Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 05, 1902, Image 4
THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT t. M. RICE EDITOR Official Newspaper of Cherry County , Nebraska Thursday , June 5 , 19O2. TEHM8 Subscription $1.00 per year In advance : $1.60 When not paid in advance , Single copies Cc. Display advertising 1 inch single column I5c per issue or SG.OO a year. Local Notices , Obituaries , Lodge Resolution and Socials for Revenue 5c per line per issue. Brands , 1J * inrl es § 4.00 per year in advance additional space § 3-00 per inch peryearengrave ; blocks extra ; 91.00 each. Parties living outside Cherry county not per sonally known are requested to pay in advance 10 per cent additional to above rates if over 6 months in arrears. Notices of losses of stock free to brand adver tisers. CoavemtleH A convention of the Democrats and Populists is called to meet in Valentine on Saturday June 14,1902 , for the purpose of nominating county officers and selecting delegates for the state , Representative , Senatorial and Congressional conventions. Let precinct caucuses be hold Saturday , June 7,1902 , If not otherwise called by the Precinct Committeman , and delegates sent from every precinct. FllAKK ElSCHBB , Chm. Dem. Committee. A. M. MOIIRISSUY , Chm. Pop. Committee. I. M , BICE. Secy. As the time for different conventions draws near all parties are troubled with a surplus of patriots who are wil ling to sacrifice themselves for the dear public. It took 30 British nearly three years to whip one Dutchman and yet the English are thanging God for their vic tory. Some people can be thankful for verv small favors. If Teddy Roosevelt really enjoys a strenuous life he should join the Chica go police force. The striking packing house drivers are making life a burden to the police force of that burg. Judge Post , of Columbus , will be a candidate before the republican con gressional convention. It will be a cold day when Judge Post is not chas ing an office of some kind. In the case of August Jahnke , charged with the murder of Mike JSierk , at Alliance , the jury brought in a verdict of guilty and recommended a life sentence , which , in this state , means about ten years. Jn getting his crown polished up for tho coronation ceremonies , King Ed has discovered that some of Iiis prede cessors have been removing the most valuable of the gems and replacing them with paste imitations. The coroners jury in the inquest ov er the body of Ed Woods , found dead north of Fort Crook , rendered a ver dict that Woods came to his death by being struck with a blunt instrument in the hands of Tom Joyce and Webb Clark. The prisoners are held in the county jail afc Papillion and will be ar raigned for their preliminary hearing in a short time. A large number of Indians have been in town this week laying m supplies. It is evident that the protest against the agency traders has had its effect. The business portion of Franklin , the county seat of Franklin county , was destroyed by fire Tuesday night. There was very little insurance and no lire department. Will all of the Y's and ladies of the W. C. T. U. who have flowers , or can get them , please bring them to the M. E. church on Saturday evening at 7:30 , so they can be arranged for Sunday. The Y. and W. C. T. U. will observe flower mission day Sunday , June 8th , at the M. E. church. An appropriate program will be rendered at 3 p. m. , to which everyone is cordially invited. Dunne ; the last presidential cam paign Senator Hanna dangled the full dinner pail before the workingmen and shouted "let well enough alone. " The bottom hoa dropped out of the dinner pail but he still shouts HJ $ well enough alone. " The Lodge Philipino government bill passed the Senate Tuesday evening by a vote of 48 to 30. Three republi cans , Boar of Massachusetts , Mason , of Illinois and Wellington , of Maryland , voted against the measure and one al leged democrat , McLaunn , of South Carolina , voted for the bill , Senator Hoar's speech against the bill was a piece of oratory the like of which has not been beard in the senate chamber since the war. The Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha railroad attempted to lay some tracks in Blair , yesterday , against the wishes of the , pity authori ties and when the mayo ? protested they laughed at him and told him to ' 'soak his head. " The soaking sug gestion was a gopd one and he called out the fire departme&t and gave the construction gang a soaking that drove them from their work and left him master of the situation. Monday's dailies bear the unwelcome news that the Boers had surrendered after nearly three years of fighting against what has been supposedly the m ost powerful nation on earth. The great English nation with its 250,000 soldiers have been engaged two years and eight months in the task of whip ping a handful of Putch 25.000 and stealing their land. TiiQ Eogljsh are a God-fearing nation they fear any thing that has any power at all and the church bells were rung and special thanks were ( given to Him on high for their success in the dirtiest act that'a nation , has over been guilty of. Eng land , with all her boasted power and wealth , has almost bankrupted lierself in the effort to subdue a handful of Dutch and absorb their little republic and this too , be it said to the shame of the United States , with no small sym pathy aud assistance from this admin istration. The little Dutch republic has fallen after the bravest struggle ev er put up b\r apy people in defense of their homes and toey have more to feel proud of today than their victors . There IB no doubt that there is more money in running a republican paper than in running a democratic paper and there is no doubt but that it is worth FATTOX PAHT CO. lauriilf , 6SP , Gentlemen : I'M ) ) tn shining now for ag fl tlje paints that people nse , Indmjr pleajurt ft JQ woil thim , Bntnuthinkj iVg lfct ) n0 ; For I struck a kind thisrawajajc That woW not grey qnlekly faint , An4 1 f u4 Whjr , I shoni and shttuvptg ft So's to nake the paint degrade , Ind I nearly had a son-bunt O'er this stuff that yen hav made. WHS J aw my work quite nselesi TlirtifiJJ # ? Ay 7 Saint ; But they , too , tdiJ4 .jfeej ; it "Twas jour "Patten's & * , f fSjf F flit. " And now , sirs , here's my order : fjftjr gallons send tome , Wyoijr MeW t golden color , la ? please M4 ft , 0. D. ' You tw tie SOB needs { ufaiW Anil nanttd somtthingflBaffltf 80 1 ftwriit I'd send an flrdw Par y ar "fotfcm'i HPro f W t , " T or tnlf , The Man IB tli * In. Send for Book of Paint Knowl edge and Advice Free , to 1'ATTON PAIXT CO. , Milwaukee. WU. Tor Sale by Geo. II. Hornby , Dealer ln-- Lumber , Hardware , Furniture and Collins. Pictures Framed to Order , Valentine , Nebr. Starting Monday Morning I t S We will run a basket to the Fre j mont Laundry and will collect a and deliver laundry , f ; e i . Davenport aud Webb. * * . - : - T * more. The democratic editor can ad vocate the same doctrine all the year round while the republican editor is subjected to a much greater strain in advocating something for that party and sooner or later having to take a back track and swear he never said it , which necessarily causes considerable strain on the conscience of those who have any conscience left. Not long ago their cry was tint there were no trusts and later on they were forced to 'admit their existence but aid they were a good thing and had "come to stay" , A little later on they were called on to defend the administration's imperial istic course in the Philipines and swore by all that was holy that there was no cruelty by our army over there that everything was being done on humane principles and that the charge that there was "marked severity "caused in dignant denial and the rebuke of the general of the army and every mother's of them claimed that the charge was nothing but partisanship. Now that there is indisputable evidence that the hydraulic system of the American army had cruelly killed and injured many and that one of our generals is sued an order to lay waste to an entire province and kill all over ten years of age Ihey reluctantly admit the truth of the charges and in defense produce a garbled order which was approved by president Lincoln and refer to some al leged cruelties in the south under the carpet-bag rule. Yes. a man who has to take it all back and swear he never said it several times a year gets more by reason of having an elastic con science that is warranted to stand the strain in any climate. 9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9Q9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9 2 o Our Experience Saturday Night o . o Last Satuwlay the close of Miss Thacki ey's school A program for evening was made ; O The grand preparations that evening so cool , ' ' § From memories will not soon lade. oo Six ladles , two men , a company of eight , % < Drove up from this city to sing ; , > ' U The drive up to Fairview was pleasantthat , date , * I Their voices in joyous songs ring , 6 They speak of the old road where fences , alwin.6 ; , TftPd ngenWbflilHa coma downj ° But forgot In the daylight to notice the ground , , , j Q To travel at night back to town. . : > * * One lady's request was the gentlest team , e ' 'Twas granted with hearty good will ; With a solemn expression and anxious gleam , I Another woujd wa.lkd.own tb.e-h.lH , But cheerfully we all arrived in due time , * T * 'Twas grand , entertainment and drill ; Ice cream at the close made Fairview sublime ; Bat we couldn't forget that big hill. 2 The clouds overhanging the sky threatened rain , 4. { lark , glflqmy flightg \ be o\\ \ \ Mr. Keece led the % av with his gentle train 9 But turned on the old road , about O Half a mile too soonwe followed late , ' ° Driving slow in the darkness so dense , ' On the wrong road fenced up Keece hunting a gate , * JJigs Hattie drove into the fence , . 2 A buggy fongije b en-oiie IwvusyW \ \ It i 2 With his fore foot the caught over wire , Q Cqmp ! Help ! Mr. Bice ! A runaway that , Come quick , or the horse will expire ! 2 spoji { fpt the horse loose and quieted down. Miss Van got rq walk down the h. Ill ; Threo others that walked through the ram Into town Their memories cling to it still. Hon. John Shores Dead Valentine people were shocked Mon day evening by the announcement that Hon. John JJ. SJiores , of this city , was dead. Mr. Shores * was sepii on the street by a number of our people Mon day forenoon as he went to the postof- | ice for his mail as was his usual cus- toWi looking just the same as usual and apparently strong and hearty. Shortly after noon Mr. Shores went across the Street to get the parrot and complained of Borne trouble in breath ing but told his wife , who was always solicitous for his health , that she must not worry , as he would feel better soon. After returning be } ay qn the lounge for a while and again toW his wife pqt to worry , as he would feel better socn. Mrs. Shores becoming alarmed ac his sfrqrt breathing , sent for the Doctor. All efforts however failed to relieve and restore Mr. Shores to life and at § : § Q Monday evening he breathed his last. John H. Shores was born in Eichland county , 111. , January J8 , J848. Eight years later the family mpyed to ler county. His parents , S. P and Marv Shores , had a large famil and during John's early life he was away frorn home considerably which devel oped a taste for traye } a.u4 a desire to see the world. In 1870 be pame west with the tide of emigration and settled in Sumner county , Kansas , where he Uved four years. In 74 he was on the plains of Jejfas as a , qo\v-bov and came overland to Nebraska witfr a large cat tle pompany , bringing- bunch of cat tle and Uyrseg while the grasshoppers were eating up tlje ppops and trees in Kansas. Later the cattle mostly per ished in the severe winters following. The remainder of the bunch was wide ly scattered and he bought the cattle company's brand and undertook to gather some of them together which were scattered from the "iobrara to the Lonp. He'was married about this time , September 17,1878 , to Miss Ruth A. Garter , then living back in Illinois , a playmate of his schoolboy days. Prom that time his lifo was closely identified with the early hiplory of Cherry county. Upon the organization of the county he was appointed county commissioner by the governor and was twice elected to that office , and in 1898 was elected to the stute legislature from this district and the same year sold his ranch and stock and moved to town , purchasing the John J. Guth property , where he and his wife have since resid- ad , highly respected by all and with aot an enemy known. A mother , three jrothers , fiye sisters and a beloved wife < mrvive him. Two sisters still reside < n Illinois but tho most of the family ire near Guthrie , Oklahoma. He was a member of the Masonic raternity and the funeral was conduct- id by them and Rev. S. "W. ITolsclaw. L large number of his friends came in rom the country and Mr. and Mrs. W. I , and Henry Carter , brother and father of Mrs. Shores , came down from Cody ; Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Logan and daughter , of .Norden and E , U. Wilson and wife , of this city , cousins of Mrs. Shores , and Thomas itzhenry , of 'Chesterfield , an old-time friend who lived with the Shores on the ranch for a number of years ; Samuel Hudson , of Simeon , Bob Gillaspie , of Ches terfield ; D. A. Piercy and wife , of Kenpedy , all Qld-tjme friends , were present at the funeral. Many friends from the west part of the county and a long way from the railroad regretted very much not being able to attend and pay the last tribute of love and re- pect to their old neighbor. The YAi3jNTripjDp3iQCJiAT extends sincepest sympathy to the bereaved and we feel that we too have cause to mourn the departed brother. Mrs. Harry "Walker has , been on the sick Ijpt for several days but Is report ed better now. Ralph Simons , son of Pete Simons , was bitten by a rattlesnake last Sun day while playing at the creek. Prompt medical attendance saved the little fellow's life but he is not recover ing from the effects of the bite as rap idly as could be wished. tfotive Strayed from my range in the city of V'aleutine , one English brown mackin tosh , two years old , with velvet collar and chain around neck. No ear marks but two jyire cuts on left side. Last seen on tfoe steps af the Episcopal church yesterday morning. Please cor ral at the Kank of Valentine. M , V. NICHOLSON. fifctray Notice Estrayed from the Vincent place near Arabia on the night of May 23rd 1902 , two four year old bay mares , branded ZO on leftshoulder. . Weight about 1200 to 1300 Ibs. each. Liberal reward for information leading to their recovery. 4t W. E. EBERHART. ? i | Paint , § | Wall Paper , | S Calcimine. § o . ( I ? I Brushes , f Pure Linseed Oil 9 o § Varnishes. | 8. * AT o I Ohristensen' . § 9090909009090909090909090 Good Horse Sense \t \ "will tell you that old eggs and glue are not things .P. K > ff < you want to eat ; yet some coffee roasters glaze fi Wfc , Ui wlh their coffee with such things. Not so with % 1 Lion Coffee It's just pure , unadulterated , undisguised coffee ; - never covered up with any glazing of any kind. Uniform quality and freshness ire insured by the sealed package. U. G. McBRIDE CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER * CARPENTER IN GENERAL VALENTINE NEBRASKA Shaw is Taking Fine Pictures , Any one can take pictures , but an ex perienced photographer takes the Kind you like to see. The other day one of our customers said : "The pho tos you made of my boy are first-class They suit me. " Now is a good time to have your pictures taken oy : : : : A. G. SHAW , : : : VALENTINE , NEBE. X l/l \ ce : HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine - - Nebraska Accounts of Merchants , Ranchmen and Individuals invited. Money to loan on first-class cattle paper and other securities. Valentine State Bank ( Successors to Cherry County Bank. ) Capital 3aia Tip g > , f FRED WHITTEMORE , President J. W. STETTER , Vice Presiden" CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier T. C. HORNBY w. S. JACKSON 4 ? AINT 4S ? PAPER. HANGING f * ? CALCIMINING. $ II R S. DENNIS , K Valentine Nebraska All work well done C. H. CORXEL.I , , President. Jff. V. KICHO1.SOKCashier ANK OF VALENTINE. Valentine , Nebraska. A General Banking Business Transacted Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Jhemlcal National Bank. New York. Correspondents ; First National Bank. Omaha Neb ' T. YEARNSHAW JAMES BHULL VALENTINE If your CATTLE SUFFER from LICE , ITCH or MANGE , CHLORO NAPTHOLEUM Sold by Quigley & Chapman , valentine , Rebr. Richards & Comstock , Ellsworth , Kebr. lighesfc cash price paid for . i > The place to get the best Windmill , also pumps and Tanks. ' ' " * " First door south of the Dcnbher House. 3. Mooisr , - - . - Valentine , Nebr ( * 'V