Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 05, 1902, Image 3
TOPICS OF THE TIMES. A CHOICE SELECTION OF INTER ESTING ITEMS. Comments and Criticisms Based Upon the Happening of the Day Histori cal and News Notes. It is a dull day when Mr. Carnegie fails to shed a new library. The year 11)02 Is making a splendid record as to strikes averted. The only trust in the Avorld that Is able to utilize der * * beats is the beet trust. The long and short of it is that much f the anti-trust legislation Is entirely untrustworthy. Diamonds are said to have been dis covered at Cap.t Nome. It has been so cold at Nome lately that the Ice froze. John D. Rockefeller , Jr. , says he be gan earning money when he was 6 years old. It must be a case of instinct there. Mrs. Jnines Brown Potter is now a grandmother , but people who have seen her as Calypso say she doesn't seem to let It weigh upon her mind. A man who has asthma claims that < i the trouble with the climate is that the v _ . llfe ! s a11 squeezed out of it by the * scorchers who pump it into their tires. According to J. P. Morgan's idea of a community of interest , that of a man doing what he likes with his own , any tone can keep chickens in a residence distiict. A wealthy young firebug in the East Js accused of "pyromania. " A horse- thief in Montana might be an "equo- Jclept , " but his health would suffer from it. The President has wrenched his back trying to learn the Jintjitsu wrestling trick. The rest of the country has wrenched its tongue trying to pro nounce the name. A man who endeavored to kick a cat off the porch fell and broke his neck. In these bootjackless days it is much safer to use a shotgun in the closing exercises of a feline concert. A conscience-stricken New York man "who beat a hotel bill eighteen years ago , has just sent the landlord the money due. It was a long fight , but conscience is a stayer when she gets after a sinner. Richard Harding Davis has started away "to take part in a South' Ameri can revolution just for the experience. " If Richard expects to get much experi ence in one South American revolution Le will have to accumulate it in a Lurry. The Massachusetts Supreme Court has decided that people who lose their money in buckol-shops may get it lack. Anyone who succeeds in doing so ought to be able to make a fortune l > y exhibiting himself through the country. Lord Alvorstoue , Lord Chief Justice of England , lately , when reading slow ly and with hesitation an elaborate de cision in an important case , remarked that he was sorry , but his writing was bad. A hint for his lordship : There is an American invention known as the typewriter , the manipulation whereof is an aa't not difficult to acquire. John D. Rockefeller , being a million aire , mourns and laments because he Las no hair 011 his head , eyebrows , lip or chin , but were he a poor , impectiui- ous cuss it would be a source of rejoic ing that he could make a living in n sideshow as a hairless freak , and thus perverse nature deals out as a curse to one man what would be a fortune to another. The Czar visited France a few months ago. and now President Loubet iias been invited to go to Russia in the summer. The German Emperor will be present at the Russian military maneu vers in Poland the spring , returning the call which the Czar made on him. Thus does the game of diplomacy go on ; but none of the three rulers journeying be yond their realms will have so good a time as Prince Henry had here , when most of the seventy-five million sover eigns who had opportunity joined in helping him to enjoy himself. We have been for generations send ing missionaries to China to persuade the Chinese that Christianity inculcates n higher morality than any they know. The Chinese had the opportunity of seeing Christianity applied for the first time on a large scale. They encountered Christian _ troops engaged' in "punitive expeditions" who behaved like fiends in human shape without any tincture or pretense either of justice or of mercy. It is true the Americans did not engage in these raids , and the Chi nese pay them the honor of supposing them less Christian than the Germans and the Russians. But the Americans behaved no better than the Japanese , who actually shone by contrast with the European Christians , and who are not Christians at all. Somebody in London , who has quar reled with the theory that Kings rule by divine right , has dug into history ami made some of the inonarchs of Eu rope look very much like average men dressed up for their parts. King Ed- vrard owes his crown to a' horse. He belongs to the house of Hanover. In 1701 Parliament elected the Hanover- l Ian house to the British throne by ona , vote. The winning vote was cast by' Sir Arthur Owen , who rode from Wales , wearing out an immense amount of horse flesh , and arriving just in time to enter the "aye" lobby. Fivfl , hundred years ago Frederick Hohenzol- lern was Burgrave of a small German city. He loaned Emperor Slgismund' about $50,000 , and took a mortgage on J I ' the State of Brandenburg. The debt' was not paid , and the mortgage was foreclosed , Frederick Hohenzollern es'1 tablishing himself as Frederick I. of Brandenburg. With increased power came more territory , and in 1701 the title of 'King was proclaimed by he house of Hohenzollern , from which sprung the present Kaiser. Alexander of Sen-la can go back 300 years and find his ancestor caring for pigs. This ancestor was a swineherd. Queen Mary II. and Queen Anne were the grand daughters of a domestic , tracing their ancestry back to.Lord . Chancellor Clar- enden , who married a housemaid. For a real King , whose blue blood runs back Into the ages , the only man who answers all requirements is the present ruler of Japan. He is the 122d in un broken descent of his line , his family having sat on the throne since 660 B. C. , the time of Nebuchadnezzar. After all , what does it amount to ? A little linsely power , bowing and scraping , pump and ceremony , overfed ambition , some love and a great deal of hatred. That is a King's life , and it isn't to be compared with the existence of the free man who knows little and cares less about his ancestors , and knows no * honor or power , except that he has won by his own efforts. The recent appointment of Col. Rob ert C. Clowry as president of the West ern Union Telegraph Company , is an other demonstration of the fact that there is always room at the top for the boy with an ambition and the prop er energy and pluck. Since he was 13 years old he. hasvorked hard and faithfully for the great company of which he is now the head , and the simple story of his life Is this : Messen ger boy , operator , manager , superin tendent , general superintendent , vice- president , president. It has taken just an even half century to make the climb from messenger boy to president , but at the age of 03 years , he now has the satisfaction of knowing that he is the chief executive of the greatest tele graph system in the world , and that he draws a larger salary than does the President of the United States. Col. Clowry was born In Will County , Illi nois , in 1839 , and the day he became 13 years of age he went to work car rying messages for the Western Union in what was then the village of .Toilet. Attending the public schools at the same time , he made every effort to ed ucate himself , and no time was wasted in idleness. When not engaged in studying or in carrying messages he was "learning the key , " with the re sult that at the tender age of 15 he be came au operator and went to work in the office as such. At the age of 10 Clowry was one of the best operators in the employ of the company and was sent to Springfield , 111. , to manage the office there. A year later he was transferred to the St. Louis office , and in 3839 , when but 20 years old , was made superintendent of the St. Louis division. In 1803 President Lincoln's attention was called to dowry's clever work , and he assigned him to duty in charge of the United States military telegraph in the Southwest. In 1878 he became general superintendent. In 1883 vice-president , and now , by the retirement of Gen. Eckert at the age of 77 , he becomespresident , dowry's whole lifeIs a good sermon for all boys. TWO DISAPPEARING TYPES. "Long-horned Steer" and Mustang Gradually Becoming JSxtiiict. While efforts are making to save the buffalo from extinction , scientific men are just waking up to the realization that there are two other forms of life that once flourished in the West that , while not aborigin'al , are nevertheless worth saving as curious examples of development in European animals un der mild conditions , and which are rapidly disappearing. These are the old long-horned Texas steer and the wild mustang. It is said that the old steer , "Geron- imo , " exhibited at the Buffalo Exposi tion , is , indeed , the last survivor of that once famous breed of cattle. The. National 'Museum is fortunate in pos sessing n very fine mounted head of the old long-horned Texas steer , al though the manner in which it came in possession of this specimen is rather curious. About twenty-five years ago a farmer out tn Texas presented the Department of Agriculture with this head on account of its unusually long horns. 'The Department of Agriculture had no place to keen , the head , and sent it over to the National Museum. The fact is that neither institution was anxious to own a thing as common as the head of a Texas steer was in that day , and the museum people were rath er indignant over the way the head was unloaded on them by the Depart I ment of Agriculture people. To-day I they are congratulating themselves on I their good fortune in owning this un- n usually fine head of a breed that is j ! s now practically extinct. The wild v horse of the plains has also disappear ed , the nearest approach to anything is like the old wild breed being the cay- iif use pony 'of Oregon. f , A boy's idea of the Importance of a town is formed by the number of fire in engines it has. j When an agent comes in to sell you a book , how glad he is to see you ! f LACE MADE OF METAL. Gold , Silver , Etc. , Spun Out Into Fine Threads and Then Woven. In the show window of a downtown store there is exhibited a sign tha something new under the sun has at last been discovered , and the article in question is called metal lace , with fair sampies of it displayed for exam ination. That it is something new however , Is only partly true , but in the new forms in which it is exhibited it probably conies as near to a new thing as is possible. The metal lace is a product of the inetal worker's art that shows how skillfully gold , silver , platinum , or any other hard substance can be spun out and woven into patterns of great del Icacy. The artisans have practically made metal lace by spinning the meta out into very fine threads , and then woven them ; by hand into a design which exactly resembles the finest lace. The patterns are mostly of conven tional designs , and are taken direct from lacework , both common and ex pensive lace patterns are imitated. The work is done In gold , silver , platinum , white metal and occasionally In other malleable substances. It is for the most part laid over back grounds of solid metal to give it an ar tistic finish. When not attached to any solid substance it fs so frail that a little handling will break it. For ornamentaiug lamp shades , stat uary and metal vases and urns , metal lace has no superior , and it has al ready become popular in certain lines of trade. "It will prove serviceable for Indoor 'decoration in time , " explained an ex pert workman in metals a few days ago. "Architects to-day are using more and more metal. This is all due to the cheapening processes of manufactur ing the different metals , and to the skill of the workman in fashioning them in artistic forms. Now metal lace is something that follows along this same line of improvement. Here is the very acme of metal workman ship , made so fine and delicate that it cannot be handled with impunity. Yet when we lay it on the proper back ground , and fasten It there , it should lust as long us the article to which it is attached. Metal lace will improve by age. The old , worn look which at taches to old brass or gold work comes in time to metal lace. "Of course , the kind of metal and the nature of the design determine its price to a large extent. We rarely make it so that it sells for prices with inthe range of the poor. It is strictly the rich man's ornament. Here is some gold lace which we can sell for $500 a yard , and we have had some that retailed at $1,000 a yard. I guess that is about the most expensive luce In the market. Even your genuine old point lace will have to take a buck seat when the finest specimens of gold luce are exhibited. Silver luce , of course , is correspondingly cheaper. ' 'Gold makes the best patterns , " suid the export , according to the New York Times , "because it is possible to spin it out to the finest thread imaginable , and at the same time it proves strong and tenacious. It is consequently eas ier to work this metal up into delicate luce. Platinum spreads out into a very fine thread , and we have it here Avoven of cotton or linen. Here are platinum threads which you can hardly see Avith your eyes , and , Avhen woven into lace , the effect is about us cob- Avebby as yon can imagine anything. But these. cobAvebs of metal are us bright and burnished us if the sun had suddenly broken out upon them. " Most Famous AVedding. Perhaps the most sensational cere mouy of marriage that has ever been performed in NCAAYork AVUSthe one knoAvu everywhere in the United States as the "Diamond Wedding. " It Avas the union of a daughter of Lieutenant Bart- lett , of the United States navy , to a Cuban gentleman of great Avcalth , Don Estabun Santa Cruz de Oviedo. As gen erous us he was opulent , Oviedo lavish ed upon the bride more than one hun dred thousand dollars' worth of pearls and diamonds. The nuptial rites were solemnized by Archbishop Hughes ; Stedman commemorated the event in a poem , and moralists pointed to it us an extraordinary instance of the evils oJ splendor and luxury that Avere corrupt ing American society. So great AVUS the curiosity to Avitness this AveddLug thai probably for the first time on such an occasion curds of admission were is < sued to the church. A squud of police men AVUS required simply to protect the bride and groom from strangers AATIC rushed after them. The magnificent nuptials , it may be remarked , had .1 melancholy sequel the bridegroom soon died ; his AvidoAV , under the Span ish IUAVS , was entitled only to the right of doAver. and all the gifts which he hud shoAvered upon her Avere taken away from her on the ground that le- gaily they were heirlooms. Ladies Home Journal. Longfellow and "Hiawatha. " "Such a confusing variance in tin pronunciation of IliaAvatha' exists botl in dictionaries and in the speech ol educated men and women , " writes Elizubeth A. Withey , in the Ladies' Home Journal , "that I have asked Miss LongfellOAv how the word is pro nounced by the poet's family. She suys the pronunciation Avhich she al ways heard from the poet himself is HF-a-wil'-tha. the T pronounced as II in 'machine' or 'pique , ' the second 'a' pronounced as it Is in 'far' or in father. ' " s Microbe of Consumption. The microbe of tuberculosis may live a book 103 days , as has been shown by experiment. How many different "figures" you find among women' CONFESSION FALSE MURDER SUSPECT JAHNKE GIVES HIS SIDE OF THE CASE DENIES THE KILLING OF SIERK DENIED ANY AGREEMENT OR IN- TENTTO DO SIERK HARM ATTORNEY FINED , CONTEMPT Declares Story Told In Court by Olson Wholly without Founpation County Girl Suicide. Alliance , Neb. , May 27 The de fense began its inning in the Sierk- Jabnke-Alson murder trial this morning , and has been introducing evidence during this entire day. The testimony was interesting but every thing else sank into insignificance when a chief defendant , August Jahnke took the stand and coolly and firmly denied every material part of the confession made by Oli verOlson last Thursday. He told a story as straight , as that of Olson's corroborating to a great extent the confession as to bis own and Olson's actions hut he denied any agree ment or intent to do Sierk harm , saying the shooting was accidental. Jahnke denied the story of dropping Sierk in the well , and testified that Mr. Sierk never fell into a well in seventeen years , although he admitt ed working at the well mentioned by Olson. The attempt to poison the old man was also denied. The defense will'no doubt attempt to corroborate Jahnke's testimony tomorrow. Tbe defense called several other witnesses to prove that there was no motive for the killing , and Mr. Jahnke testified to the friendship t mo existed betw e the Jahnk s and the Sierke's. E. Nolan , attorney for Jahnkes was fined ten dollars for contempt of court this morning by Judge Westover. He replied to the court in its ruling concerning the admissbiiliy of evi dence by saying that he wanted to show that the man Olson had been made a pet. Says Man Prompted Act Beatrice , Neb. , May 27. The cor oner's jury in the case of MissEliaza- beth Roberts , who committed sui cide near her home south of Wymore yesterday , rendered a verdict in ac cordance with the facts as given in last night's dispatch. The note which the girl left was as follows "May 24 , 1902 : This is to certify that John Y. Helmer is the cause of my death and to nobody else. If I die , which I hope I will , I will be going to my grave with blue and black places on my body caused by him from beating me , I trust that the Almighty God will serve him as he served me. Pie said if I would buy the revolver he would pull the trig ger. " ( Signed ) Lizzie Roberts. " At the request of the family an autopsy was held , but no evidence of her being in a delicate condition were found. The girl and Helmer were engaged married , an enga gement which the family opposed at first , but finally gave their consent. The people are Welsh and Lizzie's pirents wanted her to marry one of their people. Helmer lived with his parents abuutone mile from the Ro"b- , erts home. He has borne a good repu tation. Two weeks ago he left his home and has not since been heard from. His absence caused the girl much uneasiness and she evidently contemplated suicide several times as recently she was iu Barneton where she tried to buy a revolver , remarking that she "only wanted a little one as it could do the work she wanted it to do. " The strychnine she used was some her father had bought several years ago to poison squirrels. See Five Tornado Clouds. Scribner , Neb. , May 27. , To see five distinct tornado clouds in less' than an hour in one afternoon suffi ces an ordinary man for a life time. This opportunity was offered Scrib ner people Saturday afternoon upon what , fortunately , were the m'ist favorably ( ircumstances. One struck the feed barns in the Ehlers broth er's pasture , and unroofed one of the barns. The twister then left the river , traveled almost directly east to the farm of Henry F. W. Borchre , where most of the damage was done. Five Days of Storm , Mackleod , N. W. T. May 27. The disastrous results of hhe five days storm just over , have completely isolated this district from the rest of the world. The whole country has been flooded , rivers and smaller streams are swollen to impassable $ proportions and railroad and high way bridges have been swept away. Traffic is completely tied up on the Crow's Nest Pass railroad to the ; Fernie mines. CAUSE OF FORD TRAGEDY REFUSAL OF REQUEST FOR MON EY PROMPTED THE ATTACK. New York , May 30. , In connec tion with the Ford tragedy , which occured recently in this city , a story hitherto unpublished is in circulation regardng ! the cause of the sbootng which cost the lives of the author , LJaul Leicester Ford , and his brother .Malcom , the famous athlete. It Is to the effect that Malcom , vbo was not provided for in his 'ither's will , notified Paul a week ifcfore the shooting thac he must * lave $25,000 , which he claimed was 'us ' due because he signed a.waiver permitting the probating of the will. He is suid to have declared he need- d the money badly and to have be- ome much incensed when Paul re- ilied that he did not have the sum n hand , adding that he should con- Milt other members of the family. Malcom is said to have replied that ue of the heirs bad kept the agree- uent , but that he would consult the thers. and departed with the declar- it Son that he would return a week nence for the money , failing to re- eive which he would resort to des perate measures. Woman Badly Burned. Fort Dodge , la. , May 30. , While starting a fire with kerosene , the ran expolded , setting the clothing of Mrs. H. L. Hahn on fire. Her baby was lying asleep in the burning kitchen and the mother refused all offers of assistance until the child was rescued from her burning home. It was only by breaking in a window that the rescuers reached the baby before the flames. The infant was uninjured , but the mother was badly burned before the flames , which completely enveloped her , could be extinguished. She will recover. Kills Child and Herself. New Yoik , 'May 30. Mrs. Rose Figeenow , wife of a news dealer , killed her six-year-old daughter Rertha today by gas asphyxiation and then committed suicide by tak ing carbolic acid. The 'woman had been a sufferer from a nervous dis ease for several years and it is sup- nosed she was temporarily insane. Killed While Scaling a Peak- Vienna , May 30. The first fatality f the mountaineering season oc- curreJ in the Semmering range of the Apis when Dr. Brzezina and Herr Pacer were both killed while attempting the ascent of the Rax Alp , the highest point of the range. Fatal Burlington Wreck. Alma. Wis. , May 30. , One man A-as killed and several others serious ly injured , some probably fatally , in a wreck on the Burlington road here this afternoon. A grave ! train , on which there were six officials of the road , including Superintendent Cun- M'ngham , was going on the switch , .vhen another gravel train , coming from the north at a high rate of speed , crashed into it. Crushed Skull With Hammer. NewY ork. May 30. , Policeman at iracted by the shouts of alarmed res idents in an apartment building at 50 Second avenue early Friday , broke the door of one of the flats and found ,7. S. Keldain , a dealer in cigarettes. ' lying on the floor with his skull : crushed. In an adjoining room , lyiug on- & , bed , was N. Carman , a tobacco mer- , chant. Carman was shot through the head. In one hand he held a pistol and near him was a hammer. The police believe he attempted to kill Keldain with the hammer and c then shot himself. The cause is not Known. Keldain will die , the doctors say , Four Men to be Garroted. c San Juan , P. R , May 30. It be came known today that Antonia Toiez Acedvo , not Ramon Troche Cadeno ( one of the five murderers condemned to be garroted for crimes committed October 1 , 1898) ) , is the man whose sentence has been com muted by Governor Hunt to life im prisonment , .owing to the fact Ghat Acevedo was only nineteen years of age at the time of the occurance , which led to bis condemnation tc die. die.The The other four men will be garrot ted at Ponce. fi Town Aadly Scorched. Wiliiamsport , Pa. , May 30. A con flagration which raged for two Hours Friday afternoon in the town ol ( Jerry Shore , destroyed sixteen build- ingsin the business portion of the town and caused a loss of between $25,000 and 830,000. Fears wejve felt that the entire town would be de stroyed , and word was sent to Lock- haven and Wiliiamsport for assist- ance but when it arrived the fire wa ? under control. NEBRASKA NOTES. The state fair will be held at Ltafr coin September 1 to 5. The Methodists will build active * ; having 600 seating capacity afc Adams. Mrs. Thomas Maxwell , of Hno * boldt committed suicide by drowning herself in the Nemaha river. Local business men wish to icopcoi the West Lincoln packing plant * , which was worth originally 1250,0001 but today can be bought Tor 921,000. The David City Cbatauqua bly promises to be a far greater sv * cess than before. Negotiations ar * being made with talent of reputation. A military company , to be posed of volunteers from the 2nd an * . 3rd Nebraska regiments is being or ganized at Hastings , and wiiljoio > tne national guards. A motion for a new trial Im case against Vincent Connelly of Lindsay convicted of assault with- intent to kill * was overuled and : Judge Jamison sentenced CoBnell to two years in the penitentiary. 6. W. Newton a leading mercftanf of Blair is dead from blood poisoning ; resulting from a bruise on bis foot sustained a year ago. Amputation , of ; the leg was made last week bat < was not of avail. The city council last night passed" ; an ordinance granting to the Cbieag * Motor Vehicle company a franchise to operate gasoline motors ote * the street car tracks of Beatrice. Thi ; new motors will be in operation within the coming month. The Morton Grain company * * ele- vator at Palmyra burned to thi ground. William E. Hill a former banker at Nebraska City was the. onwner. On the building and ma chinery the loss will be $2,000and - on grain destroyed SI,500. The recent election for officers in the First Regiment , National Guards , at Lincoln resulted in the selectoin of Major J. W. McDonnell of Fairbury as lieutenant colonel ! Present Lieutenant 'Colonel Tracy received nineteen votes. , An association whose purpose is ts erect a monnument to the lateDL Sterling Morton has been organized : at Nebraska City under the name of the Arbor Day MemorialAssociation. . Many of the most prominent men of the state are identified with the association. The Morton printing company has announced that : is soon as the Con servative is discontinued , a paper called the Nebraska City Weekly will" be started which will not follow the Conservative in policy , but will de vote itself to promote the welfare-oi south-eastern Nebraska. The first failure in Blair for seven years was that of Henry Helmei who delivered the keys of his har ness shop to Mrs. J. N. Newell. Mrs. Newell holds a mortgage or * the stock. The total liabilities are- B2,000. The stock is worth about 8uO. Articles incorporating the Oamha Lincoln & Southern railroad have- been filed in the office of the secre tary of state. The catpital of feha company Js $250,000 and its purpose is to construct and operate an elec tric or steam road between Oma ! a- Plattsmouth Ashland Lincoln 'and Nebraska City. Instructions have been issued by State Food Commlssoner Bassett for a complaint against J. W. Uice of Superior , charging him with sell ing adulterated butter. The analysis shows but 64 per cent of butter fat , when there should be at least 84v Rice makes a business of buying' butter and recently shipped a large consignment to Lincoln. It is as serted he has a method of his own which be uses to adulterate the ter. It is now thought that Will Berger who is alleged to have deserted his wife and married her sister in Coun cil Bluffs has stolen the two children that were left in the care of his former wife. Mrs. Breger left her two children in charge of friends while absent from the city and onr her return discovered that they had disappeared. No trace has been found of the missing children nor of Splced Pears. Take one teaspoonf ul of whole cloves , one tablespoonful of allspice and one tablespoonful of lemon. Crush them. lightly and bo * one minute in a quart jf vingear and & pint of sugar mixed- Select a fine variety of pear , halve them ; taking out the seeds , boil them in. water antfl nearly tender , and finish them In the syrup , cooking them not too soft. Cover them well with syrup and place them In 'small stone jars. Tie a cortf vrer thVjar.