Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 12, 1902, Image 4

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As national bankers Millard and
Diotricli were all right , but as senators ,
Nebrask.i has no reason to feel proud
of either of them.
The State Journal says Treasurer
Steuffer is "faithful to the trust. "
Where is there a republican who is not
faithful to the trust ?
An Iowa doctor was told by a farm
er that if he returned to the town he
would kill him. The doctor returned
to find out whether he would be killed
or not and the coroners jury decided
that he was.
From the reports of the different
republican county conventions it is evi
dent that every county in the state has
a preferred candidate for some state
office. As there are not enough offices
to go around they may have some fun
in adjusting claims.
A Mormon preacher went up against
a game of faro in New York a few days
ago and is said to have lost $28,000.
The gamblers were arrested for run
ning a game of chance but they can
easily prove that it was not a game of
chance the preacher had no chance at
The republicans had their conven
tion last week and got all tangled up
in trying to tell that our county com
missioners were dishonest and that
they were gerrymandering and all that
because they joined Wood Lake , Dewey
Lake and Cleveland precincts onto the
first district where it rightfully belongs
and should have belonged for years.
They also nominated Ed Clark for
county attorney. You'll have to watch
these republcans. They're tricky.
They're the kind that yell "stop thief. "
The fiercest "attack on the army"
during last week was made by Presi
dent Roosevelt. In a letter to Bishop
Lawrence of Massachusetts , the presi
dent said : "In reference to these
cruelties 1 agree with every word in
your address. No provocotion , now
ever great , can be accepted as an ex
cuse for misuse of the necessary sever
ity of war. and , above all , not for tor-
ure of any kind or shape. I have di
rected that court-martials be held un -
der conditions which will give me the
right of review. " No democrat or pop
ulist has made any such an ' 'attack on
the army" as that.
John Bachelor and family are
in town.
D. A. Hancock and his father
are in town.
Democratic and populist caucus
tomorrow evening at the court
Mrs. Callen is down from Rose
bud to go out on her claim near
Wood Lake.
Don't forget that the demo
cratic and populist convention
will be held on Saturday , the 14th ,
at the court house.
> district Court
/The % following cases were disposed
at the recent term of the district
court :
Irvia H. Emery vs JDavid Hann , et
al , , suit on bond. Dismissed at cost of
D. L. Karby vs Win. Keller , order of
attachment. Dismissed at cost of
Geonje Jessen vs Obe and Lottie
Church , foreclosure. Dismissed at
cost of plaintig.
George M. Hull vs Emma L. Gulick ,
et al. , tax lien foreclosure. Dismissed
and stricken from the docket.
John Hoffman vs Lee , Glass Ander
son Hardware Co. , suit on bond. Dis
missed for want of prosecution and
failure to comply with order of court ,
at cost of plaintiff.
Stella S. Bullard vs J. W. Crissman ,
et al. , tax lien foreclosure. Contin-
tinued for service ,
F. H. Baumgartel vs Benzie Ken-
nealy , foreclosure. Confirmed and
deed ordered.
J. P. Gardner vs Fred L. Chapman ,
et al. , foreclosure. Same.
A. H. Kistler vs heirs of Adolph E.
Beebout , foreclosure. Continued for
Felix Nolett vs Neb. Loan and Trust
Co. , tax lien foreclosure. Confirmed
and deed ordered.
"Wm. E. Haley vs Lucius Wood , et
al. , foreclosure. Same.
In the matter of the application of
F. M. Walcott , administrator for the
sale of real estate of Wm. O. Tupper ,
deceased , for sale of real estate ,
same. x
GeorgeMonnier ys Margaret Young
et al. , tax lien foreclosure. Same.
Same vs Frederick L. Loepke , tax
Hen foreclosure. Same.
In the matter of the estate of And
rew Mark , sale of real estate. Same.
M. Katie Noble vs E. W. Moffitt ,
et al. , tax lien forclosure. Same.
F. E , Brown vs Walker M. Friend ,
tax lien foreclosure. Same.
J. G. Armstrong ys Hugh R. Sears
et al. , tax lien foreclosure. Judg
ment for plaintiff $84.07 and interest.
Jacob W. Stetter vs Joseph W.
Burleigh , attachment. Judgment
for plaintiff $178.50 and interest.
Ludwig Bock vs Joseph W. Bur
leigh , action for damage. Judgment
for plaintiff and damage assessed at
$100 and costs of action.
Ivan C. Shaul vs Timothy Thorn
ton , et al. , tax lien foreclosure.
Judgment for plaintiff for $1024.75
and interest at 10 per cent.
Hans A. Pederson vs Mary A. Car
penter , et al. , tax lien forclosure.
Judgment for plaintiff for $408.82
and interest at 7 per cent.
Eva ' B. Trout vs Israel Trout , di
vorce. Decree granted and custody
of both children given to plaintiff ,
she to pay costs.
James N. Claric , receiver Neb. Loan
and Trust Co. , ys Isaac M. Liptrap ,
foreclosure. Continued.
Same , vs John Fairhead , foreclos
ure , Judgment for $108.78 and inter
est at 7 per cent. Sale ordered.
John R. Lee vs S. S. McClean , act
ion on bond , Judgment for plaintiff for
$2284. 67 and interest at 10 per cent.
Bertha C , Sparks vs George M.
Hull , etal. , action on note. Judg
ment for plaintiff for $381. 58 and int-
terest at 10 per cent. Sale ordered ,
Rates for the Fourth
The F. E. & M.r. . have made a rate
of one and one-third fare within a dis
tance of 200 miles , for the Fourth of
J uly. Tickets on sale July 3rd and 4th
good to return until July 7th.
Pattern's Sun Proof Paints endure in any kind of weather.
They are appreciated most in the worst climates. They
are guaranteed to wear well for five years but very likely
you need not have to repaint then unless you wish to. They
endure because the ingredients are pure , the proportions ( Pat-
ton's secret ) are correct , the mixing and grinding done by
powerful , exact machines. More about paint in our free book of
paint knowledge. Send for it.
Liberal inducements to paint dealers.
PATTON PAINT COMPANY , Milwaukee , Wis. j
For sale by GEO. HOENBY ,
Yalentine Nebraska.
, - - .
Sun Proof
Starting Monday Morning
will run a basket to the Fre-
Laundry and will collect
and Oliver laundry ,
Davenport and Webb.
, . , ,
* * -S-t *
A. "W. Peterson of Arabia was
in our city yesterday.
Wm. Steadman spent a few
days in our city the past week.
W. S. Jackson and wife are in
Illinois , visiting with his par
Several of Wood Lake's citi
zens were in town the first of the
The county commissioners are
in session. How is your assess
ment ?
Miss Clara Collett will answer
calls at central for the telephone
Mr. Kludiskofsky of Kilgore
spent a couple of days in our city
this week.
Drs. Compton , Lewis and Pur-
ay now constitute the Valentine
board of health.
A. E. Thacher visited the latter
part of last week at J. B. Coch-
ran ranch near Wood Lake.
Ring up No. 10 when you haven't
time to walk over and tell your
wants to the Valentine Democrat.
A. Lewis , and Wash Honey , of
Wood Lake , were also delegates
to the congressional convention
at Crawford who went up yester
Judge Towne issued a marriage
license on the 9th inst. to Joseph
F. Hunter , of Valentine , and Miss
Carrie A. Churchill , of Sheridan
LeRoy Leach , county survey
or , has just returned from a trip
to Pullman , where has been sur
veying , and today goes to Nenzel
on the same mission.
Mrs. Flowers had a stroke of
paralysis about 8 o'clock Tuesday
morning. Her daughter Ina is
down from Chadron helping to
take care of her.
Johann Porath has the contract
for putting down two wells for D.
A. Hancock on Seven creeks.
Mr. Porath's wells are the kind
that give satisfaction and he is
kept busy.
Wm. Danofsky of Kilgore was
transacting business in our city
Tuesday and remembered the
editor with a couple of dollars
for the Democrat which extends
his subscription in advance.
§ §
f Three Strikes , I
I °
A ball game was played last Tuesday between the
Sparks boys and the Valentine nine in which the Valen-
tine nine was victorious by a few tallies. Several mis-
takes were made by players on both sides but the real
bummy playingwas perhaps more as a result of careless- 2
o ness and lack of interest in the game. However there o
was a player of the noble Red Caps who was conspicuous *
for his lack of courtesy and faulty playing- .
o So much is said in verse and rhyme o
o Of base ball sports , their caps and suits , *
5 Our Valentine nine think they are sublime
And want us all for them to root.
They played a bummy game of ball , .
Though many worthy men they play ; Q
We're sorry we can't praise tbem , all ,
f - But limber Doc has had his day. . o
o *
< On second base he tries his legs , <
For short stop he was on the bum ; - . °
o The many balls went past his pegs , , , o
o For they were only made to run. < . Q
d A
° He couldn't catch a big balloon. o
o Nor stop a ball with finger , thumb ; Q
o The balls went past him all too soon , "
For legs a triile out cf plumb. 0
II o
o In batting Ashburn fanned him out , ' *
While trying to get a base on balls ; -
In running bases just about , ' 9
% The boy's first trip in overalls. °
Yet Doc makes up for all bad play , . . .
% With everlasting wordy slime ; 2
He talks ferocious in his way , p
o His mouth is going all the time , o
Then Doc will hover round his pals , o
o . Who seem delighted at his mix ; *
o He talks to all the little gals.
f Who'll listen to his funny trix. - 9
o With base ball cap of red , the V ' ®
Might indicate his vanity ;
He wears it all the time , the D $
Fool's questioned as to sanity.
o *
We have several widowers in
town but they are pretty good
fellows and stay right at home.
Miss Maud Bennet returned
last week from an extended visit
at Salt Lake City and Provo , in
A. M. Morrissey spent a few
days in Omaha , the past week ,
trying a case before the Federal
Jim Dahlman , an old-time citi
zen of' Valentine , arrived last
evening and is greeting his old
We have a stock of shoes , no
tions , underwear * and hosiery to
sell , or trade for land. See I. M.
Rice , at once.
Mrs. S. Moon is visiting with
her parents in Marshalltown , la. ,
who are celebrating their 50th
wedding anniversary.
J. E. Cochran and family came
up from the Joe Stuart ranch
near Wood Lake , yesterday , to
spend a few days in town.
H. S. Savage has moved to town
from the ranch near Simeon and
bought a half interest in Chas.
Sherman's livery business.
We are sending statements to
a number of our subscribers this
week. Please do not get angry
and say "stop my paper , " but
look pleasant and pay up like a
little man , and add an extra dol
lar to your remittance for a year
in advance.
The railroads announce a rate
of one fare for the round trip to
Grand Island and return for the
democratic and populist state
conventions. Tickets will be sold
June 23d and 24th , good to return
until the 27th.
Chas. Reece , C. H. Cornell and
J. C. Pettijohn went up to Craw
ford yesterday to attend the re _
publican congressional conven
tion , with colors flying for Moses ,
who is still in the wilderness but
hunting for an office.
The great auk is an extinct
bird and one of the eggs recent
ly sold in London for § 1,260.
Some of the hen's eggs that
reach the Valentine market
would lead the consumer to be
lieve that the hen is also extinct.
June is always supposed to be
the great month for marriages
and yet , although the month is
nearly half gone , there is no ac
tivity in the marriage license bus
iness and there is plenty of mar
riageable material in this locality ,
Alex Burr , county commission
er from the second district , cut
a gash two and one-half inches
long and three quarters of an
inch deep in his left arm last
week , while treating a steer for
the lump jaw. The cut was a bad -
one , necessitating four stitches.
The surgical work was done
by Mr. Burr's daughter and it
is healing rapidly , s 5.
Little Ralph Simons , who was
bitten by a rattle snake on the 1st
inst. , and who was reported yes
terday as having almost recov
ered from the effects of the bite ,
had a sinking spell at 7:30 : last
evening , and although everything
that medical skill could suggest
was done to relieve the little suf
ferer , he died at 4 o'clock this
morning. The stricken parents
have the sympathy of the com
munity in their bereavement.
knowingly buy tin clean
irroceries for your tablflT
How under the son can balk
coffoea constantly exposed
to dirt and dost b cleanl
Lion Coffee
comes in sealed pound
packages only , thus in- '
suring freshness , strength ,
flavor and uniformity.
l & 3 > Sra & 3 r
Shaw is Taking Fine Pictures.
Any one can take pictures , but an ex
perienced photographer takes the
Kind you like to see. The other day
one of our customers said : "The pho
tos you made of my boy are first-class
They suit me. " Now is a good time to
have your pictures taken oy : : : :
i .
Valentine - - Nebraska
. . . . . . . . .
Accounts of Merchants , Ranchmen and Individuals invited. MoneT
to loan on first-class cattle paper and other securities.
Valentine State Bank
( Successors to Cherry County Bank. )
Capital 3aicl Tip & &Z.
FRED WIHTTEMORE , President J. W. STETTER , Vice Presiden
4 ? & I \ J
i n % &
Valentine Nebraska x All v/ork well done
C. II. . . . .
COKX l.Iit President. SI. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier
Valentine , Nebraska.
A General Hanking Business Transacted
Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange
3hemleal _ National Bank. New York. Correspondents ; First National Bank. Omaha Neb
Sole Agents for
Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER
Choicest Wines and Cigars ,
- from LICE , IICH or MANGE
fiUI I
Sold by Quigley & Chapman ,
Valentine , iSTebr.
Richards & Comstock ,
Ellsworth , Kebr.
ETighesfc cash price paid for
The place to get the best Windmill , also p'umps and Tanks.
First door south of the Donoher House.
. MOON , - Valentine , Neb ?
, n- '