw a most brilliant fu
ture waiting me such us falls to tht
lot of few. When I met you oh. Irene ,
believe me , with all my faults believe mt
when I met you I knew the first pas
sionate love of my life ; and , nay darling ,
if I have been selfish , forgive me , I can
not give you up ! "
3 > tried to clasp her in his arms , but
sk-a rrithdrew indignantly.
( To be continued. )
How the Natives Use Twisted Cords of
Reindeer Sinew.
As every one knows , the Eskimos ,
with very few exceptions , inhabit a re
gion which is perfectly treeless.-or at
any rate where nothing grows but the
pines and spruces , whose soft , inelastic
wood is entirely useless for making
bows , says Popular Science Monthly.
They have overcome this difficulty very
effectively by fastening along the back
of the bow twisted cords of reindeer
sinew In sucb a way that eacb cord is
stretched when the bow is bent and
flies back when the bowstring is releas
ed. As far as we know , no other race
of savages makes use of this Ingenious
contrivance. Some tribes of Indians
are in the bablt of stiffening their
bows by "backing" them with strings
of sinew , glued on. but the Eskimo
backing is made of cords and tied on.
As old Martin Frobisher , the first Eng
lishman who ever saw the Eskimos , in
1577 , tells us : "Their bowes are of
wood a yard long , sinewed on the back
with strong sinews , not glued too , but
fast girded and tyed on. "
In some regions the Eskimos when
first visited by white men were still
using bows with a very simple bat-k
ing , merely twenty or thirty strands of.
twine running from one end of the bow
to the other , twistel together tightly
from the middle and tied down to thu
bow in two or three places. My friends
at Point Barrow and along the adja.
cent coast , however , bad gone on Im
proving the bow until it was the best
made by Eskimos anywhere.
Where He Got Off. .
Detective George Fall of the city halt
force was riding uptown in a Thir
teenth street trolley car last Friday
when a colored man of his acquaint
ance came in and sat down in the next
seat. After a brief chat the detective
said : "Are you superstitious , Sam ? "
"No , sun , " said Sam. "Well , it's a
good thing you're not , " said Fall.
"There's a cross-eyed woman sitting
Dpposite. " "Ya-as , sun , dat's right ,
chuckled Sam. "And up in the corner
there is a hunchback. " "Yas , sub , I
sees him. " "See the number of the car
jp there ? It's 313. " "Yas. sur. " "And
this Is Thirteenth street we are on ,
rou know. " "You go 'long , sub. " "The
; ash register , as you may observe ,
shows the figures 1313. " "Yas , sun. "
'And this is Friday. " "Ya-as. " "Also
t is the thirteenth day of the month. "
'Quit yo' foolin' . man. " "It is now , "
said the detective , pulling out his
vatch , "just exactly 13 minutes past "
Che colored man had risen to his feet ,
' 1 ain't supahstitious , Mistah Fall , "
le said , "but heah's where I gits off.
fou do make a man mighty oncornfa-
> le. " Philadelphia Record.
Climate of Alaska's Interior.
In the vast and almost unknown in-
erlor of Alaska the climate is arctic.
Due winter is of eight months' dura-
Ion , dry , and , excepting certain re-
itricted localities , entirely free from
vlnd. The temperature descends as
ow as 80 degrees , with a mean of ,
> erhaps. 40 degrees. Ice forms in the
ivers and lakes to a thickness of eight
eet and more. Summer extends ovar
our months. During its earliest
aonths high winds prevail. The bal-
nce of this short season is mild , and
he temperature pleasant , rarely ex-
eeding 86 degrees. The snow and
aln annually precipitated is about 12.9
It Was Boiled Down.
Patrick Ryan was a section foreman
f no mean ability. He never wasted
oinpany material nor words. One fog-
y morning while running over bis sec-
ion he collided with an extra freight ,
nd Ryan's car was reduced to scrap
on and kindling wood. The report
f the accident to his superior officer
: as characteristic of the man and was
s follows :
"Pether Moriarity. Roadmaster , Es-
uire : August the wan ; foggy morniri' ;
rildcat frate , green man at the brek ;
andkar smashed to ; where will I .
lilp the wreck ? P. Ryan , sec. man. "
-Sprague , Colo. , News.
Royal Colors.
The Sultan of Turkey is always seen
ttired in pale brown garments ; the
linperor of Austria affects a gray. The
erman Emperor has what may be
illed a loud taste in clothes , and is
ever so happy as when wearing the
nowiest of uniforms or bunting cos-
imes. The Czar of Russia , on the oth-
hand , likes the simplest , darkest ?
> rm of undress uniform.
Shooting Fish.
The shooting fish is a native of the
ast Indies. It has a hollow , cylin-
rical beak. When It spies a fly sit-
ng on the plants that grow in shallow
ater , with remarkable dexterity it
ects out of a tubular mouth a single
op of water , which seldom misses its
m , and , striking the fly into the wat-
, the fish makes it its prey.
Crow Hunts in Washington.
Hie farmers of the State of Washlng-
n have organized crow hunts to drive
it infesting crows.
What has become of the old-fashion-
I man who spat on his hands before
jginning a piece of work ? ?
An old bachelor says that matrimony
id not Wisconsin is the "badger"
DOINGS orwonm ! I
HE wonderful changes that Have
taken place In the experience and
the character of women in the
last fifty years have not yet found a
I'hronicler , perhaps will never find one.
Education and enlarged opportun ty
have not wrought their changes on
those alone who have gained the right
lo add the magic B. A. to their names.
The new learning has filtered through
the mass of society , and has leavened
the whole lump.
Certain tj'p s familiar enough both
in fiction and In real life fifty years
igo have become practically extinct.
There was the romantic maiden , who
walked about the house in a dream of
titled lovers , cruel parents and mid
light flights. She was a difficult mem
) Qr of a well-regulated family , an.l
even sending her to boarding sctui .1
vas not sure to clear her mind of Ks
oseate unrealities. Before the wliole-
ome breeze of a more vigorous eiLica-
ion they see. . to have vanished.
Then there was the delicate m.udon.
he was famous for her lack oi'appe -
ite. her disregard of sleep ami her in-
eresting pallor. She was given to the
onsump'.on of slato pencils , chalk. >
weet meats , and sometime.she even1
Iropped dark hints of famil.arity of ar-
enic. She talked sweetly of her' '
nerves , and she could faint at the
hottest notice. Her slices , her c < > rsers '
ud her earrings were matters of the [
reatest moment to hor. Tennis , golf ,
: he gymnasium and the basket ball
team have reformed the delicate maid
en , and she is now in more danger of
& hoyden than an invalid. i
There is another type which has not
ret wholly disappeared , but 'which
less common than of old. This is the
nagging woman. She had no sense of
proportion. The stopping of her watch
was as important to her as a death in '
the family. She harped on a single1
string for example , a personal iiicon- j
venience until husband and guests' '
were at the last notch of irritation. She !
worried her children into open rebel- '
lion. She could never keep her ser-j
vants. She could break up a church [
[ ommittee at a single session , although i
no one dared to think of her as anj--
Lhlng but "a very good woman. "
Slowly but surely the broader hori- !
icon , the richer resource , the better
training are banishing this woman j
from modern society. She was often '
the unconscious victim of her own on- '
jrgy and ambition. To-day these are
lirected and utilized in the activities
if town and city. She begins to see
lerself as others see her , and the twen-
rieth century will mark the disappear-
ince of the nagging woman as thenine- ,
: eenth has rejoiced pver the extinction
) f the romantic dreamer and the inva-
Id by profession. Youth's Companion.
The plan for making a shirtwaist of
his material , the one approved by a
'tench shirtwaist maker , who is doing
he shirts for the junior 400. Is this :
The belt should be a wash Huen one.
he color of the goods. It should have
i buckle in front , preferably a harness
tuckle of gold. The "eyes" will be put
u the belt by any harnessmaker for a
ew cents.
To make a stylish summer gown to <
lorrow a word that has fallen into dis- <
ise you must know how to make the
"rench knot. You must understand
he knack of embroidering convention- .
I daisies. The mysteries of cat-stitch-
ng must be open to you ; and how to
lem-stitfh and how to zigzag must all
ie as plain as blind-stitching.
There are beautiful new lawns. fre h
nth the season , in all the new blues ; ,
rith lace stripes woven in. that are (
xactly adapted to the making of shirt- j
vaiste. These come in turquoise blue , j
ii sapphire , in Chinese blue , in Yale , in
baby" blue , and in duck's egg. not to
neiition the pastel blue which is so
ight that it really does look faded.
How delightfully fortunate that the
iew lawns , cambrics , muslins , batistes ,
inens and challies come so freely
rimmed. You can buy lawn by the
ard with lace stripes woven in and
tripes of satin that look like satin rib-
ions. This obviates the necessity of
rimming , and makes home dressinak-
: ig less of a scourge to nerves and eyes.
Summer shirtwaists trimmed with
hese adorning stitches are expensive ,
orribly expensive , but you can buy a
artially plain waist and daisy-work it
ourself. Or you can get one that is
erfectly plain and treat it to a
prinkling of French knots. In making
hese be sure that you take a stitch in
lie knot , drawing It tight and hard , or
ou will have a knot that comes out In
the first wash and Is nothing but &
string. 1
i Take your material and tuck It across
the yoke in such a way that onlj the
open stripes of needlework , or lace , '
show. This makes a lace yokewith
the lace laid in rows. For a stock ns
1 the same goods , tucked lengthwise ,
with the top plain , so that it can be
turned over. Release the tucks across
the bust to make a good fullness. Fit rf
the Av.-Nt in at the belt line , so as ti >
give pltnty of length in front , without
a great deal of baggiuess.
I K-lucation and Early Marriace.
! It is a fact worth noticing that a
plication creeps into a country early
marriages gradually become more
< carce. Nowadays youths and maids
.ire taught to think before they leap.
Their mentality Is stronger and more
mature than in former years , so their
heads more often speak for or with
their hearts.
Mny of the unhappy marriages of
which we hear may be traced to the de t , .
lusion of youthful ideas. Immature
love is ignorant and unreasonable. The
woman wants to bo loved as she loves
and man wants to be loved as he loves ,
and because the thing is impossible
they have the most discordant results.
We inherit this desire to love , which
at an early age Is like a firecracker ,
ready to explode at a moment's no
tice , it making 110 difference who sets
fire to the fuse. As we grow older ,
in our more mature love affairs we at
tach more importance to the hand that
lights the fuse. We grow more dis
criminating as we advance in years ,
for our minds expand and grow , and
the emotions , as well as the intellect ,
are strengthened by age.
College for Women.
The first technical college for women
ever established in the country is be
ing planned in Boston after thirty-two
years of waiting. It will teach house
hold economics , secretarial work , libra
ry management , industrial designing ,
medicine and nurserj' and possibly hor
ticulture , says the New York Sun. Its
aim will be to help women to earn a
livelihood in occupations for which
there is now no special training on a
scientific basis.
John Simmons of Boston , dead these
thirty years and more , is the founder ,
and the college will bear his name. Mr.
Simmons died in 1S70. When bis will
was offered for probate it was dis
covered that the greater part of bis
property , consisting of real estate , was
left to establish and maintain an in-
[ lustrial college for women.
A Woman * Who Writes Sermons ,
The London , England , Daily Mail
says that many of the eloquent ser
mons heard at the churches are com
posed by a lady , who makes her living
thereby. There lives In the north of
London , the widow of a clergyman
ivlio. under the name of her late hus
band , is writing sermons for clergy
man in the metropolis and elsewhere.
Most of her sermons are bought by
clergymen of the Church of England ,
ivho write to her under the impression
: hat they are communicating with a
lergyman who has retired from the
ninistry. The sermons are excellent ,
ind no doubt much better than thej
: ould write themselves.
A great many persons are troubled
vith pimples on the face , which are un-
ightly at best , and especially annoying
vhen they come , as they often do. on
he nose. Of course they arise from
: ome impurity of the blood and need
ronstitutional treatment , but until this
s obtained a safe and
easy way of pre-
enting them is to apply arnica to the
kin. A pimple never comes without
varning. A few
hours before there is
ilways a slight inflammation
or swoll-
ng. and if a drop of arnica be applied &
0 the spot when the swelling begins
lalf a dozen applications in the course
1 fa day will drive the pimple back
ler the skin.
AstoCareof .
As the wearing of many rings , both
n the afternoon and evening , has be--
ome a pronounced fad. the care of the
: ems is worthy of attention. If you
rant your rings to last , don't wear
hem with gloves. The constant friction
rears off the points that hold the
tones in place and the stones will drop
ut unless constant attention is paid to
hem. The wearer not
may detect the
> ose stone , but
a jeweler
see it at
nee. Rings should be sent to the jew-
ler's at least once a
year to be over-
auled. if worn under gloves. Detroit
A Novel Curtain Design
A new bonne fern me curtain desijm
5 developed in madras nrcvall-
ig * tone is dull red. relieved by dark
reen and faint amber. The bottom
as an insertion of deep
fish nct
, -hicli is
edged with
ruffle of the
ladras finished with Arabian
lac >
ither color effects
are carried
out in the
ime way.
Freckle and Sunburn Remedv
Benzoiu and cold water. Two "
poonfuls of the former
pint of the
ttter. Bathe freely for se.ernl
tes. morning and nightT
avoiding tho
res. Allow the mixture to drv upon
le skin at night , but wipe off careful
In the morning before it has dried 'bx