Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 23, 1902, Image 7

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C. B. Cbamberlin , Al. D. , \\nu.s from 14th and P Sts. , Washington , D. C. :
"Many cases have come under my observation , where Peruna
$ has benefited and cured. Therefore , I cheerfully recommend it
for catarrh and a general tonic. " C. B. CHAMBERLLV , / ) / . D.
Medical Kxaniiner U. S. Treasury.
Dr. Llewellyn Jordan. Medical Ex-
iminer of U. S. Tmisury Departnu'nt ,
niduatc of Co-
1 u HI b i ; i College
and who scrvoil
thro e years at
Wt-st Point , lias
tho following to
say of Pernna :
"Allow me to
p.vpress my grati
tude to you for
the benefit de
rived from your
wonderful rem
edy. One short
in o n t h h a s
brought forth a
vast change and
I now consider
Fooling the Haoloiian.
Blinkers "All this talk about hack-
men overcharging is nonsense. I use
hacks whenever 1 am out with my
wife , and the drivers never try to get
a cent more than the regular fare. "
Winker."Flow do you manage ? "
Blinkers "Wry simply. J merely
remark in a loud tone to my wi e that
I'm glad she's through shopping at
last. After the hackman hears tint
lie is thankful to get what i actually |
owe him. " ! i
Oo-.op Co. . 1'inoii. Mnntroi-e Co. . Coin
is ptejiaretl for sullert-rs ( r in
nasal catnrih who use an
atomizer in spraying the dis
eased membram s. All tLi
healing atid soothing proper
ties of Cream Bjuni arc retain
ed in. the new preparation. It
does not dry up the secretions ;
price.includiiiK sprarme i ubt
< 5c. AtdruKKists or Ely Bros. ,
50 Wurren St. , N. Y. , oiail it
, W. L. Douglas Shoes are
mode of the best imported
and American leathers ,
including Patent Corona
\Kid , Corona Colt and
I National Kangaroo.
T t Color Ejeleti u 4
Hotice increase of sales :
1808 ,
748.7O6 Pairs.
1001 ,
1,566,720 Pairs.
JJtmness More Than
Doubled in t 1'ears.
lh.u . ' , iiariei f ]
of a century Hie nps'.i
tation of W. L. lni li.s' :
Shoes for s'yle. cinilort ,
and weir IMS"excelUd 1
other makes. 'Jhij a.o
worn liy more men in tl
stations" life tl an ai y
other make , 1 > < - < 'H - tlu-j
aro tho only Shoes that in
every way equal $5.00 ami
0.00 shoes. They are tl.e
Stiindanl of the world.
This is the reason "W. J. .
Douglas makes : ud.ells -
nioie men's S3.TM juid ? : UO
shoes than any other two
manufacturers. A trial
will convince you they are
tho best in the world.
Soldby63DoHghi Ftore in American
Cltieaand best shoe dealers every here.
CA.TJTIOIV. The rrintne h T W.L.Dou
price itmrnped on hottom.
Shoet bv mail , 25 cents extra.
Jlluitrattd Catahigue free.
. X DOUGLAS , Brochtou ,
A Skin of Beauty Is a Joy Forever.
Reaores Tan , I'lmplm. Frect-
les. Moth PntohwH , Ilash ant ]
* . Skin dLeaaw , and erery blnm-
ish on beauty.a 1
has tood the t < wt
. _ butoittobesureit
53 | < W < JeT I properly made.
tt > i > VI Accept norounter-
feit or ct mi tar
name. Dr. L. A.
Barre aid to a
lady of tbe hunt-
L ton ( a patient' :
\"Aa7ou1 \ die will
( me tbem.Irecom-
Imtnd ' '
Oream' Mtbelent
harmful of all the
Mcin prepara
tion * . " For * ! by all DruscitU nd r ncr } ood
ulera in tbe H. B , Canada < i < d Enrop . FRED T.
3 , ProprUtor , 37 Great JOQM St. . N. Y.
myself a well man after mouths of suf
fering. Fellow-sufferers. I'eruna will
cure you. " Dr. Llewellyn Jordan.
Ueo. C. Havener , M. D. , of Anacostia ,
D. C. . writes :
The Peruna Medicine Co. , Columbus , U. :
( rentleinei ! "In my practice I have
i had occasion to frequently prescribe
i your valuable medicine , and ha\e found
its use beneficial , especially in cases of
catarrh. " ( ieor e C. Havener , M. D.
If you do not receive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of I'eruna.
write at once to Dr. Hartman , giving a
full statement of your case , and he will
be pleased to jjive you his valuable : id-
j vice gratis.
I Address Dr. Hartman , President of
i The Hartman Sanitarium , Columbus
i Ohio.
A wonderful beard is worn by
Jean Conloo , of Motlucon , France.
It is nearly 10 feefc , 10 inches in
length and nearly 5 feet of it , when
he stands erect , rests on the floor.
The ends of his mustache hangs
below his waist.
I find Pi os * Cure for Consumption the
best inedii iue for cnm : > .v children. Mrs.
F. Calhiliau , 114 Hall > tivet. Parkers-
bur } , ' , \V. Va. . April UJ. 1901.
A I null of K
TheopliUialmiusurgeon in the Rich
mond Hospital , Dublin , has noticed a
rather singular effect of wearing eye
glasses of the kind which derive their
support from pinching the bridge of
the nose. The-r weight proved suffi
cient to displace the lower eyelid
scarcely more than a hundredth of an
inch but enough to cuuse a flow of
tears. Few noses are so shaped that
there is any danger of euch a result
following tbe use of eyeglasses , but
the possibility is worth considering.
Spectacles give the wearer a some
what older look than eyeglasses , but
are not likely to induce the trouble
here described.
We refund lOc for every package of
to give satisfaction. Monroe Drug Co. ,
Union villo , Mo So d by druggists.
A Stiirtlt ; < ! Youiiff .Man.
"Well , " said the girl's father ,
sternly , after the suitor had finally
stated his c'ise , "do you think you
could support a family , young man ? "
"Geelrn ! " exclained the young
mnn.'have you lostotir job ? '
Yon Can Get Allen's foot-Ease FRKK ,
Write to-day to Allen S. Olmsted , Le Roy ,
N. Y. , for a FItKK sample of Allen's Foot-
Ease. a powder to sliake Into your shoes.
It cures tired , sweating , damp , swollen ,
acliinx feet. It makes new or Tight shoes
easy. A certain cure for Corns and Umilons.
All druggists and shoe stores sell It. 25e
An Ign trattt Captain.
Old Lady "What's the matter
now ? "
Steamboat Captain"We've run on
a sand-bar. "
Old Lady 'Well , why don't you go
over it ? Wha-'s your walking-oeam
for , I'd like to know ? "
Sirs. Win ] ow > SOUTH I Mi SVUUP for children
teething , soften ; ; thr gum * , reduce * intlaination
alla ) paincure * wind colic. 2ie bottle.
II C. C. C. " on Every Tablet.
Every tablet of Cascarets Candy
Cathartic bears the famous C. C. C.
Never sold in bulk. Look for it and
accept no other. Beware of fraud.
All druggists , IDC.
.Your name and address on a postal
card will bring you
Beautiful Illustrated Pamphlets |
on the opportunities of tbe
Adtfrm P. 0. * 162 , T A CO MA , WASH.
Write today a * tbe number ii limited.
l. llnt- a Crime. ( inai Jite * < | cure for ilanclrurT
an > l vr w * liafr mi liuld I edi formula ent.ii | > un
l of XSc. Atldreu f.O. Cux 013. l'hll del ) > lia , IV .
. . -
The Tile Inlet and Outlet.
Xo ouo will question the value of tile
for drainage pipes. In hiying head end
of tile , it ia mistake to dump in a few
picf-os of broken tile and mud dujr from
the Mougli bed with the idea of packing
to makeiearly waterproof. Many have
done that in this section and the water.
- * "TLVy * " ; " -x - " -y
failing to run off. a complaint is made
that tiling does not pay. I liavo known
men to disr up whole ditches of tile and
replace with larger ones , when a little
work in the right way would have
broujrht thinirs out all right. A correct
ly built lily inlet and outlet are abso
lutely essential for success in drainage.
\Vhere soil is of a mucky nature , the
illustration shows a good plan of tilling
in around the inlet This plan , how
ever , is not necessary whore soil is
mossy. About four or live feet of tile
should be covered with coarse gravel
to within six or eight inches of the sur
face , so the plow will not strike the
stone. This will let the water off free
ly , yet keep the soil in good shape. A
large stone should be placed at end of
The outlet should also be kept clean
of roots and bars of netting so placed
that the vermin may be kept out. If
this is done and the tile properly laid.
, WY .
water will liavo easy 1:01111 ? and the
fanner will io his way rejoicing : in
stead of "cussing" the tile which he
thought was too small. Fred Kistrim.
in Farm and Home.
Good Farm Gate.
A heavy gate that is opened a num
ber of times daily is apt to sag in a short
time if uot well braced. An excellent
way of overcoming this fault is shown
in the illustration. The posts are
longer than those ordinarily used , and
are set a foot deeper ' " the ground than
fence posts generally. Heavy flat
stones are placed about the bottom of
the post , to which the gate is hung , and
these stones are braced on either side
by stout oak stakes. Those stakes are
driven so that the tops are just below
the surface of the ground. Three
strong hinges are used to hang the gate
and a strong rod of iron is fastened to
the upright of the g.'Ue > 'id ' to the ton
bar. This helps givatiy in keeping the
gate from warping or "racking" out at
the joints. The latch fastening , though
simple , is effective. A slot is cut
through the front upright of the gate
and the tongue of the latch run through
it. A slot is mortised in the post , as
shown in the illustration , and the
tongue run in. which gives a secure
fastening. The latch or tongue is hung
from the bar of the gate by means or'
two pieces of hnrd. smooth wood , bolted
together , with the tongue between the
louver ends. The bolt which runs
through the bar of the gate is loose
enough'to permit the tongue to be
pushed backward and forward when
the gate is to be opened and closed.
Cabbage Hard on Soil.
Those who attempt to grow cabbage
on a large scale should bear in mind
that the crop uses up large quantities
of plant food and is especially hard on
he potash in the soil. This being the
ase it Is necessary to fertilize heavily
for cabbage , and especially using pot-
isli. Muriate of potash is the best to
.use and the least expensive. Of course
i her fertilizers should also be used. A
, jod plan is to use the stable product ,
.supplementing it with muriate of pot
ash , and also to use heavy applications
of lime which releases the plant food
In the soil.
Principles of Pruitiiiy.
While the proper pruning of trees
will not , by any means , insure their
fruitfulness , it will have more to do
with it than even experienced orchard-
ists think. It is a lamentable fact that
not one man in ten knows how to
properly prune a fruiting tree ; it is
i also to be regretted that more fruit
growers do not better understand that
j proper pruning largely means yearly
1 pruning and not a general slaughter of
! the limbs and twigs every three or
four years. This general practice sim
ply means urging the tree to make a
' heavy growth of wood which is not
needed. In pruning , the experienced
orchardist cuts but slightly the strong
limbs , but wields his knife and shears
, vigorously ou the light branches and
twigs growing ou the inside and on
the underside of the tree. This is the
' general rule and most growers of ex-
J perience practice it with all fruit
trees , although in recent years expert
' fruit growers seem inclined to take
j out the stronger wood on peach trees ,
j although this plan is mainly to get the
tree headed low ; still the peach often
requires different treatment from oth
er orchard trees which may best 'be
I determined by experiments with dif-
I fereut plans , for while general priu-
j ciples may be laid down it is not pos
sible to cover in such directions local
Crows and Corn.
My experience is that one cannot
| keep crows from cornfields any easier
I or more surely stringing up
twine about the fields , occasionally
adding a crossliue. From 1113 * earliest
recollection this was our practice , and
we suffered very little from crows ;
while our neighbors , who depended on
scarecrows , guns , tinware or corn
soaked in tar. came out much worse.
\Ve always saved the twine from year
to year , as it has to come down with
the first cultivation , and it is still
strong. As to watching a field with a
sltotguu , it sometimes needs grit that
would go through a South African Avar ,
especially if A colony of crows get it
"in1 for a field. A 'neighbor two years
ago opened such a campaign , and had to
shoot eighteen crows , fairly finishing
the entire flock , before what was left
of the field was saved. It is safe to say
that the crop was a good many bushels
cut down by what was taken , even
then. I believe in crows , as they live
on insects and mice from preference ;
but they must live or die. and if pre
ferred food is not plentiful , they will
do crops harm. Better , then , adopt a
harmless way of driving them from
cornfields. Correspondence Country
. A Sheep Record.
A Missouri sheep grower has made
a record which he thinks stands near
the top. if it is not ahead of aft others.
Last spring his forty-three Shropshire
ewes dropped eighty-five lambs , amony
which were seven sets of triplets , tweu-
ty-eight sets of twins and eight single
lambs. Fie lost six by death , and killed
two for his personal use. The remain ' .
iug seventy-seven Iambs were let to rim.
ou wheat and other pasture last fall , '
land later were given about twenty' ' .
bushels of corn to put them in market- !
able condition. When sold they aver
aged 103 pounds each , and were report
ed "fat as butter , " selling at ? U.25 , the
highest price in a year or more at Kan t
sas City. An income of about $500 be
side the wool from forty-three ewes 1
makes it look as if well-bred Shrop
shire were a good kind of sheep to in
vest in. American Cultivator.
Grow Alfalfa.
Considerable has been said in this de
partment in favor of alfalfa and the
prediction is now made that in les *
than five years the farm where more or
less alfalfa is not grown will be an ex
ception to the general rule. The only
possible objection that can be urged
against alfalfa is that it cannot be cut
for hay the first season after sowing
the seed. This is a silly objection , for
certainly one can afford to miss this cut
ting if thereby they establish a per t
manent meadow that may be cut , after
the first year , several times during the
season. It has been demonstrated thatj-i
the feeding value of alfalfa is very' '
great , one authority claiming that in al !
feeding test JJ < 5 pounds of alfalfa gave' '
the same returns as 100 pounds uj ,
wheat bran.
Keeping ; Butter.
Good butter will keep sweet for many
weeks when it is placed in a crock
after being mathinto roll wrappei.
in strong cheesecloth or old muslin
and then covered with a brine strong
enough to bear up an egg. Saltpeter
and sugar may be added to advantage
while the brine is still hot in the pro
portion of a * teaspoonful of the former
and a tablespoonful of the latter to ev
ery four quarts. The brine must , how
ever , not be poured upon the butter un
til it is entirely cold.
alt the Cows Rejcularljr.
Sometimes for different reasons but
ter after it comes will not gather read
ily. Neglecting to salt the cows regu
larly will sometimes produce thi. ?
effect Keeping the milk or cream until
it is too old is a very common cause.
Sometimes too much wheat or barlej
chop as a feed will be the cause.
( .
VV kl.
And gentle anointings with CUTICUR A , purest of emollients and
greatest of skin cores , followed in severe cases by mild doses of
CUTICURA RT/QLVENT PILLS. This is the purest , swcetwt ,
most speedy , permanent , and economical treatment for torturing ,
disfiguring , itching , burning , bleeding , scaly , crusted , and pimply
skin and scalp humours , rashes , irritations , and chafings , with
loss of hair , of infants and children , and is sure to succeed when
all other remedies fail
Millions of Mothers Oss Guisoura Soap
Assisted by CUTICURA OINTMENT , the great skin cure , fo < - preserving. purifying. and bumtify-
ing the skits of infanU and chi-dren , for rashes , itchier , tnd ch-.iliu H , for eluinaing the ncup ! of
cruats , scales , und dandruff. and the stopping of fulimif hair , for poftftihiK , whlti-ning , and
aoothinK red. rough , and euro hands , and for all the purpose * of the toilet , bath , and nursery.
Millions of Women use UUTICKRA SOAP in the form of baths for annoying irritations , inilamnia-
tions , and excoriations , for too free or offensive perspiration , in the form of wnnlics for : i'ccrative
weaknesses , and for many sanattvd , antiseptic purposes which readily Miggest theraielvea to
coraen , especially others. CimcunA SOAP combines in O.NE SOAP at ONE i'RlCE , the lEbT
ekiu and complexion soap and the EEsT toilet and baby soap in t.e world.
Complete External and Internal Treatment for Every Humour ,
Consisting of CrnrtmA SOAP iV. ; . to J-aiipf thskin of crust * and
scales , mid coftn the tliickeni-d ent'i-le , CLTICUHA OISTME.NT (5Ue ) .
to instantly aliu > itching inflammation , and irritation , and oothe ntid
heal ; and t'UTit L'it KKBO vts r I'u.Le ( ' ! 5c.n < -o > i and cleanse % e
biod. . -SiNui.fc SET In often si.HVtfiit to CMPthe moni tortuii- . , ' ,
G QCT < &l dlHtlifiirlnir. and hiimtiiinintr oUn , f-ealu. and l > 'o ' < 'd hunioiiriwith ) A
.OELI O > l. ofh.tjr wi.,1 , , li , . | , t. Jails. Sold lliro.ul ) . > nttl-.e world BrUUIiDei- :
27-2S , Charterhouse 8q. , London. Freiu-h Depot : 5 lints etc Jr. I'.iix , runt. I'orTKR r > iuo A..O
CiiEM.Coiir , dole Props. , Hosion , I' S. A.
CUTK'CKA llESOLVENT I'lM.s Chocolate Coated ) .ire si TI-\V. tast.-le d. odourless , economical
nlisiiiute for the celebrated liquid Ci TII t P.A UKSOLVEVT. . - uII afor all oth-r blood pur.iier *
and luimour nures. Each pill IsrquUalriit 1" ot-e ii-aijio n.ii ct ! 'iind | IiKS--.VE\T. I'm ) > in
number dc. . - . ; * . bottle of liquid
ecrevap pocket vlaU , containing the eatue o : a..t
HOLVEJ.T. Klce. 2Jc.
A schoonervith seven musts is' '
now in course of cons .ruction a I
Use the famous Ked Cross .Ball Blue
large 2 oz. pacKus-e 5 cents. Tin ; Russ
. ompany , South IJeml , liul.
In India there are 0,010.759. girls
aetweeu rive and nine years of atre ,
svUo have heen or are wives. Over
170,000 of them are widows.
Don t forget a large 2 oz. packnirp Red |
[ Iross Ball Blue , only 5 centThe Kuas
Dompany , South heiul. Iml.
What he Keully aicl ,
Mrs. Buffers "The teller at that
Dank says you are just the meanest ,
stingiest "
Mr. Buffers "Great Scott ! VVha-
ivhat is that ? He says "
Mrs. Buffers "Well , he didn't sav
t in so many words , hut that is what
le meant , of course "
Mr. Buffers ' 'See here ! What did
the fellow say ? "
Mrs. Buffers "He asked me to in-
3orse the check ; and when J told him
[ hadn't the uliost of an idoa what he
meant , he said he presumed I hatitrt
aad much experience getting checks
jashed so there ! "
A total i t" 2 J ; > 1 dti.iths fn m clioli-r %
have been ivpuiUd in the 1'hilippineK.
Mrs. Carrie Xation was acquitted
in the district court in Topfka where
she was arni'irwd tor joint smashing
i One olhr r ca > - is penning against hec.
The order remoMiiir Americac
troops from sixteen towns in tin-
! Philippines has calleri forth p tiiioist
I ag.iinst. the proposed remo al. owiu
j to the four of bandits after the troops
ihave lelr.
Kviirjr fanner his owe
imnllord. no incuia- *
_ - ye r by y c ,
l.iud vitlur itur > * A-inc *
did cl i m ute. cut
taxation , ni l. | iri < - ic
fur call i . .nJ r ni. o f mi'way rnlv . nnd rrf
' p > s-H > e c-uinfort Tliis M the crMMliiin * ! of the
farmer in Western ( iiuatU. Province of Mnniti > hc.
ftliil iiii-i.-i > . .r A- . < l''it > i. < . a lvtilcliijwau
. o : ijiit- > r. Thit -w 41111111:1Atln * 'X. I
\ \ . . . . . . 1 tojtll * . .
- < irr. J..i.i > i i 1 - 1 i jinHiits. | tc
F. P Hv. . Stif > tof Iniiui r.ainu. otL. . . Liii. or
Ui W. V."Bnn 'tt. 801 New York Life Hidj ; . . Oma
ha , Neb. . A fiil for Uie Guverum > 'ikt f
Erery lare counij. " AMK O' HKILI , " nicki.
lot machitio for drmi and cieart ; otrictlr lawfu
takes p.nee of forbidden slot machine * , ttiereb }
a lonu-ieit want ; rouie > l or nold on eai ? ST
fellntficht ; fort > tnoumnd nmr in n * .
JACK-O.N l Ef-K OMPA \ V. tlaclauntl. tth'fc
Kalsomines are temporary , &
rot , rub off and scale.
jjgg SMALL POX '
and other disease germs are
T- nurtured and diseases dissem- j
mated byvall paper.
should be usedinTenovarmg
Th Doct r "One layer of paper ii bad enouirb ; _ J t-- 11 IT
JOB bare tbrc * hero. Baby revurtr. but UUQ - all WIlUS.
cannot tbriro. "
ALABASTINE COMPANY , Gmnd Rapids'Mich. .
t S/l ' 1 ' "Vs . .