* / THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M. RICE EDITOR Official Newspaper of Cherry County , Nebraska Thursday , May 29 , 1902. TEHJUS Subscription $1.00 per year In advanco ; § 1.50 "When not paid in advance , Single copies Gc. Display advertising 1 inch single column 15c 'per Issue or SG.OO a year. Local Notices , Obituaries , Lodge Resolutlon- and Socials for Kcvenuc 5c per line per issue. Brands , 1 Ji ire les § 4.00 per year in advance additional space $3-00 per Inch per year ; engrave blocks extra ; $1.00 each. Parties living outside Cherry county not per sonally known are requested to pay in advance 10 per cent additional to above rates If over 6 mouths iu arrears. Notices .of losses of stock free to brand adver tisers. County Convention A convention o'f the Democrats and Populists Is called to meet in Valentino on Saturday June 14,1902 , for the purpose of nominating county officers ami selecting delegates for the state , Representative , Senatorial and Congressional conventions. Let precinct caucuses be held Saturday , June 7,1002 , if not otherwise called by the Precinct Cominitteman , and delegates sent from every precinct. FKAJTK FISCHEU , Chin. Dem. Committee. A. M. MOKKISSKV , Cum. Pop. Committee. I. M , BICE , Sr cy. The beef trust is not showing any signs of uneasiness over the action of the government. The criminal part of the federal anti-trust law is evidently forgotten by the administration. A court martial in the Philipines has found that Major "Waller is not guilty when it is admitted that he murdered a number of helpless natives and the funding of the court martial has been disapproved. Our flag has been pulled down in Cuba and as yet riot a word of condem nation has been heard from the repub lican press. Who will pull down the flag was not long ago their favorite question and they always frothed at the mouth when asking it. John M. Thurston has just leturhed from Cuba , wheie he witnessed the in auguration of the new republic's first president , and is quoted as sayiug that in a few years Cuba will ask so be an nexed to the United States. After her experience with Keeley and Rathbone' ? The first rattle snake story of the season comes from Hickman , where a child was bitten on the foot without serious results. The American people were fond of accusing Spainof excessive cruelty , and yet the Americans have killed more people and burned more towns in the Philipines during the past three years than Spain did in three hundred years. After buying mules and other sup plies in this country in violation of the neutrality laws for a couple of years , John Bull has received a hunch from the administration and has quit for the present. There will be an election some of these days and the republicans have been gazing at the-handwriting on the wall. As a mathematician John Bull is a wonder. When the South African war began he asserted that the Boers could muster but 20.000 fighting men. Since then John claims to have killed 333,331 Boers , or about that number , and now admits that the Boers have more fight ing men than when the var began. Commoner. The Eed Cloud Nation is still send ing us marked copies containing edi torials booming Dr , Darnerell , who wants to get the nomination for gov ernor. AVe don't care a first part of his name whether he gets the nominat ion or not. There are several good democrats in Nebraska wlio have lived here as long as he has and have not put in all their time in seeking or hold ing office , and we would prefer to see some of them get the nomination. ADDITIONAL LOCAL Several scraps in town the past week. Ask the boys. Metzger Brothers of Gregory spent this week in our city. "Wm. Erickson made us a pleasant call while in town today. Mrs. F. Larnberson of Gordon is vis iting Mrs. J. G , Stetter this week , Frank Brayton returned Monday morning from Hot Springs , S. D. where he has been for the past few weeks for'his health. Frank got right into the harness again and is working as hard as ever. tee : HEADQUARTERS FOR WiNES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine Shaw is Taking Fine Pictures. Any'one can take pictures , but an-ex perienced photographer takes the jsind you like to see. The other day one of our customers said : "The pho- tos you niadeof my boy are first-clas s They suit me. " Now is a good time to c have your pictures takan by : : : : A. G. SHAW , : : \ : VALENTINE , NEBB , Highest cash price paid for The place to get the best Windmill , also pumps and Tanks. First door south of the Donoher Iloiise' . , , . . - . - - Valentine , Nebr , oo o o Base Ball. O o o e o o o A game of Base Ball last Saturday took place O o Between soldiers and boys of our town O o o o On the village green where there's plenty of space o But there was no space to sit down. o o 9o John Tucker was there with a mask on his face v O o o 9o He was dressed iu pantaloons brown - O 9Q 9e lie was catcher you know for the boys of our place 9o o Q o And his pants were too tight to sit down. „ ® o o There was Webb in the box who fainted away oo o But was up in a minute to trown o o His mother had said , ' ! don't want him to play" o So he didn't dare to sit down. o o Then Kimbali on first base who wasn't so slow e o o The barber he is in our to wn * a ' o Was the busiest - o'o player in all the show - < - , o'O o And didn't have time to sit down. O o o Koy Sawyer on second and Salmon the last 9o o With Goodrich to play short stop clown 9o o Zarr , Anderson. Kelly the fielders so fast 9o o All feeling too good to sic down. 9 o 9o o o o The day was a fine one for playing base ball 9o o Great crowds of our people were there Q o The soldiers came up several dozen in all o o And some of the Fort ladies fair. ; o The game was begun with our boys at the bat * . o They stayed there three minutes about , A , o One after another of our boys fell flat o As he heard the Post Umpire's "You're out. " o © o Next inning our boys began making a score o o The Fort team was holding the sack o No tallies they got in seven innings or nioie o Q o Oh soldier boys go away back. o © o Next inning they run in a tally or two o o But too late for a victory crown o Our nine had seven tallies Oh boys of blue o Hadn't you better go back and sit down ? ' o a o Our boys seven to two , nine innings the score © o o Hurrah for the"boys of our town oo e o The E'ort boys were beaten , They're now feeling sore © o So go away back and sit down. © o o o You've run up agin us the Valentine nine © o The sports of the best western town © o o Go practice yoUr sports witn a battery fine © 9o o Or go away back and sit down. ' oo o o 9e Now Valentine boys unto you I would say @ lie social to men in your town & o Don't beat them so bad that they'll not want to play © o oo Go back and sit down and sit down. © o o o bUJtLW " A " j5 " ± 6iLiA ' With a Five Year Sentence * ' ; ing Over Him ' Herman Schwaberow , whose trial on the charge of grand lar ceny has just ended , broke jail early last evening and shook the dust of Yalentine from his feet , The jury brought in a verdict of guilty and just before supper the judge had given him a five year sentence. The court was holding an evening session and had not proceeded very far with the business when they were astonished to see Eli McGreg or , one of the prisonersvlio had just drawn a two year sentence for horse stealing , and who was supposed to be securely locked in jail , walk into the court room and inform Sheriff Layport that Schwab er- ow had broken out and changed boarding plaues. After the escape McGregor made all kinds of a racket to attract the attention of some one , and , failing in this , he crawled out through the same hole that 3 J J O -3 Schwaberow had made his escape from and notified the authorities of the break. The crime for which Sciuvaberow convicted was the stealing o of a water tank and the punishment for grand larceny is imprison ment in the penitentiary not more than seven } 'ears nor less than one year and the severity of liU punishment was due to the fact that he was a tough character and had been sentenced to a five year term once before for stealing. The escape was made by breaking a lock on a window in the jail and sawing two of he bars through. It is evident that the bnwing hsd ; been done some 'ime a o , as rlic marks of the saw on the iron work is considerably rti&ted. The bars had been sawed and the cut concealed with chewing gum and it is evident that he intended to give the court an opportunity to turn him loose before turning himself loose. It is believed that he was assisted 03 * his bon-in-law , Jess Speck , and Ben. F. Piester. The whole gang live in the vicinity of Gregory and are a tough lot. Sheriff Layport kept the wi'-es hot last night and also - * had postal cards printed , which he sent to officers in all directions anct is of the opinion that he will have him back again in a short time. , , . Schwab- crow is described as being 41 years old. about G feet high , weighs about 190 pounds. Dark complexion , black mustache , fierce black eyes , black hair and swarthy skin. 850 rewaid is offered for his cap ture. Roy Beekwith , one of the Gordon merchants , was in our city yesterday. % Mr. and Mrs. Steele of Cod } ' called on us today while in town on business. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Baker of Suneon spent a couple of days in town this week. s. Capt. G. .Fisher of Chadron spent the first of the week in. town attending court. P. N. Roubidon becomes a subscrib er this week to THE VALENTINE DEM OCRAT. Judge Patterson one of Rushville's able lawi ers was in town this week ab attorney for Schwaberow. Will Gand Earl Comstock 'were among the ranchmen from the west seen inour , city this week. , Mrs. Schwaberow and daughter and son-in-law aie camped in the north part of town this week attending court. _ vJr Joseph Laults and Peter Peterson of Gregory were in attendance at court this week as witnesses in the Schwab erow case. Frank Ilippel waived preliminaries last Saturday and was bound over to District Court for shoo ing at Win nornstein. Judge Wood of Rushville has been in town this week assisting Ed Clark with the defense in the case of Lowe vs. Jordan. Dr. A. J. Plumer and A. T. Davis of Jlyannis are in town this week. "We acknowledge a very pleasant visit from the Doctor , The committee having the opening program for the new Fraternal hall re port that while they cannot give the program at this time it will be an af fair strictly in keeping with the fine hall and will occur on the evening of June 5th. It will be a joint affair by the lodges that occupy the hall and for themselves and families , also any vis iting member of these orders that may be in town will be welcome guests. There will be speaking and vocal and instrumental iiiusic and a general good time. Ilesteuranteur Bohle will serve refreshments. Take A Bellows when you get home with that bulk coffee and blow the dirt and flies and foreign substances out of it. Then open a package of Lion Coffee see how clean and fresh it looks and notq its rich aroma. The sealed package inaurao uniform quality. c DE D U1LDER CARPENTER IN GENE RAL VALENTINE NEBRASKA i o e Anything worth keeping is o LCA ! worth painting : : : o 9o o MADE BY t o 3o I 9a o Paint and Calcimine o 0o 3o o Are sanitary as well as a o o o 3o protection .against decay. o 3o 3Q Wall Paper Q o o & e 1o o Makes a room cheerful. Q o o o S3o & o Varnishes avid JSnainels o 3 9 3o 9o 3D SVPERloR in ALL old furniture. A 9o 9o complete stock at : : : RE5PEGT5 To ART o ' ! Christensen's o oTflER WATTE LEAD . o For Sale Opposite Ne\v Court IIoue. Accounts of Merchants , Ranchmen and Individuals invited. Money to loan on first-class cattle paper and other securities. Valentine State Bank " ; = ' ( Successors to Cherry County Bank. ) Capital Jntl XJp $ &S3 & , jN'lDBX A.SIv . JHIJ3KCTOIIS FRED WHITTEMORE , President J. W. STETTER , Vice Presiden - CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier r. C. HORNBY w. S. JACKSO T PAPER HANGING & 5 ? CALCIMINING. R S , DENNIS , § < ? Valentine Nebraska - * All work well done D El. COEtffflL , ! * , S. V. PTICSSOILSOS , Caaliier N K 3 j a Valentine , Nebraska. A General Baiskiag ISKsiness Transacted Bays awd Sells Io sestc and Foreign Exelsaisgc Correspondents ; Hiemltal National Bank. Xc\v York . First Satioiial Bank. Omaha Neb g aS371 fl 3J553 O P 6 TA. . YEARNSHAVV | JAMES B. HULL O * O < 5 3 Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest " $7ines and Cigars , VALENTINE X NEBRASKA 1 your' CATTLE SUEEEE from LTOJB , IIGH or MANGE U8E I It * U a Sold by igley & Chapman , Valentine , Kebr. Richards & Ccrnstock , Ellsworth , iS'ebr. ' . < f