r THEVALEN1M IJEMOflRAr I. M RICE EDITOR JPcr year in Advance POBLIBHED EVERY THURSDAY. Entered at tte Post-office at Valentine. Cherry county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. > " * 1 * " STATS OFFICERS E/IIA r. SAVAGE , Governor. C , F. STKRLK. Lieut. Governor. GKO.V. . MARSH , Secretary of State. CIIAS. WKSTON , Auditor Tub , Accts. WM. STKUFKK , Treasurer. FUAMC N. PKOUT , Atty. General. GEOBCE FOWLKU , Com. Pub. Lands and BltlR. ! LEE HARDMATT , Librarian. U. S. SENATORS JOS Km II. MlLLAHD. CIIAS. H. DJETJIICII. CONGRESSMEN ELMEH J. BURKKTT. Rep. 1st Dist. DAVID II. MEHCKK , Rep. 2nd Dist. JOHN J. ROBIKSOX.FUS. 3rd Dist. WM. L. STARK , Fus. 4th Dist. A. C.SHALLKNUEROKR. Fus.Gth Dist , W.M. NEVILLE , Fus. CthDist. COUNTY OFFICERS W. C. SIIATT-TK. Treasurer. C. 8. ItEKCK. Clerk. W. R.TOW.VK. Judge. L. N. LAYroKT. Sheriff. / A. M. MOHKISSKY. Attorney. * ETTA BROWN , Superintendent. LEUOY LEACH , Surveyor. ALFRED LEWIS. Coroner. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS W.E.HA1.KV , 1st Dist. ALEX BURR. 2nd Dist. L. LACKER , 3rd Dist. Cb&rles H. Faulhaber Brownlee Breeder of st'd Heretords. o Hyam , No. 74,538 , at bead of herd. Young bulls from 6 to 18 months old for sale. HENEY AUGUSTON Blacksmith Brownlee , Nebr. Docs general blacksmithingathard times prices for cash. PAT HE1T Valentine , Nebr. Good , Hard Rock for sale in any quantity. M. WELCH Delivery Wagon No. 1 To any part of the City. Leave orders at Qnig- ley & Chapman's Drug Mtore W. A. KTMBELL Barber First class and up-to date. Neat and attractive , every custom er has a clean towel. Valen tine State Bank Building. LEKOY LEACH County Surveyor Valentine or Wood take GENERAL AVOKK PKOMTTLY ATTENDED TO. JOHN PORATH Riege , Nebr Tubular wells and Eclipse wind mills. Wells guaranteed five vears. A. M. MOKRISSEY Attorney at Law Valentino. Xb * A. N. COMPTON Pibysician and Surgeon Office at Quigley & C1 apinau'w Drug btore ! Nights Tli. Donoher. F. M. WALCOTT ATTORNEY A * . > ABSTRACTER Valentine , Kehr. Tractlcrs in District Tourt and U S Office. Keal Estate and ianeh ri bought and sold. Bunded Auairactor KANGAROO RESTAURANT MEALS AT ALL HOURS 25 GENTS FRESH OYSTERS SERVED IN ANY STYLE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Rain and sweat have no effect oa harness treated vrith Eureka Har- ness Oil. It re sists the damp , keeps theleath- ' er soft and pli able. Stitches do not break. No rough sur face to chafe and cut. The harness not \ only keep * looking like new , but \ wears twice as longby the use of Eureka Harness Oil. Sold everywhere in cans all sizes. Made by Standard Oil Company Located on Cherry St. 2nd door south of Smyser's livery , furnishes excellent board and lodging1. Meals same old price 25 cents. A hearty welcome to all. MRS. M.HARRIS MILL PRICES FOR FEEDi Bran , bulk 1.50 per cwt $20 00 ton Shorts bulk . . .1.15 per cwt | 22.00 too Screenings 40c " $7.00 " Chop Feed . . . .1.25 " $24.00" Corn 1.05 " $20.00" Chop corn 1.10 " $21.00" Oats 1.50 " $29.00" J. C. DWYER Physician and surgeon Valentine , Nefor. All kinds of surgical operations successfully performed. O.J. Kellar Brownlee Nebr Range between Goose Creek and Loup D. A. Hancock Blackburn , Mo. or Simeon. Nebraska Cattle branded on left side as on cut ; also 1C on left sidt with HI on left hip of some cattle ; also Sit' on riulit side Horse brand , rake and i on leu shoulder hip Home ranch ei Oewey Lake. Range on Niobrara River , easi Fort Niobrara : all in Cherrv County. J.F. Swain. Sparks , Nebr. * Cattle branded ou Vft side as shown in cut. Ran Re South < > i Sparks on Mo- ttnira river. J A. YARYAN Pullman , Ca'tle ' branded .tt on rightside Horses branded JY on right shoulder Keasonable reward f'tr.iny information . . ; i iin to the rr "iiver > ofatt'e stniyed from m- BWE BRO Postoffice address Pullman. Neb Cuti to branded as ou cut ; horses branded * ame as cattle except reversed Si See block Range Stever , and Stephen son Lakes and South S300 reward will be paid to any person for h- formation leadiuR to the arrest and convict ! " of any person or persons stealing Battle with ' above brand. P8 KOUSCHE Postoffice address Brownlee , Net On left side or any part of animal. Ear mark right ear cut oft' ; homes branded same on left bin. Also has stock branded M on side or shoulder , or JK or W orO 'VI | nrO or PZ. Also the-following , the first < m > - being on side andhij. DAWSON & BALL Postoffice address Chesterfield. Neb Cattle branded on leftside as on c-ut ; alsoVleitfleckandZ left hip ; some V toft neck , v left shoulder audZIefthiDchorses VZ left hip. Range 3.33 A'otice. In the District Coart of Cherry County , Nebras ka In the matter of the aj.pllca- ] tinn ( \ b-rt ! Tlmuher. Siianliin of alph lhacherl and Milps Tliaclior. minor N tice of Sale Heirs of Justus M. Thachi'r. I it-ceased , for the sale of | real estate. j Notice is hereby irlvcn that ! Dtirsuance of an order ofV H We-tover , Judce ; of the dis- tricr cniirt if Cherrj ountv Nehnuska. in.tdf on UK 2flth da > of herein tier IPoi fr tlie sie ot the reil estate hereintier tle-c-ribed , there will b sold at t'te east ( rout door ot th eouutx COJIPI house on the 10th day of May , 1902. at 10 o'clock a ! . , at public VCDHUU to the hiKheat bidder for cjisli the followinu describ-d .ren' es tate , twlt : Sw-se sec 13. n' nnand ! t 2. sec. IMTwpSl , R 20 , nesecSl. Pwp3 * R 26 lots 3 and 4 , nw-nw sec 22. "W w ' 15 fwp .T4 K.2R ; ne-6esec24 , SW-nw n5 wgec35 Twp34U 28 ; sw sec 25 'lAvp 34 K. 23 ; lot 1 in block 5 in I he Village of Valen'ine , Nebniska ; a fractional fourteen acres in sec 31 0vt > 34 Jt 27 S-tid sa'e will n-maln openne ii"iir. AI.IIEKT K THAC-HER. Guar di .11 of RALPH THACHEK and MILKS TUACUER. .ft i 17,0ua. 13-3 j F R. A M. V. R. R. TIIHE TAKLK > 0.271 "Ft. tiaily 233 P . Mo. 2,5 ' cxcrpt Sunday y:40 A. M No. 3 Passenger Daily 12:49A.M. EAST BOUND No. 28 Frt. Daily 0:50 A. M. No , 26 except Sunday 5:00 P.M. NO. 4Passenger Daily 4:47A.M. McCctiin Items Dance at Clavrton's. G. Hendershot was at the county seat for a day or two. Mrs. Maggie Morse is very sick at the home of her mother. Henry Tonniges died last Friday night at the home of Dick Bush. Bur- rial at Kilgore. RELIABLE. Niobrara Vails The deal for the Jackson ranch was closed last week. Miss Cora Lansing is visiting in this neighborhood this week. Mrs. Johnson will leaye as soon as she can get her affairs settled. Some of the young folks attended the hop at Frank Iliggius' Saturday night. Dock Johnson is becoming quite fam ous as a tooth extractor , haying extract ed several this week.J A severe snow storm kept everyone busy yesterday. Severaf head of cattle succumbed to the storm. Geo. Wiseflog was in this locality Saturday with his assessor's book re questing everyone to give in thdr per sonal effects. Quite a fire got started Sunday from which the effects of , Air. Cunningham and family had a narrow escape. NO origin of the fire is known. The site for the .school Louseta. - tin- si ly located at the crowing on Hie south side. Everybody seemed satisfied and the building will be erected as soon as necessary arrangements cau be uiude. DROP Down the Hiver. Mr. ellburu went to Valeiuine Saturday. Mr. Bowdou and family went to town Friday. Elmer Allen peut a fmv da } a at Joe Bris o.s lusi week. Air. Ashburu and family spent a lew hours at A. W. Grooms , Sunday. Miss Kief , of Valentine , spent Sat urday evening and Sunday at Joe. .Bn&tols. Miss Mau Je ihompsou and Arthur < jrooni were inunied last. Suudaj at i boater's. John to. Or rooms and family went to V-iJfnunu Saturday aud stopped over at irUo ) eveuiug and rtuudaj at A. W , oius . \uiia aud No ) Asulmru return 6vi uuuie from thf otiuiie r > ver ta i weelf wu > re iue had been viaiuug tuir ais- ter , Aira. G fftpam. Th Kewanee > chool was closed last aaturdcty. A niuf. eiitertumm ut aud a treat was given 03 ine teucbfr. .urs ; . iSriaiol ana tvel Oud li.nl a tgood time. YUUAGSTER. Teaches' Association ihe Cherry Co. Teachers' Aasociu tion Seuuidii } , April 6 , uioiumg and afternoou sessioua The general public is cordially invited to alteud tnese m etiuga. A special address will be giveu to school officers at 3 o'clock by Deputy State Supt. AlcUnen. Evening address , subject , Our Young People , tvniutitmll We do tmh'L'uuiul At the M. E ijnurcn at 8 p. ui. Tlie tremendous sacrifices tuude iu lood > ud UtMMUr IM. tile rUip.re m US effort to subjugate , . p. r ui uu it u lies is stnKiugi presented py tue Phil adelphia Ledger , wheu it poiuts out , "When the tirst call for moue > and tuen w.is uiadf m England vi u nicn to prosecute the boervni iu lS9y , IM-MII of ยง 49U , ' 0UUu , \ \ < ts asked for , and it was beheveu by tlie ulind ] mgues thai the Dutch republic couid be i-xtiuguished in tour mouths u > an aruuj ul 47,000 men. Thtlast auujauu 101 uiuuej in the past year wa * > for the sum of f 273 , 743QUO , and parliment has appropriated altogether $701,948.300 lor the conquest of the ooers. li , , the end o , the pr-ijs- ent mouth , wuich ia tiie euu ul Uie British liscrtl 3 ear , the lotetl eost oi the war will reach at least $844OUOUOO. The war i > in its fourthar , itud , in stead > \ 47OJU mtju , t.u ' liritisu loice in . " > ouih vti n-a lit the last tvpuri uuin- bered 37UUO uaeu Thw uyera e dur ing dctivo operations has been in the neighborhood oi 'JOU.OUO , aud thu Lfrit- ish have io.-t 03 deadi or j fHiiiiii'-iit disability ovei Si5v > 00 uu-a , v\iiif the total of British iau > . .lties , including the Surviving i\uiiU > i d , i.uintir-is 101,701 men and oJlitii > - ih . i a tre- nt t > . ( , ! > . > -.1,1 .in t. a * jxiiiKt iu uiuud and treasure , and the contests'not P. The L 'itier ! n > igit | hn\v ; ICH < th ' p ! ( ! < I r , ( I l M'liliryi ; . . ( IMMil ( if h > t i't-jti > t t > nitiii- > even yet "the contest ib not Commoner. Business Notices. Notices under this heading 5 cents per line each insertion. Ainony reading matter , lOcents par line ench insertion Dr. Sejrnonr coming May 8th. A girl wanted at the Donoher 103 WANTED. Two girls at the Donoher Hotel. 8 tf Meals at all hours at COLLINS' Hes- taurant. 13 tf Len Bivens will pay highest cash price for furs. Two rooms for rent over the DEMO- CKAT office , furnished or unfurnished. All kinds of heavy hardware and wacon wood stock at E. Breuklanders. 20-tf Highest market price paid for Chickens , Game and Fish at the Don oher. 9 tf Early Ohio Seed Potatoes for sale at $1.25 per bushel delivered at Valentine. JOHN OUMESDEB , 11 5t Valentine Nebr FOB SALE : Several fine Game Cocks. These birds are finely bred and are of good weight and color. Inquire ot Hospital Steward , Ft. Niobrara Nebr. 11 tf Drs. Seymour & Williams' content plated visit is an excellent opportunity for those suffering from eye , ear. no > e and throat trouble to obtain relief Consultation five at the Donoher hotel on rhnrsihn. MI8tli \r. \ e\ui uir is not abfe to visit oin in vi-rv often , hut his marn pan * nt- > liieii'l.N an * tlfiil l'vaii i'r hi co .iiim The.fe . I thai ! i * m p poriuxitx to receive positivoN the ii - prvices f a specialist Baving recently purchased one < ' the Newcomb llv-shuttle rap carpet loomsI am now prepared to do all kindsol ray carpet weaving on shor notice MRS. ADA HOLSCLAW , Valentine. Nebr Good pasture for hordes at Britt , Neb , plenty of water , range and salt will al watshein store for all horses left in "iir care Will wrept horses as soon * desired Sp 'cial utieiitionill ii itiven nil horses left in our fare Al parties desiring to havn hor.-e.-- pastured will please call on W. T' Bullisof Briti or John Bullis. of Valentine. 13 3 Calcimo. Don't crack or peel off and is mixed in col'l WMler I'i ClIKISTEN-EN's Buifaiu Would take some cattle to summer. 13 4 Emerson Powers , Sparks. Nebr Wallpaper. -Yt from 5c per roll and up at 12 (1niUSTENSENS 5 C'ows * on Shares Vould like some cows on shares 13 4 E""Tson Powers , SpirKs , Nebr. Climax linggy Faint. \ ' ill brighten up your nugiiand will Ui t 12 < 'IIRJSTENSBX'R For Sale. Good four-room house with two lots. Inquire at this office. 10-tf Eggs for Hatching ; Thoroughbred White Leghorns , the great la\ei > , $1 for 13. 13 tf M I ) . fYPHKicS. Paint Your House. With Heath & Alilligan's prepared paint Best in the murker at , 12 Cnitl-TEXSEN'S For Be lit. 12 r < din house. now occupied by the Union Hotel. Good stable and yard in i : connection 13 if MRS. E .1 MASSING ALE. Sat so m a Ritamcl , W iii pniiit up xuur oKI furniture ami riric h i > rac in brilliant and lasting colors. 12 Kauch f r Salvor IB fiiariM .M-i'tions. irood raii e. hay "N iter unti timber. Wilj ruu 300 head i ! stock For information address , box no 154. Gordon Nebr oi 1 M HICE. V * utine Nebr. . 42-tf Band Announcement I The Norden Band is better pre pared than ever before to furnish proper music for all F. L. BllEWfcTEU , Agents Wanted ' OF ' . Ds-.WITT ) A Ml AGE. by S'in. REV. FRANK DEW ITT TAI-MAGE and issociate editors i > f Piiristian llenild Only book iiilnrspd bv Talnapfamily Enormous fir f r ze , < v.-h cqni m- . > * r e iin-iK'iJt t 'yi' ti. 4tli St. , fliiib. , i'a. aiiUUGn this 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending n pkctrh and description rony nulckly uscertnin our opinion free whether nn invention Is probably pntcntable. Communica tions strictly confldontlal. Handbook on Patents gent free. Oldest aeency for securing patents. Patents taken throuch JIann & Co. receive rpcial notice , without charge. In tho Scientific flmerican. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Lamest cir culation ot any scientific Journal. Terms. $3 a year ; four months , f L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN&Co.361B'oadwa * New York Branch Office. 625 F SU Washington. D. C. Strayed. From my ranch , G miles .south of Kennedy , 5 * e.br. , some time last sum mer , two 3-year-old steers branded La zy S ( co ) on left hip , and three 2-year- olds branded Son left hip. I will pay $5 reward for information leading to their recovery. 13-4 D. M. SEARS. Estray xKotice. Estrayed from my place about Sept 25 , one gray horse , weight about 1000 pounds ; head and neck flee bitten specks , wire cut on left hind leg be- .o\v the knee ; branded JD H on left houlder , vent may be blotched J D Also one buckskin pony mare about 650 pounds , mane about 6 inches long , branded TO on left flank. Reason able reward for information leading to their recovery. T. J. NELSON 38-tf Woodlake , Neb. Taken np of Estrayg. Taken up at my place one and one- half miles we. t of Valentine , Feb. 9th 1902. due light roan co.v about G yrs. old , no horns , branded box with nar through center on left hip Also one rt-d and while .spotted cow aboui 6 vears. old no horns , branded Imil square S on left hip 8 tf [ > . M JEFFKRS Xoth' ' r Application for a License To Mell Liquors. NiMkv is hereby given tluit I have filed with the Clerk'f the K ini ol Truyteen of the Village > f v ule'iitine Nebr.iska , a petition acL-ompaniud by a bond duly attested , said petition pra\in tnat I be granted a licei-s > * to Mill malt , spirit- U'-us and vinous 1 quors in haid Village 01 Val entine , Ciierry c. uuty , IS'ebiaska , for the year endiiiu May 1,1003. HE'UYSTETTEK. i 'ated this 3rd day cf April , 1W ' . A ol ice of \ ! > ] > ! i < 'Ution for a License to Sell Liquors. Notii-e is hereby Riven that I have filed with the Clerk of tlie Hoard ol 1'rusiees of tlie Village ol Valentine iN'ebrusl-u , : i petition ac'ompani : > d by a bond duly attested. sai > petition praving tha 1 be granted H license to sell malt , sintn oiis diid vinous li'iut'rs in sai < i Village of Valen tine , i herry county , Nebraska , for tlie year end ing May 1 , 1903. WILLIAM R McGEl'.Il Dated this 3rd day ol April , low. Xotice of Application for a JLiiceiinu to Swell is hereby given thatve have filed with the Clerk of the Hoard of Trustees > f the Village of Valentine. Nebraska , a petition accompaied by a bond duly attestea. said petition , praying that we be grantnl a Iicen-e t . sell malt , spiritu ous and viinius liquors in sai J Vihaite of Valen tine. Chcro e.-un-y , Nebraska , for the year e < cl ing May 1. 1903. T. A YEARNSU i.\V. JAS. B. HULL. Dated this 3rd day of April , 1902. Notice of Appointment oi Administrator. In County Court of Cherry County Nebraska. In the matter "f the estate ol Edward J. Daven port deceased. Marnrett J. Davenport has filed in my ofllce a petition praying for the appointment ot h-isoif as administrator ol said estate I therefore order that a Hearing be had April 20 , Hxe at 10 o'clock a.in , 'tiidiiiyotllce.in .alt-mine. Cherry coimtiNerrtShaas thf piacefor saiu heating and all persons interested in said estaumaj appear and show cause , ii auy there l > e why &ai administrator shall not be appointed. Witness my bund and eal of saiu eonrt thi1 ' 9th day ol April. 19a. ( SEAL W. R. TOWNE , 12 3t County Judge IV'otiee to Creditor . In County Court , within and for Cherry Count Nebra-ka. In tlie matter of the estate of J. Wesley Tu2k er deceased. To the Cr ditors of Said Estate : You are lieret notilied , that I will Mt at tlit counti courtroom in vjiloutine IM said county on the Hh uay of April 19W at-10 o'clock ; . m t < receive and examine all claims agaist 3aid es tatewith H view to their adjustimmt and allow aiH-e. The time limited for the presentation o claims against said estate is tin25th day o April . i 1002 and the time limited for pay inentof debts is one yearf-om said othdavo ; uctober 1901 \ \ itness my hand ai d the seal of aii SEAL county court , tins 1st day of April 10 < rj , -77- W. IC.TOWMI , 114t Couuti Judge Xotlcc to CrodirorH. In Countj Court within , and for Cherry County Neiiraika. In the matter of the estate ofVilliam Tuup.-r dec-abed. To the Cn-ditors of Said Estate : Yuiiareheret-y notified that I will sit at the county court room in Valeu me in said cmmtv on the 2Gth day of April 190 ac 10 o'clock a m to receive and ex-imine all claims agiuaat said eswtf , with a view to their adjustnir-nt and al lowance Tlie time lirniiKl for rhe procntation of faiiiH against smd esttte is th20th day of April * D. 190ami the time limited for pay- in nt of debts is one year from j > aid 27th duv of September 1901. > Wit es my ban ai-d the seal of said SEAL couiiVy court , this 1st dav of April 19O > . r W.K. FOWM : , 11-It Coimti JuOgr. APPOINTMENT OF ADM INISTKATOR. In the County Court of Cherry County , Ne- oraeka , In the natter of the estate ol John Iioves , de ceased. A E 'l hacher having filed in rcy office a pe tition pniying f r Hie appointnit-nt of A fnm Lewis as anniiniitrafor of the estate of John 15o\ves. fit ceased , all persona interes ed in said estate will take notic-u thai I have fixed Ma } 3rd 1902 , at 10 o'clock a. m. . > : * the tnn . ad my jf- ficom V Ueiitme. Cherry countNetmiska. . as the pince for Iie < tring sai pen ion. ; it which time and place all per .hs int-rested m saiu es- late niuj Appear and sliow cuse , it any there berh > uudi admiuis.nitor bball not be ap pointed. Witness my hand and heal of said founty Court this 15ih day of April , law \V. K.Tow > E , 13-3 County J d.ji' Aotlce o The following described estray was taken up by me at m > camp one and i.nehaifniles \\est of the lark Hair bridge on the Ninbrara river : One coming 3 j ear olu heiei r < l-teer i-h HM. lirain.e J5j 'ii ' ! ! hiue , earm rcd . - > w.t.i w r rk and u < erbit in 't-n e- . D.i ; i : * u > 17lu d. j oi vpnaS. . . 13 5 - JbW. . JEKSlti , D. It STONEK Xnv iW } tr . i. llUCI til hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Jrouth ofOordon Creok. ( tody. Nebr. On leftside. Horses uainc. Lako jreek. S. Dakota. Louis F. Kichard ? Garner Brothers. cody , Nebr. Anywhere on cat tle , f Horses on left shoulder. RaneNorth " Eli. \ > - - . Uvrsa * * o tots liSs OS C. Evenson Cody , Nebr. On left side and thiKh ; horses the same on leftside. KaiiKe Between Niobrara and the Snake. P A. Cooper. Chesterfield , Nobr. Cattle branded same as cut ou left side. Horse * same on let ! shoulder. A Also on I fleft side ,1 A SATTLTP Tattle on ief1 hip. Horses on left shoulder. Some stock yet bearing my former brand as shown below. J. B. Lord Neb Stock branded same as cut back of right shoulder and on right hip Range on the Niobrara PETERSON Tu-tntHce address Gregory. \ Branded as on cut Range two mile north of ( Jreirory WILLIAM liEAMER 4 Gordon , Nebr. ' . > ! Cattle branded same as cut OD leftside. Horses HZJ branded , * { on left shoulder. Range 6 mile ? Irwin. Valentine , Nebr -State Brand iHtered 1551. Cattle and horses orande.dsamea * Ml on left hip Kanjie 2 miles east of Kt. Nio- ' hrara. BROb & postofficp * address * * - - Crsokston Nebr Branded on either side ot animal Range-On Minne- hadiiza 5 miles east of OrookstoD ' ulius ileckmap Hron-nlee Nebr Kauj'e xnutb of - D. M. Sears * " Kennedy , Xebr. Cattle branded as on cut.lelt side ft Some on left hip. A Horses same on left shoulder. ' Kange Square .ake. m ' #