Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 23, 1902, Image 1
Society nnij mr JSL. THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA VOLUME XVII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA. MAY 23 , 1902. NUMBER 18 Every Dollar You Spend j isto to for clothing this Spring & * outside of this store is to honestly from 20 to 40 fo per cent wasted and fa our values will prove it. If you respect your time to and money you will at j * once acquaint yourself & with our superior val- ° j > ucs for the Spring'and fo Summer of 1902 : : : fc > The < ? 9 ! ed Front 4 ? 4 ? tf ' TVr'VT 4 * / j i- Te're Too Busy Waitinj On our customers this week to write an advertisement : ats Summer Shirts Ties The Latest Just in Style Light Weight The Kcwcst t Light Weight Pants and Suits with Shoes to Match 'Em. JKg7Exppriencod Tailors Employed" " JlDO \ TAILOK I 11 ! ft ft U. AND GLOTHIEE. Sr5SE aZ23 2g253aE5ESZ Now Is your time to buy lots in jjj McDonald's Addition. Prices ranging | from $45.00 up. For further informa- | " 3 JL " TT "FH TTT" . - -W-I-K-I- Valentine W tion apply _ to w. Hj. HALEY ajcura-ka jg K FOR BENT 40 Acres good land south of track. Has been broken : : : : : : We are also selling & A Line of General Merchandise 1 At Bed Bock Prices at our General Store in S Crookston , ISTebr. E. MCDONALD. KS2S5S E2S222S3 S23 S2S THEDONOHER .1 , C , 1VF.BI5. Proprietor. Is the Bust Equipped , most Comfortable , Largest and Best Two-Dollars a-Day FIRST-GLASS MODERN HOTEL Iii Norti\vesterii ) Nebraska Bath. Hot and Cold Water , Two Sample Eooms YALE'HTIEE - NEBRASKA Anti-rust Tinware eO Gasoline Stoves © o Self-Generating Gasoline Eahges Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stoves o Q o Garden Seeds that Will Grow o o e Millet , Cane and Kaffir Corn © o o oo © oo ANDERSON & FISCHER , o oQ o o o CITIZENS MEAT MARKET TETTER , PROP Oil AND GAIHf IN THEIR SEASON You Read The Democrat ? * < 'J Qo TALK OF THF OWN- 0o 0O J , 2 a.J / ilk.A . i JLJL-/ \sX vv i x " * O o Court in session next week. W. A. Dennv was in town jester day. day.J. J. H. Sear03 % of Crookston , was ii town last Saturda } ' . Allen Benson , of Arabia , visited ii town a few days last week. N. S. Rowley , of Kennedy , was do ing business in town the first of the week. Miss Maud Folks , of Crookston , vis ited friends in town a few days la l week. Chas. F. Cooper was in' town thi. week for the first time in severa months. Geo. Jarchow , of Rushville , is en joying himself with Valentine friends this week. A number of our young peogle en- ioyed themselves at a picnic Bris- tal's grove last Saturday. A dance was enjoyed by the lovers of that pastime at the Valentine house last Monday evening. Edward Walsh , state deputy for the W. O. W. . is in town this week look ing after the interests of that order. The grounds around the court house have been nicely graded and sown tc grass. Itwill , make a line lawn some day. Miss Myrtle Query had the misfor tune to break her arm in jumping out of a buggy while fishing at Dcwey lake. The license question has been set tled in Cody. One license has been issued and another will be issued soon. The Junior League paid $ .30 on their pastor's salary last Monday. The children often do more than grown people. It is said that the Lord loves a cheerful giver. The editor has the same feeling toward the prompt-pay ing subscriber , Andrew Benson , of Arabia , took some cattle up the Minnechaduza last week for Mr. Kennealy , to graze during the summer. t The weather clerk will move from the Davenport building to the new Fraternal hall builui" and is adver tising fur bids for the moving. Thomas Gates and daughter , oi Lime Springs. la. , arrived last night. Miss Gates has filed on a homestead in the west end of the county. \Ye acknowledge a pleasant visit from J. W. Pike , of Crookston , last week. He has been spending the win ter over in Iowa and returned re cently. Max E , Viertel , one of the Crooks- ton merchantts , was transacting busi ness in Valentine the first of the week and in the evening he beat some of the boys at ten pins. L. W. Parker and John Adamson called at this office during the past week and paid their subscriptions in advance. They have both been suc cessful in wintering their herds. Class No. 3 } of the Junior League had an ice cream party at the home of their teacher , Mrs. 15. Breuklander , last evening. The little folks had a very pleasant time and enjoyed them selves hugely. U. G. Dunn stepped from the east- bound passenger train Sunday with one lej"j one arm and his head in a sling. He was working on the new Sparks building , which he has the contract for. building , in Cody , last Friday , when he fell from the * gable , where he was working , a distance ot twenty feet , and his form was some what ' "pied. " Sheriff Layporte took a drive about thirty miles east of Valentine , Sun day morning and arrested Thomas J. Nelson and .John and Harry Junod on the charge of stealing seven or eight miles of fence from D. A. Hancock. A search was made of the premises and at Nelson's about 400 pounds of the wire was found buried under sod and hay and at JunoJ's place their share of the stolen wire had been con- verted into two oFthrec miles of good fence which had to come down with out waiting for orders from Washing ton About 1,000 pounds of wire was taken. The prisoners were brought to town and released on bail and will have a hearing about June 20th. There are = aid to be others in that neighborhood who will hear some thing drop iu the near future. - One of the McKee brothers and J no A. Gee , of Kennedy , were in tovn Monday. McKee Bros have lost tw < good horses which are advertised 01 another page. * Rev. Benbrook , of Wymore. shoi five times at a doctor of that towi and didn t hit him once. . If he can'l preach any better than he can shoot he had belter abandon the pulpit and stek another occupation. District court convenes next MOTV day with forty-three cases on the docket fortv-one civil and two crim inal. The criminal cases are against Herman chwabero v , grand larceny , and Eii McGregor and U. Hunt , horse stealing. The gas works in Davenport & Thacher's store played out on them Monday evening and they were com pelled to rustle for lamps. We un derstand that the machine was crip pled bv the breaking of the dingbat that woiks the gilUerliuKe. F. U. Baumgartel sold the balance of his stocic of goods that were dam aged by fire. Monday , and returned to his home at Crookston to enjoy a much-needed rest , alter which he mny return to Valentine and again enter the mercantile business. Isaac MorgarieJge , recently from St. Louis , Mo. , returned this morning and called at democratic headquar ters to register. There's a hearty welcome for all democrats at this < r- Gee. We feel that they are next of kin and are all good people. Mrs. Frank Fiecher and her daugh ter , Mrs. W. S. Jackson , left yester day morning for n visit with relatives in vVahoo. Mrs. F. expects to be ab * sent about three weeks. Mr. Jackson will be a grassvidder for a lonirer time , as his wife will visit at several points in Iowa before returning. Eight lodges will occupy Fraternal hall from thestsirt ; the Masons , East ern Star , A. O. U" . VV..Degree'oi Hon or , Modern Woodmen , lloyal Neigh bors. Odd 'Fellows and Knights of Pythias. It is only a question of time when all the lodges in town will call this beautiful new hall their home. The people of Chadron have chipped in $500 to entertain th'e editors at the coming meeting of the Elkhorn Val ley Editorial Association. The en terprising people of that burg v.ill find it a case of casting their' bread upon the waters and the editors are likely to'return after many days. Information reached Ainsworth Saturday that old man Capwell had been found dead in bed at Whitney , this state , the morning previous. B.C moved here from Valentine a ytar or so ago. and was a well-known char acter. We understand he was buried at Whitney. Lie had an aged wife here but no other relatives so far aie known.--Ainsworth Star-Journal , The members of Mrs. S. Moon's post-gracluate class and a few invittd friends gave a reception at her home Tuesday evening for the members of the class who have been in town at tending school and at the close will go to their several homes. The even ing's entertainment consisted of a program , question box , games and re freshments. One of the pleasant features of the evening waa a lemon ade bowl presided over by M iss Win nie Keele1 , ; , who stood in a with a profusion of ilowers in the back ground. A leading business man who recent ly visited Omaha and stopped at the Millard hotel , remarked after his re turn home : "I am glad I put up at the Millard. Great improvements have been made in the hotel. The rooms have been newly furnished , some of them very expenshely. I have never sat down to a belter hotel table. It only cost me 82 per day on the American plan. I could have had a higher priced room , but the room as-signed to me was good enough for anbody. . The service throughout the hotel was first-class in ever\r respect. The location of the hotel suits me ex actly. It is just between the whole sale and retail districts , convenient to the banks , express and telegraph offices and all street car lines. 1 shall always itop at the Milliard when I go to Omaha. Some stop at the Millard on the European plan atl and up per day. A cafe adjoins the dining room for these yuests and th prices ; re reasonable. I went on to Lincoln oi : business.and had an excellent dinner at the Lincoln. It is the only first- class hotel in Lincoln and is mot > t con veniently located opposite the depot. The rates there are § 2 and up per day.1 S3 f \ -i , to Consult G r 4 ? Witli us in regard to your Summer it- purchases. We liave a good line of-J Ladies' Gloves , Ladies' Lace Frame to Lisle Gloves in black and white , & Ladies' Kid Gloves warranted. Laj j * K oies' Moclia Driving Gloves : : : & The Dressiest of All Shoes a * 1 ? Is the Colonial Oxford Tie. WejJ have them. New Linen Summer & H ? Wash Goods with trimmings toJ match. A full line of Suu and Rain j * Umbrellas - - - - - - -a > Everything Fresh and New , DAVENPORT & THACHER General Merchants. A COMPELTB LINE OF GeneralMerchandise Merchandise AiSTD Groceries f CROOKSTCXX B l- XE13 It ASK A o 0o Just Received 0o , a j © o o Car of Sack Salt. ! oQ oo o § W. A. Pettycrew , General Merchandise , o Sporting Goods An assorted line of Fishing Poles , Hooks , Reels , Balls , Bats , Gloves , Bicycle Sundries and Marbles. . O. W , Morey , the Old Reliable Jeweler , Go o o © o Our stock is now complete and consists of o oo o o olilmf ! HUSH A Tll ° E ipsc , Fairbanks-Morse Galvanized o 9 o TOO miS Steel , and Wind Motors = ? oo _ o O o Our display of Buggies is the Largest and S § Finest ever brought to Cherry.County o o 8o o o O John Deere riding and walking Listers , John Ueere riding and walking o and walking Cultivators and { sledges. Stirring and Breaking Plows. * o 6O o Mollne and Banner Wagons § O McCorrnick Mowers aud Rakes I o o I Dane Sweeps Superior Stackers oo o . o o © Our stock of Lumber and I'tiilders' Materials is the lanrest and o 3g most complete ever carried here. Come and examine 2o o 3I our stock and let us give you our price.- . 5 I LUDWIG LUMBER YARD I 0 AT THS * * SSI PRINTING - * OFFICE Caa Sotiafy You u Fric ? and Workcdasbip