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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1902)
VALEN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA VOLUME XVII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , MAY 15 , 1902. NUMBER 17 Every Dollar You Spend \ for clothing this Spring outside of this store is honestly from 20 to 40 per cent wasted and our values will prove it. If you respect your time and money you will at SJ once acquaint yourself fc > with our superior valft ues for the Spring and fo Summer of 1902 : : : ft The. Red Front { ? * jcS fft We're Too Busy Waiting- On our customers this week to write an advertisement ! ats Rummer Shirts Ties The Latest Just ill Style Light Weight The Kewest "Light Weight Pants and Suits with Shoes to Match 'Em. JCSTExpprieuced Tailors TAILOK AND CLOTHIER. * i C < ? iifrWxJ3rflaxS Now is your time to buy lots in | McDonald's Addition. Prices ranging i from $45.00 up. Eor further informa tion apply to W. E. HALEY : : j _ : FOE , RENT 40 Acres good land south of track. Has "been broken : : : : : : We are also selling - at our General Store in 1 Crookston , Nebr. E. MCDONALD THEDONOHER J. C , WEBB , l roirietor. Is the JBost Equipped , most Comfortable , Largest and Best Two-Dollars a-Day FIEST-CLA88 MODERN HOTEL In Northwestern Nebraska Bath , Hot and Cold Water , Two Sample Rooms YALEHTIEE - NEBRASKA | Anti-rust Tinware I Gasoline Stoves § O gj o Self-Generating Gasoline Eanges Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stoves o I Garden Seeds that Will Grow § o 2 § Millet , Cane and Kaffir Corn g I ANDERSON & FISCHER , f G C3e22.ozil 22 : ,1c3L 7573 o l GX'ola.ctzi.tjs , © oo@o@ooeooooGooooo0oeo QOGOG090909QO0909090909090 6 CITIZENS MEAT MARKET J. W. STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GARSF IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , Boasts Diy Salt Meats , Smoked i Breakfast Bacon Do You Read The Democrat P Omo9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o9o&o9o9o9o9oeo9o9o | * TALK OF THE TOWNf 990909090909090909090909090 A fishing party went to the lakes this weeK. M. Dunham came in for a load of freight this week. John Neiss was down from the res ervation this week. P. N. Moses , of Simeon , is re N- tered at the Donoher. L. C. Sparks and family are again residents of Valentine. O. W. Worey has improved his > ard by putting in a fountain. J. F. Nye's familiar face is seen on our streets during the past week. ! D. W. Parmalee was down from the I agency a couple of days this week. Levi Sparks has begun his new du ties in the store of JacKSon & Bray ton. "Wm. Bachelor called and subscribed for the DEMOCRAT , to be sent to him at Oasis. Charley Shepherd , of Wood Lake , is visiting with his sister , Mrs , H. HiLiuger , Dr. E. J. DeBell , of Rosebud , made a business trip to Sioux City last Sun day morning. Miss Mary Easom was called home a < rain Saturdamorning. . Her father had a relapse. j D. O. Baugh , assessor of Mother Lake precinct , was in with the re turns the first of the week. C. D. Nesbir , a popular young gales- man foe Knapp , Spencer & Co. wa's in our city the first of the week. Archie PettArcre\v returned last week and this morning commenced work in Bohle's confectionery. Sergeant Kalb and Mrs. Boxvering were married la'st evening at Fort Niobrara , by Rev. J. A. Maclean , Miss Nellie Roche , of Sioux City , is visiting with relatives here , the Bach elors and 31 rs. R. McQuadt for a few days. The dipping vat at Britt owned by Cornell and Viertel was used success fully yesterday and over 300 head of cattle were baptized and made clean. We don't think it will be necessary to dip seven times , for this just the or dinary Texas itch. A. G. Shaw has been enjo\ing a good patronage at his photograph gallery and fometimes his room is full of people inspecting his samples while waiting for a picture. Mr Shaw has refitted tp ylass on the in- -.uli- , making a dust-proof skylight. Children should be taught to respect the rights of others and the owner ship of property at an early age. Many failures in life may be attrib- ated to neglect in early training to live within one's means and count the cost before making a venture but a greater failure may be attributed to a total disregard for truthfulness and being unworthy of trust and confi dence. Many boys have succeeded in life because of their willingness to work , combined with other qualities of usefulness and honor , truthfulness and respect. Adam White and John Burnette have been fixing up a camp wagon with a grub box attachment that will be a great convenience. There is also a stove wagon attached to the wagon for hauling the stove. Quite a num ber of people were guessing what they would be used for when U. G. McBride and Ki Brown were making them and the guesses ran all the way from a water tank or ice chest to a hog chute or dipping tank. It was simple enough when told what the boxes would be. They were taken out for use yestereajmorning. . Some thoughtless persons ( we don't like to believe that it is a lack of bet ter training , though at times we are tempted to do to ) go whistling by a church during services and cause some annoyance to persons who are inside listening and is embarrassing to the speaker. There are some who would go thundering along in a lum ber wagon at great speed while pass ing a church and whether they think of it or not we would suggest that they keep in rnind the fact that soon er or later they'will depend upon the tender mercies of some church and minister to perform more solemn cer emonies during which someone will n-member the irreverent hearing of the humbled spirit. To be plainer , it is not the well-bred and properly trained persons who boisterously dis turb others while seekingtheir own convenience and pleasure , 190909000909090909090909090 Hon. Frank Rothlentner and wifefl of Georgia , were in town last week. Geo. M. Shane , of Wood Lake , was a welcome caller at this office while in town last Thursday. t P. H. Youngj the stockman wf o purchosed the ranches of W D Mor- gareidge and C. D. Ainslie is in town , DeRoy .Leach , county surve3or , came up yesterday on No. 27 to do some surveying near Nenzel for Mr. Cole. Nice rains have fallen during the past week , which greatly assist in mantling the earth with a coat of green , J E. Cochran and family drove out to the J oe Stuart ranch Tuesday morn ing to spend the summer , though they expect to return occasionally for a visit , G. W. Burge and family will soon become residents of Valentine. Mr , Burge i& well known in Cherry county and will be appreciated as a citizen of" our town. Dr. Wm A. Winder and his clerk , Mr. Shockley , went to Omaha Satur day morning to meet a cousin of Maj. MinnrV a Mrs Grafton. who was re turning trorn the Pacific coast to her home in Pennsylvania. F , W. Jersig returned yesterday morning to West Line , Mo. , after several weeks' absence from home , In another column we puollsh a no tice of loas of three head of horses. John Layporteof Marshaltown. la. , came up last Saturday to visit for a week with his son , Lee. our sheriff Mr. Laporte is nearly 74 years of age and is a remarkably stout appearing man and looks very little older than our sheriff. We acknowledge a pleas ant visit with him and we place his name on our subscription list for the coming year. An infant industry at Cody h s'gone glimmering. A. A. Munn , section foreman and John Bunn , night coal heaver for the F. E. & M. V. were do ing a nice little business with the Company's coal as their stock when Fred Hans , the Company detectives broke up their business by bringing them to Valentine last Saturday they pleaded guilty and were fined 81 and costs which , with the restitution , made it cost them $30. We have received a letter irom Martin Rice , of Lone .Tack , Mo. , an iiticl' f ' ri'itor "f tli' . paper. Martin Rice is now past 87 years of age and is the oldest living pioneer of Jackson county , Mo. } having lived on the same farm during the past 60 years and moved to Jackson county when there were very few settlers and and the country a vast wilderness , There was no Kansas City then the largest town in the county was a postoffice and perhaps less than a doz en ptopl . Many readers of this paper visit Omaha more or less frequently. They are naturally interested in the hotels of Nebraska's metropolis. It will be of much interest to them to know that the Millard , Omaha'a leading hotel , which has been in the hands of the decorators , furnishers , carpenters , etc , for some weeks past , at an ex pense of several thousands of dollars , it a finer hotel today than it ever was before. Its location is the most cen tral of any in the heart of the bank ing , wholesale and retail districts. Every street car from every depot in Omaha pas-ses the hotel or runs con veniently near to it. It is the only strictly first-class hotel in Omaha where the rate on the American plan is as low as $2 pei day. Of course , if you want a very select room , or room with bath , the rate is higher ; but , no matter what the rate may be , the 'menu ' , cuisine and general high-grade service throughout the hotel are uni formly alike for every guest. Those who prefer the European plan can stop at the Millard for $1 and up per day , and for these guests a cafe , at reasonable prices , is open , adjoining the large public dining room. You can have all the Millard's first-class advantages for the same price you would pay at a second-rate Omaha hotel. Therefore , why not go after the best when you are about it ? Take our advice and stop at the Millard ' the next time you visit Omaha. The same advice applies to the Lincoln at j Lincoln. It is conveniently situated opposite the depots and postoffice , ! and is the only first-class hotel in Ne braska's Capital City. The rates there are § 3 and up per day. ftft ft ftft I Consult ftft ftft * ft 'V ftft ftft ft ftft ft With ns in regard to your Summer ftft ftft purchases. We have a good line of ftft Ladies' Gloves , Ladies' Lace Frame ftft ftft ft 4 ? Lisle Gloves in black and white , Ladies' Kid Gloves warranted. La- oies' Mocha Driving Gloves : : : * ? < i The Dressiest of All Shoes Is the Colonial Oxford Tie. WejJ ? have them. New Linen Summer ft Wash Goods with trimmings to match. A full line of SUL. . and Rain ft 49 Umbrellas -ft ftft 49 ft Everything Fresh and New. ftft ftft ftft 4 < ? ft ftft 41 4 ? DAVENPORT d THACHER ftft ftft * ? ft S General Merchants. ftft ftft ft E CARRY A COMPELTE LINE OF GeneralMerchandise Merchandise AKD Groceries MAX E. VIERTEL CKOOKSTCXN . NEBRASKA o O Just Received , a o e ! Car of Sack Salt. ! | W. A. Pettycrew , General Merchandise , g Sporting Goods An assorted line of Fishing Poles , Hooks , Reels , Balls , Bats , G-loves , Bicycle Sundries and Marbles. O , W , Mor ey , the Old Reliable Jeweler , o Our stock is now complete and consists of o o The Eclipse , Fairbanks-Morse Galvanized Q Steel , and Wind Motors : : : : : : Our display of Buggies is the Largest and * Finest ever brought to Cherry County § John Deere riding and walking Listers , John Deere riding and walking o and walking Cultivators and sledges. Stirring and Breaking Plows. I fMoline and Banner Wagons f o - o iMcCormick Mowers and Hakes s o o I Dane Sweeps Superior Stackers ! i - - . - s o . o C Our stock of Lumber and Builders' Materials is the largest and o & o o most complete ever carried here. Come and examine 9o o o 9a our stock and let us give you our prices. & a > o o | LUBWIG LUMBER YARD oo , 9 m- . 090909090909090 09090909090909090909090909090909090 9)0. GET AT THIS PRINTING YOUR _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OFFICE * Ve Can Satisfy-You. , QualitV Price and