Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 05, 1902, Image 2

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Short $ torie $
Dr. Parr , on meeting Lord Chancel
lor HSrskine , with whom he was friend-
said : "Erskine , I mean to write
epitaph when you die. " "Doc
tor" answered the great lawyer , "it
Is almost a temptation to commit sui-
-cide. "
Gladstone told Lord Ronald Gower
vthatonce when he visited Rome he ac-
jddentaHy met Macaulay , who Intro
duced himself to the statesman. On
"Macanlay's telling him that he took a
idaily walk in St. Peter's , Gladstone
asked him what most attracted him in
* that place. "The temperature , " was
the answer.
Udmond About 'was once invited to
* the house of the Princess Mathilde ,
omd before dinner , seateJ beside his
Ibostesg , he was sending oft"a brilliant
< iisplay of fireworks. Looking up he
noticed that the Count Nieuwerkerke
ms coming over to join in the conver
sation. "Go away , " he called to him ,
'S&unillarly ; "leave us alone , you great ,
Jealous person ! " At which the prin-
< cess rose , touched her finger to the bell ,
* nd.said to the servant : "Conduct M.
.About to his carriage ; he is not diiiin
here to-night. "
. The late Lord Dufferin was fond of
{ relating an amusing experience which
occurred when he was returning to Ire-
j&rad from a diplomatic mission to be
married , and his engagement to the
beautiful Miss Hamilton had just been
lagnoonced. He lauded one evening on
{ the platform of a small country station
near Clandeboye , and hired a driver to
> iakc him the four or five miles , but
Jlie was so uiuflled up that the driver
Dialled to recognize him. Presently Lord
: Jufferin asked : "Any news about
-Tiere ? " "No news , " grumpily replied
* ? lhe man , "except that the beautiful
Miss Hamilton is going to marry that
Togly fellow , Pufferiul"
? -t Some years ftjjo a Philadelphia
preacher inaugurated in his Sunday
chool the practice of having the chil-
quote some Scriptural text as they
their pennies into the coutri-
Uratton box. On the first Sunday in
Iguestion. a little shaver walked up and
ald : "The Lord loveth a cheerful giv
er. " and in dropped his penny. "Charity
tiall cover a multitude of sins , " and
dropped the next. "It is more blessed
U > give than to receive , " quoted the
thlrd , and so oh" Just then , up waller 1
< & little fellow with the unmistakable
remnants of molasses caiidj' on his
chubby face , and , as he dropped his
jcent , he bawled out : "A fool and his
money are soon parted. "
M. Hugues le Roux tells of a con-
Tersation with Guy de Maupassant-in
-wiich he , Le Roux. narrated the story
f a Kansas cattleman whose remorse ,
.after defrauding cattle buyers by sell-
Ing water-logged cattle in order that
flic might get enough money to buy his
slaughter a piano , was poignant. The
cattle man was described by Le Ro.ux
MS unable to sleep , and as going forth
-ait night into the cold , wet fields to
* hiver , beat his breast and pour forth
3iis agony of soul. Maupassant is said
do have responded : "Right there is the
Difference between the man of France
nd one of another race. The French
-peasant , if he had played such a trick
sipon the buyers of his property , wouKI
2iave been intensely proud of it. "
Very Peculiar.
"That Miss Bradish is one of , the
most peculiar girls 1 ever saw. She and
.il met in London last winter , and we've
, ' , l eon very good friends ever since until
va. couple of weeks ago. Now she bal-ely
-speaks to my. I can't account t'or it.
We wore talking one evening about
cleveroineu. . We both agreed that tal
ented AVOIII. n are seldom beautiful. "
"You prob.lly : made some remark
ihat she didn't like. "
"No ; 1 was careful about that , and
. she showed no sign of her unaccount
able'coldness until 1 asked IKT whether ,
if she could have her choice , she would
prefer to be talented or beautiful. She
Tiever answered the question , and has
N 3 > een different toward my ever since ,
peculiar girl I ever saw ! "
Greeting the New Moon in Pi.j' '
In Colo , the mountainous interior
of Yiti Lev.u. the largest island of thy
yiji group , the natives have a curious :
.method of greeting the new moon. On
seeing the thin crescent above the hills
-they salute it with a prolonged "Ah ! " ?
ait the same time quickly rapping on :
open mouths with their left
'iaiids , thus producing a rapid , vibra
tory sound.
An old chief , when asked regarding
Ihe meaning and origin of this curious
custom , said :
"We always look audvlrant for the
Jinoon In the sky , and when it conies we
jflo as you see to show our pleasure at '
finding it again. We don't know ihe
meaning of what we do. Our fathers' >
always did so. "
Peace may have Its victories , but the
victories of war are far more produc
tive of gold lace.
If a thing isn't true , why try to make ?
believe that it Is ? Why not
the truth on every subject ? Why
yoarjelf 1 . . . /
„ * ' * JT
People Have an Easy Time Nowaday * *
Saya the Forty-Niner.
"People nowadays have things pret
ty easy , " said a grizzled man who
drove an ox team 2,000 miles across
the country to California in 1849. "Boys
and young men who talk about 'rough-
Ing it' don't really know what the word
means. It is true , too , that women
lead easy lives compared with the hard
ships our mothers encountered. I was
thinking of my mother last night ; we
lived in the country and game was in
the woods close at hand. My mother-
used to take down a gun from over the
door and go out and shoot a wild tur
key whenever she wanted it. She was
thoroughly feminine , too ; but she
could do things when she had to.
"Sometimes a man was compelled to
do woman's work , too. On the way
across the plains our oxen gave out.
We had to unharness twelve out of the
twenty we started with , and leave
them to die by the way. Then we left
one wagon behind we had two big
wagons at the start and also we
threw overboard our little cook stove ,
barrels and boxes , and everything we
could spare to lighten our load. I re
member I had to throw a good blanket-
overcoat made of a fine Mackinac
blanket that cost me $20 and was
quite new.
"By mistake somebodjr in our mess
threw away my little trunk.and left me
with just the clothes I had on my back.
In a little while I needed a change of
raiment and hadn't even an extra
pocket handkerchief. We couldn't buy
many garments ready-made in those
days ; but I remembered how my moth
er used to shoot turkeys and I decided
that it wouldn't kill me to try to make
myself some underwear. So at Salt
Lake City I bought some heavy muslin ,
needles and thread and a pair of scis
sors. Well , sir , after that I sewed all
the way to California. ,
"I made myself some highly credit
able and comfortable garments yes ,
sir. The other boys wanted me to make
them some , too , but I said I vouldn't
take in sewing until after the gold
scare was over. When I came home , "
concluded the grizzled one , according to
the Detroit Free Press , "and my moth
er saw my work she nearly had a fit.
The stitches wore pretty big , of course ,
but they held the material together as
\ong as I needed it yes , sir. "
Baby Girl a Regular Sandow.
The city of Maiden , Mass. , boasts of
having a phenomenon in little Gladys
Martyn , Avho is a marvel of strength
She is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs.
Sedgwick Martyn , and is only 2 years
10 months old. Her father is the new
pastor of the First Unitarian Church ,
says the Boston Herald. ,
The child is perfectly developed , and
her strength is due mostly to the way
in which she was brought up. When
only a few days old Mr. Martyn began
to try teststipon her and has continued
them daily , making them more severe
as she grew older. Her father holds
the single-arm record of the world for
lifting and holds the record to-day of
this country for heavy lifting , doing
many tasks which , it is said , even San
dow does not attempt. He Can lift
1,204 pounds dead weight from the
floor. During the years that he studied
at Columbia College he held the ama
teur record for short-distance running
The girl has inherited in many re
spects the strength of her father , and
delights in doing feats which many
athletes are unable to perform. One of
her feats is to lie prostrate on the floor
and a. , w her father , who weighs 170
pounds , to stand upon her abdomen ,
ohe can stand upon her head for an in
definite time , and is a wonderful contor
tionist. With her head on the edge of
one chair and heels on another , she lies
between them and holds a thirty-pound
weight upon her abdomen. Her own
weight is only thirty-four pounds. She
can hang for almost an indefinite time
by her toes or fingers.
She Oujjht to Know.
Four-year-old Ruth was seated on
the Hoor 'tending to the cares of a large-
family of dolls , one member of which
was in rather a dilapidated con 'lition.
-How old is flint dollie. RuthV" in-
iiuireil a visiting Jru-nrt.
"She is 50 years old , " answered Ruth
"Why. Kuthie , " exclaimed Sister
Margaret. "I don't think she is as an-
L-ient as that. "
"Margaret , " and the large brown
eyes were raised in , " 1 cer
tainly fink 1 ought to know the ages of
tny own children. "
And Ruthie was right. The doll had
) een her grandmother's. Little Chron
Titles Cheap in Bavaria.
It is not expensive to become a noble
n Bavaria. To be made a simple "von"
osts a matter of $375 ; to be raised to
ihe "rltterstaud. " $500 ; to be made a
'freiherr. " * 1,21X ) ; to be made a "graf"
osts $2.500 , while to be made a prince
osts only $5,000. These prices are for
mly one person , but the government
cindly makes reductions in the case of
vhole families wishing to turn noble
ill at once.
Forests of the Philippines.
Captain Ahem of the forestry bu
eau says he saw large tracts of virgin | |
'orests in the Philippines with 10.000
o 20,000 cubic feet of magnificent lum-
er per acre , where the trees were
nore than 150 feet high , with trunks [
lear of branches for * eighty feet. Fif-
y valuable hard woods are now offer- a
id to the world.
Love is a capsule in which silly talk :
swallowed , thus disguising the un
leasant taste for a while.
Hypocrites pay cream and live skim
The 22 shipyards of Germany em
ploy 60,000 men.
More than jL40,000 men are engaged
In anthracite coal mining.
Victoria , Australia , ships to London
each year about $8,000,000 worth of
A great fortune has been made from
the wire device and rubber cork for
beer bottles.
There are 6,050 establishments in the
United States , with 46,647 acres , where
flowers and ornamental plants are cul
Shorthand was first taught by M. de-
la Valde in n treatise entitled "French
Tachygraphy , " printed in 1774 ; in it
400 characters were used.
The leading industries of California
are in close rivalry as to annual prod
uct. Sugar and slaughtering each pro
duce about $15,000,000 , while lumber ,
flour and fruits each show about $13-
000,000. v
The union of junior machinists re
cently formed in Chicago is proving a
success , more than 100 boys having al
ready joined. Similar unions have been
organized in New York , Pittsburg , Mil
waukee , Kansas City , St. Louis , Oma
ha , San Francisco , Cleveland and Phil
adelphia. Boys of any age who have
worked six months at the trade are eli
The drug clerks of Chicago , who for
some time have had an organization of
their own , but have not been able to
accomplish much , have united with the
retail clerks , and have enrolled as Lo
cal No. 552. This step is most signifi
cant. For some time the drug clerks
hesitated to take it. They felt that a
drug store was a little bit different
from a dry goods store , and that a
man who was employed in the one
must be a little bit different from a
man who was employed in the other.
Actual economic forces , however ,
proved stronger than artificial social
barriers. By themselves the drug clerks
were doing nothing. United with the
retail clerks they felt they could do
a great deal. The two organizations
were natural and inevitable allies.
Now the alliance Is consummated and
in it there will be strength. To-day
the retail clerks , and with them the
drug clerks , are members of the Chi
cago Federation of Labor , and send
delegates to the fortnightly meetings
of that body. They are completely
identified with union labor. They have
pledged themselves to buy only union-
made goods and to urge upon their
employers the use of the union label.
They are a part of unionism as much
as the carpenters , the plumbers , or the
cigarmakers , and their absorption into
the union system is an instructive
event. They have shortened their
hours of labor , have had their wages
raised and other conditions improved ,
and are now enthusiastic trade union
Now Has a Sixth Wife and la Only
1O2 Years of ARC.
On the farm of Jason Gibbs , in Car
roll Count y , Tenn. , lives a remarkable
old negro. His name is George Gwinn ,
and he is one of the few centenarians
in Carroll County , being 102 years of
ige. But the most remarkable feature
in connection with this old darky is
the extensive list of his lineal descend
ants. They number more than 200.
Gwinn was born in 1SOO on Gwiuns
Creek , Carroll County. While yet a
young man George was married , and
jy his first wife had four children. He
s now living with his sixth wife , and
by the entire six is the father of forty-
seven children. All of the forty-seven
are still living ; all are married , and
have had an average of three children
each , making 140 grandchildren and
three great-great-grandchildren.
Gwinn's first wife was taken from
him more than sixty years ago. sold
into slavery and carried to Little Rock.
He never saw her again. He then mar
ried Iris Dickson , an Indian woman.
He then took unto himself Charlotte
Thomas. Maria Mathias , and Minerva
Gwinn is rather lively , considering
his extreme age. Although compelled
to go about with the aid of a cane , he
can still work some and very often
does a fairly goodlay's work. He uses
neither liquor nor tobacco , having quit
both several years ago because he
thought they were undermining his
constitution. His mind is still good
and he delights to gather about him a
crowd and talk of events of four-score
years ago.
A New Ijenten Entertainment.
A "Kaffee-Klatsch" or , being inter
preted , "Coffee and Chatter , " is a vari
ation of the afternoon tea. Being of
German origin , with the coffee should
be served the various kinds of cake and
bread peculiar to that people zwie
back , pretzels , sandwiches made from
brown bread with caraway seeds , and
the small cakes which the German
bakers Lave in great variety. The cof
fee should be of the best and served
ivith whipped cream. It should be nu-
lerstood that at a "Kaffee" the guests
jriiig their work and "make an after-
loon of it. " Invite them at half after
{ and serve the refreshments at 5. A
ittle music js in order , or the enter- !
ainment would lack its German clinr-
icter "homoly" music , ( that encour- [
iges others to contribute what they
lave to give. It is a great mistake to
lo things too well. Ladies' Home Jour-
Sweet Beflections Came to the "Wearied
Man Who Had Once Been a Bare-
Footed Country Boy , Living : Near
to Nature's Heart.
It was only a load of loose hay that
passed through the city street , but it
filled the atmosphere with sweet per
fume and Hooded the memory with de
light. The day was raw and damp.
Piles of dirty snow lined the sidewalks
here and there and mud-stained ice cov
ered the streets to a varying depth.
The air was heavy with carbonic gas ,
the sky was overcast , the chill of
March penetrated the1'system , the trees
were black and cold as though life had
forsaken them , the chirp even of the
sparrow seemed stilled.
Along passed the load of hay and all
was transformed. Vanished were the
dreary surroundings of man's prison
like city ; forgotten the disturbing con
sciousness of the steady grind of brain
or muscle , or both , extending down the
years from the hopeful days of youth
through the discouragements of man
hood toward the only rest of life the
grave ! The petty cares of life , too in
significant to crush , but so pressing and
so constant that they corrode the mind ,
deaden sentiment , crush out joyous-
ness , kill the spirit of true happiness ,
create distrust and disgust and raise
doubts as to the whole Christian
scheme of man's destiny , ceased. The
scent of the hay was in the air ; it pene
trated the lungs like a revivifying
breath to the dying and like an angelic
messenger summoned memory to the
green fields of summer , vocal with the
songs of birds and the music of the in
sect world. >
Above , the sun was shining bright
and warm and the blue sky in its calm
repose and inviting mystery called
from its depths to the spiritual heart
Around , all nature was jubilant The
green-vested trees threw their grateful
shade across the grassy mead ; the
river glided on its course to the sea
the symbol of the soul's search for its
Uncreated End ; the distant farmhouse
looked "bright and peaceful ; cattle
browsed in the pasture and men were
at work in the meadows curing the
new-mown hay and keeping time to
the tuneful harmonies of nature in
song and whistle.
Nature's heart was near. And again
came up the thoughts that so many of
us , country-reared , indulged in in child
hood the longings , the desires , the an
ticipations , the hopes and delights and
joys and pleasures that filled our
minds ! And faces , too , came up dear ,
vanished faces , some long since cold
and marble-like , now resting beneath
the yew trees in the rural graveyard ;
others gone , God knows whither ; oth
ers still , like our own , filled with life's
vexations and trials and uncertainties ,
their brightness vanished and their
bloom decayed ! Was there a particular
face ? one of especial brightness and
loveliness , of bubbling joy * and of ex
quisite delight , the sight of which made
our being thrill , the thought of which
filled our minds and soothed our souls
like a cool spray falling over a fevered
brow , and the suggestion of being
ever parted from which was like a
death sentence well , who wants to
tell ? Yet happy is the man who can
dwell upon that face to-day without
confusion and without compunction.
And from the spot where we can see
the men curing the hay we can look to
the church and the school , the distant
village and the sky-kissed hill beyond
wliich once lay our great unknown
Avorld. There we dreamed our dreams
and built our castles and formed our
ideals. How the future glowed with the
light of our hope and confidence and
how easily we hewed our way to man's
false ideal of fame !
The load of hay has moved on its
way. Its sweet scent does not long
linger in a crowded city. The heavy
atmosphere again assails us. Our eyes
rest on the mud-covered ice and the
bleak trees and the piles of brick and
mortar * where sentiment is dead and
trade is king. Yet we are the better for
this little excursion of memory. Yet
are we more purified in spirit for the
little ramble where the new-mown hay
is cured. And every time in future
when we see a load of hay we will
thank God for its presence and > pity
that man from our heart , even if he
were 100 times a millionaire , who can
not rise higher than to ask its price.
Famous Capitol Architect's Extreme
Care in Spending Public Funds.
"The late Edward Clark , the archi
tect of the capitol for so many years ,
taken all in all was the most careful
111:111 in the way of expending public
money that 1 ever knew , " remarked
an experienced treasury official recent
ly , "and his accounts , running.way up
into the millions , were always well
within the law and appropriation. lie
would not expend a penny that was
not appropriated in distinct terms und
Look no chances.
"I remember on one occasion , having
business in his office , when a well-
known man , a. newspaper writer , by
the way , came in and urged him to
have a sign Jpainted with the words
To the Dome' on it and placed on the
iloor leading to the dome. It was dur
ing the centennial y ar , when the capi-
t"l was. overrun with visitors. Mr.
Clark admitted that the sign would
< a great convenience to visitors and
o h rs , but said he could not have it
sainted because there had been no dis
tinct appropriation made for it. There
wns an appropriation made that year
for 'painting the dome' and the news-
mar argued that a small amount
' '
tels * : & * iiimmf'tuf' ' ' "
Make a boat of strong cardboard , as shown in figure. The rudder , turn.n *
about a pin as axle , is connected with the sides of the boat by two pieces of
thread of uneven length , giving the rudder an angular position. A tub of water
is the ocean on which our little boat will steam about.
Two pieces of wire , bent as shown in figure and fastened to the sides of th *
boat like hooks , hold an eggshell , the contents of which you have sucked out ,
leaving a little hole on one side , as shown in figure. The shell is filled with
water up to the little hole and represents the boiler , placed on the two pieces of
wire , with the hole to the rear somewhat above the rear wall of the boat. To
heat the boiler we use half of an eggshell placed on a piece of cork underneath
the boiler , with a small piece of cotton in the center. Pour some alcohol on
the cotton and set fire to it. The water will begin to boil in a few minutes and
a fine stream of steam will leave the hole of the eggshell. The pressure of th
steam on the air will move the little boat in the opposite direction that is , for
ward and we have a steamboat steaming without wheels or screw.
of that appropriation , say 50 cents ,
surely could be used to have the sign
painted , but Mr. Clark would not
"The newspaper man determined to
carry out his idea for the accommoda
tion of the public and went up to
Charley Armor , a sign painter on D
street , and had the sign painted , pay
ing for it out of his own pocket. He
then put the sign on the door himself
early one morning and it remained
there for over twenty years.
"Ten years aferward I happened to
be in Mr. Clark's office at the capitol
when the same newspaper writer came
in. The subject of the sign came up
and the newspaper man said he
thought he would put in a claim to
Congress for the 50 cents he had paid
to have the sign painted. Mr. Clark
acknowledged that the sign had been
a great convenience , but that it was
on the door without authority of law
and had been for years.
" 'I have often thought of having it
taken down , ' said Mr. Clark , 'and have
frequently spoken to Senator Morrill
and others who by public consent are
looked upon as guardians of the build
ing , but find that .they think it has
done and is doing more good than
harm and have consented to let it re
main there , but I am not sure it Is
there properly. ' "Why don't you take
it down , then ? ' asked'the newspaper
man. Mr. Clark thought a moment for
an answer and then gave the old one ,
'There Is no appropriation for the
work. '
"And this reminds me again , " said
the official , according to the Washing
ton Star , "that if some'public-spirited
citizen cares to expend another half
dollar the continued absence of the
appropriation , additional one , I mean-
on a similar sign , it will be welcomed
by the visiting public , for the sign of
which I speak rusted out and fell off
several years ago and there has been
none there since. "
Grave Warning to Women from a Ger
man Scientist.
According to Prof. Zimni of Berlin ,
women are peculiarly unfitted to hold
the post of professional teacher.
Through an exhaustive series'of experi
ments conducted among German wom
en school teachers the Berlin scientist
comes to the conclusion that women
wtio teach school ultimately wind up in
an institution for the insane. Up to
this time it has been thought that
school teaching was peculiarly adapted
to women. It was pointed out that if
women had to work , that was the best
branch of industry for them the one
attended with the least exposure to
hardship and the least strain on the
physical being. After examining all
occupations in which women make a
living , such as telephone girls , sales-
woinen , domestic servants , govern
esses , factory ellipses , secretaries ,
nurses and the like , the conclusion has :
been reached by tlie German investiga
tor that there is more prevalence to
ward insanity among women teacners
than among women engaged in any
other work.
While no statistics for America have
been carefully compiled on this partic
ular point , an examination of the lu
nacy repgrts for even one State New
York brings out some'startling and 1
significant facts. The period covered
by the statistics extends from 1880 to
the present time. The State hospital
reports for New York .for annual pe
riods since 1880 show a gradual in
crease among insane school teachers
from year to year. Taking two typi
cal years 1SSS and 1880 it appears
that during the former year there
were S.G1G insane women , employed in
educational life. Women employed in
commercial life , such as stenographers ,
clerks and the like , numbered but 22
insane , while saleswomen and shop
keepers numbered 257 insane. Seam :
stresses and factory workers numbered
1,472 insane women , while women doc
tors , artists and others numbered but
(55. ( In 1897 there'were 1.154 women
employed in higher education who be
cameinsane , as against 090 domestic
servants , 14 artists , 39 typewriters and
clerks and 139 factory hands.
The Berlin doctor does not stand
alone in his conclusions. He is sup :
ported by nearly all medical authorities'
who have gone exhaustively iuto the
subject of women's occupations. w
Royalty and Rich People Pay Dearlj
for Medical Treatment.
In the medical world some enormous ,
fees have been paid from time to time.-
In 1762 the famous Hertfordshire phy-1
sician , Thomas Dimsdale , was sum
moned to St. Petersburg to vaccinate
the Empress Catherine II. He was In (
the city less than a week , but so sue- ,
cessfully did he accomplish his task ?
that he was paid a consideration of.
12,000 , in addition to a life p'enslon of1
500 a year. Another costly vaccina
ting operation was that performed a
few years ago by Dr. Butler upon six
Indian Rajahs , and from each of his
patients he received 10,000 for lesa
than a day's work.
When King Edward , or the Prince of
Wales , as he was then , lay at death' *
door with typhoid fever , the famous-
William Jenner was called in for a
period of four weeks,1 and in return he ?
was paid at the rate of 2,500 a week
and given a baronetcy into the bargain.
Nor was It by any means unusual for
him to receive a fee of 500 for an
hour's consultation with less celebrated
patients. ,
But royalty Invariably pay their med -
ical attendants highly. The late Sir
Morell Mackenzie journeyed to Berlin
to relieve the sufferings of the Emperor
Frederick during his last illness , and
secured a fee of 20,000 , while Prof.
Zocherine , of Moscow , who was called
to Livadia when the Czar Alexander
III. lay dying , was presented with a
check for 15,000 , in addition to all ex
penses , for a two day's attendance upon-
his illustrious patient. Dr. Yowski , the-
famous oculist , pocketed a fee of 7OOO
for attending the Shah's son at Teheran
some years ago , a figure completely put
into the shade by that captured by aa
English army surgeon , who paid occa
sional visits to the Rajah of Ranipur
India , when that potentate was suffer
ing from an acute attack of rheuma
tism. The patient did not wait for him.
to send in his bill , finding his treatment
beneficial and rewarding him with a
draft for 10,000.
The highest medical fee ever paid ,
however , became the property of a
blind physician , Dr. Gale , of Bristol , ,
who cured a wealthy patient of a dis
eased knee by electric treatment and ;
in return found his banking account
richer by 50,000. Pearson's Weekly.
The "Porerty Lmncheon" Is Popular-
"Poverty Luncheons" offer a good
way of combining pleasure and philan
thropy. Half a dozen girls agree to-
meet at the home of each , in turn , once-
a week , or once a fortnight , for lunch
eon. At every meeting each guest
brings fifty cents , which is given to-
some charity , and each hostess pledges
herself not to exceed three dollars 'm
preparing her entertainment. These
prices and
contributions may , or
course , be varied at pleasure. At the-
close of the meal the hostess must tell
the price paid for each article of food , '
which the guests note
upon their menu ,
cards. A sample menu would be : Can
ned bouillon (15 ( cents ) ; creamed cod
fish , served in green peppers (40 ( centsp
two pounds of chops (50 (
cents ) : with
puree of French chestnuts (15 ( centsp )
salad of chopped apple and celery with
mayonnaise , served in red apples (35- (
ceuts ) ; pineapple ice served in the
whole rind (45 ( cents ) ; coffee ( S cents ) ;
bread and butter (15 centsTotaL )
2.23. Ladies' Home Journal.
Slander .Defined.
You cannot slander a man who loses
it poker. You
only slander th&
man who wins. At least that Is what
the Supreme Court of Xew York said
recently in throwing out the famous
Fidelio Club case , in which the plaln-
iff asked for ? 50,000 damages because
: he defendant said he had cheated. It
is no slander to say a man cheated at
; ards , but k is a slander to say he
von money by cheating. You cannot
iheat and lose.
The court views that
n the light of a paradox.
A Perpetnai Praiser.
"So he writes poetry for a living ? "
"No , for a dead. His specialty I
pitap'hs. " Philadelphia Bulletin.