Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 29, 1902, Image 8

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$1.OO Per Year in Advance
Entered at the Post-offlce at Valentine. Cherry
county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter.
EZRA P. SAVAGII , Governor ,
C , F. STEKKE. Lieut. Governor.
GEO.V. . MAitsii , Secretary of State.
CIIAS. WESTOX , Auditor Pub , Acccs.
WM. STEUKER , Treasurer.
FBAMC N. PJIOUT , Atty. General.
GEOUOE FOWLEU , Com , Pub. Lands and BldR.
I LEE HARDMAN , Librarian.
ELM EH J. BURKETT. Rep. 1st Dist.
DAVID H. MERCER , Rep. 2nd Dist.
JOHN J. Ronrxsox.Fus. 3rd Dist.
WM. L. jsTARK , Fus. 4th Dist.
A. C. SHALLENIJERGER. Fus. 5th Dist ,
WM. NEVILLE , Fus. CthDist ,
W. C. SuATT''cic , Treasurer.
C. S. REKCE , Cleric.
"W , R.TOWNE , Jud c.
L , N. LAvrour , SherilT.
A. 31. 3IORRISSKY , Attorney.
ETTA BROWX , Superintendent.
LEROY LEACH , Surveyor.
W.E. HALEY , 1st DJst.
ALEX BURR. 2nd Dist. (
L. LAUFER , 3rd Dist.
Charles H. Faulhaber
Breeder of
Reci'st'd Herelords.
Hyain , No. 74,538 ,
at head of herd.
Young bulls from C
to 18 months old
for sale.
Brownlee ,
Does general black'smithingatliard
times prices for cash.
Valentine ,
Good , Hard Rock for sale in any
City Deliveryinan.
Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and
from the depotaud all parts of the City.
IS Telephone 12.
First class and up-to-date. Neat
and attractive , every custom
er has a clean towel. Valen
tine State Bank Building.
County Surveyor
Valentine or Wootilake
Kiege ,
Tubular wells and Eclipse wind
mills. "Wells guaranteed five
Attorney at Law
Valentine , Xebr.
, ' f
Physician and Surgeon
Oifice at Quigley & Chapman's
Drug Store. Nights The
Valentine , Kewr.
Practices in District Court and U. S. Land
Ofllce. Heal Kstate ami cinch 1'ioperty
Loughtand sold. Bonded Abstractor.
In every town
and village
may be had ,
Hade that makes your
Standard Oil by Co. horses glad.
Located on Cherry St. 2nd door
south of Smyser's livery , furnishes
excellent board and lodging. Meals
'same old price 25 cents. A hearty
welcome to all.
Bran , bulk 1.50 per cwt $20 00 ton
Shorts bulk . . .1.15 per cwt $22.00 too
Screenings 40c " $7.00 "
Chop Feed . . . .1.25 " $24.00"
Corn 1.05 " § 20.00"
Chopcorn 1.10 " $21.00"
Oats 1.50 " $29.00"
< -
Examination Third Saturday of each
month and Friday preceding.
Bulls For Sale
10 Registdred Herefords , 2 high
grade Herefords , 1 high grade Short
horn. 1 to 3 years old.
jun29 II. S. SAVAGE , Simeon , Neb.
Drs. Harry and Minnie Curry , the
eye and ear specialists , who were so
successful on their last visit will make
another here at the Valentine house on
Monday * , June 9th. They are known
to be reliable.
I , A. M. Morrissey , Villaae Clerk of the Vil
lage of Valentine , hereby certify that at a regu
lar meeting of the board of trustees of said vil
lage , held on 7th day of May , 1902' thp following
estimate of the expenses of baid village for the
fiscalear. . 1903 was duly made , to-wit :
Repairs on water system $ SCO CO
Incidentals , establishing grade , etc 350 00
Salary of ofllcer . 4-1000
Lighting 30000
Interest and sinking fund 504 00
Pumping Avater lOQ 00
Total roo oo
In Witness whereof I have hereunto'et my
hand and affixed the seal of said village this loth
day of May. 1002.
SKAl , 1S-4 Village Clerk
Itatruy Notice
This is to certify that I have this day taken
up at my place three miles south of Simeon ,
Nebr. , one rec anahite spotted cow and rea
roan calf. Cow has slit in left ear. Early win
ter calf.
Dated May 1C , 1902.
Application ior iPriiKKistta fi'ermit.
Notice is herefiy given to all whom it may coir
cern that at tho meeting of the hoard of
county commissioners of Cherry County , Neb
raska , on June 10th , 1902 , C. A. Manning will
make application to said board for a permit to
sell liquors for medicinal , mechanical and
chemical purposes , in thoTillage ol Wood Luke.
Nebraska , and that his petition has been duly
filed with the County Clerk of said County , ac
cording to law.
D ted at Wood Lake , Nebraska , May 21 , 19C2.
19-2 C , A , MANNING , Applicant.
_ . _ .
r ---j-r
IZstraiy JVoticc.
Taken up at my place one mile west of the
mouth of the Gordon , one red white faced heif
er two years old. Branded .111. on left ribs.
Dated May 21. 1902 , JAY CuxxixciiAir.
Kstray Notice.
Taken up at my place , 2 miles east of Valen-
line , on line of military reserve , one small , red
Jersey heifer with calf by her side. Cow is very
thin. No brand visible. Owner can have same
by paying charges , H. A. HARRINGTON.
16 5 Valentine , Nebr.
.Legal Notice. - .
In the District Coiirt of Cherry County , Nebr -
In the matter oi the ap- "
plication ot Lorilla Cox ,
guardian of EddieE. .
Cox. Grace E. Cox and } Order to show cause ,
David K. Cox. minor
heirs of J. u. Cox , de
Upon tlie application ol Lorilla Cox. as guar
dian of Eddie E. Cox , Grace E. Cox ana David E.
Cox , minor children , in the following real es
tate in the County of Cherry and State of Ne-
btaska , to-wit : Tne slA nw > 4 , n& sw-i } , see. 22 ,
Tp. 35.11. 30 , the mvii sec. 20 Tp. 35 , K. 30 , sw }
sec 20 , Tp. * ' , K. 30 , and it appearing from the
petition of said Lorilla Cox , : is guardian that it
is uecsbBavy that such interest in such real es
tate be soiti and that such tale be beneficial to
the waras , it is therefore ordereo that the next
of kin of the said Eddie E. Cox , Grace E. Cox
and David E , Cox. and all persons inteiested in
the estate appear belore me at chambers , in
O'Neill , Neb. , on the 2Lsf day ot June , 1002. at
tea o'clock u. m. , and show cause if any thore
Le , why license to sell such interest of such mi
nor cluldieii in budh ie l estate shoud not be
° It is further ordered that this notice be pul
lished lor not let > 3 than thr e consecutive wei-ks
in the Valentine DICMOCKAT prior to to such
date.Dated this 12th day of May , 1JC2. )
17. ; { Judge District Court.
Estray Kotice
Taken up at rny place near Tbacher ,
one black steer three years old , without
horns , a little white on belly. Swallow
fork in night ear and branded with bar
diagonally across right leg below hip
joint. Has been in ray herd over one
year Also one red steer , curly haired ,
white face , no horns , probably 2 years
aid , branded on right hip. Uas
herd"about tliree
bewj , in my about
19-5 J. E. TllACKBEY.
No. 27 Frt. Daily 2 33 P. M.
No. 25 " except Sunday 9:40 A. M
No. 3Passenger Daily 12:49A.M.
No. 28 Frt. Daily C:50 A. M.
No,20 " except Sunday 5:00P.M. :
NO. 4 Passenger Daily 4:47 A.M.
McCcinn Items
Dance at TV. C. Galloway's.
G. Thompson and family have moved
from McCann to Kilgore.
A big entertainment at the school
house on Decoration day. .
TV , II. Caitsrand three of his men
stopped oyer night at P. C. Galloway's-
A , O. Golem an was around this part
of the country finishing his assessment.
A Card of Thanks
We desire to express our sincere
thanks to neighbors and friends who
so kindly assisted and sympathized
with us during the recent illness and at
the death of our beloved husband and
MRS. J. B. Cox and CHILDREN.
Grocer Arrested
At Dayton , Ohio , a grocer named
John L. Schuster , has been arrested for
selling Arbuckles Ariosa Coffee. The
Pure Food Department of Ohio claim
that tlie glazing on Ariosa Coffee makes
it unusable in that state. This inter
ests other grocers , because similar act
ions are likely to be brought against
them for selling Arbuckle's or any oth
er coffee which has been glazed or
The trial has been set for June 2nd.
It is understood that the Arbuckles
will send New York lawyers to defend
the case. The Pure Food and Dairy
Commissioner , Joseph II. Blackburn ,
will employ the best legal talent he can
secure to represent the state's side of
the case. The laws of Ohio are very
strict in protecting the people against
impure food. It is claimed that Ar
buckle's Coffee is impure , because it is
coated with a glazing that serves to
cover up defects and make the coffee
look better than it really is , and that
this glazing is cheaper * than coffee.
Every one who drinks coffee will be in
terested in the outcome of this case.
Graduating Exercises
Last Friday night , there being a
seat reserved for our benefit , we repair
ed to the M. E. Church to witness the
graduating exercises and hear the wise
things compiled by the graduates of
our school.
Shortly after eight o'clock Miss Lena
McCrea be an playing a march on the
piano , during which the graduating
class marched down ihe aisle to the
stage , led by Prof It. II. Watson , prin
cipal of our Valentine schools , Rev. A.
F. Cumbow , pastor of the M. E. Church
and Henry lloenig , chairman of the
school board. Well might our citizens
as well as the Proffessor and his able
corps of teachers feel proud of the gruel
nates of 1902 : Six young ladies and
two young men , Eight in all. Misses
Leta A. Stetter , Laura A , Pettijohn ,
Alta C. Starr , Nettie M. Kueeland ,
Nellie C. Holsclaw , Clara M. Ayers and
Messrs. Clinton E , Collet and James P.
The church was profusely decoratec
with bunting , flowers and tissue paper
not saying anything of the display of
spring millinery and numerous bright
After a fine selection on the piano by
Miss Zadie Elliot the graduates began
their orations. Miss Ayers leading and
Miss Stetter at the close. Many good
and useful things were spoken by this
graduating class of which \ \ e would be
pleased to tell you. Indeed' the orat
ions might well be printed as pointers
or guide posts to a future destiny.
They consisted principally of dealing
with life stating our conditions , posit
ions ambitions , attainments , duties and
possibilities. Several of these orations
were excellent not for the delivery or '
pose alone but for the concentrated
thought given to the subject.
Music interspersed of Piano and Vio
lin and Male Quartette relieved the aud
ience from the sameness and at the
closo each graduate was presented wiCh
a diploma.
Ilaitxta's Star Rising
Directly following the death of the
lanieuteuted McKiuley it looked very
much as though President Roosevelt
would have a walkover for the nomina
tion. IEe was tho beloved of the na
tion at large , and only his tactless do
ings of the last three mouths have hurt
his chances materially. But since Mr.
lluosevelt began to decend the scale of
national popularity Mr. lianna has
beendoing things. " He has sudden-
Iv blossomed out as the violent friend
of labor , whereas three or four years
ago he was the intolerable employer
who "ground under the iron heel of op
pression" his own people and those
* ' "Y
whom he could in any way influence
He has suddenly become a warm ad
mirer and the bosom friend , the earnes
advocate , the tearful defendant of the
concrete workingman of the Unitec
Stales. Denyer Post.
Bonnd Hand and Foot
The Roosevelt who was a terror to
bosses , a champion of independenc
and a defender of good government ex
ists no longer. The hope of a uomina
lion for the offire which he at presen
accidently holds has been dangled sue
cessfully before his eyes and tho Roose
yelt of today is as clay in the potter's
hands to the selfish , practical politi
cians who infest the governmeut a
Washington , Candidates for oflic
are of times said to be "in the hands o
their friends. " Mr. Roosevelt ha
placed himself in the hands of the sel
fish and cold-blooded bosses who plot
ted his undoings in 1900 , and who hac
him shelved but for the accident o
death. Albany Argus.
IHstrict Conrt
District court began its grind Mon
day with Judge Harrington on the
bench and Court Reporter Maher he
of typewriter fame in the Spanish
war making hen tracks to represen
the testimony in such cases made and
provided. The first case was that of
Eli McGregor and U. Hunt , who were
charged with eloping with horses
They pleaded guilty and were sen
tenced to the penitentiary for two
years. Herman Schwaberow chargec
with stealinq a water tank is now on
trial. The cases are disposed of quick
ly and little time is consumeed in ar
guing points of law as the attorney
understand pretty well what they
may do and are content to get their
decisions briefly. Everything in re
lation to court work is being done
with despatch thus saving expense o :
witnesses' andjurors' fees'which wil
be large enough considering the
large number of witnesses in attend
Selaool Fifind Apportionmem
Miss Etta Brown , county superin-
dent , has just completed the appor
tionment of the school fund for Cher
ry county and has divided $2,2G7.S (
among the 1,582 school children of the
county as follows :
No. Amt. No. Amt. No. Amt
1. . $350 34 30. . $100 34 61. . . $ 28 70
2. 31. . . 41 58 65. . . . 24 49
3. 25 oo 32. . . 24 49 70. . . . 83 25
4. 30 89 33. . . 18 08 71. . . . 14 87
5 43 71 34. . . 30 ftO 74 45 85
G. 22 34 35. . . 24 49 75 31 97
7. 88 58 36. . . 24 49 80. . . . 36 2
8. 26 62 37. . . 21 28 81. . . . 2J 28
9. 15 94 39. . . 38 38 82. . . . 34 11
10. 22 35 41. . . 26 62 8 < 3. . . . 21 28
12. 52 27 42. . . 13 80 84. . . . 10 10
13. 18 OS 43. . . 34 10 86. . . . 21 28
10. 39 45 47. . . 40 51 88. . . . 18 08
19. 3G 24 48. . . 27 69 91. . . . 20 21
20. 25 56 49. . . 40 51 92. . . . 35 17
21. 25 56 50. . . 31 97 93. . . . 28 76
23. 23 42 52. . . 62 95 t)5 ) 28 70
24. 40 51 53. . . 38 38 97. . . . 19 15
25. 30 24 54. . . 23 42
26. 24 49 56. . . 44 79 S2267 SG
23. 29 83 58. . . 21 28
The schools of the county are in a
prosperous condition.
Nebraska Circuit
Omaha , June 24th to 27th ; A. L.
Thomas , secretary
Fremont , July 1st to otb ; N" . J. Ron-
in , circuit secretary. - (
Tekaraah. July 8th to llth ; J. R
Sutherland , secretary.
David'City. July loth to 18th : S.
Clingman , secretary.
Hastings , July 22ni to 23th ; J. D.
Mines , secretary.
Friend , July 19th to August 1st ; C.
Ilulshizer , secretary , >
Seward , August 5th to 8th ; W. H.
DeBolt , secretary.
York , iAugust 12th to loth ; T. E.
Bennett , secretary.
Hebron , August 19th to 22nd ; H.
Owens , secretary.
Beatrice , August 2Gth to 26th : L. W.
Colby , secretary.
Lincoln. September 1st to 5th ; Robt.
W. Furnas , secretary
Auburn , September 9th to 12tb ; J.
W. Darrah , secretary.
Hubbel , September IGth to 19th ;
'Samuel Patten , secretary.
The Bridges Concert Co. , of Chica
go , will give one of their refined , free
concerts for the purpose of organizing
a class in vocal music , to which all are
invited. This company has been be
fore the people for years , raising the
musical standard , and come highly rec
ommended by press and pulpit every- ,
where. While there is no admission
charged , yet a collection will be taken
* o defray expenses. Remember the
date , Saturday , May 31st , and bring
your friends. At the M , E. Church.
Tlie Democrat t
\ c :
o >
1 !
1h 1d
; ? r < - - -
' ' "
- X'-
Memorial Pay.
Memorial day will be observed in
.Valentine by Col. Wood Post No. 205 ,
G. A , K. May 25th and 30th as fol
lows : Post will assemble at the Val-
entie honse at 10:30 : a. m. and will go
to the M. E. church , where Comrade
Rev. P. H. Eighmy will preach the
Memorial sermon , after which the Post
will return to the hotel and be dis
missed. All soldiers of the Union army
of the civil war are sordiallv invited to
be with us on that occasion. The Post
will assemble at the M. E. church at
9:30 : a. m. on Friday , May 30 , and go
to Mount Hope cemetery and decorate
graves in accordance with the G.A. . E.
ritual and be dismissed to assemble at
the M. E. church at 7:30 p. m. , where
the following program will be carried
out :
Address of welcome. Post Commander.
Song Choir
Prayer Eev. Cumbow.
Song Choir
Recitation Miss Myrtle Pettijohn
Song Choir
Address Hon. P. M. Walcott
Song Choir
Oration , Comrade iiev. J A.Scamahorn
Song , America.
All the school children , or as many
as can do so , are requested to gather
"Wild flowers in the afteroon of the 29th
and bring them to the M. E. church
at 9 a. m. on the morning of tbe 30th.
All persons who have National Hags
are requested to display them at half
mast until after the services are through
on the afternoon of the 30lh.
Everybody is cordially invited to join
us in these Memorial services , more es
pecially those who have relatives and
friends buried in the cemetery.
All come and help us to make this
the best Memorial day ever been held
in'Valentine since the post has been
organized , W. W. THOMPSON ,
17-2 Commander Col. Wood Post.
Business Notices.
Notices under this beading 5 cents per line
each insertion. Among reading matter , 10 cents
per line-each insertion.
Full and complete line of candirs at
Fine stock of cigars always carried
at Bohle's.
Buy your bread , cakes and pies at
Bohle's. Fresh every day.
Two rooms for rent over the DEMO-
CKAT otlice , furnished or unfurnished.
All kinds of heavy hardware and
wagon wood stock at E. Breuklanders.
Highest market price paid for
Chickens , Game and Fish at the Don-
oner. 9 tf
A 10x12 letter press , good as new and
a large lawn mower forsale. . Inquire
at this office. 16
FOR SALE : Several fine Game Cocks.
These birds are finely bred and are of
good weight and color. Inquire ot
Hospital Steward , Ft. Niobrara Nebr.
11 tf
A special meeting of the stockholders
of the Valentine JJairj Association is
called tompet at the court house on
Saturday , June 7th , under Article 10
of the By-Laws , for the purpose of con
sidering the moving of the station from
Valentine to a point more centrally lo
cated , and for such other business as
may come before the meeting.
18 2 L. H. PEHKIXS , Pres.
Don't crack or peel off and is mixed
in cold water. 12 GITRISTENSEN'S
At from oc per roll and up at.
Climax Biiijgy Faint.
Will brighten up your btiguy and
will last. 12 CIIKISTENSEN'S
I'aint Yonr House.
With Heath & AJilligan's prepared
paint. Best in the market at ,
Satsiima Enamel ,
"Will paint up your old furniture and
bric-fi-brac in brilliant and lasting
colors. 12 CIIIIISTEXSEN'S. -
Ranch for Sale or Lease ! ! ;
16 quarter sections , good range , hay
water and timber. Will run 300 head
of stock. For information address , box
no. 164 , Gordon'Nebr. or I. M. RICE ,
Valentine , .Nebr. 42-tf
5Estray Notice
Taken up at my place 12 milss east
jf Valentine , ou the Niobrara river ,
May 19 , one iron-gray stallion 4 years : c
jld. No visible marks or brands. Is
ame in right fcot. >
IS o W3i. J. ALLEX.
§ 100 reward for information leading
o the recovery of two horses and the
onviction of the parties taking them ,
r $50 each. Horses disappeared from
sorth Loup near Kennedy. One sor-
el horse , blazed face , weight about
100 pounds , branded on right shoul-
ler , and - | - on jaw. One dark bay
torse , weight about 1100 pounds braud-
d Jf on right rhoulder. Brand rather
lira. MC { EE Bnos.
18-2 Kennedy , Nebr.
n ' " . Communion.
ft vcnUo' is probably pntcntable.
t ons strict yconfldcntfnl. Handbook on
sent free. Oldest nsency for BC rinp patents
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
special notice , witliout charee. in tho
Scientific fltnencait.
A handsomely illustrated weekly , Iff est cir.
Sf S
! UHN&Co.361Broadway' Hew York
. D. C.
Branch Office. G25 F SU Washlncton.
The Democrat
- VA
, . *
jf * i4k.
* * * " * * _
FOR - f. * jSTtsr * tb. "
" * &
r. - !
Job Work
PostoIBce address
Pullman , Neb
Cattle branded as on
cut ; horses branded
saino as cattle except
reversed S ,
See block
Range Steverj
and Stephenson
Lakes and South
5300 reward will be paM to any person for in
formation leading to tlie arrest and conviction
of any'person or persons stealing cattle with the
above brand.
PerteSc *
Eocebu * . J )
a left Eld * tea * M
Hers ? * bmrt *
S J > B loft fete
Beach erm Leo *
and A&M
D. A. Hancock
Blackburn , Mo , or
Simeon. Nebraska
Cattle branded on
left side as on cut ;
also 1C on left side
with on left hip of
some cattle ; also 310
on right side. Horse
brand , rake and 16
on left shoulder or
Ilome ranch on
Dewey Lake. Range on Niobrara River , east of
Fort"Niobrara ; all In Cherry County. Nebraska.
Postofflce address
ChesterfieN. Neb
Cattle branded on
leftside as on cut :
also V leltneekandZ
left hip : someVleft
neck , v left shoulder
VZ left hip. Range
Snake Kiver.31.s2.33.
Postofllce address
Brow'niee , Neb
On left side or any
part of animal. Ear
mark right ear cut
oil'horses ; branded
same on left lilp.Also
has stock branded H
on side or shoulder ,
or JKorWorO'VI ' ,
orO or JFZ. Also
tlie-following , the first one being on side and hip
This is a Spanish Herb Liniment ; .
Cures Rheumatism '
, Swellings ,
Sprains , Bruises , Aclies
and Pains.
Cures numbness in the limbs , restores
muscles to healthy and vigorous ac
tivity. It is the great remedy for
Paralysis , Lame Back and Lumbago ,
NOTICE : This Liniment has been
tested and proved to be a cure for
the above described aliments.
Directions for using : Shake well and
-urn the mouth of the bottle onto a
sponge or flannel cloth and apply upon
he soreness or aflUcted parts. Do not
ipply upon cuts or open sores. Shake
he bottle well before using.
SEQUAH (3267)
Dark brown , Foaled Nov. 24th ,
LSS9. Sire "JSTimrod"
C10G6) ) , by
Comet" (151) ( ) , by "Eclipse" (191) ( )
y "St. Giles'GST ( ) by "Wildfire"
S67) ) . Scquali's dam 2S9 Ladj-
ird F. S. Vol. T by Eestless T. B.
lequali's G. dam by Larrvwheat
I. U. )
Kotice later of where he will
tand for season of 1902.
WELCH , Mgr.