Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 01, 1902, Image 6
p y * : f 7s IGHT and twenty years old to-day ! " said Mips Mallan daine , with a shake of her yellow ctirlp. "Dear me , I : un really getting to bo almost an old maid ! " "Oh , my love , what nonsense , " said fcer mother , "as if you couldn't he mar- cied any day that you pleased ! " "But it's so hard to make up one's Kind , " paid Miss Mollandaine. At that moment Carter , her maid , tripped in. "If you please. Miss Mary , here's a .imnch of violets just come for you. And a card. " "Violets ! " cried Mary , with brighten ing eyes and rosy lips apart. "My fa vorite flower ! How kind of Captain Cleveland to remember my birthday ! " But in less than a minute back came Garter again. "A parcel for Miss Mallandaiue ! " cried she , breathlessly , "with Mr. Mild- may's card. " "Isn't it nice to have birthdays ? " aid Mary , laughing and coloring as ehe opened the little violet velvet caw and saw an amethyst bracelet with thu one word , "Mary , " engraved on tint nside. "But , oh , mamma , I can't take Anything so expensive as this. " "You can't return It my dear , with out seeming rude , " said comfortable Mrs. Mallandaine. "And It certainlj te a gem , and quite puts the captain's violets In the shade. " TWO BIUTHDAY GIFTS. "Nothing is so sweet as flowers , mamma , " said she. "But the violets could have been' feought anywhere for 25 or 50 cents , j my dear , " said Mrs. Mallandaine. "And the bracelet must have cost $100. Mr. i liiidmay is very handsome and agree- Able , " continued Mrs. Mallandaine. "But there is something about him that I don't quite like , mammahesi tated Mary. And long after her mother had left the room Mary Mallandaine sat with 4he two birthday gifts before her , look- Ing first at the bunch of violets and then at the broad band of yellow gold to its satin-lined case. The very next afternoon she met Llz- cie Cleveland , the captain's rosy little "Are you going to Lady Haughton's ball next week. Lizzie ? " said she. "I haven't got anything fit to go In , " cuswered Lizzie , "and Frank can't af ford mo the money for a new dress. An old college companion of his has Jost died in great distress , and Frank lias given all his money to assist the poor widow and children. Dear Frank is always doing such noble things. " When she came home she found a visitor Mrs. Inglls waiting for her. "My dear , " said Mrs. Inglis , "I really must show you the bargain I got yes terday at Levison's a real jet neck lace , set In gold , for $12.50. Only look. " "It is beautiful , " admitted Miss Mal landaine. "But Isn't Levison a pawn broker ? " "The very reason I go there to buy things cheap , " nodded Mrs. Inglis. "They do have things so reasonable at Levison.'s. ' "Do they ? " said Miss Mallandaine. "And It's such a dreadfully couve- olent place , too , " added Mrs. Inglis. "I was waiting in the dark end of the dear , mysterious old place , for the c&SLSp of the necklace to be repaired for , of course , I didn't care about be ing seen and while I was there the handsomest young man you ever saw came in to hire a bracelet. " "To hire a bracelet ! " repeated Mary Mallandaine in astonishment "Yes , " nodded Mrs. Inglis. "Wasn't U a curious idea ? To hire a bracelet { or three months ? There was a good deal of joking going on between him , and old Levison , and I could hear him declare that he was going to be mar ried to an heiress within the throe months , and that this bracelet should JHJ returned at the end of that time. without fail , and he was to pay $10 month and assume all risks. " "How do you know ? " "Lcvison told me so after he had gone out. Levison was packing the bracelet in a velvet case to send away. I tried to make him tell me where it was going , but he wouldn't But it was the sweetest thing you ever saw- Roman gold , with " Mary Mallandaine opened the drawer of her inlaid secretaire and took out an open velvet case. In which lay the amethyst bracelet. "Was It anything like this ? " said 'she. ' "The very one ! " erred Mrs. Inglis. "My dear child , bow came you in pos session of it ? " "Mr. Mildmay sent It to me yester day , " said Miss Mallandaine , quietly. "It can't be possible that that young man was Mr. Mildmay ! " cried Mrs. Inglis. "It is most probable , " said Miss Mal landaine , with a curious , cold smile. "And excuse me , dear that you are the heiress that he is going to marry ? " "L aui lue heiress that he is not go- Ing to marry , " said Miss Mallandaine , with the sparkle of angry tears in her eyes. And Miss Mallandaine was married to Captain Cleveland after all , and the flowers she wore , with a tulle and white satin dress , were neither orange blossoms nor jessamines , but simple violets. London Evening News. KINDLY ACT APPRECIATED. Conrtcsy Shown n Poor Blind Colored Man In n Street Car. People are so busy nowadays they have often not time to be polite , and R. considerate act at once attracts at tention. There was such an occur rence a few days ago in the Fourth avenue car. Among the passengers was a blind negro. His clothes were the veriest rags and were held to his emaciated frame with pieces of wire and bits of string. A broom handle served as a cane. Over one shoulder was suspend ed a gunny sack , giving him the ap pearance of a cotton picker. He continually picked at one hand with the fingers of the other , as though iie were playing the banjo , humming softly to himself the wfliile and pai- Ang his foot As his face was wreath- jd in smiles not a grin all eyes were : urneJ in his direction. Many of the ) assengers looked at him regretfully vhen the car reached Stanton street ind he arose and made his way toward he door. The hour was a busy one on the Bow- try. People wondered whether the old nan would reach the sidewalk in safe- y. A young man standing on the rear ilatform did more than wonler , how- ! \er. for he alighted and guided the legro safely to the sidewalk. He then s rapidly as possible ran after the ar , which was disappearing down the treet Several of the passengers who had oticed the incident called on the con- uctor to stop the car , but as he did ot do so one of them rang the beil vio- mtly , and the motonnan reversed the iver and brought the car to a sud- en stop. As the young man climbed on the latform , says the New York Times , rany "smile * of approbation were cast i his direction. But he seemed to be Imost ashamed of what be had done , nd he pulled his hat down over his res and continued his ride in silence. POVERTY AND MARRIAGE. Engagements Not Conducive to Prosperityt According to Some. All unconscious of the man in the axt seat two girls on a Germantown ajn the other morning were discuss- ig engagements. "I don't care what folks would say , " ( marked the one with red hair , "if 1 ally loved a man and he was poor would insist upon marrying him at ice , rather than submit to a long en- igement. " "That's the way I feel , " said the girl ith blue eyes. ' * Tlie young man who ays single until he can save enough get married on is up against it At ast , that's what my brother Jack says , e says that the trouble is that when fellow Is engaged to a girl he wants show her a good time and the consc ience is he never saves anything. " "Jack is right" said the girl with red ilr , according to the Philadelphia , s ? cord. "I know a case that proves it ! ie girl has been engaged now for rht years. Her fiance is in business New York , but he conies over to sit her once a week. He comes over i Saturday afternoon and goes back Monday morning .Saturday night he ways takes her to the theater , and ere's generally a supper afterward , n sure that makes a big hole In his v lary every week. Now , I " ' r But the train had pulled into the jading terminal. Tho Way oi * Liil'e. 'Tls easy to dispose cf debt , But when , by squeeze and strain , We extricate ourselves , you bet We plunge rijrht iii again. Baltimore American. r Life is full of troubles , and we have tlced that tho worst ones coine he re breakfast HOW HE SAVED $500. Conscientious Farmer Didn't Want t Cheat Him. "Speaking of natural oil welLs n minds me of a little circumstance , said the man from Toledo , with a sig to finish off his words. "I was look ing for a farm In Ohio a good man , years ago and I finally found one to hi ray fancy. I bargained for It at $2 , 000 and realized that I had a gooi thing. It took aveclc for the Tanue to get his abstract of title for my lav ; yer to examiue it and a day was ap pointed for passing the papers and pay Ing over the cash. The farmer didn1 show up on that day or the next , liu on the third day he came In and said " 'I didn't mean to keep you wait ing , but you have saved $500 by It. " 'How do you mean ? ' I naturalli asked. / " 'Well , three days ago when I was working out in the meadow I began t < Kinell a strange odor. I looked at around and pretty soon I found thai the little creek running through it was all covered with a nasty black stuff 1 followed it up to the spring , and thai spring was bubbling up something like tar. It was mighty greasy stuff nud barrels of it floating down the crcefc and smelling clear to the house , and I knew you'd never take the farm witi ; no such stench around. ' " 'And what ? ' I whispered as I real teed that the 'tar' was petroleum. " 'I was going to send you word thtt I'd let you off on your bargain , as I don't want to cheat anybody , when r man comes along in a buggy and smell * and sniffs and calls out : " 'Hello , neighbor , what's this smelK" " 'It's tar or soap grease , ' says I. " 'Where does It come from ? * " 'From a spring down here. ' " 'He got down and went to the spring with me and after looking ami tasting and greasing his shoes he asks : " 'What's your price for this farm V " 'I was asking 52,000 and had "I " sold , ' says I , 'but owing to this smell I'll take $500 less. ' " 'He said he'd take it , and he got i lawyer and we finished up the burl- less in half a day. That's why 1 didn't show up and that's how you've savetl R500. ' "It was a natural oil well , of course. " ? ighed the Toledo man , according to he Detroit Free Press , "and I may toll rou that it yieUed over half a million jarrels of oil before it petered out. li vas a big thing and a good thing , but lon't try to console me. There are no vords in the English language that can lo it. " A Strong Combination. I overheard a rather good story the ther day in which Bishop Doane fig- ires. The bishop was standing in ront of a drug store on Washington venue nearly opposite the capitol , alking to a well-known surgeon of liis city and the proprietor of the rug store. Nearly in front of the rug store was an undertaker's wagon. rhich the owner had left there for a jw moments while he went into a tore to make a purchase. At this incture , as the novelists say , along ime a prominent Albanian who was ell acquainted with the bishop , the argeon and the druggist He was bout to stop and pass the time of day 'ith the group , when he happened to 2 struck with the peculiar combina- on. Turning to the bishop , he said : Doctor , druggist , priest and under- iker's wagon that combination is a ttle too suggestive to suit me. I'll iss. " And he paissed along on his ay , followed by the hearty laughter ' . the bishop and his friends , Albany ress. ntdoor Weddings in May and Jnue. It is a growing custom to celebrate rantry weddings , in May and June , it-of-doors. One of the prettiest of eddings took place last May in an chard in full blossom , when nature emed to have decked herself for a idal. Garlands of foliage suspended om tree to tree marked off the aisle those of white flowers indicating the ace where the bridal party was to and. For a country wedding the In- tatlons should give full Information lout trains , and carriages or carry- Is be sent to convey the guests to id from the station. A.fter an hour given to their friends e bridal pair retire to dress for their urney , and the formal guests with- aw. The bridegroom awaits the ide at the foot of the staircase with e family and intimate friends. At r appearance she holds aloft her idal bouquet and then throws it long the bridesmaids. The one to tcb It will be the next bride so say Fates ! Ladies' Home Journal. Carried Millions on His Back. iVhen Baron Rothschild was paying visit to New York a reception was ren him in a certain great house. ; e affair was in charge of Brown , the nous old Sexton of Grace Church , lother.j reception was being held the r ne evening in a house almost iin- idiately opposite , which was also in arge of the Sexton. The Baron shed to attend the second affair , t the street was full of mud , the fbt was disagreeable and no car- ge was at the curbstone. He could , . t walk across without soiling his | [ , ) ts and evening clothes , and for the I : iment he was in a predicament as to tat he should do. But he was soon ieved of this dilemma. "I'll carry j across myself , " said Brown jovial- "now , mount my shoulders , " and , isping him as if he had been a child ; carried the nobleman across on his ; k. Ladies' Home Journal. Pipe Smokeil in Public. . 'he presence of the pipe in public in ris is not anything like as marked in England. The French still regard 3 mode of consuming tobacco as ra dig. Independent Items Excerpts From The Nebraska Independent , Lincoln , Nebraska , Made by Direc tion of the Populist State Central Committee. Eric Johnson of the Saunder County New Era brings out the nami of Jesse Gidley , of Sand Creek , a : "very good material for a legislate ; for either senator or representative. ' Mr. Gidley is a democrat but Mr Johnson says "that makes no differ ence with us , provided he is the righ kind of a democrat. " E. A. Brown of the Loup Citj Times-Independent seconds the Custei County Beacon's motion to nominate Judge Homer M. Sullivan for con gress and saj-s "Judge Sullivan is n good campaigner and not only that if elected would prove a hummer ou the floor of the house. " The Red Cloud Nation is still en ergetic in booming Dr. Damcrell fcr governor. John A. Barker of the Franklin Franklin Sentinel quotes the Fr e Press as saying that "a d ought will insure the re-election this fall of Congressman Shallenberger. " Mr. Barker says "the Free Press ventures far enough out of the virgin path of republican journalism to assert thac Mr. Shallenberger has served his con stituents well. " Edgar Howard in the Columbus Telegram quotes Gov. Savage as stat ing to the St Joseph Gazette reporter not long sinct ! that "there are not ten men in the state of Nebraska but know where that $181,000 went. But I am going to tell you. Tho Omaha National Bank got that money. " Of course Millard's bank ? ot the money in the first instance. Bartley deposited the proceeds of the sale of that big warrant in the Omaha National Bank but he checked It ojt to a number of republican politicians in the state. It is probable that Mil liard got a good chunk of the money but it is hardly likely he got it all. What can he mean ? F. P. Coinp- : on of the Greeley Citizen says "The 3rd Journal. North Loup Loyalist , Scotia Register , St. Paul PhunnygaC- Press and The Greeley Leader-Inde pendent five of a kind a straight lush six spot high and the dis- : ard robbed. " The Jxter Eenterprise says that 'The fight between Peter "ioungers md Charley Sloan for the Fill more bounty delegation to the republican ongressional convention is just about .s warm as political fights ever get n Tackward spring weather but the irst warm days in June it will be izzling. " So far it appears tlv.t Toungers has 65 Fillmore County delegates and Sloan 55. and 5-1 are oubtful. Of course neitherafiloan o- foungers stand any show for the lomination. The B. & M. has slated . D. Pope for the place. And Pope rill get it. "One solid proof of Mfserve's inno- , encc. " suyK R. 0. Adams in the Grand | slaml Democrat , "as declared by a epablican judge is the anger dis- layed by one Ed Rosewater. Another roof to those who know him best > the spasm of virtue Ed Howard nagines has caught him it its coli , [ ammy clasp. " Horse Play The State Board of Equaliation must ; port not later than May loth its jtion In assessing the railroads and ilegraph lines in the state. Son.o me ago a reporter for the Chiongo hronicle sent an interesting sU n' to Is paper to the effect that Gov. Sav- ? e expects to insist upon a ver , > aterial raise in ' ailruad valuation , ater Gov. Savage denied that the hronicle story was inspired by him. he two leading republican papers o < " te state are now devoting anywhere } om a quarter of a column up each j ly telling what Gov. Savage intends t do and the next day denying the atement printed the day befjre. One day it is rumored that Treas- er Stuefer stands squarely by the avernor in his efforts to raise the .llroad assessment and the next iy close friends of Mr. Stuefer say at he will do quite the opposite at e show down. The fact is that no ember of the board will have the ; rve to make < m atU-ncpt to raise e railroad valuation. Gov. Savage simply indulging in a little horse ay for the purpose of coercing the Ikhorn into bringing down a few legates instructed for Savage , nether the Elkhorn will submit to is coercion remains to be seen. It is said that Joe Bartley called on Ltorney Ben White of the Elkhorn Omaha not long since and began to ve White instructions as to what T : should do in bringing some Savage ' legations to the state convention. | c bite promptly ordered him out of e office with the remark , "I don't Ik to convicts. " THE REDEEMERS lopting Their Old Time Tactlen of Mis. leading the People rhe republican bureau of misinfor- ition at the capitol is beginning its 3tics of misleading the people o ibraska regarding the cost of main- ining the state institutions. "Re- blicans Will Make a Remarkable owing , " is the way the State . .our- 1 tells the story in its headlines. It iy be that they will sometime in B dim and distant future , but they ven't made it yet [ nstead of making the comparison the cost of maintaining these rtif- c ent institutions under republican , ministration as compared to the 5t under fusion rule , they have at- npted to show that certain of the ititutions in one year have used a tie less than one-half the amount j legislature appropriated for tv/o irs' expenses. Only ten of the rteen penal and charitable insti- r ; : ions are shown in the table. The oV te penitentiary , Kearney Industrial oe 100 ! and the soldiers' home at Mil- e : tl are not given in the roll of titl nor of institutions that have used tlsi s than one-half of their biennial sir ? ropriation in one year under re- r < blican government. Evidently I ! se three institutions have used more uc. in one-half in in one year , and c. ; h the usual republican cowardice c.ti 1 dishonesty they are omitted from ti the table. As a matter of fact th < two years appropriation for the peni tentiary was practically all used up before the end of the fiscal year. And doubtless a similar state of facts ex ists regarding the other two institu tions. But this table shows nothing at all except that the republicans have , during the first year , refrainedom spending one-half of the amount the legislature * permitted them to spend In two years. As a matter of fact the , legislature of 1901 appropriated many thousand dollars more for current ex penses than any other legislature ever did ; and if these Institutions have expended a little less than their quota for one year they have nevertheless expended much more than was cone under fusion administration. Talcing the ten institutions given and comparing them with a year un der fusion administration the follow ing will appear : The republican administration be gan April 1 , 1S01 , and ended March 31 , 1902. Comparison will bo : ade with the fusion year beginning De cember 1 , 1897 , and ending November 30 , 1898. Fusion. Republican. S. S. Home , Grand Island. $ 35.953.53 $ 47,012.J4 School for Blind , Nebr. City . . . 22.530.99 17.310.3G School for Deaf , Omaha 27,907.55 33,518.85 Institution for I-Veble Minded , Beatrice . . . . 35,193.88 37,159.12 Industrial Home. Mllford 9,034.17 9,013.40 [ ndustrial School Geneva 16,015.50 14,903-01 Hospital Insane , Norfolk 46,894.73 40,738.07 FlospiUil Insane , Lincoln 59,050.09 74,209.33 ilospit-il Insane. Hastings 72,268.58 80,902.1fl EI o m e for Frle n d 1 e s s , Lincoln 8,037.71 14.119.37 Total $332,887.03 $36S,916. : > 4 From this it will be seen that this coasted republican oconomy is simply , t myth. The year under republican ulo cost the taxpayers $36 000 more hau the fusion year compared with , t. is not claimed that the coirpsrisen s fair in every particular because no igures are given showing the num- ier of Inmates in each of the insti- utions during tho periods compared ; mt the republicans hav > uniformlv declined to discuss this question from he records of the Governor's office , rhich shows the population of each nstltution , per capita cost for rnain- enancn. and tho total amount ex- ended by serai-annual periods. "Where are We at" It Is high time the people of Ne- raska should begin to take their earings. and in the forceful if not legant language of the gifted Miseour- m inquire. "Where are we at ? " For a good many years It has boon ainfully apparent that state regula- on of railroad charges for transpor- ition of freight is what the brilliant igalls characterized as "an iridescent ream. " True the result in the maxi- ium freight rate cases was a victory ir the principle that the state has an ndoubted right to prescribe inaxi- um rates. But it was a barren vic- ry after all. It was the ace of umps but the railroads held tho ioker. " The state might prescribe aximum rates , and might enforce. , lem if they do not violate the Four- ' enth amendment and take property vithout due process of law. " Of urse any maximum rate law which ) es not suit the railroads will al- ays be found to contravene tho Durteenth amendment So thought- 1 people have long since practically jandoned all hope of government gulation of freight rates , and the , my of those who believe that the ' * ily ultimate solution of the question public ownership Is receiving re- uits by the thousands , irrespective . , party platforms. The populist' ' .rty principles have outstripped the : rty in rapidity of growth. But until very recently , however , . , ose who despaired of government ' gulation of charges , have cherished e e idea that the state in one particu- . . That it has 'l ' ] r it least Is supreme. wer to tax. This , too , seems to only another "pipe" dream , If we 3 to believe that the Grosscup-Hum- t < rey decision in the Chicago tax tlt t ; ses will be sustained in the supreme urt of the United States. That sus- ined , and the states are powerless be do anything with the great public e ; rvice corporations which they feel n alined to resist. % I . For years and years the railroads ' ri Nebraska have been taxed on tha fjw els of a percentage of the actual fjg lue of their rails , ties , rolling stock , g : d other physical property. For 27 ai ars the state constitution has de- . ired that these roads shall pay taxes ' " proportion to the value of their Dperty and FRANCHISES , the vain * 01 be ascertained in such manner as legislatire shall direct. The legis- re .ure has directed how values of var- tlV V ( is kinds of property shall be ascer- ned , but has neglected to lay down m y rule for ascertaining tbe value of inchises. Section 23 purports to ascribe a method of taxing tho Dital stock of corporations , which , ti course , is essentially wrong if the te porations pay taxes upon the value G : their property and franchises. The cc litai stock and bonds of a corporaat n should not be taxed ; but they pc juld be considered in arriving at fo i value of the franchise. On the de 3 band , as liabilities of the corpohe ion , stand the stocks and bonds : ci ; tbe other , and exactly equal in .ue , stand the corporation's pron- j y and franchises the corporapr | n's resources. Deduct the value of st ; s property from the value of the be cks and bonds , and the remainder ye resents the value of the franchise. la ; is true Judge Grosscup says this Is constitutional , but in a different : e Justice Brewer says it Is right. ge Where are we at ? " It Is th le we were finding out So far as ab i ' the railroad property is concerned , IS is doubtless true that it has becm taxed quite as heavily as other proj erty as a rule. According to tlw lights they had , the laws they had i" enforce , the fusion members of tb < state board of equalization undoubt edly did what they believed to b * just. But the most valuable part uf every railroad has always wholly escaped taxation Its franchise. iU right to perform public service , to ex ercise the sovereign power oT emi nent domain , and to charge "all that the traffic will bear" for serving th public. A railroad must be valued us an entirety , not as a scrap heap of steel rails , ties , and rolling stock. Just as well value a house by com puting the market price of bricks anil mortar and nails and glass. What i * its value as a house not a scrap heap ? It will be the duty of every popu list nominee for the legislature to study this question thoroughly and be prepared to work and vote Intelli gently for a law which will prescribe in no uncertain language definite rulw for the guidance of the taxing power In doing its duty , and this regardless of any pretentious which may & * made by the republican party to d-j something for the relief of the over burdened taxpayers. The men who ire nominated must be true blue populists or democrats who have not 3eeu previously selected by J. U. kger ; men who have no corporatioa aints ; yet men who will be fair to vnry Interest. The legislature of 1897 , notwith- itanding tho many good things it did. lid not approach the ideal which tha > eople expected. It was too fearful erf > ffondlng such men as George W. lolcrege. It was afraid somebodj ni li start the cry of "radical , " and t wanted to show that it could be conservative. " The populist and democratic mem- ers of the legislature of 1903 must bo len absolutely free from corporation iading strings. If the fusion nomf- ees are not men of this kind they eserve ignominious defeat. If tlw jjrislature must be corporation- - en , let it be republican , for then the spublican party will be responsible , ur mombers must be men of cour- ge and integrity as well as a high rder of intelligence. The Tax on Bread The graduate of jurnalism who doe * > ace writing on the local republican leets undertakes to preach his read 's a sermon on tariff tax. He says .he announcement of Sir Michael icks-Bcach of a duty on grain aud -eadstuffs fills the old Cobden club- : rs with consternation and thsj' ate about the cruelty of a "tax on ead. " Every tax Is a tax on bread icause it takes from you the stuff ith which you buy your bread. It lesn't matter a bawbee on what tha x is nominally levied , whether it Is L your income , on your chimney or i your poll , if you pay it , It is a tax i your bread buying potentiality- ic wise minister does not so much , nsider by what particular levy tho x is raised as he does the mode of I /ying it that shall be the most equit- le in the distribution of the burdem d that shall entail the least expensft its collection. " So far this journalistic graduate has cceeded in opening his mouth on twice without putting his foot in He continues : "A tariff impost ssesses usually both these advan- ; es together with the crafty recom- jndation that you are not looking when it is collected and are saved necessary wear and tear of nerve. ' is is simply another way of makinjr j statement that the object of in- ect taxation is to get the greatest tount of feathers with the least lawking. There is no doubt that tariff Impost does produce ire feathers with less squawk- r , than almost any other sya- n of taxation for the reason that nt > 5 can ever tell the precise amount ; nally contributed by any one per- i to the support of the government e taxes are always paid to the gov- iment directly by persons who are : horized and expected to recover th ount from some one else with in- I est and a profit upon which the law ces no limit The consumer i .Ily the final taxpayer and no one i tell how much of the money paid I' ' him goes to the support of the gor- iment or how much goes into the vate purses of individuals. A tar- Impost is not only inequitable JB distribution of the burden , but It always about the most expensive collect. In many cases not more n one-tenth of the portion paid by consumer reaches the government. L tax on consumption must always an inequitable tax because the nee- ary expenses of the very poor are itively a hundred times as much as necessary expenses of the very i. Take the tariff on sugar. A illy worth five thousand dollars 1 generally consume as much su- as one worth one hundred thoua- [ dollars or one worth ten millions , 'he ' inequity of the tax on bread ; in the fact that the poor man st pay just as much as the rich . Were the tax on their respective jmes it would , of course , in the finp.l .lit be a tax on bread after all but poor man's loaf would be taxed y much lower than that of the rich 3. As It is , they are taxed alike. Fusion Conventions he populist and democratic execu- i committee met at the Lincoln ho- Wednesday night and selected nd Island as the place for the next vention and the date June 24. 1902 , J o'clock P. M. The populist an- tfonment will be based on the vote Governor Poynter in 1900 , and the locratic on that given W. D. Old- i for attorney general. The olfl- call will be published next week. 'hat is the matter with all the ninent republicans ? They are cou rtly announcing that they will not candidates for any office "thia : . " Judge Hamer was in the city week and very emphatically mada erstood that the statement was for s year. " After the fusion forces through with the republicans in coming campaign , he will prob- feel the same way next year.